## Example:
## transTrack <- createTranscriptTrack(gene='55432', genomicFeature='TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene', lib='', extendRange=c(2000, 2000))
createTranscriptTrack <- function(
extendRange=c(2000, 2000),
...) {
if (length(extendRange) == 1) {
extendRange <- rep(extendRange, 2)
} else if (length(extendRange) == 0) {
extendRange <- rep(0, 2)
if (missing(gene)) stop("Please provide 'gene' to plot the data!")
if (length(gene) > 1) {
warning('Current version can only support one gene per plot! \n Only the first gene was used!\n')
gene <- gene[1]
## convert genomicFeature library as TxDb
if (is.character(genomicFeature)) {
if(!require(genomicFeature, character.only = TRUE)) {
warning(paste(genomicFeature, 'library is not installed!'))
genomicFeature <- NULL
} else {
genomicFeature <- get(genomicFeature)
if (is(gene, 'GRanges')) {
grange2show <- gene
gene <- names(gene)
chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(grange2show)[1])
} else if (is.character(gene)) {
grange2show <- NULL
if (grepl('^chr', gene)) {
chromosome <- gene
} else if (require(lib, character.only=TRUE)) {
chromosome <- lookUp(gene, lib, 'CHR')[[1]]
if ( {
stop('Cannot find chromosome information for the gene!')
} else {
chromosome <- checkChrName(chromosome, addChr=TRUE)
## convert TxDb as "GeneRegionTrack" first
if (is(genomicFeature, 'TxDb')) {
if (length(grep('^chr', seqlevels(genomicFeature), == 0) {
genomicFeature <- GeneRegionTrack(genomicFeature, chromosome=checkChrName(chromosome, addChr=FALSE), showId=TRUE)
chromosome(genomicFeature) <- checkChrName(chromosome, addChr=TRUE)
} else {
genomicFeature <- GeneRegionTrack(genomicFeature, chromosome=chromosome, showId=TRUE)
# ## convert a TxDb as GeneRegionTrack for a selected Gene
# genomicFeature <- GeneRegionTrack(genomicFeature, gene=gene, showId=TRUE)
genomicFeature <- checkChrName(genomicFeature, addChr=TRUE)
if (is(grange2show, 'GenomicRanges')) {
attr(genomicFeature, 'grange2show') <- grange2show
if (grepl('^chr', gene)) {
attr(genomicFeature, 'grange2show') <- NULL
## Create transcript track based on provided genomicFeatures
transTrack <- NULL
if (is(genomicFeature, 'GeneRegionTrack')) {
## estimate grange2show and create a transTrack within selected grange2show
genomicFeature <- checkChrName(genomicFeature, addChr=TRUE)
chromosome(genomicFeature) <- checkChrName(chromosome(genomicFeature), addChr=TRUE)
if (!includeOtherGene || is.null(grange2show)) {
allGene <- gene(genomicFeature)
selInd <- which(allGene == gene)
if (length(selInd) == 0) {
if (grepl('^GeneID:', gene, {
gene <- sub('^GeneID:', '', gene)
} else {
gene <- paste('GeneID:', gene, sep='')
selInd <- which(allGene %in% gene)
if (length(selInd) == 0) {
warnings('No genes in the selected chromosome range!')
transTrack <- genomicFeature
names(transTrack) <- "Gene Model"
displayPars(transTrack) <- list(background.title=background.title, fill=fill, ...)
attr(transTrack, 'grange2show') <- NULL
transTrack <- genomicFeature[selInd]
selTrans <- ranges(genomicFeature)[selInd]
if (includeGeneBody) {
rr <- cbind(start(selTrans), end(selTrans))
ss <- min(rr) - extendRange[1]
ee <- max(rr) + extendRange[2]
} else {
## only retrieve the region surrounding TSS
rr <- ranges(genomicFeature[selInd])
if (!is.null(values(rr)$transcript)) {
tss <- unlist(sapply(split(rr, values(rr)$transcript), function(x) {
tss.x <- ifelse(as.character(strand(x)[1]) == '-', max(end(x)), min(start(x)))
} else {
utr5.ind <- which(tolower(feature(genomicFeature)[selInd]) == 'utr5')
if (length(utr5.ind) > 0) selTrans <- selTrans[utr5.ind]
tss <- ifelse(as.character(strand(selTrans)) == '-', end(selTrans), start(selTrans))
ss <- min(tss) - extendRange[1]
ee <- max(tss) + extendRange[2]
grange2show <- GRanges(seqnames=chromosome, strand='*', ranges=IRanges(start=ss, end=ee))
if (includeOtherGene) {
if (packageVersion('GenomicRanges') < '1.11.0') {
transTrack <- genomicFeature[!, grange2show))]
} else {
transTrack <- genomicFeature[overlapsAny(ranges(genomicFeature), grange2show)]
transTrack <- genomicFeature[transcript(genomicFeature) %in% transcript(transTrack)]
if (is.null(grange2show)) {
## set the grange2show based on Entrez gene database, e.g., ''
gene <- sub('^GeneID:', '', gene)
ss <- lookUp(gene, lib, 'CHRLOC')[[1]]
ee <- lookUp(gene, lib, 'CHRLOCEND')[[1]]
if (includeGeneBody) {
rr <- sort(abs(c(ss, ee)), decreasing=FALSE)
ss <- rr[1] - extendRange[1]
ee <- rr[2] + extendRange[2]
} else {
tss <- ifelse(ss < 0, max(c(abs(ee), abs(ss))), min(c(abs(ee), abs(ss))))
ss <- tss - extendRange[1]
ee <- tss + extendRange[2]
grange2show <- GRanges(seqnames=chromosome, strand='*', ranges=IRanges(start=ss, end=ee))
## based on the biomart format
if (is(genomicFeature, "Mart")) {
## check the existing fields in the mart
allAttr <- listAttributes(genomicFeature)
## attributes used by BiomartGeneRegionTrack function
attributes <- c("ensembl_gene_id","ensembl_transcript_id","ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start",
"exon_chrom_end", "rank", "strand", "external_gene_id", "gene_biotype", "chromosome_name")
if (!all(attributes %in% allAttr[,1])) {
unmatchInd <- which(!(attributes %in% allAttr[,1]))
attributes[unmatchInd] <- sub('^ensembl_', '', attributes[unmatchInd])
unmatchInd <- which(!(attributes %in% allAttr[,1]))
if (length(unmatchInd) > 0) {
stop(paste('Attributes', attributes[unmatchInd], 'does not exist in the mart!', collapse=' '))
filterNames <- c("chromosome_name", "start", "end")
filterValues <- c(list(gsub("^chr", "", chromosome), start(grange2show), end(grange2show)))
ens <- getBM(attributes, filters=filterNames, values=filterValues, mart=genomicFeature, uniqueRows=TRUE)
colnames(ens) <- c("gene_id","transcript_id","exon_id","start", "end", "rank", "strand", "symbol",
"biotype", "chromosome_name")
# range <- GRanges(seqnames=.chrName(ens$chromosome_name), ranges=IRanges(start=ens$start, end=ens$end),
range <- GRanges(seqnames=(ens$chromosome_name), ranges=IRanges(start=ens$start, end=ens$end),
strand=ens$strand, feature=as.character(ens$biotype), gene=as.character(ens$gene_id),
exon=as.character(ens$exon_id), id=as.character(ens$exon_id),
transcript=as.character(ens$transcript_id), symbol=as.character(ens$symbol),
# create transTrack
transTrack <- GeneRegionTrack(ranges=range, start=start(grange2show)[1], end=end(grange2show)[1], genome=genome, chromosome=chromosome,
name="Gene Model", showId=TRUE, background.title=background.title, ...)
} else {
## BiomartGeneRegionTrack requires several fields which may not exist for some marts
transTrack <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(start=start(grange2show)[1], end=end(grange2show)[1],
chromosome=chromosome, genome=genome, biomart=genomicFeature, showId=TRUE, name='Gene Model', background.title=background.title, ...)
## if nothing provided, then create transTrack based on UCSC genome browser
if (is.null(genomicFeature)) {
transTrack <- UcscTrack(track="knownGene", trackType="GeneRegionTrack", from=start(grange2show)[1], to=end(grange2show)[1],
chromosome=chromosome, genome=genome, rstarts="exonStarts", rends="exonEnds", gene="name",
symbol="name", transcript="name", strand="strand", showId=TRUE, name="UCSC Genes")
if (!is.null(transTrack)) {
names(transTrack) <- "Gene Model"
displayPars(transTrack) <- list(background.title=background.title, fill=fill, ...)
attr(transTrack, 'grange2show') <- grange2show
## only show utr as thinBox
if (thinBox_utrOnly) {
thinBoxFeature <- displayPars(transTrack)$thinBoxFeature
displayPars(transTrack)$thinBoxFeature <- thinBoxFeature[grepl('utr', thinBoxFeature,]
transcriptDb2GeneRegionTrackByGene <- function(genomicFeature, selGene, extendRange=c(2000, 2000), includeGeneBody=TRUE, includeOtherGene=FALSE, ...) {
geneRange <- NULL
if (is(selGene, 'GRanges')) {
geneRange <- selGene
} else if (is.character(selGene)) {
if (grepl('^chr', selGene)) {
chromosome <- selGene
if (length(grep('^chr', seqlevels(genomicFeature), == 0) {
genomicFeature <- GeneRegionTrack(genomicFeature, chromosome=checkChrName(chromosome, addChr=FALSE), showId=TRUE)
} else {
genomicFeature <- GeneRegionTrack(genomicFeature, chromosome=chromosome, showId=TRUE)
attr(genomicFeature, 'grange2show') <- geneRange
} else {
## get related transcripts
tr <- transcripts(genomicFeature, columns=c('gene_id', 'tx_id', 'tx_name'), filter=list(gene_id=selGene))
if (length(tr) == 0) stop('No matched transcripts were found. Please check the format of Gene ID and genomicFeature!')
geneRange <- GRanges(seqnames(tr)[1], ranges=IRanges(start=min(start(tr)), end=max(end(tr))), strand=strand(tr)[1])
## expand the transcript region
if (!is.null(extendRange)) {
start(geneRange) <- start(geneRange) - extendRange[1]
## expand the promoter region
if (length(extendRange) == 2) {
end(geneRange) <- end(geneRange) + extendRange[2]
genomicFeature <- GeneRegionTrack(genomicFeature, rstarts=start(geneRange), rends=end(geneRange), chromosome=seqnames(geneRange))
if (includeGeneBody) {
rr <- cbind(start(selTrans), end(selTrans))
ss <- min(rr) - extendRange[1]
ee <- max(rr) + extendRange[2]
} else {
## only retrieve the region surrounding TSS
rr <- ranges(genomicFeature)
if (!is.null(values(rr)$transcript)) {
tss <- unlist(sapply(split(rr, values(rr)$transcript), function(x) {
tss.x <- ifelse(as.character(strand(x)[1]) == '-', max(end(x)), min(start(x)))
} else {
utr5.ind <- which(tolower(feature(genomicFeature)) == 'utr5')
if (length(utr5.ind) > 0) selTrans <- selTrans[utr5.ind]
tss <- ifelse(as.character(strand(selTrans)) == '-', end(selTrans), start(selTrans))
ss <- min(tss) - extendRange[1]
ee <- max(tss) + extendRange[2]
grange2show <- GRanges(seqnames=chromosome, strand='*', ranges=IRanges(start=ss, end=ee))
if (includeOtherGene) {
if (packageVersion('GenomicRanges') < '1.11.0') {
transTrack <- genomicFeature[!, grange2show))]
} else {
transTrack <- genomicFeature[overlapsAny(ranges(genomicFeature), grange2show)]
attr(genomicFeature, 'grange2show') <- geneRange
## Estimate the order of transcript based on the GeneRegionTrack object within the plot window
.estimateTxOrder <- function(geneRegionTrack, from, to, chromosome) {
tmp.png <- tempfile(,fileext='.png')
tmp <- plotTracks(geneRegionTrack, from=from, to=to, chromosome=chromosome)
## get the coordinate and tags.
plotCoord <-[[1]]))
plotTags <- tags(tmp[[1]])
## only get those in the plot window
selInd <- plotCoord$x2 > 0
selTx <- plotTags$transcript[selInd]
selTx <- selTx[order(plotCoord$y2[selInd], plotCoord$x2[selInd], decreasing=FALSE)]
## build annotation tracks
## return value: a list of Tracks (Gviz) with attribute "grange2show"
buildAnnotationTracks <- function(
gene, # Entrez gene ids or a GRanges object with length equals one
extendRange=c(2000, 2000), # extended range on each side of the gene
includeGeneBody=TRUE, # whether to include genebody of the provided gene
cytobandInfo=NULL, # cytoband information,
CpGInfo=NULL, # CpG-island information, GRanges or bed file are supported
genomeAxis=TRUE, # whether to add genome axis or not
lib='', # gene annotation library
genome='hg19', # genome version
genomicFeature='TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene', # genomic features: "TxDb" library or object, "Mart" object
... ) {
## check parameters
if (length(gene) > 1) {
warning('Current version can only support one gene per plot!')
gene <- gene[1]
grange2show <- NULL
if (is(gene, 'GRanges')) {
chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(gene))
grange2show <- gene
} else if (require(lib, character.only=TRUE)) {
chromosome <- lookUp(gene, lib, 'CHR')[[1]]
if ( {
chromosome <- checkChrName(chromosome, addChr=TRUE)
## create annotation tracks
# Ideogram (cytoband) track
allTracks <- iTrack <- NULL
## check internet connection
con <- url('')
internetStatus <- length(readLines(con)) > 0
if (is.null(cytobandInfo) && internetStatus) {
iTrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome=genome, chromosome=chromosome)
} else if (is(cytobandInfo, 'IdeogramTrack')) {
iTrack <- cytobandInfo
if (!is.null(iTrack)) {
allTracks <- c(allTracks, list(iTrack))
# chromosmoe location axis
if (genomeAxis) {
gTrack <- GenomeAxisTrack()
allTracks <- c(allTracks, list(gTrack))
## CpG-island track
if (!is.null(CpGInfo)) {
if (is.character(CpGInfo)) {
CpGInfo <- import.bed(CpGInfo)
} else if (!is(CpGInfo, 'GRanges') && ! {
stop('CpGInfo should be either a bed file or a GRanges object!')
} else if (internetStatus) {
## get CpG-island info from UCSC if CpGInfo is null
CpGInfo <- getCpGIsland.ucsc(hgVersion=genome)
if (is(CpGInfo, 'GRanges')) {
values(CpGInfo) <- DataFrame(values(CpGInfo), feature='CpG_island', id=1:length(CpGInfo))
cpgTrack <- AnnotationTrack(CpGInfo, chromosome=chromosome, genome=genome, name='CpG Island') # , cex.title=0.8)
allTracks <- c(allTracks, list(cpgTrack))
## Create Transcript annotation track
transTrack <- createTranscriptTrack(gene, genomicFeature=genomicFeature, lib=lib,
extendRange=extendRange, includeGeneBody=includeGeneBody, genome=genome, ...)
if (!is.null(transTrack)) {
if (!is.null(selectTranscripts)) {
selectInd <- which(transcript(transTrack) %in% selectTranscripts)
if (length(selectInd) > 0) {
transTrack <- transTrack[selectInd]
} else {
warnings('No selectTranscripts in the regions. Default selection will be used!\n')
allTracks <- c(allTracks, list(transTrack))
## update grange2show
grange2show <- attr(transTrack, 'grange2show')
attr(allTracks, 'grange2show') <- grange2show
heatmapByChromosome <- function(
genoSet, # GenoSet object
gene, # Entrez gene ids or a GRanges object with length equals one
otherTrackList=NULL, # other Tracks objects supported by Gviz
phenoData=NULL, # Expression profile
phonoColorMap = NULL, # a list of colormaps for every column-side rows
extendRange=c(2000, 2000), # extended range on each side of the gene
includeGeneBody=TRUE, # wether to include genebody of the provided gene
showFullModel=FALSE, # only valid when includeGeneBody is FALSE
sortSample=TRUE, # whether to sort samples based on intensity profiles
cytobandInfo=NULL, # cytoband information,
CpGInfo=NULL, # CpG-island information, GRanges or bed file are supported
genomeAxis=TRUE, # whether to add genome axis or not
dataTrackName='Methylation Profile', # title of the data track
lib='', # gene annotation library
genome='hg19', # genome version
genomicFeature='TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene', # genomic features: "TxDb" library or object, "Mart" object
gradient=c("blue", "white", "red"), # gradient color map
ncolor=16, # number of color levels
main='', # title
selSample=NULL, ## designed for BigMatrix, which have to extract the data at last moment.
... ) {
## check parameters
if (length(gene) > 1) {
warning('Current version can only support one gene per plot!')
gene <- gene[1]
## convert the genoSet as a list of genoSet for more general purpose
if (!is.list(genoSet)) {
genoSetList <- list("Methylation Profile"=genoSet)
} else {
genoSetList <- genoSet
if (!all(sapply(genoSetList, function(x) is(x, 'GenoSet'))))
stop('"genoSet" must be a GenoSet object or a list of GenoSet objects.')
if (is.null(ylim)) {
ylim <- lapply(genoSetList, function(x) {
if (th < 1) {
up.lim <- quantile(abs(assays(x)$exprs), th, na.rm=TRUE)
ylim <- c(-up.lim, up.lim)
} else {
max.v <- max(abs(assays(x)$exprs))
ylim <- c(-max.v, max.v)
ylim <- range(unlist(ylim))
if (!is.null(phenoData)) {
rn <- rownames(phenoData)
if (is(phenoData, 'DataFrame')) phenoData <-
## convert the phenoData as numeric matrix
if ( || is.list(phenoData)) {
phenotypeLevels <- lapply(phenoData, function(x) {
x <- levels(as.factor(x))
phenoData <- data.frame(lapply(phenoData, function(x) {
x <- round(as.numeric(as.factor(x)))
if (min(x, na.rm=TRUE) <= 0) x <- x - min(x, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
}), check.names = FALSE)
rownames(phenoData) <- rn
phenoData <- as.matrix(phenoData)
if (is.null(colnames(phenoData)) && ncol(phenoData) == 1)
colnames(phenoData) <- 'Expression Profile'
# if (nrow(phenoData) != ncol(genoSetList[[1]])) {
# if (ncol(phenoData) == ncol(genoSetList[[1]])) {
# phenoData <- t(phenoData)
# } else {
# stop('The dimension of "phenoData" does not match with the genoSet!')
# }
# }
if (is.null(annotationTracks)) {
annotationTracks <- buildAnnotationTracks(gene=gene, extendRange=extendRange,
includeGeneBody=includeGeneBody, cytobandInfo=cytobandInfo, CpGInfo=CpGInfo,
genomeAxis=genomeAxis, lib=lib, genome=genome, genomicFeature=genomicFeature, ...)
if (is.null(annotationTracks))
stop('"annotationTracks" is missing!')
allTracks <- annotationTracks
## get grange2show
grange2show <- attr(annotationTracks, 'grange2show')
if (is.null(grange2show)) {
stop('"grange2show" of the annotationTracks should not be NULL!')
chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(grange2show))
## add otherTracks if provided
if (!is.null(otherTrackList)) {
if (is.list(otherTrackList)) {
allTracks <- c(allTracks, otherTrackList)
} else {
allTracks <- c(allTracks, list(otherTrackList))
for (i in 1:length(genoSetList)) {
genoSet <- genoSetList[[i]]
## select related methylation data
genoSet <- checkChrName(genoSet, addChr=TRUE) <- suppressWarnings(as(rowRanges(genoSet), 'GRanges'))
if (is.null(selSample)) {
selSample.i <- colnames(genoSet)
} else {
selSample.i <- selSample
if (is.numeric(selSample.i)) selSample.i <- colnames(genoSet)[selSample.i]
if (!is.null(phenoData)) phenoData <- phenoData[selSample.i,,drop=FALSE]
if (length(sortSample) == ncol(genoSet)) sortSample <- sortSample[selSample.i]
if (packageVersion('GenomicRanges') < '1.11.0') {
selMethyData <- genoSet[!, grange2show)),selSample.i]
} else {
selMethyData <- genoSet[overlapsAny(, grange2show),selSample.i]
if (nrow(selMethyData) == 0) {
warning("There is no methylation data exist in the selected grange2show!")
if ((sortSample || length(sortSample) == ncol(selMethyData)) && nrow(selMethyData) > 0 && ncol(selMethyData) > 1) {
hcr <- hclust(dist(t(assays(selMethyData)$exprs)))
ddr <- as.dendrogram(hcr)
if (length(sortSample) == ncol(selMethyData))
ddr <- reorder(ddr, sortSample)
ord <- order.dendrogram(ddr)
selMethyData <- selMethyData[,ord]
## define data track
dTrack <- DataTrack(range=suppressWarnings(as(rowRanges(selMethyData), 'GRanges')), data=t(assays(selMethyData)$exprs),
chromosome=chromosome, name=dataTrackName, type='heatmap', gradient=gradient, ncolor=ncolor)
names(dTrack) <- names(genoSetList)[i]
allTracks <- c(allTracks, list(dTrack))
if (!includeGeneBody && showFullModel) {
## remove IdeogramTrack if exists
allTracks <- allTracks[sapply(allTracks, class) != 'IdeogramTrack']
## estimate the space of tracks
trackHeights <- .estimateTrackHeight(allTracks, grange2show)
geneModelTrackInd <- which(sapply(allTracks, class) == 'GeneRegionTrack')
geneModelHeight <- trackHeights[geneModelTrackInd]
if (geneModelHeight < 0.1) geneModelHeight <- 0.1
if (main != '' && !is.null(main)) geneModelHeight <- geneModelHeight + 0.05
layout.height <- c(geneModelHeight/(1.05+geneModelHeight), 0.05/(1.05+geneModelHeight), 1/(1.05+geneModelHeight))
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(3, 1, heights=layout.height)))
## plot annotation or phenotype information
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=3))
## change GenomeAxisTrack
axisTrackInd <- which(sapply(allTracks, class) == 'GenomeAxisTrack')
if (length(axisTrackInd) > 0) {
displayPars(allTracks[[axisTrackInd]])$littleTicks <- TRUE
names(allTracks[[geneModelTrackInd]]) <- 'TSS Gene Model'
## plot Tracks with annotation of DataTrack
plotInfo <- plotTracksWithDataTrackInfo(allTracks, grange2show=grange2show, dataInfo=phenoData,
dataColorMap=phonoColorMap, labelWidth=0.1, gradient=gradient, ncolor=ncolor, ylim=ylim, ...)
grange2show <- attr(plotInfo, 'grange2show')
grange2show <- checkChrName(grange2show, addChr=TRUE)
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=1))
geneModelTrack <- allTracks[[geneModelTrackInd]]
names(geneModelTrack) <- 'Full Gene Model'
## make sure the transcript names are shown in right side of plot
start.range <- min(start(geneModelTrack))
end.range <- max(end(geneModelTrack))
labelWidth <- max(nchar(transcript(geneModelTrack))) * getPar(geneModelTrack, 'fontsize') / 2 * getPar(geneModelTrack, 'cex')
labelWidthRatio <- labelWidth/as.numeric(convertX(unit(0.95, 'npc'), 'points'))
labelWidth.db <- round((end.range - start.range) * labelWidthRatio)
# if (labelWidth.points < 0) labelWidth.points <- 0
start.range <- start.range - labelWidth.db
# end.range <- max(end(geneModelTrack))
# start.range <- start.range - (end.range - start.range) / 5
plotInfo.fullModel <- plotTracks(geneModelTrack, from=start.range, to=end.range, chromosome=chromosome, add=TRUE, main=main, ...)
## plot rectangle of the grange2show
X0 <- as.numeric(convertX(unit(0,'npc'), 'points'))
X1 <- as.numeric(convertX(unit(1,'npc'), 'points'))
Y0 <- as.numeric(convertY(unit(0,'npc'), 'points'))
Y1 <- as.numeric(convertY(unit(1,'npc'), 'points'))
totalWidth <- X1 - X0
totalHeight <- Y1 - Y0
# retrieve the plot coordinates
plotLoc.fullModel <- coords(plotInfo.fullModel$title)
margin.x <- (plotLoc.fullModel[1, 'x1'] - X0)/totalWidth
plotWidth <- (X1 - plotLoc.fullModel[1, 'x2'])/totalWidth - 2*margin.x
x0 <- abs(plotLoc.fullModel[1, 'x2'] - X0)/totalWidth + margin.x
y1 <- 0.01
plotHeight <- 0.98
# y1 <- abs(plotLoc.fullModel[1, 'y1'] - Y0)/totalHeight
# plotHeight <- abs(plotLoc.fullModel[1, 'y2'] - plotLoc.fullModel[1, 'y1'])/totalHeight
# if (y1 >= 0.01) y1 <- 0.05
# if (plotHeight + y1 >= 0.95) plotHeight <- 0.95 - y1
showRegion <- end(grange2show) - start(grange2show)
x1 <- x0 + plotWidth * (start(grange2show) - start.range)/(end.range - start.range)
if (x1 < x0) x1 <- x0
rect.width <- plotWidth * (end(grange2show) - start(grange2show))/(end.range - start.range)
if (x1 + rect.width > 1) rect.width <- 1 - x1
## set minimum width as 0.02
if (rect.width < 0.02) {
x1 <- x1 - (0.02 - rect.width)/4
rect.width <- 0.02
grid.rect(x1, y1, width=rect.width, height=plotHeight, gp=gpar(col=2, lwd=1.5, alpha=0.3, lty=2), just=c('left', 'bottom'))
x1.points <- as.numeric(convertX(unit(x1, 'npc'), 'points'))
x2.points <- as.numeric(convertX(unit(x1 + rect.width, 'npc'), 'points'))
y1.points <- y2.points <- as.numeric(convertY(unit(1 - y1, 'npc'), 'points'))
x1.npc <- convertX(unit(x1.points, 'points'), 'npc')
x2.npc <- convertX(unit(x2.points, 'points'), 'npc')
y1.npc <- y2.npc <- convertY(unit(y1.points, 'points'), 'npc')
## plot dash lines to the zoom-in region
zoominCor <- coords(plotInfo$title) <- convertX(unit(zoominCor[1, 'x2'], 'points'), 'npc') <- <- as.numeric(convertY(unit(zoominCor[1, 'y1'], 'points'), 'npc')) # - 0.01 <- <- sum(layout.height[1:2]) <- 1 - plotInfo$labelWidth
grid.lines(x=c(x1.npc,, y=1-c(y1.npc,, default.units='npc', gp=gpar(col=2, lty=2))
grid.lines(x=c(x2.npc,, y=1-c(y2.npc,, default.units='npc', gp=gpar(col=2, lty=2))
newPlotInfo <- list(fullModel=plotInfo.fullModel, main=plotInfo, layout.height=layout.height)
plotInfo <- newPlotInfo
} else {
## plot Tracks with annotation of DataTrack
plotInfo <- plotTracksWithDataTrackInfo(allTracks, grange2show=grange2show, dataInfo=phenoData,
dataColorMap=phonoColorMap, labelWidth=0.1, gradient=gradient, ncolor=ncolor, main=main, ylim=ylim, ...)
## plot methylation heatmap by gene
## selGene: a vector of EntrezIDs or a list of gene2tx
## methyGenoSet: a GenoSet object for methylation data
## gene2tx: a gene to transcript mapping list, used for retrieving expression.tx data
## expression.tx: an ExpressionSet or data matrix for transcript expression
## expression.other: an ExpressionSet or data matrix for other expression, like exon1 or txSpecific
## phenoData: an ExpressionSet or data.frame for phenotype informaiton
## sortBy: sort the samples based on expression, methylation or NA (not sort)
## labelPrefix.expression.other: label prefix added to the label of expression.other, e.g., "exon1_transcript"
## showAllTx: whether to show all transcript in gene2tx or just those provided in selGene
## includeGeneBody: if FALSE, then only shows the promoter region
## CpGInfo: a bed file or GRanges for CpG island information
## genomicFeature: used by buildAnnotationTracks function
## phenoColor: a vector of colors for pheno types.
plotMethylationHeatmapByGene <- function(
sortBy=c('expression', 'methylation', NA),
phenoColor=list(gradient=c("green", "black", "red")),
gradient=c("blue", "white", "red"),
selSample=NULL, ## designed for BigMatrix, which have to extract the data at last moment.
...) {
sortBy <- as.character(sortBy)
sortBy <- match.arg(sortBy)
if( sortBy <- 'NA'
## convert gradient as a vector of colors if not
if (!all(grepl("^#", gradient)) || length(gradient) < 5) {
gradient <- colorRampPalette(gradient)(ncolor)
ncolor <- length(gradient)
if (!is(methyGenoSet, 'GenoSet'))
stop('"methyGenoSet" must be a GenoSet object.')
if (useBetaValue) {
assayElement(methyGenoSet, 'exprs') <- m2beta(assays(methyGenoSet)$exprs)
if (th < 1) {
up.lim <- max(quantile(abs(assays(methyGenoSet)$exprs), th, na.rm=TRUE) - 0.5, 0.5 - quantile(abs(assays(methyGenoSet)$exprs), 1-th, na.rm=TRUE))
ylim <- c(0.5 - up.lim, 0.5 + up.lim)
} else {
ylim <- c(0, 1)
} else {
if (th < 1) {
up.lim <- quantile(abs(assays(methyGenoSet)$exprs), th, na.rm=TRUE)
ylim <- c(-up.lim, up.lim)
} else {
max.v <- max(abs(assays(methyGenoSet)$exprs))
ylim <- c(-max.v, max.v)
## subset of the data, designed for BigMatrix
allSample <- colnames(methyGenoSet)
if (is.null(selSample)) {
selSample <- allSample
} else if (is.logical(selSample) || is.numeric(selSample)){
selSample <- allSample[selSample]
} else if (is.character(selSample)) {
if (any(!(selSample %in% allSample))) stop('selSample does not match the colnames of methyGenoSet !')
# ind <- 1:ncol(methyGenoSet)
# names(ind) <- colnames(methyGenoSet)
# selSample <- ind[selSample]
if (!is.null(expression.tx)) {
if (is(expression.tx, 'ExpressionSet')) {
expMatrix <- exprs(expression.tx)
} else {
expMatrix <- expression.tx
if (ncol(expMatrix) != ncol(methyGenoSet)) {
stop('Dimensions of expression.tx do not match methyGenoSet!')
} else {
expMatrix <- NULL
expMatrix.other <- NULL
if (!is.null(expression.other)) {
if (!is.list(expression.other)) expression.other <- list(expression.other)
for (expression.other.i in expression.other) {
if (is(expression.other.i, 'ExpressionSet')) {
expMatrix.other.i <- exprs(expression.other.i)
} else {
expMatrix.other.i <- expression.other.i
expMatrix.other <- c(expMatrix.other, list(expMatrix.other.i))
rm(expression.other.i); gc()
if (is.list(selGene)) {
sigGene2tx <- selGene
selGene <- names(selGene)
} else {
showAllTx <- FALSE
if (!is.null(gene2tx)) {
sigGene2tx <- gene2tx[selGene]
} else {
sigGene2tx <- as.list(selGene)
showAllTx <- FALSE
phenotypeLevels <- NULL
if (!is.null(phenoData)) {
if (is(phenoData, "ExpressionSet")) {
phenoData <- exprs(phenoData)
if (is(phenoData, 'DataFrame')) phenoData <-
rn <- rownames(phenoData)
## convert the phenoData as numeric matrix
if ( || is.list(phenoData)) {
phenotypeLevels <- lapply(phenoData, function(x) {
x <- levels(as.factor(x))
phenoData <- data.frame(lapply(phenoData, function(x) {
x <- round(as.numeric(as.factor(x)))
if (min(x, na.rm=TRUE) <= 0) x <- x - min(x, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
}), check.names = FALSE)
rownames(phenoData) <- rn
otherPhenoName <- colnames(phenoData)
otherPhenoName <- otherPhenoName[!(otherPhenoName %in% names(phenoColor))]
if (length(otherPhenoName) > 0) {
allPhenoName <- names(phenoColor)
for (phenoName.i in otherPhenoName) {
maxLevel.i <- max(phenoData[[phenoName.i]], na.rm=TRUE)
if (maxLevel.i <= 6) {
phenoColor <- c(phenoColor, list(1:maxLevel.i))
allPhenoName <- c(allPhenoName, phenoName.i)
names(phenoColor) <- allPhenoName
plotResult <- lapply(1:length(sigGene2tx), function(i) {
gene.i <- selGene[i]
symbol <- unlist(lookUp(gene.i, '', 'SYMBOL'))
if ( || (symbol == 'NA')) return(NULL)
annotationTracks <- buildAnnotationTracks(gene=gene.i, includeGeneBody=includeGeneBody, CpGInfo=CpGInfo, genomicFeature=genomicFeature, ...)
sigTx <- sigGene2tx[[i]]
if (is.null(sigTx)) return(NULL)
if (showAllTx) {
selTx <- gene2tx[[gene.i]]
selTx <- c(sigTx, selTx[!(selTx %in% sigTx)])
} else {
selTx <- sigTx
## sort the transcript based on annotation track
geneRegionTrack <- annotationTracks[sapply(annotationTracks, class) == 'GeneRegionTrack'][[1]]
## estimate the order of transcripts in the geneRegionTrack
grange2show <- attr(annotationTracks, 'grange2show')
if (is.null(grange2show)) {
warnings('No region to plot!')
grange2show <- checkChrName(grange2show, addChr=TRUE)
chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(grange2show))[1]
annTx <- .estimateTxOrder(geneRegionTrack, from=start(grange2show)[1], to=end(grange2show)[1], chromosome=chromosome)
annTx.ind <- 1:length(annTx)
names(annTx.ind) <- annTx
orderedTx <- selTx[selTx %in% annTx]
otherTx <- selTx[!(selTx %in% annTx)]
if (length(orderedTx) > 0) {
orderedTx <- orderedTx[order(annTx.ind[orderedTx], decreasing=FALSE)]
orderedTx <- c(orderedTx, selTx[!(selTx %in% annTx)])
selTx <- orderedTx
if (length(otherTx) > 0) selTx <- unique(c(selTx, otherTx))
expProfile <- expProfile.range <- NULL
if (!is.null(expMatrix)) {
if (!any(selTx %in% rownames(expMatrix))) {
if (gene.i %in% rownames(expMatrix)) {
expProfile <- t(expMatrix[gene.i,selSample,drop=FALSE])
} else if (nrow(expMatrix) <= 5) {
expProfile <- t(expMatrix[, selSample, drop=FALSE])
} else {
selTx.i <- selTx[selTx %in% rownames(expMatrix)]
expProfile <- t(expMatrix[selTx.i,selSample,drop=FALSE])
if (scaledExpression) {
expProfile.range <- c(0, 1)
} else {
if (!is.null(expProfile)) {
expProfile.range <- range(expProfile, na.rm=TRUE)
## includeExon1
rk <- 1:ncol(methyGenoSet)
if (!is.null(expMatrix.other)) {
sigOther <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(expMatrix.other)) {
expMatrix.other.i <- expMatrix.other[[i]]
selTx.i <- selTx[selTx %in% rownames(expMatrix.other.i)]
expProfile.other.i <- t(expMatrix.other.i[selTx.i,selSample,drop=FALSE])
if (!is.null(labelPrefix.expression.other) || (labelPrefix.expression.other != '')) {
if (length(labelPrefix.expression.other) != length(expMatrix.other))
stop('The length of labelPrefix.expression.other should be the same as the length of expression.other!')
colnames(expProfile.other.i) <- paste(labelPrefix.expression.other[i], selTx.i, sep='_')
sigOther.i <- paste(labelPrefix.expression.other[i], sigTx, sep='_')
sigOther <- c(sigOther, sigOther.i)
expProfile <- cbind(expProfile, expProfile.other.i)
## sort only based on significant exon1 and transcript
if (sortBy == 'expression') {
selCol <- sigTx
# selCol <- c(sigOther, sigTx)
selCol <- selCol[selCol %in% colnames(expProfile)]
if (length(selCol) == 0) selCol <- 1
rk <- rank(rowMeans(expProfile[, selCol, drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE))
## scale the profile by dividing the maximum values
if (scaledExpression) expProfile <- t(t(expProfile) / (0.01 + apply(expProfile, 2, max)))
} else if (!is.null(expProfile)) {
if (sortBy == 'expression') {
## sort only based on significant Tx
selCol <- sigTx
selCol <- selCol[selCol %in% colnames(expProfile)]
if (length(selCol) == 0) selCol <- 1
rk <- rank(rowMeans(expProfile[,selCol,drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE))
## scale the profile if required
if (scaledExpression) expProfile <- t(t(expProfile) / (0.01 + apply(expProfile, 2, max)))
if (sortBy == 'expression')
selSample <- selSample[order(rk[selSample], decreasing=FALSE)]
## Gviz changes the row order of heatmap since 1.4.0
if (packageVersion('Gviz') > '1.4.0') {
selSample <- rev(selSample)
## combine phenoData with expProfile if both exist
if (!is.null(phenoData)) {
## combine the phenoData with the expProfile matrix
if (!is.null(expProfile)) {
expProfile <- cbind(expProfile, as.matrix(phenoData))
} else {
expProfile <- as.matrix(phenoData)
## ------------------------------------
## plot the heatmap of gene.i
if (!is.null(title.suffix)) {
title <- paste(symbol, ' (', title.suffix, ')', sep='')
} else {
title <- paste(symbol, ' (GeneID:', gene.i, ')', sep='')
cat("Ploting ", title, '\n')
if (is.null(main)) main <- title
## plotting legend
if (newPlot) grid.newpage()
if (addLegend) {
legendWidth <- 0.12
sepWidth <- 0.08
plotWidth <- 1 - legendWidth - sepWidth
layout.width <- c(plotWidth, sepWidth, legendWidth)
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(1, 3, widths=layout.width)))
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=1))
sortSample <- ifelse(sortBy == 'methylation', TRUE, FALSE)
plotInfo <- heatmapByChromosome(methyGenoSet, gene.i, annotationTracks=annotationTracks, phenoData=expProfile,
phonoColorMap=phenoColor, sortSample=sortSample, dataTrackName='Methylation Profile', main=main,
cex.main=1, ylim=ylim, newPlot=FALSE, gradient=gradient, ncolor=ncolor, includeGeneBody=includeGeneBody, showAxis=FALSE, selSample=selSample, ...)
## plot legendInfo
if (addLegend) {
## plot legend information
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=3, layout.pos.row=1))
## determine the height of legends
## the height of methylation and expression colorbars are 2*legendHeight
numOfOtherLegend <- length(which(names(phenoColor) != 'gradient'))
if (!is.null(expProfile)) {
legendHeight <- (1 - (3 + numOfOtherLegend) * 0.05) / (4 + numOfOtherLegend)
} else {
legendHeight <- (1 - (2 + numOfOtherLegend) * 0.05) / (2 + numOfOtherLegend)
if (legendHeight > 1/8) legendHeight <- 1/8
x0 <- 0.1 # 0.15 ## starting plotting point in x-axis
colWidth <- 0.15
## plot methylation legend
stepHeight <- legendHeight * 2 * 0.9 / ncolor
ystart <- 1 - (0.05 + legendHeight * 2 )
methyColor <- gradient
grid.rect(x0, stepHeight * (1:ncolor) + ystart, width=colWidth, height=stepHeight,
gp=gpar(col=methyColor, fill=methyColor), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "top"))
# add tick information
if (useBetaValue) {
ytickLabel <- round(seq(0, 1, length=5), 2)
} else {
ytickLabel <- round(seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length=5), 2)
ytickPos <- ystart + legendHeight * 2 * 0.9 * seq(0,1,length=5)
grid.segments(x0 + colWidth, ytickPos, x0 + colWidth + 0.05, ytickPos, default.units = "npc")
## add tick labels
fontsize <- round(as.numeric(convertX(unit(0.8, 'npc'), 'points'))/6)
grid.text(ytickLabel, x=x0 + colWidth + 0.08, y=ytickPos, just=c("left", "center"), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize))
## add legend title
if (is.null(methylationLegendTitle)) {
methylationLegendTitle <- c('Methylation', ifelse(useBetaValue, '(Beta value)', '(M value)'))
} else {
methylationLegendTitle <- strsplit(methylationLegendTitle, '\n')[[1]]
grid.text(methylationLegendTitle[1], x=0.5, y=max(ytickPos) + 0.025 + as.numeric(convertY(unit(fontsize, 'points'), 'npc')), just=c('center', 'bottom'),
default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface='bold'))
if (length(methylationLegendTitle) > 1)
grid.text(methylationLegendTitle[2], x=0.5, y=max(ytickPos) + 0.02, just=c('center', 'bottom'), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface='bold'))
## plot expression legend
if (!is.null(expProfile.range)) {
if ('gradient' %in% names(phenoColor)) {
gradient.exp <- phenoColor$gradient
} else {
gradient.exp <- gradient
ystart <- 1 - (0.1 + legendHeight * 4 )
expColor <- colorRampPalette(gradient.exp)(ncolor)[1:ncolor]
ytickLabel <- round(seq(expProfile.range[1], expProfile.range[2], length=5), 2)
ytickPos <- ystart + legendHeight * 2 * 0.9 * seq(0,1,length=5)
grid.rect(x0, stepHeight * (1:ncolor) + ystart, width=colWidth, height=stepHeight,
gp=gpar(col=expColor, fill=expColor), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "top"))
# add tick information
grid.segments(x0 + colWidth, ytickPos, x0 + colWidth + 0.05, ytickPos, default.units = "npc")
## add tick labels
grid.text(ytickLabel, x=x0 + colWidth + 0.08, y=ytickPos, just=c("left", "center"), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize))
## add title
if (is.null(expressionLegendTitle)) {
expressionLegendTitle <- c('Expression', 'log2-RPKM')
} else {
expressionLegendTitle <- strsplit(expressionLegendTitle, '\n')[[1]]
if (scaledExpression) expressionLegendTitle[1] <- paste('Scaled', expressionLegendTitle[1])
grid.text(expressionLegendTitle[1], x=0.5, y=max(ytickPos) + 0.025 + as.numeric(convertY(unit(fontsize, 'points'), 'npc')), just=c('center', 'bottom'),
default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface='bold'))
if (length(expressionLegendTitle) > 1)
grid.text(expressionLegendTitle[2], x=0.5, y=max(ytickPos) + 0.02, just=c('center', 'bottom'), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface='bold'))
## Add other phenoColor legends
if (numOfOtherLegend > 0) {
phenoColor <- phenoColor[names(phenoColor) != 'gradient']
## calculate the stepHeight based on font size,which is defined by the number of color levels
totalLevel <- length(unlist(phenotypeLevels))
if (!is.null(expProfile.range)) {
ystart <- 1 - (0.1 + legendHeight * 4 )
} else {
ystart <- 1 - (0.1 + legendHeight * 2 )
stepHeight <- (ystart - 0.1 * length(phenoColor)) / totalLevel
stepHeight <- min(stepHeight, as.numeric(convertY(unit(fontsize, 'points'), 'npc')) * 1.5)
# stepWidth <- convertX(convertY(unit(stepHeight, 'npc'), 'points'), 'npc')
rectWidth <- 0.08
rectHeight <- min(stepHeight, as.numeric(convertY(convertX(unit(0.05, 'npc'), 'points'), 'npc')))
fontsize.color <- floor(as.numeric(convertY(unit(stepHeight * 0.9, 'npc'), 'points')))
fontsize.color <- min(fontsize.color, fontsize)
for (i in 1:length(phenoColor)) {
phenoColor.i <- phenoColor[[i]]
phenoTypeName.i <- names(phenoColor)[i]
phenotypeLevels.i <- phenotypeLevels[[phenoTypeName.i]]
## add title
grid.text(phenoTypeName.i, x=0.5, y=ystart - 0.05, just=c('center', 'top'), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface='bold'))
for (j in 1:length(phenoColor.i)) {
y0 <- ystart - 0.05 - stepHeight * (j + 3/4)
grid.rect(x0, y0, width=rectWidth, height=rectHeight,
gp=gpar(col=phenoColor.i[j], fill=phenoColor.i[j]), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "center"))
## add tick labels
grid.text(phenotypeLevels.i[j], x=x0 + rectWidth * 2, y=y0, just=c("left", "center"), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize.color))
## update ystart
ystart <- y0
## plot rectangle around legend
# grid.rect(0, 1, width=1, height=min(1, abs(1 - ystart + 0.03)), gp=gpar(col=1, lty=1, lwd=1, fill=rgb(1,1,1, alpha=0)), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "top"))
plotInfo <- c(plotInfo, layout.width=layout.width)
plotHeatmapByGene <- function(
sortBy=c(NA, 'phenoData', 'data'),
phenoColor=list(gradient=c("green", "black", "red")),
gradient=c("blue", "white", "red"),
...) {
sortBy <- as.character(sortBy)
sortBy <- match.arg(sortBy)
if( sortBy <- 'NA'
if (length(selGene) > 1) {
warnings('Only the first gene will be plotted!')
selGene <- selGene[1]
## convert gradient as a vector of colors if not
if (!all(grepl("^#", gradient)) || length(gradient) < 5) {
gradient <- colorRampPalette(gradient)(ncolor)
ncolor <- length(gradient)
if (!is.list(genoSet)) {
genoSetList <- list(genoSet)
} else {
genoSetList <- genoSet
if (!all(sapply(genoSetList, function(x) is(x, 'GenoSet'))))
stop('"genoSet" must be a GenoSet object or a list of GenoSet objects.')
if (is.null(ylim)) {
ylim <- range(unlist(lapply(genoSetList, function(x) range(assays(x)$exprs))))
phenotypeLevels <- NULL
if (!is.null(phenoData)) {
if (is(phenoData, "ExpressionSet")) {
phenoData <- exprs(phenoData)
if (is(phenoData, 'DataFrame')) phenoData <-
rn <- rownames(phenoData)
if ( || is.list(phenoData)) {
phenotypeLevels <- lapply(phenoData, function(x) {
x <- levels(as.factor(x))
phenoData <- data.frame(lapply(phenoData, function(x) {
x <- round(as.numeric(as.factor(x)))
if (min(x, na.rm=TRUE) <= 0) x <- x - min(x, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
}), check.names = FALSE)
rownames(phenoData) <- rn
otherPhenoName <- colnames(phenoData)
otherPhenoName <- otherPhenoName[!(otherPhenoName %in% names(phenoColor))]
if (length(otherPhenoName) > 0) {
allPhenoName <- names(phenoColor)
for (phenoName.i in otherPhenoName) {
maxLevel.i <- max(phenoData[[phenoName.i]], na.rm=TRUE)
if (maxLevel.i <= 6) {
phenoColor <- c(phenoColor, list(1:maxLevel.i))
allPhenoName <- c(allPhenoName, phenoName.i)
names(phenoColor) <- allPhenoName
annotationTracks <- buildAnnotationTracks(gene=selGene, includeGeneBody=includeGeneBody, CpGInfo=CpGInfo, genomicFeature=genomicFeature, ...)
## sort the transcript based on annotation track
geneRegionTrack <- annotationTracks[sapply(annotationTracks, class) == 'GeneRegionTrack'][[1]]
## estimate the order of transcripts in the geneRegionTrack
grange2show <- attr(annotationTracks, 'grange2show')
if (is.null(grange2show)) {
warnings('No region to plot!')
grange2show <- checkChrName(grange2show, addChr=TRUE)
chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(grange2show)[1])
if (sortByTx) {
annTx <- .estimateTxOrder(geneRegionTrack, from=start(grange2show)[1], to=end(grange2show)[1], chromosome=chromosome)
genoSetList <- lapply(genoSetList, function(x) { <- colnames(x)
ind <- 1:length(
names(ind) <- <- c(annTx[annTx %in%],[!( %in% annTx)])
x <- x[,ind[], drop=FALSE]
## ------------------------------------
## plot the heatmap of selGene
title <- NULL
if (is.character(selGene)) {
symbol <- unlist(lookUp(selGene, '', 'SYMBOL'))
if (!is.null(title.suffix)) {
title <- paste(symbol, ' (', title.suffix, ')', sep='')
} else {
title <- paste(symbol, ' (GeneID:', selGene, ')', sep='')
} else if (is(selGene, 'GRanges')) {
title <- paste(seqnames(selGene)[1], start(selGene)[1], end(selGene)[1], sep='_')
cat("Ploting ", title, '\n')
if (is.null(main)) main <- title
## plotting legend
if (newPlot) grid.newpage()
if (addLegend) {
legendWidth <- 0.12
sepWidth <- 0.08
plotWidth <- 1 - legendWidth - sepWidth
layout.width <- c(plotWidth, sepWidth, legendWidth)
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(1, 3, widths=layout.width)))
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=1))
sortSample <- ifelse(sortBy == 'data', TRUE, FALSE)
plotInfo <- heatmapByChromosome(genoSetList, selGene, annotationTracks=annotationTracks, phenoData=phenoData,
phonoColorMap=phenoColor, sortSample=sortSample, dataTrackName='Methylation Profile', main=main, ylim=ylim,
cex.main=1, newPlot=FALSE, gradient=gradient, ncolor=ncolor, includeGeneBody=includeGeneBody, ...)
## plot legendInfo
if (addLegend) {
## plot legend information
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=3, layout.pos.row=1))
## determine the height of legends
## the height of genoSet data
numOfOtherLegend <- length(which(names(phenoColor) != 'gradient'))
legendHeight <- (1 - (1 + numOfOtherLegend) * 0.05) / (1 + numOfOtherLegend)
if (legendHeight > 1/8) legendHeight <- 1/8
x0 <- 0.1 # 0.15 ## starting plotting point in x-axis
colWidth <- 0.15
## plot genoset data legend
stepHeight <- legendHeight * 2 * 0.9 / ncolor
ystart <- 1 - (0.05 + legendHeight * 2 )
methyColor <- gradient[1:ncolor]
grid.rect(x0, stepHeight * (1:ncolor) + ystart, width=colWidth, height=stepHeight,
gp=gpar(col=methyColor, fill=methyColor), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "top"))
# add tick information
ytickLabel <- round(seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length=5), 2)
ytickPos <- ystart + legendHeight * 2 * 0.9 * seq(0,1,length=5)
grid.segments(x0 + colWidth, ytickPos, x0 + colWidth + 0.05, ytickPos, default.units = "npc")
## add tick labels
fontsize <- round(as.numeric(convertX(unit(0.8, 'npc'), 'points'))/6)
grid.text(ytickLabel, x=x0 + colWidth + 0.08, y=ytickPos, just=c("left", "center"), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize))
## add legend title
if (!is.null(genoSetLegendTitle)) {
genoSetLegendTitle <- strsplit(genoSetLegendTitle, '\n')[[1]]
grid.text(genoSetLegendTitle[1], x=0.5, y=max(ytickPos) + 0.025 + as.numeric(convertY(unit(fontsize, 'points'), 'npc')), just=c('center', 'bottom'),
default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface='bold'))
if (length(genoSetLegendTitle) > 1)
grid.text(genoSetLegendTitle[2], x=0.5, y=max(ytickPos) + 0.02, just=c('center', 'bottom'), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface='bold'))
## Add other phenoColor legends
if (numOfOtherLegend > 0) {
phenoColor <- phenoColor[names(phenoColor) != 'gradient']
## calculate the stepHeight based on font size,which is defined by the number of color levels
totalLevel <- length(unlist(phenotypeLevels))
ystart <- 1 - (0.1 + legendHeight * 2 )
stepHeight <- (ystart - 0.1 * length(phenoColor)) / totalLevel
stepHeight <- min(stepHeight, as.numeric(convertY(unit(fontsize, 'points'), 'npc')) * 1.5)
# stepWidth <- convertX(convertY(unit(stepHeight, 'npc'), 'points'), 'npc')
rectWidth <- 0.08
rectHeight <- min(stepHeight, as.numeric(convertY(convertX(unit(0.05, 'npc'), 'points'), 'npc')))
fontsize.color <- floor(as.numeric(convertY(unit(stepHeight * 0.9, 'npc'), 'points')))
fontsize.color <- min(fontsize.color, fontsize)
for (i in 1:length(phenoColor)) {
phenoColor.i <- phenoColor[[i]]
phenoTypeName.i <- names(phenoColor)[i]
phenotypeLevels.i <- phenotypeLevels[[phenoTypeName.i]]
## add title
grid.text(phenoTypeName.i, x=0.5, y=ystart - 0.05, just=c('center', 'top'), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize, fontface='bold'))
for (j in 1:length(phenoColor.i)) {
y0 <- ystart - 0.05 - stepHeight * (j + 3/4)
grid.rect(x0, y0, width=rectWidth, height=rectHeight,
gp=gpar(col=phenoColor.i[j], fill=phenoColor.i[j]), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "center"))
## add tick labels
grid.text(phenotypeLevels.i[j], x=x0 + rectWidth * 2, y=y0, just=c("left", "center"), default.units = "npc", gp=gpar(fontsize=fontsize.color))
## update ystart
ystart <- y0
## plot rectangle around legend
# grid.rect(0, 1, width=1, height=min(1, abs(1 - ystart + 0.03)), gp=gpar(col=1, lty=1, lwd=1, fill=rgb(1,1,1, alpha=0)), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "top"))
plotInfo <- c(plotInfo, layout.width=layout.width)
## plot the heatmap data tracks with sample (row) information
plotTracksWithDataTrackInfo <- function(
gradient=c("blue", "white", "red"),
...) {
if (missing(trackList)) {
stop('Please provide "trackList"!')
## convert gradient as a vector of colors if not
if (!all(grepl("^#", gradient)) || length(gradient) < 5) {
gradient <- colorRampPalette(gradient)(ncolor)
ncolor <- length(gradient)
if (!is(trackList, 'list')) trackList <- list(trackList)
dataTrackInd <- which(sapply(trackList, function(x) class(x) == 'DataTrack' && getPar(x, 'type') == 'heatmap'))
if (length(dataTrackInd) == 0) {
warning('No DataTrack was found!')
dataTrackName <- NULL
} else {
if (is.null(dataTrackName)){
dataTrackName <- sapply(trackList[dataTrackInd], names)
if (is.null(labels)) {
labels <- lapply(trackList[dataTrackInd], function(x) rownames(values(x)))
names(labels) <- dataTrackName
} else {
if (is.list(labels)) {
if (is.null(names(labels))) {
stop('Please provide the list names of the labels! The names should be consistent with the dataTrack names.')
} else {
dataTrackName <- intersect(dataTrackName, names(labels))
if (length(dataTrackName) < length(labels)) {
warnings('Some label names are inconsistent with dataTrack names!')
} else {
labels <- list(labels)
names(labels) <- dataTrackName[1]
## start plotting
if (newPlot) grid.newpage()
## determine the layout based on expression profile
# labelWidth <- 0.1
if (!is.null(dataInfo)) {
if ( {
dataInfo <- as.matrix(dataInfo)
} else if (!is.matrix(dataInfo)) {
dataInfo <- matrix(dataInfo, ncol=1)
if (is.null(rownames(dataInfo))) {
stop('Please provide labels to dataInfo, which should match the labels!')
nn <- ncol(dataInfo)
labelWidth <- labelWidth + 0.02 * nn
if (labelWidth > 0.3) labelWidth <- 0.3
legendWidth <- 0
layout.col.num <- 2
plotWidth <- 1 - labelWidth
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(1, layout.col.num, widths=c(plotWidth, labelWidth))))
chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(grange2show)[1])
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=1))
## estimate the space of tracks
trackHeights <- .estimateTrackHeight(trackList, grange2show, sizes=sizes)
## set the minimum width of the heatmap columns to have better visualization effects
if (minHeatmapColumnWidth > 1) {
newWidth <- ceiling(minHeatmapColumnWidth / as.numeric(convertX(unit(0.95, 'npc'), 'points')) * width(grange2show))
trackList[dataTrackInd] <- lapply(trackList[dataTrackInd], function(x) {
ww.points <- floor(width(x)/width(grange2show) * as.numeric(convertX(unit(0.95, 'npc'), 'points')))
width(x)[ww.points < minHeatmapColumnWidth] <- newWidth
## set background color if specified
if (! && !is.null(dataBackground)) {
for (dataTrackInd.i in dataTrackInd) {
displayPars(trackList[[dataTrackInd.i]]) <- list(background.panel=dataBackground)
## make sure the transcript names are shown in right side of plot
geneRegionTrackInd <- which(sapply(trackList, class) == 'GeneRegionTrack')
if (length(geneRegionTrackInd) > 0) {
selTrack <- trackList[[geneRegionTrackInd]]
trackLabelWidth <- max(nchar(transcript(selTrack))) * getPar(selTrack, 'fontsize') * 3/5 * getPar(selTrack, 'cex')
trackLabelWidthRatio <- trackLabelWidth/as.numeric(convertX(unit(0.9, 'npc'), 'points'))
trackLabelWidth.points <- width(grange2show) * trackLabelWidthRatio - 2000
if (trackLabelWidth.points < 0) trackLabelWidth.points <- 0
start(grange2show) <- start(grange2show) - trackLabelWidth.points
ss <- start(grange2show)[1]
plotInfo <- plotTracks(trackList, from=ss, to=end(grange2show)[1], sizes=trackHeights,
chromosome=chromosome, add=TRUE, main=main, ...)
## retrieve the plot coordinates
plotLoc <- coords(plotInfo$title)
## plot a rectangle around the heatmap if necessary
# if (! && !is.null(dataBackground)) {
# totalHeight <- floor(as.numeric(convertY(unit(1, 'npc'), 'points')))
# totalWidth <- floor(as.numeric(convertX(unit(1, 'npc'), 'points')))
# margin <- 6
# for (dataTrackName.i in dataTrackName) {
# allHeight <- plotLoc[,'y2'] - plotLoc[,'y1']
# y0 <- (plotLoc[dataTrackName.i, 'y1'] + margin) / totalHeight
# height <- (allHeight[dataTrackName.i] - 2 * margin) / totalHeight
# x0 <- plotLoc[dataTrackName.i, 'x2']/totalWidth
# width <- 1 - x0 - margin/totalWidth
# grid.rect(x0, y=1-y0, width=width, height=height, just=c('left', 'top'), gp=gpar(lty=1, col='dark gray', fill=dataBackground, alpha=0.15))
# }
# }
## plot annotation or phenotype information
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=2, layout.pos.row=1))
defaultPar <- Gviz:::.parMappings$GdObject
allHeight <- plotLoc[,'y2'] - plotLoc[,'y1']
margin <- plotLoc[1,'x1']
y00 <- as.numeric(convertY(unit(1, 'npc'), 'points')) - sum(allHeight) - margin
allHeight <- allHeight/as.numeric(convertY(unit(1, 'npc'), 'points'))
## to handle more than one data tracks
for (i in 1:length(dataTrackName)) {
dataTrackName.i <- dataTrackName[i]
labels.i <- labels[[dataTrackName.i]]
## Gviz changes the row order of heatmap since 1.4.0
if (packageVersion('Gviz') > '1.4.0') {
labels.i <- rev(labels.i)
## calculate the label positions
y0 <- (plotLoc[dataTrackName.i, 'y1'] - min(plotLoc[, 'y1']) + y00) / as.numeric(convertY(unit(1, 'npc'), 'points'))
hh <- allHeight[dataTrackName.i]
realHeight <- hh / 1.1
# grid.rect(0, y=1 - y0 - hh/2, width=1, height=realHeight, just=c('left', 'center'), gp=gpar(lty='dashed', col=3))
ystart <- 1 - y0 - hh/2 - realHeight / 2
yend <- 1 - y0 - hh/2 + realHeight / 2
stepHeight <- realHeight / length(labels.i)
x0 <- 0.05
colWidth <- 0.1
if (!is.null(dataInfo)) {
# plot the colnames first
colWidth <- 1 / (5 + ncol(dataInfo))
if (i == 1 && !is.null(colnames(dataInfo))) {
fontsize <- floor(as.numeric(convertX(unit(colWidth * 0.95, 'npc'), 'points')))
fontsize <- min(fontsize, floor(as.numeric(convertY(unit((1-yend-0.01)/6, 'npc'), 'points')))) # based on height
grid.text(colnames(dataInfo), x=x0 + colWidth * (1:ncol(dataInfo)), y = yend + 0.01, rot=90, just=c('left', 'bottom'),
gp=gpar(fontfamily=defaultPar$fontfamily, fontsize=fontsize, fontface=defaultPar$fontface, col=1))
## check the consistency of dataInfo rownames and labels.i
if (is.null(rownames(dataInfo))) {
if (nrow(dataInfo) == length(labels.i)) {
rownames(dataInfo) <- labels.i
} else {
stop('Please provide rownames to dataInfo, which should be consistent to the labels!')
} else {
if (!all(labels.i %in% rownames(dataInfo))) {
labels.i <- make.names(labels.i)
rownames(dataInfo) <- make.names(rownames(dataInfo))
if (!all(labels.i %in% rownames(dataInfo))) {
stop("'labels' does not match rownames of dataInfo!\n")
dataColor <- vector(mode='list', length=ncol(dataInfo))
names(dataColor) <- colnames(dataInfo) <- gradient
if (!is.null(dataColorMap)) {
if (!is.list(dataColorMap)) stop('dataColorMap should be a named list!')
if ('gradient' %in% names(dataColorMap)) { <- dataColorMap$gradient
if (!all(grepl("^#", || length( < 5) <- colorRampPalette(
## convert colors to the format like "#FF0000"
dataCols <- colnames(dataInfo)[(colnames(dataInfo) %in% names(dataColorMap))]
otherCol <- colnames(dataInfo)[!(colnames(dataInfo) %in% names(dataColorMap))]
for (dataCol.i in dataCols) {
colorMap.i <- dataColorMap[[dataCol.i]]
if (is.numeric(colorMap.i)) {
paletteColor <- palette()
colorMap.i <- rgb(t(col2rgb(paletteColor[round(colorMap.i) %% length(paletteColor)]))/255)
} else if (length(grep("^#", colorMap.i)) < length(colorMap.i)) {
colorMap.i <- rgb(t(col2rgb(colorMap.i))/255)
data.i <- dataInfo[labels.i,dataCol.i]
## if there are larger than 10 color levels, the data will be scaled to the data range
if (length(colorMap.i) > 10) {
## dataInfoRange is to control the plot color range
if (!is.null(dataInfoRange)) {
if (is.list(dataInfoRange)) {
dataInfoRange.i <- dataInfoRange[[dataCol.i]]
if (is.null(dataInfoRange.i)) dataInfoRange.i <- dataInfoRange[[1]]
} else {
dataInfoRange.i <- dataInfoRange
data.i <- Gviz:::.z2icol(data.i, length(colorMap.i), xrange=dataInfoRange.i)
} else {
data.i <- Gviz:::.z2icol(data.i, length(colorMap.i), xrange=range(data.i))
dataColor[[dataCol.i]] <- colorMap.i[round(data.i)]
if (length(otherCol) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(otherCol)) {
valsScaled <- Gviz:::.z2icol(dataInfo[labels.i,otherCol, drop=FALSE], length(, xrange=range(dataInfo[,otherCol,drop=FALSE]))
dataColor[[otherCol[i]]] <-[valsScaled[,i]]
} else {
## dataInfoRange is to control the plot color range
if (!is.null(dataInfoRange)) {
valsScaled <- Gviz:::.z2icol(dataInfo[labels.i,,drop=FALSE], ncolor, xrange=dataInfoRange)
} else {
valsScaled <- Gviz:::.z2icol(dataInfo[labels.i,,drop=FALSE], ncolor, xrange=range(dataInfo))
for (i in 1:ncol(dataInfo)) {
dataColor[[i]] <- gradient[valsScaled[,i]]
## plot data matrix as a regular heatmap
for (i in 1:ncol(dataInfo)) {
dataCol.i <- colnames(dataInfo)[i]
grid.rect(x0, stepHeight * (1:length(labels.i)) + ystart, width=colWidth, height=stepHeight,
gp=gpar(col=dataColor[[dataCol.i]], fill=dataColor[[dataCol.i]]),
default.units="npc", just=c("left", "top"))
x0 <- x0 + colWidth
x0 <- x0 + min(0.05, colWidth/2)
fontsize <- floor(as.numeric(convertY(unit(stepHeight * 0.9, 'npc'), 'points')))
if (!is.null(dataInfo)) {
realLabelWidth <- 1 - (colWidth) * ncol(dataInfo) - min(0.1, colWidth)
} else {
realLabelWidth <- 0.95
numchar <- min(max(nchar(labels.i)), 5)
fontsizeW <- round(as.numeric(convertX(unit(realLabelWidth, 'npc'), 'points'))/ numchar)
fontsize <- min(fontsize, fontsizeW)
grid.text(labels.i, x=x0, y = stepHeight * (1:length(labels.i)) + ystart - stepHeight/2, just=c('left', 'center'), gp=gpar(fontfamily=defaultPar$fontfamily, fontsize=fontsize, fontface=defaultPar$fontface, col=1))
plotInfo <- c(plotInfo, labelWidth=labelWidth)
attr(plotInfo, 'grange2show') <- grange2show
## estimate the Gviz track heights
# grange2show: a GRanges object specify the start and end of the plot range
.estimateTrackHeight <- function(trackList, grange2show, sizes=NULL, minPoints=50) {
trackList <- lapply(trackList, Gviz::subset, from=start(grange2show), to=end(grange2show), chromosome=seqnames(grange2show))
# trackList <- lapply(trackList, Gviz:::setStacks, from=start(grange2show), to=end(grange2show))
trackList <- lapply(trackList, Gviz:::setStacks)
spaceSetup <- Gviz:::.setupTextSize(trackList, sizes=sizes)
totalHeight <- as.numeric(convertY(unit(1, 'npc'), 'points'))
space.points <- totalHeight * spaceSetup$spaceNeeded
smallTrackInd <- which(space.points < minPoints)
if (length(smallTrackInd) > 0) {
space.points[smallTrackInd] <- minPoints
remainPoints <- totalHeight - minPoints * length(smallTrackInd)
space.points[-smallTrackInd] <- remainPoints * space.points[-smallTrackInd] / sum(space.points[-smallTrackInd])
space.points[space.points < minPoints] <- minPoints
} <- space.points/sum(space.points)
## add chr to the chromosome names
checkChrName <- function(grange, addChr=TRUE) {
if (is(grange, 'GRanges')) {
chrName <- seqlevels(grange)
} else if (is(grange, 'character')) {
chrName <- grange
} else if (is(grange, 'GenoSet')) {
# chrName <- seqlevels(grange@rowRanges)
chrName <- chrNames(grange)
} else if (is(grange, 'RangeTrack')) {
chrName <- seqlevels(ranges(grange))
} else {
chrName <- names(grange)
if (is.null(chrName))
stop('Un-supported data types!')
if (any(grepl('^chr[0-9XY][0-9]?', chrName))) {
if (!addChr) {
chrName <- sub('^chr', '', chrName)
} else if (addChr) {
ind <- grep('^[0-9XY][0-9]?', chrName)
ind <- c(ind, grep('^MT', chrName))
chrName[ind] <- paste('chr', chrName[ind], sep='')
if (is(grange, 'GRanges')) {
seqlevels(grange) <- chrName
} else if (is(grange, 'character')) {
grange <- chrName
} else if (is(grange, 'GenoSet')) {
genoset::chrNames(grange) <- chrName
} else if (is(grange, 'RangeTrack')) {
seqlevels(ranges(grange)) <- chrName
} else {
names(grange) <- chrName
getCytoBand.ucsc <- function(hgVersion='hg19') {
session <- browserSession()
query <- ucscTableQuery(session, "cytoBandIdeo", hgVersion)
detailedInfo <- getTable(query)
ranges <- GRanges(seqnames=detailedInfo$chrom, ranges=IRanges(start=detailedInfo$chromStart, end=detailedInfo$chromEnd),
name=detailedInfo$name, type=detailedInfo$gieStain)
getCpGIsland.ucsc <- function(hgVersion='hg19') {
session <- browserSession()
query <- ucscTableQuery(session, "cpgIslandExt", hgVersion)
# islands <- track(query)
detailedInfo <- getTable(query)
ranges <- GRanges(seqnames=detailedInfo$chrom, ranges=IRanges(start=detailedInfo$chromStart, end=detailedInfo$chromEnd),
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