### =========================================================================
### DelayedMatrix %*%, crossprod(), and tcrossprod()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### The %*%, crossprod(), and tcrossprod() methods for DelayedMatrix objects
### are block processed.
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Helpers for BLOCK_mult_Lgrid() and BLOCK_mult_Rgrid()
.make_shared_sink_and_grid_for_Lgrid_apply <-
function(x, y, transpose.x, transpose.y, Lgrid, BPPARAM, BACKEND, ...)
if (transpose.x) {
input_grid <- t(Lgrid)
sink_rownames <- colnames(x)
} else {
input_grid <- Lgrid
sink_rownames <- rownames(x)
if (transpose.y) {
sink_ncol <- nrow(y)
sink_colnames <- rownames(y)
} else {
sink_ncol <- ncol(y)
sink_colnames <- colnames(y)
input_grid, sink_ncol,
BACKEND, sink_rownames, sink_colnames, ...)
.make_shared_sink_and_grid_for_Rgrid_apply <-
function(x, y, transpose.x, transpose.y, Rgrid, BPPARAM, BACKEND, ...)
if (transpose.y) {
input_grid <- t(Rgrid)
sink_colnames <- rownames(y)
} else {
input_grid <- Rgrid
sink_colnames <- colnames(y)
if (transpose.x) {
sink_nrow <- ncol(x)
sink_rownames <- colnames(x)
} else {
sink_nrow <- nrow(x)
sink_rownames <- rownames(x)
input_grid, sink_nrow,
BACKEND, sink_rownames, sink_colnames, ...)
### x, y: "big" and "small" operands, respectively (see BLOCK_mult_Lgrid()
### below for the details).
### INIT, BLOCK_OP: callback functions.
### INIT() must take 3 arguments: i (or j), grid, y.
### BLOCK_OP() must take 3 arguments: x_block, y, vp_ranges.
### See BLOCK_mult_Lgrid() below for the other arguments.
### Walks on the "left grid" which is defined on matrix-like object 'x'.
.Lgrid_apply <- function(x, y, transpose.x, transpose.y,
Lgrid, as.sparse, BPPARAM, verbose,
INIT, BLOCK_OP, BACKEND, ..., dry.run)
verbose <- normarg_verbose(verbose)
if (transpose.x) {
Lgrid <- best_grid_for_vstrip_apply(x, Lgrid)
ans_nrow <- ncol(x)
} else {
Lgrid <- best_grid_for_hstrip_apply(x, Lgrid)
ans_nrow <- nrow(x)
ans_ncol <- if (transpose.y) nrow(y) else ncol(y)
ans_dim <- c(ans_nrow, ans_ncol)
## --- define FINAL() ---
if (is.null(BACKEND)) {
if (dry.run)
return(list(class="matrix", dim=ans_dim, type="double"))
if (verbose) {
FINAL <- if (transpose.x) final_vstrip_noop else final_hstrip_noop
} else {
FINAL_MoreArgs <- list()
} else {
## The "shared sink" route consists in using a single realization sink
## shared across all strips. Can we take this route?
## .make_shared_sink_and_grid_for_Lgrid_apply() will figure it out and
## return a RealizationSink + its associated grid in a named list if
## it turns out that we can take the "shared sink" route, or NULL if
## we can't.
sink_and_grid <- .make_shared_sink_and_grid_for_Lgrid_apply(x, y,
transpose.x, transpose.y,
if (is.null(sink_and_grid)) {
if (dry.run) {
nseed <- if (transpose.x) ncol(Lgrid) else nrow(Lgrid)
return(list(class="DelayedMatrix", dim=ans_dim, type="double",
FINAL <- function(init, i, grid, BACKEND, verbose) {
realize_matrix(init, BACKEND, verbose)
FINAL_MoreArgs <- list(BACKEND=BACKEND, verbose=verbose)
} else {
## "shared sink" route.
if (dry.run)
return(list(class=BACKEND, dim=ans_dim, type="double",
FINAL <- function(init, i, grid, sink, sink_grid, verbose) {
write_full_sink_rows(sink, sink_grid, i, init, verbose)
FINAL_MoreArgs <- c(sink_and_grid, list(verbose=verbose))
## --- define FUN() ---
FUN <- function(init, block, y, BLOCK_OP) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SVT_SparseMatrix object.
vp <- currentViewport()
block_ans <- BLOCK_OP(block, y, ranges(vp))
if (!is.matrix(block_ans))
block_ans <- as.matrix(block_ans)
init + block_ans
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(y=y, BLOCK_OP=BLOCK_OP)
## --- block processing ---
STRIP_APPLY <- if (transpose.x) vstrip_apply else hstrip_apply
INIT_MoreArgs <- list(y=y)
strip_results <- STRIP_APPLY(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs,
FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=Lgrid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
## --- turn output of block processing into object and return it ---
if (is.null(BACKEND) || is.null(sink_and_grid)) {
combine_strip_results("rbind", strip_results, verbose)
} else {
## "shared sink" route.
shared_sink_as_DelayedArray(sink_and_grid$sink, verbose)
### x, y: "small" and "big" operands, respectively (see BLOCK_mult_Rgrid()
### below for the details).
### INIT, BLOCK_OP: callback functions.
### INIT() must take 3 arguments: j (or i), grid, x.
### BLOCK_OP() must take 3 arguments: x, y_block, vp_ranges.
### See BLOCK_mult_Rgrid() below for the other arguments.
### Walks on the "right grid" which is defined on matrix-like object 'y'.
.Rgrid_apply <- function(x, y, transpose.x, transpose.y,
Rgrid, as.sparse, BPPARAM, verbose,
INIT, BLOCK_OP, BACKEND, ..., dry.run)
verbose <- normarg_verbose(verbose)
if (transpose.y) {
Rgrid <- best_grid_for_hstrip_apply(y, Rgrid)
ans_ncol <- nrow(y)
} else {
Rgrid <- best_grid_for_vstrip_apply(y, Rgrid)
ans_ncol <- ncol(y)
ans_nrow <- if (transpose.x) ncol(x) else nrow(x)
ans_dim <- c(ans_nrow, ans_ncol)
## --- define FINAL() ---
if (is.null(BACKEND)) {
if (dry.run)
return(list(class="matrix", dim=ans_dim, type="double"))
if (verbose) {
FINAL <- if (transpose.y) final_hstrip_noop else final_vstrip_noop
} else {
FINAL_MoreArgs <- list()
} else {
## The "shared sink" route consists in using a single realization sink
## shared across all strips. Can we take this route?
## .make_shared_sink_and_grid_for_Rgrid_apply() will figure it out and
## return a RealizationSink + its associated grid in a named list if
## it turns out that we can take the "shared sink" route, or NULL if
## we can't.
sink_and_grid <- .make_shared_sink_and_grid_for_Rgrid_apply(x, y,
transpose.x, transpose.y,
if (is.null(sink_and_grid)) {
if (dry.run) {
nseed <- if (transpose.y) nrow(Rgrid) else ncol(Rgrid)
return(list(class="DelayedMatrix", dim=ans_dim, type="double",
FINAL <- function(init, j, grid, BACKEND, verbose) {
realize_matrix(init, BACKEND=BACKEND, verbose)
FINAL_MoreArgs <- list(BACKEND=BACKEND, verbose=verbose)
} else {
## "shared sink" route.
if (dry.run)
return(list(class=BACKEND, dim=ans_dim, type="double",
FINAL <- function(init, j, grid, sink, sink_grid, verbose) {
write_full_sink_cols(sink, sink_grid, j, init, verbose)
FINAL_MoreArgs <- c(sink_and_grid, list(verbose=verbose))
## --- define FUN() ---
FUN <- function(init, block, x, BLOCK_OP) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary matrix or SVT_SparseMatrix object.
vp <- currentViewport()
block_ans <- BLOCK_OP(x, block, ranges(vp))
if (!is.matrix(block_ans))
block_ans <- as.matrix(block_ans)
init + block_ans
FUN_MoreArgs <- list(x=x, BLOCK_OP=BLOCK_OP)
## --- block processing ---
STRIP_APPLY <- if (transpose.y) hstrip_apply else vstrip_apply
INIT_MoreArgs <- list(x=x)
strip_results <- STRIP_APPLY(y, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs,
FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
grid=Rgrid, as.sparse=as.sparse,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=verbose)
## --- turn output of block processing into object and return it ---
if (is.null(BACKEND) || is.null(sink_and_grid)) {
combine_strip_results("cbind", strip_results, verbose)
} else {
## "shared sink" route.
shared_sink_as_DelayedArray(sink_and_grid$sink, verbose)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### BLOCK_mult_Lgrid() and BLOCK_mult_Rgrid()
### These are the 2 workhorses behind block matrix multiplication between
### a "big" and a "small" matrix-like object. See BLOCK_mult_Lgrid() and
### BLOCK_mult_Rgrid() below for the details.
### Should be able to handle any type() supported by base::`%*%`, that is,
### integer, double, and complex. However, the realization backend specified
### via `BACKEND` might introduce some restrictions e.g. will it support
### realization of a matrix of type complex?
### We need to make sure to return a matrix-like object that supports [ as
### well as native %*%, crossprod(), and tcrossprod() with the blocks returned
### by read_block() (which are either ordinary matrices or SparseMatrix
### derivatives).
### See the BLOCK_OP() callback functions defined and used in
### BLOCK_mult_Lgrid() and BLOCK_mult_Rgrid() below for what operations will
### effectively be performed on the "small operand".
.normalize_small_operand <- function(x, argname)
if (is(x, "COO_SparseMatrix"))
return(as(x, "SVT_SparseMatrix"))
if (is.matrix(x) || is(x, "sparseMatrix") || is(x, "SparseMatrix"))
stop(wmsg("this operation does not support '", argname, "' ",
"of class ", class(x)[[1L]]))
### x: A matrix-like object (typically a DelayedMatrix) on which a grid will
### be defined and from which blocks will get extracted. This will typically
### be the biggest of the two operands of the binary matrix operation.
### y: Typically an ordinary matrix or SVT_SparseMatrix object but other
### matrix-like objects are supported (see .normalize_small_operand() above).
### This will typically be the smallest of the two operands of the binary
### matrix operation.
### Lgrid: An array grid (ArrayGrid object) defined on 'x'.
### Walks on the matrix blocks defined by 'Lgrid'.
### If 'BACKEND' is NULL, returns an ordinary matrix. Otherwise, returns
### a DelayedMatrix object that is either pristine or the result of rbind'ing
### several pristine DelayedMatrix objects together (delayed rbind()).
### Calling nseed() on the returned object will return 1 in the pristine case
### or the number of objects bound together in the non-pristine case. In the
### pristine case, arguments specified thru the ellipsis will be passed to the
### RealizationSink constructor associated with 'BACKEND'. Note that the first
### 3 arguments of **any** RealizationSink constructor are guaranteed to
### be 'dim', 'dimnames', and 'type', and the arguments specified thru the
### ellipsis here can not be any of these. 'as.sparse' is not allowed either.
BLOCK_mult_Lgrid <- function(x, y, Lgrid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA,
op=c("mult", "crossprod", "tcrossprod"),
BACKEND=getAutoRealizationBackend(), ...,
stopifnot(length(dim(x)) == 2L)
y <- .normalize_small_operand(y, argname="y")
op <- match.arg(op)
transpose.x <- transpose.y <- FALSE
## All INIT() callback functions must return a matrix of type "double"
## rather than "integer". This is to avoid integer overflows during the
## within-strip walks.
stopifnot(ncol(x) == nrow(y))
INIT <- function(i, grid, y) {
matrix(0.0, nrow=nrow(grid[[i, 1L]]), ncol=ncol(y))
BLOCK_OP <- function(x_block, y, vp_ranges) {
idx <- (start(vp_ranges)[[2L]]):(end(vp_ranges)[[2L]])
base::`%*%`(x_block, y[idx, , drop=FALSE])
transpose.x <- TRUE
stopifnot(nrow(x) == nrow(y))
INIT <- function(j, grid, y) {
matrix(0.0, nrow=ncol(grid[[1L, j]]), ncol=ncol(y))
BLOCK_OP <- function(x_block, y, vp_ranges) {
idx <- (start(vp_ranges)[[1L]]):(end(vp_ranges)[[1L]])
base::crossprod(x_block, y[idx, , drop=FALSE])
transpose.y <- TRUE
stopifnot(ncol(x) == ncol(y))
INIT <- function(i, grid, y) {
matrix(0.0, nrow=nrow(grid[[i, 1L]]), ncol=nrow(y))
BLOCK_OP <- function(x_block, y, vp_ranges) {
idx <- (start(vp_ranges)[[2L]]):(end(vp_ranges)[[2L]])
base::tcrossprod(x_block, y[ , idx, drop=FALSE])
stop(wmsg("invalid 'op'")) # should never happen
.Lgrid_apply(x, y, transpose.x, transpose.y,
Lgrid, as.sparse, BPPARAM, verbose,
INIT, BLOCK_OP, BACKEND, ..., dry.run=dry.run)
### x: Typically an ordinary matrix or SVT_SparseMatrix object but other
### matrix-like objects are supported (see .normalize_small_operand() above).
### This will typically be the smallest of the two operands of the binary
### matrix operation.
### y: A matrix-like object (typically a DelayedMatrix) on which a grid will
### be defined and from which blocks will get extracted. This will typically
### be the biggest of the two operands of the binary matrix operation.
### Rgrid: An array grid (ArrayGrid object) defined on 'y'.
### Walks on the matrix blocks defined by 'Rgrid'.
### If 'BACKEND' is NULL, returns an ordinary matrix. Otherwise, returns
### a DelayedMatrix object that is either pristine or the result of cbind'ing
### several pristine DelayedMatrix objects together (delayed cbind()).
### See BLOCK_mult_Lgrid() above for what arguments can be specified thru the
### ellipsis.
BLOCK_mult_Rgrid <- function(x, y, Rgrid=NULL, as.sparse=NA,
BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA,
op=c("mult", "crossprod", "tcrossprod"),
BACKEND=getAutoRealizationBackend(), ...,
stopifnot(length(dim(y)) == 2L)
x <- .normalize_small_operand(x, argname="x")
op <- match.arg(op)
transpose.x <- transpose.y <- FALSE
## All INIT() callback functions must return a matrix of type "double"
## rather than "integer". This is to avoid integer overflows during the
## within-strip walks.
stopifnot(ncol(x) == nrow(y))
INIT <- function(j, grid, x) {
matrix(0.0, nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(grid[[1L, j]]))
BLOCK_OP <- function(x, y_block, vp_ranges) {
idx <- (start(vp_ranges)[[1L]]):(end(vp_ranges)[[1L]])
base::`%*%`(x[ , idx, drop=FALSE], y_block)
transpose.x <- TRUE
stopifnot(nrow(x) == nrow(y))
INIT <- function(j, grid, x) {
matrix(0.0, nrow=ncol(x), ncol=ncol(grid[[1L, j]]))
BLOCK_OP <- function(x, y_block, vp_ranges) {
idx <- (start(vp_ranges)[[1L]]):(end(vp_ranges)[[1L]])
base::crossprod(x[idx, , drop=FALSE], y_block)
transpose.y <- TRUE
stopifnot(ncol(x) == ncol(y))
INIT <- function(i, grid, x) {
matrix(0.0, nrow=nrow(x), ncol=nrow(grid[[i, 1L]]))
BLOCK_OP <- function(x, y_block, vp_ranges) {
idx <- (start(vp_ranges)[[2L]]):(end(vp_ranges)[[2L]])
base::tcrossprod(x[ , idx, drop=FALSE], y_block)
stop(wmsg("invalid 'op'")) # should never happen
.Rgrid_apply(x, y, transpose.x, transpose.y,
Rgrid, as.sparse, BPPARAM, verbose,
INIT, BLOCK_OP, BACKEND, ..., dry.run=dry.run)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### %*%, crossprod(), and tcrossprod() methods between:
### - a DelayedMatrix object,
### - an ordinary matrix or vector (or other supported matrix-like
### object, see .normalize_small_operand() above)
setMethod("%*%", c("DelayedMatrix", "ANY"),
function(x, y)
if (is.atomic(y) && is.vector(y)) {
## Returns a 1-col ordinary matrix (like base::`%*%` does).
y <- cbind(y, deparse.level=0)
BLOCK_mult_Lgrid(x, y, BACKEND=NULL)
} else {
BLOCK_mult_Lgrid(x, y)
setMethod("%*%", c("ANY", "DelayedMatrix"),
function(x, y)
if (is.atomic(x) && is.vector(x)) {
## Returns a 1-row ordinary matrix (like base::`%*%` does).
x <- rbind(x, deparse.level=0)
BLOCK_mult_Rgrid(x, y, BACKEND=NULL)
} else {
BLOCK_mult_Rgrid(x, y)
setMethod("crossprod", c("DelayedMatrix", "ANY"),
function(x, y)
if (is.atomic(y) && is.vector(y)) {
## Returns a 1-col ordinary matrix (like base::crossprod() does).
y <- cbind(y, deparse.level=0)
BLOCK_mult_Lgrid(x, y, BACKEND=NULL, op="crossprod")
} else {
BLOCK_mult_Lgrid(x, y, op="crossprod")
setMethod("crossprod", c("ANY", "DelayedMatrix"),
function(x, y)
if (is.atomic(x) && is.vector(x)) {
## Returns a 1-row ordinary matrix (like base::crossprod() does).
x <- cbind(x, deparse.level=0)
BLOCK_mult_Rgrid(x, y, BACKEND=NULL, op="crossprod")
} else {
BLOCK_mult_Rgrid(x, y, op="crossprod")
setMethod("tcrossprod", c("DelayedMatrix", "ANY"),
function(x, y)
if (is.atomic(y) && is.vector(y)) {
## Note that base::tcrossprod() does not work with a vector on
## the right!
## Returns a 1-col ordinary matrix (like base::tcrossprod() would
## probably do if it were supporting a vector on the right).
y <- rbind(y, deparse.level=0)
BLOCK_mult_Lgrid(x, y, BACKEND=NULL, op="tcrossprod")
} else {
BLOCK_mult_Lgrid(x, y, op="tcrossprod")
setMethod("tcrossprod", c("ANY", "DelayedMatrix"),
function(x, y)
if (is.atomic(x) && is.vector(x)) {
## Returns a 1-row ordinary matrix (like base::tcrossprod() does).
x <- rbind(x, deparse.level=0)
BLOCK_mult_Rgrid(x, y, BACKEND=NULL, op="tcrossprod")
} else {
BLOCK_mult_Rgrid(x, y, op="tcrossprod")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Parallelized schemes for matrix multiplication.
### by Aaron Lun
### This splits one or both matrices into blocks according to the
### desired parallelization scheme, and distributes them to workers.
### This also requires care to respect the maximum block size.
.grid_by_dimension <- function(x, nworkers)
# Splits a dimension of the matrix into at least 'nworkers' blocks.
# If the block size is too large, it is reduced to obtain the desired
# number of blocks in order for parallelization to be effective.
old <- getAutoBlockLength(type(x))
ideal_size_by_row <- max(1, ceiling(nrow(x)/nworkers) * ncol(x))
if (old > ideal_size_by_row) {
row_grid <- rowAutoGrid(x, block.length=ideal_size_by_row)
} else {
row_grid <- rowAutoGrid(x)
ideal_size_by_col <- max(1, ceiling(ncol(x)/nworkers) * nrow(x))
if (old > ideal_size_by_col) {
col_grid <- colAutoGrid(x, block.length=ideal_size_by_col)
} else {
col_grid <- colAutoGrid(x)
list(row=row_grid, col=col_grid)
.left_mult <- function(bid, grid, x, y, MULT) {
# this, and all other calls, had better yield a non-DA, otherwise MULT will recurse endlessly.
block <- read_block(x, grid[[bid]])
MULT(block, y)
.right_mult <- function(bid, grid, x, y, MULT) {
block <- read_block(y, grid[[bid]])
MULT(x, block)
.super_BLOCK_mult <- function(x, y, MULT, transposed.x=FALSE, transposed.y=FALSE, BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM())
# Controller function that split jobs for a multiplication function "MULT".
# This accommodates %*%, crossprod and tcrossprod for two arguments.
if (is.null(BPPARAM)) {
nworkers <- 1L
} else {
nworkers <- BiocParallel::bpnworkers(BPPARAM)
# Choosing the right dimension to iterate over, depending on MULT.
x_grid <- .grid_by_dimension(x, nworkers)
if (transposed.x) {
x_grid <- x_grid$col
} else {
x_grid <- x_grid$row
y_grid <- .grid_by_dimension(y, nworkers)
if (transposed.y) {
y_grid <- y_grid$row
} else {
y_grid <- y_grid$col
# Always iterating over the 'larger' matrix, to better split up the work.
# In the context of file-backed matrices, this operates under the heuristic
# that the larger matrix is the file-backed one.
if (length(x) > length(y)) {
chosen_scheme <- "x"
} else {
chosen_scheme <- "y"
# Switch to iteration over the other argument if the chosen one is
# single-block and non-DA (at which point you might as well iterate
# over the other argument anyway). This avoids infinite recursion
# when 'x' or 'y' fail to get realized via read_block().
if (chosen_scheme=="x" && length(x_grid)==1L && !is(x, "DelayedMatrix")) {
chosen_scheme <- "y"
} else if (chosen_scheme=="y" && length(y_grid)==1L && !is(y, "DelayedMatrix")) {
chosen_scheme <- "x"
old <- getAutoBPPARAM()
setAutoBPPARAM(NULL) # Avoid re-parallelizing in further calls to 'MULT'.
if (chosen_scheme=="x") {
out <- S4Arrays:::bplapply2(seq_len(length(x_grid)),
x=x, y=y, grid=x_grid,
ans <- do.call(rbind, out)
} else if (chosen_scheme=="y") {
out <- S4Arrays:::bplapply2(seq_len(length(y_grid)),
x=x, y=y, grid=y_grid,
ans <- do.call(cbind, out)
setMethod("%*%", c("DelayedMatrix", "DelayedMatrix"), function(x, y) .super_BLOCK_mult(x, y, MULT=`%*%`))
setMethod("crossprod", c("DelayedMatrix", "DelayedMatrix"), function(x, y)
.super_BLOCK_mult(x, y, MULT=crossprod, transposed.x=TRUE)
setMethod("tcrossprod", c("DelayedMatrix", "DelayedMatrix"), function(x, y)
.super_BLOCK_mult(x, y, MULT=tcrossprod, transposed.y=TRUE)
.solo_mult <- function(bid, grid, x, MULT) {
block <- read_block(x, grid[[bid]])
.super_BLOCK_self <- function(x, MULT, transposed=FALSE, BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM())
# Controller function that split jobs for a multiplication function "MULT".
# This accommodates crossprod and tcrossprod for single arguments.
if (is.null(BPPARAM)) {
nworkers <- 1L
} else {
nworkers <- BiocParallel::bpnworkers(BPPARAM)
# Choosing the right dimension to iterate over, depending on MULT.
grid <- .grid_by_dimension(x, nworkers)
if (transposed) {
fast <- grid$col
slow <- grid$row
} else {
fast <- grid$row
slow <- grid$col
old <- getAutoBPPARAM()
setAutoBPPARAM(NULL) # Avoid re-parallelizing in further calls to 'MULT'.
if (getAutoMultParallelAgnostic()) {
out <- S4Arrays:::bplapply2(seq_len(length(slow)),
x=x, y=x, grid=slow,
ans <- do.call(rbind, out)
} else {
ans <- S4Arrays:::bplapply2(seq_len(length(fast)),
x=x, grid=fast,
ans <- Reduce("+", ans)
setMethod("crossprod", c("DelayedMatrix", "missing"), function(x, y)
.super_BLOCK_self(x, MULT=crossprod)
setMethod("tcrossprod", c("DelayedMatrix", "missing"), function(x, y)
.super_BLOCK_self(x, MULT=tcrossprod, transposed=TRUE)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### User-visible global settings for parallelized matrix multiplication.
### by Aaron Lun
### This allows the user to specify whether or not they want to guarantee
### the identical matrix products regardless of the number of workers.
### This is because splitting by the common dimension does not preserve the
### order of addition operations, which changes the output due to numerical
### imprecision in the inner products of each vector.
setAutoMultParallelAgnostic <- function(agnostic=TRUE) {
S4Arrays:::set_user_option("auto.mult.parallel.agnostic", agnostic)
getAutoMultParallelAgnostic <- function() {
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