anyUnknown <- function(x, fcol = "markers", unknown = "unknown")
any(fData(x)[, fcol] == unknown)
isBinary <- function(x){
if (inherits(x, "MSnSet"))
x <- exprs(x)
x <- as.numeric(x)
all(unique(x) %in% 0:1)
checkFeatureNames <- function(x, y)
identical(featureNames(x), featureNames(y))
checkSortedFeatureNames <- function(x, y)
identical(sort(featureNames(x)), sort(featureNames(y)))
##' Checks the marker and unknown feature overlap of two \code{MSnSet}
##' instances.
##' @title Check feature names overlap
##' @param x An \code{MSnSet} instance.
##' @param y An \code{MSnSet} instance.
##' @param fcolx The feature variable to separate unknown
##' (\code{fData(y)$coly == "unknown"}) from the marker features in
##' the \code{x} object.
##' @param fcoly As \code{fcolx}, for the \code{y} object. If missing,
##' the value of \code{fcolx} is used.
##' @param verbose If \code{TRUE} (default), the overlap is printed
##' out on the console.
##' @return Invisibly returns a named list of common markers, unique
##' \code{x} markers, unique \code{y} markers in, common unknowns,
##' unique \code{x} unknowns and unique \code{y} unknowns.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(andy2011)
##' data(andy2011goCC)
##' checkFeatureNamesOverlap(andy2011, andy2011goCC)
##' featureNames(andy2011goCC)[1] <- "ABC"
##' res <- checkFeatureNamesOverlap(andy2011, andy2011goCC)
##' res$markersX
##' res$markersY
checkFeatureNamesOverlap <-
function(x, y, fcolx = "markers", fcoly,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (missing(fcoly)) fcoly <- fcolx
mx <- featureNames(markerMSnSet(x, fcolx))
my <- featureNames(markerMSnSet(y, fcoly))
ux <- featureNames(unknownMSnSet(x, fcoly))
uy <- featureNames(unknownMSnSet(y, fcoly))
xym <- intersect(mx, my)
xm <- setdiff(mx, my)
ym <- setdiff(my, mx)
xyu <- intersect(ux, uy)
xu <- setdiff(ux, uy)
yu <- setdiff(uy, ux)
if (verbose) {
cat("Common markers: ", length(xym), "\n")
cat("Unique x markers: ", length(xm), "\n")
cat("Unique y markers: ", length(ym), "\n")
cat("Common unkowns: ", length(xyu), "\n")
cat("Unique x unknowns: ", length(xu), "\n")
cat("Unique y unknowns: ", length(yu), "\n")
invisible(list(markersXY = xym,
markersX = xm,
markersY = ym,
unknownsXY = xyu,
unknownsX = xu,
unknownsY = yu))
##' Extracts qualitative feature variables from two \code{MSnSet}
##' instances and compares with a contingency table.
##' @title Compare a feature variable overlap
##' @param x An \code{MSnSet} instance.
##' @param y An \code{MSnSet} instance.
##' @param fcolx The feature variable to separate unknown
##' (\code{fData(y)$coly == "unknown"}) from the marker features in
##' the \code{x} object.
##' @param fcoly As \code{fcolx}, for the \code{y} object. If missing,
##' the value of \code{fcolx} is used.
##' @param verbose If \code{TRUE} (default), the contingency table of
##' the the feature variables is printed out.
##' @return Invisibly returns a named list with the values of the
##' diagonal, upper and lower triangles of the contingency table.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' res <- checkFvarOverlap(dunkley2006, dunkley2006,
##' "markers", "markers.orig")
##' str(res)
checkFvarOverlap <- function(x, y, fcolx = "markers", fcoly,
verbose = TRUE) {
stopifnot(checkFeatureNames(x, y))
if (missing(fcoly)) fcoly <- fcolx
mx <- getMarkers(x, fcolx, verbose = FALSE)
my <- getMarkers(y, fcoly, verbose = FALSE)
tab <- table(mx, my)
if (verbose) print(tab)
invisible(list(matches = diag(tab),
lower.mismatches = tab[lower.tri(tab)],
upper.mismatches = tab[lower.tri(tab)]))
##' This function replaces a string or regular expression in a feature
##' variable using the \code{\link{sub}} function.
##' @title Update a feature variable
##' @param object An instance of class \code{MSnSet}.
##' @param fcol Feature variable to be modified. Default is
##' \code{"markers"}. If \code{NULL}, all feature variables will
##' updated.
##' @param from A \code{character} defining the string or regular
##' expression of the pattern to be replaced. Default is the empty
##' string, i.e. the regular expression \code{"^$"}. See
##' \code{\link{sub}} for details. If \code{NA}, then \code{NA}
##' values are replaced by \code{to}.
##' @param to A replacement for matched pattern. Default is
##' \code{"unknown"}. See \code{\link{sub}} for details.
##' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{sub}}.
##' @return An updated \code{MSnSet}.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' getMarkers(dunkley2006, "markers")
##' dunkley2006 <- fDataToUnknown(dunkley2006,
##' from = "unknown", to = "unassigned")
##' getMarkers(dunkley2006, "markers")
fDataToUnknown <- function(object, fcol = "markers",
from = "^$", to = "unknown",
...) {
if (is.null(fcol))
fcol <- fvarLabels(object)
for (.fcol in fcol) {
if (
fData(object)[, .fcol][[, .fcol])] <- to
fData(object)[, .fcol] <-
sub(from, to, fData(object)[, .fcol], ...)
if (validObject(object))
##' Calculates class weights to be used for parameter optimisation and
##' classification such as \code{\link{svmOptimisation}} or
##' \code{\link{svmClassification}} - see the \emph{pRoloc tutorial}
##' vignette for an example. The weights are calculated for all
##' non-\emph{unknown} classes the inverse of the number of
##' observations.
##' @title Calculate class weights
##' @param object An instance of class \code{MSnSet}
##' @param fcol The name of the features to be weighted
##' @return A \code{table} of class weights
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(hyperLOPIT2015)
##' classWeights(hyperLOPIT2015)
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' classWeights(dunkley2006)
classWeights <- function(object, fcol = "markers") {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MSnSet"))
w <- table(fData(object)[, fcol])
w <- 1/w[names(w) != "unknown"]
##' A function to calculate average marker profiles.
##' @title Marker consensus profiles
##' @param object An instance of class \code{MSnSet}.
##' @param fcol Feature meta-data label (fData column name) defining
##' the groups to be differentiated using different
##' colours. Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param method A \code{function} to average marker
##' profiles. Default is \code{mean}.
##' @return A \code{matrix} of dimensions \emph{number of clusters}
##' (exluding unknowns) by \emph{number of fractions}.
##' @author Laurent Gatto and Lisa M. Breckels
##' @seealso The \code{\link{mrkHClust}} function to produce a
##' hierarchical cluster.
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' mrkConsProfiles(dunkley2006)
##' mrkConsProfiles(dunkley2006, method = median)
##' mm <- mrkConsProfiles(dunkley2006)
##' ## Reorder fractions
##' o <- order(dunkley2006$fraction)
##' ## Plot mean organelle profiles using the
##' ## default pRoloc colour palette.
##' matplot(t(mm[, o]), type = "l",
##' xlab = "Fractions", ylab = "Relative intensity",
##' main = "Mean organelle profiles",
##' col = getStockcol(), lwd = 2, lty = 1)
##' ## Add a legend
##' addLegend(markerMSnSet(dunkley2006), where = "topleft")
mrkConsProfiles <- function(object, fcol = "markers", method = mean) {
object <- markerMSnSet(object, fcol)
cl <- getMarkerClasses(object, fcol)
ind <- lapply(cl, function(x) which(fData(object)[, fcol] == x))
names(ind) <- cl
profs <- lapply(ind, function(x) exprs(object)[x, , drop = FALSE])
mm <- t(sapply(profs, function(z) apply(z, 2, method)))
dimred <- function(object, method = c("PCA", "nipals"), methargs) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "PCA") {
if (missing(methargs))
methargs <- list(scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
.pca <-, c(list(x = exprs(object)),
.vars <- (.pca$sdev)^2
.vars <- (.vars / sum(.vars))
.vars <- round(100 * .vars, 2)
res <- .pca$x
colnames(res) <- paste0("PC", seq_len(ncol(res)), " (", .vars, "%)")
} else if (method == "nipals") {
if (missing(methargs))
methargs <- list(scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
.pca <-,
c(list(x = exprs(object)),
.vars <- .pca$R2
.vars <- (.vars / sum(.vars))
.vars <- round(100 * .vars, 2)
res <- .pca$scores
colnames(res) <- paste0("PC", seq_len(ncol(res)), " (", .vars, "%)")
} else stop("Method not available")
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