
Defines functions colblock_APPLY block_APPLY vstrip_apply hstrip_apply reduce_grid_vstrip reduce_grid_hstrip .message_2Dwalk_progress best_grid_for_vstrip_apply best_grid_for_hstrip_apply blockReduce gridReduce blockApply gridApply currentViewport currentBlockId effectiveGrid .explain_proper_use set_grid_context getAutoBPPARAM setAutoBPPARAM verbose_read_block .realize_what_as_what normarg_verbose set_verbose_block_processing get_verbose_block_processing

Documented in blockApply blockReduce currentBlockId currentViewport effectiveGrid getAutoBPPARAM gridApply gridReduce setAutoBPPARAM set_grid_context

### =========================================================================
### blockApply() and family
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

### NOT exported but used in the HDF5Array package!
get_verbose_block_processing <- function()
    getOption("DelayedArray.verbose.block.processing", default=FALSE)

### NOT exported but used in the HDF5Array package!
set_verbose_block_processing <- function(verbose)
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(verbose))
        stop("'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    old_verbose <- get_verbose_block_processing()

normarg_verbose <- function(verbose)
    if (!(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1L))
        stop(wmsg("'verbose' must be FALSE, TRUE, or NA"))
    if (is.na(verbose))
        verbose <- get_verbose_block_processing()

.realize_what_as_what <- function(x_is_sparse, as.sparse)
    if (is.na(as.sparse) || as.sparse == x_is_sparse) {
        what <- if (x_is_sparse) "sparse block" else "block"
        as_what <- ""
    } else {
        if (x_is_sparse) {
            what <- "sparse block"
            as_what <- "dense block"
        } else {
            what <- "dense block"
            as_what <- "sparse block"
        as_what <- paste0(" as ", as_what)
    list(what=what, as_what=as_what)

### For use in blockApply() and family.
verbose_read_block <- function(x, viewport, x_is_sparse, as.sparse, bid, nblock)
    what_as_what <- .realize_what_as_what(x_is_sparse, as.sparse)
    message(wmsg("/ reading and realizing ", what_as_what$what, " ",
                 bid, "/", nblock, what_as_what$as_what, " ..."),
            " ", appendLF=FALSE)
    block <- read_block(x, viewport, as.sparse=as.sparse)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### set/getAutoBPPARAM()

### By default (i.e. when no argument is specified), no BiocParallel backend
### is set and evaluation is sequential.
### Beware that SnowParam() on Windows is quite inefficient for block
### processing (it introduces **a lot** of overhead) so it's better to stick
### to sequential evaluation on this platform.
### See https://github.com/Bioconductor/BiocParallel/issues/78
setAutoBPPARAM <- function(BPPARAM=NULL)
    if (!is.null(BPPARAM)) {
        if (!requireNamespace("BiocParallel", quietly=TRUE))
            stop(wmsg("Couldn't load the BiocParallel package. Please ",
                      "install the BiocParallel package and try again."))
        if (!is(BPPARAM, "BiocParallelParam"))
            stop(wmsg("'BPPARAM' must be a BiocParallelParam ",
                      "object from the BiocParallel package"))
    S4Arrays:::set_user_option("auto.BPPARAM", BPPARAM)

getAutoBPPARAM <- function() S4Arrays:::get_user_option("auto.BPPARAM")

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Set/get grid context for the current block of a gridApply(), blockApply(),
### gridReduce(), or blockReduce() loop

set_grid_context <- function(effective_grid,
    if (!is.null(effective_grid))
        assign(".effective_grid", effective_grid, envir=envir)
    if (!is.null(current_block_id))
        assign(".current_block_id", current_block_id, envir=envir)
    if (!is.null(current_viewport))
        assign(".current_viewport", current_viewport, envir=envir)

.grid_context_not_found <- c(
    "Grid context not found for the current block. ",
    "Are we in a blockApply(), blockReduce(), gridApply(), ",
    "or gridReduce() loop?"

.explain_proper_use <- function(funname)
    paste0("Note that ", funname, "() can only be called from **within** ",
           "the callback functions 'FUN' and/or 'BREAKIF' passed to ",
           "blockApply() and family.")

.suggest_set_grid_context <- c(
    "If you need to be able to test/debug your callback function 'FUN' ",
    "(or 'BREAKIF') as a standalone function, set an arbitrary grid context ",
    "by calling set_grid_context() **right before** calling the callback ",

effectiveGrid <- function(envir=parent.frame(2))
    effective_grid <- try(get(".effective_grid", envir=envir,
                              inherits=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(effective_grid, "try-error"))
             "\n\n  ",
             "\n\n  ",

currentBlockId <- function(envir=parent.frame(2))
    current_block_id <- try(get(".current_block_id", envir=envir,
                                inherits=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(current_block_id, "try-error"))
             "\n\n  ",
             "\n\n  ",

currentViewport <- function(envir=parent.frame(2))
    current_viewport <- try(get(".current_viewport", envir=envir,
                                inherits=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
    if (!inherits(current_viewport, "try-error"))
    effective_grid <- try(effectiveGrid(envir), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(effective_grid, "try-error"))
             "\n\n  ",
             "\n\n  ",

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### gridApply() and blockApply()
### TODO: In theory, the best performance should be obtained when bplapply()
### uses a post office queue model. According to
### https://support.bioconductor.org/p/96856/#96888, this can be
### achieved by setting the nb of tasks to the nb of blocks (i.e. with
### BPPARAM=MulticoreParam(tasks=length(grid))). However, in practice, that
### seems to be slower than using tasks=0 (the default). Investigate this!

gridApply <- function(grid, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
    if (!is(grid, "ArrayGrid"))
        stop(wmsg("'grid' must be an ArrayGrid object"))
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    verbose <- normarg_verbose(verbose)

    FUN_WRAPPER <- function(bid, grid, verbose, FUN, ...)
        if (verbose) {
            nblock <- length(grid)
            message(wmsg("\\ processing viewport ", bid, "/", nblock, " ..."),
                    " ", appendLF=FALSE)
        viewport <- grid[[bid]]
        set_grid_context(grid, bid, viewport)
        ans <- FUN(viewport, ...)
        if (verbose)
    S4Arrays:::bplapply2(seq_along(grid), FUN_WRAPPER, grid, verbose,
                                          FUN, ..., BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

blockApply <- function(x, FUN, ..., grid=NULL, as.sparse=FALSE,
                                    BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    grid <- normarg_grid(grid, x)
    if (!(is.logical(as.sparse) && length(as.sparse) == 1L))
        stop(wmsg("'as.sparse' must be FALSE, TRUE, or NA"))
    verbose <- normarg_verbose(verbose)

    FUN_WRAPPER <- function(viewport,
                            FUN, x, as.sparse, verbose, verbose_read_block, ...)
        effective_grid <- effectiveGrid()
        current_block_id <- currentBlockId()
        if (verbose) {
            x_is_sparse <- is_sparse(x)
            nblock <- length(effective_grid)
            block <- verbose_read_block(x, viewport, x_is_sparse,
                                        as.sparse, current_block_id, nblock)
        } else {
            block <- read_block(x, viewport, as.sparse=as.sparse)
        set_grid_context(effective_grid, current_block_id, viewport)
        if (verbose)
            message(wmsg("\\ processing it ..."), " ", appendLF=FALSE)
        ans <- FUN(block, ...)
        if (verbose)
    gridApply(grid, FUN_WRAPPER,
              FUN, x, as.sparse, verbose, verbose_read_block, ...,
              BPPARAM=BPPARAM, verbose=FALSE)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### gridReduce() and blockReduce()
### Two Reduce-like functions.

gridReduce <- function(FUN, grid, init, ..., BREAKIF=NULL, verbose=NA)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    if (!is(grid, "ArrayGrid"))
        stop(wmsg("'grid' must be an ArrayGrid object"))
    if (!is.null(BREAKIF))
        BREAKIF <- match.fun(BREAKIF)
    verbose <- normarg_verbose(verbose)

    nblock <- length(grid)
    for (bid in seq_len(nblock)) {
        viewport <- grid[[bid]]
        set_grid_context(grid, bid, viewport)
        if (verbose)
            message(wmsg("\\ processing viewport ", bid, "/", nblock, " ..."),
                    " ", appendLF=FALSE)
        init <- FUN(viewport, init, ...)
        if (verbose)
        if (!is.null(BREAKIF) && BREAKIF(init)) {
            if (verbose)
                message("BREAK condition encountered")

blockReduce <- function(FUN, x, init, ..., BREAKIF=NULL,
                        grid=NULL, as.sparse=FALSE, verbose=NA)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    if (!is.null(BREAKIF))
        BREAKIF <- match.fun(BREAKIF)
    grid <- normarg_grid(grid, x)
    if (!(is.logical(as.sparse) && length(as.sparse) == 1L))
        stop(wmsg("'as.sparse' must be FALSE, TRUE, or NA"))
    verbose <- normarg_verbose(verbose)

    FUN_WRAPPER <- function(viewport, init,
                            FUN, x, as.sparse, verbose, verbose_read_block, ...)
        effective_grid <- effectiveGrid()
        current_block_id <- currentBlockId()
        if (verbose) {
            x_is_sparse <- is_sparse(x)
            nblock <- length(effective_grid)
            block <- verbose_read_block(x, viewport, x_is_sparse,
                                        as.sparse, current_block_id, nblock)
        } else {
            block <- read_block(x, viewport, as.sparse=as.sparse)
        set_grid_context(effective_grid, current_block_id, viewport)
        if (verbose)
            message(wmsg("\\ processing it ..."), " ", appendLF=FALSE)
        init <- FUN(block, init, ...)
        if (verbose)
    if (!is.null(BREAKIF) && verbose) {
        BREAKIF_WRAPPER <- function(init)
            ok <- BREAKIF(init)
            if (ok)
                message("BREAK condition encountered")
    } else {
    gridReduce(FUN_WRAPPER, grid, init,
               FUN, x, as.sparse, verbose, verbose_read_block, ...,
               BREAKIF=BREAKIF_WRAPPER, verbose=FALSE)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Specialized internal helpers for the 2D case

### We give our preference to "full width" blocks because they avoid walking
### twice on each "horizontal strip" e.g. in the case of BLOCK_rowVars()
### when 'center' is not supplied.
### However we only go for "full width" blocks when we are **absolutely
### certain** that this is going to play well with the chunk geometry.
### If "full width" blocks are not possible or too risky, our second choice
### is to go for the most "horizontally elongated" blocks, because, it's
### better to have a high number of narrow strips than a small number of
### thick strips from a parallelization point of view (we can efficiently
### use more workers).
### In case of any uncertainty about the physical layout of the data (i.e.
### if 'chunkdim(x)' is NULL), we just use square blocks to lower the risk
### of using completely inappropriate block geometry.
### The returned grid should always have at least one row.
best_grid_for_hstrip_apply <- function(x, grid=NULL)
    if (!is.null(grid)) {
        grid <- normarg_grid(grid, x)  # sanity checks on supplied 'grid'
        if (nrow(grid) == 0L)
            stop(wmsg("the supplied grid must have at least one row"))
    if (length(x) == 0L)
        return(defaultAutoGrid(x))  # one empty block
    x_chunkdim <- chunkdim(x)
    if (is.null(x_chunkdim)) {
        if (is.matrix(x))
            return(rowAutoGrid(x))  # "full width" blocks
        ## We're in doubt about how "full width" blocks are going to play
        ## with the physical layout of the data (e.g. 'x' is a TENxMatrix
        ## object that was subsetted by row).
        return(defaultAutoGrid(x, block.shape="hypercube"))  # square blocks
    chunk_nrow <- x_chunkdim[[1L]]
    n <- getAutoBlockSize() /
         (as.double(get_type_size(type(x))) * chunk_nrow * ncol(x))
    if (n < 1)
        return(defaultAutoGrid(x, block.shape="last-dim-grows-first"))
    block_nrow <- min(as.integer(n) * chunk_nrow, nrow(x))
    rowAutoGrid(x, nrow=block_nrow)  # "full width" blocks

### The returned grid should always have at least one column.
best_grid_for_vstrip_apply <- function(x, grid=NULL)
    if (!is.null(grid)) {
        grid <- normarg_grid(grid, x)  # sanity checks on supplied 'grid'
        if (ncol(grid) == 0L)
            stop(wmsg("the supplied grid must have at least one column"))
    if (length(x) == 0L)
        return(defaultAutoGrid(x))  # one empty block
    x_chunkdim <- chunkdim(x)
    if (is.null(x_chunkdim)) {
        if (is.matrix(x))
            return(colAutoGrid(x))  # "full height" blocks
        ## We're in doubt about how "full height" blocks are going to play
        ## with the physical layout of the data (e.g. 'x' is a TENxMatrix
        ## object that was subsetted by row and then transposed).
        return(defaultAutoGrid(x, block.shape="hypercube"))  # square blocks
    chunk_ncol <- x_chunkdim[[2L]]
    n <- getAutoBlockSize() /
         (as.double(get_type_size(type(x))) * nrow(x) * chunk_ncol)
    if (n < 1)
        return(defaultAutoGrid(x, block.shape="first-dim-grows-first"))
    block_ncol <- min(as.integer(n) * chunk_ncol, ncol(x))
    colAutoGrid(x, ncol=block_ncol)  # "full height" blocks

.message_2Dwalk_progress <- function(block, grid, i, j)
    what <- paste0("<", paste0(dim(block), collapse=" x "), ">")
    if (is_sparse(block))
        what <- paste0(what, " sparse")
    what <- paste0(what, " block from grid position ",
                   "[[", i, "/", nrow(grid), ", ", j, "/", ncol(grid), "]]")
    message("  ", wmsg("| processing ", what, " ..."), " ", appendLF=FALSE)

reduce_grid_hstrip <- function(i, grid, x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs,
                                           FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
                                           FINAL, FINAL_MoreArgs,
                                           as.sparse, verbose)
    INIT <- match.fun(INIT)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    if (!is.null(FINAL))
        FINAL <- match.fun(FINAL)
    verbose <- normarg_verbose(verbose)
    grid_nrow <- nrow(grid)
    grid_ncol <- ncol(grid)
    init <- do.call(INIT, c(list(i, grid), INIT_MoreArgs))
    if (verbose)
        message(wmsg("=== START walking on horizontal strip ",
                     i, "/", grid_nrow, " ==="))
    ## Walk on the blocks of the i-th horizontal strip. Sequential.
    for (j in seq_len(grid_ncol)) {
        viewport <- grid[[i, j]]
        block <- read_block(x, viewport, as.sparse=as.sparse)
        set_grid_context(grid, NULL, viewport)
        if (verbose)
            .message_2Dwalk_progress(block, grid, i, j)
        init <- do.call(FUN, c(list(init, block), FUN_MoreArgs))
        if (verbose)
    if (verbose)
        message(wmsg("=== DONE walking on horizontal strip ",
                     i, "/", grid_nrow, " ==="))
    if (!is.null(FINAL)) {
        if (verbose)
            message(wmsg("--- START finalizing result for ",
                         "horizonal strip ", i, "/", grid_nrow, " ---"))
        init <- do.call(FINAL, c(list(init, i, grid), FINAL_MoreArgs))
        if (verbose)
            message(wmsg("--- DONE finalizing result for ",
                         "horizonal strip ", i, "/", grid_nrow, " ---"))
    if (verbose)

reduce_grid_vstrip <- function(j, grid, x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs,
                                           FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
                                           FINAL, FINAL_MoreArgs,
                                           as.sparse, verbose)
    INIT <- match.fun(INIT)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    if (!is.null(FINAL))
        FINAL <- match.fun(FINAL)
    verbose <- normarg_verbose(verbose)
    grid_nrow <- nrow(grid)
    grid_ncol <- ncol(grid)
    init <- do.call(INIT, c(list(j, grid), INIT_MoreArgs))
    if (verbose)
        message(wmsg("=== START walking on vertical strip ",
                     j, "/", grid_ncol, " ==="))
    ## Walk on the blocks of the j-th vertical strip. Sequential.
    for (i in seq_len(grid_nrow)) {
        viewport <- grid[[i, j]]
        block <- read_block(x, viewport, as.sparse=as.sparse)
        set_grid_context(grid, NULL, viewport)
        if (verbose)
            .message_2Dwalk_progress(block, grid, i, j)
        init <- do.call(FUN, c(list(init, block), FUN_MoreArgs))
        if (verbose)
    if (verbose)
        message(wmsg("=== DONE walking on vertical strip ",
                     j, "/", grid_ncol, " ==="))
    if (!is.null(FINAL)) {
        if (verbose)
            message(wmsg("--- START finalizing result for ",
                         "vertical strip ", j, "/", grid_ncol, " ---"))
        init <- do.call(FINAL, c(list(init, j, grid), FINAL_MoreArgs))
        if (verbose)
            message(wmsg("--- DONE finalizing result for ",
                         "vertical strip ", j, "/", grid_ncol, " ---"))
    if (verbose)

### Walk on the horizontal grid strips:
### - strips are processed in parallel;
### - blocks within each strip are processed sequentially from left to right.
### Returns a list of length >= 1 with one list element per strip.
hstrip_apply <- function(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
                            FINAL=NULL, FINAL_MoreArgs=list(),
                            grid=NULL, as.sparse=FALSE,
                            BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
    grid <- best_grid_for_hstrip_apply(x, grid)
    if (!(is.logical(as.sparse) && length(as.sparse) == 1L))
        stop(wmsg("'as.sparse' must be a FALSE, TRUE, or NA"))

    ## Outer loop on the horizontal grid strips. Parallelized.
        reduce_grid_hstrip, grid, x,
        INIT, INIT_MoreArgs,
        FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
        FINAL, FINAL_MoreArgs,
        as.sparse, verbose,

### Walk on the vertical grid strips:
### - strips are processed in parallel;
### - blocks within each strip are processed sequentially from top to bottom.
### Returns a list of length >= 1 with one list element per strip.
vstrip_apply <- function(x, INIT, INIT_MoreArgs, FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
                            FINAL=NULL, FINAL_MoreArgs=list(),
                            grid=NULL, as.sparse=FALSE,
                            BPPARAM=getAutoBPPARAM(), verbose=NA)
    grid <- best_grid_for_vstrip_apply(x, grid)
    if (!(is.logical(as.sparse) && length(as.sparse) == 1L))
        stop(wmsg("'as.sparse' must be a FALSE, TRUE, or NA"))

    ## Outer loop on the vertical grid strips. Parallelized.
        reduce_grid_vstrip, grid, x,
        INIT, INIT_MoreArgs,
        FUN, FUN_MoreArgs,
        FINAL, FINAL_MoreArgs,
        as.sparse, verbose,

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### OLD - Walking on the blocks
### OLD -
### OLD - 3 utility functions to process array-like objects by block.
### OLD -
### OLD - Still used by the DelayedMatrixStats package.

### An lapply-like function.
block_APPLY <- function(x, APPLY, ..., sink=NULL, block_maxlen=NULL)
    APPLY <- match.fun(APPLY)
    x_dim <- dim(x)
    if (any(x_dim == 0L)) {
        chunk_grid <- NULL
    } else {
        ## Using chunks of length 1 (i.e. max resolution chunk grid) is just
        ## a trick to make sure that defaultAutoGrid() returns linear blocks.
        chunk_grid <- RegularArrayGrid(x_dim, rep.int(1L, length(x_dim)))
    grid <- defaultAutoGrid(x, block_maxlen, chunk_grid,
    nblock <- length(grid)
        function(bid) {
            if (get_verbose_block_processing())
                message(wmsg("- processing block ", bid, "/", nblock, " ..."),
                        " ", appendLF=FALSE)
            viewport <- grid[[bid]]
            block <- read_block(x, viewport)
            block_ans <- APPLY(block, ...)
            if (!is.null(sink)) {
                write_block(sink, viewport, block_ans)
                block_ans <- NULL
            if (get_verbose_block_processing())

### A convenience wrapper around block_APPLY() to process a matrix-like
### object by block of columns.
colblock_APPLY <- function(x, APPLY, ..., sink=NULL)
    x_dim <- dim(x)
    if (length(x_dim) != 2L)
        stop("'x' must be a matrix-like object")
    APPLY <- match.fun(APPLY)
    ## We're going to walk along the columns so need to increase the block
    ## length so each block is made of at least one column.
    block_maxlen <- max(getAutoBlockLength(type(x)), x_dim[[1L]])
    block_APPLY(x, APPLY, ..., sink=sink, block_maxlen=block_maxlen)
Bioconductor/DelayedArray documentation built on Jan. 19, 2025, 12:30 a.m.