## Part of the ddPCRclust algorithm
## Author: Benedikt G Brink, Bielefeld University
## Contributor: Justin Meskas
## November 2017
# Find the primary clusters based on their density peaks found by flowDensity.
findPrimaryClustersDensity <- function(f, File, f_remNeg, NumOfMarkers,
scalingParam, epsilon) {
threshold <- 5 * epsilon
CutAbovePrimary <- mean(scalingParam) * 2
# Calculate the threshold to remove events that are too positive. This
# makes it easier to find single positives.
f_findExtremes_temp <- f
f_remNeg_temp <- f_remNeg
# find left and right primary
tinyP <- 0.6
repeat {
tinyP <- tinyP/2
if (tinyP < epsilon)
leftPrim <- deGate(f_remNeg_temp, 1, all.cuts = TRUE, tinypeak.removal = tinyP,
adjust.dens = 0.1)[1]
indices <- which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 1] <= leftPrim)
f_leftPrim <- f_remNeg_temp
flowCore::exprs(f_leftPrim) <- flowCore::exprs(f_leftPrim)[indices,
x_leftPrim <- max(flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(
f_leftPrim)[,1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyP)$Peaks)
y_leftPrim <- max(flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(
f_leftPrim)[,2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyP)$Peaks)
if (x_leftPrim < (min(File[, 1]) + (max(File[, 1]) - min(File[,1]))/6)) {
threshold <- tinyP
tinyP <- 0.6
repeat {
tinyP <- tinyP/2
if (tinyP < epsilon)
rightPrim <- deGate(f_remNeg_temp, 2, all.cuts = TRUE, tinypeak.removal = tinyP,
adjust.dens = 0.1)[1]
indices <- which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 2] <= rightPrim)
f_rightPrim <- f_remNeg_temp
flowCore::exprs(f_rightPrim) <- flowCore::exprs(f_rightPrim)[indices,
x_rightPrim <- max(flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(
f_rightPrim)[,1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyP)$Peaks)
y_rightPrim <- max(flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(
f_rightPrim)[, 2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyP)$Peaks)
if (y_rightPrim < (min(File[, 2]) + (max(File[, 2]) - min(File[,
2]))/6)) {
threshold <- min(threshold, tinyP)
mSlope <- (y_leftPrim - y_rightPrim)/(x_leftPrim - x_rightPrim)
theta <- abs(atan(mSlope))
rotate <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)),
2, 2)
Rot_xy_leftPrim <- rotate %*% c(x_leftPrim, y_leftPrim) # coordinates of rotated left primary cluster
Rot_xy_rightPrim <- rotate %*% c(x_rightPrim, y_rightPrim) # coordinates of rotated right primary cluster
flowCore::exprs(f_findExtremes_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(rotate %*% t(flowCore::exprs(f_findExtremes_temp)[,
c(1, 2)]))
flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(rotate %*% t(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[,
c(1, 2)]))
upSlantmax <- deGate(f_findExtremes_temp, c(2), percentile = 0.999,
use.percentile = TRUE)
upSlantmin <- deGate(f_findExtremes_temp, c(2), percentile = 0.001,
use.percentile = TRUE)
ScaleChop <- (upSlantmax - upSlantmin)/max(File)
# Chop off the very positive events
indices <- which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 2] <= (max(Rot_xy_leftPrim[2],
Rot_xy_rightPrim[2]) + CutAbovePrimary * ScaleChop))
flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp) <- flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[indices,]
# find thresholds to divide the primary clusters
highP <- 1
lowP <- 0
repeat {
# newton iteration
newP <- (highP + lowP)/2
if (newP < 2 * epsilon)
Cuts <- deGate(f_remNeg_temp, 1, all.cuts = TRUE, tinypeak.removal = newP,
adjust.dens = 0.1)
if (length(Cuts) < (NumOfMarkers - 1)) {
highP <- newP
} else if (length(Cuts) > (NumOfMarkers - 1)) {
lowP <- newP
} else {
Xc <- Yc <- NULL
Cuts <- c(min(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 1]), Cuts, max(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[,
deviationX <- vector()
deviationY <- vector()
# find the coordinates of the primary clusters
for (r1 in seq_len(length(Cuts) - 1)) {
indices <- intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 1] >=
Cuts[r1]), which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 1] < Cuts[r1 +
f_Cuts_temp <- f_remNeg_temp
flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp) <- flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[indices,
flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(t(rotate) %*% t(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
c(1, 2)]))
Xx <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = newP)$Peaks
Yy <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = newP)$Peaks
if (length(Xx) > 1 || length(Yy) > 1) {
highP <- 1
lowP <- 0
repeat {
# newton iteration
newP <- (highP + lowP)/2
if (newP < epsilon)
Xx <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = newP)$Peaks
Yy <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = newP)$Peaks
if (length(Xx) > 1 || length(Yy) > 1) {
highP <- newP
} else if (length(Xx) < 1 || length(Yy) < 1) {
lowP <- newP
} else {
Xx <- Xx[1]
Yy <- Yy[1]
deviationX <- c(deviationX, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= Xx - 1000)),
intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= Yy + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
2] >= Yy - 1000))), 1]))
deviationY <- c(deviationY, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= Xx - 1000)),
intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= Yy + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
2] >= Yy - 1000))), 2]))
Xc <- c(Xc, Xx)
Yc <- c(Yc, Yy)
if (length(Xc) == 4 && length(Yc) == 4) {
Rot_xy_midLeftPrim <- rotate %*% c(Xc[2], Yc[2]) # coordinates of rotated middle left primary cluster
Rot_xy_midRightPrim <- rotate %*% c(Xc[3], Yc[3]) # coordinates of rotated middle right primary cluster
test_left <- abs(det(rbind(cbind(1, 1, 1), cbind(Rot_xy_leftPrim,
Rot_xy_midLeftPrim, rbind(0, 0)))))/100
test_right <- abs(det(rbind(cbind(1, 1, 1), cbind(Rot_xy_rightPrim,
Rot_xy_midRightPrim, rbind(0, 0)))))/100
if (! && test_left < max(File)/2 && test_left >
max(File)/20) {
Xc[1] <- mean(Xc[seq_len(2)])
Yc[1] <- mean(Yc[seq_len(2)])
Xc <- Xc[-2]
Yc <- Yc[-2]
if (! && test_right < max(File)/2 && test_right >
max(File)/20) {
Xc[3] <- mean(Xc[3:4])
Yc[3] <- mean(Yc[3:4])
Xc <- Xc[-4]
Yc <- Yc[-4]
return(list(clusters = cbind(Xc, Yc), deviation = cbind(deviationX,
# Find the secondary clusters based on their density peaks found by
# flowDensity.
findSecondaryClustersDensity <- function(f, file, f_remNegPrim, emptyDroplets,
firstClusters, scalingParam, epsilon) {
CutAbovePrimary <- mean(scalingParam) * 2
f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat <- f_remNegPrim
NumberOfSinglePos <- nrow(firstClusters$clusters)
f_findExtremes_temp <- f
x_leftPrim <- firstClusters$clusters[1, 1]
y_leftPrim <- firstClusters$clusters[1, 2]
x_rightPrim <- firstClusters$clusters[NumberOfSinglePos, 1]
y_rightPrim <- firstClusters$clusters[NumberOfSinglePos, 2]
mSlope <- (y_leftPrim - y_rightPrim)/(x_leftPrim - x_rightPrim)
theta <- abs(atan(mSlope))
rotate <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)),
2, 2)
Rot_xy_leftPrim <- rotate %*% c(x_leftPrim, y_leftPrim) # coordinates of rotated left primary cluster
Rot_xy_rightPrim <- rotate %*% c(x_rightPrim, y_rightPrim) # coordinates of rotated right primary cluster
flowCore::exprs(f_findExtremes_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(rotate %*% t(flowCore::exprs(f_findExtremes_temp)[,
c(1, 2)]))
upSlantmax <- deGate(f_findExtremes_temp, c(2), percentile = 0.999,
use.percentile = TRUE)
upSlantmin <- deGate(f_findExtremes_temp, c(2), percentile = 0.001,
use.percentile = TRUE)
ScaleChop <- (upSlantmax - upSlantmin)/max(file)
flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(rotate %*%
t(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat)[, c(1, 2)]))
indices <- which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat)[, 2] <=
(upSlantmin + 2 * ((max(Rot_xy_leftPrim[2], Rot_xy_rightPrim[2]) +
CutAbovePrimary * ScaleChop) - upSlantmin)))
flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat) <- flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat)[indices,
flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(t(rotate) %*%
t(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat)[, c(1, 2)]))
deviation2X <- deviation2Y <- vector()
Xc2g <- Yc2g <- NULL
if (nrow(f_remNegPrim) >= NumberOfSinglePos^2 * 6) {
# If less than 96 (4-plex) points for doub, trip and quad pops
# together, then use vector addition
adjustDens <- 0.3
repeat {
# find thresholds to divide the secondary clusters
highP <- 0.4
lowP <- 0
repeat {
# tinyP from 0.4 down to 0.04
tinyP <- (highP + lowP)/2
if ((tinyP + epsilon) > highP)
theta <- 0
repeat {
# theta from 0 to pi/2
f_rotate_tinyP_temp <- f_remNegPrim_chopTertQuat
flowCore::exprs(f_rotate_tinyP_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(rotate %*%
t(flowCore::exprs(f_rotate_tinyP_temp)[, c(1, 2)]))
Cuts <- deGate(f_rotate_tinyP_temp, 1, all.cuts = TRUE,
tinypeak.removal = tinyP, adjust.dens = adjustDens)
if (length(Cuts) == (choose(NumberOfSinglePos, 2) - 1))
if (theta >= pi/2)
theta <- theta + pi/16
if (length(Cuts) < (choose(NumberOfSinglePos, 2) - 1)) {
highP <- tinyP
} else if (length(Cuts) > (choose(NumberOfSinglePos, 2) -
1)) {
lowP <- tinyP
} else {
if (length(Cuts) == (choose(NumberOfSinglePos, 2) - 1))
if (adjustDens > 0.5) {
message("double positive detection failed.")
adjustDens <- adjustDens + 0.05
if (length(Cuts) == (choose(NumberOfSinglePos, 2) - 1)) {
# find coordiates of secondary populations
Cuts <- c(min(flowCore::exprs(f_rotate_tinyP_temp)[, 1]), Cuts,
max(flowCore::exprs(f_rotate_tinyP_temp)[, 1]))
for (r1 in seq_len(length(Cuts) - 1)) {
indices <- intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f_rotate_tinyP_temp)[,
1] >= Cuts[r1]), which(flowCore::exprs(f_rotate_tinyP_temp)[,
1] < Cuts[r1 + 1]))
switch(r1, {
XxA <- (firstClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[2,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- (firstClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[2,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
XxA <- (firstClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- (firstClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
XxA <- (firstClusters$clusters[2, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- (firstClusters$clusters[2, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
XxA <- (firstClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- (firstClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
XxA <- (firstClusters$clusters[2, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- (firstClusters$clusters[2, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
XxA <- (firstClusters$clusters[3, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- (firstClusters$clusters[3, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
if (length(indices) < 2) {
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= XxA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >=
XxA - 1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
2] <= YyA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >=
YyA - 1000))), 1]))
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= XxA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >=
XxA - 1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
2] <= YyA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >=
YyA - 1000))), 2]))
Xc2g <- c(Xc2g, XxA)
Yc2g <- c(Yc2g, YyA)
f_Cuts_temp <- f_rotate_tinyP_temp
flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp) <- flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[indices,
flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(t(rotate) %*%
t(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[, c(1, 2)]))
highPXx <- 1
lowPXx <- 0
repeat {
tinyPXx <- (highPXx + lowPXx)/2
if ((tinyPXx + epsilon) > highPXx) {
Xx <- Xx[1]
message(paste0("Error finding X value for peak ", r1,
" of ", choose(NumberOfSinglePos, 2)))
Xx <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyPXx)$Peaks
if (length(Xx) > 1) {
lowPXx <- tinyPXx
} else if (length(Xx) < 1) {
highPXx <- tinyPXx
} else {
highPYy <- 1
lowPYy <- 0
repeat {
tinyPYy <- (highPYy + lowPYy)/2
if ((tinyPYy + epsilon) > highPXx) {
Yy <- Yy[1]
message(paste0("Error finding Y value for peak ", r1,
" of ", choose(NumberOfSinglePos, 2)))
Yy <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyPYy)$Peaks
if (length(Yy) > 1) {
lowPYy <- tinyPYy
} else if (length(Yy) < 1) {
highPYy <- tinyPYy
} else {
if (abs(Xx - XxA) > 3 * scalingParam[1] || abs(Yy - YyA) >
3 * scalingParam[2]) {
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= XxA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >=
XxA - 1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
2] <= YyA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >=
YyA - 1000))), 1]))
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= XxA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >=
XxA - 1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
2] <= YyA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >=
YyA - 1000))), 2]))
Xc2g <- c(Xc2g, XxA)
Yc2g <- c(Yc2g, YyA)
} else {
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >=
Xx - 1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <=
Yy + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))),
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >=
Xx - 1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <=
Yy + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))),
Xc2g <- c(Xc2g, Xx)
Yc2g <- c(Yc2g, Yy)
} else {
# vector additon
for (r1 in seq_len(NumberOfSinglePos)) {
for (r2 in seq_len(NumberOfSinglePos)) {
if (r1 >= r2)
Xx <- firstClusters$clusters[r1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[r2,
1] - emptyDroplets[1]
Yy <- firstClusters$clusters[r1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[r2,
2] - emptyDroplets[2]
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >=
Xx - 1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <=
Yy + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))),
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >=
Xx - 1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <=
Yy + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))),
Xc2g <- c(Xc2g, Xx)
Yc2g <- c(Yc2g, Yy)
} else {
# vector additon
for (r1 in seq_len(NumberOfSinglePos)) {
for (r2 in seq_len(NumberOfSinglePos)) {
if (r1 >= r2)
Xx <- firstClusters$clusters[r1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[r2,
1] - emptyDroplets[1]
Yy <- firstClusters$clusters[r1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[r2,
2] - emptyDroplets[2]
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= Xx -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= Yy +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))),
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= Xx -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= Yy +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))),
Xc2g <- c(Xc2g, Xx)
Yc2g <- c(Yc2g, Yy)
# switch ordering of secondary populations if if staement is true
if (length(Xc2g) > 3 && (Xc2g[3]^2 + Yc2g[3]^2) >= 1.2 * (Xc2g[4]^2 +
Yc2g[4]^2)) {
message("Switching the middle two double populations.")
Xc2g[c(3, 4)] <- Xc2g[c(4, 3)]
Yc2g[c(3, 4)] <- Yc2g[c(4, 3)]
if (length(Xc2g) > 1 && Xc2g[1] > Xc2g[2]) {
message("Switching the top left two double populations.")
Xc2g[c(1, 2)] <- Xc2g[c(2, 1)]
Yc2g[c(1, 2)] <- Yc2g[c(2, 1)]
if (length(Yc2g) > 5 && Yc2g[5] < Yc2g[6]) {
message("Switching the bottom right two double populations.")
Xc2g[c(5, 6)] <- Xc2g[c(6, 5)]
Yc2g[c(5, 6)] <- Yc2g[c(6, 5)]
return(list(clusters = cbind(Xc2g, Yc2g), deviation = cbind(deviation2X,
# Find the tertiary clusters based on their density peaks found by
# flowDensity.
findTertiaryClustersDensity <- function(f, f_remNegPrimSec, emptyDroplets,
firstClusters, secondaryClusters, scalingParam, epsilon) {
NumberOfSinglePos <- nrow(firstClusters$clusters)
XcTert <- YcTert <- NULL
deviation2X <- deviation2Y <- vector()
x_leftPrim <- firstClusters$clusters[1, 1]
y_leftPrim <- firstClusters$clusters[1, 2]
x_rightPrim <- firstClusters$clusters[NumberOfSinglePos, 1]
y_rightPrim <- firstClusters$clusters[NumberOfSinglePos, 2]
mSlope <- (y_leftPrim - y_rightPrim)/(x_leftPrim - x_rightPrim)
theta <- abs(atan(mSlope))
rotate <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)),
2, 2)
if (nrow(f_remNegPrimSec) >= NumberOfSinglePos^2 * 3) {
# If less than 50 points for trip and quad pops together, then use
# vector addition
# find thresholds to divide the tertiary clusters
highP <- 1
lowP <- 0
repeat {
# newton iteration
newP <- (highP + lowP)/2
Cuts <- deGate(f_remNegPrimSec, 1, all.cuts = TRUE, tinypeak.removal = newP,
adjust.dens = 0.1)
if (length(Cuts) < (NumberOfSinglePos - 1)) {
highP <- newP
} else if (length(Cuts) > (NumberOfSinglePos - 1)) {
lowP <- newP
} else {
Cuts <- c(min(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec)[, 1]), Cuts, max(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec)[,
# find coordiates of tertiary populations
for (r1 in seq_len(length(Cuts) - 1)) {
indices <- intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec)[,
1] >= Cuts[r1]), which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec)[,
1] < Cuts[r1 + 1]))
switch(r1, {
XxA <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[2,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 1] - emptyDroplets[1],
secondaryClusters$clusters[3, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[2,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 2] - emptyDroplets[2],
secondaryClusters$clusters[3, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
XxA <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[4,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 1] - emptyDroplets[1],
secondaryClusters$clusters[5, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[4,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 2] - emptyDroplets[2],
secondaryClusters$clusters[5, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
XxA <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[2, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[4,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[3, 1] - emptyDroplets[1],
secondaryClusters$clusters[6, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[2, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[4,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[3, 2] - emptyDroplets[2],
secondaryClusters$clusters[6, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
XxA <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[3, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[5,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[3, 1] - emptyDroplets[1],
secondaryClusters$clusters[6, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[2,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YyA <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[3, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[5,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[3, 2] - emptyDroplets[2],
secondaryClusters$clusters[6, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[2,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
if (length(indices) < 2) {
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= XxA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= XxA -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= YyA +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= YyA - 1000))),
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= XxA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= XxA -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= YyA +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= YyA - 1000))),
XcTert <- c(XcTert, XxA)
YcTert <- c(YcTert, YyA)
f_remNegPrimSec_temp <- f_remNegPrimSec
flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec_temp) <- flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec_temp)[indices,
flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(t(rotate) %*%
t(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec_temp)[, c(1, 2)]))
highPXx <- 1
lowPXx <- 0
repeat {
tinyPXx <- (highPXx + lowPXx)/2
if ((tinyPXx + epsilon) > highPXx) {
Xx <- Xx[1]
message(paste0("Default X value for tertiary peak ",
r1, " of 4"))
Xx <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec_temp)[,
1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyPXx)$Peaks
if (length(Xx) > 1) {
lowPXx <- tinyPXx
} else if (length(Xx) < 1) {
highPXx <- tinyPXx
} else {
highPYy <- 1
lowPYy <- 0
repeat {
tinyPYy <- (highPYy + lowPYy)/2
if ((tinyPYy + epsilon) > highPYy) {
Yy <- Yy[1]
message(paste0("Default Y value for tertiary peak ",
r1, " of 4"))
Yy <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_remNegPrimSec_temp)[,
2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyPYy)$Peaks
if (length(Yy) > 1) {
lowPYy <- tinyPYy
} else if (length(Yy) < 1) {
highPYy <- tinyPYy
} else {
if (abs(Xx - XxA) > 4 * scalingParam[1] || abs(Yy - YyA) >
4 * scalingParam[2]) {
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= XxA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= XxA -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= YyA +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= YyA - 1000))),
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= XxA + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= XxA -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= YyA +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= YyA - 1000))),
XcTert <- c(XcTert, XxA)
YcTert <- c(YcTert, YyA)
} else {
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= Xx -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= Yy +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))),
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= Xx -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= Yy +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))),
XcTert <- c(XcTert, Xx)
YcTert <- c(YcTert, Yy)
} else {
for (r1 in seq_len(4)) {
switch(r1, {
Xx <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[2,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 1] - emptyDroplets[1],
secondaryClusters$clusters[3, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
Yy <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[2,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 2] - emptyDroplets[2],
secondaryClusters$clusters[3, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
Xx <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[4,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 1] - emptyDroplets[1],
secondaryClusters$clusters[5, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
Yy <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[4,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 2] - emptyDroplets[2],
secondaryClusters$clusters[5, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
Xx <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[2, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[4,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[3, 1] - emptyDroplets[1],
secondaryClusters$clusters[6, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
Yy <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[2, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[4,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[3, 2] - emptyDroplets[2],
secondaryClusters$clusters[6, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[1,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
}, {
Xx <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[3, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[5,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[3, 1] - emptyDroplets[1],
secondaryClusters$clusters[6, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[2,
1] - emptyDroplets[1])
Yy <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[3, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[5,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[3, 2] - emptyDroplets[2],
secondaryClusters$clusters[6, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[2,
2] - emptyDroplets[2])
deviation2X <- c(deviation2X, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= Xx -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= Yy +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))), 1]))
deviation2Y <- c(deviation2Y, stats::sd(flowCore::exprs(f)[intersect(intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1] <= Xx + 1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= Xx -
1000)), intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] <= Yy +
1000), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= Yy - 1000))), 2]))
XcTert <- c(XcTert, Xx)
YcTert <- c(YcTert, Yy)
return(list(clusters = cbind(XcTert, YcTert), deviation = cbind(deviation2X,
# Find the quaternary clusters based on their density peaks found by
# flowDensity.
findQuaternaryClusterDensity <- function(f, f_onlyQuad, emptyDroplets,
firstClusters, secondaryClusters, tertiaryClusters) {
NumberOfSinglePos <- nrow(firstClusters$clusters)
if (nrow(f_onlyQuad) >= 4) {
highP <- 1
lowP <- 0
repeat {
tinyP <- (highP + lowP)/2
XcQuad <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_onlyQuad)[,
1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyP)$Peaks
if (length(XcQuad) < 1) {
highP <- tinyP
} else if (length(XcQuad) > 1) {
lowP <- tinyP
} else {
highP <- 1
lowP <- 0
repeat {
tinyP <- (highP + lowP)/2
YcQuad <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_onlyQuad)[,
2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = tinyP)$Peaks
if (length(YcQuad) < 1) {
highP <- tinyP
} else if (length(YcQuad) > 1) {
lowP <- tinyP
} else {
} else {
if (is.null(tertiaryClusters)) {
XcQuad <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[2, 1] +
firstClusters$clusters[2, 1] - emptyDroplets[1], secondaryClusters$clusters[3,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[1, 1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YcQuad <- mean(secondaryClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[3,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[2, 2] +
firstClusters$clusters[2, 2] - emptyDroplets[2], secondaryClusters$clusters[3,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[1, 2] - emptyDroplets[2])
} else if (is.null(secondaryClusters)) {
XcQuad <- firstClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters[2, 1] -
YcQuad <- firstClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters[2, 2] -
} else {
XcQuad <- mean(tertiaryClusters$clusters[1, 1] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
1] - emptyDroplets[1], tertiaryClusters$clusters[2, 1] +
firstClusters$clusters[3, 1] - emptyDroplets[1], tertiaryClusters$clusters[3,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 1] - emptyDroplets[1], tertiaryClusters$clusters[4,
1] + firstClusters$clusters[1, 1] - emptyDroplets[1])
YcQuad <- mean(tertiaryClusters$clusters[1, 2] + firstClusters$clusters[4,
2] - emptyDroplets[2], tertiaryClusters$clusters[2, 2] +
firstClusters$clusters[3, 2] - emptyDroplets[2], tertiaryClusters$clusters[3,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[2, 2] - emptyDroplets[2], tertiaryClusters$clusters[4,
2] + firstClusters$clusters[1, 2] - emptyDroplets[2])
return(list(clusters = cbind(XcQuad, YcQuad)))
# Find the primary clusters based on their density peaks found by
# flowDensity.
findPrimaryClusters <- function(data, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets, remove = 0,
dimensions, File, f, NumberOfSinglePos = 4, scalingParam, epsilon) {
CutAbovePrimary <- mean(scalingParam) * 2
NumOfClusters <- NumberOfSinglePos^2
DataRemoved <- FinalResults <- NULL
up1max <- deGate(f, c(1), percentile = 0.999, use.percentile = TRUE)
up1min <- deGate(f, c(1), percentile = 0.001, use.percentile = TRUE)
up2max <- deGate(f, c(2), percentile = 0.999, use.percentile = TRUE)
up2min <- deGate(f, c(2), percentile = 0.001, use.percentile = TRUE)
indices <- unique(c(which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 1] >= 0.15 * (up1max -
up1min) + up1min), which(flowCore::exprs(f)[, 2] >= 0.15 * (up2max -
up2min) + up2min)))
# keep the non 15% bottom left corner (rn for removed neg)
f_remNeg <- f
flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg) <- flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg)[indices, ]
# keep the 15% bottom left corner
f_onlyNeg <- f
flowCore::exprs(f_onlyNeg) <- flowCore::exprs(f_onlyNeg)[-indices,
ClusterCentres <- vector()
#---- find 1st gen clusters-------------------#
# Calculate the threshold to remove events that are too positive. This
# makes it easier to find single positives.
f_findExtremes_temp <- f
f_remNeg_temp <- f_remNeg
threshold <- 0.1
# find left and right primary
dataTable <- table(data)
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(emptyDroplets, remove), , drop = FALSE]
if (!length(clusterMeans2))
minimum <- match(min(clusterMeans2[, 1]), clusterMeans[, 1])
a <- matrix(1, nrow = 3)
realFirstCluster1 <- vector()
collinear1 <- minimum
for (i in seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans))) {
if (i == minimum || i == emptyDroplets)
test <- matrix(clusterMeans[c(emptyDroplets, minimum, i), ], ncol = 2)
if (abs(det(cbind(a, test/100))) < (dimensions[1]/(NumberOfSinglePos *
20)) && clusterMeans[i, 2] < (1 - NumberOfSinglePos^2/100) *
collinear1 <- c(collinear1, i)
selection <- which(clusterMeans[, 1] <= max(clusterMeans[collinear1,
selection <- selection[!selection %in% c(emptyDroplets, remove)]
selection <- selection[(dataTable[selection] > max(dataTable[selection])/4)]
realFirstCluster1 <- selection[which.max(clusterMeans[selection, 2])]
# collinear1 <- realFirstCluster1 for (i in
# seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans))) { if (i == realFirstCluster1 || i ==
# emptyDroplets) next test <-
# matrix(clusterMeans[c(emptyDroplets,realFirstCluster1,i),], ncol=2)
# if (abs(det(cbind(a, test/100))) <
# (dimensions[1]/(NumberOfSinglePos*20))) collinear1 <- c(collinear1,
# i) }
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(emptyDroplets, collinear1, remove),
, drop = FALSE]
if (!length(clusterMeans2))
minimum <- match(min(clusterMeans2[, 2]), clusterMeans[, 2])
a <- matrix(1, nrow = 3)
realFirstCluster2 <- vector()
collinear2 <- minimum
for (i in seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans))) {
if (i == minimum || i == emptyDroplets)
test <- matrix(clusterMeans[c(emptyDroplets, minimum, i), ], ncol = 2)
if (abs(det(cbind(a, test/100))) < (dimensions[2]/(NumberOfSinglePos *
20)) && clusterMeans[i, 1] < (1 - NumberOfSinglePos^2/100) *
collinear2 <- c(collinear2, i)
selection <- which(clusterMeans[, 2] <= max(clusterMeans[collinear2,
selection <- selection[!selection %in% c(emptyDroplets, collinear1,
selection <- selection[(dataTable[selection] > max(dataTable[selection])/4)]
realFirstCluster2 <- selection[which.max(clusterMeans[selection, 1])]
if (dataTable[realFirstCluster2] < dataTable[realFirstCluster1]/10) {
remove <- c(remove, collinear2)
return(findPrimaryClusters(data, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets, remove,
1.1 * dimensions, File, f, NumberOfSinglePos, scalingParam,
if (dataTable[realFirstCluster1] < dataTable[realFirstCluster2]/10) {
remove <- c(remove, collinear1)
return(findPrimaryClusters(data, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets, remove,
1.1 * dimensions, File, f, NumberOfSinglePos, scalingParam,
x_leftPrim <- clusterMeans[realFirstCluster1, 1]
y_leftPrim <- clusterMeans[realFirstCluster1, 2]
x_rightPrim <- clusterMeans[realFirstCluster2, 1]
y_rightPrim <- clusterMeans[realFirstCluster2, 2]
mSlope <- (y_leftPrim - y_rightPrim)/(x_leftPrim - x_rightPrim)
theta <- abs(atan(mSlope))
rotate <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)),
2, 2)
Rot_xy_leftPrim <- rotate %*% c(x_leftPrim, y_leftPrim) # coordinates of rotated left primary cluster
Rot_xy_rightPrim <- rotate %*% c(x_rightPrim, y_rightPrim) # coordinates of rotated right primary cluster
flowCore::exprs(f_findExtremes_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(rotate %*% t(flowCore::exprs(f_findExtremes_temp)[,
c(1, 2)]))
flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(rotate %*% t(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[,
c(1, 2)]))
upSlantmax <- deGate(f_findExtremes_temp, c(2), percentile = 0.999,
use.percentile = TRUE)
upSlantmin <- deGate(f_findExtremes_temp, c(2), percentile = 0.001,
use.percentile = TRUE)
# Chop off the very positive events
ScaleChop <- (upSlantmax - upSlantmin)/max(File)
indices <- which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 2] <= (max(Rot_xy_leftPrim[2],
Rot_xy_rightPrim[2]) + CutAbovePrimary * ScaleChop))
flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp) <- flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[indices,
# find thresholds to divide the primary clusters
highP <- 1
lowP <- 0
repeat {
# newton iteration
newP <- (highP + lowP)/2
if (newP < 2 * epsilon)
Cuts <- deGate(f_remNeg_temp, 1, all.cuts = TRUE, tinypeak.removal = newP,
adjust.dens = 0.1)
if (length(Cuts) < (NumberOfSinglePos - 1)) {
highP <- newP
} else if (length(Cuts) > (NumberOfSinglePos - 1)) {
lowP <- newP
} else {
Xc <- Yc <- NULL
Cuts <- c(min(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 1]), Cuts, max(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[,
# find the coordinates of the primary clusters
for (r1 in seq_len(length(Cuts) - 1)) {
indices <- intersect(which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 1] >=
Cuts[r1]), which(flowCore::exprs(f_remNeg_temp)[, 1] < Cuts[r1 +
f_Cuts_temp <- f_remNeg_temp
flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp) <- flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[indices,
flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[, c(1, 2)] <- t(t(rotate) %*% t(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
c(1, 2)]))
Xx <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = newP)$Peaks
Yy <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = newP)$Peaks
if (length(Xx) > 1 || length(Yy) > 1) {
highP <- 1
lowP <- 0
repeat {
# newton iteration
newP <- (highP + lowP)/2
if (newP < epsilon)
Xx <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = newP)$Peaks
Yy <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f_Cuts_temp)[,
2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = newP)$Peaks
if (length(Xx) > 1 || length(Yy) > 1) {
highP <- newP
} else if (length(Xx) < 1 || length(Yy) < 1) {
lowP <- newP
} else {
Xc <- c(Xc, Xx[1])
Yc <- c(Yc, Yy[1])
densPrimaries <- cbind(Xc, Yc)
firstClusters <- vector()
distMatrix <- vector()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(densPrimaries))) {
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans)), function(x) return(clusterMeans[x,
] - densPrimaries[i, ]))
rowSums <- vapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(sum(abs(unlist(temp[x])))),
double(length = 1))
distMatrix <- rbind(distMatrix, rowSums)
firstClusters <- solve_LSAP(distMatrix)
# Find the primary clusters based on their position.
findPrimaryClusters_old <- function(data, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets,
remove = 0, dimensions) {
dataTable <- table(data)
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(emptyDroplets, remove), , drop = FALSE]
if (!length(clusterMeans2))
minimum <- match(min(clusterMeans2[, 1]), clusterMeans[, 1])
a <- matrix(1, nrow = 3)
realFirstCluster1 <- vector()
collinear1 <- minimum
for (i in seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans))) {
if (i == minimum || i == emptyDroplets)
test <- matrix(clusterMeans[c(emptyDroplets, minimum, i), ], ncol = 2)
if (abs(det(cbind(a, test/100))) < (dimensions[1]/100))
collinear1 <- c(collinear1, i)
selection <- which(clusterMeans[, 1] <= max(clusterMeans[collinear1,
selection <- selection[!selection %in% c(emptyDroplets, remove)]
selection <- selection[(dataTable[selection] > max(dataTable[selection])/4)]
realFirstCluster1 <- selection[which.min(clusterMeans[selection, 1])]
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(emptyDroplets, collinear1, remove),
, drop = FALSE]
if (!length(clusterMeans2))
minimum <- match(min(clusterMeans2[, 2]), clusterMeans[, 2])
a <- matrix(1, nrow = 3)
realFirstCluster2 <- vector()
collinear2 <- minimum
for (i in seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans))) {
if (i == minimum || i == emptyDroplets)
test <- matrix(clusterMeans[c(emptyDroplets, minimum, i), ], ncol = 2)
if (abs(det(cbind(a, test/100))) < (dimensions[2]/100))
collinear2 <- c(collinear2, i)
selection <- which(clusterMeans[, 2] <= max(clusterMeans[collinear2,
selection <- selection[!selection %in% c(emptyDroplets, collinear1,
selection <- selection[(dataTable[selection] > max(dataTable[selection])/4)]
realFirstCluster2 <- selection[which.min(clusterMeans[selection, 2])]
if (dataTable[realFirstCluster2] < dataTable[realFirstCluster1]/5) {
remove <- c(remove, collinear2)
return(findPrimaryClusters(data, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets, remove,
if (dataTable[realFirstCluster1] < dataTable[realFirstCluster2]/5) {
remove <- c(remove, collinear1)
return(findPrimaryClusters(data, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets, remove,
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(emptyDroplets, collinear1, collinear2),
, drop = FALSE]
moreFirstClusters <- vector()
counter <- clusterMeans[realFirstCluster2, 1]
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans2[clusterMeans2[, 1] < counter, , drop = FALSE]
counter <- clusterMeans[realFirstCluster1, 2]
temp <- clusterMeans2[clusterMeans2[, 2] < counter, , drop = FALSE]
repeat {
if (!length(temp)) {
} else {
minimum <- which.min(temp[, 1])
cluster <- match(temp[minimum], clusterMeans)
if (dataTable[cluster] < (mean(dataTable[c(realFirstCluster1,
realFirstCluster2)]))/5) {
temp <- temp[-minimum, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
moreFirstClusters <- c(moreFirstClusters, cluster)
counter <- clusterMeans[cluster, 2]
temp <- clusterMeans2[clusterMeans2[, 2] < counter, , drop = FALSE]
# newTable <- dataTable[-c(emptyDroplets, realFirstCluster1,
# realFirstCluster2)] moreFirstClusters <- names(newTable[newTable >
# (mean(dataTable[c(realFirstCluster1, realFirstCluster2)]))/2])
realFirstClusters <- as.integer(c(realFirstCluster1, moreFirstClusters,
# Find the secondary clusters based on the positions of the primary
# clusters.
findSecondaryClusters <- function(firstClusters, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets,
remove, dimensions, counts) {
threshold <- dimensions/5
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(emptyDroplets, firstClusters, remove),
if (!length(clusterMeans2))
return(list(clusters = 0, correctionFactor = 0))
secondClusters <- vector()
correction <- list()
correction[[length(firstClusters) + 1]] <- 0
if (nrow(clusterMeans2) >= sum(seq_len(length(firstClusters) - 1))) {
distMatrix <- vector()
for (a in firstClusters) {
for (b in firstClusters) {
if (match(a, firstClusters) >= match(b, firstClusters))
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2)), function(x) return(clusterMeans2[x,
] - (clusterMeans[a, ] + clusterMeans[b, ] - clusterMeans[emptyDroplets,
# temp2 <- lapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(c(temp[[x]][1]*3,
# temp[[x]][2]/3)))
rowSums <- vapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(sum(abs(unlist(temp[x])))),
double(length = 1))
distMatrix <- rbind(distMatrix, rowSums)
tmp <- solve_LSAP(distMatrix)
secondClusters <- match(clusterMeans2[tmp], clusterMeans)
index <- 0
for (a in firstClusters) {
for (b in firstClusters) {
if (match(a, firstClusters) >= match(b, firstClusters))
index <- index + 1
distance <- clusterMeans[secondClusters[index], ] - (clusterMeans[a,
] + clusterMeans[b, ] - clusterMeans[emptyDroplets, ])
if (sum(abs(distance)) > threshold) {
secondClusters[index] = 0
} else {
correction[[match(a, firstClusters)]] <- c(correction[[match(a,
firstClusters)]], list(distance))
correction[[match(b, firstClusters)]] <- c(correction[[match(b,
firstClusters)]], list(distance))
} else {
for (a in firstClusters) {
corTemp <- 0
for (b in firstClusters) {
if (match(a, firstClusters) >= match(b, firstClusters)) {
} else {
if (!length(clusterMeans2)) {
cluster <- 0
secondClusters <- c(secondClusters, cluster)
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2)), function(x) return(clusterMeans2[x,
] - (clusterMeans[a, ] + clusterMeans[b, ] - clusterMeans[emptyDroplets,
rowSums <- vapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(sum(abs(unlist(temp[x])))),
double(length = 1))
if (min(rowSums) < threshold) {
minimum <- which.min(rowSums)
cluster <- match(clusterMeans2[minimum], clusterMeans)
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans2[-minimum, , drop = FALSE]
correction[[match(a, firstClusters)]] <- c(correction[[match(a,
firstClusters)]], temp[minimum])
correction[[match(b, firstClusters)]] <- c(correction[[match(b,
firstClusters)]], temp[minimum])
corTemp <- temp[[minimum]]
} else {
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2)), function(x) return(clusterMeans2[x,
] - (clusterMeans[a, ] + clusterMeans[b, ] - clusterMeans[emptyDroplets,
] + corTemp)))
rowSums <- vapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(sum(abs(unlist(temp[x])))),
double(length = 1))
if (min(rowSums) < threshold) {
minimum <- which.min(rowSums)
cluster <- match(clusterMeans2[minimum], clusterMeans)
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans2[-minimum, , drop = FALSE]
correction[[match(a, firstClusters)]] <- c(correction[[match(a,
firstClusters)]], temp[minimum])
correction[[match(b, firstClusters)]] <- c(correction[[match(b,
firstClusters)]], temp[minimum])
corTemp <- temp[[minimum]]
} else {
cluster <- 0
# correctionFactor <- c(correctionFactor, 0)
secondClusters <- c(secondClusters, cluster)
correctionFactor <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(correction) - 1)) {
if (!length(correction[[i]])) {
correctionFactor[[i]] <- 0
} else {
temp <- t(, correction[[i]]))
correctionFactor[[i]] <- colMeans(temp)
if (max(secondClusters) == 0)
return(list(clusters = secondClusters, correctionFactor = correctionFactor))
q <- stats::quantile(counts[secondClusters])
if ((stats::IQR(counts[secondClusters]) > q[3]) && (q[3] > 5) && (q[1] <
5)) {
remove <- c(remove, as.integer(names(which.min(counts[secondClusters]))))
return(findSecondaryClusters(firstClusters, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets,
remove, dimensions, counts))
if (min(counts[secondClusters]) < q[2]/5) {
remove <- c(remove, as.integer(names(which.min(counts[secondClusters]))))
return(findSecondaryClusters(firstClusters, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets,
remove, dimensions, counts))
if (max(counts[secondClusters]) > q[4] * 5) {
remove <- c(remove, as.integer(names(which.max(counts[secondClusters]))))
return(findSecondaryClusters(firstClusters, clusterMeans, emptyDroplets,
remove, dimensions, counts))
## the correction factor is the avarage distance between the estimated
## positions of secondClusters and the real positions
list(clusters = secondClusters, correctionFactor = correctionFactor)
# Find the tertiary clusters based on the positions of the primary and
# secondary clusters.
findTertiaryClusters <- function(emptyDroplets, firstClusters, secondClusters,
remove, clusterMeans, correctionFactor, dimensions, counts) {
threshold <- dimensions/6
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(emptyDroplets, firstClusters, secondClusters,
remove), , drop = FALSE]
if (!length(clusterMeans2))
return(list(clusters = rep(0, 4)))
thirdClusters1 <- vector()
thirdClusters2 <- vector()
if (nrow(clusterMeans2) >= 4) {
for (i in seq_len(4)) {
if (i < 3) {
cluster <- utils::tail(secondClusters, n = 1)
if (cluster == 0 || length(clusterMeans2) == 0) {
thirdClusters1 <- rbind(thirdClusters1, rep(dimensions,
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2)), function(x) return(clusterMeans2[x,
] - (clusterMeans[cluster, ] + clusterMeans[firstClusters[i],
] - clusterMeans[emptyDroplets, ] + correctionFactor[[i]])))
rowSums <- vapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(sum(abs(unlist(temp[x])))),
double(length = 1))
if (min(rowSums) > threshold) {
thirdClusters1 <- rbind(thirdClusters1, rep(dimensions,
} else {
thirdClusters1 <- rbind(thirdClusters1, rowSums)
} else {
cluster <- secondClusters[1]
if (cluster == 0 || length(clusterMeans2) == 0) {
thirdClusters2 <- rbind(thirdClusters2, rep(dimensions,
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2)), function(x) return(clusterMeans2[x,
] - (clusterMeans[cluster, ] + clusterMeans[firstClusters[i],
] - clusterMeans[emptyDroplets, ] + correctionFactor[[i]])))
rowSums <- vapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(sum(abs(unlist(temp[x])))),
double(length = 1))
if (min(rowSums) > threshold) {
thirdClusters2 <- rbind(thirdClusters2, rep(dimensions,
} else {
thirdClusters2 <- rbind(thirdClusters2, rowSums)
distMatrix <- rbind(thirdClusters2, thirdClusters1)
tmp <- solve_LSAP(distMatrix)
thirdClusters <- match(clusterMeans2[tmp], clusterMeans)
for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
if (distMatrix[i, tmp[i]] > threshold) {
thirdClusters[i] = 0
} else {
for (i in seq_len(4)) {
if (i < 3) {
cluster <- utils::tail(secondClusters, n = 1)
if (cluster == 0 || length(clusterMeans2) == 0) {
thirdClusters1 <- c(thirdClusters1, 0)
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2)), function(x) return(clusterMeans2[x,
] - (clusterMeans[cluster, ] + clusterMeans[firstClusters[i],
] - 2 * clusterMeans[emptyDroplets, ] + correctionFactor[[i]])))
rowSums <- vapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(sum(abs(unlist(temp[x])))),
double(length = 1))
if (min(rowSums) < threshold) {
minimum <- which.min(rowSums)
cluster <- match(clusterMeans2[minimum], clusterMeans)
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans2[-minimum, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
cluster <- 0
thirdClusters1 <- c(thirdClusters1, cluster)
} else {
cluster <- secondClusters[1]
if (cluster == 0 || length(clusterMeans2) == 0) {
thirdClusters2 <- c(thirdClusters2, 0)
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2)), function(x) return(clusterMeans2[x,
] - (clusterMeans[cluster, ] + clusterMeans[firstClusters[i],
] - 2 * clusterMeans[emptyDroplets, ] + correctionFactor[[i]])))
rowSums <- vapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) return(sum(abs(unlist(temp[x])))),
double(length = 1))
if (min(rowSums) < threshold) {
minimum <- which.min(rowSums)
cluster <- match(clusterMeans2[minimum], clusterMeans)
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans2[-minimum, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
cluster <- 0
thirdClusters2 <- c(thirdClusters2, cluster)
thirdClusters <- c(thirdClusters2, thirdClusters1)
if (max(thirdClusters) == 0)
return(list(clusters = thirdClusters))
q <- stats::quantile(counts[thirdClusters])
if ((stats::IQR(counts[thirdClusters]) > q[3]) && (q[3] > 5) && (q[1] <
5)) {
remove <- c(remove, as.integer(names(which.min(counts[thirdClusters]))))
return(findTertiaryClusters(emptyDroplets, firstClusters, secondClusters,
remove, clusterMeans, correctionFactor, dimensions, counts))
if (min(counts[thirdClusters]) < q[2]/5) {
remove <- c(remove, as.integer(names(which.min(counts[thirdClusters]))))
return(findTertiaryClusters(emptyDroplets, firstClusters, secondClusters,
remove, clusterMeans, correctionFactor, dimensions, counts))
if (max(counts[thirdClusters]) > q[4] * 5) {
remove <- c(remove, as.integer(names(which.max(counts[thirdClusters]))))
return(findTertiaryClusters(emptyDroplets, firstClusters, secondClusters,
remove, clusterMeans, correctionFactor, dimensions, counts))
list(clusters = thirdClusters)
# Find the quarternary cluster based on its position.
findQuaternaryCluster <- function(clusterMeans, emptyDroplets, remove,
firstClusters, secondClusters = 0, thirdClusters = 0) {
## TODO really find the cluster?
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(emptyDroplets, firstClusters, secondClusters,
thirdClusters), , drop = FALSE]
if (!length(clusterMeans2))
rowSums <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans)), function(x) return(sum(clusterMeans[x,
])), double(length = 1))
rowSums2 <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2)), function(x) return(sum(clusterMeans2[x,
])), double(length = 1))
if (match(max(rowSums), rowSums) == match(max(rowSums2), rowSums)) {
} else {
# Merge clusters that a close to each other, based on the parameter p.
mergeClusters <- function(result, clusterMeans, finalResult, remove, p = 12) {
# threshold <- dimensions/(length(finalResult)*2)
clusterMeans2 <- clusterMeans[-c(finalResult, remove), , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(clusterMeans2) > 0) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans2))) {
for (j in seq_len(nrow(clusterMeans))) {
# threshold <-
# clusterMeans[j,]/as.integer(sqrt(length(finalResult))*1.5)
threshold <- sqrt(clusterMeans[j, ]) * p
if (abs(clusterMeans2[i, 1] - clusterMeans[j, 1]) < threshold[1] &&
abs(clusterMeans2[i, 2] - clusterMeans[j, 2]) < threshold[2]) {
result[result == match(clusterMeans2[i], clusterMeans)] = j
# Adjust the cluster centres based on the local density function
adjustClusterMeans <- function(data, clusterMeans, result, clusters) {
for (i in clusters) {
if (i == 0)
f <- flowCore::flowFrame(exprs = as.matrix(data[result == i, ]))
Xc <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
1], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = 0.2)$Peaks[1]
Yc <- flowDensity::getPeaks(stats::density(flowCore::exprs(f)[,
2], width = 1000), tinypeak.removal = 0.2)$Peaks[1]
if (!is.null(Xc) && !is.null(Yc)) {
clusterMeans[i, ] <- c(Xc, Yc)
# Find the rain and assign it based on the distance to vector lines
# connecting the cluster centres.
assignRain <- function(clusterMeans, data, result, emptyDroplets, firstClusters,
secondClusters, thirdClusters, fourthCluster, scalingParam, similarityParam = 0.95,
distanceParam = 0.2) {
remove <- vector()
sdeviations <- list()
rownames(data) <- seq_len(nrow(data))
scalingHelper <- mean(scalingParam/4)
# Calculate standard deviations:
for (cl in firstClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
sdeviation <- 2 * c(stats::sd(data[which(result == cl), 1]), stats::sd(data[which(result ==
cl), 2]))
if (anyNA(sdeviation))
sdeviation <- scalingParam/2
if (any(sdeviation > scalingParam))
sdeviation <- scalingParam
sdeviations[[cl]] <- sdeviation
for (cl in secondClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
sdeviation <- 2 * c(stats::sd(data[which(result == cl), 1]), stats::sd(data[which(result ==
cl), 2]))
if (anyNA(sdeviation))
sdeviation <- scalingParam/2
if (any(sdeviation > scalingParam))
sdeviation <- scalingParam
sdeviations[[cl]] <- sdeviation
for (cl in thirdClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
sdeviation <- 2 * c(stats::sd(data[which(result == cl), 1]), stats::sd(data[which(result ==
cl), 2]))
if (anyNA(sdeviation))
sdeviation <- scalingParam/2
if (any(sdeviation > scalingParam))
sdeviation <- scalingParam
sdeviations[[cl]] <- sdeviation
## Empties to primary clusters:
newData <- subset(data, !result %in% c(secondClusters, thirdClusters,
thisCluster <- which(rownames(newData) %in% which(result == 1))
S <- stats::var(newData[thisCluster, , drop = FALSE])
mahaDist <- stats::mahalanobis(newData, clusterMeans[1, ], S)
posEv <- which(mahaDist < mean(mahaDist[thisCluster]))
temp1 <- which(newData[, 1] <= clusterMeans[1, 1])
temp2 <- which(newData[, 2] <= clusterMeans[1, 2])
posEv <- c(posEv, intersect(temp1, temp2))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData[posEv, ]))] <- 1
newData <- newData[-posEv, , drop = FALSE]
# Go through each cluster:
for (cl in firstClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
thisCluster <- which(rownames(newData) %in% which(result == cl))
S <- stats::var(newData[thisCluster, , drop = FALSE])
mahaDist <- stats::mahalanobis(newData, clusterMeans[cl, ], S)
posEv <- which(mahaDist < mean(mahaDist[thisCluster]))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData[posEv, ]))] <- cl
newData <- newData[-posEv, , drop = FALSE]
sdC <- sdeviations[[cl]]
newData <- subset(newData, !(newData[, 1] > clusterMeans[cl, 1] -
sdC[1] & newData[, 2] > clusterMeans[cl, 2] - sdC[2]))
# newData <- newData[-intersect(as.numeric(rownames(newData)),
# which(result==cl)),]
if (nrow(newData) > 0) {
m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(newData), ncol = length(firstClusters))
for (cl in seq_along(firstClusters)) {
if (firstClusters[cl] == 0)
for (row in seq_len(nrow(newData))) {
m[row, cl] <- distToLineSegment(as.numeric(newData[row,
]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[emptyDroplets, ]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[firstClusters[cl],
minimalDistance <- apply(m, 1, function(x) which(x == min(x, na.rm = TRUE))[1])
for (r in seq_along(minimalDistance)) {
distPoint <- euc.dist(newData[r, ], clusterMeans[emptyDroplets,
distTotal <- distPoint + euc.dist(newData[r, ], clusterMeans[firstClusters[minimalDistance[r]],
if (distPoint <= distanceParam * distTotal) {
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- emptyDroplets
} else {
if (ncol(m) > 1) {
minAnd2ndMin <- sort(m[r, ], index.return = TRUE)
if (minAnd2ndMin$x[1]/minAnd2ndMin$x[2] >= similarityParam ||
(minAnd2ndMin$x[1] <= scalingHelper && minAnd2ndMin$x[2] <=
scalingHelper)) {
remove <- c(remove, as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r]))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- firstClusters[minimalDistance[r]]
## primary to secondary clusters (3-plex and 4-plex only):
if (!is.null(secondClusters) && sum(secondClusters) > 0) {
newData <- subset(data, !result %in% c(emptyDroplets, thirdClusters,
for (cl in firstClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
sdC <- sdeviations[[cl]]
newData <- subset(newData, !(newData[, 1] < (clusterMeans[cl,
1] + sdC[1]) & newData[, 2] < (clusterMeans[cl, 2] + sdC[2])))
# # if (clusterMeans[cl,1] < clusterMeans[cl,2]) { # newData <-
# subset(newData, !(newData[,1] < (clusterMeans[cl,1]+3*sdC[1]) &
# newData[,2] < (clusterMeans[cl,2]-2*sdC[2]))) # } else { # newData <-
# subset(newData, !(newData[,1] < (clusterMeans[cl,1]-2*sdC[1]) &
# newData[,2] < (clusterMeans[cl,2]+3*sdC[2]))) # }
for (cl in secondClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
thisCluster <- which(rownames(newData) %in% which(result ==
S <- stats::var(newData[thisCluster, , drop = FALSE])
mahaDist <- stats::mahalanobis(newData, clusterMeans[cl, ],
posEv <- which(mahaDist < mean(mahaDist[thisCluster]))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData[posEv, ]))] <- cl
newData <- newData[-posEv, , drop = FALSE]
sdC <- sdeviations[[cl]]
newData <- subset(newData, !(newData[, 1] > clusterMeans[cl,
1] - sdC[1] & newData[, 2] > clusterMeans[cl, 2] - sdC[2]))
if (nrow(newData) > 0) {
i <- 1
j <- 2
m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(newData), ncol = 2 * length(secondClusters))
for (cl in seq_along(secondClusters)) {
if (secondClusters[cl] == 0)
for (row in seq_len(nrow(newData))) {
m[row, cl] <- distToLineSegment(as.numeric(newData[row,
]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[firstClusters[i], ]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[cl],
m[row, cl + length(secondClusters)] <- distToLineSegment(as.numeric(newData[row,
]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[firstClusters[j], ]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[cl],
j <- j + 1
if (j > length(firstClusters)) {
i <- i + 1
j <- i + 1
minimalDistance <- apply(m, 1, function(x) which(x == min(x,
na.rm = TRUE))[1])
m2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(newData), ncol = length(firstClusters) +
for (row in seq_len(nrow(newData))) {
for (cl1 in seq_along(firstClusters)) {
if (firstClusters[cl1] == 0)
m2[row, cl1] <- distToRect(as.numeric(clusterMeans[firstClusters[cl1],
]) - sdeviations[[firstClusters[cl1]]], as.numeric(clusterMeans[firstClusters[cl1],
]) + sdeviations[[firstClusters[cl1]]], as.numeric(newData[row,
for (cl2 in seq_along(secondClusters)) {
if (secondClusters[cl2] == 0)
col <- cl2 + length(firstClusters)
m2[row, col] <- distToRect(as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[cl2],
]) - sdeviations[[secondClusters[cl2]]], as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[cl2],
]) + sdeviations[[secondClusters[cl2]]], as.numeric(newData[row,
minimalClDistance <- apply(m2, 1, function(x) which(x == min(x,
na.rm = TRUE))[1])
helper <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4)
if (length(secondClusters) == 3)
helper <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)
helper2 <- rep(seq_along(secondClusters), 2)
helper5 <- c(firstClusters, secondClusters)
for (r in seq_along(minimalDistance)) {
if (m2[r, minimalClDistance[r]] <= m[r, minimalDistance[r]]) {
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- helper5[minimalClDistance[r]]
distPoint <- euc.dist(newData[r, ], clusterMeans[firstClusters[helper[minimalDistance[r]]],
] + sdeviations[[firstClusters[helper[minimalDistance[r]]]]])
distTotal <- distPoint + euc.dist(newData[r, ], clusterMeans[secondClusters[helper2[minimalDistance[r]]],
if (distPoint <= distanceParam * distTotal) {
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- firstClusters[helper[minimalDistance[r]]]
} else {
if (ncol(m) > 1) {
minAnd2ndMin <- sort(m[r, ], index.return = TRUE)
if ((minAnd2ndMin$x[1]/minAnd2ndMin$x[2] >= similarityParam &&
helper2[minAnd2ndMin$ix[1]] != helper2[minAnd2ndMin$ix[2]]) ||
((minAnd2ndMin$x[1] <= scalingHelper && minAnd2ndMin$x[2] <=
scalingHelper) && helper2[minAnd2ndMin$ix[1]] !=
helper2[minAnd2ndMin$ix[2]])) {
remove <- c(remove, as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r]))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- secondClusters[helper2[minimalDistance[r]]]
## secondary to tertiary clusters (4-plex only):
if (!is.null(thirdClusters) && sum(thirdClusters) > 0) {
newData <- subset(data, !result %in% c(emptyDroplets, firstClusters,
for (cl in secondClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
sdC <- sdeviations[[cl]]
newData <- subset(newData, !(newData[, 1] < (clusterMeans[cl,
1] + sdC[1]) & newData[, 2] < (clusterMeans[cl, 2] + sdC[2])))
# # if (clusterMeans[cl,1] < clusterMeans[cl,2]) { # newData <-
# subset(newData, !(newData[,1] < (clusterMeans[cl,1]+2*sdC[1]) &
# newData[,2] < (clusterMeans[cl,2]-sdC[2]))) # } else { # newData <-
# subset(newData, !(newData[,1] < (clusterMeans[cl,1]-sdC[1]) &
# newData[,2] < (clusterMeans[cl,2]+2*sdC[2]))) # }
for (cl in thirdClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
thisCluster <- which(rownames(newData) %in% which(result ==
S <- stats::var(newData[thisCluster, , drop = FALSE])
mahaDist <- stats::mahalanobis(newData, clusterMeans[cl, ],
S, tol=1e-20)
posEv <- which(mahaDist < mean(mahaDist[thisCluster]))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData[posEv, ]))] <- cl
newData <- newData[-posEv, , drop = FALSE]
sdC <- sdeviations[[cl]]
newData <- subset(newData, !(newData[, 1] > clusterMeans[cl,
1] - sdC[1] & newData[, 2] > clusterMeans[cl, 2] - sdC[2]))
if (nrow(newData) > 0) {
m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(newData), ncol = 3 * length(thirdClusters))
helper3 <- c(1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6)
helper4 <- rep(seq_along(thirdClusters), 3)
for (cl in seq_along(thirdClusters)) {
if (thirdClusters[cl] == 0)
for (row in seq_len(nrow(newData))) {
m[row, cl] <- distToLineSegment(as.numeric(newData[row,
]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[helper3[cl]],
]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[thirdClusters[cl], ]))
m[row, cl + length(thirdClusters)] <- distToLineSegment(as.numeric(newData[row,
]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[helper3[cl +
length(thirdClusters)]], ]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[thirdClusters[cl],
m[row, cl + 2 * length(thirdClusters)] <- distToLineSegment(as.numeric(newData[row,
]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[helper3[cl +
2 * length(thirdClusters)]], ]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[thirdClusters[cl],
minimalDistance <- apply(m, 1, function(x) which(x == min(x,
na.rm = TRUE))[1])
m2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(newData), ncol = length(secondClusters) +
for (row in seq_len(nrow(newData))) {
for (cl1 in seq_along(secondClusters)) {
if (secondClusters[cl1] == 0)
m2[row, cl1] <- distToRect(as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[cl1],
]) - sdeviations[[secondClusters[cl1]]], as.numeric(clusterMeans[secondClusters[cl1],
]) + sdeviations[[secondClusters[cl1]]], as.numeric(newData[row,
for (cl2 in seq_along(thirdClusters)) {
if (thirdClusters[cl2] == 0)
col <- cl2 + length(secondClusters)
m2[row, col] <- distToRect(as.numeric(clusterMeans[thirdClusters[cl2],
]) - sdeviations[[thirdClusters[cl2]]], as.numeric(clusterMeans[thirdClusters[cl2],
]) + sdeviations[[thirdClusters[cl2]]], as.numeric(newData[row,
minimalClDistance <- apply(m2, 1, function(x) which(x == min(x,
na.rm = TRUE))[1])
helper5 <- c(secondClusters, thirdClusters)
for (r in seq_along(minimalDistance)) {
if (m2[r, minimalClDistance[r]] <= m[r, minimalDistance[r]]) {
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- helper5[minimalClDistance[r]]
distPoint <- euc.dist(newData[r, ], clusterMeans[secondClusters[helper3[minimalDistance[r]]],
] + sdeviations[[secondClusters[helper3[minimalDistance[r]]]]])
distTotal <- distPoint + euc.dist(newData[r, ], clusterMeans[thirdClusters[helper4[minimalDistance[r]]],
if (distPoint <= distanceParam * distTotal) {
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- secondClusters[helper3[minimalDistance[r]]]
} else {
if (ncol(m) > 1) {
minAnd2ndMin <- sort(m[r, ], index.return = TRUE)
if ((minAnd2ndMin$x[1]/minAnd2ndMin$x[2] >= similarityParam &&
helper4[minAnd2ndMin$ix[1]] != helper4[minAnd2ndMin$ix[2]]) ||
((minAnd2ndMin$x[1] <= scalingHelper && minAnd2ndMin$x[2] <=
scalingHelper) && helper4[minAnd2ndMin$ix[1]] !=
helper4[minAnd2ndMin$ix[2]])) {
remove <- c(remove, as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r]))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- thirdClusters[helper4[minimalDistance[r]]]
## tertiary to quaternary cluster (4-plex), secondary to quarternary
## (3-plex), primary to quarternary (2-plex) :
if (!is.null(fourthCluster) && sum(fourthCluster) > 0) {
if (!is.null(thirdClusters) && sum(thirdClusters) > 0) {
newData <- subset(data, !result %in% c(emptyDroplets, firstClusters,
prevClusters <- thirdClusters
} else if (!is.null(secondClusters) && sum(secondClusters) > 0) {
newData <- subset(data, !result %in% c(emptyDroplets, firstClusters))
prevClusters <- secondClusters
} else if (!is.null(firstClusters) && sum(firstClusters) > 0) {
newData <- subset(data, !result %in% c(emptyDroplets))
prevClusters <- firstClusters
} else {
return(list(result = result, remove = unique(remove)))
for (cl in prevClusters) {
if (cl == 0)
sdC <- sdeviations[[cl]]
newData <- subset(newData, !(newData[, 1] < (clusterMeans[cl,
1] + sdC[1]) & newData[, 2] < (clusterMeans[cl, 2] + sdC[2])))
for (cl in fourthCluster) {
sdC <- 2 * c(stats::sd(data[result == cl, 1], na.rm = TRUE),
stats::sd(data[result == cl, 2], na.rm = TRUE))
if (
thisCluster <- which(rownames(newData) %in% which(result ==
S <- stats::var(newData[thisCluster, , drop = FALSE])
mahaDist <- stats::mahalanobis(newData, clusterMeans[cl, ],
posEv <- which(mahaDist < mean(mahaDist[thisCluster]))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData[posEv, ]))] <- cl
newData <- newData[-posEv, , drop = FALSE]
newData <- subset(newData, !(newData[, 1] < clusterMeans[cl,
1] + sdC[1] & newData[, 1] > clusterMeans[cl, 1] - sdC[1] &
newData[, 2] < clusterMeans[cl, 2] + sdC[2] & newData[,
2] > clusterMeans[cl, 2] - sdC[2]))
if (nrow(newData) > 0) {
m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(newData), ncol = length(prevClusters))
for (cl in seq_along(prevClusters)) {
# if (prevClusters[cl]==0) next
for (row in seq_len(nrow(newData))) {
m[row, cl] <- distToLineSegment(as.numeric(newData[row,
]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[fourthCluster, ]), as.numeric(clusterMeans[prevClusters[cl],
minimalDistance <- apply(m, 1, function(x) which(x == min(x,
na.rm = TRUE))[1])
for (r in seq_along(minimalDistance)) {
distPoint <- euc.dist(newData[r, ], clusterMeans[prevClusters[minimalDistance[r]],
] + sdeviations[[prevClusters[minimalDistance[r]]]])
distTotal <- distPoint + euc.dist(newData[r, ], clusterMeans[fourthCluster,
if (distPoint <= distanceParam * distTotal) {
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- prevClusters[minimalDistance[r]]
} else {
if (ncol(m) > 1) {
minAnd2ndMin <- sort(m[r, ], index.return = TRUE)
if (minAnd2ndMin$x[1]/minAnd2ndMin$x[2] >= similarityParam ||
(minAnd2ndMin$x[1] <= scalingHelper && minAnd2ndMin$x[2] <=
scalingHelper)) {
remove <- c(remove, as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r]))
result[as.numeric(rownames(newData)[r])] <- fourthCluster
list(result = result, remove = unique(remove))
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