#' Add sample source information for meta-analysis.
#' User selects a tissue source for each contrast and indicates any sources that
#' should be paired. This step is required if you would like to perform source-specific
#' effect-size/pathway meta-analyses.
#' The \strong{Sources} tab is used to add a source for each contrast. To do so: click the
#' relevant contrast rows, search for a source in the \emph{Sample source} dropdown box,
#' and then click the \emph{Add} button.
#' The \strong{Pairs} tab is used to indicate sources that should be paired
#' (treated as the same source for subsequent effect-size and pathway meta-analyses). To do
#' so: select at least two sources from the \emph{Paired sources} dropdown box,
#' and then click the \emph{Add} button.
#' For each GSE, analysis results with added sources/pairs are saved in the corresponding GSE
#' folder (in \code{data_dir}) that was created by \code{\link{get_raw}}.
#' @import shiny miniUI
#' @param diff_exprs Previous result of \code{\link{diff_expr}}, which can
#' be reloaded using \code{\link{load_diff}}.
#' @param data_dir String specifying directory of GSE folders.
#' @return Same as \code{\link{diff_expr}} with added slots for each GSE in \code{diff_exprs}:
#' \item{sources}{Named vector specifying selected sample source for each contrast.
#' Vector names identify the contrast.}
#' \item{pairs}{List of character vectors indicating tissue sources that should be
#' treated as the same source for subsequent effect-size and pathway meta-analyses.}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(lydata)
#' # load result of previous call to diff_expr:
#' data_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "lydata")
#' gse_names <- c("GSE9601", "GSE34817")
#' anals <- load_diff(gse_names, data_dir)
#' # run shiny GUI to add tissue sources
#' # anals <- add_sources(anals, data_dir)
add_sources <- function(diff_exprs, data_dir = getwd(), postfix = NULL) {
# get source info for each contrast
srclist <- list('GSE' = character(0),
'Contrast' = character(0),
'Supplied' = character(0),
'Source' = character(0))
# pairs info
added_prs <- lapply(diff_exprs, function(anal) anal$pairs)
added_prs <- unique(unlist(added_prs, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE))
# setup inital source list
for (i in seq_along(diff_exprs)) {
gse_name <- names(diff_exprs[i])
supld_src <- c()
anal <- diff_exprs[[i]]
pdata <- anal$pdata
# get contrast names
contrasts <- colnames(anal$ebayes_sv$contrasts)
# find tissue/cell type column
samplecol <- as.character(t(pdata[1, ]))
is_src <- grepl("tissue:|cell type:", samplecol)
# user added sources
added_src <- unname(anal$source)
if (is.null(added_src))
added_src <- rep(NA, length(contrasts))
# get submitter supplied sources
# if available and not Illumina (can only guarantee pdata$title)
if (sum(is_src) == 1 & !'illum' %in% colnames(pdata)) {
for (con in contrasts) {
# contrast levels
groups <- c(gsub('^.+?-', '', con),
gsub('-.+?$', '', con))
# supplied sources
con_src <- unique(as.character(pdata[pdata$group %in% groups, is_src]))
con_src <- gsub("tissue: |cell type: ", "", con_src)
con_src <- paste(con_src, collapse = ', ')
supld_src <- c(supld_src, con_src)
} else {
supld_src <- rep("N/A", length(contrasts))
# add info to srclist
srclist$GSE <- c(srclist$GSE, rep(gse_name, length(contrasts)))
srclist$Contrast <- c(srclist$Contrast, contrasts)
srclist$Supplied <- c(srclist$Supplied, supld_src)
srclist$Source <- c(srclist$Source, added_src)
# get sources/pairs info from user
srcdf <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
selres <- select_sources(srcdf, added_prs)
srcdf <- selres$srcdf
added_prs <- selres$added_prs
# add to diff_exprs
for (i in seq_along(diff_exprs)) {
# get sources
gse_name <- names(diff_exprs[i])
gse_rows <- srcdf$GSE == gse_name
anal_srcs <- srcdf$Source[gse_rows]
names(anal_srcs) <- paste(gse_name, srcdf$Contrast[gse_rows], sep='_')
# check if sources have any paired
have_prd <- sapply(added_prs, function(pairs) any(anal_srcs %in% pairs))
# add info to diff_exprs
diff_exprs[[i]]$sources <- anal_srcs
diff_exprs[[i]]$pairs <- added_prs[have_prd]
# save diff_exprs
gse_folder <- strsplit(gse_name, "\\.")[[1]][1] # name can be "GSE.GPL"
gse_dir <- file.path(data_dir, gse_folder)
save_name <- paste(gse_name, "diff_expr", tolower(diff_exprs[[i]]$annot), sep = "_")
if (!is.null(postfix)) save_name <- paste(save_name, postfix, sep = "_")
save_name <- paste0(save_name, ".rds")
saveRDS(diff_exprs[[i]], file.path(gse_dir, save_name))
# Shiny GUI used by add_sources
# @param srcdf
# @param added_prs
# @return
# @examples
select_sources <- function(srcdf, added_prs) {
# ------------------- Setup
# setup
added_src <- setdiff(srcdf$Source, NA)
prsht <- paste0(nrow(srcdf) * 21.32, 'px')
srcht <- paste0(nrow(srcdf) * 42.63, 'px')
if (is.null(added_prs)) {
prsdf <- data.frame(Pairs = character(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
prsvec <- sapply(added_prs, paste, collapse = ', ')
prsdf <- data.frame(Pairs = prsvec, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# link for GSE
orig_names <- srcdf$GSE
gse_names <- sapply(strsplit(srcdf$GSE, ".", fixed = TRUE), `[`, 1)
srcdf$GSE <- paste0('<a href="',
gse_names, '">', gse_names, '</a>')
# ------------------- user interface
ui <- miniPage(
# title bar
gadgetTitleBar("Select Sources"),
miniTabPanel("Sources", icon = icon("table"),
fillCol(flex = NA,
fillRow(flex = c(NA, .025, NA, NA),
label = "Sample source:",
width = "300px"
tags$style(type='text/css', ".selectize-dropdown-content {max-height: 500px; }")
DT::dataTableOutput("srcdf", height = "100%")
actionButton("add_source", "Add"),
actionButton("del_source", "Delete")
miniTabPanel("Pairs", icon = icon("list-ol"),
fillCol(flex = NA,
fillRow(flex = c(NA, .025, NA, NA),
label = "Paired sources:",
multiple = TRUE,
choices = added_src,
width = "300px"
DT::dataTableOutput("prsdf", height = prsht)
actionButton("add_pair", "Add"),
actionButton("del_pair", "Delete")
# ------------------------- server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$prsdf <- DT::renderDataTable({
# rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollY = FALSE,
paging = FALSE,
searching = FALSE,
bInfo = 0
# show source data
output$srcdf <- DT::renderDataTable({
# rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollY = FALSE,
paging = FALSE,
bInfo = 0
escape = FALSE # need for HTML links
src_proxy = DT::dataTableProxy('srcdf')
prs_proxy = DT::dataTableProxy('prsdf')
# clicked 'Add Source'
observeEvent(input$add_source, {
rows <- input$srcdf_rows_selected
nrow <- length(row)
src <- input$source
if (is.null(rows) & src != "") {
message('Select contrast(s) to add source.')
} else if (!is.null(rows) & src == "") {
message('Select a sample source.')
} else if (!is.null(rows) & src != "") {
srcdf[rows, 'Source'] <<- input$source
DT::replaceData(src_proxy, srcdf, resetPaging = FALSE)
# update added sources
added_src <<- setdiff(srcdf$Source, NA)
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'paired', choices = added_src)
updateTextInput(session, 'source', value = "")
# clicked 'Delete Source'
observeEvent(input$del_source, {
rows <- input$srcdf_rows_selected
if (length(row) == 0) {
message('Select contrast(s) to delete source.')
} else {
srcdf[rows, 'Source'] <<- NA
DT::replaceData(src_proxy, srcdf, resetPaging = FALSE)
# update added sources
added_src <<- setdiff(srcdf$Source, NA)
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'paired', choices = added_src)
# clicked 'Add Pair'
observeEvent(input$add_pair, {
prd <- input$paired
if (length(prd) < 2) {
message('Select two or more sources to pair.')
} else {
# first pairing
if (length(added_prs) == 0) {
added_prs[[length(added_prs)+1]] <<- prd
} else {
# determine if previously paired contain just paired sources
have_prd <- sapply(added_prs, function(added_pr) any(prd %in% added_pr))
# merge if any
if (any(have_prd)) {
mrg_prd <- unique(c(prd, unlist(added_prs[have_prd])))
added_prs[have_prd] <<- NULL
added_prs[[length(added_prs)+1]] <<- mrg_prd
} else {
# add new otherwise
added_prs[[length(added_prs)+1]] <<- prd
# update pairs data.frame
prsvec <- sapply(added_prs, paste, collapse = ', ')
prsdf <<- data.frame(Pairs = prsvec, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
DT::replaceData(prs_proxy, prsdf)
# unselect paired
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'paired', selected = "")
# clicked 'Delete Pair'
observeEvent(input$del_pair, {
rows <- input$prsdf_rows_selected
if (length(rows) == 0) {
message('Select row(s) to delete pairs.')
} else {
added_prs[[rows]] <<- NULL
# update pairs data.frame
if (length(added_prs) == 0) {
prsdf <<- data.frame(Pairs = character(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
prsvec <- sapply(added_prs, paste, collapse = ', ')
prsdf <<- data.frame(Pairs = prsvec, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
DT::replaceData(prs_proxy, prsdf, resetPaging = FALSE)
# clicked 'Done'
observeEvent(input$done, {
if (anyNA(srcdf$Source)) {
message("Contrast(s) without source.")
} else {
srcdf$GSE <- orig_names
stopApp(list(srcdf = srcdf, added_prs = added_prs))
runGadget(shinyApp(ui, server), viewer = paneViewer())
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