rBiopaxParser: Parses BioPax files and represents them in R

Parses BioPAX files and represents them in R, at the moment BioPAX level 2 and level 3 are supported.

Package details

AuthorFrank Kramer
Bioconductor views DataRepresentation
MaintainerFrank Kramer <frank.kramer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de>
LicenseGPL (>= 2)
URL https://github.com/frankkramer-lab/rBiopaxParser
Package repositoryView on Bioconductor
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Try the rBiopaxParser package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rBiopaxParser documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:21 p.m.