installWebQuery = function(x) {
if (is.null(geneAnno(x))) stop("'x' must be annotated before using 'installWebQuery'")
## make and copy the webquery directory
src = dir(system.file('webquery', package='imageHTS'), full.names=TRUE)
dest = file.path(x@localPath, 'webquery')
dir.create(dest, showWarnings=FALSE)
for (s in src) file.copy(s, dest, overwrite=TRUE)
## make the annotation-webquery.txt file
rc = well2rowcol(fData(x)[, 'well'])
uname1 = prw2uname(plate=fData(x)[,'plate'], replicate=1, row=rc$row, col=rc$col)
uname2 = prw2uname(plate=fData(x)[,'plate'], replicate=2, row=rc$row, col=rc$col)
controlStatus = as.character(fData(x)[, 'controlStatus'])
geneID = geneAnno(x)
df = cbind(uname1=uname1, controlStatus=toupper(controlStatus), geneID=toupper(geneID), uname2=uname2)
fann = fileHTS(x, type='file', filename='webquery/annotation-webquery.txt', createPath=TRUE, access='local')
write.table(df, file=fann, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep='\t')
## make the conf.php file, describing the screen
nbPlates = max(plate(x))
ic = getImageConf(x)
nbReplicates = length(ic$ReplicateNames)
nbRows = pdim(x)[1]
nbCols = pdim(x)[2]
if (!is.null(ic$SpotNames)) nbSpots = length(ic$SpotNames)
else nbSpots = 1
conf = '<?php\n';
conf = paste(conf, '$nbplates = ', nbPlates, ';\n', sep='')
conf = paste(conf, '$nbreplicates = ', nbReplicates, ';\n', sep='')
conf = paste(conf, '$nbrows = ', nbRows, ';\n', sep='')
conf = paste(conf, '$nbcols = ', nbCols, ';\n', sep='')
conf = paste(conf, '$nbspots = ', nbSpots, ';\n', sep='')
conf = paste(conf, '$assayname = "', ic$AssayName, '";\n', sep='')
conf = paste(conf, '?>')
fconf = fileHTS(x, type='file', filename='webquery/conf.php', createPath=TRUE, access='local')
write(conf, file=fconf)
## install cellPicker
writeThumbnail = function(x, uname, p, input.image, output.filename, access='cache') {
if (missing(input.image)) input.image = try(readImage(fileHTS(x, 'viewfull', uname=uname, access=access)), silent=TRUE)
if (missing(output.filename)) output.filename = fileHTS(x, 'viewthumb', uname=uname, createPath=TRUE, access='local')
if (class(input.image)=='try-error' || length(input.image)==0) return(FALSE)
else {
if (is.null(p$thumbnail.crop)) stop('\'thumbnail.crop\' parameter is missing')
if (is.null(p$thumbnail.resize.width)) stop('\'thumbnail.resize.width\' parameter is missing')
p$thumbnail.crop = as.numeric(p$thumbnail.crop)
p$thumbnail.resize.width = as.numeric(p$thumbnail.resize.width)
if (length(dim(input.image))==3) thumb = input.image[p$thumbnail.crop[1]:p$thumbnail.crop[2], p$thumbnail.crop[3]:p$thumbnail.crop[4],]
else thumb = input.image[p$thumbnail.crop[1]:p$thumbnail.crop[2], p$thumbnail.crop[3]:p$thumbnail.crop[4]]
thumb = resize(thumb, w=p$thumbnail.resize.width)
writeImage(thumb, output.filename, quality=95)
popWebQuery = function(x, access='server', browse=TRUE) {
url = fileHTS(x, type='file', filename='webquery', access=access)
if (access!='server') url = paste('file://', url, sep='')
if (browse) {
cat("Loading a Web browser on", url, "\n")
} else return(url)
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