#' @title SNV profile creation
#' @description Create an SNV profile from data in a VCF file.
#' @details This function creates a SNV profile from a given VCF file by
#' extracting the variants that pass the filtering criterias. Profile creation
#' is performed to facilitate and accelerate the cell authentication
#' procedures, which is especially relevant when more than one pairwise
#' comparison will be performed on the same sample.
#' @export
#' @rdname create_profile
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation geno
#' @param vcf_file The VCF file from which the profile will be created (path).
#' @param sample The sample in the VCF for which a profile will be created
#' (character).
#' @param min_depth Filter variants below this sequencing depth (integer).
#' @param filter_vc Filter variants failing variant caller criteria (boolean).
#' @param filter_mt Filter mitochondrial variants (boolean).
#' @param filter_ns Filter non-standard chromosomes (boolean).
#' @param filter_gd Filter duplicate variants at the gene-level (boolean).
#' @param filter_pd Filter duplicate variants at the position-level (boolean).
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' # Path to the test VCF file
#' vcf_file = system.file("extdata", "test.vcf.gz", package = "seqCAT")
#' # Create SNV profiles
#' profile_1 <- create_profile(vcf_file, "sample1")
#' profile_1 <- create_profile(vcf_file, "sample1", min_depth = 15)
create_profile <- function(vcf_file,
min_depth = 10,
filter_vc = TRUE,
filter_mt = TRUE,
filter_ns = TRUE,
filter_gd = TRUE,
filter_pd = FALSE) {
# Message
message("Reading VCF file ...")
# Check if provided sample is present in VCF
vcf_header <- VariantAnnotation::scanVcfHeader(vcf_file)
vcf_samples <- VariantAnnotation::samples(vcf_header)
if (!(sample %in% vcf_samples)) {
stop(paste0("Sample \"", sample, "\" is not present in the VCF file"))
# Define VCF parameters to be read
if ("ANN" %in% row.names(VariantAnnotation::info(vcf_header))) {
annotations <- TRUE
svp <- VariantAnnotation::ScanVcfParam(info = "ANN",
geno = c("DP", "AD", "GT"))
} else {
annotations <- FALSE
svp <- VariantAnnotation::ScanVcfParam(geno = c("DP", "AD", "GT"))
# Read VCF file
vcf <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(vcf_file, param = svp)
# Message
message("Creating SNV profile ...")
# Gather relevant information to data GRanges object
gr <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)
gr$DP <-$DP)[[sample]]
gr$AD <-$AD)[[sample]]
gr$GT <-$GT)[[sample]]
# Stop execution if DP, AD or GT is empty
for (metacol in c("DP", "AD", "GT")) {
if (all([[metacol]]))) {
stop(paste("VCF contains no", metacol, "data"))
# Add annotations, if present
if (annotations) {
gr$ANN <- VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)$ANN
# Set ALT as character
gr$ALT <- S4Vectors::unstrsplit(IRanges::CharacterList(gr$ALT))
# Filter variants
data <- filter_variants(gr,
min_depth = min_depth,
filter_vc = filter_vc,
filter_mt = filter_mt,
filter_ns = filter_ns)
# Get rsIDs, if present
data$rsID <- row.names(data)
row.names(data) <- NULL
data[!grepl("^rs[0-9]+", data$rsID), "rsID"] <- "None"
# Separate allelic depths
data$AD <- gsub("c\\(", "", gsub("\\)", "", data$AD))
data <- tidyr::separate(data = data,
col = "AD",
into = c("AD1", "AD2"),
fill = "right",
remove = TRUE)
# Add alleles
data <- tidyr::separate(data = data,
col = "GT",
sep = "/",
into = c("A1", "A2"),
fill = "right",
remove = TRUE)
data[data$A1 == 0, "A1"] <- data[data$A1 == 0, "REF"]
data[data$A1 == 1, "A1"] <- data[data$A1 == 1, "ALT"]
data[data$A2 == 0, "A2"] <- data[data$A2 == 0, "REF"]
data[data$A2 == 1, "A2"] <- data[data$A2 == 1, "ALT"]
# Separate and filter annotations, if present
if (annotations) {
data <- filter_annotations(data)
# Re-order output
order <- c("chr",
order <- order[order %in% names(data)]
data <- data[order]
# Sort output
if (annotations) {
data <- data[order(as.character(data$chr),
gsub("\\:", "\\.", data$ENSTID),
data$biotype), ]
} else {
data <- data[order(as.character(data$chr),
data$pos), ]
# Remove duplicate rows, if present
data <- unique(data)
data <- filter_duplicates(data,
filter_gd = filter_gd,
filter_pd = filter_pd)
# Add sample to profile
data$sample <- sample
# Return profile as data frame
data <-
# Function for filtering VCF annotations
filter_annotations <- function(data) {
# Separate ANN into rows
data <- tidyr::unnest(data, !!rlang::sym("ANN"))
# Separate ANN into columns
data <- tidyr::separate(data,
col = "ANN",
sep = "\\|",
extra = "drop",
fill = "right",
remove = TRUE,
into = c("ALT2",
# Remove unwanted data columns
to_remove <- c("-ALT2",
data <- data[, !(names(data) %in% to_remove)]
data <-
# Impact factor priority
priority <- c("HIGH", "MODERATE", "LOW", "MODIFIER")
# Initialise vector for storing row indexes to keep after impact filtration
unique_pos <- unique(data$pos)
unique_pos_len <- length(unique_pos)
idx <- vector(mode = "list", length = unique_pos_len)
# Loop over each position and get row indexes of lower impacts
for (n in seq_len(unique_pos_len)) {
# Current position
current <- data[data$pos == unique_pos[n], ]
# Skip if current position only contains a single entry
if (nrow(current) == 1) {
# Skip if current position only contains a single impact category
if (length(unique(current$impact)) == 1) {
# Find the highest impact in the current position
highest <- min(which(priority %in% unique(current$impact) == TRUE))
# Remove rows in data that don't contain the highest impact
idx[[n]] <- row.names(current[current$impact != priority[highest], ])
# Remove impacts
idx <- unlist(idx)
data <- data[!(row.names(data) %in% idx), ]
# Return data
#' @title SNV profile creation
#' @description Create SNV profiles from all VCF files in a directory
#' @details This functions is a convenience-wrapper for the `create_profile`
#' function, which will create SNV profiles for each and every VCF file in the
#' provided directory. The file naming scheme used is `<sample>.vcf` and will
#' dictate the each profile's sample name.
#' @export
#' @rdname create_profiles
#' @param vcf_dir The VCF directory from which the profiles will be created
#' (path).
#' @param min_depth Remove variants below this sequencing depth (integer).
#' @param filter_vc Filter variants failing variant caller criteria (boolean).
#' @param filter_mt Filter mitochondrial variants (boolean).
#' @param filter_ns Filter non-standard chromosomes (boolean).
#' @param filter_gd Filter duplicate variants at the gene-level (boolean).
#' @param filter_pd Filter duplicate variants at the position-level (boolean).
#' @param pattern Only create profiles for a subset of files corresponding to
#' this pattern (character).
#' @param recursive Find VCF files recursively in sub-directories as well
#' (boolean).
#' @return A list of data frames.
#' @examples
#' # Path to the test VCF directory
#' vcf_dir = system.file("extdata", package = "seqCAT")
#' # Create SNV profiles
#' profiles <- create_profiles(vcf_dir, pattern = "test", recursive = TRUE)
create_profiles <- function(vcf_dir,
min_depth = 10,
filter_vc = TRUE,
filter_mt = TRUE,
filter_ns = TRUE,
filter_gd = TRUE,
filter_pd = FALSE,
pattern = NULL,
recursive = FALSE) {
# List VCF files to create profiles for
files <- list.files(path = vcf_dir,
full.names = TRUE,
pattern = pattern,
recursive = recursive)
# Get only VCF files
vcf_files <- grep(".vcf", files, value = TRUE)
# Initialise profile list
profile_list <- list()
# Create SNV profiles for each VCF file
for (vcf in vcf_files) {
# Get current sample
sample <- strsplit(vcf, "/")[[1]]
len <- length(sample)
sample <- strsplit(sample[len], "\\.")[[1]][1]
# Create profile for current input file
message("Creating profile for sample ", sample, " in VCF file ",
vcf, " ...")
profile <- suppressMessages(create_profile(vcf_file = vcf,
sample = sample,
min_depth = min_depth,
filter_vc = filter_vc,
filter_mt = filter_mt,
filter_ns = filter_ns,
filter_gd = filter_gd,
filter_pd = filter_pd))
}, error = function(e) {
message("ERROR; continuing to the next sample.")
# Append profile to profile list
profile_list[[length(profile_list) + 1]] <- profile
# Return the final profile list
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