############ functions for the implementation of the Choi
############ procedure for meta analysis of microarray data
############ Lara Lusa, lusa@ifom-firc.it
############ Markus Ruschhaupt
setGeneric("getdF", function(data, categ) standardGeneric("getdF"))
#function to get d, uses t.test for each gene
setMethod("getdF", c("ExpressionSet", "numeric"),
function(data, categ) {
getdF_matrix(exprs(data), categ)
setMethod("getdF", c("matrix", "numeric"),
function(data, categ) {
getdF_matrix(data, categ)
getdF_matrix <- function(data, categ) {
cl1 = which(categ == 1)
s1 = length(cl1)
cl2 = which(categ == 0)
s2 = length(cl2)
a <- rowttests(data, factor(categ))$statistic
return(a * sqrt((s1+s2)/(s1*s2)))
#unbiased estimate of d
dstar<-function (d, n)
d - (3 * d)/(4 * (n - 2) - 1)
#estimate of variance of unbiased d
sigmad <- function (d, ng1, ng2)
1/ng1 + 1/ng2 + d^2/(2 * (ng1 + ng2))
#computes Q gene by gene
#dadj and varadj must be matrices, in which every study is a column,
#every row a gene
f.Q <- function(dadj, varadj){
Q<-rowSums(w*(dadj - mu)^2)
#computes DerSimonian, Laird tau^2
tau2.DL<-function(Q, num.studies, my.weights){
value <- cbind((Q -(num.studies-1))/(tmp1-(tmp2/tmp1)),0)
apply(value,1, max)
#cumputes mu(tau)
#uses updated variances, d and variances are organized as matrices
mu.tau2<-function(my.d, my.vars.new){
#cumputes var(tau)
zScorePermuted <- function(esets,classes,useREM=TRUE,CombineExp=1:length(esets)){
## check and convert "classes"
for(i in 1:length(classes)) {
if(!is.factor(classes[[i]])) {
classes[[i]] <- factor(classes[[i]])
if(nlevels(classes[[i]])!=2) {
stop("Error: Each list in the argument \"classes\" must contain only 2 levels.")
Ref <- levels(classes[[i]])[1]
classes[[i]] <- sapply(classes[[i]], function(x) ifelse(x==Ref, 0,1))
zScores <- function(esets, classes, useREM=TRUE,CombineExp=1:length(esets)){
num.studies <- length(esets)
num.genes <- nrow(exprs(esets[[1]]))
## check and convert "classes"
if (num.studies != length(classes))
stop ("Length of classes must be equal to length of esets.")
for(i in 1:num.studies) {
if(!is.factor(classes[[i]])) {
classes[[i]] <- factor(classes[[i]])
if(nlevels(classes[[i]])!=2) {
stop("Error: Each list in the argument \"classes\" must contain only 2 levels.")
Ref <- levels(classes[[i]])[1]
classes[[i]] <- sapply(classes[[i]], function(x) ifelse(x==Ref, 0,1))
tau2 <- function (Q, num.studies, my.weights){
vwts <- rowSums(my.weights)
tmp2 <- rowSums(my.weights^2)
tau2 <- pmax(0, (Q - (num.studies-1))/(vwts - tmp2/vwts))
# check if the featureNames are the same for all ExpressionSets
theNames <- featureNames(esets[[1]])
for(i in 2:num.studies)
stopifnot( identical(theNames,featureNames(esets[[i]])))
ds <- matrix(NA,ncol=num.studies,nrow=num.genes)
vars <- matrix(NA,ncol=num.studies,nrow=num.genes)
for (i in 1:length(esets)){
my.d.adj <- dstar(getdF(esets[[i]],classes[[i]]),length(classes[[i]]))
ds[,i] <- as.numeric(my.d.adj)
vars[,i] <- as.numeric(sigmad(my.d.adj,sum(classes[[i]]==0),
# the zscore for each experiment itself
sepZscores <- ds / sqrt(vars)
effects <- ds
effectsVar <- vars
colnames(sepZscores) <- paste("zSco_Ex_",1:num.studies,sep="")
colnames(effects) <- paste("Effect_Ex_",1:num.studies,sep="")
colnames(effectsVar) <- paste("EffectVar_Ex_",1:num.studies,sep="")
## now the reduction the the sets we want to combine:
ds <- ds[,CombineExp]
vars <- vars[,CombineExp]
num.studies <- length(CombineExp)
df <- num.studies - 1
# the value for Q - see the Choi paper
Qvals <- f.Q(ds, vars)
## if an REM is used the variance will be increased.
if (useREM) vars <- vars + tau2(Qvals, num.studies, my.weights=1/vars)
wt <- 1/vars
MUvals <- rowSums(ds*wt)/rowSums(wt)
MUsds <- sqrt(1/rowSums(wt))
zSco <- MUvals/MUsds
Qpvalues <- 1 - pchisq(Qvals, df)
Chisq <- 1 - pchisq(zSco^2,1)
theResult <- cbind(sepZscores, zSco, MUvals, MUsds, Qvals, df, Qpvalues,
Chisq, effects, effectsVar)
rownames(theResult) <- theNames
## compute the FDR for each experiment and the combined study
## up to now I do not handle ties which means z and randomZ are not supposed to have ties.
multExpFDR <- function(theScores, thePermScores,type="pos"){
numberOfPermutations <- length(thePermScores)
if (! type %in% c("two.sided","pos","neg")) stop("Wrong type!")
ff <- function(x) -x
## For a sorted vector x (from high to low value)
## indicates for each element of x the number of values in y that are bigger that this element.
## seems to be much faster that min (which(x<t)) for long y.
biggerEq <- function(x,y){
y <- sort(y, decreasing=TRUE)
a <- match(x,x)
b <- x %in% y
d <- match(x,sort(c(x,y),decreasing=TRUE))
theFDR <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(theScores), ncol=ncol(theScores))
#colnames(theFDR) <- colnames(theScores)
rownames(theFDR) <- rownames(theScores)
theScores <- abs(theScores)
thePermScores <- lapply(thePermScores,abs)
theScores <- - theScores
thePermScores <- lapply(thePermScores,ff)
## loop over individual studies and the combination
for(i in 1:ncol(theScores)){
ord <- order(theScores[,i], decreasing=TRUE)
z <- theScores[ord, i]
randomZ <- as.vector(sapply(thePermScores, function(x)x[,i]))
randomZ <- sort(randomZ, decreasing=TRUE)
numberisBigger <- biggerEq(z,randomZ)
theFDR[ord, i] <- numberisBigger/((1:length(z))*numberOfPermutations)
# This function computes a FDR for each gene in each single experiment and in
# the combined experiment.. It also computes zScores, both
# for the combined experiment and for each single experiment.
zScoreFDR <- function(esets,classes,useREM=TRUE, nperm=1000,CombineExp=1:length(esets)){
## check and convert "classes"
for(i in 1:length(classes)) {
if(!is.factor(classes[[i]])) {
classes[[i]] <- factor(classes[[i]])
if(nlevels(classes[[i]])!=2) {
stop("Error: Each list in the argument \"classes\" must contain only 2 levels.")
Ref <- levels(classes[[i]])[1]
classes[[i]] <- sapply(classes[[i]], function(x) ifelse(x==Ref, 0,1))
## compute zScores
num.studies <- length(esets)
num.genes <- nrow(exprs(esets[[1]]))
zscoresAll <- zScores(esets, classes, useREM=useREM,CombineExp=CombineExp)
MuQu <- zscoresAll[,c("MUvals","MUsds","Qvals","df","Qpvalues","Chisq")]
zscore <- zscoresAll[,c(paste("zSco_Ex_",1:num.studies,sep=""),"zSco")]
# compute zscores with random permutations
aperms <-replicate(nperm,
## using multExpFDR to compute FDR for positive, negative and two sided case
k <- c("pos","neg","two.sided")
All <- vector(mode="list",length=3)
for(l in 1:length(k)){
theFDR <- multExpFDR(zscore,aperms,type=k[l])
n <- num.studies +1
i <- 1:n
theResult <- matrix(NA, ncol=n*2,nrow=nrow(zscore))
rownames(theResult) <- rownames(zscore)
stopifnot(rownames(theResult)== rownames(theFDR))
theResult[,2*i-1] <- zscore
theResult[,2*i ] <- theFDR
colnames(theResult) <- 1:(2*n)
colnames(theResult)[2*i-1] <- paste("zSco_Ex_",i,sep="")
colnames(theResult)[2*i] <- paste("FDR_Ex_",i,sep="")
colnames(theResult)[(2*n-1):(2*n)] <- c("zSco","FDR")
All[[l]] <- cbind(theResult, MuQu)
names(All) <- k
# This function plots the IDR (see Choi)
IDRplot <- function(m,
xlab="z threshold",...){
both <- m[,"zSco"]
n.studies <- length(CombineExp)
red <- m[,paste("zSco_Ex_",1:n.studies,sep="")]
result <- c()
resultpos <- c()
resultneg <- c()
posszTh <- seq(0,max(abs((both))),0.1)
for (i in 1:length(posszTh)){
zTh <- posszTh[i]
resultpos[i] <- sum(apply(red < zTh, 1, all) & both >= zTh)/ sum(both >= zTh)
resultneg[i] <- sum(apply(red > -zTh, 1, all) & both <= -zTh)/ sum(both <= -zTh)
plot (posszTh,resultpos,type=type,col=colPos,pch=pchPos,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,ylim=range(0,1),...)
lines (posszTh,resultneg,type=type,col=colNeg,pch=pchNeg)
# another plot
CountPlot <- function(kkk,cols,Score=c("FDR","zSco"),kindof=c("two.sided","pos","neg"),type="b",pch="*",ylab="Number of genes",xlab="FDR threshold",CombineExp=1:((ncol(m)-6)/2-1) ,...){
m <- kkk[[kindof]]
n.studies <- length(CombineExp) +1
red <- m[,c(Score,paste(Score,"_Ex_",CombineExp,sep="")),drop=FALSE]
result <- vector(mode="list", length=n.studies)
if (Score=="FDR")
posszTh <- seq(0.005,0.1,0.005)
posszTh <- seq(min(red),max(red),0.1)
for (i in 1:length(posszTh)){
zTh <- posszTh[i]
for (k in 1:(n.studies))
if (Score=="FDR")
result[[k]][i] <- sum(apply(red[,-k,drop=FALSE],1,function(x) all(x >= zTh)) & red[,k,drop=FALSE] < zTh)
else{ if (zTh >=0)
result[[k]][i] <- sum(apply(red[,-k,drop=FALSE],1,function(x) all(x <= zTh)) & red[,k,drop=FALSE] > zTh)
result[[k]][i] <- sum(apply(red[,-k,drop=FALSE],1,function(x) all(x >= zTh)) & red[,k,drop=FALSE] < zTh)
#result2[i] <- sum(apply(red,1,function(x) !(all(x >= zTh))) & both >= zTh)
mi <- min(unlist(result))
ma <- max(unlist(result))
plot (posszTh,result[[1]],type=type,col=cols[1],pch=pch,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,ylim=range(mi,ma),...)
for(k in 2:(n.studies))
points (posszTh,result[[k]],type=type,col=cols[k],pch=pch)
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) require("methods")
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