gograph <- function(table, colbar.length=30, label.cex=1, alpha=1, abbrev=5,
isa2:::isa.status("Creating a GO graph", "in")
terms <- rownames(table)
pval <- table[,1]
# Check which GO tree
cats <- get(terms[1], GOTERM)@Ontology
# Create a list of terms
if (is.null(go.terms)) {
db <- GO_dbconn()
query <- paste("SELECT go_id, term, definition FROM go_term ",
"WHERE ontology=='", cats, "'",
go.terms <- dbGetQuery(db, query)
rownames(go.terms) <- go.terms[,1]
go.terms <- go.terms[,-1]
# Create the igraph object if it was not passed as an argument
if (is.null(GOGRAPHS)) {
query <- paste("SELECT id1.go_id, id2.go_id, par.relationship_type FROM",
" go_", tolower(cats), "_parents AS par,",
" go_term AS id1, go_term AS id2",
" WHERE par._id==id1._id AND par._parent_id==id2._id",
db <- GO_dbconn()
parents <- dbGetQuery(db, query)
colnames(parents) <- c("from", "to", "relationship")
go.graph <-, directed=TRUE)
} else {
go.graph <- switch(cats, CC=GOGRAPHS$CC, BP=GOGRAPHS$BP, MF=GOGRAPHS$MF)
# Create a subgraph containing all up-paths from the
# given vertices
vv <- which( V(go.graph)$name %in% terms )
root <- which(igraph::degree(go.graph, 1:vcount(go.graph), mode="out")==0)
vert <- numeric()
for (i in vv) {
vert <- c(vert, unlist(neighborhood(go.graph, vcount(go.graph), i, mode="out")))
vert <- unique(vert)
g <- induced_subgraph(go.graph, vert)
# P values for the graph
ppval <- rep(NA, vcount(g))
for (i in 1:vcount(g)) {
ppval[ which(terms[i] == V(g)$name) ] <- pval[i]
pval.label <- round(-log10(ppval))
color.idx <- ifelse(, 1, pval.label+1)
# Create color bar
colbar <- hcl(h=260, c=35, l=seq(30, 100, length=colbar.length), alpha=alpha)
colbar <- c("#FFFFFF", rev(colbar))
if (length(colbar) < max(color.idx)) {
colbar <- c(colbar, rep(colbar[length(colbar)],
V(g)$color <- colbar[ color.idx ]
V(g)$pval <- ppval
V(g)$plabel <- pval.label
## Prepare for plotting, unfold into a tree
r2 <- tail(topological.sort(g), 1)
g2 <- unfold.tree(g, roots=r2, mode="in")
index <- g2[[2]]
g2 <- g2[[1]]
V(g2)$color <- V(g)$color[ index+1 ]
V(g2)$name <- V(g)$name[ index+1 ]
V(g2)$plabel <- V(g)$plabel[ index+1 ]
V(g2)$label <- index+1
E(g2)$type <- E(g)$relationship # edge ids are the same
E(g2)$color <- ifelse( E(g2)$type=="isa", "lightblue", "darkgrey")
freq <- unname(table(index)[ as.character(index) ])
V(g2)$label <- ifelse(freq > 1, paste(sep="", V(g2)$label, ",", freq), "")
l <- layout.reingold.tilford(g2, mode="out", root=as_ids(r2))
l <- cbind(l[,2], l[,1])
## Abbreviate GO terms
go.terms.sub <- go.terms[ V(g2)$name, ]
definition <- go.terms.sub$definition
desc <- go.terms.sub$term
abbrv <- unname(abbreviate(desc, minlength=abbrev))
if (any(nchar(abbrv) > 10)) {
abbrv <- abbreviate(abbrv, method="both.sides", minlength=abbrev)
V(g2)$desc <- desc
V(g2)$abbrv <- abbrv
V(g2)$definition <- definition
## Predict ideal size, a bit arbitrary
char.width <- 1.82
char.height <- 2.55
rec.width <- 8 * char.width
rec.height <- char.width + char.height
gap.height <- rec.height / 4
arr.width <- 8 * char.width
nodes.x <- range(l[,1])
nodes.x <- nodes.x[2] - nodes.x[1] + 1
width <- nodes.x * (rec.width + arr.width)
l[,1] <- (l[,1]-min(l[,1])) * (rec.width+arr.width) + (rec.width+arr.width)/2
## nonzero is here to ignore an igraph bug in the
## Reingold-Tilford implementation, sometime two vertices
## are put at the very same coordinates
nonzero <- function(x) x[ abs(x) > 1e-12 ]
nodes.y <- tapply(l[,2], l[,1], function(x) {
if (length(x)==1) Inf else min(nonzero(diff(sort(x)))) })
nodes.y <- min(nodes.y)
if (nodes.y==Inf) {
l[,2] <- l[,2] + (gap.height+rec.height)/2
height <- rec.height + 2 * gap.height
} else {
l[,2] <- (l[,2]-min(l[,2]))/nodes.y * (gap.height+rec.height) +
height <- range(l[,2])
height[1] <- height[1] - rec.height/2 - gap.height
height[2] <- height[2] + rec.height/2 + gap.height
height <- height[2] - height[1]
g2$width <- width
g2$height <- height
## Other paratemeters
g2$layout <- l
V(g2)$size <- rec.width/2
V(g2)$size2 <- rec.height/2
E(g2)$arrow.size <- 0.5
V(g2)$shape <- "vrectangle"
V(g2)$label.color <- "black"
V(g2)$label.cex <- label.cex
V(g2)$frame.color <- "grey"
isa2:::isa.status("DONE", "out")
## This is from the TeachingDemos package, by Greg Snow. Thanks!
"cnvrt.coords" <-
function(x,y=NULL,input=c('usr','plt','fig','dev','tdev')) {
input <- match.arg(input)
xy <- xy.coords(x,y, recycle=TRUE)
cusr <- par('usr')
cplt <- par('plt')
cfig <- par('fig')
cdin <- par('din')
comi <- par('omi')
cdev <- c(comi[2]/cdin[1],(cdin[1]-comi[4])/cdin[1],
usr <- xy
plt <- list()
plt$x <- (xy$x-cusr[1])/(cusr[2]-cusr[1])
plt$y <- (xy$y-cusr[3])/(cusr[4]-cusr[3])
fig <- list()
fig$x <- plt$x*(cplt[2]-cplt[1])+cplt[1]
fig$y <- plt$y*(cplt[4]-cplt[3])+cplt[3]
dev <- list()
dev$x <- fig$x*(cfig[2]-cfig[1])+cfig[1]
dev$y <- fig$y*(cfig[4]-cfig[3])+cfig[3]
tdev <- list()
tdev$x <- dev$x*(cdev[2]-cdev[1])+cdev[1]
tdev$y <- dev$y*(cdev[4]-cdev[3])+cdev[3]
return( list( usr=usr, plt=plt, fig=fig, dev=dev, tdev=tdev ) )
if(input=='plt') {
plt <- xy
usr <- list()
usr$x <- plt$x*(cusr[2]-cusr[1])+cusr[1]
usr$y <- plt$y*(cusr[4]-cusr[3])+cusr[3]
fig <- list()
fig$x <- plt$x*(cplt[2]-cplt[1])+cplt[1]
fig$y <- plt$y*(cplt[4]-cplt[3])+cplt[3]
dev <- list()
dev$x <- fig$x*(cfig[2]-cfig[1])+cfig[1]
dev$y <- fig$y*(cfig[4]-cfig[3])+cfig[3]
tdev <- list()
tdev$x <- dev$x*(cdev[2]-cdev[1])+cdev[1]
tdev$y <- dev$y*(cdev[4]-cdev[3])+cdev[3]
return( list( usr=usr, plt=plt, fig=fig, dev=dev, tdev=tdev ) )
if(input=='fig') {
fig <- xy
plt <- list()
plt$x <- (fig$x-cplt[1])/(cplt[2]-cplt[1])
plt$y <- (fig$y-cplt[3])/(cplt[4]-cplt[3])
usr <- list()
usr$x <- plt$x*(cusr[2]-cusr[1])+cusr[1]
usr$y <- plt$y*(cusr[4]-cusr[3])+cusr[3]
dev <- list()
dev$x <- fig$x*(cfig[2]-cfig[1])+cfig[1]
dev$y <- fig$y*(cfig[4]-cfig[3])+cfig[3]
tdev <- list()
tdev$x <- dev$x*(cdev[2]-cdev[1])+cdev[1]
tdev$y <- dev$y*(cdev[4]-cdev[3])+cdev[3]
return( list( usr=usr, plt=plt, fig=fig, dev=dev, tdev=tdev ) )
dev <- xy
fig <- list()
fig$x <- (dev$x-cfig[1])/(cfig[2]-cfig[1])
fig$y <- (dev$y-cfig[3])/(cfig[4]-cfig[3])
plt <- list()
plt$x <- (fig$x-cplt[1])/(cplt[2]-cplt[1])
plt$y <- (fig$y-cplt[3])/(cplt[4]-cplt[3])
usr <- list()
usr$x <- plt$x*(cusr[2]-cusr[1])+cusr[1]
usr$y <- plt$y*(cusr[4]-cusr[3])+cusr[3]
tdev <- list()
tdev$x <- dev$x*(cdev[2]-cdev[1])+cdev[1]
tdev$y <- dev$y*(cdev[4]-cdev[3])+cdev[3]
return( list( usr=usr, plt=plt, fig=fig, dev=dev, tdev=tdev ) )
tdev <- xy
dev <- list()
dev$x <- (tdev$x-cdev[1])/(cdev[2]-cdev[1])
dev$y <- (tdev$y-cdev[3])/(cdev[4]-cdev[3])
fig <- list()
fig$x <- (dev$x-cfig[1])/(cfig[2]-cfig[1])
fig$y <- (dev$y-cfig[3])/(cfig[4]-cfig[3])
plt <- list()
plt$x <- (fig$x-cplt[1])/(cplt[2]-cplt[1])
plt$y <- (fig$y-cplt[3])/(cplt[4]-cplt[3])
usr <- list()
usr$x <- plt$x*(cusr[2]-cusr[1])+cusr[1]
usr$y <- plt$y*(cusr[4]-cusr[3])+cusr[3]
tdev <- list()
tdev$x <- dev$x*(cdev[2]-cdev[1])+cdev[1]
tdev$y <- dev$y*(cdev[4]-cdev[3])+cdev[3]
return( list( usr=usr, plt=plt, fig=fig, dev=dev, tdev=tdev ) )
gographPlot <- function(graph, coords=FALSE, ...) {
if (dev.cur() == 1) {
device <- options("device")[[1]] device, list(width=graph$width/15, height=graph$height/15))
plot(0, type="n", xlim=c(0,graph$width),
ylim=c(0,graph$height), axes=FALSE)
plot(graph, add=TRUE, asp=FALSE, rescale=FALSE, vertex.label=V(graph)$abbrv,
vertex.size=V(graph)$size*200, vertex.size2=V(graph)$size2*200, ...)
text(graph$layout[,1]-V(graph)$size, graph$layout[,2], V(graph)$plabel,
pos=2, cex=1, col="blue", font=2)
text(graph$layout[,1]+V(graph)$size, graph$layout[,2], V(graph)$label,
pos=4, cex=1, col="darkgreen", family="mono")
if (coords) {
} else {
expPlotCreate <- function(eset, modules, which,
norm=c("sample", "raw", "feature")) {
isa2:::isa.status("Creating an expression plot", "in")
if (length(which) != 1 || which < 1 || which > length(modules)) {
stop("Invalid `which' argument, should be a single method")
norm <- match.arg(norm)
exp.matrix <- select.eset(eset, modules, norm)
genes <- getFeatureMatrix(modules, mods=which)
conditions <- getSampleMatrix(modules, mods=which)
gg <- which(genes != 0)
cc <- which(conditions != 0)
g.order <- order(genes[gg], decreasing=TRUE)
c.order <- order(conditions[cc], decreasing=TRUE)
em <- exp.matrix [ gg[g.order], cc[c.order], drop=FALSE ]
## proper color bar
r <- range(em)
zlim <- c( -max(abs(r)), max(abs(r)) ) <- hcl(h=120, c=50, l=seq(20,80,length=30)) <- hcl(h=0, c=50, l=seq(20,80,length=30))
colbar <- c(, "#ffffff", rev(
## Determine layout, the expression plot should be around
## 1000 pixels wide, but one gene should be at most 15 pixels
## We keep 50 pixels for the axes and 100 for the condition score
## plot
gene.width.px <- max(min(15, round(900 / length(gg))), 1)
## Conditions are at most 15 pix height, and at least 1.
## The plot should be about 500 px height, 50 is kept for the
## axes, 50 for the gene scores
cond.height.px <- max(min(15, round(400 / length(cc))), 1)
exp.width <- gene.width.px * length(gg)
exp.height <- cond.height.px * length(cc)
full.width <- 50 + exp.width + 100
full.height <- 50 + exp.height + 70
isa2:::isa.status("DONE", "out")
res <- list(exp=em, width=full.width, height=full.height,
exp.width=exp.width, exp.height=exp.height, colbar=colbar,
zlim=zlim, gene.score=genes[gg][g.order],
gene.width.px=gene.width.px, cond.height.px=cond.height.px)
class(res) <- "ISAexpPlot"
print.ISAexpPlot <- function(x, ...) {
cat("An expression plot for an ISA module, use 'expPlot' to plot it.\n")
expPlotColbar <- function(epo) {
image( matrix((-30):30, ncol=1), col=epo$colbar, axes=FALSE)
at <- seq(0, 60, length=13)/60
label <- round(seq(epo$zlim[1], epo$zlim[2], length=13), 2)
axis(3, at=at, labels=label, tick=FALSE, line=-1, cex.axis=1.5)
expPlot <- function(epo, scores=TRUE) {
if (scores) {
layout( matrix(c(5,2,4, 6,1,3, 7,8,9), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE),
c( 50/epo$width, epo$exp.width/epo$width, 100/epo$width ),
c( 70/epo$height, epo$exp.height/epo$height, 50/epo$height) )
no.genes <- nrow(epo$exp)
no.conds <- ncol(epo$exp)
par(cex.lab=1.5, mar=c(0,0,0,0), las=1)
image(epo$exp, col=epo$colbar, axes=FALSE, asp=FALSE,
xlab="genes", ylab=NA, zlim=epo$zlim, cex.lab=2,
xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
title(ylab="conditions", line=4, cex.lab=2)
label1 <- unique(round(seq(1, no.genes, length=10)))
at1 <- (label1-1) / (no.genes-1)
if (length(at1) != 1) {
axis(1, at=at1, labels=label1, cex.axis=2)
if (epo$cond.height.px >= 10) {
label2 <- seq(1, no.conds, by=2)
} else {
label2 <- unique(round(seq(1, no.conds, length=5)))
at2 <- (no.conds-label2) / (no.conds-1)
if (any(is.finite(at2))) {
axis(2, at=at2, labels=label2, cex.axis=2, tick=FALSE)
usr <- par("usr")
bbox <- cnvrt.coords(x=usr[1:2], y=usr[3:4])$tdev
if (scores) {
pp <- 1/(no.genes-1)/2
if (!is.finite(pp)) pp <- 0.5
image(matrix(c(0,0,0,0), nrow=1, ncol=1), zlim=epo$zlim,
col="#00000000", axes=FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
xlab=NA, ylab=NA, xlim=c(-pp,1+pp), ylim=c(-1,1))
abline(v=at1, col="black")
abline(h=seq(-1,1,by=0.5), col="black")
axis(2, at=c(-1,0,1), labels=c(-1,0,1), cex.axis=2)
axis(4, at=c(-1,0,1), labels=c(-1,0,1), cex.axis=2)
if (epo$gene.width.px >= 10) { type <- "b" } else { type <- "l" }
lines( (seq(no.genes)-1)/ (no.genes-1),
epo$gene.score, type=type, lwd=3, col="brown", xpd=NA, pch=20)
image(matrix(c(0,0,0,0), nrow=1, ncol=1), zlim=epo$zlim,
col="#00000000", axes=FALSE,
xlab=NA, ylab=NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1))
text(seq(0,1,by=0.5), .5/(ncol(epo$exp)+1), c(-1,0,1), pos=1, xpd=NA,
at3 <- (no.conds-label2+0.5)/no.conds
for ( p in seq(0,1,by=0.25)) {
segments(p, 0.5/(no.conds+1), p, (no.conds-0.5)/no.conds)
abline( h=at3, col="black")
abline( h=(no.conds-0.5)/no.conds, col="black")
axis(4, at=at3, labels=label2, cex.axis=2)
lines((epo$cond.score+1)/2, pch=20,
(seq(ncol(epo$exp))-0.5)/ncol(epo$exp), type="b",
lwd=3, col="brown", xpd=NA )
invisible(list(coords=bbox, gene.width=epo$gene.width.px,
condPlot <- function(modules, number, eset,
col="white", all=TRUE,
sep=NULL, sepcol="grey", val=TRUE, srt=90,
adj.above=c(0,0.5), adj.below=c(1,0.5),
plot.only=seq_len(ncol(eset)), ...) {
isa2:::isa.status("Creating a condition plot", "in")
eset <- eisa.get.nm(eset, modules)
nm1 <- t(featExprs(eset))
genes <- getFeatureMatrix(modules, mods=number)
samp <- getSampleMatrix(modules, mods=number)
thr <- sampleThreshold(modules)[number]
## Calculate all condition scores, might not be correct for
## oscillating modules
scores <- as.vector(nm1 %*% genes)
msc <- mean(scores)
ssc <- sd(scores)
thr1 <- msc + thr * ssc
thr2 <- msc - thr * ssc
n.scores <- ifelse(samp != 0, scores, 0)
fact <- max(abs(n.scores))
if (fact != 0) scores <- scores / fact
msc <- msc / fact
thr1 <- thr1 / fact
thr2 <- thr2 / fact
scores <- scores[plot.only]
to.plot <- scores
if (!all) {
to.plot [ to.plot > thr2 & to.plot < thr1 ] <- 0
ylim <- range(to.plot)*1.4
if (ylim[1] > 0) ylim[1] <- 0
if (ylim[2] < 0) ylim[2] <- 0.2
barplot(to.plot, space=0, col=col, ylim=ylim, ...)
abline(h=thr1, col="red")
abline(h=thr2, col="darkgreen")
abline(h=msc, col="grey", lty=2)
if (!is.null(sep)) {
abline(v=sep, lty=2, col=sepcol)
text(sep, ylim[2], pos=2, names(sep), font=3, srt=90, cex=0.8, xpd=NA)
points(to.plot, type="h")
points(seq(along=to.plot)-1, to.plot, type="h")
if (val) {
above <- which(scores>=0)
below <- which(scores<0)
font <- ifelse(scores>thr1 | scores<thr2, 2, 1)
tt <- round(scores,2)*100
if (length(above)>0) {
text(seq(scores)[above]-0.5, scores[above]+0.05, tt[above],
adj=adj.above, cex=0.7, col="red", srt=srt, font=font[above])
if (length(below)>0) {
text(seq(scores)[below]-0.5, scores[below]-0.05, tt[below],
adj=adj.below, cex=0.7, col="darkgreen", srt=srt, font=font[below])
text(length(scores), thr1+0.1, round(thr1,2), pos=4, font=2)
text(length(scores), thr2-0.1, round(thr2,2), pos=4, font=2)
isa2:::isa.status("DONE", "out")
overlap <- function(modules, algorithm=c("mds", "fr", "drl"), edge.limit=0.5) {
isa2:::isa.status("Creating an overlap plot", "in")
algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
genes <- getFeatureMatrix(modules)
if (algorithm=="mds") {
B <- cor(genes)
A <- abs(B)
B [ A < edge.limit ] <- 0
coords <- isoMDS(1-A)$points
diag(B) <- diag(A) <- 0
g <- graph.adjacency(B, weighted=TRUE, mode="undirected")
V(g)$x <- coords[,1]
V(g)$y <- coords[,2]
} else if (algorithm=="fr") {
B <- cor(genes)
A <- abs(B)
diag(B) <- diag(A) <- 0
g2 <- graph.adjacency(A, weighted=TRUE, mode="undirected")
B [ A < edge.limit ] <- 0
if (all(B==0)) {
g <- graph.empty(n=nrow(B), directed=FALSE)
E(g)$weight <- numeric()
} else {
g <- graph.adjacency(B, weighted=TRUE, mode="undirected")
l <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g2, weights=E(g2)$weight*10)
V(g)$x <- l[,1]
V(g)$y <- l[,2]
} else if (algorithm=="drl") {
B <- cor(genes)
A <- abs(B)
diag(B) <- diag(A) <- 0
g2 <- graph.adjacency(A, weighted=TRUE, mode="undirected")
B [ A < edge.limit ] <- 0
if (all(B==0)) {
g <- graph.empty(n=nrow(B), directed=FALSE)
E(g)$weight <- numeric()
} else {
g <- graph.adjacency(B, weighted=TRUE, mode="undirected")
l <- layout.drl(g2, weights=E(g2)$weight*10)
V(g)$x <- l[,1]
V(g)$y <- l[,2]
V(g)$label <- seq_len(ncol(genes))
if (ecount(g) != 0) {
E(g)$color <- ifelse( E(g)$weight > 0, "grey", "red" )
E(g)$width <- abs(E(g)$weight) * 3
isa2:::isa.status("DONE", "out")
overlapPlot <- function(graph, xsize=400, ysize=400,
vertex.size=20, vertex.size2=10, ...) {
l <- cbind(V(graph)$x, V(graph)$y)
l <- layout.norm(l, -1, 1, -1, 1)
plot(graph, layout=l, rescale=FALSE, asp=FALSE, vertex.shape="rectangle", vertex.label.cex=1,
vertex.size=vertex.size, vertex.size2=vertex.size2, xlim=c(-1.2, 1.2), ylim=c(-1.2, 1.2), ...)
coords <- cnvrt.coords(l[,1]-20/200, l[,2]+10/200)$tdev
coords <- cbind(coords$x, coords$y)
coords[,1] <- coords[,1] * xsize
coords[,2] <- ysize - coords[,2] * ysize + 1
mode(coords) <- "integer"
mnplot <- function(x, expset, group, ...) {
if (length(levels(factor(group))) != 2)
stop("only works for factors with two levels")
if (is(expset, "ExpressionSet")) {
cont1 <- x %in% featureNames(expset)
if (any(!cont1)) {
warning("Some features were dropped.")
x <- x[cont1]
dataM1 <- exprs(expset)[x,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
cont1 <- x %in% rownames(expset)
if (!any(cont1)) {
warning("Some features were dropped.")
x <- x[cont1]
dataM1 <- expset[x,,drop=FALSE]
tts = apply(dataM1, 1, function(x) sapply(split(x, group), mean))
rn = row.names(tts)
plot(tts[1, ], tts[2, ], xlab = rn[1], ylab = rn[2], ...)
abline(a = 0, b = 1)
select.eset <- function(eset, modules, norm=c("raw", "feature", "sample")) {
norm <- match.arg(norm)
if (norm=="raw") {
eset <- exprs(eset)
} else if (norm=="feature") {
eset <- eisa.get.nm(eset, modules)
eset <- featExprs(eset)
} else if (norm=="sample") {
eset <- eisa.get.nm(eset, modules)
eset <- sampExprs(eset)
ISAmnplot <- function(modules, number, eset,
norm=c("raw", "feature", "sample"),
group, ...) {
if (length(levels(factor(group))) != 2)
stop("only works for factors with two levels")
x <- getFeatureMatrix(modules, mods=number)
xx <- rownames(x)[x > 0]
yy <- rownames(x)[x < 0]
eset <- select.eset(eset, modules, norm)
mnplot(c(xx, yy), expset=eset, group=group,
col=c(rep("red", length(xx)), rep("green", length(yy))), ...)
ISA2heatmap <- function(modules, module, eset,
norm=c("raw", "feature", "sample"),
scale=c("none", "row", "column"), ...) {
norm <- match.arg(norm)
scale <- match.arg(scale)
eset <- select.eset(eset, modules, norm)
x <- getFeatureNames(modules, module)[[1]]
y <- getSampleNames (modules, module)[[1]]
dataM <- eset[x,y]
if (is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) {
dataM <- exprs(dataM)
heatmap(dataM, scale=scale, ...)
profilePlot <- function(modules, module, eset,
plot=c("samples", "features", "both"),
background=TRUE, col=gray(0.7), col.mod=1,
type="l", type.mod=type,
mean=TRUE, meancol="green", meancol.mod="red",
ylab="Expression", ...) {
plot <- match.arg(plot)
# How to normalize the expression matrix for the plots
if (any(!norm %in% c("default", "feature", "sample", "raw"))) {
stop("`norm' must be one of `default', `feature', `sample' or `raw'")
norm <- rep(norm, length=2)
if (norm[1]=="default") {
if (plot=="samples" || plot=="both") {
norm[1] <- "feature"
} else {
norm[1] <- "sample"
if (norm[2]=="default" && plot=="both") {
norm[2] <- "sample"
data <- select.eset(eset, modules, norm[1])
if (norm[2] != norm[1] && plot=="both") {
data2 <- select.eset(eset, modules, norm[2])
} else {
data2 <- data
if (is(data, "ExpressionSet") || !is.null(rownames(data))) {
data <- data[featureNames(modules),]
if (is(data2, "ExpressionSet") || !is.null(rownames(data2))) {
data2 <- data2[featureNames(modules),]
if (!all(dim(data) == dim(modules))) {
stop("data sizes do not match")
feats <- getFeatures(modules, module)[[1]]
samps <- getSamples(modules, module)[[1]]
pp <- function(data, xx, yy, xlab) {
if (length(xx)==0) {
stop("No features to plot")
nyy <- if (length(yy)!=0) { -yy } else { seq(ncol(data)) }
data <- data[xx,]
xlim <- c(1, length(xx))
ylim <- range(data)
plot(NA, type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=NA,
ylab=ylab, axes=FALSE, ...)
title(xlab=xlab, mgp=c(0,0,0))
if (background) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(data))[nyy]) {
lines(data[,i], col=col, type=type, ...)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(data))[yy]) {
lines(data[,i], col=col.mod, type=type.mod, ...)
if (mean) {
if (background) { lines(rowMeans(data[,yy]), col=meancol.mod, type=type.mod) }
lines(rowMeans(data[,nyy]), col=meancol, type=type)
if (plot=="samples") {
pp(data, xx=feats, yy=samps, xlab=xlabs[1])
} else if (plot=="features") {
pp(t(data), xx=samps, yy=feats, xlab=xlabs[2])
} else {
pp(data, xx=feats, yy=samps, xlab=xlabs[1])
pp(t(data2), xx=samps, yy=feats, xlab=xlabs[2])
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