# @RdocClass AlleleSummation
# @title "The AlleleSummation class"
# \description{
# @classhierarchy
# This class takes allele-specific chip effect estimates of a
# SnpChipEffectSet and returns a CnChipEffectSet holding the summed
# allele estimates.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{dataSet}{A @see "SnpChipEffectSet".}
# \item{ignoreNAs}{If @TRUE, missing values are excluded when summing
# the signals from the two alleles.}
# \item{...}{Arguments passed to @see "UnitModel".}
# }
# \section{Fields and Methods}{
# @allmethods "public"
# }
# @author "HB"
setConstructorS3("AlleleSummation", function(dataSet=NULL, ignoreNAs=TRUE, ...) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'dataSet':
if (!is.null(dataSet)) {
dataSet <- Arguments$getInstanceOf(dataSet, "SnpChipEffectSet")
extend(UnitModel(dataSet=dataSet, ...), "AlleleSummation",
ignoreNAs = ignoreNAs,
"cached:.outputSet" = NULL
setMethodS3("getAsteriskTags", "AlleleSummation", function(this, collapse=NULL, ...) {
# Returns 'U' (but allow for future extensions)
tags <- NextMethod("getAsteriskTags", collapse=NULL)
tags[1] <- "SA"
if (!is.null(collapse)) {
tags <- paste(tags, collapse=collapse)
}, protected=TRUE)
setMethodS3("getRootPath", "AlleleSummation", function(this, ...) {
}, protected=TRUE)
setMethodS3("findUnitsTodo", "AlleleSummation", function(this, ...) {
outSet <- getChipEffectSet(this)
findUnitsTodo(outSet, ...)
# @RdocMethod getChipEffectSet
# @title "Gets the set of chip effects for this model"
# \description{
# @get "title".
# There is one chip-effect file per array.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{...}{Not used.}
# \item{verbose}{A @logical or a @see "R.utils::Verbose".}
# }
# \value{
# Returns a @see "ChipEffectSet" object.
# }
# \seealso{
# @seeclass
# }
setMethodS3("getChipEffectSet", "AlleleSummation", function(this, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
# The output set
outputSet <- this$.outputSet
if (!is.null(outputSet))
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Create chip-effect files
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Let the parameter object know about the CDF structure, because we
# might use a modified version of the one in the CEL header.
ds <- getDataSet(this)
if (length(ds) == 0)
throw("Cannot create chip-effect set. The input data set is empty.")
verbose && enter(verbose, "Getting chip-effect set from data set")
cdfM <- getCdf(ds)
# Gets the ChipEffects Class object
clazz <- getChipEffectSetClass(this)
outputSet <- clazz$fromDataSet(dataSet=ds, path=getPath(this), cdf=cdfM,
setMergeStrands(outputSet, getMergeStrands(ds))
setCombineAlleles(outputSet, TRUE)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Store in cache
this$.outputSet <- outputSet
setMethodS3("getChipEffectSetClass", "AlleleSummation", function(static, ...) {
}, static=TRUE, private=TRUE)
setMethodS3("process", "AlleleSummation", function(this, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Summing allele-specific estimates")
outputSet <- getChipEffectSet(this)
units <- findUnitsTodo(this, verbose=less(verbose, 5))
if (length(units) == 0) {
verbose && cat(verbose, "Already done.")
verbose && exit(verbose)
cdf <- getCdf(this)
inputSet <- getDataSet(this)
verbose && print(verbose, inputSet)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Units to be updated")
verbose && str(verbose, units)
unitNames <- getUnitNames(cdf, units=units)
verbose && str(verbose, unitNames)
verbose && exit(verbose)
## OLD:
## snps <- indexOf(cdf, "SNP")
types <- getUnitTypes(cdf, units=units)
snps <- which(types == 2)
# Not needed anymore
types <- NULL
# WORKAROUND: Some of the units reported as SNPs, may actually be
# non-SNPs. Keep only those with two groups
nbrOfGroups <- nbrOfGroupsPerUnit(cdf, units=snps)
ok <- (nbrOfGroups %in% c(2,4))
snps <- snps[ok]
# Not needed anymore
ok <- nbrOfGroups <- NULL
otherUnits <- setdiff(units, snps)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Non-SNP units:")
verbose && str(verbose, otherUnits)
snpUgcMap <- otherUgcMap <- NULL
ignoreNAs <- this$ignoreNAs
nbrOfArrays <- length(inputSet)
for (aa in seq_len(nbrOfArrays)) {
inputFile <- inputSet[[aa]]
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Array #%d ('%s') of %d", aa, getName(inputFile), nbrOfArrays))
outputFile <- outputSet[[aa]]
if (length(otherUnits) > 0) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Copying signals for non-SNP units")
if (is.null(otherUgcMap)) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Getting (unit, group, cell) map for non-SNPs")
otherUgcMap <- getUnitGroupCellMap(inputFile, units=otherUnits, verbose=less(verbose,5))
verbose && exit(verbose)
cells <- otherUgcMap[,"cell"]
if (length(cells) > 0) {
data <- .readCel(getPathname(inputFile), indices=cells,
readIntensities=TRUE, readStdvs=TRUE, readPixels=TRUE)
data <-[c("intensities", "stdvs", "pixels")])
verbose && str(verbose, data)
data <- cbind(cell=cells, data)
updateDataFlat(outputFile, data=data)
# Not needed anymore
data <- NULL
} else {
verbose && cat(verbose, "Nothing to do: All units are SNP units.")
# Not needed anymore
cells <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (length(snps) > 0) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Combining allele signals for SNP units")
if (is.null(snpUgcMap)) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Getting (unit, group, cell) map for SNPs")
snpUgcMap <- getUnitGroupCellMap(inputFile, units=snps, verbose=less(verbose, 5))
verbose && exit(verbose)
cells <- snpUgcMap[,"cell"]
data <- .readCel(getPathname(inputFile), indices=cells,
readIntensities=TRUE, readStdvs=TRUE, readPixels=FALSE)
yAB <- data[["intensities"]]
verbose && cat(verbose, "(yA,yB) signals:")
verbose && str(verbose, yAB)
sdAB <- data[["stdvs"]]
verbose && cat(verbose, "Standard deviations (yA,yB) signals:")
verbose && str(verbose, sdAB)
# (A,B,A,B,A,B,...)
yAB <- matrix(yAB, nrow=2)
sdAB <- matrix(sdAB, nrow=2)
# Sum the alleles
y <- sd <- rep(NA_real_, ncol(yAB))
okAB <- !
# (1) No missing data
ok <- okAB[1,] & okAB[2,]
y[ok] <- yAB[1,ok] + yAB[2,ok]
sd[ok] <- sqrt(sdAB[1,ok]^2 + sdAB[2,ok]^2)
if (ignoreNAs) {
# (2a) Missing data in allele A
ok <- !okAB[1,] & okAB[2,]
y[ok] <- yAB[2,ok]
sd[ok] <- sdAB[2,ok]
# (2b) Missing data in allele B
ok <- okAB[1,] & !okAB[2,]
y[ok] <- yAB[1,ok]
sd[ok] <- sdAB[1,ok]
# Not needed anymore
yAB <- sdAB <- NULL
verbose && cat(verbose, "y=yA+yB signals:")
verbose && str(verbose, y)
verbose && cat(verbose, "sd=sqrt(sdA^2+sdB^2) signals:")
verbose && str(verbose, sd)
# Store signals in the cell for the A alleles:
cells <- matrix(cells, nrow=2)
cells <- cells[1,]
data <- cbind(cell=cells, intensities=y, stdvs=sd)
# Not needed anymore
cells <- y <- sd <- NULL
updateDataFlat(outputFile, data=data)
# Not needed anymore
data <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
} # if (length(snps) > 0)
verbose && exit(verbose)
} # for (aa ...)
verbose && exit(verbose)
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