matL <- function(mat, h) {
p <- ncol(mat)
x <- rep(1:p, each = h+1)
y <- x + rep(0:h, p)
coord <- cbind(x, y)
out <- rep(0, p * (h+1))
out[y <= p] <- mat[coord[y <= p, ]]
out <- matrix(out, ncol = h+1, byrow = TRUE)
out[ ,-1] <- 2*out[ ,-1]
matR <- function(mat, h) {
if ("dgCMatrix" %in% class(mat))
mat <- t(mat)
p <- ncol(mat)
x <- rep(p:1, each = h+1)
y <- x - rep(0:h, p)
coord <- cbind(x, y)
out <- rep(0, p * (h+1))
out[y >= 1] <- mat[coord[y >= 1, ]]
out <- matrix(out, ncol = h+1, byrow = TRUE)
out[ ,-1] <- 2*out[ ,-1]
.memberDend <- getFromNamespace(".memberDend", "stats")
.validity.hclust <- getFromNamespace(".validity.hclust", "stats")
plotNodeLimit <- getFromNamespace("plotNodeLimit", "stats")
.midDend <- getFromNamespace(".midDend", "stats")
checkCondition <- function(mat) {# used only with symmetric matrices to check condition
tmp <- sweep(-2*mat, 1, diag(mat), "+")
tmp <- sweep(tmp, 2, diag(mat), "+")
tmp <- tmp[upper.tri(tmp)]
if (any(tmp < 0)) {
return(-min(tmp) * 1.01)
} else return(NULL)
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace <- function(object, hang = -1, check = TRUE, ...) {# used for adding the branching order as a node attribute while turning "hclust" objects into "dendrograms"
t <- 1
nolabels <- is.null(object$labels)
merge <- object$merge
if (check && !isTRUE(msg <- .validity.hclust(object, merge,
order = nolabels)))
if (nolabels)
object$labels <- seq_along(object$order)
z <- list()
nMerge <- length(oHgt <- object$height)
hMax <- oHgt[nMerge]
for (k in 1L:nMerge) {
x <- merge[k, ]
if (any(neg <- x < 0))
h0 <- if (hang < 0)
else max(0, oHgt[k] - hang * hMax)
if (all(neg)) {
zk <- as.list(-x)
attr(zk, "members") <- 2L
attr(zk, "midpoint") <- 0.5
attr(zk, "nodePar") <- list(pch=paste(t,sep=""))
objlabels <- object$labels[-x]
attr(zk[[1L]], "label") <- objlabels[1L]
attr(zk[[2L]], "label") <- objlabels[2L]
attr(zk[[1L]], "members") <- attr(zk[[2L]], "members") <- 1L
attr(zk[[1L]], "height") <- attr(zk[[2L]], "height") <- h0
attr(zk[[1L]], "leaf") <- attr(zk[[2L]], "leaf") <- TRUE
attr(zk[[1L]], "nodePar") <- attr(zk[[2L]], "nodePar") <- list(pch=NA)
t <- t+1
else if (any(neg)) {
X <- as.character(x)
isL <- x[1L] < 0
if (isL) {zk <- list(-x[1L], z[[X[2L]]])
attr(zk[[1L]], "nodePar") <- list(pch=NA)}
else {zk <- list(z[[X[1L]]], -x[2L])
attr(zk[[2L]], "nodePar") <- list(pch=NA)}
attr(zk, "members") <- attr(z[[X[1 + isL]]], "members") +
attr(zk, "midpoint") <- (.memberDend(zk[[1L]]) +
attr(z[[X[1 + isL]]], "midpoint"))/2
attr(zk, "nodePar") <- list(pch=paste(t,sep=""))
attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "members") <- 1L
attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "height") <- h0
attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "label") <- object$labels[-x[2 -
attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "leaf") <- TRUE
z[[X[1 + isL]]] <- NULL
t <- t+1
else {
x <- as.character(x)
zk <- list(z[[x[1L]]], z[[x[2L]]])
attr(zk, "members") <- attr(z[[x[1L]]], "members") +
attr(z[[x[2L]]], "members")
attr(zk, "midpoint") <- (attr(z[[x[1L]]], "members") +
attr(z[[x[1L]]], "midpoint") + attr(z[[x[2L]]],
attr(zk, "nodePar") <- list(pch=paste(t,sep=""))
z[[x[1L]]] <- z[[x[2L]]] <- NULL
t <- t+1
attr(zk, "height") <- oHgt[k]
z[[as.character(k)]] <- zk
structure(z[[as.character(k)]], class = "dendrogram")
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
#' @importFrom graphics strheight strwidth text polygon rect
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @importFrom graphics par
alt.plotNode <- function(x1, x2, subtree, type, center, leaflab, dLeaf, nodePar,
edgePar, horiz = FALSE) {#modified plotNode function to be able to print a string instead of a unique symbol at each node
inner <- !is.leaf(subtree) && x1 != x2
yTop <- attr(subtree, "height")
bx <- plotNodeLimit(x1, x2, subtree, center)
xTop <- bx$x
hasP <- !is.null(nPar <- attr(subtree, "nodePar"))
if (!hasP)
nPar <- nodePar
if (getOption("verbose")) {
cat(if (inner)
"inner node"
else "leaf", ":")
if (!is.null(nPar)) {
cat(" with node pars\n")
cat(if (inner)
paste(" height", formatC(yTop), "; "), "(x1,x2)= (",
formatC(x1, width = 4), ",", formatC(x2, width = 4),
")", "--> xTop=", formatC(xTop, width = 8), "\n",
sep = "")
Xtract <- function(nam, L, default, indx) rep(if (nam %in%
names(L)) L[[nam]] else default, length.out = indx)[indx]
asTxt <- function(x) if (is.character(x) || is.expression(x) ||
else as.character(x)
i <- if (inner || hasP)
else 2
if (!is.null(nPar)) {
pch <- Xtract("pch", nPar, default = 1L:2, i)
cex <- Xtract("cex", nPar, default = c(1, 1), i)
bg <- Xtract("bg", nPar, default = par("bg"), i)
text(if (horiz)
cbind(yTop, xTop)
else cbind(xTop, yTop), labels = pch, adj = c(0.5,-0.75), bg = bg, col = 'blue',
cex = 0.75*cex, xpd=NA)
if (leaflab == "textlike")
p.col <- Xtract("p.col", nPar, default = "white", i)
lab.col <- Xtract("lab.col", nPar, default = par("col"),
lab.cex <- Xtract("lab.cex", nPar, default = c(1, 1), i)
lab.font <- Xtract("lab.font", nPar, default = par("font"),
lab.xpd <- Xtract("xpd", nPar, default = c(TRUE, TRUE), i)
if (is.leaf(subtree)) {
if (leaflab == "perpendicular") {
if (horiz) {
X <- yTop + dLeaf * lab.cex
Y <- xTop
srt <- 0
adj <- c(0, 0.5)
else {
Y <- yTop - dLeaf * lab.cex
X <- xTop
srt <- 90
adj <- 1
nodeText <- asTxt(attr(subtree, "label"))
text(X, Y, nodeText, xpd = lab.xpd, srt = srt, adj = adj,
cex = lab.cex, col = lab.col, font = lab.font)
else if (inner) {
segmentsHV <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
if (horiz)
segments(y0, x0, y1, x1, col = col, lty = lty,
lwd = lwd)
else segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = col, lty = lty,
lwd = lwd)
for (k in seq_along(subtree)) {
child <- subtree[[k]]
yBot <- attr(child, "height")
if (getOption("verbose"))
cat("ch.", k, "@ h=", yBot, "; ")
if (is.null(yBot))
yBot <- 0
xBot <- if (center)
mean(bx$limit[k:(k + 1)])
else bx$limit[k] + .midDend(child)
hasE <- !is.null(ePar <- attr(child, "edgePar"))
if (!hasE)
ePar <- edgePar
i <- if (!is.leaf(child) || hasE)
else 2
col <- Xtract("col", ePar, default = par("col"),
lty <- Xtract("lty", ePar, default = par("lty"),
lwd <- Xtract("lwd", ePar, default = par("lwd"),
if (type == "triangle") {
segmentsHV(xTop, yTop, xBot, yBot)
else {
segmentsHV(xTop, yTop, xBot, yTop)
segmentsHV(xBot, yTop, xBot, yBot)
vln <- NULL
if (is.leaf(child) && leaflab == "textlike") {
nodeText <- asTxt(attr(child, "label"))
# cat("nodeText 2 vaut : ")
# print(nodeText)
if (getOption("verbose"))
cat("-- with \"label\"", format(nodeText))
hln <- 0.6 * strwidth(nodeText, cex = lab.cex)/2
vln <- 1.5 * strheight(nodeText, cex = lab.cex)/2
rect(xBot - hln, yBot, xBot + hln, yBot + 2 *
vln, col = p.col)
text(xBot, yBot + vln, nodeText, xpd = lab.xpd, srt=120,
cex = lab.cex, col = lab.col, font = lab.font)
if (!is.null(attr(child, "edgetext"))) {
edgeText <- asTxt(attr(child, "edgetext"))
if (getOption("verbose"))
cat("-- with \"edgetext\"", format(edgeText))
if (!is.null(vln)) {
mx <- if (type == "triangle")
(xTop + xBot + ((xTop - xBot)/(yTop - yBot)) *
else xBot
my <- (yTop + yBot + 2 * vln)/2
else {
mx <- if (type == "triangle")
(xTop + xBot)/2
else xBot
my <- (yTop + yBot)/2
p.col <- Xtract("p.col", ePar, default = "white",
p.border <- Xtract("p.border", ePar, default = par("fg"),
p.lwd <- Xtract("p.lwd", ePar, default = lwd,
p.lty <- Xtract("p.lty", ePar, default = lty,
t.col <- Xtract("t.col", ePar, default = col,
t.cex <- Xtract("t.cex", ePar, default = 1, i)
t.font <- Xtract("t.font", ePar, default = par("font"),
vlm <- strheight(c(edgeText, "h"), cex = t.cex)/2
hlm <- strwidth(c(edgeText, "m"), cex = t.cex)/2
hl3 <- c(hlm[1L], hlm[1L] + hlm[2L], hlm[1L])
if (horiz) {
polygon(my + c(-hl3, hl3), mx + sum(vlm) *
c(-1L:1L, 1L:-1L), col = p.col, border = p.border,
lty = p.lty, lwd = p.lwd)
text(my, mx, edgeText, cex = t.cex, col = t.col,
font = t.font)
else {
polygon(mx + c(-hl3, hl3), my + sum(vlm) *
c(-1L:1L, 1L:-1L), col = p.col, border = p.border,
lty = p.lty, lwd = p.lwd)
text(mx, my, edgeText, cex = t.cex, col = t.col,
font = t.font)
alt.plotNode(bx$limit[k], bx$limit[k + 1], subtree = child,
type, center, leaflab, dLeaf, nodePar, edgePar,
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.flush dev.hold
#' @importFrom graphics strheight strwidth text
alt.plot <- function(x, type = c("rectangle", "triangle"), center = FALSE,
edge.root = is.leaf(x) || !is.null(attr(x, "edgetext")),
nodePar = NULL, edgePar = list(), leaflab = c("perpendicular",
"textlike", "none"), dLeaf = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "s", horiz = FALSE, frame.plot = FALSE,
xlim, ylim, ...) {#To use alt.plotNode instead of plotNode
type <- match.arg(type)
leaflab <- match.arg(leaflab)
hgt <- attr(x, "height")
if (edge.root && is.logical(edge.root))
edge.root <- 0.0625 * if (is.leaf(x))
else hgt
mem.x <- .memberDend(x)
yTop <- hgt + edge.root
if (center) {
x1 <- 0.5
x2 <- mem.x + 0.5
else {
x1 <- 1
x2 <- mem.x
xl. <- c(x1 - 1/2, x2 + 1/2)
yl. <- c(0, yTop)
if (horiz) {
tmp <- xl.
xl. <- rev(yl.)
yl. <- tmp
tmp <- xaxt
xaxt <- yaxt
yaxt <- tmp
if (missing(xlim) || is.null(xlim))
xlim <- xl.
if (missing(ylim) || is.null(ylim))
ylim <- yl.
plot(0, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, xaxt = xaxt, yaxt = yaxt, frame.plot = frame.plot,
if (is.null(dLeaf))
dLeaf <- 0.75 * (if (horiz)
else strheight("x"))
if (edge.root) {
x0 <- plotNodeLimit(x1, x2, x, center)$x
if (horiz)
segments(hgt, x0, yTop, x0)
else segments(x0, hgt, x0, yTop)
if (!is.null(et <- attr(x, "edgetext"))) {
my <- mean(hgt, yTop)
if (horiz)
text(my, x0, et)
else text(x0, my, et)
alt.plotNode(x1, x2, x, type = type, center = center, leaflab = leaflab,
dLeaf = dLeaf, nodePar = nodePar, edgePar = edgePar,
horiz = horiz)
# update call to replace e.g. 'run.adjclust' by 'adjclust'
update_call <- function(x, name_to) {
lst <- as.list(x)
lst[[1]] <- as.symbol(name_to)
# compute dendrogram heights depending on the mode (used in plotSim and chac)
dendro_for_mode <- function(x,
mode = c("standard", "corrected", "total-disp",
"within-disp", "average-disp")) {
if ((x$method == "adjClust-corrected") & (mode != "standard")) {
stop("Already corrected 'chac' object. 'mode' must be set to 'standard'")
if (mode == "standard") {
if (any(diff(x$height) < 0))
warning(paste0("\nDetected reversals in dendrogram: ",
"mode = 'corrected', 'within-disp' or 'total-disp' might be more relevant."),
call. = FALSE)
} else if (mode == "corrected") {
x <- correct(x)
} else if (mode == "total-disp") {
x$height <- cumsum(x$height)
} else if (mode == "within-disp" | mode == "average-disp") {
to_correct <- which((x$merge[ ,1] > 0) | (x$merge[ ,2] > 0))
for (ind in to_correct) {
clusters <- x$merge[ind, ]
clusters <- clusters[clusters > 0]
x$height[ind] <- x$height[ind] + sum(x$height[clusters])
if (mode == "average-disp") {
# search for current cluster size
out <- sapply((length(x$height) + 1):1, function(num) {
tmp <- table(table(cutree(as.hclust(x), k = num)))
res <- rep(0, length(x$height) + 1)
res[as.numeric(names(tmp))] <- tmp
out <- apply(out, 1, diff)
sizes <- unlist(apply(out, 1, function(acol) which(acol > 0)))
sizes <- as.numeric(sizes)
x$height <- x$height / sizes
if (any(diff(x$height) < 0))
warning(paste0("\nDetected reversals in dendrogram: ",
"mode = 'corrected', 'within-disp' or 'total-disp' might be more relevant."))
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