#' @export
normalizeBatch <- function(batch.x, batch.comp, mode="range", p=0.01,, target=NULL, markers=NULL, ...)
# Performs warp- or range-based adjustment of different batches, given a
# list of 'x' objects like that used for 'prepareCellData'
# and another list specifying the composition of samples per batch.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 27 October 2016
if (is.null(batch.comp)) {
batch.comp <- lapply(batch.x, function(i) rep(1, length(i)))
nbatches <- length(batch.x)
if (nbatches!=length(batch.comp)) {
stop("length of 'batch.x' and 'batch.comp' must be identical")
# Checking the number of markers we're dealing with.
batch.out <- vector("list", nbatches)
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
out <- .pull_out_data(batch.x[[b]])
if (!is.null(markers)) {
mm <- match(markers, out$markers)
if (any( { stop("some 'markers' not present in batch") }
out$markers <- out$markers[mm]
out$exprs <- lapply(out$exprs, function(x) { x[,mm,drop=FALSE] })
batch.out[[b]] <- out
if (b==1L) {
ref.markers <- out$markers
} else if (!identical(ref.markers, out$markers)) {
stop("markers are not identical between batches")
if (length(out$samples)!=length(batch.comp[[b]])) {
stop("corresponding elements of 'batch.comp' and 'batch.x' must have same lengths")
# Expanding possible modes.
mode <- rep(mode, length.out=length(ref.markers))
if (is.null(names(mode))) {
names(mode) <- ref.markers
# Checking 'target' specification.
if (!is.null(target)) {
target <- as.integer(target)
if (target < 1L || target > nbatches) {
stop("'target' must be a positive integer no greater than the number of batches")
# Calculating weights.
batch.weights <- .computeCellWeights(batch.out, batch.comp)
EXTRACTOR <- .pullOutMarkers(batch.out, batch.weights)
# Setting up an output object.
output <- vector("list", nbatches)
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
cur.out <- batch.out[[b]]
nsamples <- length(cur.out$samples)
cur.exprs <- vector("list", nsamples)
for (s in seq_len(nsamples)) {
cur.exprs[[s]] <- cur.out$exprs[[s]]
colnames(cur.exprs[[s]]) <- cur.out$markers
names(cur.exprs) <- cur.out$samples
output[[b]] <- cur.exprs
names(output) <- names(batch.x)
for (m in ref.markers) {
for.norm <- EXTRACTOR(m)
all.obs <- for.norm$exprs
all.wts <- for.norm$weights
# Choosing the normalization method.
curmode <- match.arg(mode[m], c("none", "range", "warp", "quantile"))
if (curmode=="none") {
} else if (curmode=="warp") {
converters <- .transformDistr(all.obs, all.wts, m, target=target, ...)
} else if (curmode=="range") {
converters <- .rescaleDistr(all.obs, all.wts, target=target, p=p,
} else if (curmode=="quantile") {
converters <- .quantileDistr(all.obs, all.wts, target=target)
# Applying the normalization method.
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
converter <- converters[[b]]
cur.out <- batch.out[[b]]
for (s in seq_along(cur.out$exprs)) {
output[[b]][[s]][,m] <- converter(cur.out$exprs[[s]][,m])
.computeCellWeights <- function(batch.out, batch.comp)
# Estimates the weight for each sample in each group in each batch.
# This accounts for differences in numbers of groups per batch,
# and for differences in numbers of cells per sample.
all.levels <- unique(unlist(batch.comp))
batch.comp <- lapply(batch.comp, factor, levels=all.levels)
comp.batches <-, lapply(batch.comp, table))
ref.comp <- colMeans(comp.batches)
batch.weight <- t(ref.comp/t(comp.batches))
empty.factors <- colSums(!is.finite(batch.weight)) > 0
if (all(empty.factors)) {
stop("no level of 'batch.comp' is common to all batches")
batch.weight <- batch.weight[,!empty.factors,drop=FALSE]
nbatches <- length(batch.out)
batch.weights <- vector("list", nbatches)
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
cur.comp <- batch.comp[[b]]
cur.out <- batch.out[[b]]
cur.weights <- numeric(length(cur.out$exprs))
for (s in seq_along(cur.out$exprs)) {
sample.level <- as.character(cur.comp[s])
num.cells <- nrow(cur.out$exprs[[s]])
if (sample.level %in% colnames(batch.weight)) {
cur.weights[s] <- 1/num.cells * batch.weight[b,sample.level]
} else {
cur.weights[s] <- NA_real_
batch.weights[[b]] <- cur.weights
.pullOutMarkers <- function(batch.out, batch.weights)
# Returns functions that pull out intensities and weights for every marker.
# Weights are also returned here (but not recalculated) to synchronize removal of zero-weight samples.
nbatches <- length(batch.out)
all.mats <- all.wts <- vector("list", nbatches)
for (b in seq_along(batch.weights)) {
cur.weights <- batch.weights[[b]]
keep <- !
all.mats[[b]] <- batch.out[[b]]$exprs[keep]
num.cells <- vapply(all.mats[[b]], nrow, FUN.VALUE=0L)
all.wts[[b]] <- rep(cur.weights[keep], num.cells)
function(m) {
all.obs <- vector("list", nbatches)
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
cur.out <- all.mats[[b]]
nsamples <- length(cur.out)
cur.obs <- vector("list", nsamples)
for (s in seq_len(nsamples)) {
cur.obs[[s]] <- cur.out[[s]][,m]
all.obs[[b]] <- unlist(cur.obs)
list(exprs=all.obs, weights=all.wts)
.getECDF <- function(cur.obs, cur.wts)
# Computes the bits and pieces necessary for the ECDF.
o <- order(cur.obs)
cur.obs <- cur.obs[o]
cur.wts <- cur.wts[o]
# Taking the midpoint of each step, rather than the start/end points.
mid.cum.weight <- cumsum(cur.wts) - cur.wts/2
total.weight <- sum(cur.wts)
list(cumprob=mid.cum.weight/total.weight, value=cur.obs)
#' @importClassesFrom flowCore flowSet
#' @importFrom flowCore flowFrame
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom stats splinefun approx
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics colnames<-
.transformDistr <- function(all.obs, all.wts, name, target, ...) {
# Create a mock sample by sampling at points along the ECDF.
nbatch <- length(all.obs)
cur.ffs <- vector("list", nbatch)
for (b in seq_len(nbatch)) {
ecdf.out <- .getECDF(all.obs[[b]], all.wts[[b]])
pts <- seq(0, 1, length.out=(length(all.obs[[b]])+2L)) # Note, always have the first and last entries.
mock <- approx(ecdf.out$cumprob, ecdf.out$value, xout=pts, rule=2)$y
cur.ffs[[b]] <- flowFrame(cbind(M=mock))
if (!is.null(target)) {
names(cur.ffs) <- seq_len(nbatch)
target <- names(cur.ffs)[target]
fs <- as(cur.ffs, "flowSet")
colnames(fs) <- name
# Applying warping normalization, as described in the flowStats vignette.
new.fs <- flowStats::warpSet(fs, name, monwrd=TRUE, target=target, ...)
# Defining warp functions (setting warpFuns doesn't really work, for some reason).
converter <- vector("list", nbatch)
for (b in seq_len(nbatch)) {
old.i <- exprs(fs[[b]])[,1]
new.i <- exprs(new.fs[[b]])[,1]
converter[[b]] <- splinefun(old.i, new.i)
#' @importFrom stats lm approx
.rescaleDistr <- function(all.obs, all.wts, target, p, {
# Computing the average max/min (robustly).
nbatches <- length(all.obs)
batch.min <- batch.max <- numeric(nbatches)
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
ecdf.out <- .getECDF(all.obs[[b]], all.wts[[b]])
out <- approx(ecdf.out$cumprob, ecdf.out$value, xout=c(p, 1-p), rule=2)$y
if (! {
batch.min[b] <- out[1]
batch.max[b] <- out[2]
# Selecting the target batch to perform the normalization.
if (is.null(target)) {
targets <- c(mean(batch.min), mean(batch.max))
} else {
targets <- c(batch.min[target], batch.max[target])
# Scaling intensities per batch so that the observed range equals the average range.
converters <- vector("list", nbatches)
FUNGEN <- function(fit) {
m <- coef(fit)[2]
b <- coef(fit)[1]
function(x) { x * m + b }
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
current <- c(batch.min[b], batch.max[b])
fit <- lm(targets ~ current)
converters[[b]] <- FUNGEN(fit)
#' @importFrom stats approxfun
.quantileDistr <- function(all.obs, all.wts, target)
# Performs quantile normalization across batches.
nbatches <- length(all.obs)
all.x <- all.y <- vector("list", nbatches)
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
ecdf.out <- .getECDF(all.obs[[b]], all.wts[[b]])
all.x[[b]] <- ecdf.out$cumprob
all.y[[b]] <- ecdf.out$value
all.quanfun <- mapply(approxfun, x=all.x, y=all.y, MoreArgs=list(rule=2)) <- vector("list", nbatches)
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) {
current.probs <- all.x[[b]]
current.quants <- all.y[[b]]
# Correcting intensities for each sample in each batch; first by
# computing the average distribution to which all others should be squeezed.
target.profile <- 0
if (is.null(target)) {
for (b2 in seq_len(nbatches)) {
if (b==b2) {
target.profile <- target.profile + current.quants
} else{
target.profile <- target.profile + all.quanfun[[b2]](current.probs)
target.profile <- target.profile/nbatches
} else {
target.profile <- all.quanfun[[target]](current.probs)
# Constructing a function to do that squeezing (we could use the ordering to
# get exactly which entry corresponds to which original observation, but that
# doesn't allow for samples that weren't used, e.g., due to non-common levels).[[b]] <- approxfun(current.quants, target.profile, rule=2)
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