#' Main clustering SCORE (CORE V2.0) Stable Clustering
#' at Optimal REsolution with bagging and bootstrapping
#' @description CORE is an algorithm to generate reproduciable clustering,
#' CORE is first implemented in ascend R package. Here, CORE V2.0 uses bagging
#' analysis to find a stable clustering result and detect rare clusters mixed
#' population.
#' @param mixedpop is a \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object from the train
#' mixed population.
#' @param bagging_run an integer specifying the number of bagging runs to be
#' computed.
#' @param subsample_proportion a numeric specifying the proportion
#' of the tree to be chosen in subsampling.
#' @param windows a numeric vector specifying the ranges of each window.
#' @param remove_outlier a vector containing IDs for clusters to be removed
#' the default vector contains 0, as 0 is the cluster with singletons.
#' @param nRounds an integer specifying the number rounds to attempt to remove
#' outliers.
#' @param PCA logical specifying if PCA is used before calculating distance
#' matrix.
#' @param nPCs an integer specifying the number of principal components to use.
#' @param ngenes number of genes used for clustering calculations.
#' @return a \code{list} with clustering results of all iterations, and a
#' selected
#' optimal resolution
#' @examples
#' day5 <- day_5_cardio_cell_sample
#' cellnames<-colnames(day5$dat5_counts)
#' cluster <-day5$dat5_clusters
#' cellnames <- data.frame('cluster' = cluster, 'cellBarcodes' = cellnames)
#' #day5$dat5_counts needs to be in a matrix format
#' mixedpop2 <-new_summarized_scGPS_object(ExpressionMatrix = day5$dat5_counts,
#' GeneMetadata = day5$dat5geneInfo, CellMetadata = day5$dat5_clusters)
#' test <- CORE_bagging(mixedpop2, remove_outlier = c(0), PCA=FALSE,
#' bagging_run = 2, subsample_proportion = .7)
#' @export
#' @author Quan Nguyen, 2018-05-11
CORE_bagging <- function(mixedpop = NULL, bagging_run = 20,
subsample_proportion = 0.8, windows = seq(from = 0.025, to = 1, by = 0.025),
remove_outlier = c(0), nRounds = 1, PCA = FALSE, nPCs = 20, ngenes = 1500) {
# perform the clustering runs
cluster_all <- clustering_bagging(object = mixedpop,
windows = windows, bagging_run = bagging_run,
subsample_proportion = subsample_proportion,
remove_outlier = remove_outlier, ngenes = ngenes, nRounds = nRounds,
PCA = PCA, nPCs = nPCs)
# find the optimal stability for each of the bagging runs
optimal_stab <- vector(mode = "list", length = bagging_run)
for (i in seq_len(bagging_run)) {
stab_df <- suppressMessages(find_stability(list_clusters =
cluster_ref = unname(unlist(
optimal_stab[[i]] <- suppressMessages(find_optimal_stability(
list_clusters = cluster_all$bootstrap_clusters[[i]][[1]],
stab_df, bagging = TRUE, windows = windows))
# record the optimal and highest resolutions to find stable cluster
OptimalCluster_bagging <- vector(mode = "double", length = bagging_run)
RareCluster_bagging <- vector(mode = "double", length = bagging_run)
for (i in seq_len(bagging_run)) {
OptimalCluster_bagging[i] <- optimal_stab[[i]]$OptimalClust
RareCluster_bagging[i] <- optimal_stab[[i]]$HighestRes
# record the most frequently occurring result, favour higher resolution
OptimalCluster_bagging_count <- which.max(tabulate(
NumberClusters <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(windows))
for (i in seq_len(length(windows))) {
NumberClusters[i] <- max(unlist(cluster_all$clustering_param[[i]]))
# Check to see if the optimal is valid in the original tree
if (!(OptimalCluster_bagging_count %in% NumberClusters)) {
if (OptimalCluster_bagging_count > max(NumberClusters)) {
OptimalCluster_bagging_count <- max(NumberClusters)
} else {
idx <- which.min(abs(NumberClusters - OptimalCluster_bagging_count))
OptimalCluster_bagging_count <- NumberClusters[idx]
optimal_index <- which(NumberClusters == OptimalCluster_bagging_count)[1]
message("Done finding optimal clustering")
return(list(Cluster = cluster_all$clustering_param, tree = cluster_all$tree,
optimalClust = OptimalCluster_bagging,
cellsRemoved = cluster_all$cellsRemoved,
cellsForClustering = cluster_all$cellsForClustering,
optimalMax = OptimalCluster_bagging_count,
highResCluster = RareCluster_bagging, optimal_index = optimal_index))
#' HC clustering for a number of resolutions
#' @description subsamples cells for each bagging run and performs 40
#' clustering runs or more depending on windows.
#' @param object is a \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object from the train
#' mixed population.
#' @param bagging_run an integer specifying the number of bagging runs to be
#' computed.
#' @param subsample_proportion a numeric specifying the proportion of the tree
#' to be chosen in subsampling.
#' @param windows a numeric vector specifying the rages of each window.
#' @param remove_outlier a vector containing IDs for clusters to be removed
#' the default vector contains 0, as 0 is the cluster with singletons.
#' @param nRounds a integer specifying the number rounds to attempt to remove
#' outliers.
#' @param PCA logical specifying if PCA is used before calculating distance
#' matrix.
#' @param nPCs an integer specifying the number of principal components to use.
#' @param ngenes number of genes used for clustering calculations.
#' @return a list of clustering results containing each bagging run
#' as well as the clustering of the original tree and the tree itself.
#' @export
#' @author Quan Nguyen, 2017-11-25
#' @examples
#' day5 <- day_5_cardio_cell_sample
#' mixedpop2 <-new_summarized_scGPS_object(ExpressionMatrix = day5$dat5_counts,
#' GeneMetadata = day5$dat5geneInfo, CellMetadata = day5$dat5_clusters)
#' test <-clustering_bagging(mixedpop2, remove_outlier = c(0),
#' bagging_run = 2, subsample_proportion = .7)
clustering_bagging <- function(object = NULL, ngenes = 1500,
bagging_run = 20, subsample_proportion = 0.8,
windows = seq(from = 0.025, to = 1, by = 0.025), remove_outlier = c(0),
nRounds = 1, PCA = FALSE, nPCs = 20) {
# function for the highest resolution clustering (i.e. no window applied)
first_round_clustering <- function(object = NULL) {
exprs_mat <- assay(object)
# take the top variable genes
message("Identifying top variable genes")
exprs_mat_topVar <- top_var(exprs_mat, ngenes = ngenes)
# tranpose so that cells are in rows
exprs_mat_t <- t(exprs_mat_topVar)
#-------------------------------------Work in progress--------#
if (PCA) {
# perform PCA dimensionality reduction
message(paste0("Performing PCA analysis ",
"(Note: the variance for each cell needs to be > 0)"))
exprs_mat_topVar_PCA <- prcomp(t(exprs_mat_topVar))
exprs_mat_t <-$x[,seq_len(nPCs)])
# calculate distance matrix for the rows
message("Calculating distance matrix")
dist_mat <- rcpp_parallel_distance(as.matrix(exprs_mat_t))
#-------------------------------------Work in progress--------#
message("Performing hierarchical clustering")
original.tree <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(dist_mat),
method = "ward.D2")
# the original clusters to be used as the reference
message("Finding clustering information")
original.clusters <- unname(cutreeDynamic(original.tree,
distM = as.matrix(dist_mat), verbose = 0))
original.tree$labels <- original.clusters
return(list(tree = original.tree, cluster_ref = original.clusters,
dist_mat = dist_mat, exprs_mat_t = exprs_mat_t))
# function to remove outlier clusters
remove_outlier_cluster <- function(object = object,
remove_outlier = remove_outlier, nRounds = nRounds) {
# Initial Message to the user
if (nRounds == 1) {
message(paste0("Performing ", nRounds, " round of filtering"))
} else {
message(paste0("Performing ", nRounds, " rounds of filtering"))
# loop for the number of filtering rounds
i = 1
objectTemp <- object
cells_to_remove <- c()
while (i <= nRounds) {
filter_out <- first_round_clustering(objectTemp)
cluster_toRemove <- which(filter_out$cluster_ref %in%
if (length(cluster_toRemove) > 0) {
message(paste0("Found ", length(cluster_toRemove),
" cells as outliers at round ", i, " ..."))
cells_to_remove <- c(cells_to_remove, cluster_toRemove)
objectTemp <- object[, -cells_to_remove]
i <- i + 1
} else {
message(paste0("No more outliers detected in filtering round ",
i <- nRounds + 1
filter_out <- first_round_clustering(objectTemp)
cluster_toRemove <- which(filter_out$cluster_ref %in% remove_outlier)
if (length(cluster_toRemove) > 0) {
message(paste0("Found ", length(cluster_toRemove),
" cells as outliers at round ", i, " ..."))
message(paste0("Select ", i,
" removal rounds if you want to remove these cells"))
exprs_mat_t <- filter_out$exprs_mat_t
if (length(cells_to_remove) > 0) {
output <- list(firstRound_out = filter_out,
cellsRemoved = colnames(object[, cells_to_remove]),
cellsForClustering = colnames(object[, -cells_to_remove]),
exprs_mat_t = exprs_mat_t)
} else {
output <- list(firstRound_out = filter_out,
cellsRemoved = c("No outliers found"),
cellsForClustering = "All cells are kept for clustering",
exprs_mat_t = exprs_mat_t)
message(paste0(dim(exprs_mat_t)[1], " cells left after filtering"))
firstRoundPostRemoval <- remove_outlier_cluster(object = object,
remove_outlier = remove_outlier, nRounds = nRounds)
firstRound_out <- firstRoundPostRemoval$firstRound_out
exprs_mat_t = firstRoundPostRemoval$exprs_mat_t
# return variables for the next step
original.tree <- firstRound_out$tree
original.clusters <- firstRound_out$cluster_ref
dist_mat <- firstRound_out$dist_mat
# function that performs clustering for each window
clustering_windows <- function(tree = original.tree, dist_mat = dist_mat) {
clustering_param <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(windows))
for (i in seq_len(length(windows))) {
namelist = paste0("window", windows[i])
toadd <- as.vector(cutreeDynamic(tree, distM = as.matrix(dist_mat),
minSplitHeight = windows[i], verbose = 0))
clustering_param[[i]] <- list(toadd)
names(clustering_param[[i]]) <- namelist
# save the whole tree
clustering_param_all <- clustering_windows(tree = original.tree,
dist_mat = dist_mat)
# cluster a subsample for each of the bagging runs
message(paste0("Running ", bagging_run, " bagging runs, with ",
subsample_proportion, " subsampling..."))
bootstrap_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = bagging_run)
for (i in seq_len(bagging_run)) {
# subsample the distance matrix for every bagging run
dist_mat_bootstrap_row_idx <- sample(seq_len(nrow(exprs_mat_t)),
subsample_proportion * nrow(exprs_mat_t), replace = TRUE)
dist_mat_bootstrap <- dist_mat[dist_mat_bootstrap_row_idx,
# tempoarily store clustering results for each run
iter_tree <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(dist_mat_bootstrap),
method = "ward.D2")
iter_temp <- clustering_windows(tree = iter_tree,
dist_mat = dist_mat_bootstrap)
iter_write <- list(iter_temp) #NEED TO PARSE CELLNAMES TO HERE
bootstrap_list[[i]] <- iter_write
message("Done clustering, moving to stability calculation...")
return(list(tree = original.tree, cluster_ref = original.clusters,
bootstrap_clusters = bootstrap_list,
clustering_param = clustering_param_all,
cellsRemoved = firstRoundPostRemoval$cellsRemoved,
cellsForClustering = firstRoundPostRemoval$cellsForClustering))
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