## Additional utilities for SYSargs and SYSargs2 objects ##
## Convenience write function for targetsout(args) ##
writeTargetsout <- function (x, file = "default", silent = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, step = NULL, new_col=NULL, new_col_output_index=NULL, ...) {
if(all(class(x) != "SYSargs" & class(x) != "SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'x' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2")
## SYSargs class
if(class(x) == "SYSargs") {
targets <- targetsout(x)
software <- software(x)
if(file == "default") {
file <- paste("targets_", software, ".txt", sep = "")
file <- gsub(" {1,}", "_", file)
} else {
file <- file
headerlines <- targetsheader(x)
## SYSargs2 class
} else if(class(x) == "SYSargs2") {
stop(paste("Argument 'step' needs to be assigned one of the following values:",
paste(names(x$clt), collapse = ", "), "OR the corresponding position"))
if(all(!is.null(step) & is.character(step) & !any(names(x$clt) %in% step)))
stop(paste("Argument 'step' can only be assigned one of the following values:",
paste(names(x$clt), collapse = ", "), "OR the corresponding position"))
if(all(!is.null(step) & is.numeric(step) & !any(seq_along(names(x$clt)) %in% step)))
stop(paste("Argument 'step' can only be assigned one of the following position:",
paste(seq_along(names(x$clt)), collapse = ", "), "OR the corresponding names"))
targets <-
## Adding the collums
if ((!is.null(new_col) & is.null(new_col_output_index)) |
(is.null(new_col) & !is.null(new_col_output_index)) |
(is.null(new_col) & is.null(new_col_output_index))){
cat("One of 'new_col' and 'new_col_output_index' is null. It is using default column naming and adding all the output files expected, and each one will be written in a different column. \n")
for (i in seq_len(length(output(x)[[1]][[step]]))){
pout <- sapply(names(output(x)), function(y) normalizePath(output(x)[[y]][[step]][[i]]), simplify = F)
targets[[paste0(cwlfiles(x)$steps, "_", i)]] = as.character(pout)
} else if(!is.null(new_col) & !is.null(new_col_output_index)){
if(any(length(output(x)[[1]][[step]]) < new_col_output_index) | any(new_col_output_index < 1)) {
stop(paste0("'new_col_output_index' argument needs to be equal or bigger than 1 and smaller than ", length(output(x)[[1]][[1]]), ", the maximum number of outputs files." ))
if(length(new_col) != length(new_col_output_index)){
stop("'new_col' should have the same length as 'new_col_output_index'")
for(i in seq_along(new_col)){
pout <- sapply(names(output(x)), function(y) normalizePath(output(x)[[y]][[step]][[new_col_output_index[i]]]), simplify = F)
targets[[as.character(new_col[i])]] = as.character(pout)
## Workflow and Step Name
software <- strsplit(basename(cwlfiles(x)$cwl), split = "\\.")[[1]][1]
if(is.character(step)) {
step <- strsplit(step, split = "\\.")[[1]][1]
} else {
step <- strsplit(names(x$clt)[step], split = "\\.")[[1]][1]
if(file == "default") {
file <- paste("targets_", step, ".txt", sep = "")
file <- gsub(" {1,}", "_", file)
} else {
file <- file
headerlines <- targetsheader(x)[[1]]
if(file.exists(file) & overwrite == FALSE) stop(paste("I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file:", file, "or set 'overwrite=TRUE'"))
targetslines <- c(paste(colnames(targets), collapse = "\t"), apply(targets, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"))
writeLines(c(headerlines, targetslines), file, ...)
if(silent != TRUE) cat("\t", "Written content of 'targetsout(x)' to file:", file, "\n")
## Usage:
# writeTargetsout(x=args, file="default") ## SYSargs class
# writeTargetsout(x=WF, file="default", step=1, new_col = "FileName1", new_col_output_index = 1) ## SYSargs2 class
## Function to run NGS aligners including sorting and indexing of BAM files ##
runCommandline <- function(args, runid="01", make_bam=TRUE, del_sam=TRUE, dir=FALSE,, force=FALSE, ...) {
## Validation for 'args'
if(any(class(args)!="SYSargs" & class(args)!="SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2'")
## Environment Modules section
if(any(nchar(gsub(" {1,}", "", modules(args))) > 0)) {
## Check if "Environment Modules" is in the PATH
try(suppressWarnings(modulecmd_path <- system("which modulecmd", intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)),
## "Environment Modules" is not available
if(length(modulecmd_path) == 0 ) {
message("Message: 'Environment Modules is not available. Please make sure to configure your PATH environment variable according to the software in use.'", "\n")
## "Environment Modules" is available and proceed the module load
} else if (length(modulecmd_path) > 0) {
for(j in modules(args)) moduleload(j) # loads specified software from module system
## SYSargs class ##
if(class(args)=="SYSargs") {
#TODO: Should we add a message here for the old param?
.sysargsrunCommandline(args=args, runid=runid, make_bam=make_bam, del_sam=del_sam)
} else if(class(args)=="SYSargs2") {
## SYSargs2 class ##
## Workflow Name (Workflow OR CommandLineTool class) <- strsplit(basename(cwlfiles(args)$cwl), split="\\.")[[1]][1]
## Folder name provide in the yml file or in the
if(is.null(args$yamlinput$results_path$path)) {
if(is.null( {
stop("argument '' missing. The argument can only be assigned 'NULL' when directory name is provided in the yml template. The argument should be assigned as a character vector of length 1")
if(is.null( {
logdir <- normalizePath(args$yamlinput$results_path$path)
} else {
logdir <- paste(getwd(), "/results/", sep="")
## if results doesnt exists, create
## Check if expected files exists or not
return <- .checkOutArgs2(args, make_bam=make_bam, dir=dir,
args.return <- return$args
completed <- return$completed
# Check if one sample/commandline expects one or more output files
outputList <- unlist((args$output))
names(outputList) <- rep(names(output(args)), each=sum(lengths(args$output[[1]])))
for(i in seq_along(cmdlist(args))){
for(j in seq_along(cmdlist(args)[[i]])){
## Run the commandline only for samples for which no output file is available.
if(all(force==FALSE & all(as.logical(completed[[i]][[j]])))) {
} else {
# Create soubmitargsID_command file
cat(cmdlist(args)[[i]][[j]], file=paste(logdir, "/submitargs", runid, "_",, sep=""), fill=TRUE, labels=paste0(names(cmdlist(args))[[i]], ":"), append=TRUE)
## Create an object for executable
command <- gsub(" .*", "", as.character(cmdlist(args)[[i]][[j]]))
commandargs <- gsub("^.*? ", "",as.character(cmdlist(args)[[i]][[j]]))
## Check if the command is in the PATH
if(!command == c("bash")){
tryCatch(system(command, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE), warning=function(w) cat(paste0("ERROR: ", "\n", command, ": command not found. ", '\n', "Please make sure to configure your PATH environment variable according to the software in use."), "\n"))
## Run executable
if(command %in% "bwa") {
stdout <- system2(command, args=commandargs, stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
} else if(command %in% c("bash")) {
stdout <- system(paste(command, commandargs))
} else if(isTRUE(grep('\\$', command)==1)) {
stdout <- system(paste(command, commandargs))
} else {
stdout <- system2(command, args=commandargs, stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
## Create submitargsID_stdout file
cat(cmdlist(args)[[i]][[j]], file=paste(logdir, "/submitargs", runid, "_",, "_log", sep=""), fill=TRUE, labels=paste0(names(cmdlist(args))[[i]], ":"), sep = "\n", append=TRUE)
cat(unlist(stdout), file=paste(logdir, "/submitargs", runid, "_",, "_log", sep=""), sep = "\n", append=TRUE)
cat("################", file=paste(logdir, "/submitargs", runid, "_",, "_log", sep=""), sep = "\n", append=TRUE)
## converting sam to bam using Rsamtools package
.makeBam(output(args)[[i]][[j]], make_bam=make_bam, del_sam=del_sam)
## Create recursive the subfolders
if(!is.null({ <-
for(i in seq_along(names(cmdlist(args)))){
full_path <- paste0(logdir, "/",, "/", names(cmdlist(args)[i]))
dir.create(full_path, recursive = TRUE) }
if(dir.exists(paste0(logdir, "/",, "/_logs/"))==FALSE){
dir.create(paste0(logdir, "/",, "/_logs/"), recursive = TRUE) }
files_log <- list.files(path=logdir, pattern = "submitargs")
for(i in seq_along(files_log)){
file.rename(from=paste0(logdir, "/", files_log[i]), to=paste0(logdir, "/",, "/_logs/", files_log[i]))
outputList_new <- as.character()
for(i in seq_along(outputList)){
name <- strsplit(outputList[i], split="\\/")[[1]]
name <- name[length(name)]
file.rename(from=outputList[i], to=paste0(logdir, "/",, "/", names(outputList[i]), "/", name))
outputList_new <- c(outputList_new, paste0(logdir, "/",, "/", names(outputList[i]), "/", name))
} else if(file.exists(outputList[i])==FALSE){
dump <- "No such file or directory"
outputList <- outputList_new
args.return <- output_update(args.return, dir=TRUE, replace=FALSE)
output_completed <- as.character()
for(i in seq_along(outputList)){
output_completed[i] <- file.exists(outputList[i])
names(output_completed) <- outputList
cat("Missing expected outputs files:", sum(!as.logical(output_completed)), "\n"); cat("Existing expected outputs files:", sum(as.logical(output_completed)), "\n")
## Usage:
# WF <- runCommandline(WF, make_bam=TRUE) # creates the files in the ./results folder
# WF <- runCommandline(WF, dir=TRUE) # creates the files in the ./results/workflowName/Samplename folder
# WF <- runCommandline(WF, make_bam = FALSE, dir=TRUE) ## For hisat2-mapping.cwl template
## .makeBam function: internal function to convert *.sam to *.bam file ##
.makeBam <- function(output_args, make_bam=TRUE, del_sam=TRUE){
if(all(!is.logical(c(make_bam, del_sam)))) stop("Arguments needs to be assigned 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'")
if(make_bam==TRUE) {
sam_files <- grepl(".sam$", output_args)
others_files <- grepl("vcf$|bcf$|xls$|bed$", output_args)
completed.bam <- grepl(".bam$", output_args)
for(k in which(sam_files)){
Rsamtools::asBam(file=output_args[k], destination=gsub("\\.sam$", "", output_args[k]), overwrite=TRUE, indexDestination=TRUE)
} else if(del_sam==FALSE){
dump <- "do nothing"
} } else if(any(others_files)){
dump <- "do nothing"
if(any(completed.bam)){ # If output is unindexed *.bam file (e.g. Tophat2)
for(k in which(completed.bam)){
Rsamtools::sortBam(file=output_args[k], destination=gsub("\\.bam$", "", output_args[k]))
} else if(make_bam==FALSE){
dump <- "do nothing"
## Usage:
# .makeBam(output(args)[[1]][[1]], make_bam=TRUE, del_sam=FALSE)
## .checkOutArgs2 function: internal function to check
## if the expectedoutput has been created ##
.checkOutArgs2 <- function(args, make_bam, dir,{
if(make_bam==TRUE) {
## Validation for Hisat2
if(any(grepl("samtools", names(clt(args))))){ stop("argument 'make_bam' should be 'FALSE' when using the workflow with 'SAMtools'")}
args <- output_update(args, dir=dir,, replace=TRUE, extension=c(".sam", ".bam"), make_bam=make_bam)
completed <- output(args)
for(i in seq_along(output(args))){
for(j in seq_along(output(args)[[i]])){
completed[[i]][[j]] <- file.exists(output(args)[[i]][[j]])
names(completed[[i]][[j]]) <- output(args)[[i]][[j]]
return <- list(args=args, completed=completed)
## Usage:
# return <- .checkOutArgs2(args, make_bam=TRUE)
# args <- return$args
# completed <- return$completed
## .sysargsrunCommandline function: Old version of runCommandline accepts SYSargs class ##
.sysargsrunCommandline <- function(args, runid="01", make_bam=TRUE, del_sam=TRUE, ...) {
commands <- sysargs(args)
completed <- file.exists(outpaths(args))
names(completed) <- outpaths(args)
logdir <- results(args)
for(i in seq(along=commands)) {
## Run alignmets only for samples for which no BAM file is available.
if(as.logical(completed)[i]) {
} else {
## Create soubmitargsID_command file
cat(commands[i], file=paste(logdir, "submitargs", runid, sep=""), sep = "\n", append=TRUE)
## Run executable
command <- gsub(" .*", "", as.character(commands[i]))
commandargs <- gsub("^.*? ", "",as.character(commands[i]))
## Execute system command; note: BWA needs special treatment in stderr handling since it writes
## some stderr messages to sam file if used with system2()
if(software(args) %in% c("bwa aln", "bwa mem")) {
stdout <- system2(command, args=commandargs, stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
} else if(software(args) %in% c("bash_commands")) {
stdout <- system(paste(command, commandargs))
} else {
stdout <- system2(command, args=commandargs, stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
## Create submitargsID_stdout file
cat(commands[i], file=paste(logdir, "submitargs", runid, "_log", sep=""), sep = "\n", append=TRUE)
cat(unlist(stdout), file=paste(logdir, "submitargs", runid, "_log", sep=""), sep = "\n", append=TRUE)
## Conditional postprocessing of results
if(make_bam==TRUE) {
if(grepl(".sam$", outfile1(args)[i])) { # If output is *.sam file (e.g. Bowtie2)
asBam(file=outfile1(args)[i], destination=gsub("\\.sam$", "", outfile1(args)[i]), overwrite=TRUE, indexDestination=TRUE)
} else if(del_sam==FALSE){
dump <- "do nothing"
} else if(grepl("vcf$|bcf$|xls$|bed$", outpaths(args)[i])) {
dump <- "do nothing"
} else { # If output is unindexed *.bam file (e.g. Tophat2)
sortBam(file=names(completed[i]), destination=gsub("\\.bam$", "", names(completed[i])))
bamcompleted <- gsub("sam$", "bam$", file.exists(outpaths(args)))
names(bamcompleted) <- SampleName(args)
cat("Missing alignment results (bam files):", sum(!as.logical(bamcompleted)), "\n"); cat("Existing alignment results (bam files):", sum(as.logical(bamcompleted)), "\n")
## Usage:
# args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/hisat2.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
# sysargs(args)[1] # Command-line parameters for first FASTQ file
# system("hisat2-build ./data/tair10.fasta ./data/tair10.fasta")
# .sysargsrunCommandline(args=args)
## batchtools-based function to submit runCommandline jobs to queuing system of a cluster ##
## The advantage of this function is that it should work with most queuing/scheduling systems such as SLURM, Troque, SGE, ...
clusterRun <- function(args, FUN = runCommandline, more.args=list(args=args, make_bam=TRUE), conffile = ".batchtools.conf.R", template = "batchtools.slurm.tmpl", Njobs, runid = "01", resourceList) {
## Validity checks of inputs
if(any(class(args)!="SYSargs" & class(args)!="SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2'")
if(class(FUN)!="function") stop("Value assigned to 'FUN' argument is not an object of class function.")
if(!file.exists(conffile)) stop("Need to point under 'conffile' argument to proper config file. See more information here: Note: in this file *.tmpl needs to point to a valid template file.")
if(!file.exists(template)) stop("Need to point under 'template' argument to proper template file. Sample template files for different schedulers are available here:")
if(!class(more.args)=="list") stop("'more.args' needs to be object of class 'list'.")
if(any(!names(more.args) %in% names(as.list(formals(FUN))))) stop(paste("The list of arguments assigned to 'more.args' can only be the following arguments defined in the function 'FUN':", paste(names(as.list(formals(FUN))), collapse=", ")))
## SYSargs class
if(class(args)=="SYSargs") {
path <- normalizePath(results(args))
args.f <- seq(along = args)
## SYSargs2 class
} else if (class(args)=="SYSargs2") {
path <- normalizePath(args$yamlinput$results_path$path)
args.f <- seq(along=cmdlist(args))
## batchtools routines
f <- function(i, args, ...) FUN(args=args[i], ...)
logdir1 <- paste0(path, "/submitargs", runid, "_btdb_", paste(sample(0:9, 4), collapse = ""))
reg <- makeRegistry(file.dir = logdir1, conf.file = conffile, packages = "systemPipeR")
ids <- batchMap(fun = f, args.f, more.args = more.args, reg=reg)
chunk <- chunk(ids$, n.chunks = Njobs, shuffle = FALSE)
ids$chunk <- chunk
done <- submitJobs(ids=ids, reg=reg, resources = resourceList)
## Usage:
# resources <- list(walltime=120, ntasks=1, ncpus=4, memory=1024)
# reg <- clusterRun(args, conffile = ".batchtools.conf.R", template = "batchtools.slurm.tmpl", Njobs=18, runid="01", resourceList=resources)
# getStatus(reg=reg)
# waitForJobs(reg=reg)
## Read preprocessing ##
preprocessReads <- function(args, Fct, batchsize=100000, overwrite=TRUE, ...) {
if(all(class(args)!="SYSargs" & class(args)!="SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2")
if(class(Fct)!="character") stop("Argument 'Fct' needs to be of class character")
colnames_args <- colnames(targetsout(args)) #SYSargs
outpaths <- outpaths(args) #SYSargs
targets_in <- targetsin(args)
} else if (class(args)=="SYSargs2") {
colnames_args <- colnames($targets)) #SYSargs2
outpaths <- subsetWF(args = args, slot = "output", subset = 1, index=1)
targets_in <-$targets)
## Run function in loop over all fastq files
## Single end fastq files
if(!all(c("FileName1", "FileName2") %in% colnames_args)) {
for(i in seq(along=args)) {
outfile <- outpaths[i]
## Delete existing fastq files with same names, since writeFastq will append to them
if(overwrite==TRUE) {
if(any(file.exists(outfile))) unlink(outfile)
} else {
if(any(file.exists(outfile))) stop(paste("File", outfile , "exists. Please delete file first or set overwrite=TRUE."))
## Run preprocessor function with FastqStreamer
counter <- 0
f <- FastqStreamer(infile1(args)[i], batchsize)
while(length(fq <- yield(f))) {
fqtrim <- eval(parse(text=Fct))
writeFastq(fqtrim, outfile, mode="a", ...)
counter <- counter + length(fqtrim)
cat(counter, "processed reads written to file:", outfile, "\n")
## Paired end fastq files
if(all(c("FileName1", "FileName2") %in% colnames_args)) {
for(i in seq(along=args)) {
p1 <- as.character(targets_in$FileName1[i])
p2 <- as.character(targets_in$FileName2[i])
p1out <- as.character(targetsout(args)$FileName1[i])
p2out <- as.character(targetsout(args)$FileName2[i])
} else if (class(args)=="SYSargs2") {
p1out <- args$output[[i]][[1]][[1]]
p2out <- args$output[[i]][[1]][[2]]
## Delete existing fastq files with same names, since writeFastq will append to them
if(overwrite==TRUE) {
if(any(file.exists(p1out))) unlink(p1out)
if(any(file.exists(p2out))) unlink(p2out)
} else {
if(any(file.exists(p1out))) stop(paste("File", p1out , "exists. Please delete file first or set overwrite=TRUE."))
if(any(file.exists(p2out))) stop(paste("File", p2out , "exists. Please delete file first or set overwrite=TRUE."))
## Run preprocessor function with FastqStreamer
counter1 <- 0
counter2 <- 0
f1 <- FastqStreamer(p1, batchsize)
f2 <- FastqStreamer(p2, batchsize)
while(length(fq1 <- yield(f1))) {
fq2 <- yield(f2)
if(length(fq1)!=length(fq2)) stop("Paired end files cannot have different read numbers.")
## Process p1
fq <- fq1 # for simplicity in eval
fq1trim <- eval(parse(text=Fct))
## Index for p1
index1 <- as.character(id(fq1)) %in% as.character(id(fq1trim))
names(index1) <- seq(along=index1)
index1 <- names(index1[index1])
## Process p2
fq <- fq2 # for simplicity in eval
fq2trim <- eval(parse(text=Fct))
## Index for p1
index2 <- as.character(id(fq2)) %in% as.character(id(fq2trim))
names(index2) <- seq(along=index2)
index2 <- names(index2[index2])
## Export to processed paired files
indexpair1 <- index1 %in% index2
writeFastq(fq1trim[indexpair1], p1out, mode="a", ...)
indexpair2 <- index2 %in% index1
writeFastq(fq2trim[indexpair2], p2out, mode="a", ...)
counter1 <- counter1 + sum(indexpair1)
cat(counter1, "processed reads written to file:", p1out, "\n")
counter2 <- counter2 + sum(indexpair2)
cat(counter2, "processed reads written to file:", p2out, "\n")
## Usage:
# preprocessReads(args=args, Fct="trimLRPatterns(Rpattern="GCCCGGGTAA", subject=fq)", batchsize=100000, overwrite=TRUE, compress=TRUE)
## Function to create sym links to bam files for viewing in IGV ##
symLink2bam <- function(sysargs, command="ln -s", htmldir, ext=c(".bam", ".bai"), urlbase, urlfile) {
## Create URL file
if(all(class(sysargs) != "SYSargs" & class(sysargs) != "SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'sysargs' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2")
## SYSargs class
if((class(sysargs)) == "SYSargs") {
bampaths <- outpaths(sysargs)
symname <- SampleName(sysargs)
## SYSargs2 class ##
} else if (class(sysargs)=="SYSargs2") {
bampaths <- subsetWF(args = sysargs, slot = "output", subset = 1, index=1)
symname <- sysargs$targets[[1]][[2]]
for(i in seq(along=sysargs)) {
symname[i] <- sysargs$targets[[i]][[2]]
urls <- paste(urlbase, htmldir[2], symname, ext[1], "\t", symname, sep="")
writeLines(urls, urlfile)
## Creat correspoding sym links
dir.create(paste(htmldir, collapse=""))
symname <- rep(symname, each=2)
symname <- paste(symname, c(ext[1], paste(ext, collapse="")), sep="")
bampaths2 <- as.vector(t(cbind(bampaths, paste(bampaths, ext[2], sep=""))))
symcommands <- paste(command, " ", bampaths2, " ", paste(htmldir, collapse=""), symname, sep="")
for(i in symcommands) system(i)
## Usage:
# symLink2bam(sysargs=args, command="ln -s", htmldir=c("~/.html/", "somedir/"), ext=c(".bam", ".bai"), urlbase="", urlfile="IGVurl.txt")
## Alignment Stats ##
alignStats <- function(args, output_index = 1) {
fqpaths <- infile1(args)
## SYSargs class
if(class(args)=="SYSargs") {
bampaths <- outpaths(args)
# SYSargs2 class
} else if (class(args)=="SYSargs2") {
output.all <- subsetWF(args, slot = "output", subset = 1, index = output_index)
bampaths <- as.character()
for(i in seq_along(output.all)){
for(j in seq_along(output.all[[i]])){
if(grepl(".sam$", output.all[[i]][[j]])==TRUE & grepl(".bam$", output.all[[i]][[j]])==FALSE){
stop("Please provide files in BAM format. Also, check 'output_update' function, if the BAM files were previously generated.") }
else if(grepl(".bam$", output.all[[i]][[j]])==TRUE & grepl("sorted.bam$", output.all[[i]][[j]])==FALSE){
bampaths <- c(bampaths, output.all[[i]][[j]]) }
names(bampaths) <- names(output.all)
bamexists <- file.exists(bampaths)
fqpaths <- fqpaths[bamexists]
bampaths <- bampaths[bamexists]
## Obtain total read number from FASTQ files
Nreads <- countLines(fqpaths)/4
names(Nreads) <- names(fqpaths)
## If reads are PE multiply by 2 as a rough approximation
if(nchar(infile2(args))[1] > 0) Nreads <- Nreads * 2
## Obtain total number of alignments from BAM files
bfl <- BamFileList(bampaths, yieldSize=50000, index=character())
param <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE))
Nalign <- countBam(bfl, param=param)
## Obtain number of primary alignments from BAM files
param <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE, isUnmappedQuery=FALSE))
Nalignprim <- countBam(bfl, param=param)
statsDF <- data.frame(FileName=names(Nreads),
if(nchar(infile2(args))[1] > 0) colnames(statsDF)[which(colnames(statsDF)=="Nreads")] <- "Nreads2x"
## Usage:
# read_statsDF <- alignStats(args=args)
## RPKM Normalization ##
returnRPKM <- function(counts, ranges) {
geneLengthsInKB <- sum(width(reduce(ranges)))/1000 # Length of exon union per gene in kbp
millionsMapped <- sum(counts)/1e+06 # Factor for converting to million of mapped reads.
rpm <- counts/millionsMapped # RPK: reads per kilobase of exon model.
rpkm <- rpm/geneLengthsInKB # RPKM: reads per kilobase of exon model per million mapped reads.
## Usage:
# countDFrpkm <- apply(countDF, 2, function(x) returnRPKM(counts=x, ranges=eByg))
## Read Sample Comparisons from Targets File ##
## Parses sample comparisons from <CMP> line(s) in targets.txt file or SYSars object.
## All possible comparisons can be specified with 'CMPset: ALL'.
readComp <- function(file, format="vector", delim="-") {
if(!format %in% c("vector", "matrix")) stop("Argument format can only be assigned: vector or matrix!")
if(class(file) == "SYSargs") {
if(length(targetsheader(file))==0) stop("Input has no targets header lines.")
comp <- targetsheader(file)
## SYSargs2 class
} else if (class(file) == "SYSargs2"){
if(length(targetsheader(file)[[1]])==0) stop("Input has no targets header lines.")
comp <- targetsheader(file)[[1]]
} else {
comp <- readLines(file)
comp <- comp[grepl("<CMP>", comp)]
comp <- gsub("#.*<CMP>| {1,}", "", comp)
comp <- gsub("\t", "", comp); comp <- gsub("^\"|\"$", "", comp) # Often required if Excel is used for editing targets file
comp <- strsplit(comp, ":|,")
names(comp) <- lapply(seq(along=comp), function(x) comp[[x]][1])
comp <- sapply(names(comp), function(x) comp[[x]][-1], simplify=FALSE)
## Check whether all samples are present in Factor column of targets file
checkvalues <- unique(unlist(strsplit(unlist(comp), "-")))
checkvalues <- checkvalues[checkvalues!="ALL"]
if(class(file)=="SYSargs") {
all <- unique(as.character(targetsin(file)$Factor))
} else if(class(file)=="SYSargs2") {
all <- unique(as.character($Factor))
} else {
all <- unique(as.character(read.delim(file, comment.char = "#")$Factor))
if(any(!checkvalues %in% all)) stop(paste("The following samples are not present in Factor column of targets file:", paste(checkvalues[!checkvalues %in% all], collapse=", ")))
## Generate outputs
allindex <- sapply(names(comp), function(x) any(grepl("ALL", comp[[x]])))
if(any(allindex)) for(i in which(allindex)) comp[[i]] <- combn(all, m=2, FUN=paste, collapse=delim)
if(format == "vector" & delim != "-") comp <- sapply(names(comp), function(x) gsub("-", delim, comp[[x]]), simplify=FALSE)
if(format == "vector") return(comp)
if(format == "matrix") return(sapply(names(comp), function(x)"rbind", strsplit(comp[[x]], "-")), simplify=FALSE))
## Usage:
# cmp <- readComp("targets.txt", format="vector", delim="-")
# cmp <- readComp(args, format="vector", delim="-")
## Access module system from R ##
## S3 class converted to S4 class, please check R/modules.R file
# # S3 Class for handling function calls
# myEnvModules <- structure(list(), class="EnvModules")
# ## Main function to allow avail, list and list
# myEnvModules$init <- function(){
# # Module function assumes MODULEPATH and MODULEDIR are set in login profile
# # Get base environment from login profile
# base_env <- strsplit(system('bash -l -c "env"',intern = TRUE),'\n')
# base_env <- strsplit(as.character(base_env),'=')
# # Iterate through base environment
# for (x in seq(1,length(base_env))) {
# # Set environment based on login profile
# if (base_env[[x]][1]=="LOADEDMODULES" || base_env[[x]][1]=="MODULESHOME" || base_env[[x]][1]=="MODULEPATH" || base_env[[x]][1]=="MODULES_DIR" || base_env[[x]][1]=="HPCC_MODULES"){
# if (base_env[[x]][1]=="LOADEDMODULES"){
# default_modules <- strsplit(base_env[[x]][2],":")
# }
# else{
# l <- list(base_env[[x]][2])
# names(l) <- base_env[[x]][1]
#, l)
# }
# }
# }
# # Make sure to process default modules after the environment is set with the above loop
# for (x in seq(1,length(default_modules[[1]]))){
# module_name <- default_modules[[1]][x]
# print(paste("Loading module",module_name))
# try(myEnvModules$load_unload("load",module_name))
# }
# }
# # Print available modules or currently loaded modules on stderr
# myEnvModules$avail_list <- function(action_type){
# try(module_vars <- system(paste('modulecmd bash',action_type),intern = TRUE))
# }
# # Unload all currently loaded modules
# myEnvModules$clear <- function(action_type){
# loaded_modules <- strsplit(Sys.getenv("LOADEDMODULES"),":")
# if (length(loaded_modules[[1]]) > 0) {
# for (x in seq(1,length(loaded_modules[[1]]))){
# module_name <- loaded_modules[[1]][x]
# print(paste("Unloading module",module_name))
# try(myEnvModules$load_unload("unload",module_name))
# }
# }
# }
# # Load and unload actions are basically the same, set environment variables given by modulecmd
# myEnvModules$load_unload <- function(action_type, module_name=""){
# module_name <- paste(module_name, collapse=' ')
# # Use the low level C binary for generating module environment variables
# try(module_vars <- system(paste('modulecmd bash',action_type, module_name),intern = TRUE))
# if (length(module_vars) > 0){
# for (y in seq(1,length(module_vars))) {
# # Separate environment variables
# module_var <- strsplit(module_vars,";")
# # Iterate through all environment variables
# for (x in seq(1,length(module_var[[y]]))) {
# # Isolate key, value pair
# evar <- module_var[[y]][x]
# # Filter export commands
# if (length(grep('^ *export',evar)) == 0 && length(evar) > 0) {
# # Seprate key and value
# evar <- strsplit(as.character(evar),'=')
# # Stip spaces at the end of the value
# evar_val <- gsub('[[:space:]]','',evar[[1]][2])
# # Remove extra backslashes
# l <- list(gsub('\\$','',evar_val))
# # Load dependant modules
# if (length(grep('^ *module',evar[[1]][1])) > 0){
# inner_module <- strsplit(evar[[1]][1]," ")
# #myEnvModules$load_unload(inner_module[1][[1]][2],inner_module[1][[1]][3])
# }
# # Source environment
# else if (length(grep('^ *source',evar[[1]][1])) > 0){
# warning(paste0("Module uses a bash script to initialize, some software may not function as expected:\n\t",evar[[1]][1]))
# }
# # Unset variables that need to be unset
# else if(length(grep("^ *unset ",evar[[1]][1])) > 0){
# evar <- gsub("^unset (.*)$","\\1",evar[[1]][1])
# Sys.unsetenv(evar)
# } else {
# # Assign names to each value in list
# names(l) <- evar[[1]][1]
# # Set environment variable in current environment
#, l)
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# #Define what happens bases on action
# module <- function(action_type,module_name=""){
# # Check to see if modulecmd is in current PATH
# try(suppressWarnings(modulecmd_path <- system("which modulecmd",intern=TRUE,ignore.stderr=TRUE)),
# silent=TRUE
# )
# # Only initialize module system if it has not yet been initialized and the modulecmd exisits
# if ( Sys.getenv('MODULEPATH') == "" && length(modulecmd_path) > 0) {
# myEnvModules$init()
# } else if (Sys.getenv('MODULEPATH') == "" && length(modulecmd_path) == 0) {
# stop("Could not find the installation of Environment Modules: \"modulecmd\". Please make sure to configure your PATH environment variable according to the software in use.")
# }
# switch(action_type,
# "load" = myEnvModules$load_unload(action_type, module_name),
# "unload" = myEnvModules$load_unload(action_type, module_name),
# "list" = myEnvModules$avail_list(action_type),
# "avail" = myEnvModules$avail_list(action_type),
# "clear" = myEnvModules$clear(action_type),
# "init" = myEnvModules$init(),
# stop("That action is not supported.")
# )
# }
## Usage:
# module("load","tophat")
# module("load","tophat/2.1.1")
# module("list")
# module("avail")
# module("init")
# module("unload", "tophat")
# module("unload", "tophat/2.1.1")
## Legacy Wrappers ##
# ## List software available in module system
# modulelist <- function() {
# module("avail")
# # warning("The function modulelist will be deprecated in future releases, please refer to the documentation for proper useage.")
# }
# ## Load software from module system
# moduleload <- function(module,envir="PATH") {
# module("load", module)
# # warning("The function moduleload will be deprecated in future releases, please refer to the documentation for proper useage.")
# }
## Run edgeR GLM with entire count matrix or subsetted by comparison ##
## If independent=TRUE then countDF will be subsetted for each comparison
run_edgeR <- function(countDF, targets, cmp, independent=TRUE, paired=NULL, mdsplot="") {
## if(class(cmp) != "matrix" & length(cmp)==2) cmp <- t(as.matrix(cmp)) # If cmp is vector of length 2, convert it to matrix.
## fix for _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_ error: " --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---"
if(all(class(cmp) != "matrix" & length(cmp)==2)) cmp <- t(as.matrix(cmp))
samples <- as.character(targets$Factor); names(samples) <- paste(as.character(targets$SampleName), "", sep="")
countDF <- countDF[, names(samples)]
countDF[] <- 0
edgeDF <- data.frame(row.names=rownames(countDF))
group <- as.character(samples)
if(independent==TRUE) {
loopv <- seq(along=cmp[,1])
} else {
loopv <- 1
for(j in loopv) {
## Filtering and normalization
y <- DGEList(counts=countDF, group=group) # Constructs DGEList object
if(independent == TRUE) {
subset <- samples[samples %in% cmp[j,]]
y <- y[, names(subset)]
y$samples$group <- factor(as.character(y$samples$group))
keep <- rowSums(cpm(y)>1) >= 2; y <- y[keep, ]
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
## Design matrix
if(length(paired)==0) {
design <- model.matrix(~0+y$samples$group, data=y$samples)
colnames(design) <- levels(y$samples$group)
} else {
if(length(paired)>0 & independent==FALSE) stop("When providing values under 'paired' also set independent=TRUE")
Subject <- factor(paired[samples %in% cmp[j,]]) # corrected Jun 2014 (won't change results)
Treat <- y$samples$group
design <- model.matrix(~Subject+Treat)
levels(design) <- levels(y$samples$group)
## Estimate dispersion
y <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(y, design, verbose=TRUE) # Estimates common dispersions
y <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(y, design) # Estimates trended dispersions
y <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y, design) # Estimates tagwise dispersions
fit <- glmFit(y, design) # Fits the negative binomial GLM for each tag and produces an object of class DGEGLM with some new components.
## Contrast matrix is optional but makes anlysis more transparent
if(independent == TRUE) {
mycomp <- paste(cmp[j,1], cmp[j,2], sep="-")
} else {
mycomp <- paste(cmp[,1], cmp[,2], sep="-")
if(length(paired)==0) contrasts <- makeContrasts(contrasts=mycomp, levels=design)
for(i in seq(along=mycomp)) {
if(length(paired)==0) {
lrt <- glmLRT(fit, contrast=contrasts[,i]) # Takes DGEGLM object and carries out the likelihood ratio test.
} else {
lrt <- glmLRT(fit) # No contrast matrix with paired design
deg <-, n=length(rownames(y))))
colnames(deg) <- paste(paste(mycomp[i], collapse="_"), colnames(deg), sep="_")
edgeDF <- cbind(edgeDF, deg[rownames(edgeDF),])
if(nchar(mdsplot)>0) {
pdf(paste("./results/sample_MDS_", paste(unique(subset), collapse="-"), ".pdf", sep=""))
## Usage:
# cmp <- readComp(file=targetspath, format="matrix", delim="-")
# edgeDF <- run_edgeR(countDF=countDF, targets=targets, cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=TRUE, mdsplot="")
## Run DESeq2 with entire count matrix or subsetted by comparison ##
## If independent=TRUE then countDF will be subsetted for each comparison
run_DESeq2 <- function(countDF, targets, cmp, independent=FALSE) {
## if(class(cmp) != "matrix" & length(cmp)==2) cmp <- t(as.matrix(cmp)) # If cmp is vector of length 2, convert it to matrix.
## fix for _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_ error: " --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---"
if(all(class(cmp) != "matrix" & length(cmp)==2)) cmp <- t(as.matrix(cmp))
samples <- as.character(targets$Factor); names(samples) <- paste(as.character(targets$SampleName), "", sep="")
countDF <- countDF[, names(samples)]
countDF[] <- 0
deseqDF <- data.frame(row.names=rownames(countDF))
if(independent==TRUE) {
loopv <- seq(along=cmp[,1])
} else {
loopv <- 1
for(j in loopv) {
if(independent==TRUE) {
## Create subsetted DESeqDataSet object
subset <- samples[samples %in% cmp[j,]]
countDFsub <- countDF[, names(subset)]
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=as.matrix(countDFsub), colData=data.frame(condition=subset), design = ~ condition)
mycmp <- cmp[j, , drop=FALSE]
} else {
## Create full DESeqDataSet object
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=as.matrix(countDF), colData=data.frame(condition=samples), design = ~ condition)
mycmp <- cmp
## Estimate of (i) size factors, (ii) dispersion, (iii) negative binomial GLM fitting and (iv) Wald statistics
dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds, quiet=TRUE)
for(i in seq(along=mycmp[,1])) {
## Extracts DEG results for specific contrasts from DESeqDataSet object
res <- DESeq2::results(dds, contrast=c("condition", mycmp[i,]))
## Set NAs to reasonable values to avoid errors in downstream filtering steps
res[[,"padj"]), "padj"] <- 1
res[[,"log2FoldChange"]), "log2FoldChange"] <- 0
deg <-
colnames(deg)[colnames(deg) %in% c("log2FoldChange", "padj")] <- c("logFC", "FDR")
colnames(deg) <- paste(paste(mycmp[i,], collapse="-"), colnames(deg), sep="_")
deseqDF <- cbind(deseqDF, deg[rownames(deseqDF),])
## Usage:
# cmp <- readComp(file=targetspath, format="matrix", delim="-")
# degseqDF <- run_DESeq2(countDF=countDF, targets=targets, cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=TRUE)
## Filter DEGs by p-value and fold change ##
filterDEGs <- function(degDF, filter, plot=TRUE) {
pval <- degDF[, grep("_FDR$", colnames(degDF)), drop=FALSE]
log2FC <- degDF[, grep("_logFC$", colnames(degDF)), drop=FALSE]
## DEGs that are up or down regulated
pf <- pval <= filter["FDR"]/100 & (log2FC >= log2(filter["Fold"]) | log2FC <= -log2(filter["Fold"]))
colnames(pf) <- gsub("_FDR", "", colnames(pf))
pf[] <- FALSE
DEGlistUPorDOWN <- sapply(colnames(pf), function(x) rownames(pf[pf[,x,drop=FALSE],,drop=FALSE]), simplify=FALSE)
## DEGs that are up regulated
pf <- pval <= filter["FDR"]/100 & log2FC >= log2(filter["Fold"])
colnames(pf) <- gsub("_FDR", "", colnames(pf))
pf[] <- FALSE
DEGlistUP <- sapply(colnames(pf), function(x) rownames(pf[pf[,x,drop=FALSE],,drop=FALSE]), simplify=FALSE)
## DEGs that are down regulated
pf <- pval <= filter["FDR"]/100 & log2FC <= -log2(filter["Fold"])
colnames(pf) <- gsub("_FDR", "", colnames(pf))
pf[] <- FALSE
DEGlistDOWN <- sapply(colnames(pf), function(x) rownames(pf[pf[,x,drop=FALSE],,drop=FALSE]), simplify=FALSE)
df <- data.frame(Comparisons=names(DEGlistUPorDOWN), Counts_Up_or_Down=sapply(DEGlistUPorDOWN, length), Counts_Up=sapply(DEGlistUP, length), Counts_Down=sapply(DEGlistDOWN, length))
resultlist <- list(UporDown=DEGlistUPorDOWN, Up=DEGlistUP, Down=DEGlistDOWN, Summary=df)
if(plot==TRUE) {
mytitle <- paste("DEG Counts (", names(filter)[1], ": ", filter[1], " & " , names(filter)[2], ": ", filter[2], "%)", sep="")
df_plot <- data.frame(Comparisons=rep(as.character(df$Comparisons), 2), Counts=c(df$Counts_Up, df$Counts_Down), Type=rep(c("Up", "Down"), each=length(df[,1])))
p <- ggplot(df_plot, aes(Comparisons, Counts, fill = Type)) + geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") + coord_flip() + theme(axis.text.y=element_text(angle=0, hjust=1)) + ggtitle(mytitle)
## Usage:
# DEG_list <- filterDEGs(degDF=edgeDF, filter=c(Fold=2, FDR=1))
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