normalizeByReference = function(x, reference, pm, background, refSig, nrStrata=10,
cutoffQuantile=0.05, plotFileNames, verbose=FALSE) {
##--------------- process and check the input arguments ---------------------------
## process 'x'
if(!is(x, "ExpressionSet"))
stop("'x' must be an object of class 'ExpressionSet'")
n = nrow(exprs(x))
d = ncol(exprs(x))
stop("There is nothing to normalize in 'x'.")
## process 'pm' and 'background'
checkindex = function(v) {
nm = deparse(substitute(v))
stop(sprintf("'%s' must not contain NA.", nm))
if(is.logical(v)) {
stop(sprintf("%d must be logical vector of length %d.", nm, n))
v = which(v)
} else {
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be an integer vector with values between 1 and %d.", nm, n))
stop(sprintf("'%s' must not contain duplicated indices.", nm))
pm = checkindex(pm)
background = checkindex(background)
mtb = match(background, pm)
stop("'background' must be a subset of 'pm'.")
## process 'reference' and 'refSig'
if(!xor(missing(refSig), missing(reference)))
stop("Please specify either the argument 'refSig' or 'reference' (but not both, or none of them).")
if(missing(refSig)) {
if(!is(reference, "eSet"))
stop("'reference' must be an object of class 'eSet'")
stop("'x' and 'reference' must have 'exprs' elements in their 'assayData' slot with the same number of rows.")
refSig = rowMeans(log2(exprs(reference)[pm,,drop=FALSE]))
} else {
stop("'refSig' must be a numeric vector whose length is the same as that of 'pm'.")
##--------------- now the number crucnching starts ---------------------------
## quantiles of the reference intensities, to group probes into
## strata for the background estimations
quants = quantile(refSig, probs=seq(0, 1, length=nrStrata+1))
quants[1] = quants[1]-1
## reference signal for the background features
refSigBg = refSig[mtb]
## strata is now a factor with 'nrStrata' levels and of same length as 'background'
strata = cut(refSigBg, quants)
if(any(table(strata) < 5e3))
warning("'some strata of background contain fewer than 5000 features, are you sure this is alright?")
xbg = (quants[-1]+quants[-length(quants)])/2 ## midpoint between quantiles
ybg = matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow=nrStrata, ncol=d)
bgfun = vector(mode="list", length=d)
## interpolate
for(j in 1:d) {
ybg[, j] = tapply(log(exprs(x)[background, j], 2), strata, genefilter::shorth, tie.action="min")
bgfun[[j]] = approxfun(xbg, ybg[,j], rule=2)
## diagnostic plot of bgfun:
if(!missing(plotFileNames)) {
stop("Please supply as many elements of 'plotFileNames' as there are arrays in 'x'")
rgx = range(refSigBg)
px = seq(rgx[1], rgx[2], length=120)
for(j in 1:d) {
pdf(file=plotFileNames[j], width=8, height=6)
smoothScatter(refSigBg, log(exprs(x)[background, j],2),
xlab = "Reference intensity",
ylab = "Background intensity", nrpoints=0)
lines(px, bgfun[[j]](px), col="darkred")
## apply the background and the scaling
if(verbose) cat("Applying background and scaling\n")
xn = matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow=length(pm), ncol=d)
ttrefsig = 2^refSig
for(j in 1:d)
xn[, j] = (exprs(x)[pm, j] - 2^bgfun[[j]](refSig)) / ttrefsig
## call vsn2 if there are >= 2 arrays
if(d>=2) {
if(verbose) cat("Calling 'vsn::vsnMatrix' for between array normalization and variance stabilizing transformation.\n")
yn = exprs(vsn::vsnMatrix(xn, lts.quantile=0.95,
subsample=min(as.integer(2e5), nrow(xn)),
} else {
yn = xn
warning("'x' has only one column, cannot do between array normalization and variance stabilizing transformation")
## throw out data from probes that have too small refSig, they are likely to
## be dominated by noise / unspecific signal
throwOut = (refSig < quantile(refSig, probs=cutoffQuantile))
yn[throwOut, ] = NA
exprmat = matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow=n, ncol=d)
exprmat[pm, ] = yn
res = x
exprs(res) = exprmat
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