#' codonTest
#' Models for detecting positive selection
#' \code{codonTest} allows to test for positive selection similar to programs
#' like PAML (Yang ) or HyPhy (Kosakovsky Pond et al. 2005).
#' There are several options for deriving the codon frequencies.
#' Frequencies can be "equal" (1/61), derived from nucleotide frequencies "F1x4"
#' and "F3x4" or "empirical" codon frequencies. The frequencies taken using
#' the empirical frequencies or estimated via maximum likelihood.
#' So far the M0 model (Goldman and Yang 2002), M1a and M2a are
#' implemented. The M0 model is always computed the other are optional.
#' The convergence may be very slow and sometimes fails.
#' @aliases codonTest
#' @param object an object of class phyDat.
#' @param tree a phylogenetic tree.
#' @param model a vector containing the substitution models to compare with
#' each other or "all" to test all available models.
#' @param frequencies a character string or vector defining how to compute
#' the codon frequencies
#' @param opt_freq optimize frequencies (so far ignored)
#' @param codonstart an integer giving where to start the translation. This
#' should be 1, 2, or 3, but larger values are accepted and have for effect to
#' start the translation further within the sequence.
#' @param control a list of parameters for controlling the fitting process.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A list with an element called summary containing a data.frame with
#' the log-likelihood, number of estimated parameters, etc. of all tested
#' models. An object called posterior which contains the posterior probability
#' for the rate class for each sites and the estimates of the defined models.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pml}}, \code{\link{pmlMix}}, \code{\link{modelTest}},
#' \code{\link[stats]{AIC}}
#' @references Ziheng Yang (2014). \emph{Molecular Evolution: A Statistical
#' Approach}. Oxford University Press, Oxford
#' Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond, Simon D. W. Frost, Spencer V. Muse (2005) HyPhy:
#' hypothesis testing using phylogenies, \emph{Bioinformatics}, \bold{21(5)}:
#' 676--679, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti079
#' Nielsen, R., and Z. Yang. (1998) Likelihood models for detecting positively
#' selected amino acid sites and applications to the HIV-1 envelope gene.
#' \emph{Genetics}, \bold{148}: 929--936
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load woodmouse data from ape
#' data(woodmouse)
#' dat_codon <- dna2codon(as.phyDat(woodmouse))
#' tree <- NJ(
#' # optimize the model the old way
#' fit <- pml(tree, dat_codon, bf="F3x4")
#' M0 <- optim.pml(fit, model="codon1")
#' # Now using the codonTest function
#' fit_codon <- codonTest(tree, dat_codon)
#' fit_codon
#' plot(fit_codon, "M1a")
#' }
#' @keywords cluster
# @param control A list of parameters for controlling the fitting process.
#' @export
codonTest <- function(tree, object, model = c("M0", "M1a", "M2a"),
frequencies = "F3x4", opt_freq=FALSE, codonstart = 1,
control=pml.control(maxit = 20), ...){
if (attr(object, "type") == "DNA")
object <- dna2codon(object, codonstart = codonstart, ...)
if (is.null(tree$edge.length)) tree <- nnls.phylo(tree,
if (!("M0" %in% model)) model <- c("M0", model)
trace <- control$trace
control$trace <- trace - 1
has_index <- !is.null(attr(object, "index"))
if (trace > 2) print("optimize model M0")
fit <- pml(tree, object, bf = frequencies)
M0 <- optim.pml(fit, model="codon1", control = control)
result <- cbind(model = "M0", Frequencies = frequencies,
estimate = "empirical", glance.pml(M0), dnds_0 = M0$dnds,
dnds_1 = NA, dnds_2 = NA, p_0 = 1, p_1 = NA, p_2 = NA,
tstv = M0$tstv)
choices <- c("M0", "M1a", "M2a")
model <- match.arg(choices, model, TRUE)
M1a <- NULL
M2a <- NULL
estimates <- vector("list", length(model))
names(estimates) <- model
estimates[["M0"]] <- M0
prob <- list()
if ("M1a" %in% model) {
if (trace > 2) print("optimize model M1a")
M1a_start <- list(update(M0, dnds = 0.1, scaleQ = 1),
update(M0, dnds = 1, scaleQ = 1))
M1a <- pmlMix(rate ~ M1a, M1a_start, m = 2, control = control)
result <- rbind(result, cbind(model = "M1a", Frequencies = frequencies,
estimate = "empirical", glance.pmlMix(M1a),
dnds_0 = M1a$dnds[1], dnds_1 = 1, dnds_2 = NA,
p_0 = M1a$omega[1], p_1 = M1a$omega[2], p_2 = NA,
tstv = M1a$fits[[1]]$tstv))
if(has_index) prob[["M1a"]] <- neb(M1a)
estimates[["M1a"]] <- M1a
if ("M2a" %in% model) {
if (trace > 2) print("optimize model M2a")
M2a_start <- list(update(M0, dnds = 0.1, scaleQ = 1),
update(M0, dnds = 1, scaleQ = 1),
update(M0, dnds = 3, scaleQ = 1))
M2a <- pmlMix(rate ~ M2a, M2a_start, m = 3, control = control)
result <- rbind(result, cbind(model = "M2a", Frequencies = frequencies,
estimate = "empirical", glance.pmlMix(M2a),
dnds_0 = M2a$dnds[1], dnds_1 = 1,
dnds_2 = M2a$dnds[3],
p_0 = M2a$omega[1], p_1 = M2a$omega[2],
p_2 = M2a$omega[3],
tstv = M2a$fits[[1]]$tstv))
if(has_index) prob[["M2a"]] <- neb(M2a)
estimates[["M2a"]] <- M2a
# attr(result, "estimates") <- estimates
# attr(result, "prob") <- prob
res <- list(summary = result, posterior = prob, estimates = estimates)
class(res) <- "codonTest"
#' @export
glance.pml <- function(x, ...) {
res <- data.frame(logLik = x$logLik,
df = x$df,
AIC = AIC(x),
BIC = BIC(x))
#' @export
glance.pmlMix <- function(x, ...) {
nr <- attr(x$fits[[1]]$data, "nr")
res <- data.frame(logLik = x$logLik,
df = attr(logLik(x), "df"),
AIC = AIC(x),
BIC = AIC(x, k = log(nr)))
#' @export
print.codonTest <- function(x, ...) print(x$summary)
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl.colors
#' @export
plot.codonTest <- function(x, model = "M1a", col = hcl.colors(3), ...) {
dat <- t(x$posterior[[model]])
l <- nrow(dat)
colnames(dat) <- seq_len(ncol(dat))
rownames(dat) <- prettyNum(x$estimates[[model]]$dnds, digits=3)
dat <- dat[l:1, ]
barplot(dat, col = rev(col[1:l]), space = 0, border = NA,
legend.text = rownames(dat),
ylim=c(0, 1.15), args.legend=list(horiz=TRUE, x="top",
box.col = "white", box.lty = 0), ...)
# compute Naive Empirical Bayes (NEB) probabilities
neb <- function(x) {
p <- x$omega
l <- length(p)
index <- attr(x$fits[[1]]$data, "index")
res <- matrix(0, max(index), l)
for (i in seq_len(l)) res[, i] <- p[i] * x$fits[[i]]$lv
res <- res / rowSums(res)
res[index, ]
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