### Text QC file headers
.qcTextHeaderT = {paste(sep = "\t",
"# BAMs",
"Total reads",
"Reads aligned\tRA % of total",
"Reads after filter\tRAF % of aligned",
"Reads removed as duplicate\tRRAD % of aligned",
"Reads used for coverage\tRUFC % of aligned",
"Forward strand (%)",
"Avg alignment score",
"Avg aligned length",
"Avg edit distance",
"Non-CpG reads (%)",
"Avg non-CpG coverage",
"Avg CpG coverage",
"Non-Cpg/CpG coverage ratio",
"ChrX reads (%)",
"ChrY reads (%)",
"Peak SQRT")};
.qcTextHeaderR = {paste(sep = "\t",
# number of columns in the header
.qccols = length(strsplit(.qcTextHeaderT,"\t",fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
# Create a line for Excel friendly text QC file
.qcTextLineT = function(qc){
name = qc$name;
if( is.null(qc) )
return(paste0(name,paste0(rep("\tNA",.qccols-1), collapse = "")));
afracb = function(a,b){ sprintf("%s\t%.1f%%",s(a),100*a/b) };
perc = function(x){ sprintf("%.2f%%",100*x) };
twodig = function(x){ sprintf("%.2f",x) };
fourdig = function(x){ sprintf("%.4f",x) };
s = function(x){
formatC(x = x,
digits = ceiling(log10(max(x)+1)),
big.mark = ",",
big.interval = 3);
if( !is.null(qc$hist.score1))
class(qc$hist.score1) = "qcHistScore";
if( !is.null(qc$bf.hist.score1))
class(qc$bf.hist.score1) = "qcHistScoreBF";
if( !is.null(qc$hist.edit.dist1))
class(qc$hist.edit.dist1) = "qcEditDist";
if( !is.null(qc$bf.hist.edit.dist1))
class(qc$bf.hist.edit.dist1) = "qcEditDistBF";
if( !is.null(qc$hist.length.matched))
class(qc$hist.length.matched) = "qcLengthMatched";
if( !is.null(qc$bf.hist.length.matched))
class(qc$bf.hist.length.matched) = "qcLengthMatchedBF";
if( !is.null(qc$frwrev) )
class(qc$frwrev) = "qcFrwrev";
rez = paste( sep = "\t",
name, # Sample
if(is.null(qc$nbams)){1}else{qc$nbams}, # Number of BAMs
s(qc$, # Total reads
afracb(qc$reads.aligned, qc$, # Reads aligned, % of total
afracb(qc$reads.recorded, qc$reads.aligned), # Reads after filter, % ali
qc$reads.recorded - qc$,
qc$reads.aligned), # Reads removed as repeats\tRRAR % of aligned
afracb(qc$, qc$reads.aligned), # Reads for scor
perc(qcmean( qc$ )), # Forward strand (%)
twodig(qcmean( qc$hist.score1 )), # Avg alignment score
twodig(qcmean( qc$hist.length.matched )), # Avg aligned length
twodig(qcmean( qc$hist.edit.dist1 )), # Avg edit distance
perc(qcmean( qc$cnt.nonCpG.reads )), # Non-CpG reads (%)
twodig( qc$avg.noncpg.coverage ), # Avg non-CpG coverage
twodig( qc$avg.cpg.coverage ), # Avg CpG coverage
fourdig( qc$avg.noncpg.coverage / qc$avg.cpg.coverage), # Non-Cpg/CpG
perc(qcmean( qc$chrX.count )), # ChrX reads (%)
perc(qcmean( qc$chrY.count )), # ChrY reads (%)
twodig(qcmean( qc$ )) # Peak SQRT
# message(rez);
# Create a line for R friendly text QC file
.qcTextLineR = function(qc){
name = qc$name;
if( is.null(qc) )
return(paste0(name,paste0(rep("\tNA",.qccols-1), collapse = "")));
afracb = function(a,b){ paste0(a, "\t", a/b) };
perc = identity;
twodig = identity;
s = identity;
if( !is.null(qc$hist.score1))
class(qc$hist.score1) = "qcHistScore";
if( !is.null(qc$bf.hist.score1))
class(qc$bf.hist.score1) = "qcHistScoreBF";
if( !is.null(qc$hist.edit.dist1))
class(qc$hist.edit.dist1) = "qcEditDist";
if( !is.null(qc$bf.hist.edit.dist1))
class(qc$bf.hist.edit.dist1) = "qcEditDistBF";
if( !is.null(qc$hist.length.matched))
class(qc$hist.length.matched) = "qcLengthMatched";
if( !is.null(qc$bf.hist.length.matched))
class(qc$bf.hist.length.matched) = "qcLengthMatchedBF";
if( !is.null(qc$frwrev) )
class(qc$frwrev) = "qcFrwrev";
rez = paste( sep = "\t",
name, # Sample
if(is.null(qc$nbams)){1}else{qc$nbams}, # Number of BAMs
s(qc$, # Total reads
afracb(qc$reads.aligned, qc$, # Reads aligned, % of total
afracb(qc$reads.recorded, qc$reads.aligned), # Reads after filter, % ali
qc$reads.recorded - qc$,
qc$reads.aligned), # Reads removed as repeats\tRRAR % of aligned
afracb(qc$, qc$reads.aligned), # Reads for scor
perc(qcmean( qc$ )), # Forward strand (%)
twodig(qcmean( qc$hist.score1 )), # Avg alignment score
twodig(qcmean( qc$hist.length.matched )), # Avg aligned length
twodig(qcmean( qc$hist.edit.dist1 )), # Avg edit distance
perc(qcmean( qc$cnt.nonCpG.reads )), # Non-CpG reads (%)
twodig( qc$avg.noncpg.coverage ), # Avg non-CpG coverage
twodig( qc$avg.cpg.coverage ), # Avg CpG coverage
perc( qc$avg.noncpg.coverage / qc$avg.cpg.coverage), # Non-Cpg/CpG
perc(qcmean( qc$chrX.count )), # ChrX reads (%)
perc(qcmean( qc$chrY.count )), # ChrY reads (%)
twodig(qcmean( qc$ )) # Peak SQRT
# combine QC metrics of multiple Rbam objects
.combine.bams.qc = function( bamlist ){
### Deal with QCs
qclist = lapply(bamlist, `[[`, "qc");
qcnames = lapply(qclist, names);
qcnames = unique(unlist(qcnames, use.names = FALSE))
bigqc = vector("list", length(qcnames));
names(bigqc) = qcnames;
for( nm in qcnames){ # nm = qcnames[1]
bigqc[[nm]] = Reduce(`%add%`, lapply(qclist, `[[`, nm));
return(list(qc = bigqc));
# Load QC metrics for all BAMs
loadBamQC = function(param, bams){
rbamlist = vector("list", length(bams));
names(rbamlist) = bams;
for( bamname in bams){ # bamname = bams[1]
rdsqcfile = paste0( param$dirrqc, "/", bamname, ".qc.rds" );
rbamlist[[bamname]] = readRDS(rdsqcfile);
} else {
message("QC file not found: ",rdsqcfile)
# Combine BAM QCs by sample
combineBamQcIntoSamples = function(rbamlist, bamset){
bigqc = vector("list", length(bamset));
names(bigqc) = names(bamset);
for( ibam in seq_along(bamset) ){ # ibam=1
curbams = rbamlist[bamset[[ibam]]];
qc = .combine.bams.qc(curbams)$qc;
if( length(qc) > 0 ){
bigqc[[ibam]] = qc;
} else {
bigqc[[ibam]] = list();
bigqc[[ibam]]$name = names(bamset)[ibam];
# Estimate fragmet size distribution
estimateFragmentSizeDistribution = function(frdata, seqLength){
if( length(frdata) == seqLength )
return( rep(1, seqLength) );
### Point of crossing the middle
ytop = median(frdata[seq_len(seqLength)]);
ybottom = median(tail(frdata,seqLength));
ymidpoint = ( ytop + ybottom )/2;
yrange = ( ytop - ybottom );
overymid = (frdata > ymidpoint)
xmidpoint = which.max( cumsum( overymid - mean(overymid) ) );
### interquartile range estimate
xqrange =
which.max(cumsum( ((frdata >
quantile(frdata,0.25))-0.75) ))
which.max(cumsum( ((frdata >
quantile(frdata,0.75))-0.25) ))
logitrange = diff(qlogis(c(0.25,0.75)));
initparam = c(
xmidpoint = xmidpoint,
xdivider = (xqrange/logitrange)/2,
ymultiplier = yrange,
ymean = ybottom);
fsPredict = function( x, param){
x = seq_along(frdata);
# plot( x, frdata)
# lines( x, fsPredict(x, initparam), col="blue", lwd = 3)
fmin = function(param){
fit2 = fsPredict(x, param);
# (plogis((param[1]-x)/param[2]))*param[3]+param[4];
error = frdata - fit2;
e2 = error^2;
e2s =,decreasing = TRUE);
estimate = optim(par = initparam, fn = fmin, method = "BFGS");
param = estimate$par;
fit = fsPredict(x, param);
rezfit = plogis((param[1]-x)/param[2]);
keep = rezfit>0.05;
keep[length(keep)] = FALSE;
rezfit = rezfit - max(rezfit[!keep],0)
rezfit[seq_len(seqLength)] = rezfit[seqLength];
rezfit = rezfit[keep];
rezfit = rezfit / rezfit[1];
# lz = lm(frdata[seq_along(rezfit)] ~ rezfit)
# lines(rezfit*lz$coefficients[2]+lz$coefficients[1], lwd = 4, col="red");
# Step 2 of RaMWAS
ramwas2collectqc = function( param ){
param = parameterPreprocess(param);
dir.create(param$dirqc, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE);
parameterDump(dir = param$dirqc, param = param,
toplines = c( "dirrqc",
"filebamlist", "filebam2sample",
"bam2sample", "bamnames",
"scoretag", "minscore",
"minfragmentsize", "maxfragmentsize",
"filecpgset", "filenoncpgset"));
bams = NULL;
if( !is.null(param$bamnames) )
bams = c(bams, param$bamnames);
if( !is.null(param$bam2sample) )
bams = c(bams, unlist(param$bam2sample, use.names = FALSE));
bams = unique(basename(bams));
} # bams
message("Load BAM QC info");
rbamlist = loadBamQC(param, bams);
collect.qc.summary = function(bamset, dirname){
dirloc = paste0(param$dirqc, "/", dirname);
dir.create(dirloc, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE);
bigqc = combineBamQcIntoSamples(rbamlist = rbamlist, bamset = bamset);
saveRDS(file = paste0(dirloc,"/qclist.rds"), object = bigqc);
textT = vapply(bigqc, .qcTextLineT, "")
textR = vapply(bigqc, .qcTextLineR, "")
con = paste0(dirloc, "/Summary_QC.txt"),
text = c(.qcTextHeaderT, textT));
con = paste0(dirloc, "/Summary_QC_R.txt"),
text = c(.qcTextHeaderR, textR));
rm(textT, textR);
} # text summary
histqc = function(qcfun, plottitle, filename){
vec = unlist(lapply(bigqc, qcfun));
vec = vec[vec<1e6];
if(length(vec) == 0)
pdf(paste0(dirloc, "/Fig_hist_", filename, ".pdf"));
x = vec,
breaks = 3*round(sqrt(length(vec))),
main = plottitle,
col = "lightblue",
xlab = "value",
yaxs = "i")
figfun = function(qcname, plotname){
message("Saving plots ", plotname);
for( ibam in seq_along(bamset) ){
plotinfo = bigqc[[ibam]][[qcname]];
if( !is.null(bigqc[[ibam]][[qcname]]))
plot(plotinfo, samplename = names(bamset)[ibam]);
qcname = "hist.score1",
plotname = "score");
qcname = "bf.hist.score1",
plotname = "score_before_filter");
qcname = "hist.edit.dist1",
plotname = "edit_distance");
qcname = "bf.hist.edit.dist1",
plotname = "edit_distance_before_filter");
qcname = "hist.length.matched",
plotname = "matched_length");
qcname = "bf.hist.length.matched",
plotname = "matched_length_before_filter");
qcname = "hist.isolated.dist1",
plotname = "isolated_distance");
qcname = "",
plotname = "coverage_by_density");
# bigqc[[1]]$cnt.nonCpG.reads
if(length(bigqc) >= 10){
qcfun = function(x){x$avg.cpg.coverage /
plottitle = paste0(
"Enrichment lower bound\n",
"(Avg CpG / non-CpG score)"),
filename = "enrichment")
qcfun = function(x){x$avg.noncpg.coverage /
x$avg.cpg.coverage * 100},
plottitle = paste0(
"Background noise level\n",
"(Avg non-CpG / CpG score, %)"),
filename = "noise")
histqc(qcfun = function(x){x$},
plottitle = "Number of reads after filters, millions",
filename = "Nreads")
histqc(qcfun = function(x){qcmean(x$hist.edit.dist1)},
plottitle = "Average edit distance of aligned reads",
filename = "edit_dist")
histqc(qcfun = function(x){qcmean(x$},
plottitle = paste0(
"CpG density at peak sensitivity (SQRT)\n",
"(a value per BAM / sample)"),
filename = "peak")
histqc(qcfun = function(x){qcmean(x$cnt.nonCpG.reads)},
plottitle = "Fraction of reads not covering any CpGs",
filename = "noncpg_reads")
# By bam
bamset = bams;
names(bamset) = bams;
dirname = "summary_bams";
message("Saving QC info by BAM");
collect.qc.summary(bamset, dirname);
rm(bamset, dirname);
if( !is.null(param$bam2sample) ){
# by sample
message("Saving QC info by BAMs in bam2sample");
bb = unlist(param$bam2sample, use.names = FALSE);
names(bb) = bb;
bamset = bb,
dirname = "summary_bams_in_bam2sample");
message("Saving QC info by SAMPLE");
bamset = param$bam2sample,
dirname = "summary_by_sample");
message("Saving QC info TOTAL (all BAMs in bam2sample)");
uniqbams = unique(unlist(param$bam2sample, use.names = FALSE));
bigqc = collect.qc.summary(
bamset = list(total = uniqbams),
dirname = "summary_total");
} else {
message("Saving QC info TOTAL (all BAMs in bamnames/filebamlist)");
bigqc = collect.qc.summary(
bamset = list(total=bams),
dirname = "summary_total");
### Fragment size
frdata = bigqc$total$hist.isolated.dist1;
estimate = estimateFragmentSizeDistribution(frdata, param$minfragmentsize);
con = paste0(param$dirfilter,"/Fragment_size_distribution.txt"),
text = as.character(estimate));
pdf(paste0(param$dirqc,"/Fragment_size_distribution_estimate.pdf"), 8, 8);
plotFragmentSizeDistributionEstimate(frdata, estimate);
title("Isolated CpG coverage vs.\nfragment size distribution estimate");;
plotFragmentSizeDistributionEstimate = function(
col1 = "blue",
col2 = "red"){
lz = lm(frdata[seq_along(estimate)] ~ estimate)
x = as.vector(frdata)/1000,
pch = 19,
col = col1,
ylab = "Read count, thousands",
xlab = "Distance to isolated CpGs, bp",
xaxs = "i",
xlim = c(0, length(frdata)),
axes = FALSE);
x = (estimate*lz$coefficients[2]+lz$coefficients[1])/1000,
lwd = 4,
col = col2);
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