## This file is borrowed from Kurt Hornik's relations package
## A simple class for sparse (triplet) matrices.
## Mostly intended for being able to take advantage of LP solvers which
## allow for sparse specifictions of (possible rather large) constraint
## matrices.
simple_triplet_matrix <-
function(i, j, v, nrow = max(i), ncol = max(j))
structure(list(i = i, j = j, v = v, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol),
class = "simple_triplet_matrix")
as.simple_triplet_matrix <-
as.simple_triplet_matrix.simple_triplet_matrix <- identity
as.simple_triplet_matrix.matrix <-
if(prod(dim(x)) == 0L)
return(simple_triplet_matrix(integer(), integer(), c(x),
nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x)))
ind <- which(x != vector(typeof(x), 1L), arr.ind = TRUE)
simple_triplet_matrix(ind[, 1L], ind[, 2L], x[ind],
nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
as.matrix.simple_triplet_matrix <-
function(x, ...)
nr <- x$nrow
nc <- x$ncol
y <- matrix(vector(typeof(x$v), nr * nc), nr, nc)
y[cbind(x$i, x$j)] <- x$v
## We could also simply write a method to coerce to a dgTMatrix, based
## on something like
## new("dgTMatrix",
## i = as.integer(i - 1),
## j = as.integer(j - 1),
## x = v,
## Dim = c(nrow, ncol))
## (Note that these have C-style indices starting at zero.)
dim.simple_triplet_matrix <-
c(x$nrow, x$ncol)
`[.simple_triplet_matrix` <-
function(x, i, j, ...)
## (Well, we certainly don't drop ...)
mi <- missing(i)
mj <- missing(j)
na <- nargs()
if(mi && mj) {
out <- vector(mode = typeof(x$v), length = x$nrow * x$ncol)
out[(x$j - 1) * x$nrow + x$i] <- x$v
else if(na == 2L) {
## Single index subscripting.
stop("Logical subscripting currently not implemented.")
else if(is.character(i))
stop("Character subscripting currently not implemented.")
else if(!is.matrix(i)) {
## Let's hope we have a vector.
## What if we have both negatives and positives?
if(all(i >= 0)) {
i <- i[i > 0]
out <- vector(mode = typeof(x$v), length = length(i))
pos <- match(i, (x$j - 1) * x$nrow + x$i, 0)
out[i[pos > 0]] <- x$v[pos]
} else if(all(i <= 0)) {
out <- vector(mode = typeof(x$v),
length = x$nrow * x$ncol)
out[(x$j - 1) * x$nrow + x$i] <- x$v
out <- out[i]
else stop("Cannot mix positive and negative subscripts.")
else {
## Note that negative values are not allowed in a matrix
## subscript.
if((ncol(i) != 2L) || (any(i < 0)))
stop("Invalid subscript.")
i <- i[!apply(i == 0, 1L, any), , drop = FALSE]
out <- vector(mode = typeof(x$v), length = nrow(i))
pi <- match(i[, 1L], x$i)
pj <- match(i[, 2L], x$j)
ind <- which(pi == pj)
out[ind] <- x$v[pi[ind]]
else {
nr <- x$nrow
nc <- x$ncol
## Two index subscripting is rather tricky, as it can also be
## used for rearranging and "recycling" rows and columns. Let
## us not support the latter for now, so that selected rows and
## columns must be unique.
if(mi) {
pos <-, length(x$v))
nr <- x$nrow
pi <- seq_len(nr)
else if(!is.numeric(i))
stop("Only numeric two-index subscripting is implemented.")
else {
pi <- seq_len(x$nrow)
if(all(i >= 0)) {
i <- i[i > 0]
stop("Repeated indices currently not allowed.")
} else if(all(i <= 0))
i <- pi[i]
stop("Cannot mix positive and negative subscripts.")
nr <- length(i)
pos <- match(x$i, i, 0) > 0
pi[i] <- seq_len(nr)
if(mj) {
nc <- x$ncol
pj <- seq_len(nc)
else if(!is.numeric(j))
stop("Only numeric 2-index subscripting is implemented.")
else {
pj <- seq_len(x$ncol)
if(all(j >= 0)) {
j <- j[j > 0]
stop("Repeated indices currently not allowed.")
} else if(all(j <= 0))
j <- pj[j]
stop("Cannot mix positive and negative subscripts.")
nc <- length(j)
pos <- pos & (match(x$j, j, 0) > 0)
pj[j] <- seq_len(nc)
out <- simple_triplet_matrix(pi[x$i[pos]],
x$v[pos], nr, nc)
rbind.simple_triplet_matrix <-
function(..., deparse.level = 1L)
## Ignore 'deparse.level' ...
Reduce(function(x, y) {
if((nc <- ncol(x)) != ncol(y))
stop("Numbers of columns of matrices must match.")
nr <- nrow(x)
simple_triplet_matrix(c(x$i, y$i + nr),
c(x$j, y$j),
c(x$v, y$v),
nrow = nr + nrow(y), ncol = nc)
lapply(Filter(Negate(is.null), list(...)),
cbind.simple_triplet_matrix <-
function(..., deparse.level = 1L)
## Ignore 'deparse.level' ...
Reduce(function(x, y) {
if((nr <- nrow(x)) != nrow(y))
stop("Numbers of rows of matrices must match.")
nc <- ncol(x)
simple_triplet_matrix(c(x$i, y$i),
c(x$j, y$j + nc),
c(x$v, y$v),
nrow = nr, ncol = nc + ncol(y))
lapply(Filter(Negate(is.null), list(...)),
t.simple_triplet_matrix <-
simple_triplet_matrix(x$j, x$i, x$v, x$ncol, x$nrow)
## Utitilies for creating special simple triplet matrices:
.simple_triplet_zero_matrix <-
function(nrow, ncol = nrow, mode = "double")
simple_triplet_matrix(integer(), integer(), vector(mode, 0L),
nrow, ncol)
.simple_triplet_diag_matrix <-
function(x, nrow)
x <- rep(x, length.out = nrow)
i <- seq_len(nrow)
simple_triplet_matrix(i, i, x, nrow, nrow)
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
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