imageHTS: Package overview

Description Package content Authors


imageHTS is an R package dedicated to the analysis of high-throughput microscopy-based screens. The package provides a modular and extensible framework to segment cells, extract quantitative cell features, predict cell types and browse screen data through web interfaces. Designed to operate in distributed environments, imageHTS provides a standardized access to remote screen data, facilitating the dissemination of high-throughput microscopy-based screens.

Package content

The following function instantiates the imageHTS object.

The following functions process, segment, quantify, summarize the well images.

The following functions provides means to display and inspect the screen data.

The following functions give access to the screen data.

The following manipulate well unique names.

Miscellaneous functions.


Gregoire Pau,, 2010

imageHTS documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:29 p.m.