connectCounts <- function(files, param, regions, filter=1L, type="any", second.regions=NULL, restrict.regions=FALSE)
# This counts the number of connections between specified regions in the genome (i.e. between regions
# in 'anchor' and regions in 'target'). This is designed to make it easier to analyze results in terms
# of genes. Note that everything is rounded up to the nearest outside restriction site (or to the
# nearest inside restriction site, depending on the overlap parameters).
# written by Aaron Lun
# a long time ago.
if (!.isDNaseC(param)) {
frag.out <- .processRegionsFrag(param, regions=regions, type=type, second.regions=second.regions, restricted=restrict.regions)
out <- .generalLoopFUN(files, param, frag.out$regions, retain=c("", ""), filter=filter, linkFUN=.linkFrag,
fragments=param$fragments, olap1=frag.out$overlap1, olap2=frag.out$overlap2)
} else {
raw.out <- .processRegionsRaw(param, regions=regions, second.regions=second.regions, restricted=restrict.regions)
out <- .generalLoopFUN(files, param, raw.out$regions, retain=c("anchor1.pos", "anchor1.len", "anchor2.pos", "anchor2.len"),
filter=filter, linkFUN=.linkRaw, regions=raw.out$regions, region1=raw.out$region1, region2=raw.out$region2,
index1=raw.out$index1, index2=raw.out$index2, type=type)
# Returning an ISet object.
obj <- InteractionSet(list(, out$counts)),
regions=out$regions, mode="reverse"),
.processRegionsFrag <- function(param, regions, type, second.regions, restricted=FALSE)
# Processes the regions into a common format for further use. Namely, we
# identify the restriction fragments overlapping each region, and expand
# the ranges to include the overlapped fragments.
# Eliminating irrelevant strand information and metadata.
fragments <- param$fragments
strand(fragments) <- "*"
strand(regions) <- "*"
mcols(regions) <- NULL
# Performing restriction.
rest.out <- .restrictRegions(regions, param, restricted)
regions <- rest.out$regions
first.original <- rest.out$original
# Checking out which regions overlap with each fragment.
olap <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(fragments, regions, type=type))
regions <- .redefineRegions(olap, fragments, regions)
if (!is.null(second.regions)) {
if (is(second.regions, "GRanges")) {
strand(second.regions) <- "*"
mcols(second.regions) <- NULL
# Again, subsetting the regions now, if requested. <- .restrictRegions(second.regions, param, restricted)
second.regions <-$regions
second.original <-$original
olap2 <- suppressWarnings(findOverlaps(fragments, second.regions, type=type))
second.regions <- .redefineRegions(olap2, fragments, second.regions)
} else {
# Forming bins if we have a scalar 'second.regions'.
second.regions <- as.integer(second.regions)
if (second.regions < 0) {
stop("bin size must be a positive integer")
binned <- .assignBins(param, second.regions, restricted=restricted)
second.regions <- binned$region
second.original <- rep(NA_integer_, length(second.regions))
keep <- !$id) # As NA's are possible when restricted=TRUE.
olap2 <- Hits(which(keep), binned$id[keep], nLnode=length(fragments),
olap2 <- sort(olap2)
n.first <- length(regions) # needs to be done here, as we modify it in the next line!
regions <- suppressWarnings(c(regions, second.regions))
regions$is.second <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(n.first, length(second.original)))
regions$original <- c(first.original, second.original)
# Remapping Hits due to the concatenation of second.regions onto regions.
olap2 <- remapHits(olap2, new.nRnode=length(regions), Rnodes.remapping=seq_along(second.regions) + n.first)
} else {
regions$original <- first.original
olap2 <- NULL
return(list(regions=regions, overlap1=olap, overlap2=olap2))
.redefineRegions <- function(olaps, fragments, regions)
# Stretches out each region to encompass the fragments it overlaps
# (regions that don't overlap any fragments are not modified,
# which allows safe use for DNase-C data.
so <- subjectHits(olaps)
qo <- queryHits(olaps)
reo <- order(so, qo)
so <- so[reo]
qo <- qo[reo]
s.rle <- rle(so)
r.fin <- cumsum(s.rle$length)
r.beg <- r.fin - s.rle$length + 1L
# This step is valid because fragments are sorted and non-nested.
ranges(regions)[s.rle$value] <- IRanges(start(fragments)[qo[r.beg]],
nfrags <- integer(length(regions))
nfrags[s.rle$value] <- s.rle$length
regions$nfrags <- nfrags
.linkFrag <- function(anchor, target, curpairs, fragments, olap1, olap2) {
gi <- GInteractions(curpairs$, curpairs$, fragments)
if (is.null(olap2)){
linked <- linkOverlaps(gi, olap1)
} else {
linked <- linkOverlaps(gi, olap1, olap2)
linked$query <- NULL
# Note that anchor and target don't get used by .linkFrag, but are nontheless necessary for
# compatibility with the general linkFUN template.
.processRegionsRaw <- function(param, regions, second.regions, restricted=FALSE) {
strand(regions) <- "*"
mcols(regions) <- NULL
regions$nfrags <- 0L
# Applying restriction if requested.
rest.out <- .restrictRegions(regions, param, restricted)
regions <- rest.out$regions
first.original <- rest.out$original
if (!is.null(second.regions)) {
if (is.numeric(second.regions)) {
# Creating bins if requested.
region2 <- .createBins(param, second.regions, restricted=restricted)$region
original2 <- rep(NA_integer_, length(region2))
} else {
# Cleaning up the second set of ranges.
region2 <- second.regions
mcols(region2) <- NULL
strand(region2) <- "*"
region2$nfrags <- 0L
# Applying restriction if necessary.
res.out2 <- .restrictRegions(region2, param, restricted=restricted)
region2 <- res.out2$region
original2 <- res.out2$original
region1 <- regions
n.first <- length(region1)
n.second <- length(region2)
# Redefining the full set of regions.
regions <- suppressWarnings(c(region1, region2))
regions$is.second <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(n.first, n.second))
regions$original <- c(first.original, original2)
# Creating indices for entry in the concatenated object.
d1 <- seq_len(n.first)
d2 <- seq_len(n.second) + n.first
} else {
regions$original <- first.original
region1 <- region2 <- NULL
d1 <- d2 <- NULL
return(list(regions=regions, region1=region1, region2=region2, index1=d1, index2=d2))
.linkRaw <- function(anchor, target, curpairs, regions, region1, region2, index1, index2, type) {
sgi <- suppressWarnings(GInteractions(GRanges(anchor, IRanges(curpairs$anchor1.pos, width=abs(curpairs$anchor1.len))),
GRanges(target, IRanges(curpairs$anchor2.pos, width=abs(curpairs$anchor2.len))), mode="strict"))
if (is.null(region2)) {
li <- linkOverlaps(sgi, regions, type=type)
} else {
li <- linkOverlaps(sgi, region1, region2, type=type)
li$subject1 <- index1[li$subject1]
li$subject2 <- index2[li$subject2]
li$query <- NULL
.restrictRegions <- function(regions, param, restricted) {
# Subsetting the regions now, if requested.
if (restricted && length(param$restrict)) {
original <- which(seqnames(regions) %in% param$restrict)
regions <- regions[original]
} else {
original <- seq_along(regions)
return(list(regions=regions, original=original))
.generalLoopFUN <- function(files, param, regions, retain, filter, linkFUN, ...)
# This is a generic looping function that can be applied to both
# restriction Hi-C and DNase-C data, to avoid rewriting it between
# the two modes. The ellipsis arguments are passed to linkFUN.
nlibs <- length(files)
if (nlibs==0L) {
stop("number of libraries must be positive")
filter <- as.integer(filter)
# Setting up output containers.
full.sizes <- integer(nlibs)
out.counts <- list(matrix(0L, 0, nlibs))
out.right <- out.left <- list(integer(0))
idex <- 1L
my.chrs <- unique(runValue(seqnames(regions)))
loadfuns <- preloader(files, param=param, retain=retain)
for (anchor in names(loadfuns)) {
current <- loadfuns[[anchor]]
for (target in names(current)) {
curfuns <- current[[target]]
pairs <- vector("list", nlibs)
for (lib in seq_len(nlibs)) {
pairs[[lib]] <- curfuns[[lib]]()
full.sizes <- .addToTotal(full.sizes, vapply(pairs, FUN=nrow, FUN.VALUE=0L))
# This check needs to be done after loading to obtain a valid 'full.sizes'.
if (! (target %in% my.chrs) || ! (anchor %in% my.chrs)) {
# Calling the link function.
collected <- vector("list", length(pairs))
for (lib in seq_along(pairs)) {
linked <- linkFUN(anchor=anchor, target=target, curpairs=pairs[[lib]], ...)
o <- order(linked$subject1, linked$subject2)
collected[[lib]] <- as.list(linked[o,])
# Compiling the counts together.
out <- .Call(cxx_count_connect, collected, filter)
out.counts[[idex]] <- out[[3]]
out.left[[idex]] <- out[[1]]
out.right[[idex]] <- out[[2]]
idex <- idex + 1L
return(list(counts=out.counts, left=out.left, right=out.right, regions=regions, totals=full.sizes))
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