## tracking.R (L Breckels)
## Changes: 2014-02-03 added ndims support
## Changes: 2014-03-17 added modelNames and G
## This is a core part of the phenoDisco algorihtm. This function (1) transforms
## the data by PCA, then loops over k classes and (2) clusters each set k U X
## using a GMM (NB: we should probably change to hierarchical so as not to confuse
## the GMMs used in the outlier detection part) at this stage of clustering we the
## cluster number each profile assigned to is noted (2B) for later use in defining
## phenotypes and also candidates for outlier detection are identified (2A),
## following candidate identification the 'gmmOutlier' function is called and
## candidates are merged or rejected accordingly.
tracking <- function(data,
pca) {
## ===STAGE 1=== TRANSFORM DATA by PCA to reduce data complexity
k <- names(table(fData(data)[, markerCol]))
k <- k[which(k!="unknown")]
k <- sample(k) ## Sample k to avoid bias (order of classes *does* affect cluster
## members but should not affect the ID of new phenotypes)
if (missing(pca)) {
pca <- prcomp(exprs(data), scale=TRUE)$x
pca <- pca[, 1:ndims]
tmp <- lapply(k, function(z) fData(data)[, markerCol]==z)
L <- lapply(tmp, function(z) pca[z , ])
X <- pca[fData(data)[, markerCol]=="unknown", ]
originalL <- L
originalX <- X
names(originalL) <- names(L) <- k
## Define data structure
track <- newClassData <- vector("list", length(k))
for (i in 1:length(k)) {
if (dim(X)[1] > 0) {
## ===STAGE 2=== Cluster the set L(k) U X using a GMM and -
## (A) Identify potential new members/candidates of organelle class k
## (B) Get cluster IDs for defining phenotypes at a later stage
kUx <- rbind(L[[i]], X)
gmmCluster <- Mclust(data = kUx, G = G, modelNames = modelNames)
track[[i]] <- gmmCluster$classification # Get cluster number for each prot
Nclass <- nrow(L[[i]])
classifyL <- track[[i]][1:Nclass]
classifyX <- track[[i]][(Nclass+1):length(track[[i]])]
## Do not include clusters where there is only 1 member! Can not call
## outlier detect when cluster contains only one profile! Set min group = 5
clusterID <- names(which(table(classifyL) >= 5))
percentL <- sapply(clusterID, function(z)
(sum(classifyL == z)/sum(track[[i]] == z)*100))
## If one of the clusters contains ONLY labelled members amd no unassigned
## proteins we remove the cluster as outlier detection can not be called!
if (sum(percentL==100) > 0) {clusterID <- names(which(percentL!=100))}
## An if/else statement is here for the instance when we have no
## profiles to consider i.e. we get 100% labelled profiles in *ALL* clusters
if (length(clusterID) < 1) {
newClassData[[i]] <- L[[i]]; X <- X
} else {
## Get candidates for outlier detection i.e. unlabelled profiles that are
## found in the same clusters as the labelled proteins.
indexCandidates <- unlist(lapply(clusterID, function(z)
candidates <- X[indexCandidates,]
if (!is.matrix(candidates)) { # Might be able to remove this.....
candidates <- matrix(candidates, ncol=ncol(L[[i]]),
dimnames = list(c(
## ===Stage 3=== Call outlier detection on candidates
outliers <- gmmOutlier(L[[i]], candidates, p=alpha)
## ===Stage 4=== Merge/reject candidates. Profiles classified merged
## with the current class and rejected members are returned to X
classified <- names(which(outliers==FALSE))
if (length(classified) > 0) {
toAdd <- X[classified, ]
if(!is.matrix(toAdd)) {
toAdd <- t(as.matrix(toAdd))
rownames(toAdd) <- classified
L[[i]] <- rbind(L[[i]], toAdd)
torm <- sapply(classified, function(z) which(rownames(X)==z))
X <- X[-torm, ]
} else {
L[[i]] <- L[[i]]
} else {
gmmCluster <- Mclust(L[[i]], modelNames = c("EEE","EEV","VEV","VVV"))
track[[i]] <- gmmCluster$classification
L[[i]] <- L[[i]]
list(trackHistory = track,
X = X,
originalX = originalX,
L = L,
originalL = originalL,
k = k)
## Function to get new phenotypes
## INPUTS: history = output from phenoDiscoTracking, groupSize = default is 5
## which is used to define minimum number of proteins per new phenotype
## jc = correlation cooefficient, currently no other value but 1 is supported
getNewClusters <- function(history, X,
groupSize = 5,
jc = 1) {
corMatrix <- simil(history, history, method="eJaccard")
## Here we look at the correlation between profiles
## We start look at the 1st protein & identify which proteins are highly
## correlated with in i.e. that has a correlation coefficent > jc
## We then group these proteins together to form a new phenotype
if (jc == 1) {
getNames <- apply(corMatrix, 1, function(z) names(z[z==1]))
} else {
getNames <- apply(corMatrix, 1, function(z) names(z[z > jc]))
if (length(getNames) > 0) {
if (class(getNames) == "list") {
getNamesUnique <- unique(getNames)
group <- getNamesUnique[unlist(lapply(getNamesUnique,
function(z) length(z) >= groupSize))]
coords <- lapply(group, function(x)
t(sapply(x, function(z) X[rownames(X) == z,])))
} else {
group <- NULL
coords <- NULL
} else {
coords <- NULL
list(coords = coords,
protIDs = group)
## Function for performing outlier detection - L. Breckels 16/06/2011
## L: labelled, X: unlabelled (MUST BE A MATRIX),
## N: number of iterations, p: significance level
gmmOutlier <- function(L, X, N = 500, p=0.05) {
if (!is.matrix(X))
stop("X must be a matrix to run gmmOutlier")
## Generate Null
## Need justification of options for selection G here
## Re-test
if (nrow(L) < 30) {
if (nrow(L) < 10) {
gmm0 <- Mclust(L, G=1)
} else {
gmm0 <- Mclust(L, G=1:3)
} else {
gmm0 <- Mclust(L)
## LG, Mon Apr 7 21:47:12 BST 2014
## Since mclust 4.3, the originl data in the Mclust
## output, which can not be passed directly to estep
## with an additional data argument:
## Error in estep:
## formal argument "data" matched by multiple
## actual arguments
## news(Version == '4.3', package = "mclust")
## o original data (and class for classification models)
## are stored in the object returned by the main
## functions.
gmm0$data <- NULL
if (gmm0$G == 1) {
mat <- mahalanobis(X, gmm0$parameters$mean,
## If the cluster number in the data is 1 use the Mahalanobis distance
} else {
W <- WN <- a <- vector()
for (i in 1:N) {
s <- which(rmultinom(1, size=1, prob=(gmm0$parameters$pro))==1)
## replaced MSVBAR::rmultnorm with mvtnorm::rmvnorm
## since the former has been removed from CRAN.
## NP <- rmultnorm(1, mu = gmm0$parameters$mean[,s],
## vmat = gmm0$parameters$variance$sigma[, , s])
NP <- rmvnorm(1, mean = gmm0$parameters$mean[,s],
sigma = gmm0$parameters$variance$sigma[, , s],
method = "svd")
## Generate new profile (NP) from the data
es <-"estep", c(list(data=rbind(NP, L)), gmm0))
## ELSE use the estep of the EM algorithm to
## determine model parameters
W[i] <- (-2*(es$loglik - gmm0$loglik))
## Generate the test statistic, W, for round N
## (build up a distribution of W over N rounds)
# Can plot to check normal using: plot(density(W))
## Test unlabelled
## Test for G>1
if (gmm0$G != 1) {
WA <- W[order(W)][round((1-p)*length(W))] ## Determine W alpha
for (i in (1:nrow(X))) {
esN <-"estep", c(list(data=rbind(L,X[i, ])), gmm0))
## Use the estep of the EM algorithm to determine model
## parameters for the unlabelled profile
WN[i] <- (-2*(esN$loglik - gmm0$loglik))
## Calculate the test statistic, W, for the unlabelled profile
TF <- WN > WA
names(TF) <- rownames(X)
## Compare WN with WA to determine if outlier/class member
} else { ## Test for G=1
chi <- qchisq(df=ncol(L)-1, 1-p)
TF <- mat > chi
## Convenience function for updating MSnSet with new phenotypes
updateobject <- function(MSnSetToUpdate,
originalMarkerColumnName = "markers",
oldMarkerColumnName = "markers",
newMarkerColumnName = "newMarkers") {
newobject <- MSnSetToUpdate
indexOld <- which(colnames(fData(newobject)) == oldMarkerColumnName)
indexNew <- ncol(fData(newobject)) + 1
indexOriginal <- which(colnames(fData(newobject)) == originalMarkerColumnName)
## Now need to add new newPhenotypes and delete these proteins from unlabelled
if (length(newPhenotypes$protIDs) > 0) {
if (class(newPhenotypes$coords)!="NULL") {
indOrigM <- length(table(fData(newobject)[,indexOriginal]))
indOldM <- length(table(fData(newobject)[,indexOld]))
nInd <- indOldM - indOrigM
newLabels <- sapply(1:length(newPhenotypes$coords),
function(z) paste("Phenotype", nInd+z))
names(newPhenotypes$coords) <- newLabels
names(newPhenotypes$protIDs) <- newLabels
index <- lapply(newPhenotypes$protIDs, function(z)
as.vector(sapply(z, function(x) which(featureNames(newobject)==x))))
fData(newobject)[,indexNew] <-
for (i in 1:length(newPhenotypes$protIDs)) {
fData(newobject)[index[[i]], indexNew] <-
rep(x=names(index)[i], times=length(index[[i]]))
index <- lapply(newClasses, function(z)
as.vector(sapply(z, function(x) which(featureNames(newobject)==x))))
for (i in 1:length(newClasses)) {
fData(newobject)[index[[i]], indexNew] <-
rep(x=names(index)[i], times=length(index[[i]]))
fData(newobject)[,indexNew] <-
colnames(fData(newobject))[indexNew] <- newMarkerColumnName
} else {
fData(newobject)[,indexNew] <-
index <- lapply(newClasses, function(z)
as.vector(sapply(z, function(x) which(featureNames(newobject)==x))))
for (i in 1:length(newClasses)) {
fData(newobject)[index[[i]], indexNew] <-
rep(x=names(index)[i], times=length(index[[i]]))
fData(newobject)[,indexNew] <-
colnames(fData(newobject))[indexNew] <- newMarkerColumnName
##' Runs the \code{phenoDisco} algorithm.
##' \code{phenoDisco} is a semi-supervised iterative approach to
##' detect new protein clusters.
##' The algorithm performs a phenotype discovery analysis as described
##' in Breckels et al. Using this approach one can identify putative
##' subcellular groupings in organelle proteomics experiments for more
##' comprehensive validation in an unbiased fashion. The method is
##' based on the work of Yin et al. and used iterated rounds of
##' Gaussian Mixture Modelling using the Expectation Maximisation
##' algorithm combined with a non-parametric outlier detection test to
##' identify new phenotype clusters.
##' One requires 2 or more classes to be labelled in the data and at a
##' very minimum of 6 markers per class to run the algorithm. The
##' function will check and remove features with missing values using
##' the \code{\link{filterNA}} method.
##' A parallel implementation, relying on the \code{BiocParallel}
##' package, has been added in version 1.3.9. See the \code{BPPARAM}
##' arguent for details.
##' Important: Prior to version 1.1.2 the row order in the output was
##' different from the row order in the input. This has now been fixed
##' and row ordering is now the same in both input and output objects.
##' @param object An instance of class \code{MSnSet}.
##' @param fcol A \code{character} indicating the organellar markers
##' column name in feature meta-data. Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param times Number of runs of tracking. Default is 100.
##' @param GS Group size, i.e how many proteins make a group. Default
##' is 10 (the minimum group size is 4).
##' @param allIter \code{logical}, defining if predictions for all
##' iterations should be saved. Default is \code{FALSE}.
##' @param p Significance level for outlier detection. Default is
##' 0.05.
##' @param ndims Number of principal components to use as input for
##' the disocvery analysis. Default is 2. Added in version 1.3.9.
##' @param modelNames A vector of characters indicating the models to
##' be fitted in the EM phase of clustering using
##' \code{Mclust}. The help file for \code{mclust::mclustModelNames}
##' describes the available models. Default model names are
##' \code{c("EII", "VII", "EEI", "VEI", "EVI", "VVI", "EEE",
##' "EEV", "VEV", "VVV")}, as returned by
##' \code{mclust.options("emModelNames")}. Note that using all
##' these possible models substantially increases the running
##' time. Legacy models are \code{c("EEE","EEV","VEV","VVV")},
##' i.e. only ellipsoidal models.
##' @param G An integer vector specifying the numbers of mixture
##' components (clusters) for which the BIC is to be
##' calculated. The default is \code{G=1:9} (as in \code{Mclust}).
##' @param BPPARAM Support for parallel processing using the
##' \code{BiocParallel} infrastructure. When missing (default),
##' the default registered \code{BiocParallelParam} parameters are
##' used. Alternatively, one can pass a valid
##' \code{BiocParallelParam} parameter instance: \code{SnowParam},
##' \code{MulticoreParam}, \code{DoparParam}, \ldots see the
##' \code{BiocParallel} package for details. To revert to the
##' origianl serial implementation, use \code{NULL}.
##' @param tmpfile An optional \code{character} to save a temporary
##' \code{MSnSet} after each iteration. Ignored if missing. This
##' is useful for long runs to track phenotypes and possibly kill
##' the run when convergence is observed. If the run completes,
##' the temporary file is deleted before returning the final
##' result.
##' @param seed An optional \code{numeric} of length 1 specifing the
##' random number generator seed to be used. Only relevant when
##' executed in serialised mode with \code{BPPARAM = NULL}. See
##' \code{BPPARAM} for details.
##' @param verbose Logical, indicating if messages are to be printed
##' out during execution of the algorithm.
##' @param dimred A \code{characater} defining which of Principal
##' Component Analysis (\code{"PCA"}) or t-Distributed Stochastic
##' Neighbour Embedding (\code{"t-SNE"}) should be use to reduce
##' dimensions prior to running phenoDisco novelty detection.
##' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the dimensionality
##' reduction method. For both PCA and t-SNE, the data is scaled
##' and centred by default, and these parameters (\code{scale} and
##' \code{centre} for PCA, and \code{pca_scale} and
##' \code{pca_center} for t-SNE can't be set). When using t-SNE
##' however, it is important to tune the perplexity and max
##' iterations parameters. See the \emph{Dimensionality reduction}
##' section in the pRoloc vignette for details.
##' @return An instance of class \code{MSnSet} containing the
##' \code{phenoDisco} predictions.
##' @author Lisa M. Breckels <>
##' @references Yin Z, Zhou X, Bakal C, Li F, Sun Y, Perrimon N, Wong
##' ST. Using iterative cluster merging with improved gap
##' statistics to perform online phenotype discovery in the
##' context of high-throughput RNAi screens. BMC
##' Bioinformatics. 2008 Jun 5;9:264. PubMed PMID: 18534020.
##' Breckels LM, Gatto L, Christoforou A, Groen AJ, Lilley KS and
##' Trotter MWB. The Effect of Organelle Discovery upon Sub-Cellular
##' Protein Localisation. J Proteomics. 2013 Aug 2;88:129-40. doi:
##' 10.1016/j.jprot.2013.02.019. Epub 2013 Mar 21. PubMed PMID:
##' 23523639.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data(tan2009r1)
##' pdres <- phenoDisco(tan2009r1, fcol = "PLSDA")
##' getPredictions(pdres, fcol = "pd", scol = NULL)
##' plot2D(pdres, fcol = "pd")
##' ## to pre-process the data with t-SNE instead of PCA
##' pdres <- phenoDisco(tan2009r1, fcol = "PLSDA", dimred = "t-SNE")
##' }
phenoDisco <- function(object,
fcol = "markers",
times = 100,
GS = 10,
allIter = FALSE,
p = 0.05,
ndims = 2,
modelNames = mclust.options("emModelNames"),
G = 1:9,
verbose = TRUE,
dimred = c("PCA", "t-SNE"),
...) {
## phenoDisco.R
## Changes:
## 2014-02-03 ndims
## 2014-02-03 BPARAM
## 2014-03-17 modelNames
## 2014-03-17 G
## 2017-05-19 Compute prcomp once
## 2017-05-19 Add t-SNE
if (!missing(tmpfile))
## Check data and parameters properly specified
if (GS < 4)
stop("Group size specified too small.")
if (!anyUnknown(object, fcol = fcol))
stop("No unlabelled features (conventionally marked 'unknown') in your data.")
if (!missing(seed) && !missing(BPPARAM) && is.null(BPPARAM)) {
seed <- as.integer(seed)
if (!fcol %in% fvarLabels(object))
stop("'", fcol, "' not found in feature variables.")
if (any( {
warning("Removing features with missing values.")
object <- filterNA(object, pNA = 0)
## Remove duplicated rows (i.e. identical profiles and add back later)
duplicatedRows <- FALSE
if (anyDuplicated(exprs(object))>0) {
duplicatedRows <- TRUE
foo <- duplicated(exprs(object))
duplicateSet <- object[foo,]
fData(duplicateSet)$pd <- as.character(fData(duplicateSet)[, fcol])
uniqueSet <- object[!foo,]
object <- uniqueSet
## Note row order
fnames <- featureNames(object)
## Applying dimensionality reduction
dimred <- match.arg(dimred)
if (dimred == "PCA") {
.pca <- prcomp(exprs(object), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, ...)$x
} else { ## t-SNE
.pca <- Rtsne::Rtsne(exprs(object),
dims = ndims,
pca_scale = TRUE, pca_center = TRUE,
colnames(.pca) <- paste0("Dim", 1:ndims)
rownames(.pca) <- featureNames(object)
## Check ndims is sensible
if (ndims > ncol(.pca)) {
warning("ndims > number of principal components available, using maximum
number of components (ndims = ", ncol(.pca), ")")
ndims <- ncol(.pca)
if (ndims <= 1) {
warning("ndims <= 1, using ndims = 2")
ndims <- 2
## subset data
.pca <- .pca[, 1:ndims]
## Check GMM parameters
## Check we have enough labelled data to start
test <- table(fData(object)[,fcol])
if (any(sapply(test, function(x) x<6)))
stop("Not enough markers to run phenoDisco: Require > 6 markers per classes")
if (length(test) < 3)
stop("Not enough classes specified to run phenoDisco:
Require a minimum of 2 labelled classes")
## Initial settings
track <- phenotypes <- vector("list")
currentClasses <- list()
cond1 <- cond2 <- TRUE
original <- fcol
i <- 0
## Initiate while loop until no new merges or phenotypes
while (cond1 & cond2) {
i <- i+1
## ===> Call "tracking.R" to get -
## (1) clusterIDs (from rounds of clustering using GMMs - could use hierarchical)
## (2) new members of known classes (from outlier detection using GMMs)
if (verbose)
message(paste("Iteration", i))
if (missing(BPPARAM)) {
## default: taking first registered BiocParallelParam
track[[i]] <- simplify2array(bplapply(seq_len(times),
tracking(data = object,
alpha = p,
markerCol = fcol,
ndims = ndims,
modelNames = modelNames,
G = G,
pca = .pca)))
} else if (inherits(BPPARAM, "BiocParallelParam")) {
## using user-specified BiocParallelParam
track[[i]] <- simplify2array(bplapply(seq_len(times),
tracking(data = object,
alpha = p,
markerCol = fcol,
ndims = ndims,
modelNames = modelNames,
G = G,
pca = .pca),
} else if (is.null(BPPARAM)) {
## serialised version (original implementation)
track[[i]] <- replicate(n = times,
expr = tracking(
data = object,
markerCol = fcol,
alpha = p,
ndims = ndims,
modelNames = modelNames,
G = G,
pca = .pca))
} else {
stop("Non valid BPPARAM. See ?phenoDisco for details.")
## Update known classes with members assigned to that class
## over all iterations of tracking
classes <- track[[i]][,1]$k
indK <- list()
for (j in 1:length(classes)) {
indK[[j]] <- apply(track[[i]], 2, function(z) which(z$k==classes[j]))
names(indK) <- classes
update <- vector("list", length(indK))
for (k in 1:length(indK)) {
tmp <- NULL
for (j in 1:ncol(track[[i]])) {
tmp <- c(tmp, rownames(track[[i]][,j]$L[[indK[[k]][j]]]))
update[[k]] <- names(which(table(tmp)==ncol(track[[i]])))
names(update) <- classes
currentClasses[[i]] <- update
## Update X members (consistently X in all replicates)
idX <- names(which(table(unlist(lapply(track[[i]]["X", ],
function(z) rownames(z))))==times))
.tmp <- track[[i]]["originalX", 1][[1]]
indX <- sapply(idX, function(z) which(rownames(.tmp)==z))
candidatesX <- .tmp[indX, ]
## Get track history for X members
trackingStats <- track[[i]][1,]
trackingStats <- unlist(trackingStats)
idHist <- sapply(idX, function(z) trackingStats[which(names(trackingStats) == z)])
idHist <- t(idHist)
colnames(idHist) <- NULL
## Any new phenotypes?
phenotypes[[i]] <- getNewClusters(idHist, candidatesX, groupSize = GS, jc = 1)
newPhenoName <- paste(".pd", i, sep="")
if (i != 1) {
order1 <- order(names(currentClasses[[i-1]]))
order2 <- order(names(currentClasses[[i]]))
cond1 <- length(unlist(currentClasses[[i-1]][order1])) !=
cond2 <- length(phenotypes[[1]]$coords) > 0
## Update MSnSetObject to include new phenotypes as classes
object <- updateobject(object,
oldMarkerColumnName = fcol,
newMarkerColumnName = newPhenoName,
originalMarkerColumnName = original)
fcol <- newPhenoName
## serialise temporary object
if (!missing(tmpfile))
save(object, file = tmpfile)
} ## end of while
foo <- length(names(fData(object)))
names(fData(object))[foo] <- "pd"
## Add back in any duplicated rows with localisation assigned from pd
if (duplicatedRows) {
ind <- apply(exprs(duplicateSet), 1, function(x)
which(apply(exprs(object), 1, function(z) all(x==z))))
for (i in 1:length(ind)){
fData(duplicateSet)$pd[i] <- as.character(fData(object)$pd[ind[i]])
fData(object)$pd <- as.character(fData(object)$pd)
object <- combine(object, duplicateSet)
if (missing(seed)) {
procmsg <- paste0("Run phenoDisco using '", original, "': ", date())
} else {
procmsg <- paste0("Run phenoDisco using '", original,
"' (seed, ", seed, "): ", date())
procmsg <- paste0(procmsg,
"\n with parameters times=", times,
", GS=", GS,
", p=", p,
", ndims=", ndims, ".")
object <- MSnbase:::logging(object, procmsg, date. = FALSE)
if (!allIter) {
## FIXME there could be an issue here
## if there were other matching columns
idx <- grep(".pd", fvarLabels(object))
fData(object) <- fData(object)[, -idx]
a <- match(fnames, featureNames(object))
object <- object[a,]
object <- MSnbase:::nologging(object, n = 1)
stopifnot(featureNames(object) == fnames)
if (validObject(object)) {
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