#' Prepare mass cytometry data
#' Convert single-cell marker intensities from a mass cytometry experiment into a format for efficient counting.
#' @param x A named list of numeric matrices,
#' where each matrix corresponds to a sample and contains expression intensities for each cell (row) and each marker (column).
#' Alternatively, a ncdfFlowSet object containing the same information.
#' @param markers A character vector containing the names of the markers to use in downstream analyses.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{buildIndex}}.
#' @details
#' This function constructs a \linkS4class{BiocNeighborIndex} object from the marker intensities of each cell in one or more samples.
#' The precomputed index is used to speed up downstream nearest-neighbour searching,
#' avoiding redundant work from repeated calls to \code{\link{countCells}} (e.g., with different values of \code{tol}).
#' If \code{markers} is specified, only the selected markers will be used in the precomputation.
#' This restricts the markers that are used in downstream functions -
#' namely, \code{\link{countCells}} and \code{\link{neighborDistances}}.
#' By default, \code{markers=NULL} which means that all supplied markers will be used.
#' Markers that are \emph{not} in \code{markers} will be ignored in distance calculations.
#' However, their intensities are still stored in the output object, for use in functions like \code{\link{medIntensities}}.
#' @return
#' A \linkS4class{List} containing precomputed values for use in \code{\link{countCells}}.
#' This includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{precomputed}, a \linkS4class{BiocNeighborIndex} object containing a pre-built index for the neighbor search.
#' \item \code{}, an integer vector specifying the sample of origin for each cell in \code{precomputed}.
#' \item \code{}, an integer vector specifying the original index in
#' the corresponding sample of \code{x} for each cell in \code{precomputed}.
#' \item \code{unused}, a matrix of intensity values for markers \emph{not} in \code{markers}.
#' \item \code{colData}, a \linkS4class{DataFrame} containing per-sample statistics.
#' }
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' ### Mocking up some data: ###
#' nmarkers <- 20
#' marker.names <- paste0("X", seq_len(nmarkers))
#' nsamples <- 8
#' sample.names <- paste0("Y", seq_len(nsamples))
#' x <- list()
#' for (i in sample.names) {
#' ex <- matrix(rgamma(nmarkers*1000, 2, 2), ncol=nmarkers, nrow=1000)
#' colnames(ex) <- marker.names
#' x[[i]] <- ex
#' }
#' ### Running the function: ###
#' cd <- prepareCellData(x)
#' cd
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{countCells}}, where the output of this function is used to obtain hypersphere counts.
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocNeighbors buildIndex bnorder
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame List
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment int_metadata SingleCellExperiment
prepareCellData <- function(x, markers=NULL, ...) { <- .pull_out_data(x)
sample.names <-$samples
marker.names <-$markers
exprs.list <-$exprs
exprs <-, exprs.list)
ncells.per.sample <- vapply(exprs.list, FUN=nrow, FUN.VALUE=0L) <- rep(seq_along(exprs.list), ncells.per.sample) <- unlist(lapply(ncells.per.sample, seq_len), use.names=FALSE)
# Picking markers to use.
used <- .chosen_markers(markers, marker.names)
reorg <- buildIndex(exprs[,used,drop=FALSE], ...)
reorder <- bnorder(reorg)
# Collating the output.
colData=DataFrame(row.names=sample.names, totals=ncells.per.sample)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom Biobase sampleNames
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics colnames
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs
.pull_out_data <- function(x)
# Pulling out data so we don't have to rely on ncdfFlowSet input.
if (is.list(x)) {
sample.names <- names(x)
if (is.null(sample.names)) {
sample.names <- seq_along(x)
if (!length(x)) {
stop("number of samples must be positive")
marker.names <- colnames(x[[1]])
for (i in sample.names) {
x[[i]] <- as.matrix(x[[i]])
tmp <- colnames(x[[i]])
if (is.null(tmp)) { stop("column names must be labelled with marker identities"); }
stopifnot(identical(tmp, marker.names))
expr.val <- unname(x)
} else if (is(x, "ncdfFlowSet")) {
sample.names <- sampleNames(x)
marker.names <- colnames(x)
by.sample <- seq_along(sample.names)
expr.val <- lapply(by.sample, FUN=function(i) flowCore::exprs(x[[i]]))
} else {
stop("'' must be a list or ncdfFlowSet object")
list(samples=sample.names, markers=marker.names, exprs=expr.val)
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