setMethodS3("applyAnyOrder", "CopyNumberChromosomalModel", function(this, chipTypes=NULL, arrays=NULL, chromosomes=NULL, FUN, order=c("cca", "cac"), ..., verbose=FALSE) {
allChipTypes <- getChipTypes(this)
allChromosomes <- getChromosomes(this)
allArrays <- getNames(this)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'chipTypes':
if (is.null(chipTypes)) {
chipTypes <- allChipTypes
} else if (is.numeric(chipTypes)) {
chipTypes <- Arguments$getIndices(chipTypes, max=length(allChipTypes))
chipTypes <- allChipTypes[chipTypes]
} else {
if (!all(chipTypes %in% allChipTypes)) {
throw("Argument 'chipTypes' contains an unknown value: ",
paste(chipTypes, collapse=", "))
# Argument 'chromosomes':
if (is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <- allChromosomes
} else if (is.numeric(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <- Arguments$getIndices(chromosomes, max=length(allChromosomes))
chromosomes <- allChromosomes[chromosomes]
} else {
if (!all(chromosomes %in% allChromosomes)) {
throw("Argument 'chromosomes' contains an unknown value: ",
paste(chromosomes, collapse=", "))
# Argument 'arrays':
if (is.null(arrays)) {
arrayNames <- allArrays
arrays <- seq_along(allArrays)
} else if (is.character(arrays)) {
if (!all(arrays %in% allArrays)) {
throw("Argument 'arrays' contains an unknown value: ",
paste(arrays, collapse=", "))
arrayNames <- arrays
arrays <- match(arrayNames, allArrays)
} else {
arrays <- Arguments$getIndices(arrays, max=length(allArrays))
arrayNames <- allArrays[arrays]
# Argument 'FUN':
if (!is.function(FUN)) {
throw("Argument 'FUN' is not a function: ", mode(FUN))
# Argument 'order':
order <- match.arg(order)
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "applyAnyOrder()")
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Get the test and the reference set tuples
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Get set tuples")
cesTuple <- getSetTuple(this)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Get reference set tuples")
refTuple <- getReferenceSetTuple(this); # Different from getRefSetTuple().
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extract chip types")
# Extract chip types of interest
if (identical(chipTypes, getChipTypes(cesTuple))) {
cesTuple <- newInstance(cesTuple, getSets(cesTuple)[chipTypes])
if (identical(chipTypes, getChipTypes(refTuple))) {
refTuple <- newInstance(refTuple, getSets(refTuple)[chipTypes])
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Extract the arrays of interest
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extract arrays of interest")
cesTuple <- extract(cesTuple, arrays=arrays, onDuplicates="error")
refTuple <- extract(refTuple, arrays=arrays, onDuplicates="error")
verbose && exit(verbose)
nbrOfArrays <- length(cesTuple)
# Sanity check
stopifnot(length(refTuple) == nbrOfArrays)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Get the (UGC, chromosome, position) maps
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# (1) Identify one ChipEffectFile from each chip type
arrayTable <- getTableOfArrays(cesTuple)
pair <- apply(arrayTable, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(idx) {
if (any( {
throw("Internal error: Could not identify a pair of ChipEffectFile:s")
# Not needed anymore
arrayTable <- NULL
cesSets <- getSets(cesTuple)
nbrOfChipTypes <- nbrOfChipTypes(cesTuple)
ceFiles <- vector("list", nbrOfChipTypes)
names(ceFiles) <- chipTypes
for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfChipTypes)) {
ces <- cesSets[[kk]]
ceFiles[[kk]] <- ces[[pair[kk]]]
# Not needed anymore
ces <- NULL
# (2) For each of them, extract one map per chromsome
nbrOfChromosomes <- length(chromosomes)
maps <- vector("list", nbrOfChipTypes)
names(maps) <- chipTypes
for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfChipTypes)) {
chipType <- chipTypes[[kk]]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Chip type #%d ('%s') of %d",
kk, chipType, nbrOfChipTypes))
mapsT <- vector("list", nbrOfChromosomes)
names(mapsT) <- sprintf("Chr%02d", as.integer(chromosomes))
maps[[chipType]] <- mapsT
# Not needed anymore
mapsT <- NULL
ce <- ceFiles[[kk]]
for (ll in seq_len(nbrOfChromosomes)) {
chromosome <- chromosomes[ll]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Chromosome #%d ('%s') of %d",
ll, chromosome, nbrOfChromosomes))
map <- getUnitGroupCellChromosomePositionMap(ce, chromosome=chromosome, verbose=less(verbose, 5))
maps[[kk]][[ll]] <- map
# Not needed anymore
map <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Not needed anymore
ce <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Not needed anymore
ceFiles <- NULL
verbose && cat(verbose, "(UGC, chromosome, position) maps:")
verbose && str(verbose, maps)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Calculating raw CNs
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cesSets <- getSets(cesTuple)
refSets <- getSets(refTuple)
if (order == "cca") {
values <- applyCCF0(this, cesSets=cesSets, refSets=refSets,
maps=maps, FUN=FUN, ..., verbose=less(verbose, 5))
} else if (order == "cac") {
values <- applyCFC0(this, cesSets=cesSets, refSets=refSets,
maps=maps, FUN=FUN, ..., verbose=less(verbose, 5))
} else {
throw("Unknown order: ", paste(order, collapse=", "))
verbose && exit(verbose)
}, private=TRUE)
setMethodS3("applyCCF0", "CopyNumberChromosomalModel", function(this, cesSets, refSets, maps, FUN, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
nbrOfChipTypes <- length(maps)
chipTypes <- names(maps)
nbrOfChromosomes <- length(maps[[1]])
chromosomes <- names(maps[[1]])
nbrOfArrays <- length(cesSets[[1]])
arrays <- seq_len(nbrOfArrays)
valuesCT <- vector("list", nbrOfChipTypes)
names(valuesCT) <- chipTypes
for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfChipTypes)) {
chipType <- chipTypes[[kk]]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Chip type #%d ('%s') of %d",
kk, chipType, nbrOfChipTypes))
ces <- cesSets[[kk]]
res <- refSets[[kk]]
valuesC <- vector("list", nbrOfChromosomes)
names(valuesC) <- chromosomes
valuesCT[[kk]] <- valuesC
for (ll in seq_len(nbrOfChromosomes)) {
chromosome <- chromosomes[ll]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Chromosome #%d ('%s') of %d",
ll, chromosome, nbrOfChromosomes))
map <- maps[[kk]][[ll]]
verbose && cat(verbose, "(UGC, chromosome, position) map:")
verbose && str(verbose, map)
valuesA <- vector("list", nbrOfArrays)
names(valuesA) <- getNames(ces)
valuesCT[[kk]][[ll]] <- valuesA
for (mm in seq_len(nbrOfArrays)) {
ce <- ces[[mm]]
re <- res[[mm]]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Array #%d ('%s') of %d",
mm, getName(ce), nbrOfArrays))
# Work around... /HB 2008-03-11
class(map) <- c("UnitGroupCellMap", class(map))
value <- FUN(chipType=kk, chromosome=ll, array=mm, map=map,
ce=ce, re=re, ..., verbose=verbose)
valuesCT[[kk]][[ll]][[mm]] <- value
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Not needed anymore
map <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose)
}, private=TRUE)
setMethodS3("applyCFC0", "CopyNumberChromosomalModel", function(this, cesSets, refSets, maps, FUN, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
nbrOfChipTypes <- length(maps)
chipTypes <- names(maps)
nbrOfChromosomes <- length(maps[[1]])
chromosomes <- names(maps[[1]])
nbrOfArrays <- length(cesSets[[1]])
arrays <- seq_len(nbrOfArrays)
arrayNames <- getNames(cesSets[[1]])
valuesC <- vector("list", nbrOfChromosomes)
names(valuesC) <- chromosomes
for (ll in seq_len(nbrOfChromosomes)) {
chromosome <- chromosomes[ll]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Chromosome #%d ('%s') of %d",
ll, chromosome, nbrOfChromosomes))
valuesA <- vector("list", nbrOfArrays)
names(valuesA) <- arrayNames
valuesC[[ll]] <- valuesA
for (mm in seq_len(nbrOfArrays)) {
ces <- cesSets[[1]]
ce <- ces[[mm]]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Array #%d ('%s') of %d",
mm, getName(ce), nbrOfArrays))
valuesCT <- vector("list", nbrOfChipTypes)
names(valuesCT) <- chipTypes
valuesC[[ll]][[mm]] <- valuesCT
for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfChipTypes)) {
chipType <- chipTypes[[kk]]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Chip type #%d ('%s') of %d",
kk, chipType, nbrOfChipTypes))
ces <- cesSets[[kk]]
res <- refSets[[kk]]
map <- maps[[kk]][[ll]]
verbose && cat(verbose, "(UGC, chromosome, position) map:")
verbose && str(verbose, map)
# Work around... /HB 2008-03-11
class(map) <- c("UnitGroupCellMap", class(map))
ce <- ces[[mm]]
re <- res[[mm]]
value <- FUN(chipType=kk, chromosome=ll, array=mm, map=map,
ce=ce, re=re, ..., verbose=verbose)
valuesC[[ll]][[mm]][[kk]] <- value
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Not needed anymore
map <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose)
}, private=TRUE)
setMethodS3("calcRawCnStats", "default", function(M, ...) {
# Number of data points
nAll <- length(M)
# Ignore NAs
ok <- !
M <- M[ok]
# Not needed anymore
ok <- NULL
# Number of non-missing data points
n <- length(M)
# Mean log-ratio
mu <- median(M)
# Standard deviation
dM <- diff(M)
sigma <- mad(dM)/sqrt(2)
list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, n=n, nAll=nAll)
}, private=TRUE) # calcRawCnStats()
setMethodS3("calcRawCnStats", "CopyNumberChromosomalModel", function(this, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Local functions
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
myFUN <- function(chipType=NULL, chromosome=NULL, array=NULL, map=NULL, ce=NULL, re=NULL, ..., cumulative=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
theta0 <- extractMatrix(ce, units=map, verbose=less(verbose, 25))
thetaR0 <- extractMatrix(re, units=map, verbose=less(verbose, 25))
# Cumulative and same chip type?
if (cumulative) {
if (!exists("lastArray", mode="numeric")) {
lastArray <- NA
if (identical(array, lastArray)) {
theta <<- c(theta, theta0)
thetaR <<- c(thetaR, thetaR0)
pos <<- c(pos, map[,"physicalPosition"])
# Reorder
o <- order(pos)
pos <<- pos[o]
theta <<- theta[o]
thetaR <<- thetaR[o]
# Not needed anymore
o <- NULL
} else {
theta <<- theta0
thetaR <<- thetaR0
pos <<- map[,"physicalPosition"]
lastArray <<- array
} else {
theta <- theta0
thetaR <- thetaR0
# The log-ratios are already ordered along the chromosome
} # myFUN()
verbose && enter(verbose, "calcRawCnStats()")
theta <- thetaR <- pos <- NULL; # Dummies for '<<-' above.
values <- applyAnyOrder(this, ..., order="cac",
FUN=myFUN, cumulative=TRUE, verbose=verbose)
# Extract the cumulative statistics (stored in the last chip type)
nbrOfChipTypes <- nbrOfChipTypes(this)
values <- lapply(values, FUN=function(files) {
lapply(files, FUN=.subset2, nbrOfChipTypes)
# verbose && str(verbose, values)
mu <- t(sapply(values, FUN=function(files) {
sapply(files, FUN=.subset2, "mu")
verbose && str(verbose, mu)
sigma <- t(sapply(values, FUN=function(files) {
sapply(files, FUN=.subset2, "sigma")
verbose && str(verbose, sigma)
verbose && exit(verbose)
list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
}, private=TRUE)
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