library(knitr) library(pander) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ramwas)) panderOptions("digits", 3) opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6) # opts_chunk$set(eval=FALSE) # dr = "D:/temp/"
RaMWAS is primarily designed for studies of methylation measurements from enrichment platforms.
However, RaMWAS can also be useful for the analysis of methylation measurements from other platforms (e.g. Illumina HumanMethylation450K array) or other data types such as gene expression levels or genotype information. RaMWAS can perform several analysis steps on such data including: principal component analysis (PCA), association testing (MWAS, TWAS, GWAS), and multimarker analysis with cross validation using the elastic net.
Without external data source at hand, we show how to create and fill data matrices with artificial data. Importing real data can be done in a similar way, with random data generation replaced with reading data from existing sources.
We create data files in the same format as produced by Step 3 of RaMWAS.
These files include
-- filematrix with the location of
the CpGs / SNPs / gene trascription start sites.\
It must have two columns with integer values --
chromosome number and location
and position
-- file with chromosome names (factor levels)
for the integer column chr
in the location filematrix.Coverage.*
-- filematrix with the data for all samples and all locations.\
Each row has data for a single sample.
Row names must be sample names.\
Each column has data for a single location
(CpG / SNP / gene trascription start site).
Columns must match rows of the location filematrix.\First, we load the package and set up a working directory.
The project directory dr
can be set to
a more convenient location when running the code.
library(ramwas) # work in a temporary directory dr = paste0(tempdir(), "/simulated_matrix_data") dir.create(dr, showWarnings = FALSE) cat(dr,"\n")
Let the sample data matrix have 200 samples and 100,000 variables.
nsamples = 200 nvariables = 100000
For these r nsamples
samples we generate a data frame with
age and sex phenotypes and a batch effect covariate.
covariates = data.frame( sample = paste0("Sample_",seq_len(nsamples)), sex = seq_len(nsamples) %% 2, age = runif(nsamples, min = 20, max = 80), batch = paste0("batch",(seq_len(nsamples) %% 3)) ) pander(head(covariates))
Next, we create the genomic locations for 100,000 variables.
temp = cumsum(sample(20e7 / nvariables, nvariables, replace = TRUE) + 0) chr = as.integer(temp %/% 1e7) + 1L position = as.integer(temp %% 1e7) locmat = cbind(chr = chr, position = position) chrnames = paste0("chr", 1:10) pander(head(locmat))
Now we save locations in a filematrix and create a text file with chromosome names.\
fmloc = fm.create.from.matrix( filenamebase = paste0(dr,"/CpG_locations"), mat = locmat) close(fmloc) writeLines( con = paste0(dr,"/CpG_chromosome_names.txt"), text = chrnames)
Finally, we create data matrix. We include sex effect in 225 variables and age effect in 16 variables out of each 2000. Each variable is also affected by noise and batch effects.
fm = fm.create(paste0(dr,"/Coverage"), nrow = nsamples, ncol = nvariables) # Row names of the matrix are set to sample names rownames(fm) = as.character(covariates$sample) # The matrix is filled, 2000 variables at a time byrows = 2000 for( i in seq_len(nvariables/byrows) ){ # i=1 slice = matrix(runif(nsamples*byrows), nrow = nsamples, ncol = byrows) slice[, 1:225] = slice[, 1:225] + covariates$sex / 30 / sd(covariates$sex) slice[,101:116] = slice[,101:116] + covariates$age / 10 / sd(covariates$age) slice = slice + ((as.integer(factor(covariates$batch))+i) %% 3) / 40 fm[,(1:byrows) + byrows*(i-1)] = slice } close(fm)
To run PCA with RaMWAS we specify three parameters:
-- directory with the data matrixcovariates
-- data frame with covariatesmodelcovariates
-- names of covariates to regress outparam = ramwasParameters( dircoveragenorm = dr, covariates = covariates, modelcovariates = NULL )
# Bioconductor requires limit of 2 parallel jobs param$cputhreads = 2
Now we run PCA.
The top several PCs are marginally distinct from the rest.
pfull = parameterPreprocess(param) eigenvalues = fm.load(paste0(pfull$dirpca, "/eigenvalues")) eigenvectors = filenamebase = paste0(pfull$dirpca, "/eigenvectors"), readonly = TRUE) plotPCvalues(eigenvalues) plotPCvectors(eigenvectors[,1], 1) plotPCvectors(eigenvectors[,2], 2) plotPCvectors(eigenvectors[,3], 3) plotPCvectors(eigenvectors[,4], 4) close(eigenvectors)
There are strong correlations between top PCs with sex, age, and batch covariates.\ Note, for the categorical covariate (batch) the table shows R^2^ instead of correlations.
# Get the directory with PCA results pfull = parameterPreprocess(param) tblcr = read.table( file = paste0(pfull$dirpca, "/PC_vs_covs_corr.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t") pander(head(tblcr, 5))
The p-values for these correlations and R^2^ show that the top two PCs are correlated with sex and age while a number of other PCs are affected by sample batch effects.
pfull = parameterPreprocess(param) tblpv = read.table( file = paste0(pfull$dirpca, "/PC_vs_covs_pvalue.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t") pander(head(tblpv, 5))
It is common to regress out batch and lab-technical effects from the data in the analysis.
Let's regress out batch in our example
by changing modelcovariates
param$modelcovariates = "batch" ramwas4PCA(param)
The p-values for association between PCs and covariates changed slightly:
# Get the directory with PCA results pfull = parameterPreprocess(param) tblpv = read.table( file = paste0(pfull$dirpca, "/PC_vs_covs_pvalue.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t") pander(head(tblpv, 5))
Note that the PCs are now orthogonal to the batch effects and thus the corresponding p-values all equal to 1.
Let us test for association between
variables in the data matrix and the sex covariate
correcting for batch effects (modelcovariates
Save top 20 results (toppvthreshold
parameter) in a text file.
param$modelcovariates = "batch" param$modeloutcome = "sex" param$toppvthreshold = 20 ramwas5MWAS(param)
The QQ-plot shows mild enrichment among a large number of variables, which is consistent with how the data was generated -- 22\% of variables are affected by sex.
mwas = getMWAS(param) qqPlotFast(mwas$`p-value`) title(pfull$qqplottitle)
The top finding saved in the text file are:
# Get the directory with testing results pfull = parameterPreprocess(param) toptbl = read.table( file = paste0(pfull$dirmwas,"/Top_tests.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t") pander(head(toptbl, 5))
Steps 6 and 7 of RaMWAS pipeline can also be applied to the data matrix exactly as described in the overview vignette.
Here we remove all the files created by the code above.
unlink(paste0(dr,"/*"), recursive=TRUE)
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