
Defines functions genomeChrPlot

Documented in genomeChrPlot

#' A Function for Plotting Mean Copy Number Values and Differences Across Multiple Chromosomes
#' This function plots mean copy number values from one or two cohorts at a common set of markers across multiple chromosomes.
#' @param inputList A list produced by dataPrep.
#' @param plottingChrs A numeric list of chromosomes to be plotted.  A separate plot is produced for each chromosome.
#' @param lwdVec A vector of line widths.  Default = rep(1, 3).  See \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param ltyVec A vector of line types.  Default = c(1:3).  See \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param lineColorVec  A vector of line colors.  Default = c("red", "blue", "black").
#' @param ylimLow  The lower limit of the y-values in the plot.  Default = -1.  See \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param ylimHigh  The upper limit of the y-values in the plot.  Default = 1.  See \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param chrLabel  Binary value determining whether or not chromosomes are labeled.  Default = TRUE.
#' @param xaxisLabel  Label for the x-axis in the plot.  Default = "Chromosome".  See \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param yaxisLabel  Label for the y-axis in the plot.  Default = NULL.  See \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param mainLabel  Main label in the plot.  Default = NULL.  See \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param axisCex  Point size for the scale on the axis.  Default = 1.  See \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param labelCex  Point size for the axis label.  Default = 1.  See \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param xaxisLine  Numerical value used to specify the location (line) of the x-axis label.  Default = 2.5.  See \code{\link{mtext}}.
#' @param yaxisLine  Numerical value used to specify the location (line) of the y-axis label.  Default = 2.5.  See \code{\link{mtext}}.
#' @param mainLine  Numerical value used to specify the location (line) of the main.label.  Default = 0.  See \code{\link{mtext}}.
#' @param marginVec Numerical vector specifying margin sizes.  Default = c(4, 4, 3, 3).  See \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param legendText Character vector used in the legend.  Only shown if showLegend = TRUE.  Default = NULL.  See \code{\link{legend}}.
#' @param highThreshold Numerical value representing the position of the upper horizontal line, e.g., a threshold for
#'   assessing statistical significance.  Default = NULL.
#' @param lowThreshold Numerical value representing the position of the lower horizontal line, e.g., a threshold for
#'   assessing statistical significance.  Default = NULL.
#' @param showLegend Binary value determining whether or not the legend is shown.  Default = FALSE.  See \code{\link{legend}}.
#' @param legendXQuantile Quantile to specify the "x" location of the legend.  Only relevant if showLegend = TRUE  Default = 0.55.  See \code{\link{legend}}.
#' @param legendYCoord Numerical value to specify the "y" location of the legend.  Only relevant if showLegend = TRUE.  Default = 1.  See \code{\link{legend}}.
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis legend lines mtext par rect
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @return Creates a multi-page plot of mean copy number values and differences by chromosome.
#' @details Although \code{\link{genomePlot}} can be used to visualize copy number values and
#'   copy number alterations across the genome, the scale makes it difficult to see events
#'   that affect small genomic regions.  These events are easier to see if the viewing window
#'   is restricted to individual chromosomes, as is done here.  If Y = NULL in the input list,
#'   then the plot shows a single line corresponding to the mean DNA copy number values based
#'   on the entries in X.  If both X and Y are specified, the plot shows three lines corresponding
#'   to the mean DNA copy number values in X, the mean DNA copy number values in Y, and the 
#'   difference of the mean DNA copy number values.
#' @examples genomeChrPlot(inputList = pD, ylimLow = -1.4, ylimHigh = 1.4)
#' @export
genomeChrPlot = function(
	plottingChrs = NULL,
	lwdVec = rep(1, 3),
	ltyVec = c(1:3),
	lineColorVec = c("red", "blue", "black"),
	ylimLow = -1,
	ylimHigh = 1,
	chrLabel = TRUE,
	xaxisLabel = "Chromosome",
	yaxisLabel = NULL,
	mainLabel = NULL,
	axisCex = 1,
	labelCex = 1,
	xaxisLine = 2.5,
	yaxisLine = 2.5,
	mainLine = 0,
	marginVec = c(4, 4, 3, 3),
	legendText = NULL,
	highThreshold = NULL,
	lowThreshold = NULL,
	showLegend = FALSE,
	legendXQuantile = 0.55,
	legendYCoord = 1
	#Subset inputList, if necessary
	if (!is.null(plottingChrs))
		plotRows = which(inputList[["posDT"]]$chr %in% plottingChrs)
		inputList[["X"]] = inputList[["X"]][plotRows,]
		inputList[["Y"]] = inputList[["Y"]][plotRows,]
		inputList[["posDT"]] = inputList[["posDT"]][plotRows,]

	#Define terms for plotting
	chr = as.numeric(inputList[["posDT"]]$chr)
	pos = as.numeric(inputList[["posDT"]]$mean_pos)
	chrPosPerm = order(chr, pos)
	m = length(chrPosPerm)
	dists = pos[chrPosPerm][2:m] - pos[chrPosPerm][1:m-1]
	dists[dists < 0] = 0
	cumDists = cumsum(dists)
	cumDists = c(0, cumDists)/1e6
	#Reset to default par() after exiting since par is redefined below
	oldPar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)

	plotVals1 = rowMeans(inputList[["X"]])
		plotVals2 = rowMeans(inputList[["Y"]])
		} else plotVals2 = NULL
		plotVals3 = plotVals1 - plotVals2
		} else plotVals3 = NULL

	for (i in sort(unique(chr)))
		tempRows = which(chr == i)
		par(mar = marginVec)
		plot(pos[tempRows], rep(0, length(tempRows)), ylim = c(ylimLow, ylimHigh),
			axes = F, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "n")

		lines(pos[tempRows], rep(0, length(tempRows)), lty = 2, col = "gray50", lwd = lwdVec[1])	
		lines(pos[tempRows], plotVals1[tempRows], lwd = lwdVec[1], lty = ltyVec[1], col = lineColorVec[1])
		if (!is.null(plotVals2))
			lines(pos[tempRows], plotVals2[tempRows], lwd = lwdVec[2], lty = ltyVec[2], col = lineColorVec[2])
			lines(pos[tempRows], plotVals3[tempRows], lwd = lwdVec[3], lty = ltyVec[3], col = lineColorVec[3])

		if (!is.null(highThreshold))
			abline(h = highThreshold, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "gray50")
		if (!is.null(lowThreshold))
			abline(h = lowThreshold, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "gray50")

		axis(1, cex.axis = axisCex)
		axis(2, cex.axis = axisCex)
		mtext(paste(xaxisLabel, i, sep = " "), side = 1, cex = labelCex, line = xaxisLine)
		mtext(yaxisLabel, side = 2, cex = labelCex, line = yaxisLine)
		mtext(mainLabel, side = 3, cex = labelCex, line = mainLine)

		if (showLegend)
			legend(x = quantile(cumDists, legendXQuantile), y = legendYCoord, lwd = lwdVec, lty = ltyVec, 
				col = lineColorVec, legend = legendText, bty = "n")

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