#' Load Agilent raw data
#' @param eset ExpressionSet from \link{getGEO}.
#' @param gse_name Accession name for \code{eset}.
#' @param gse_dir Direction with Agilent raw data.
#' @inheritParams load_raw
#' @return ExpressionSet
load_agil_plat <- function (eset, gse_name, gse_dir, ensql) {
# if _ch2 in pdata => dual channel
ch2 <- any(grepl('ch2', colnames(pData(eset))))
try(fData(eset)[fData(eset) == ""] <- NA)
try(fData(eset)[] <- lapply(fData(eset), as.character))
# get paths to raw files for samples in eset
pattern <- paste('^', sampleNames(eset), ".*(txt|gpr)$", collapse = "|", sep = "")
elist_paths <- list.files(gse_dir, pattern, full.names = TRUE, = TRUE)
# if multiple with same GSM, take first
gsm_names <- stringr::str_extract(elist_paths, "GSM[0-9]+")
elist_paths <- elist_paths[!duplicated(gsm_names)]
# support for genepix .gpr files
is.genepix <- grepl('.gpr$', elist_paths[1])
source <- ifelse(is.genepix, 'genepix', 'agilent')
# load non-normalized txt files and normalize
elist <- tryCatch(
{limma::read.maimages(elist_paths, source = source, green.only = !ch2)},
error = function(e) {
# determine source of error
output <- capture.output(tryCatch(
limma::read.maimages(elist_paths, source = source, green.only = !ch2),
error = function(e) NULL))
# retry with error excluded
exclude <- which(elist_paths == gsub('^Read| ', '', output[length(output)-1])) + 1
elist_paths <- elist_paths[-exclude]
limma::read.maimages(elist_paths, source = source, green.only = !ch2)
if (ch2) {
# follows 'Separate Channel Analysis of Two-Color Data' to make as if single channel
elist <- limma::backgroundCorrect(elist, method="normexp", offset=50)
elist <- limma::normalizeWithinArrays(elist, method="loess")
elist <- limma::normalizeBetweenArrays(elist, method="Aquantile")
probe <- 'ID' # not sure 'ID' is general fill-in for 'ProbeName'?
} else {
elist <- limma::neqc(elist, status = elist$genes$ControlType, negctrl = -1, regular = 0)
probe <- 'ProbeName'
# fix up sample names
colnames(elist) <- stringr::str_match(colnames(elist), ".*(GSM\\d+).*")[, 2]
eset <- eset[, colnames(elist)]
# merge elist and eset feature data
elist <- merge_elist(eset, elist)
# remove empty rows and use probe as row names
elist <- elist[!$genes[[probe]]), ]
row.names(elist) <- row.names(elist$genes) <- make.unique(elist$genes[[probe]])
# convert limma object to eset
eset <- to_eset(elist, eset)
# add SYMBOL annotation
eset <- symbol_annot(eset, gse_name, ensql)
#' Convert limma object to ExpressionSet
#' @param object an EList of MAList object containing expression data.
#' @param eset ExpressionSet from \link{getGEO}. Used for annotation.
#' @return ExpressionSet using expression data from \code{object} and annotation from \code{eset}.
#' @export
to_eset <- function(object, eset) {
E <- switch(class(object),
'EList' = object$E,
'MAList' = exprs.MA(object))
pdata <- switch(class(object),
'EList' = phenoData(eset),
'MAList' = phenoData.ch2(eset))
eset <- ExpressionSet(E,
phenoData = pdata,
featureData = as(object$genes, 'AnnotatedDataFrame'),
annotation = annotation(eset))
#' Extract Log-Expression Matrix from MAList
#' Converts M and A-values to log-expression values. The output matrix will have two columns for each array, in the order all red then all green.
#' Adapted from \link[limma]{plotDensities.MAList} instead of \link[limma]{exprs.MA} so that order is same as \link{phenoData.ch2}.
#' @inheritParams limma::exprs.MA
#' @return A numeric matrix with twice the columns of the input.
#' @export
exprs.MA <- function(MA) {
y <- cbind(MA$A + MA$M/2, MA$A - MA$M/2)
colnames(y) <- c(paste0(colnames(MA), '_red'), paste0(colnames(MA), '_green'))
#' Covert expression values to MAList
#' @param y Expression values from two-channel agilent array in order all red then all green.
#' @return MAList
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 5)
#' M <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 5)
#' MA <- new('MAList', list(M=M, A=A))
#' colnames(MA) <- letters[1:5]
#' y <- exprs.MA(MA)
#' MA2 <- to_ma(y)
#' all.equal(MA, MA2)
to_ma <- function(y) {
narray <- ncol(y)/2
R <- y[, 1:narray]
G <- y[, (narray+1):ncol(y)]
M <- R - G
A <- (R + G)/2
MA <- new("MAList", list(M=M, A=A))
colnames(MA) <- gsub('_red|_green', '', colnames(MA))
#' Construct AnnotatedDataFrame from Two-Channel ExpressionSet
#' @param eset ExpressionSet with \code{pData} for two-channel Agilent array.
#' @return AnnotatedDataFrame with twice as many rows as \code{eset}, one for each channel of each array in order all red then all green.
#' @export
phenoData.ch2 <- function(eset) {
pdata <- Biobase::pData(eset)
cols <- colnames(pdata)
stopifnot(all(c('label_ch1', 'label_ch2') %in% cols))
# concat rows for non-channel columns <- !grepl('[_:]ch1|[_:]ch2', cols)
pdata.ch2 <- rbind(pdata[,], pdata[,])
# get columns in common between channels
ch1.col <- grep('[_:]ch1', cols)
ch2.col <- grep('[_:]ch2', cols)
ch1_names <- gsub('[_:]ch1(.+)?$', '', cols[ch1.col])
ch2_names <- gsub('[_:]ch2(.+)?$', '', cols[ch2.col])
# exclude duplicates
# also explicitly characteristics_ch1 and characteristics_ch2 as are often not same category
dups <- c(ch1_names[duplicated(ch1_names)],
dups <- unique(c('characteristics', dups))
common <- setdiff(intersect(ch1_names, ch2_names), dups)
# add common as one column per channel with corresponding value
ch1.col.common <- ch1.col[ch1_names %in% common]
ch2.col.common <- ch2.col[ch2_names %in% common]
pdata.common.ch1 <- pdata[, ch1.col.common, drop = FALSE]
pdata.common.ch2 <- pdata[, ch2.col.common, drop = FALSE]
colnames(pdata.common.ch1) <- colnames(pdata.common.ch2) <- common
pdata.common <- rbind(pdata.common.ch1, pdata.common.ch2)
pdata.ch2 <- cbind(pdata.ch2, pdata.common)
# add columns that are unique to each channel
ch1.col.unique <- setdiff(ch1.col, ch1.col.common)
ch2.col.unique <- setdiff(ch2.col, ch2.col.common)
pdata.unique <- rbind.fill(pdata[, ch1.col.unique, drop = FALSE],
pdata[, ch2.col.unique, drop = FALSE])
if (ncol(pdata.unique)) pdata.ch2 <- cbind(pdata.ch2, pdata.unique)
# remove white-space from label (e.g. GSE10653)
pdata.ch2$label <- gsub(' ', '', pdata.ch2$label)
# all red then all green
stopifnot(setequal(c('Cy5', 'Cy3'), pdata.ch2$label)) <- pdata.ch2$label == 'Cy5' <- pdata.ch2$label == 'Cy3'
pdata.ch2 <- rbind(pdata.ch2[,, drop = FALSE], pdata.ch2[,, drop = FALSE])
# fix row names
suffix <- rep(c('_red', '_green'), each = length(
row.names(pdata.ch2) <- paste0(pdata$geo_accession, suffix)
rbind.fill <- function(..., dfs=list(...)) {
ns <- unique(unlist(sapply(dfs, names))), lapply(dfs, function(x) {
for(n in ns[! ns %in% names(x)]) {x[[n]] <- NA}; x }))
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