## Define LumiBatch object:
representation(history='data.frame', controlData='data.frame', QC='list'),
submitted = I(vector()),
finished = I(vector()),
command = I(vector()),
lumiVersion = I(vector())
), controlData = data.frame(), QC = list()),
setMethod('initialize', 'LumiBatch', function(.Object,
exprs = new('matrix'),
se.exprs = new('matrix'), # standard deviation of the bead measurements of each probe
detection = new('matrix'),
beadNum = new('matrix'),
if (missing(assayData)) {
cmd <- 'assayData <- assayDataNew(exprs=exprs, se.exprs=se.exprs'
nSample <- ncol(exprs)
if (ncol(detection) == nSample) cmd <- paste(cmd, ', detection=detection')
if (ncol(beadNum) == nSample) cmd <- paste(cmd, ', beadNum=beadNum')
cmd <- paste(cmd, ')')
else if (!missing(exprs) || !missing(se.exprs))
stop("only one of 'assayData' or ('exprs' and 'se.exprs') allowed")
callNextMethod(.Object, assayData=assayData, ...)
setValidity("LumiBatch", function(object)
msg <- Biobase:::validMsg(NULL, Biobase:::isValidVersion(object, "ExpressionSet"))
msg <- Biobase:::validMsg(msg, assayDataValidMembers(assayData(object), c("exprs")))
msg <- Biobase:::validMsg(msg, assayDataValidMembers(assayData(object), c("se.exprs")))
## validate controlData slot, added by Mark Cowley
msg <- Biobase:::validMsg(msg, valid_controlData(object))
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg
## validate controlData slot, added based on the code provided by Mark Cowley
valid_controlData <- function(object) {
is(object, "LumiBatch") || return("object must be a LumiBatch")
if ( nrow(controlData(object)) == 0 ) {
} else if ( ncol(controlData(object)) == (ncol(object) + 2) ) {
if ( !identical(colnames(controlData(object))[1:2], c("controlType", "ProbeID")) ) {
cat("The first 2 extra columns in the controlData should be 'controlType' and 'ProbeID'.\n")
sampleName.ctrl <- colnames(controlData(object))[-c(1,2)]
} else {
sampleName.ctrl <- colnames(controlData(object))
if (!identical(sampleName.ctrl, sampleNames(object))) {
cat("The sample names in the controlData don't match sampleNames(object).\n")
## methods
setMethod("se.exprs", signature(object="ExpressionSet"), function(object) {
if ('se.exprs' %in% assayDataElementNames(object)) {
} else {
setReplaceMethod("se.exprs", signature(object="ExpressionSet"), function(object, value) {
if (is.null(value)) {
assay <- assayData(object)
if (exists('se.exprs', envir=assay)) {
oldMode <- storageMode(assay)
storageMode(assay) <- 'environment'
rm(se.exprs, envir=assay)
storageMode(assay) <- oldMode
assayData(object) <- assay
} else {
assayDataElementReplace(object, "se.exprs", value)
setMethod("beadNum", signature(object="ExpressionSet"), function(object) {
if ('beadNum' %in% assayDataElementNames(object)) {
} else {
setReplaceMethod("beadNum", signature(object="ExpressionSet"), function(object, value) {
if (is.null(value)) {
assay <- assayData(object)
if (exists('beadNum', envir=assay)) {
oldMode <- storageMode(assay)
storageMode(assay) <- 'environment'
rm(beadNum, envir=assay)
storageMode(assay) <- oldMode
assayData(object) <- assay
} else {
assayDataElementReplace(object, "beadNum", value)
setMethod("detection", signature(object="ExpressionSet"), function(object) {
if ('detection' %in% assayDataElementNames(object)) {
} else {
setReplaceMethod("detection", signature(object="ExpressionSet"), function(object, value) {
if (is.null(value)) {
assay <- assayData(object)
if (exists('detection', envir=assay)) {
oldMode <- storageMode(assay)
storageMode(assay) <- 'environment'
rm(detection, envir=assay)
storageMode(assay) <- oldMode
assayData(object) <- assay
} else {
assayDataElementReplace(object, "detection", value)
setMethod("controlData", signature(object="LumiBatch"), function(object) {
## added based on the code provided by Mark Cowley
setReplaceMethod("controlData", signature(object="LumiBatch"), function(object, value) {
if (is.null(value)) value <- data.frame()
if (is.character(value) && length(value) == 1) {
if ( file.exists(value) ) {
object <- addControlData2lumi(value, object)
} else if (is(value, 'data.frame')) {
object@controlData <- value
} else {
stop("value must be one of: NULL, data.frame, or character(1) as the path to a control data file")
setMethod("getHistory",signature(object="LumiBatch"), function(object) object@history)
setReplaceMethod("sampleNames", signature(object="LumiBatch",value="ANY"),
function(object, value) {
object <- callNextMethod()
ddim <- dim(object)
## subsetting the QC information
if (!is.null(object@QC)) {
QC <- object@QC
if (!is.null(QC$sampleSummary))
if (ncol(QC$sampleSummary) == ddim[2])
colnames(QC$sampleSummary) <- value
if (!is.null(QC$BeadStudioSummary))
if (nrow(QC$BeadStudioSummary) == ddim[2])
rownames(QC$BeadStudioSummary) <- value
object@QC <- QC
if (!is.null(attr(object, 'vstParameter'))) {
vstParameter <- attr(object, 'vstParameter')
if (!is.null(nrow(vstParameter))) {
if (nrow(vstParameter) == ddim[2]) {
rownames(vstParameter) <- value
transformFun <- attr(object, 'transformFun')
names(transformFun) <- value
attr(object, 'vstParameter') <- vstParameter
attr(object, 'transformFun') <- transformFun
## controlData information
if (nrow(object@controlData) > 0) {
if (ncol(object@controlData) == ddim[2]) {
colnames(object@controlData) <- value
} else if (ncol(object@controlData) == ddim[2] + 2) {
colnames(controlData(object)) <- c("controlType", "ProbeID", value)
setMethod("summary",signature(object="LumiBatch"), function(object, type=c('data', 'QC'))
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == 'data') {
} else {
if (is.null(object@QC$sampleSummary)) {
cat('Run Quality Control estimation ...\n')
object <- lumiQ(object)
if (!is.null(object@QC$sampleSummary)) {
QC <- object@QC
dimen <- dim(exprs(object))
cat(paste("Data dimension: ", paste(dimen[1], 'genes', 'x', dimen[2], 'samples', collapse=" "), '\n'))
sampleSummary <- QC$sampleSummary
cat(paste("\nSummary of Samples:\n", sep=''))
print(sampleSummary, quote=FALSE)
cat('\nMajor Operation History:\n')
print(QC$history, quote=FALSE)
setMethod("show",signature(object="LumiBatch"), function(object)
cat('Summary of data information:\n')
note <- notes(object)
n.names <- names(note)
for (i in seq(note)) {
if (!is.null(n.names)) cat('\t', paste(n.names[i], ':\n\t\t', sep=''))
cat(note[[i]], sep='\n\t\t')
cat('\nMajor Operation History:\n')
hh <- getHistory(object)
if (nrow(hh) > 5) {
print(head(hh, 2))
print(tail(hh, 2))
} else {
cat('\nObject Information:\n')
if (nrow(controlData(object))>0) {
cat('Control Data: Available\n')
} else {
cat('Control Data: N/A\n')
cat("QC information: Please run summary(x, 'QC') for details!\n")
setMethod("[", "LumiBatch", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)
if (missing(drop)) drop <- FALSE
history.submitted <- as.character(Sys.time())
ddim <- dim(x)
sampleName <- sampleNames(x)
## convert the names as index to avoid some potential problems of name inconsistency
if (!missing(j)) {
if (is.character(j)) {
ind <- seq(sampleName)
names(ind) <- sampleName
j <- ind[j]
## do default processing of 'ExpressionSet'
x <- callNextMethod()
if (!missing(i) && !missing(j)) {
history.command <- paste('Subsetting', ddim[1], 'features and', ddim[2], 'samples.')
} else if (!missing(i)) {
history.command <- paste('Subsetting', ddim[1], 'features.')
} else if (!missing(j)) {
history.command <- paste('Subsetting', ddim[2], 'samples.')
} else {
## subsetting the QC information
if (!missing(j)) {
if (!is.null(x@QC)) {
QC <- x@QC
if (!is.null(QC$sampleSummary)) {
sampleSummary <- QC$sampleSummary
if (ncol(sampleSummary) == ddim[2]) {
QC$sampleSummary <- sampleSummary[,j,drop=FALSE]
} else if (ncol(sampleSummary) > 0) {
if (all(sampleName %in% colnames(sampleSummary))) {
QC$sampleSummary <- sampleSummary[,sampleName[j],drop=FALSE]
} else {
warning('The sampleSummary in QC slot does not match the sampleNames.\nThe subsetting did not execute on sampleSummary.\n')
if (!is.null(QC$BeadStudioSummary)) {
BeadStudioSummary <- QC$BeadStudioSummary
if (nrow(BeadStudioSummary) == ddim[2]) {
QC$BeadStudioSummary <- BeadStudioSummary[j,,drop=FALSE]
} else if (nrow(BeadStudioSummary) > 0) {
if (all(sampleName %in% rownames(BeadStudioSummary))) {
QC$BeadStudioSummary <- BeadStudioSummary[sampleName[j],,drop=FALSE]
} else {
warning('The BeadStudioSummary in QC slot does not match the sampleNames.\nThe subsetting did not execute on BeadStudioSummary.\n')
x@QC <- QC
if (!is.null(attr(x, 'vstParameter'))) {
vstParameter <- attr(x, 'vstParameter')
if (!is.null(nrow(vstParameter))) {
if (nrow(vstParameter) == ddim[2]) {
attr(x, 'vstParameter') <- attr(x, 'vstParameter')[j,,drop=FALSE]
attr(x, 'transformFun') <- attr(x, 'transformFun')[j]
## controlData information
if (nrow(controlData(x)) > 0) {
if (is.logical(j) || is.numeric(j)) j <- sampleName[j]
if (all(j %in% colnames(controlData(x)))) {
if (all(c("controlType", "ProbeID") %in% colnames(controlData(x)))) {
j <- c("controlType", "ProbeID", j)
controlData(x) <- controlData(x)[,j, drop=FALSE]
} else {
warning('The controlData slot does not match the sampleNames.\nThe subsetting did not execute on controlData.\n')
# history tracking
history.finished <- as.character(Sys.time())
if (is.null(x@history$lumiVersion)) x@history$lumiVersion <- rep(NA, nrow(x@history))
lumiVersion <- packageDescription('lumi')$Version
x@history<- rbind(x@history, data.frame(submitted=history.submitted, finished=history.finished,
command=history.command, lumiVersion=lumiVersion))
setMethod("combine", signature=c(x="LumiBatch", y="ExpressionSet"), function(x, y, ...)
if (missing(y)) return(x)
warning('The Lumibatch object was forced as ExpressionSet.')
x <- as(x, 'ExpressionSet')
if (length(list(...)) > 0)
return(combine(x, combine(y, ...)))
return(combine(x, y))
setMethod("combine", signature=c(x="ExpressionSet", y="LumiBatch"), function(x, y, ...)
if (missing(y)) return(x)
warning('The LumiBatch object was forced as ExpressionSet.')
y <- as(y, 'ExpressionSet')
if (length(list(...)) > 0)
return(combine(x, combine(y, ...)))
return(combine(x, y))
setMethod("combine", signature=c(x="LumiBatch", y="LumiBatch"), function(x, y, ...)
if (missing(y)) return(x)
if (length(list(...)) > 0)
return(combine(x, combine(y, ...)))
if (class(x) != class(y))
stop(paste("objects must be the same class, but are ",
class(x), ", ", class(y), sep=""))
if (any(sort(featureNames(x)) != sort(featureNames(y)))) stop('Two data sets have different row names.')
## determine whether there are duplicated sample names
sampleName.x <- sampleNames(x)
sampleName.y <- sampleNames(y)
if (any(sampleName.x %in% sampleName.y)) {
warning('Two data sets have some duplicated sample names.\n "_2" were attached to the duplicated sample names.')
sampleName.x <- sampleNames(x) # paste(sampleNames(x), '_1', sep='')
sampleName.y <- paste(sampleNames(y), '_2', sep='')
sampleNames(x) <- sampleName.x
sampleNames(y) <- sampleName.y
featureName.x <- featureNames(x)
featureName.y <- featureNames(y) <- featureName.x[featureName.x %in% featureName.y]
if (length( < length(featureName.x) | length( != length(featureName.y)) {
if (length( > 0) {
warning('Two data sets have different featureNames, only the common ones were used.')
} else {
stop('Two data sets have totally different featureNames.')
## make sure two data sets have the sample order of features
x <- x[,]
y <- y[,]
history.submitted <- as.character(Sys.time())
dimm.x <- dim(x); dimm.y <- dim(y)
assayData(x) <- combine(assayData(x), assayData(y))
experimentData(x) <- combine(experimentData(x),experimentData(y))
## combine pheno data
phenoData(x) <- combine(phenoData(x),phenoData(y))
## combine protocolData
protocolData(x) <- combine(protocolData(x),protocolData(y))
## combining the QC information
if (length(x@QC) > 0 && length(y@QC) > 0) {
if (all(!is.null(x@QC$BeadStudioSummary) & !is.null(y@QC$BeadStudioSummary))) {
if (all(ncol(x@QC$BeadStudioSummary) == ncol(y@QC$BeadStudioSummary) & ncol(x@QC$BeadStudioSummary) > 0)) {
BeadStudioSummary <- rbind(x@QC$BeadStudioSummary, y@QC$BeadStudioSummary)
x@QC$BeadStudioSummary <- BeadStudioSummary
} else {
x@QC <- list()
} else {
x@QC <- list()
if (all(!is.null(x@QC$sampleSummary) & !is.null(y@QC$sampleSummary))) {
if (nrow(x@QC$sampleSummary) == nrow(y@QC$sampleSummary)) {
sampleSummary <- cbind(x@QC$sampleSummary, y@QC$sampleSummary)
x@QC$sampleSummary <- sampleSummary
} else {
x@QC <- list()
} else {
x@QC <- list()
if (!is.null(x@QC)) {
history.x <- x@QC$history
if (is.null(history.x)) history.x <- data.frame(submitted=NA, finished=NA, command=NA, lumiVersion=NA)
if (is.null(history.x$lumiVersion)) history.x$lumiVersion <- rep(NA, nrow(history.x))
history.y <- y@QC$history
if (is.null(history.y)) history.y <- data.frame(submitted=NA, finished=NA, command=NA, lumiVersion=NA)
if (is.null(history.y$lumiVersion)) history.y$lumiVersion <- rep(NA, nrow(history.y))
x@QC$history <- rbind(history.x, history.y)
} else {
x@QC <- list()
## VST transformation parameters
if (all(!is.null(attr(x, 'vstParameter')) & !is.null(attr(y, 'vstParameter')))) {
vstParameter.x <- attr(x, 'vstParameter')
vstParameter.y <- attr(y, 'vstParameter')
if (is.null(nrow(vstParameter.x))) {
vstParameter.x <- matrix(vstParameter.x, nrow=1)
if (is.null(nrow(vstParameter.y))) {
vstParameter.y <- matrix(vstParameter.y, nrow=1)
if (any(nrow(vstParameter.x) != dimm.x[2] | nrow(vstParameter.y) != dimm.y[2])) {
attr(x, 'vstParameter') <- attr(x, 'transformFun') <- NULL
} else {
attr(x, 'vstParameter') <- rbind(attr(x, 'vstParameter'), attr(y, 'vstParameter'))
attr(x, 'transformFun') <- c(attr(x, 'transformFun'), attr(y, 'transformFun'))
## controlData information
if (nrow(controlData(x)) > 0) {
if (nrow(controlData(x)) == nrow(controlData(y))) {
if (all(c('controlType', 'ProbeID') %in% colnames(controlData(x))) &
all(c('controlType', 'ProbeID') %in% colnames(controlData(y)))) {
if (all(controlData(x)$controlType == controlData(y)$controlType) &
all(controlData(x)$ProbeID == controlData(y)$ProbeID)) {
controlData <- cbind(controlData(x), controlData(y)[,-c(1,2)])
controlData(x) <-
} else {
warning("controlData slot not combined: controlType and ProbeID do not match.")
} else {
warning("controlData slot not combined: controlType and ProbeID are required.")
} else {
warning("controlData slot not combined: different numbers of rows found.")
# history tracking
history.finished <- as.character(Sys.time())
# history.command <- capture.output(print(
history.command <- paste(deparse(, collapse='')
x@history<- rbind(x@history, y@history)
if (is.null(x@history$lumiVersion)) x@history$lumiVersion <- rep(NA, nrow(x@history))
lumiVersion <- packageDescription('lumi')$Version
x@history<- rbind(x@history,
data.frame(submitted=history.submitted, finished=history.finished, command=history.command, lumiVersion=lumiVersion))
##some special handling of main is needed
function(x, range=0, main, logMode=TRUE, subset=NULL, xlab='', ylab='Amplitude', ...)
tmp <- description(x)
if (missing(main) && (is(tmp, "MIAME")))
main <- tmp@title
if (class(x) == 'MethyLumiM') logMode <- FALSE
expr <- exprs(x)
if (logMode && max(exprs(x), na.rm=TRUE) > 50) {
## force the expression value as positive in the logMode
# if (min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) expr <- expr - min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
# remove the negative values
if (min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) {
rMin <- rowMin(expr)
expr <- expr[rMin > 0, , drop=FALSE]
expr <- log2(expr)
if (!is.null(subset)) {
if (!is.numeric(subset)) stop('subset should be numeric.')
if (length(subset) == 1) {
index <- sample(1:nrow(expr), min(subset, nrow(expr)))
} else {
index <- subset
index <- index[index > 0 & index <= nrow(expr)]
} else {
index <- 1:nrow(expr)
dataMatrix <- expr[index,]
labels <- colnames(dataMatrix)
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- as.character(1:ncol(dataMatrix))
## set the margin of the plot
mar <- c(max(nchar(labels))/2 + 4.5, 5, 5, 3)
old.mar <- par('mar')
old.xaxt <- par('xaxt')
boxplot(dataMatrix ~ col(dataMatrix), main=main, range=range, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
axis(1, at=1:ncol(dataMatrix), labels=labels, tick=TRUE, las=2)
setMethod('hist', signature(x='ExpressionSet'),
function(x, ...)
density(x, ...)
setMethod('density', signature(x='ExpressionSet'),
function(x, logMode=TRUE, xlab = NULL, ylab = "density", type = "l", col=1:dim(x)[2], lty=1:dim(x)[2],
lwd=1, xlim=NULL, index.highlight=NULL, color.highlight=2, symmetry=NULL, addLegend=TRUE, legendPos="topright", subset=NULL, main='',...)
if (is(x, 'ExpressionSet')) {
expr <- exprs(x)
} else {
stop('Un-supported class of x.')
if (class(x) == 'MethyLumiM') logMode <- FALSE
if (logMode && (max(expr, na.rm=TRUE) > 50)) {
## force the expression value as positive in the logMode
# if (min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) expr <- expr - min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
# remove the negative values
if (min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) {
rMin <- rowMin(expr)
expr <- expr[rMin > 0, , drop=FALSE]
expr <- log2(expr)
if (is.null(xlab))
xlab <- "log2 intensity"
} else if (is.null(xlab))
xlab <- "intensity"
if (!is.null(subset)) {
if (!is.numeric(subset)) stop('subset should be numeric.')
if (length(subset) == 1) {
index <- sample(1:nrow(expr), min(subset, nrow(expr)))
} else {
index <- subset
index <- index[index > 0 & index <= nrow(expr)]
expr <- expr[index,,drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(symmetry)) {
x.range <- range(expr)
if (symmetry > x.range[1] && symmetry < x.range[2]) {
warning('symmetry point should not be within the range of x.')
symmetry <- NULL
} else {
expr <- rbind(expr, 2*symmetry - expr)
x.density <- apply(expr, 2, density, ...)
all.x <-, lapply(x.density, function(x) x$x))
all.y <-, lapply(x.density, function(x) x$y))
if (!is.null(symmetry)) {
nr <- nrow(all.x)
if (all.x[1,1] >= x.range[1] && all.x[1,1] <= x.range[2]) {
all.x <- all.x[1:round(nr/2),]
all.y <- all.y[1:round(nr/2),]
} else {
all.x <- all.x[round(nr/2):nr,]
all.y <- all.y[round(nr/2):nr,]
# matplot(all.x, all.y, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, type=type, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, ...)
matplot(all.x, all.y, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, type=type, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, xlim=xlim, main=main)
if (!is.null(index.highlight)) {
if (index.highlight > ncol(all.x) || index.highlight < 1) {
warning('Highlight index out of range.')
index.highlight <- 1
lines(all.x[,index.highlight], all.y[,index.highlight], col=color.highlight, lwd=2, lty=1)
## add legend
if (addLegend) {
labels <- colnames(expr)
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- as.character(1:ncol(expr))
col <- col
lwd <- lwd
lty <- lty
if (!is.null(index.highlight)) {
col[index.highlight] <- color.highlight
lwd[index.highlight] <- 2
lty[index.highlight] <- 1
if (length(legendPos) > 1) {
x.pos <- legendPos[1]
y.pos <- legendPos[2]
} else {
x.pos <- legendPos[1]
y.pos <- NULL
legend(x.pos, y.pos, legend=labels, col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, box.col = par("bg"))
invisible(list(all.x = all.x, all.y = all.y))
setMethod("pairs", signature(x="ExpressionSet"),
function(x, ..., smoothScatter=FALSE, logMode=TRUE, subset=5000, fold=2, dotColor=1, highlight=NULL, highlightColor=2, main=NULL, checkTransform=TRUE)
upperPanel <- function(x, y) {
if (smoothScatter) {
smoothScatter(x[subset], y[subset], main='')
} else {
if (length(dotColor) == length(x)) {
points(x[subset], y[subset], col=dotColor[subset], pch='.', cex=3)
} else {
points(x[subset], y[subset], col=dotColor, pch='.', cex=3)
if (!is.null(highlight)) {
highlight <- intersect(subset, highlight)
points(x[highlight], y[highlight], col=highlightColor, pch='.', cex=3)
abline(0, 1, col="red", lty=1)
if (!is.null(fold) && ! {
if (logMode) {
if (checkTransform) {
abline(log2(fold), 1, col="blue", lty=2)
abline(log2(1/fold), 1, col="blue", lty=2)
} else {
abline(fold, 1, col="blue", lty=2)
abline(-fold, 1, col="blue", lty=2)
} else {
abline(fold, 1, col="blue", lty=2)
abline(-fold, 1, col="blue", lty=2)
lowerPanel <- function(x, y, cex=1.44) {
txt <- paste("Cor =", as.character(round(cor(x,y),3)),"\n")
ex <- par("fin")[1]*0.9
if (!is.null(fold) && ! {
if (logMode) {
if (checkTransform) {
up <- length(which((x-y) > log2(fold)))
down <- length(which((y-x) > log2(fold)))
} else {
up <- length(which((x-y) > fold))
down <- length(which((y-x) > fold))
} else {
up <- length(which((x/y) > fold))
down <- length(which((y/x) > fold))
txt <- paste(txt, up, " (> ", fold, ", up)\n", sep="")
txt <- paste(txt, down, " (> ", fold, ", down)\n", sep="")
text(mean(range(x)), mean(range(y)), labels=txt, cex=ex)
## put histograms on the diagonal
diagPanel <- function(x, ...) {
usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
breaks <- h$breaks; nB <- length(breaks)
y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col="cyan")
if (smoothScatter) subset <- NULL
if (is.character(highlight)) {
# convert it as numeric index
index <- 1:nrow(x)
names(index) <- featureNames(x)
highlight <- index[highlight]
expr <- exprs(x)
if (class(x) == 'MethyLumiM') logMode <- FALSE
if (checkTransform) {
if(logMode) {
if (max(expr, na.rm=TRUE) > 50) {
## force the expression value as positive in the logMode
# if (min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) expr <- expr - min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
# remove the negative values
if (min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) {
rMin <- rowMin(expr)
expr <- expr[rMin > 0, , drop=FALSE]
expr <- log2(expr)
} else if (class(x) != 'MethyLumiM') {
if (max(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 50) {
expr <- 2^expr
if (!is.null(subset)) {
if (!is.numeric(subset)) stop('subset should be numeric.')
if (length(subset) == 1) {
subset <- sample(1:nrow(expr), min(subset, nrow(expr)))
} else {
subset <- subset[subset > 0 & subset <= nrow(expr)]
if (is.null(main))
main <- paste('Pair plot based on', length(subset), 'random sampling.')
} else {
subset <- 1:nrow(expr)
pairs(expr,upper.panel=upperPanel, diag.panel=diagPanel,
lower.panel=lowerPanel, main=main, ...)
setMethod("MAplot", signature(object="ExpressionSet"),
function(object, ..., smoothScatter=FALSE, logMode=TRUE, subset=5000, main=NULL)
if (smoothScatter) subset <- NULL
expr <- exprs(object)
if (class(object) == 'MethyLumiM') logMode <- FALSE
if(logMode) {
if (max(expr, na.rm=TRUE) > 50) {
## force the expression value as positive in the logMode
# if (min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) expr <- expr - min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
# remove the negative values
if (min(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) {
rMin <- rowMin(expr)
expr <- expr[rMin > 0, ,drop=FALSE]
expr <- log2(expr)
} else {
if (max(expr, na.rm=TRUE) < 50) {
expr <- 2^expr
if (!is.null(subset)) {
if (!is.numeric(subset)) stop('subset should be numeric.')
if (length(subset) == 1) {
index <- sample(1:nrow(expr), min(subset, nrow(expr)))
} else {
index <- subset
index <- index[index > 0 & index <= nrow(expr)]
} else {
index <- 1:nrow(expr)
if (length(subset) < nrow(expr) && is.null(main))
main <- paste('Pair plot based on', length(subset), 'random sampling.')
if (smoothScatter) {
mva.pairs(expr[index, ],, plot.method='smoothScatter', main=main, ...)
} else {
mva.pairs(expr[index, ],, plot.method='normal', main=main, ...)
signature('ExpressionSet', 'missing'),
function(x, what=c('density', 'boxplot', 'pair', 'MAplot', 'sampleRelation', 'outlier', 'cv'), main, ...)
object <- x
if (!is(object, 'ExpressionSet')) stop('The object should be class "ExpressionSet".')
what <- match.arg(what)
if (what == 'density') {
if (missing(main)) main <- 'Density plot of intensity'
density(object, xlab="intensity", ylab="density", main=main, ...)
} else if (what == 'boxplot') {
if (missing(main)) main <- 'Boxplot of microarray intensity'
boxplot(object, xlab='microarrays', ylab='intensity', main=main, ...)
} else if (what == 'cv') {
if (missing(main)) main <- 'Density plot of coefficient of variance'
estimateLumiCV(object, ifPlot=TRUE, main=main, ...)
} else if (what == 'sampleRelation') {
plotSampleRelation(object, ...)
} else if (what == 'pair') {
if (missing(main)) main <- 'Pairwise plot with sample correlation'
pairs(object, main=main, ...)
} else if (what == 'MAplot') {
if (missing(main)) main <- 'Pairwise MA plots between samples'
MAplot(object, main=main, ...)
} else if (what == 'outlier') {
detectOutlier(object, ifPlot=TRUE, ...)
} else {
print('Unsupported .')
## Example
# library(lumi)
# data(example.lumi)
# test <- asBigMatrix(example.lumi, nCol=6)
function(object, rowInd=NULL, colInd=NULL, nCol=NULL, dimNames=NULL, saveDir='.', savePrefix=NULL, ...)
## check whether the user just wants a physical copy of the data to a new location
if (grepl('windows', R.Version()$platform, stop("Package bigmemoryExtras does not support Windows systems.")
if (saveDir == '.') saveDir <- getwd()
if (is.null(savePrefix)) {
## use the variable name as the bigmatrix directory prefix
savePrefix <-[['object']]
if (!file.exists(saveDir)) stop('saveDir does not exist!')
saveDir <- file.path(saveDir, paste(savePrefix, 'bigmat', sep='_'))
if (is.null(rowInd) && is.null(colInd) && is.null(nCol) && is.null(dimNames) && is(exprs(object), 'BigMatrix')) {
fieldnames <- ls(assayData(object)[[assayDataElementNames(object)[1]]])
if ('datapath' %in% fieldnames) {
oldDir <- dirname(assayData(object)[[assayDataElementNames(object)[1]]]$datapath)
} else if ('backingfile' %in% fieldnames) {
oldDir <- dirname(assayData(object)[[assayDataElementNames(object)[1]]]$backingfile)
if (oldDir != saveDir) {
if (!file.exists(saveDir)) dir.create(saveDir,showWarnings=FALSE)
sapply(dir(oldDir, full.names=T), file.copy, to=saveDir, overwrite=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
object <- bigmemoryExtras::updateAssayDataElementPaths(object, saveDir)
if (!is.null(dimNames)) {
if (!is.list(dimNames) || length(dimNames) != 2) stop("dimNames should be a list with length 2!")
nRow <- nrow(object)
if (is.null(nCol)) {
if (is.null(dimNames)) {
nCol <- ncol(object)
} else {
nCol <- length(dimNames[[2]])
if (length(nCol) < ncol(object)) stop('The length of dimNames[[2]] should not be less than the columns of the input object!')
if (is.null(dimNames)) {
dimNames <- list(featureNames(object), sampleNames(object))
## append colnames if nCol is longer than dimNames[[2]]
if (length(dimNames[[2]]) < nCol) {
appLen <- nCol - length(dimNames[[2]])
dimNames[[2]] <- c(dimNames[[2]], paste(rep('unknown', appLen), seq(appLen), sep='.'))
} else if (length(dimNames[[1]]) < nRow) {
stop('The length of dimNames[[1]] should be the same as the rows of the input object!')
subsetMode <- FALSE
extensionMode <- FALSE
if (is.null(rowInd)) {
rowInd <- 1:nRow
} else {
nRow <- length(rowInd)
dimNames[[1]] <- dimNames[[1]][rowInd]
subsetMode <- TRUE
if (is.null(colInd)) {
colInd <- 1:nCol
} else {
nCol <- length(colInd)
dimNames[[2]] <- dimNames[[2]][colInd]
subsetMode <- TRUE
if (nCol != ncol(object)) extensionMode <- TRUE
for ( in assayDataElementNames(object)) {
matrix.i <- assayDataElement(object,
if (is.null(matrix.i)) next
backingfile <- file.path(saveDir,
if (!is(assayDataElement(object,, "BigMatrix") && !extensionMode) {
x.mat <- bigmemoryExtras::BigMatrix(matrix.i[dimNames[[1]], dimNames[[2]]], backingfile=backingfile, nrow=nRow, ncol=nCol, dimnames=dimNames, ...)
} else {
x.mat <- bigmemoryExtras::BigMatrix(backingfile=backingfile, nrow=nRow, ncol=nCol, dimnames=dimNames, ...)
for (i in 1:ncol(matrix.i)) {
col.i <- colnames(matrix.i)[i]
x.mat[dimNames[[1]], col.i] <- matrix.i[dimNames[[1]], col.i]
assayDataElement(object, <- x.mat
object <- bigmemoryExtras::updateAssayDataElementPaths(object, saveDir)
if (extensionMode || subsetMode) {
appLen <- nCol - nrow(pData(object))
if (length(appLen) > 0) {
pdata <- rbind(as.matrix(pData(object)), matrix(NA, nrow=appLen, ncol=ncol(pData(object))))
pdata <-
rownames(pdata) <- dimNames[[2]]
} else {
pdata <- pData(object)
if (length(colInd) < nrow(pdata)) pdata <- pdata[colInd,]
className <- class(object) <- new(className, assayData=assayData(object), phenoData=AnnotatedDataFrame(pdata),
object <-
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