# @set "class=AffymetrixCdfFile"
# @RdocMethod createExonByTranscriptCdf
# @title "Creates an exon-by-transcript CDF"
# \description{
# @get "title" based on the probesets defined in an "exon-only" CDF
# and transcript-exon mapping of a NetAffx probeset annotation data file.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{cdf}{An @see "aroma.affymetrix::AffymetrixCdfFile" specifying
# an "exon-only" CDF, which defines the exon-specific probesets
# that will go into the new CDF. For more details, see below.}
# \item{csv}{An @see "aroma.affymetrix::AffymetrixNetAffxCsvFile"
# specifying the Affymetrix NetAffx CSV probeset annotation file
# that contains the transcript-exon mapping.}
# \item{tags}{Additional tags added to the filename of created CDF,
# i.e. <chiptype>,<tags>.cdf.}
# \item{path}{The output path where the custom CDF will be written.}
# \item{type}{A @character string specifying the type of CDF to be written.}
# \item{subsetBy}{An optional @character specifying the name of a column
# in the annotation file to subset against. The column will be parsed
# as the data type of argument \code{within}.}
# \item{within}{A @vector of values accepted for the \code{subsetBy} column.}
# \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to \code{readDataFrame()} of
# @see "aroma.affymetrix::AffymetrixNetAffxCsvFile", e.g. \code{nrow}.}
# \item{overwrite}{If @TRUE, an existing CDF is overwritten.}
# \item{verbose}{...}
# }
# \value{
# Returns an @see "aroma.affymetrix::AffymetrixCdfFile".
# }
# \section{Requirements for the "exon-only" CDF}{
# The template CDF - argument \code{cdf} - should be an "exon-only" CDF:
# each unit has one group/probeset, which is the exon.
# An example of this is the "unsupported" HuEx-1_0-st-v2.cdf
# from Affymetrix, which has 1,432,154 units.
# Such "exon-only" CDFs do not contain information about clustering
# exons/probesets into gene transcripts.
# The CDF may also contain a number of non-exon probesets corresponding
# to control probes, which can contain \emph{very} large numbers of
# probes per probeset. Such units are dropped/ignored by this method.
# }
# \section{Ordering of transcripts and exons within transcripts}{
# The transcripts (=units) will be ordered as they appear in the
# NetAffx annotation file.
# Within each transcript (=unit), the exons (=groups) are ordered
# lexicographically by their names.
# %% (Before Jan 28, 2008 (rev 3911) sorting was not done).
# }
# \section{Naming of transcripts and exons}{
# In the created CDF, each unit corresponds to one transcript cluster,
# and each group within a unit corresponds to the exons within
# that transcript cluster. Thus, the unit names correspond to the
# transcript cluster names and the group names correspond to the
# exon names.
# The exon names are defined by unit names of the exon-only CDF,
# whereas the transcript names are defined by the
# \code{transcriptClusterId} column in the NetAffx annotation data file.
# These transcript and exon names are often "non-sense" integers.
# In order to map these to more genome-friendly names, use the various
# annotations available in the NetAffx annotation data file.
# }
# \examples{\dontrun{
# # The exon-only CDF
# cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("HuEx-1_0-st-v2")
# # The NetAffx probeset annotation data file
# csv <- AffymetrixNetAffxCsvFile("HuEx-1_0-st-v2.na24.hg18.probeset.csv", path=getPath(cdf))
# # Create a CDF containing all core probesets:
# cdfT <- createExonByTranscriptCdf(cdf, csv=csv, tags=c("*,HB20110911"))
# print(cdfT)
# # Create CDF containing the core probesets with 3 or 4 probes:
# cdfT2 <- createExonByTranscriptCdf(cdf, csv=csv,
# tags=c("*,bySize=3-4,HB20110911"),
# subsetBy="probeCount", within=c("3", "4"))
# print(cdfT2)
# }}
# \author{
# Henrik Bengtsson adopted from \code{createTranscriptCDF()} written
# by Ken Simpson, Elizabeth Purdom and Mark Robinson.
# }
# @keyword internal
setMethodS3("createExonByTranscriptCdf", "AffymetrixCdfFile", function(cdf, csv, tags=c("*"), path=getPath(cdf), type=c("all", "core", "extended", "full", "main", "control", "cds"), subsetBy=NULL, within=NULL, ..., overwrite=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Local functions
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
inMemory <- FALSE; # Turns out not to make a big difference. /HB 2011-09-10
if (inMemory) {
cdfTree <- NULL
getCdfUnits <- function(units) {
if (is.null(cdfTree)) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading the complete CDF")
cdfTree <<- .readCdf(cdfPathname)
verbose && exit(verbose)
} # getCdfUnits()
} else {
getCdfUnits <- function(units) {
## SLOW iff units by units! /HB 2011-09-09
# (Actually, not that much slower. /HB 2011-09-10)
.readCdf(cdfPathname, units=units)
} # getCdfUnits()
makeTranscriptCdfUnit <- function(transcriptName) {
# Identify all probesets (=exons) part of the transcript of interest
keep <- which(psData[,"transcriptClusterId"] == transcriptName)
groupNames <- psData[keep,"probesetId"]
groupNames <- sort(groupNames)
# Find those exons (=units) in the "exon-only" CDF
groupUnits <- indexOf(cdf, names=groupNames); ## <= FAST - cached!
# Sanity check
# Read the CDF units of those exons
cdfList <- getCdfUnits(units=groupUnits)
# Extract the groups
groups <- lapply(cdfList, FUN=.subset2, "groups")
# Sanity check (of the assumption of single group exon units)
nGroups <- sapply(groups, FUN=length)
stopifnot(all(nGroups == 1))
groups <- lapply(groups, FUN=.subset2, 1)
# Identify the unit type
unittypes <- sapply(cdfList, FUN=.subset2, "unittype")
unittype <- unittypes[1]
# Sanity check (of assumption)
stopifnot(all(unittypes == unittype))
# Identify the unit direction
unitdirections <- sapply(cdfList, FUN=.subset2, "unitdirection")
unitdirection <- unitdirections[1]
# Sanity check (of assumption)
stopifnot(all(unitdirections == unitdirection))
# Identify the number of cells per atom
ncellsperatoms <- sapply(cdfList, FUN=.subset2, "ncellsperatom")
ncellsperatom <- ncellsperatoms[1]
# Sanity check (of assumption)
stopifnot(all(ncellsperatoms == ncellsperatom))
# Identify the number of atoms
natoms <- lapply(cdfList, FUN=.subset2, "natoms")
natoms <- sum(unlist(natoms, use.names=FALSE))
# Identify the number of cells
ncells <- lapply(cdfList, FUN=.subset2, "ncells")
ncells <- sum(unlist(ncells, use.names=FALSE))
# Return a CDF unit
} # makeTranscriptCdfUnit()
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'type':
type <- match.arg(type)
nbrOfCdfUnits <- nbrOfUnits(cdf)
# Argument 'tags':
if (!is.null(tags)) {
tags <- Arguments$getCharacters(tags)
tags <- unlist(strsplit(tags, split=",", fixed=TRUE))
tags <- tags[nzchar(tags)]
# Argument 'csv':
if (!inherits(csv, "AffymetrixNetAffxCsvFile")) {
pathname <- csv
csv <- AffymetrixNetAffxCsvFile(pathname)
# Argument 'path':
path <- Arguments$getWritablePath(path)
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Creating exon-by-transcript CDF")
cdfPathname <- getPathname(cdf)
chipType <- getChipType(cdf)
verbose && cat(verbose, "\"Exon-only\" CDF: ", cdfPathname)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Chip type: ", chipType)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of units in template CDF: ", nbrOfCdfUnits)
# Insert asterisk tags
if (any(tags == "*")) {
idxs <- which(tags == "*")
genomeTag <- getGenomeBuild(csv)
naTagA <- sprintf("na%s", getNetAffxBuild(csv))
## naTagB <- format(getNetAffxDate(csv), format="%Y%m%d")
## naTagB <- sprintf("na%s", naTagB)
asteriskTags <- c(type, naTagA, genomeTag)
asteriskTags <- asteriskTags[nzchar(asteriskTags)]
asteriskTags <- paste(asteriskTags, collapse=",")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Asterisk tags: ", asteriskTags)
tags[idxs] <- asteriskTags
# Validate the output pathname already here
chipTypeF <- paste(c(chipType, tags), collapse=",")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Tags: ", tags)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Chip type (fullname): ", chipTypeF)
filename <- sprintf("%s.cdf", chipTypeF)
pathname <- Arguments$getWritablePathname(filename, path=path, mustNotExist=!overwrite)
# Not needed anymore
filename <- NULL
verbose && cat(verbose, "NetAffx annotation data file")
verbose && print(verbose, csv)
# set up the comparisons to do for paring down
if (is.null(within)) {
within <- switch(type,
"core" = "core",
"extended" = c("core", "extended"),
"full" = c("core", "extended", "full"),
"main" = "main",
"control" = c("control->affx", "control->chip",
"control->bgp->antigenomic", "control->bgp->genomic",
"normgene->exon", "normgene->intron"),
"all" = NULL,
"cds" = "1"
if (is.null(subsetBy)) {
if (type %in% c("core", "extended", "full")) {
subsetBy <- "level"
if (type %in% c("main", "control")) {
subsetBy <- "probesetType"
if (type %in% "cds") {
subsetBy <- "hasCds"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Read NetAffx CSV file
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading the NetAffx annotation file")
verbose && print(verbose, csv)
subsetByPattern <- storage.mode(within)
names(subsetByPattern) <- subsetBy
colClasses <- c("(probesetId|transcriptClusterId)"="character", subsetByPattern)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Column class patterns:")
verbose && print(verbose, colClasses)
# Read CSV data
psData <- readDataFrame(csv, colClasses=colClasses, ...)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Identify subset of probesets to include
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Identifying subset of probesets to include")
nbrOfProbesets <- nrow(psData)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of CSV probesets: ", nbrOfProbesets)
if (nbrOfProbesets > nbrOfCdfUnits) {
warning(sprintf("Annotation has %d lines (probesets); original CDF only has %d.", nbrOfProbesets, nbrOfCdfUnits))
verbose && enter(verbose, "Keeping probesets with names matching the CDF unit names")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of CDF units: ", nbrOfCdfUnits)
# Drop probesets in annotation data file that does not exist in the CDF
units <- indexOf(cdf, names=psData[,"probesetId"])
if (any( {
warning(sprintf("%d probesets in annotation are not in original CDF; will be discarded.", length(which(
psData <- psData[!,]
nbrOfProbesets <- nrow(psData)
# Not needed anymore
units <- NULL
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of (filtered) CSV probesets: ", nbrOfProbesets)
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (nbrOfProbesets < nbrOfCdfUnits) {
verbose && printf(verbose, "Fewer (filtered) probesets in annotation than orginal CDF (%d compared to %d)\n", nbrOfProbesets, nbrOfCdfUnits)
if (!is.null(within)) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Subsetting probesets")
verbose && printf(verbose, "Keeping probesets whose '%s' is in (%s)\n", subsetBy, hpaste(within, maxHead=Inf))
keep <- which(is.element(psData[,subsetBy], within))
psData <- psData[keep,]
verbose && printf(verbose, "%d probesets match requirement (out of %d valid probesets in annotation)\n", length(keep), nbrOfProbesets)
nbrOfProbesets <- nrow(psData)
# Nothing todo?
if (nbrOfProbesets == 0) {
throw("Cannot create CDF. No probesets remaining.")
# Not needed anymore
keep <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Not needed anymore
nbrOfProbesets <- NULL
# Sanity check
units <- indexOf(cdf, names=psData[,"probesetId"])
# Not needed anymore
units <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Build custom CDF list structure
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Grouping exons into transcripts")
transcriptNames <- unique(psData[,"transcriptClusterId"])
nbrOfTranscripts <- length(transcriptNames)
nbrOfExons <- nrow(psData)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of transcripts: ", nbrOfTranscripts)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of exons: ", nbrOfExons)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Average number of exons/transcript: %.2f\n", nbrOfExons/nbrOfTranscripts)
if (nbrOfTranscripts > 100) {
verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of transcripts done so far:\n")
# Allocate the CDF list structure
cdfList <- vector("list", length=nbrOfTranscripts)
names(cdfList) <- transcriptNames
unitnumber <- 0L
for (jj in seq_len(nbrOfTranscripts)) {
unitnumber <- unitnumber + 1L
if (unitnumber %% 100 == 0) {
if (isVisible(verbose)) printf(", %d", unitnumber)
cdfList[[jj]] <- makeTranscriptCdfUnit(transcriptNames[jj])
} # for (jj ...)
verbose && printf(verbose, "\n")
# Sanity check
nbrOfExons2 <- sum(sapply(cdfList, FUN=function(unit) length(unit$group)))
# verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of exons included: ", nbrOfExons)
stopifnot(nbrOfExons2 == nbrOfExons)
# Not needed anymore
# Not needed anymore
psData <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Write custom CDF to file
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Writing CDF")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Chip type: ", chipTypeF)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of units (\"transcripts\"): ", nbrOfTranscripts)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Setting up CDF header")
# Copy header and QC info from original CDF
qc <- .readCdfQc(cdfPathname)
hdr <- .readCdfHeader(cdfPathname)
hdr$chiptype <- chipTypeF
hdr$filename <- pathname
hdr$probesets <- nbrOfExons
hdr$nunits <- nbrOfTranscripts
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Writing to file")
# Remove existing file?
if (overwrite && isFile(pathname)) {
# Write to a temporary file
pathnameT <- pushTemporaryFile(pathname, verbose=verbose)
.writeCdf(pathnameT, cdfheader=hdr, cdf=cdfList, cdfqc=qc, overwrite=TRUE, verbose=10)
# Rename temporary file
popTemporaryFile(pathnameT, verbose=verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose); # "Writing CDF...exit"
cdfT <- newInstance(cdf, pathname)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Created transcript-by-exon CDF:")
verbose && print(verbose, cdfT)
verbose && exit(verbose)
}) # createExonByTranscriptCdf()
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