# ========7.stability===========
#' Evaluate the stability of a network
#' @param go_ls an igraph object or igraph list.
#' @param mode "robust_test", "vulnerability", "robustness"
#' @param partial how much percent vertexes be removed in total (default: 0.5, only for robust_test)
#' @param step how many nodes be removed each time? (default: 10, only for robust_test)
#' @param reps simulation number (default: 9)
#' @param threads threads
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @param keystone remove 70%% keystones instead of remove 50%% nodes (default: False, only for robustness)
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("c_net")
#' if (requireNamespace("ggpmisc")) {
#' c_net_stability(co_net, mode = "robust_test", step = 20, reps = 9) -> robust_res
#' plot(robust_res, index = "Average_degree", mode = 2)
#' }
#' c_net_stability(co_net, mode = "vulnerability") -> vulnerability_res
#' plot(vulnerability_res)
#' robustness(co_net) -> robustness_res
#' plot(robustness_res)
#' module_detect(co_net) -> co_net_modu
#' zp_analyse(co_net_modu, mode = 2) -> co_net_modu
#' c_net_stability(co_net_modu, mode = "robustness", keystone = TRUE) -> robustness_res
#' plot(robustness_res)
#' }
c_net_stability <- function(go_ls, mode = "robust_test", partial = 0.5, step = 10, reps = 9,
threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, keystone = FALSE) {
mode <- match.arg(mode, c("robust_test", "vulnerability", "robustness"))
if (mode == "robust_test") {
res <- robust_test(go_ls, partial = partial, step = step, reps = reps, threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
} else if (mode == "vulnerability") {
res <- vulnerability(go_ls, threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
} else if (mode == "robustness") {
res <- robustness(go_ls, keystone = keystone, reps = reps, threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
#' Robust_test for a network
#' @rdname c_net_stability
#' @return data.frame (robustness class)
#' @export
robust_test <- function(go_ls, partial = 0.5, step = 10, reps = 9, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
if ("igraph" %in% class(go_ls)) {
robustness_res <- robust_test_in(go_ls, partial = partial, step = step, reps = reps, threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
robustness_res <- data.frame(robustness_res, group = "Network")
} else {
if (!is.igraph(go_ls[[1]])) stop("No igraph or igraph-list.")
robustness_res <- lapply(names(go_ls), \(i){
tmp <- robust_test_in(go_ls[[i]], partial = partial, step = step, reps = reps, threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
data.frame(tmp, group = i)
robustness_res <-, robustness_res)
robustness_res$group <- factor(robustness_res$group, levels = names(go_ls))
class(robustness_res) <- c("robust", "data.frame")
robust_test_in <- function(go, partial = 0.5, step = 10, reps = 9, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
i <- NULL
cal_del <- \(go, partial, step, rep){
nodes <- length(igraph::V(go))
floor(nodes * partial) -> del_i
del_i_indexs <- data.frame()
sequ <- seq(0, del_i, step)
if (sequ[length(sequ)] < del_i) sequ <- c(sequ, del_i)
res <- lapply(sequ, \(i){
# remove i nodes in the network
remove_node <- sample(1:nodes, i)
dp <- igraph::delete.vertices(go, remove_node)
dp <- igraph::delete.vertices(dp, igraph::V(dp)[igraph::degree(dp) == 0])
# calculate network parameters
tmp_ind <- (MetaNet::net_par(dp, mode = "n")$n_index)
data.frame(tmp_ind, i = i)
del_i_indexs <-, res)
# for (i in sequ) {
# # remove i nodes in the network
# remove_node <- sample(1:nodes, i)
# dp <- igraph::delete.vertices(go, remove_node)
# dp=igraph::delete.vertices(dp,igraph::V(dp)[igraph::degree(dp)==0])
# # calculate network parameters
# tmp_ind=(MetaNet::net_par(dp,mode = "n")$n_index)
# del_i_indexs <- rbind(
# del_i_indexs,
# data.frame(tmp_ind, i = i)
# )
# }
return(data.frame(del_i_indexs, "rep" = rep))
# parallel
# main function
loop <- function(i) {
cal_del(go, partial, step, i)
if (threads > 1) {
pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow", library = FALSE)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = reps, style = 3)
if (verbose) {
opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)
} else {
opts <- NULL
res <- foreach::`%dopar%`(
foreach::foreach(i = 1:reps, .options.snow = opts),
} else {
res <- lapply(1:reps, loop)
# simplify method
del_i_indexs <-, res)
del_i_indexs$i_ratio <- del_i_indexs$i / length(V(go)) %>% round(., 3)
class(del_i_indexs) <- c("robust", class(del_i_indexs))
#' Plot robust
#' @param x `robust_test()` result (robust object)
#' @param mode plot mode, 1~3
#' @param indexes indexes selected to show
#' @param use_ratio use the delete nodes ratio rather than nodes number
#' @param ... additional arguments for \code{\link[pcutils]{group_box}}
#' @return a ggplot
#' @method plot robust
#' @exportS3Method
#' @rdname robust_test
plot.robust <- function(x, indexes = c("Natural_connectivity", "Average_path_length", "Average_degree"), use_ratio = FALSE, mode = 1, ...) {
i <- group <- variable <- value <- se <- eq.label <- adj.rr.label <- Natural_connectivity <- lm <- NULL
robust_res <- x
xlab <- "Removed_nodes"
if (use_ratio) {
robust_res$i <- robust_res$i_ratio
xlab <- "Removed_nodes_ratio"
robust_res %>%
dplyr::select(i, group, !!indexes) %>%
reshape2::melt(id.var = c("i", "group")) -> pdat
pdat %>%
dplyr::group_by(i, variable, group) %>%
dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(value), sd = sd(value), se = sd / sqrt(length(value))) -> sdd
if (mode == 1) {
p <- ggplot(sdd, aes(x = i, y = mean, col = group)) +
geom_line() +
geom_errorbar(data = sdd, aes(ymax = mean + se, ymin = mean - se)) +
# geom_smooth(se = FALSE,method = "loess",formula = 'y ~ x') +
facet_wrap(. ~ variable, scales = "free") +
labs(x = xlab, y = NULL) +
if (mode == 2) {
lib_ps("ggpmisc", library = FALSE)
p <- ggplot(sdd, aes(x = i, y = mean, col = group)) +
geom_point(size = 0.2, alpha = 0.4) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE, method = "loess", formula = "y ~ x") +
aes(label = paste(after_stat(eq.label), after_stat(adj.rr.label), sep = "~~~~~")),
formula = y ~ x, parse = TRUE, label.x = "right",
size = 3,
) +
facet_wrap(. ~ variable, scales = "free") +
labs(x = xlab, y = NULL) +
if (mode == 3) {
robust_res %>% dplyr::select(i, rep, group, `Natural_connectivity`) -> pdat
pdat %>%
# filter(i<0.4)%>%
dplyr::group_by(rep, group) %>%
dplyr::summarise(slope = coefficients(lm(`Natural_connectivity` ~ i))[2]) -> slope
p <- pcutils::group_box(slope["slope"], group = "group", metadata = slope, alpha = TRUE, ...) + theme_bw()
#' Vulnerability calculation
#' @rdname c_net_stability
#' @return a vector
#' @export
#' @description
#' \deqn{Vi=\frac{E-Ei}{E}}
#' E is the global efficiency and Ei is the global efficiency after the removal of the node i and its entire links.
vulnerability <- function(go_ls, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
if ("igraph" %in% class(go_ls)) {
vulnerability_res <- vul_max(go_ls, threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
} else {
if (!"igraph" %in% class(go_ls[[1]])) stop("No igraph or igraph-list.")
vulnerability_res <- lapply(names(go_ls), \(i){
vul_max(go_ls[[i]], threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
names(vulnerability_res) <- names(go_ls)
class(vulnerability_res) <- c("vulnerability", class(vulnerability_res))
vul_max <- function(go, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
i <- NULL
if (is.null(V(go)$name)) V(go)$name <- V(go)
# parallel
# main function
loop <- function(i) igraph::global_efficiency(igraph::delete_vertices(go, i))
if (threads > 1) {
pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow", library = FALSE)
if (verbose) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = length(V(go)$name), style = 3)
opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
} else {
opts <- NULL
cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)
res <- foreach::`%dopar%`(
foreach::foreach(i = V(go)$name, .options.snow = opts),
} else {
res <- lapply(V(go)$name, loop)
# simplify method
tmpv <-, res)
(igraph::global_efficiency(go) - tmpv) / igraph::global_efficiency(go)
#' Plot vulnerability
#' @param x `vulnerability()` result (vulnerability object)
#' @param ... add
#' @return a ggplot
#' @method plot vulnerability
#' @exportS3Method
#' @rdname vulnerability
plot.vulnerability <- function(x, ...) {
group <- NULL
vulnerability_res <- x
if (!is.list(vulnerability_res)) {
vulnerability_res <- list(Network = vulnerability_res)
pdat <- data.frame(
group = factor(names(vulnerability_res), levels = names(vulnerability_res)),
vulnerability = vapply(vulnerability_res, max, numeric(1))
ggplot(pdat, aes(group, vulnerability)) +
geom_col(aes(fill = group), ...) +
geom_text(aes(group, vulnerability * 1.05, label = round(vulnerability, 3))) +
#' Robustness after remove 50%% nodes or some hubs, need the metanet contains "cor" attribute.
#' @rdname c_net_stability
#' @export
robustness <- function(go_ls, keystone = FALSE, reps = 9, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
if ("igraph" %in% class(go_ls)) {
robustness_res <- robustness_in(go_ls, keystone = keystone, reps = reps, threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
} else {
if (!"igraph" %in% class(go_ls[[1]])) stop("No igraph or igraph-list.")
robustness_res <- lapply(names(go_ls), \(i){
tmp <- robustness_in(go_ls[[i]], keystone = keystone, reps = reps, threads = threads, verbose = verbose)
data.frame(tmp, group = i)
robustness_res <-, robustness_res)
robustness_res$group <- factor(robustness_res$group, levels = names(go_ls))
class(robustness_res) <- c("robustness", class(robustness_res))
robustness_in <- function(go, keystone = FALSE, reps = 9, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
roles <- name <- from <- to <- i <- NULL
nodes <- length(V(go))
floor(nodes * 0.5) -> del_i
if (keystone) {
get_v(go) -> tmp_v
if (!"module" %in% colnames(tmp_v)) stop("no modules, please `module_detect()` first")
if (!"roles" %in% colnames(tmp_v)) stop("no roles, please `zp_analyse()` first")
tmp_v %>%
dplyr::filter(roles == "Module hubs") %>%
dplyr::pull(name) -> hubs
floor(length(hubs) * 0.7) -> del_i
# parallel
# main function
loop <- \(i){
if (!keystone) remove_node <- sample(1:nodes, del_i)
if (keystone) remove_node <- sample(hubs, del_i)
dp <- igraph::delete.vertices(go, remove_node)
dead_s <- "init"
# calculated the abundance-weighted mean interaction strength (wMIS) of nodes,<=0 will dead
# repeat until all >0
while (length(dead_s) > 0) {
get_e(dp) -> edge_list
edge_list %>%
dplyr::select(from, cor) %>%
rbind(., dplyr::select(edge_list, to, cor) %>% dplyr::rename(from = to)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(from) %>%
dplyr::summarise(w_degree = sum(cor)) -> w_degree
w_degree %>%
dplyr::filter(w_degree <= 0) %>%
dplyr::pull(from) -> dead_s
dp <- igraph::delete.vertices(dp, dead_s)
tmp_ind <- (MetaNet::net_par(dp, mode = "n")$n_index)
data.frame(tmp_ind, reps = i)
if (threads > 1) {
pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow", library = FALSE)
if (verbose) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = reps, style = 3)
opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
} else {
opts <- NULL
cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)
res <- foreach::`%dopar%`(
foreach::foreach(i = 1:reps, .options.snow = opts),
} else {
res <- lapply(1:reps, loop)
# simplify method
del_i_indexs <-, res)
#' Plot robustness
#' @param x `robustness()` result (robustness object)
#' @param indexes indexes selected to show
#' @param ... additional arguments for \code{\link[pcutils]{group_box}}
#' @return a ggplot
#' @method plot robustness
#' @exportS3Method
#' @rdname robustness
plot.robustness <- function(x, indexes = "Node_number", ...) {
robustness_res <- x
if (!"group" %in% colnames(robustness_res)) robustness_res$group <- "Network"
pcutils::group_box(robustness_res[, indexes, drop = FALSE],
group = "group",
metadata = robustness_res, ..., facet = FALSE
) + theme_bw()
#' Cohesion calculation
#' @param otutab otutab
#' @param reps iteration time
#' @param threads threads
#' @param mycor a correlation matrix you want to use, skip the null model build when mycor is not NULL, default: NULL
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @return Cohesion object: a list with two dataframe
#' @export
#' @references
#' Herren, C. M. & McMahon, K. (2017) Cohesion: a method for quantifying the connectivity of microbial communities. doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.91.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("otutab", package = "pcutils")
#' # set reps at least 99 when you run.
#' Cohesion(otutab[1:50, ], reps = 19) -> cohesion_res
#' if (requireNamespace("ggpubr")) {
#' plot(cohesion_res, group = "Group", metadata = metadata, mode = 1)
#' plot(cohesion_res, group = "Group", metadata = metadata, mode = 2)
#' }
#' }
Cohesion <- function(otutab, reps = 200, threads = 1, mycor = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
i <- NULL
d <- t(otutab)
rel.d <- d / rowSums(d)
if (is.null(mycor)) {
# Create observed correlation matrix
cor.mat.true <- cor(rel.d)
nc <- ncol(rel.d)
loop <- \(which.taxon){
# create vector to hold correlations from every permutation for each single otu
## perm.cor.vec.mat stands for permuted correlations vector matrix
perm.cor.vec.mat <- vector()
for (i in 1:reps) {
# Create empty matrix of same dimension as rel.d
perm.rel.d <- matrix(numeric(0), dim(rel.d)[1], dim(rel.d)[2])
rownames(perm.rel.d) <- rownames(rel.d)
colnames(perm.rel.d) <- colnames(rel.d)
# For each otu
for (j in 1:dim(rel.d)[2]) {
# Replace the original taxon vector with a permuted taxon vector
perm.rel.d[, j] <- sample(rel.d[, j])
# Do not randomize focal column
perm.rel.d[, which.taxon] <- rel.d[, which.taxon]
# Calculate correlation matrix of permuted matrix
cor.mat.null <- cor(perm.rel.d, perm.rel.d[, which.taxon])
# For each iteration, save the vector of null matrix correlations between focal taxon and other taxa
perm.cor.vec.mat <- cbind(perm.cor.vec.mat, cor.mat.null)
# Save the median correlations between the focal taxon and all other taxa
apply(perm.cor.vec.mat, 1, median)
if (threads > 1) {
pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow", library = FALSE)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = reps, style = 3)
if (verbose) {
opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)
} else {
opts <- NULL
res <- foreach::`%dopar%`(
foreach::foreach(i = 1:nc, .options.snow = opts),
} else {
res <- lapply(1:nc, loop)
simplify2array(res) ->
obs.exp.cors.mat <- cor.mat.true -
} else {
obs.exp.cors.mat <- mycor
diag(obs.exp.cors.mat) <- 0
# Calculate connectedness by averaging positive and negative observed - expected correlations
pn.mean <- \(vector, mode = "p"){
if (mode == "p") {
pos.vals <- vector[which(vector > 0)]
} else if (mode == "n") pos.vals <- vector[which(vector < 0)]
p.mean <- mean(pos.vals)
if (length(pos.vals) == 0) p.mean <- 0
connectedness.pos <- apply(obs.exp.cors.mat, 2, pn.mean, mode = "p")
connectedness.neg <- apply(obs.exp.cors.mat, 2, pn.mean, mode = "n")
# Calculate cohesion by multiplying the relative abundance dataset by associated connectedness
cohesion.pos <- rel.d %*% connectedness.pos
cohesion.neg <- rel.d %*% connectedness.neg
#### Combine vectors into one list and print
output <- list(
data.frame(neg = connectedness.neg, pos = connectedness.pos),
data.frame(neg = cohesion.neg, pos = cohesion.pos)
names(output) <- c("Connectedness", "Cohesion")
class(output) <- c("cohesion", class(output))
#' Plot cohesion
#' @param x `Cohesion()` result (cohesion object)
#' @param mode plot mode, 1~2
#' @param group group name in colnames(metadata)
#' @param metadata metadata
#' @param ... additional arguments for \code{\link[pcutils]{group_box}} (mode=1) or \code{\link[pcutils]{group_box}} (mode=2)
#' @return a ggplot
#' @method plot cohesion
#' @exportS3Method
#' @rdname Cohesion
plot.cohesion <- function(x, group, metadata, mode = 1, ...) {
neg <- pos <- NULL
cohesion_res <- x
if (mode == 1) p <- pcutils::stackplot(abs(t(cohesion_res$Cohesion)), group = group, metadata = metadata, ...)
if (mode == 2) {
co <- cohesion_res$Cohesion %>% dplyr::transmute(`neg:pos` = neg / pos)
p <- pcutils::group_box(co, group = group, metadata = metadata, p_value2 = TRUE, ...) +
ylab("neg:pos cohesion") + theme_bw()
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