# ========3.layout========
#' Layout coordinates
#' @param go igraph or metanet
#' @param method
#' (1) as_line(), as_arc(), as_polygon(), as_polyarc(), as_polycircle(), as_circle_tree();
#' (2) as_star(), as_tree(), in_circle(), nicely(), on_grid(), on_sphere(),randomly(), with_dh(), with_fr(), with_gem(), with_graphopt(), with_kk(),with_lgl(), with_mds(),. see \code{\link[igraph]{layout_}};
#' (3) a character, "auto","backbone","centrality","circlepack","dendrogram",
#' "eigen","focus","hive","igraph","linear","manual","matrix",
#' "partition","pmds","stress","treemap","unrooted". see \code{\link[ggraph]{create_layout}}
#' @param order_by order nodes according to a node attribute
#' @param order_ls manual the discrete variable with a vector, or continuous variable with "desc" to decreasing
#' @param seed random seed
#' @param line_curved consider line curved, only for some layout methods like as_line(), as_polygon().default:0
#' @param ... add
#' @aliases c_net_lay
#' @family layout
#' @return coors object: coordinates for nodes, columns: name, X, Y; curved for edges, columns: from, to, curved;
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' c_net_layout(co_net) -> coors
#' c_net_plot(co_net, coors)
#' c_net_plot(co_net, c_net_layout(co_net, in_circle()), vertex.size = 2)
#' c_net_plot(co_net, c_net_layout(co_net, in_circle(), order_by = "v_class"), vertex.size = 2)
#' c_net_plot(co_net, c_net_layout(co_net, in_circle(), order_by = "size", order_ls = "desc"))
#' c_net_plot(co_net, c_net_layout(co_net, as_polygon(3)))
c_net_layout <- function(go, method = igraph::nicely(), order_by = NULL, order_ls = NULL,
seed = 1234, line_curved = 0.5, ...) {
name <- x <- y <- NULL
if ("igraph_layout_spec" %in% class(method)) {
coors <- igraph::layout_(go, method)
} else if ("poly" %in% class(method)) {
coors <- method(go, group2 = order_by, group2_order = order_ls)
} else if ("layout" %in% class(method)) {
coors <- method(go)
} else if (is.character(method)) {
message("Use method from `ggraph`: ", method)
lib_ps("ggraph", library = FALSE)
data <- ggraph::create_layout(clean_igraph(go), layout = method, ...)
coors <- data %>% dplyr::select(name, x, y)
colnames(coors) <- c("name", "X", "Y")
} else {
stop("No valid method")
if (inherits(coors, "coors")) {
# order
if (is.matrix(coors)) {
get_v(go) -> tmp_v
coors <- order_tmp_v_name(tmp_v, coors, order_by = order_by, order_ls = order_ls)
curved <- NULL
# if line type, need to consider edge.curved
if ("line" %in% class(method)) {
tmp_e <- data.frame(igraph::as_data_frame(go))[, c("from", "to")]
if (nrow(tmp_e) > 0) {
curved <- data.frame(tmp_e, curved = line_curved, row.names = NULL)
coors <- data.frame(coors, row.names = NULL)
coors <- structure(list(coors = coors, curved = curved), class = "coors")
order_tmp_v_name <- function(tmp_v, coors_mat, order_by = NULL, order_ls = NULL) {
if (is.null(order_by)) {
coors <- data.frame(name = tmp_v$name, X = coors_mat[, 1], Y = coors_mat[, 2], row.names = NULL)
} else {
ordervec <- tmp_v[, order_by]
if (is.numeric(ordervec)) {
name <- tmp_v[order(ordervec, decreasing = is.null(order_ls)), "name"]
} else {
ordervec <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(ordervec, order_ls)
name <- tmp_v[order(ordervec), "name"]
coors <- data.frame(name = name, X = coors_mat[, 1], Y = coors_mat[, 2], row.names = NULL)
is_layout <- \(x){
any(class(x) %in% c("igraph_layout_spec", "layout"))
get_coors <- \(coors, go, ...){
edge_curved <- NULL
# 1.如果coors是NULL,去graph_attr找一下,没有的话就默认nicely计算
if (is.null(coors)) {
if (is.null(igraph::graph_attr(go, "coors"))) {
coors <- c_net_layout(go, igraph::nicely(), ...)
} else {
coors <- igraph::graph_attr(go, "coors")
# 2.如果是layout函数,那就计算
if (is_layout(coors)) coors <- c_net_layout(go, coors, ...)
# 3.如果是一个提供的coors对象(list),那就把curved传到edge里,coors导出为df
if (inherits(coors, "coors")) {
if (!is.null(coors$curved)) {
edge_curved <- dplyr::left_join(get_e(go), coors$curved, by = c("from", "to"), suffix = c(".x", "")) %>%
dplyr::select("from", "to", "curved")
edge_curved[] <- 0
edge_curved <- data.frame(edge_curved, row.names = NULL)
if (!is.null(coors$coors)) {
coors <- coors$coors
} else {
coors <- c_net_layout(go, igraph::nicely(), ...)
# 4.如果是matrix,变成df
if ( {
if (!"name" %in% colnames(coors)) coors <- as.matrix(coors)
if (is.matrix(coors)) coors <- data.frame(name = V(go)$name, X = coors[, 1], Y = coors[, 2], row.names = NULL)
# 5.如果是df了,那就对齐name用于下一步的绘图,
if ( {
coors <- coors[match(V(go)$name, coors$name), ]
return(structure(list(coors = coors, curved = edge_curved), class = "coors"))
stop("coors wrong!")
combine_coors <- function(..., list = NULL) {
name <- from <- to <- NULL
list <- c(list(...), list)
if (!all(vapply(list, \(i)inherits(i, "coors"), logical(1)))) stop("some input are not coors object")
coors <- lapply(list, \(i)i[["coors"]]) %>%, .)
curved <- lapply(list, \(i)i[["curved"]]) %>%, .)
if (any(duplicated(coors$name))) {
warning("some duplicated name in coors$coors")
coors <- dplyr::distinct(coors, name, .keep_all = TRUE)
if (!is.null(curved)) {
curved2 <- dplyr::distinct(curved, from, to, .keep_all = TRUE)
if (nrow(curved2) != nrow(curved)) warning("some duplicates in coors$curved")
curved <- curved2
coors <- structure(list(coors = coors, curved = curved), class = "coors")
#' Layout as a line
#' @param angle anticlockwise rotation angle
#' @return A two-column matrix, each row giving the coordinates of a vertex, according to the ids of the vertex ids.
#' @export
#' @family layout
#' @examples
#' as_line()(co_net)
#' c_net_plot(co_net, coors = as_line(pi / 2))
as_line <- function(angle = 0) {
fun <- \(go){
nv <- length(V(go))
x = seq(-cos(angle), cos(angle), len = nv),
y = seq(-sin(angle), sin(angle), len = nv)
) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
round(., 4)
class(fun) <- c("line", "layout", "function")
#' Layout as a arc
#' @param angle anticlockwise rotation angle
#' @param arc the radian of arc
#' @return A two-column matrix, each row giving the coordinates of a vertex, according to the ids of the vertex ids.
#' @export
#' @family layout
#' @examples
#' as_arc()(co_net)
#' c_net_plot(co_net, coors = as_arc(pi / 2), rescale = FALSE)
as_arc <- function(angle = 0, arc = pi) {
fun <- \(go){
# (0,0) is the midpoint of circle
nv <- length(V(go))
theta <- seq(-arc / 2 + angle, arc / 2 + angle, len = nv)
coor <- data.frame(x = cos(theta), y = sin(theta))
as.matrix(coor) %>% round(., 4)
class(fun) <- c("layout", "function")
#' Layout as a polygon
#' @param n how many edges of this polygon
#' @param line_curved line_curved 0~0.5
#' @return A two-column matrix, each row giving the coordinates of a vertex, according to the ids of the vertex ids.
#' @export
#' @family layout
#' @examples
#' as_polygon()(co_net)
as_polygon <- function(n = 3, line_curved = 0.5) {
fun <- \(go, group2 = NULL, group2_order = NULL){
V(go)$poly_group <- rep(paste0("omic", seq_len(n)), len = length(go))
if (n < 2) stop("n should bigger than 1")
group = "poly_group", group2 = group2, group2_order = group2_order,
line_curved = line_curved
) -> oridata
class(fun) <- c("poly", "layout", "function")
#' Layout as a polyarc
#' @param n how many arcs of this poly_arc
#' @param space the space between each arc, default: pi/3
#' @return A two-column matrix, each row giving the coordinates of a vertex, according to the ids of the vertex ids.
#' @export
#' @family layout
#' @examples
#' as_polyarc()(co_net)
as_polyarc <- \(n = 3, space = pi / 3){
fun <- \(go, group2 = NULL, group2_order = NULL){
V(go)$poly_group <- rep(paste0("omic", 1:n), len = length(go))
if (n < 2) stop("n should bigger than 1")
g_layout_polyarc(go, "poly_group", space = space, group2 = group2, group2_order = group2_order) -> oridata
class(fun) <- c("poly", "layout", "function")
#' Layout as a polycircle
#' @param n how many circles of this polycircle
#' @return A two-column matrix, each row giving the coordinates of a vertex, according to the ids of the vertex ids.
#' @export
#' @family layout
#' @examples
#' as_polycircle()(co_net)
as_polycircle <- \(n = 2){
fun <- \(go, group2 = NULL, group2_order = NULL){
V(go)$poly_group <- rep(paste0("omic", 1:n), len = length(go))
if (n < 2) stop("n should bigger than 1")
g_layout_polycircle(go, "poly_group", group2 = group2, group2_order = group2_order) -> oridata
class(fun) <- c("poly", "layout", "function")
#' Layout as a circle_tree
#' @return A two-column matrix, each row giving the coordinates of a vertex, according to the ids of the vertex ids.
#' @export
#' @family layout
as_circle_tree <- \(){
fun <- \(go){
name <- x <- y <- NULL
lib_ps("ggraph", library = FALSE)
data <- ggraph::create_layout(clean_igraph(go), layout = "igraph", algorithm = "tree", circular = TRUE)
coors <- data %>% dplyr::select(name, x, y)
colnames(coors) <- c("name", "X", "Y")
class(fun) <- c("layout", "function")
big_layout <- \(zoom1, layout1, nodeGroup){
c_net_update(igraph::make_ring(nlevels(nodeGroup$group))) -> tmp_da_net
da <- get_coors(layout1, tmp_da_net)[["coors"]]
da$name <- NULL
if (!all(levels(nodeGroup$group) %in% rownames(da))) rownames(da) <- levels(nodeGroup$group)
# center of each group
scale_f <- (ceiling(max(da) - min(da)))
scale_f <- ifelse(scale_f == 0, 1, scale_f / 2)
da <- da / scale_f * zoom1
colnames(da) <- c("X", "Y")
#' Layout with group
#' @param go igraph or metanet object
#' @param group group name (default: module)
#' @param zoom1 big network layout size
#' @param zoom2 average sub_network layout size, or numeric vector, or "auto"
#' @param layout1 layout1 method, one of
#' (1) a dataframe or matrix: rowname is group, two columns are X and Y
#' (2) function: layout method for \code{\link{c_net_layout}} default: in_circle()
#' @param layout2 one of functions: layout method for \code{\link{c_net_layout}}, or a list of functions.
#' @param show_big_layout show the big layout to help you adjust.
#' @param ... add
#' @param group_order group_order
#' @return coors
#' @export
#' @family g_layout
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("c_net")
#' module_detect(co_net, method = "cluster_fast_greedy") -> co_net_modu
#' g_layout(co_net_modu, group = "module", zoom1 = 30, zoom2 = "auto", layout2 = as_line()) -> oridata
#' plot(co_net_modu, coors = oridata)
#' }
g_layout <- function(go, group = "module", group_order = NULL, layout1 = in_circle(), zoom1 = 20, layout2 = in_circle(),
zoom2 = 3, show_big_layout = FALSE, ...) {
name <- ID <- NULL
if (!group %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(go)) stop("no group named ", group, " !")
get_v(go) %>% dplyr::select(name, !!group) -> nodeGroup
colnames(nodeGroup) <- c("ID", "group")
nodeGroup$group <- factor(nodeGroup$group)
if (!is.null(group_order)) nodeGroup$group <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(nodeGroup$group, group_order)
da <- big_layout(zoom1, layout1, nodeGroup)
if (show_big_layout) {
message("Big layout:")
plot(da, pch = 21, bty = "n", bg = get_cols(nrow(da), "col2"), main = "Big layout coordinates")
graphics::text(da$X * 0.8, da$Y * 0.9, rownames(da))
# layout of vertexes in one group
layoutls <- list()
if (is_layout(layout2)) {
layoutls <- rep(list(layout2), nlevels(nodeGroup$group))
} else if (all(class(layout2) == "list")) {
if (is.null(names(layout2))) {
layoutls <- rep(layout2, len = nlevels(nodeGroup$group))
} else {
for (i in levels(nodeGroup$group)) {
if (i %in% names(layout2)) {
layoutls[[i]] <- layout2[[i]]
} else {
layoutls[[i]] <- igraph::in_circle()
warning("layout of ", i, " not set, use in_circle()")
if (is.null(names(layoutls))) names(layoutls) <- levels(nodeGroup$group)
zoom2 <- rep(zoom2, nlevels(nodeGroup$group))
if (zoom2[1] == "auto") zoom2 <- ceiling((table(nodeGroup$group))^(1 / 3))
names(zoom2) <- levels(nodeGroup$group)
# get coors
all_coors <- setNames(vector("list", nlevels(nodeGroup$group)), levels(nodeGroup$group))
for (i in levels(nodeGroup$group)) {
nodeGroup[nodeGroup[, "group"] == i, "ID"] -> tmpid
igraph::subgraph(go, tmpid) -> tmp_net
get_coors(layoutls[[i]], tmp_net, ...) -> coors
data <- coors$coors
if ("igraph_layout_spec" %in% class(layoutls[[i]])) {
data[, c("X", "Y")] <- igraph::norm_coords(as.matrix(data[, c("X", "Y")]))
data[, "X"] <- data[, "X"] * zoom2[i] + da[i, "X"]
data[, "Y"] <- data[, "Y"] * zoom2[i] + da[i, "Y"]
coors$coors <- data
all_coors[[i]] <- coors
coors <- combine_coors(list = all_coors)
#' Layout with group as a polygon
#' @param go igraph
#' @param group group name (default:v_group)
#' @param group2 group2 name, will order nodes in each group according to group2_order
#' @param group2_order group2_order
#' @param line_curved line_curved 0~1
#' @param group_order group_order
#' @return coors
#' @export
#' @family g_layout
#' @examples
#' g_layout_polygon(multi1) -> oridata
#' c_net_plot(multi1, oridata)
#' g_layout_polyarc(multi1, group2 = "v_class", group2_order = c(LETTERS[4:1])) -> oridata
#' c_net_plot(multi1, oridata)
#' g_layout_polycircle(co_net2, group2 = "v_class") -> oridata
#' c_net_plot(co_net2, oridata)
g_layout_polygon <- function(go, group = "v_group", group_order = NULL, group2 = NULL, group2_order = NULL, line_curved = 0.5) {
n <- length(unique(igraph::vertex.attributes(go)[[group]]))
if (n < 2) stop("n should bigger than 1")
angle_ls <- -pi / 2 + (seq(0, n - 1, 1)) * 2 * pi / n
fun_ls <- lapply(angle_ls, \(i)as_line(i))
group_order = group_order,
group = group, zoom1 = 1, zoom2 = 0.9 * (ifelse(n > 2, tan(pi / n), 2)),
layout2 = fun_ls, order_by = group2, order_ls = group2_order
) -> oridata
if ($curved)) oridata$curved$curved <- line_curved
#' Layout with group as a polyarc
#' @param space the space between each arc, default: pi/4
#' @param scale_node_num scale with the node number in each group
#' @rdname g_layout_polygon
#' @export
g_layout_polyarc <- function(go, group = "v_group", group_order = NULL,
group2 = NULL, group2_order = NULL, space = pi / 4, scale_node_num = TRUE) {
get_v(go) -> tmp_v
group1 <- as.factor(tmp_v[, group])
n <- nlevels(group1)
if (n < 2) stop("n should bigger than 1")
if (!is.null(group_order)) group1 <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(group1, group_order)
# consider each group numbers!!!
g_num <- table(group1)
sep <- space / n
if (scale_node_num) {
arc_r <- (2 * pi - space) * as.numeric(g_num) / length(group1)
} else {
arc_r <- rep((2 * pi - space) / n, n)
names(arc_r) <- levels(group1)
# coordinate
coors <- data.frame()
theta1 <- 0
for (i in names(arc_r)) {
tmp_t <- seq(theta1, theta1 + arc_r[i], len = g_num[i])
tmp_v1 <- tmp_v[tmp_v[, group] == i, ]
tmp_coor <- order_tmp_v_name(tmp_v1, data.frame(X = cos(tmp_t), Y = sin(tmp_t)), group2, group2_order)
coors <- rbind(coors, tmp_coor)
theta1 <- theta1 + arc_r[i] + sep
#' Layout with group as a polyarc
#' @param space the space between each arc, default: pi/4
#' @param scale_node_num scale with the node number in each group
#' @rdname g_layout_polygon
#' @export
g_layout_polycircle <- function(go, group = "v_group", group_order = NULL, group2 = NULL, group2_order = NULL) {
name <- NULL
n <- length(unique(igraph::vertex.attributes(go)[[group]]))
if (n < 2) stop("n should bigger than 1")
get_v(go) %>% dplyr::select(name, !!group) -> nodeGroup
if (is.null(group_order)) {
group_order <- table(nodeGroup[, group]) %>%
sort() %>%
group_order = group_order,
group = group, layout1 = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 2),
zoom1 = 1, zoom2 = 1:n,
layout2 = igraph::in_circle(), order_by = group2, order_ls = group2_order
) -> oridata
#' Layout with group nicely
#' @param go igraph or metanet
#' @param group group name (default: module)
#' @param mode circlepack, treemap, backbone, stress
#' @param ... add
#' @export
#' @rdname g_layout
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("c_net")
#' module_detect(co_net, method = "cluster_fast_greedy") -> co_net_modu
#' if (requireNamespace("ggraph")) {
#' plot(co_net_modu, coors = g_layout_nice(co_net_modu, group = "module"))
#' plot(co_net_modu, coors = g_layout_nice(co_net_modu, group = "module", mode = "treemap"))
#' }
#' }
g_layout_nice <- function(go, group = "module", mode = "circlepack", ...) {
name <- leaf <- x <- y <- NULL
lib_ps("ggraph", library = FALSE)
mode <- match.arg(mode, c("circlepack", "treemap", "backbone", "stress"))
if (!group %in% vertex_attr_names(go)) stop("no group named ", group, " !")
get_v(go) %>% dplyr::select(name, !!group) -> nodeGroup
colnames(nodeGroup) <- c("ID", "group")
nodeGroup$group <- as.factor(nodeGroup$group)
edge <- data.frame(from = paste("group_", nodeGroup$group, sep = ""), to = nodeGroup$ID)
directed <- TRUE
if (mode %in% c("backbone")) directed <- FALSE
mygraph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edge, directed = directed)
data <- ggraph::create_layout(mygraph, layout = mode, ...)
coor <- data %>% dplyr::select(name, x, y)
colnames(coor) <- c("name", "X", "Y")
return(structure(list(coors = coor, curved = NULL), class = "coors"))
#' Transform a dataframe to a network edgelist.
#' @param test df
#' @param fun default: sum
#' @return metanet
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("otutab", package = "pcutils")
#' cbind(taxonomy, num = rowSums(otutab))[1:20, ] -> test
#' df2net_tree(test) -> ttt
#' plot(ttt)
#' if (requireNamespace("ggraph")) plot(ttt, coors = as_circle_tree())
df2net_tree <- function(test, fun = sum) {
flag <- FALSE
if (!is.numeric(test[, ncol(test)])) {
test$num <- 1
} else {
flag <- TRUE
name <- colnames(test)[ncol(test)]
nc <- ncol(test)
if (nc < 3) stop("as least 3-columns dataframe")
link <- pcutils::df2link(test, fun = fun)
nodes <- link$nodes
links <- link$links
if (flag) {
colnames(links)[3] <- colnames(nodes)[3] <- name
} else {
name <- "weight"
# c_net_from_edgelist(,vertex = nodes)
net <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(, vertices = nodes)
net <- c_net_update(net)
net <- c_net_set(net, vertex_class = "level", vertex_size = name, edge_width = name)
graph_attr(net, "coors") <- c_net_layout(net, as_tree())
# ========4.plot========
#' Plot a metanet
#' @param x metanet object
#' @param ... add
#' @return plot
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot metanet
plot.metanet <- function(x, ...) {
# 具有n_type的metanet的默认参数记录在这里,用于快速绘图。
go <- x
if (is.null(get_n(go)$n_type)) {
c_net_plot(go, ...)
} else if (get_n(go)$n_type == "skeleton") {
skeleton_plot(go, ...)
} else if (get_n(go)$n_type == "module") {
default_arg <- list(
labels_num = 0,
group_legend_title = "Module"
), append(list(go = go), pcutils::update_param(default_arg, list(...))))
} else if (get_n(go)$n_type == "venn") {
nice_size <- ceiling(60 / sqrt(length(V(go)))) + 1
default_arg <- list(
labels_num = "all",
vertex_size_range = list("Group" = c(1.5 * nice_size, 1.5 * nice_size), "elements" = c(0.5 * nice_size, 0.5 * nice_size)),
vertex.shape = "circle",
legend = FALSE, edge.curved = 0.3,
edge.color = unique(V(go)$color)
), append(list(go = go), pcutils::update_param(default_arg, list(...))))
} else if (get_n(go)$n_type == "twocol") {
nice_size <- ceiling(60 / sqrt(length(V(go)))) + 1
default_arg <- list(
labels_num = 0,
vertex.shape = "circle",
edge_legend = FALSE,
edge.color = "black"
), append(list(go = go), pcutils::update_param(default_arg, list(...))))
} else if (get_n(go)$n_type == "ko_net") {
nice_size <- ceiling(60 / sqrt(length(V(go)))) + 1
default_arg <- list(
labels_num = "all",
vertex.shape = "circle",
vertex_size_range = list("Pathway" = c(1.2 * nice_size, 1.2 * nice_size), "KOs" = c(0.6 * nice_size, 0.6 * nice_size)),
edge_legend = FALSE,
edge.color = "black",
mark_alpha = 0.1
), append(list(go = go), pcutils::update_param(default_arg, list(...))))
} else {
c_net_plot(go, ...)
get_net_main <- function(n_index) {
main <- "Network"
if (!is.null(n_index$n_type)) {
"single" = {
main <- "Correlation network"
"bipartite" = {
main <- "Bipartite network"
"multi_full" = {
main <- "Multi-omics network"
"module" = {
main <- paste0(n_index$n_modules, "-modules network")
"skeleton" = {
main <- paste0(n_index$skeleton, " skeleton network")
"venn" = {
main <- "Venn network"
default = {
main <- "Network"
scale_size_width <- function(tmp_v, tmp_e, vertex_size_range, edge_width_range) {
{ v_groups <- unique(tmp_v$v_group)
nice_size <- ceiling(60 / sqrt(nrow(tmp_v))) + 1
vertex_size_range_default <- rep(list(c(max(nice_size * 0.4, 3), min(nice_size * 1.6, 12))), length(v_groups))
names(vertex_size_range_default) <- v_groups
if (!is.null(vertex_size_range)) {
if (!is.list(vertex_size_range)) vertex_size_range <- list(vertex_size_range)
if (is.null(names(vertex_size_range))) {
vertex_size_range <- rep(vertex_size_range, length(v_groups))
names(vertex_size_range) <- v_groups
vertex_size_range <- pcutils::update_param(vertex_size_range_default, vertex_size_range)
} else {
vertex_size_range <- vertex_size_range_default
node_size_text <- setNames(as.list(numeric(length(v_groups))), v_groups)
for (i in v_groups) {
node_size_text[[i]] <- c(
min(tmp_v[tmp_v$v_group == i, "size"], na.rm = TRUE),
max(tmp_v[tmp_v$v_group == i, "size"], na.rm = TRUE)
tmp_v[tmp_v$v_group == i, "size"] <-, append(
list(tmp_v[tmp_v$v_group == i, "size"]),
} }
edge_width_range_default <- vertex_size_range_default[[1]] / 6
if (is.null(edge_width_range)) edge_width_range <- edge_width_range_default
edge_width_text <- c(min(tmp_e$width, na.rm = TRUE), max(tmp_e$width, na.rm = TRUE))
tmp_e$width <- pcutils::mmscale(tmp_e$width, edge_width_range[1], edge_width_range[2])
envir <- parent.frame()
assign("node_size_text", node_size_text, envir)
assign("edge_width_text", edge_width_text, envir)
assign("tmp_e", tmp_e, envir)
assign("tmp_v", tmp_v, envir)
some_custom_paras <- function(tmp_v, tmp_e, ...) {
params <- list(...)
params_name <- names(params)
tmp_v$vertex.label.color <- "black"
if ("vertex.size" %in% params_name) tmp_v$size <- params[["vertex.size"]]
if ("vertex.color" %in% params_name) {
tmp_v$color <- condance(data.frame(
pcutils::tidai(tmp_v$v_class, params[["vertex.color"]])
if ("vertex.shape" %in% params_name) {
tmp_v$shape <- condance(data.frame(
pcutils::tidai(tmp_v$v_group, params[["vertex.shape"]])
if ("vertex.label" %in% params_name) tmp_v$label <- params[["vertex.label"]]
if ("vertex.label.color" %in% params_name) {
tmp_v$vertex.label.color <- condance(data.frame(
pcutils::tidai(tmp_v$v_group, params[["vertex.label.color"]])
if ("edge.color" %in% params_name) {
tmp_e$color <- condance(data.frame(
pcutils::tidai(tmp_e$e_type, params[["edge.color"]])
if ("edge.lty" %in% params_name) {
tmp_e$lty <- condance(data.frame(
pcutils::tidai(tmp_e$e_class, params[["edge.lty"]])
if ("edge.width" %in% params_name) tmp_e$width <- params[["edge.width"]]
envir <- parent.frame()
assign("tmp_e", tmp_e, envir)
assign("tmp_v", tmp_v, envir)
get_show_labels <- function(tmp_v, labels_num) {
name <- size <- color <- e_type <- lty <- e_class <- v_class <- shape <- NULL
if (labels_num == "all") {
tmp_v %>% dplyr::pull(name) -> toplabel
} else {
if (labels_num >= 1) {
tmp_v %>%
dplyr::top_n(labels_num, size) %>%
dplyr::pull(name) %>%
head(labels_num) -> toplabel
} else {
tmp_v %>%
dplyr::top_frac(labels_num, size) %>%
dplyr::pull(name) %>%
head(ceiling(labels_num * nrow(tmp_v))) -> toplabel
tmp_v$label <- ifelse(tmp_v$name %in% toplabel, tmp_v$label, NA)
module_set_for_plot <- function(tmp_v, mark_module, mark_color) {
if (mark_module) {
new_modu <- as_module(setNames(tmp_v$module, tmp_v$name))
new_modu[["others"]] <- NULL
module_color <- pcutils::get_cols(length(new_modu))
if (!is.null(mark_color)) module_color <- condance(data.frame(module_color, pcutils::tidai(names(new_modu), mark_color)))
module_color <- setNames(module_color, names(new_modu))
module_color <- module_color[names(module_color) != "others"]
} else {
new_modu <- module_color <- NULL
envir <- parent.frame()
assign("new_modu", new_modu, envir)
assign("module_color", module_color, envir)
get_module_coors <- function(go = NULL, coors = NULL, tmp_v = NULL, ori_coors = NULL, module_label_just = c(0.5, 0.5), rescale_flag = TRUE) {
name <- size <- color <- e_type <- lty <- e_class <- v_class <- shape <- NULL
X <- Y <- module <- minx <- maxx <- miny <- maxy <- NULL
if (is.null(go)) {
if (is.null(tmp_v) & is.null(ori_coors)) message("input `tmp_v` and `ori_coors` when `go` is null.")
} else {
tmp_v <- get_v(go)
ori_coors <- get_coors(coors, go)
coors <- ori_coors$coors[, c("X", "Y")] %>% as.matrix()
module_coors <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_v[, c("name", "module")], ori_coors$coors, by = "name")
if (rescale_flag) module_coors <- dplyr::mutate(module_coors, X = mmscale(X, -1, 1), Y = mmscale(Y, -1, 1))
module_coors <- dplyr::group_by(module_coors, module) %>%
dplyr::summarise(minx = min(X), maxx = max(X), miny = min(Y), maxy = max(Y))
module_label_just <- rep(module_label_just, 2)
module_coors <- mutate(module_coors,
X = minx + module_label_just[1] * (maxx - minx),
Y = miny + module_label_just[2] * (maxy - miny)
produce_c_net_legends <- function(tmp_v, tmp_e,
legend_position, legend_number, legend_cex,
node_size_text, edge_width_text,
group_legend_title, group_legend_order,
color_legend, color_legend_order,
size_legend, size_legend_title,
edge_legend, edge_legend_title, edge_legend_order,
width_legend, width_legend_title,
lty_legend, lty_legend_title, lty_legend_order, ...) {
name <- size <- color <- e_type <- lty <- e_class <- v_class <- shape <- left_leg_x <- right_leg_x <- NULL
legend_position_default <- c(left_leg_x = -2, left_leg_y = 1, right_leg_x = 1.2, right_leg_y = 1)
if (is.null(legend_position)) legend_position <- legend_position_default
if (is.null(names(legend_position))) {
legend_position <- setNames(legend_position, names(legend_position_default)[seq_along(legend_position)])
legend_position <- pcutils::update_param(legend_position_default, legend_position)
here_env <- environment()
lapply(names(legend_position), \(i){
assign(i, legend_position[i], here_env)
vgroups <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(tmp_v$v_group, group_legend_order)
vgroups <- levels(vgroups)
if (color_legend) {
pchls <- c("circle" = 21, "square" = 22)
if (is.null(group_legend_title)) {
group_legend_title <- setNames(vgroups, vgroups)
} else if (is.null(names(group_legend_title))) {
group_legend_title <- setNames(rep(group_legend_title, len = length(vgroups)), vgroups)
for (g_i in vgroups) {
tmp_v1 <- tmp_v[tmp_v$v_group == g_i, c("v_class", "color", "shape")]
tmp_v1$v_class <- factor(tmp_v1$v_class, levels = stringr::str_sort(unique(tmp_v1$v_class), numeric = TRUE))
vclass <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(tmp_v1$v_class, color_legend_order)
vclass <- levels(vclass)
node_cols <- dplyr::distinct(tmp_v1, color, v_class)
node_cols <- setNames(node_cols$color, node_cols$v_class)
node_shapes <- dplyr::distinct(tmp_v1, shape, v_class)
node_shapes <- setNames(node_shapes$shape, node_shapes$v_class)
if (legend_number) {
eee <- table(tmp_v1$v_class)
le_text <- paste(vclass, eee[vclass], sep = ": ")
} else {
le_text <- vclass
if (length(le_text) == 0) le_text <- ""
legend(left_leg_x, left_leg_y,
cex = 0.7 * legend_cex, adj = 0,
legend = le_text, title.cex = 0.8 * legend_cex,
title = group_legend_title[g_i], title.font = 2, title.adj = 0,
col = "black", = node_cols[vclass], bty = "n", pch = pchls[node_shapes[vclass]]
left_leg_y <- left_leg_y - (length(vclass) * 0.12 + 0.2) * legend_cex
if (size_legend) {
x = right_leg_x, y = right_leg_y,
cex = 0.7 * legend_cex, title.font = 2, title = size_legend_title, title.adj = 0,
legend = c(
paste(lapply(node_size_text[vgroups], \(i)round(i[1], 3)), collapse = "/ "),
paste(lapply(node_size_text[vgroups], \(i)round(i[2], 3)), collapse = "/ ")
adj = 0, title.cex = 0.8 * legend_cex,
col = "black", bty = "n", pch = 21, pt.cex = c(min(tmp_v$size), max(tmp_v$size)) * legend_cex / 5
right_leg_y <- right_leg_y - 0.5 * legend_cex
if (edge_legend) {
edges <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(tmp_e$e_type, edge_legend_order)
edges <- levels(edges)
edge_cols <- dplyr::distinct(tmp_e, color, e_type)
edge_cols <- setNames(edge_cols$color, edge_cols$e_type)
if (legend_number) {
eee <- table(tmp_e$e_type)
le_text <- paste(edges, eee[edges], sep = ": ")
} else {
le_text <- edges
legend(right_leg_x, right_leg_y,
cex = 0.7 * legend_cex, title.font = 2, title = edge_legend_title, title.adj = 0,
legend = le_text, adj = 0, title.cex = 0.8 * legend_cex,
col = edge_cols[edges], bty = "n", lty = 1
right_leg_y <- right_leg_y - (length(unique(tmp_e$color)) * 0.12 + 0.2) * legend_cex
if (width_legend) {
legend(right_leg_x, right_leg_y,
cex = 0.7 * legend_cex, title.font = 2, title = width_legend_title, title.adj = 0,
legend = edge_width_text %>% round(., 3), adj = 0, title.cex = 0.8 * legend_cex,
col = "black", bty = "n", lty = 1, lwd = c(min(tmp_e$width), max(tmp_e$width))
right_leg_y <- right_leg_y - 0.5 * legend_cex
if (lty_legend) {
edges <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(tmp_e$e_class, lty_legend_order)
edges <- levels(edges)
edge_ltys <- dplyr::distinct(tmp_e, lty, e_class)
edge_ltys <- setNames(edge_ltys$lty, edge_ltys$e_class)
if (legend_number) {
eee <- table(tmp_e$e_class)
le_text <- paste(edges, eee[edges], sep = ": ")
} else {
le_text <- edges
legend(right_leg_x, right_leg_y,
cex = 0.7 * legend_cex, title.font = 2, title = lty_legend_title, title.adj = 0,
legend = le_text, adj = 0, title.cex = 0.8 * legend_cex,
col = "black", bty = "n", lty = edge_ltys[edges]
#' Plot a metanet
#' @param go an igraph or metanet object
#' @param coors the coordinates you saved
#' @param ... additional parameters for \code{\link[igraph]{igraph.plotting}}
#' @param labels_num show how many labels,>1 indicates number, <1 indicates fraction, "all" indicates all, default:5
#' @param vertex_size_range the vertex size range, e.g. c(1,10)
#' @param edge_width_range the edge width range, e.g. c(1,10)
#' @param plot_module logical, plot module?
#' @param mark_module logical, mark the modules?
#' @param mark_color mark colors
#' @param mark_alpha mark fill alpha, default 0.3
#' @param module_label module_label
#' @param module_label_cex module_label_cex
#' @param module_label_color module_label_color
#' @param module_label_just module_label_just
#' @param legend all legends
#' @param legend_number legend with numbers
#' @param legend_cex character expansion factor relative to current par("cex"), default: 1
#' @param legend_position legend_position, default: c(left_leg_x=-1.9,left_leg_y=1,right_leg_x=1.2,right_leg_y=1)
#' @param group_legend_title group_legend_title, length must same to the numbers of v_group
#' @param group_legend_order group_legend_order vector
#' @param color_legend logical
#' @param color_legend_order color_legend_order vector
#' @param size_legend logical
#' @param size_legend_title size_legend_title
#' @param edge_legend logical
#' @param edge_legend_title edge_legend_title
#' @param edge_legend_order edge_legend_order vector, e.g. c("positive","negative")
#' @param width_legend logical
#' @param width_legend_title width_legend_title
#' @param lty_legend logical
#' @param lty_legend_title lty_legend_title
#' @param lty_legend_order lty_legend_order
#' @param seed random seed, default:1234, make sure each plot is the same.
#' @family plot
#' @return a network plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("c_net")
#' c_net_plot(co_net)
#' c_net_plot(co_net2)
#' c_net_plot(multi1)
c_net_plot <- function(go, coors = NULL, ..., labels_num = 5,
vertex_size_range = NULL, edge_width_range = NULL,
plot_module = FALSE,
mark_module = FALSE, mark_color = NULL, mark_alpha = 0.3,
module_label = FALSE, module_label_cex = 2, module_label_color = "black",
module_label_just = c(0.5, 0.5),
legend = TRUE, legend_number = FALSE, legend_cex = 1,
legend_position = c(left_leg_x = -2, left_leg_y = 1, right_leg_x = 1.2, right_leg_y = 1),
group_legend_title = NULL, group_legend_order = NULL,
color_legend = TRUE, color_legend_order = NULL,
size_legend = FALSE, size_legend_title = "Node Size",
edge_legend = TRUE, edge_legend_title = "Edge type", edge_legend_order = NULL,
width_legend = FALSE, width_legend_title = "Edge width",
lty_legend = FALSE, lty_legend_title = "Edge class", lty_legend_order = NULL,
seed = 1234) {
name <- size <- color <- e_type <- lty <- e_class <- v_class <- shape <- NULL
new_modu <- module_color <- node_size_text <- edge_width_text <- NULL
if (!"metanet" %in% class(go)) go <- c_net_update(go)
# modules
if (plot_module) {
go <- to_module_net(go)
if (is.null(group_legend_title)) group_legend_title <- "Module"
# get network type
get_net_main(get_n(go)) -> main
get_v(go) -> tmp_v
get_e(go) -> tmp_e
# get coordinates
ori_coors <- get_coors(coors, go, seed = seed)
coors <- ori_coors$coors[, c("X", "Y")] %>% as.matrix()
if (is.null(ori_coors$curved)) {
edge_curved <- 0
} else {
edge_curved <- ori_coors$curved$curved
# scale the size and width
scale_size_width(tmp_v, tmp_e, vertex_size_range, edge_width_range)
# some custom parameters
some_custom_paras(tmp_v, tmp_e, ...)
# show labels
tmp_v <- get_show_labels(tmp_v, labels_num)
# modules set
module_set_for_plot(tmp_v, mark_module, mark_color)
# main plot
old_xpd <- graphics::par(mar = c(4, 2, 2, 2), xpd = TRUE)
on.exit(graphics::par(old_xpd), add = TRUE)
layout = coors,
vertex.size = tmp_v$size,
vertex.color = tmp_v$color,
vertex.shape = tmp_v$shape,
vertex.label.color = tmp_v$vertex.label.color,
edge.color = tmp_e$color,
edge.lty = tmp_e$lty,
edge.width = tmp_e$width,
mark.groups = new_modu,
mark.col = pcutils::add_alpha(module_color[names(new_modu)], mark_alpha),
mark.border = module_color[names(new_modu)],
main = main,
vertex.label.font = 1,
vertex.label.cex = 0.07 * tmp_v$size,
vertex.label = tmp_v$label,
edge.arrow.size = 0.3,
edge.arrow.width = 0.5,
edge.curved = edge_curved,
margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
# add module_label
if (module_label) {
rescale_flag <- TRUE
params <- list(...)
if ("rescale" %in% names(params)) {
if (!params[["rescale"]]) rescale_flag <- FALSE
module_coors <- get_module_coors(
tmp_v = tmp_v, ori_coors = ori_coors,
module_label_just = module_label_just, rescale_flag = rescale_flag
n_module <- nrow(module_coors)
module_label_cex <- rep(module_label_cex, n_module)
module_label_color <- rep(module_label_color, n_module)
for (i in seq_len(n_module)) {
x = module_coors[i, "X"], y = module_coors[i, "Y"],
labels = module_coors[i, "module"],
cex = module_label_cex, col = module_label_color[i]
if (!legend) {
# produce legends
tmp_v, tmp_e,
legend_position, legend_number, legend_cex,
node_size_text, edge_width_text,
group_legend_title, group_legend_order,
color_legend, color_legend_order,
size_legend, size_legend_title,
edge_legend, edge_legend_title, edge_legend_order,
width_legend, width_legend_title,
lty_legend, lty_legend_title, lty_legend_order, ...
#' Transfer an igraph object to a ggig
#' @param go igraph or meatnet
#' @param coors coordinates for nodes,columns: name, X, Y
#' @return ggig object
#' @export
#' @family plot
#' @examples
#' as.ggig(co_net, coors = c_net_layout(co_net)) -> ggig
#' plot(ggig)
#' as.ggig(multi1, coors = c_net_layout(multi1)) -> ggig
#' plot(ggig, labels_num = 0.3)
as.ggig <- function(go, coors = NULL) {
list(n_index = get_n(go), v_index = get_v(go), e_index = get_e(go)) -> net_par_res
if (is.null(coors)) coors <- c_net_layout(go)
coors <- get_coors(coors, go)
coors <- coors$coors
# add coors
coors <- coors[, 1:3] %>% na.omit()
net_par_res$v_index %<>% dplyr::left_join(., coors, by = "name", suffix = c("", ".1"))
net_par_res$e_index %<>% dplyr::left_join(., coors, by = c("from" = "name")) %>%
dplyr::rename(X1 = "X", Y1 = "Y") %>%
dplyr::left_join(., coors, by = c("to" = "name")) %>%
dplyr::rename(X2 = "X", Y2 = "Y")
class(net_par_res) <- c("ggig", "list")
#' Plot a ggig
#' @param x ggig object
#' @inheritParams c_net_plot
#' @family plot
#' @return ggplot
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot ggig
plot.ggig <- function(x, coors = NULL, ..., labels_num = 5,
vertex_size_range = NULL, edge_width_range = NULL,
plot_module = FALSE,
mark_module = FALSE, mark_color = NULL, mark_alpha = 0.3,
module_label = FALSE, module_label_cex = 2, module_label_color = "black",
module_label_just = c(0.5, 0.5),
legend_number = FALSE, legend = TRUE, legend_cex = 1,
legend_position = c(left_leg_x = -2, left_leg_y = 1, right_leg_x = 1.2, right_leg_y = 1),
group_legend_title = NULL, group_legend_order = NULL,
color_legend = TRUE, color_legend_order = NULL,
size_legend = FALSE, size_legend_title = "Node Size",
edge_legend = TRUE, edge_legend_title = "Edge type", edge_legend_order = NULL,
width_legend = FALSE, width_legend_title = "Edge width",
lty_legend = FALSE, lty_legend_title = "Edge class", lty_legend_order = NULL,
seed = 1234) {
rename <- size <- name <- color <- e_type <- lty <- e_class <- v_class <- shape <- X1 <- Y1 <- X2 <- Y2 <- width <- X <- Y <- label <- NULL
edge_width_text <- NULL
ggig <- x
ggig$v_index -> tmp_v
ggig$e_index -> tmp_e
# get coordinates
if (!is.null(coors)) {
tmp_v$X <- tmp_v$Y <- NULL
tmp_e$X1 <- tmp_e$X2 <- tmp_e$Y1 <- tmp_e$Y2 <- NULL
# add coors
tmp_v %<>% dplyr::left_join(., coors, by = "name", suffix = c("", ".1"))
tmp_e %<>% dplyr::left_join(., coors, by = c("from" = "name")) %>%
rename(X1 = "X", Y1 = "Y") %>%
dplyr::left_join(., coors, by = c("to" = "name")) %>%
rename(X2 = "X", Y2 = "Y")
# get network type
main <- get_net_main(ggig$n_index)
# scale the size and width
scale_size_width(tmp_v, tmp_e, vertex_size_range, edge_width_range)
# new shapes
tmp_v$shape <- tidai(tmp_v$v_group, 21:26)
# some custom parameters
some_custom_paras(tmp_v, tmp_e, ...)
# show labels
tmp_v <- get_show_labels(tmp_v, labels_num)
if (TRUE) {
tmp_e$e_type <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(tmp_e$e_type, edge_legend_order)
edges <- levels(tmp_e$e_type)
edge_cols <- dplyr::distinct(tmp_e, color, e_type)
edge_cols <- setNames(edge_cols$color, edge_cols$e_type)
if (legend_number) {
eee <- table(tmp_e$e_type)
edge_text <- paste(edges, eee[edges], sep = ": ")
} else {
edge_text <- edges
if (TRUE) {
edges1 <- levels(factor(tmp_e$e_class))
edge_ltys <- dplyr::distinct(tmp_e, lty, e_class)
edge_ltys <- setNames(edge_ltys$lty, edge_ltys$e_class)
if (legend_number) {
eee <- table(tmp_e$e_class)
lty_text <- paste(edges1, eee[edges1], sep = ": ")
} else {
lty_text <- edges1
if (TRUE) {
pchls <- c("circle" = 21, "square" = 22)
vgroups <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(tmp_v$v_group, group_legend_order)
node_size_text <- c(
paste(lapply(node_size_text[levels(vgroups)], \(i)round(i[1], 3)), collapse = "/ "),
paste(lapply(node_size_text[levels(vgroups)], \(i)round(i[2], 3)), collapse = "/ ")
new_f <- c()
for (g_i in levels(vgroups)) {
tmp_v1 <- tmp_v[tmp_v$v_group == g_i, c("v_class", "color", "shape")]
tmp_f <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(tmp_v1$v_class, color_legend_order)
new_f <- c(new_f, levels(tmp_f))
tmp_v$v_class <- pcutils::change_fac_lev(tmp_v$v_class, new_f)
vclass <- levels(tmp_v$v_class)
node_cols <- dplyr::distinct(tmp_v, color, v_class)
node_cols <- setNames(node_cols$color, node_cols$v_class)
node_shapes <- dplyr::distinct(tmp_v, shape, v_class)
node_shapes <- setNames(node_shapes$shape, node_shapes$v_class)
if (legend_number) {
eee <- table(tmp_v$v_class)
le_text <- paste(vclass, eee[vclass], sep = ": ")
} else {
le_text <- vclass
p <- ggplot() +
x = X1, y = Y1, xend = X2, yend = Y2, color = e_type,
linewidth = width, linetype = e_class
), data = tmp_e, alpha = 0.7) + # draw edges
name = edge_legend_title, values = edge_cols,
label = edge_text, guide = ifelse(edge_legend, "legend", "none")
) + # edge colors
name = lty_legend_title, values = edge_ltys,
label = lty_text, guide = ifelse(lty_legend, "legend", "none")
) + # edge linetype
name = width_legend_title, breaks = c(min(tmp_e$width), max(tmp_e$width)), range = c(0.5, 1),
labels = edge_width_text, guide = ifelse(width_legend, "legend", "none")
p1 <- p +
geom_point(aes(X, Y, fill = v_class, size = size, shape = v_class), data = tmp_v) + # draw nodes
# scale_shape_manual(values =setNames(pchls[node_shapes],vclass))+#node shape
scale_shape_manual(values = node_shapes) +
name = group_legend_title, values = node_cols[vclass],
labels = le_text, guide = ifelse(color_legend, "legend", "none")
) + # node color
name = size_legend_title, breaks = c(min(tmp_v$size), max(tmp_v$size)),
labels = node_size_text, guide = ifelse(size_legend, "legend", "none")
) + # node size
ggnewscale::new_scale("size") +
geom_text(aes(X, Y, size = size, label = label), col = "black", data = tmp_v, show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_size(range = c(1, 3), guide = "none") +
fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = node_shapes[vclass])),
shape = "none"
p2 <- p1 + labs(title = main) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL) +
coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
theme(panel.background = element_blank()) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank()) +
legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA), = element_rect(colour = NA),
legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA)
) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA)) +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank())
if (!legend) {
return(p2 + theme(legend.position = "none"))
#' Input a graphml file exported by Gephi
#' @param file graphml file exported by Gephi
#' @family plot
#' @return list contains the igraph object and coordinates
#' @export
input_gephi <- function(file) {
X <- Y <- code <- NULL
igraph::read.graph(file, format = "graphml") -> gephi
get_v(gephi) -> tmp_v
# extract coors
if (!all(c("x", "y", "r", "g", "b", "id") %in% colnames(tmp_v))) {
stop("This file is not exported by Gephi, please use igraph::read.graph()")
coors <- tmp_v[, c("x", "y")]
coors <- data.frame(name = tmp_v$label, X = coors[, 1], Y = coors[, 2])
coors %>% dplyr::mutate(X = pcutils::mmscale(X, -40, 40), Y = pcutils::mmscale(Y, -40, 40)) -> coors
# transform color
pcutils::rgb2code(tmp_v[, c("r", "g", "b")]) %>% dplyr::pull(code) -> tmp_v$color
E(gephi)$color <- ifelse(E(gephi)$cor > 0, "#48A4F0", "#E85D5D")
# scale size
tmp_v$size <- pcutils::mmscale(tmp_v$size, 1, 5)
E(gephi)$width <- pcutils::mmscale(E(gephi)$width, 0.05, 0.2)
# delete
tmp_v %>%
dplyr::select(-c("label", "x", "y", "r", "g", "b", "id")) %>%
as.list() -> vertex.attributes(gephi)
edge.attributes(gephi)["Edge Label"] <- edge.attributes(gephi)["id"] <- NULL
gephi <- c_net_update(gephi)
igraph::graph_attr(gephi, "coors") <- coors
return(list(go = gephi, coors = coors))
#' plot use networkD3
#' @param go metanet
#' @param v_class which attributes use to be v_class
#' @param ... see \code{\link[networkD3]{forceNetwork}}
#' @return D3 plot
#' @export
#' @family plot
#' @examples
#' data("c_net")
#' plot(co_net2)
#' if (requireNamespace("networkD3")) {
#' netD3plot(co_net2)
#' }
netD3plot <- function(go, v_class = "v_class", ...) {
flag <- "y"
if (length(V(go)) > 200) {
message("Too big network, recommend using Gephi to layout,still use networkD3?")
flag <- readline("yes/no(y/n):")
if (tolower(flag) %in% c("yes", "y")) {
lib_ps("networkD3", library = FALSE)
go <- c_net_set(go, vertex_class = v_class)
get_v(go) -> tmp_v
nodes <- tmp_v[, c("name", "v_class", "size", "color")]
colnames(nodes) <- c("name", "group", "size", "color")
nodes$size <- pcutils::mmscale(nodes$size, 2, 40)
colors <- unique(nodes$color)
get_e(go) -> tmp_e
links <- tmp_e[, c("from", "to", "width", "color")]
links$width <- pcutils::mmscale(links$width, 0.5, 1.5)
# give ids
links$IDsource <- match(links$from, nodes$name) - 1
links$IDtarget <- match(links$to, nodes$name) - 1
# Create force directed network plot
Links = links, Nodes = nodes,
Source = "IDsource", Target = "IDtarget", linkColour = links$color, linkDistance = 20,
linkWidth = networkD3::JS("function(d) { return (d.width); }"), charge = -5,
NodeID = "name", Group = "group", Nodesize = "size",
colourScale = networkD3::JS(paste0("d3.scaleOrdinal([`", paste(colors, collapse = "`,`"), "`])")), legend = TRUE, ...
MetaNet_theme <- {
ggplot2::theme_classic(base_size = 13) + ggplot2::theme(
axis.text = element_text(color = "black"),
plot.margin = grid::unit(rep(0.5, 4), "lines"),
strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = NA)
#' Venn network
#' @param tab data.frame (row is elements, column is group), or a list (names is group, value is elements)
#' @return plot
#' @export
#' @family plot
#' @examples
#' data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#' tab <- otutab[400:485, 1:3]
#' venn_net(tab) -> v_net
#' plot(v_net)
venn_net <- function(tab) {
# pcutils:::venn_cal(tab)->vennlist
tab[] <- 0
edgelist <- data.frame()
if ( {
groupss <- colnames(tab)
for (i in groupss) {
if (sum(tab[, i] > 0) > 0) edgelist <- rbind(edgelist, data.frame(Group = i, elements = rownames(tab)[tab[, i] > 0]))
} else if (all(class(tab) == "list")) {
vennlist <- tab
groupss <- names(vennlist)
for (i in groupss) {
if (length(vennlist[[i]] > 0)) edgelist <- rbind(edgelist, data.frame(Group = i, elements = vennlist[[i]]))
} else {
stop("wrong input tab")
nodelist <- rbind(
data.frame(name = groupss, v_group = "Group", v_class = paste0("Group: ", groupss)),
data.frame(name = unique(edgelist$elements), v_group = "elements", v_class = "elements")
venn_net <- c_net_from_edgelist(edgelist, vertex = nodelist)
graph.attributes(venn_net)$n_type <- "venn"
all_group <- get_e(venn_net)[, c("from", "to")] %>%
pcutils::squash("from") %>%
dplyr::rename(name = "to", all_group = "from")
venn_net <- c_net_set(venn_net, all_group, vertex_class = "all_group", edge_type = "from")
#' Quick build a metanet from two columns table
#' @param edgelist two columns table (no elements exist in two columns at same time)
#' @return metanet
#' @export
#' @family plot
#' @examples
#' twocol <- data.frame(
#' "col1" = sample(letters, 30, replace = TRUE),
#' "col2" = sample(c("A", "B"), 30, replace = TRUE)
#' )
#' twocol_net <- twocol_edgelist(twocol)
#' plot(twocol_net)
#' c_net_plot(twocol_net, g_layout_polygon(twocol_net))
twocol_edgelist <- function(edgelist) {
if (any(edgelist[, 1] %in% edgelist[, 2])) stop("Must no elements exist in two columns at same time")
nodelist <- rbind(
data.frame(name = unique(edgelist[, 1]), v_group = names(edgelist)[1], v_class = names(edgelist)[1]),
data.frame(name = unique(edgelist[, 2]), v_group = names(edgelist)[2], v_class = names(edgelist)[2])
venn_net <- c_net_from_edgelist(edgelist, vertex = nodelist)
graph.attributes(venn_net)$n_type <- "twocol"
# venn_net=c_net_set(venn_net,edge_type = "from")
#' Plot olympic rings using network
#' @return network plot
#' @export
#' @family plot
#' @examples
#' olympic_rings_net()
olympic_rings_net <- function() {
r <- 1
pensize <- r / 6
rings_data <- data.frame(
x = c(-2 * (r + pensize), -(r + pensize), 0, (r + pensize), 2 * (r + pensize)),
y = c(r, 0, r, 0, r),
color = c("#0081C8", "#FCB131", "#000000", "#00A651", "#EE334E")
g1 <- module_net(module_number = 5, n_node_in_module = 30)
coors = g_layout(g1, layout1 = rings_data[, 1:2], zoom1 = 1.2, zoom2 = 0.5),
rescale = FALSE, legend = FALSE, main = "Olympic Rings", vertex.frame.color = NA,
edge.width = 0, vertex.color = setNames(rings_data$color, 1:5), vertex.size = 9
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