## cellHTSlist verification, stop if the verification fails, else return the list
## FIXME: the 'cellHTSlist' argument is deprecated, however it is still referenced
## in many of the error messages. Needs to be fixed once 'cellHTSlist' is
## gone for good.
cellHTSlistVerification <- function(xr, xn, xsc, cellHTSlist)
## The cellHTSlist argument is deprecated in favour of the new
## separate arguments 'raw', 'normalized' and 'scored'
cellHTSlist <- list()
if(!is(xr, "cellHTS"))
stop("Argument 'raw' has to be a cellHTS object.")
cellHTSlist$raw <- xr
if(!is(xn, "cellHTS"))
stop("Argument 'normalized' has to be a cellHTS object or NULL.")
cellHTSlist$normalized <- xn
if(!is(xsc, "cellHTS"))
stop("Argument 'scored' has to be a cellHTS object or NULL.")
cellHTSlist$scored <- xsc
.Deprecated(msg=paste("The 'cellHTSlist' argument is deprecated.\nPlease provide all",
"necessary cellHTS objects separately via the 'raw', 'normalized' and",
"'scored' arguments`"))
xr <- cellHTSlist[["raw"]]
xn <- cellHTSlist[["normalized"]]
xsc <- cellHTSlist[["scored"]]
## cellHTSlist verifications
allowedListNames <- c("raw", "normalized", "scored")
stop("Argument 'cellHTSlist' should be a list containing one or a maximum of ",
"3 'cellHTS' objects.")
if(!all(sapply(cellHTSlist, is, "cellHTS")))
stop("Argument 'cellHTSlist' should be a list of cellHTS objects!")
nm <- names(cellHTSlist)
if(!("raw" %in% nm))
stop("Argument 'cellHTSlist' should be a list containing at least ",
"one component named 'raw' that corresponds to a 'cellHTS' object ",
"containing unnormalized data.")
if(length(cellHTSlist)>3 | any(duplicated(nm)))
stop("Argument 'cellHTSlist' can only have a maximum of 3 components named ",
"'raw', 'normalized' and 'scored'!")
if(!all(nm %in% allowedListNames))
stop(sprintf("Invalid named component%s in argument 'cellHTSlist': %s",
ifelse(sum(!(nm %in% allowedListNames))>1, "s", ""),
nm[!(nm %in% allowedListNames)]))
## now check whether the given components of 'cellHTSlist' are valid cellHTS objects:
if(any(state(xr)[c("scored", "normalized")]))
stop(sprintf(paste("The component 'raw' of argument 'cellHTSlist' should be a",
"'cellHTS' object containing unnormalized data!\nPlease check",
"its preprocessing state: %s"), paste(names(state(xr)), "=",
state(xr), collapse=", ")))
if(!(state(xn)[["normalized"]] & !state(xn)[["scored"]]))
stop(sprintf(paste("The component 'normalized' of 'cellHTSlist' should be a",
"'cellHTS' object containing normalized data!\nPlease check",
"its preprocessing state: %s"), paste(names(state(xn)), "=",
state(xn), collapse=", ")))
if(!compare2cellHTS(xr, xn))
stop("'cellHTS' objects contained in cellHTSlist[['raw']] and ",
"cellHTSlist[['normalized']] are not from the same experiment!")
stop(sprintf(paste("The component 'scored' of 'cellHTSlist' should be a",
"'cellHTS' object containing scored data!\nPlease check",
"its preprocessing state: %s"),
paste(names(state(xsc)), "=", state(xsc), collapse=", ")))
if(!compare2cellHTS(xr, xsc))
stop("Difference across 'cellHTS' objects! The scored 'cellHTS' object given ",
"in cellHTSlist[['scored']] was not calculated from the data stored in ",
"the 'cellHTS' object in 'cellHTSlist[['raw']]'!")
stop("Please add to 'cellHTSlist' list a component named 'normalized' ",
"corresponding to a cellHTS object containing the normalized data!")
## plotPlateArgs verification
plotPlateArgsVerification <- function(plotPlateArgs, map)
plotPlateArgs <- FALSE
warning("The plotPlateArgs argument is deprecated. Please use the settings ",
"infrastructure as explained in '?setSettings'.", call.=FALSE)
chtsSetSetting(list(plateList=list(reproducibility=list(include=TRUE, map=map),
intensities=list(include=TRUE, map=map),
average=list(include=TRUE, map=map))))
stop("'plotPlateArgs' must either be logical or a list.")
if(!all(names(plotPlateArgs) %in% c("sdcol", "sdrange", "xcol", "xrange", "map")))
stop("Only elements 'sdcol', 'sdrange', 'xcolx' and 'xrange' are allowed for ",
"'plotPlateArgs' list!")
plotPlateArgs$map <- map
intensities=c(list(include=TRUE, plotPlateArgs)),
average=c(list(include=TRUE, plotPlateArgs)))))
## imageScreenArgs verification
imageScreenArgsVerification <- function(imageScreenArgs, map, ar=1)
if(!all(names(imageScreenArgs) %in% c("ar", "zrange", "map","anno")))
stop("Only elements 'ar', 'zrange', 'map' and 'anno'are allowed for ",
"'imageScreenArgs' list!")
if(!("map" %in% names(imageScreenArgs)))
imageScreenArgs$map <- map
if(!("ar" %in% names(imageScreenArgs)))
imageScreenArgs$aspect <- ar
imageScreenArgs$aspect <- imageScreenArgs$ar
imageScreenArgs$ar <- NULL
warning("The imageScreenArgs argument is deprecated. Please use the settings ",
"infrastructure as explained in '?setSettings'.", call.=FALSE)
stop("'imageScreenArgs' must either be a list or NULL.")
## create Output folder after ensuring that there will not be accidental file deletion
createOutputFolder <- function(outdir, xr, force)
## See if output directory exists. If not, create. If yes, check if it is empty,
## and if not, depending on parameter 'force', throw an error or clean it up.
stop("To prevent accidental deletion of files, please specify 'outdir' ",
"explicitely if you want to use the 'force=TRUE' option.")
outdir <- file.path(getwd(), name(xr))
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a directory.", outdir))
outdirContents <- dir(outdir, all.files=TRUE)
outdirContents <- setdiff(outdirContents, c(".", ".."))
if(!force && length(outdirContents)>0)
stop(sprintf("'%s' is not empty.", outdir))
dir.create(outdir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
## create "in" and "html" folder
dir.create(file.path(outdir, "in"), showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create(file.path(outdir, "html"), showWarnings=FALSE)
## This function produces the HTML report from the cellHTS object(s) in the output folder.
## The entry point to the report is the file "index.html" and should be viewed with a web
## browser
## NOTE: 'writeReport' can be called on different cellHTS objects at different preprocessing
## stages, and the output will differ
## Arguments:
## cellHTSlist: should be a list of cellHTS object(s) obtained for the same experimental
## data. Allowed components are:
## 'raw' - (mandatory) cellHTS object containing raw experiment data.
## 'normalized' (mandatory only if component 'scored' is given)- cellHTS object
## containing normalized data.
## 'scored' - cellHTS object comprising scored data.
## NOTE: the argument is deprecated, the list items should now be supplied
## via separate arguments of the same names
## e.g. writeReport(raw=xr, normalized=xn, scored=xsc)
## Steps inside writeReport:
## Step 1 - creating the output directory
## Step 2 - Controls annotation (only if overallState["configured"]=TRUE)
## Step 3 - QC per plate & channel (only if overallState(x)["configured"]=TRUE)
## Step 4 - Add plate result files, main script, and write the overall QC results
## in the 'in' folder of the report'
## Step 5 - Per experiment QC
## Step 6 - topTable (only if scored data are available)
## Step 7 - Screen-wide image plot (only if scored data are available)
writeReport <- function(raw, normalized=NULL, scored=NULL, cellHTSlist=NULL, outdir,
force=FALSE, map=FALSE, plotPlateArgs=NULL, imageScreenArgs=NULL,
posControls, negControls, mainScriptFile=NA, gseaModule=NULL,
## Verification of the arguments
## We are very particular about the values in cellHTSlist
cellHTSlist <- cellHTSlistVerification(xr=raw, xn=normalized, xsc=scored,
if (!is.logical(map))
stop("'map' must be a logical value.")
## Deal with settings
oldSettings <- chtsGetSetting()
on.exit(chtsSettings[["report"]] <- oldSettings)
## Initialization
nm <- names(cellHTSlist)
xr <- cellHTSlist[["raw"]]
xn <- cellHTSlist[["normalized"]]
xsc <- cellHTSlist[["scored"]]
xraw <- Data(xr) ## xraw should always be given!
xnorm <- if(is.null(xn)) xn else Data(xn)
## dimensions
d <- as.integer(dim(xraw))
nrWell <- prod(pdim(xr))
nrPlate <- max(plate(xr))
nrReplicate <- as.numeric(d[2])
## will be defined based on xnorm, if it exists
nrChannel <- if(!is.null(xnorm)) as.integer(dim(xnorm)[3]) else d[3]
objState <- sapply(cellHTSlist, function(i) if(!is.null(i)) state(i))
overallState <- apply(objState, 1, any)
if(overallState["configured"] && ! state(xr)["configured"])
stop("All cellHTS2 object must be configured, object '", deparse(substitute(raw)),
"' is not.")
whAnnotated <- colnames(objState)[objState["annotated",]]
## get appropriate data
dat <- xnorm
dat <- xraw
whatDat <- "unnormalized"
## initializations
twoWay <- FALSE
wAnno <- as.character(wellAnno(xr))
## The overview table of the plate result files in the experiment,
## plus the (possible) urls for each table cell
## We want the columns in a particular order
exptab <- plateList(xr)
mt <- match(c("Plate", "Replicate", "Channel", "Filename"), colnames(exptab))
exptab <- cbind(exptab[,mt], exptab[,-mt, drop=FALSE])
url <- matrix(as.character(NA), nrow=nrow(exptab), ncol=ncol(exptab))
colnames(url) <- colnames(exptab)
qmHaveBeenAdded <- FALSE
## FIXME: This should go away after the next release since all settings
## are handled by the chtsSettings infrastructure.
plotPlateArgsVerification(plotPlateArgs, map)
imageScreenArgsVerification(imageScreenArgs, map, ar=pdim(xr)[1]/pdim(xr)[2])
## Set up the progress report and status output
progress <- createProgressList(nrReplicate, nrChannel, nrPlate, plotPlateArgs,
xr, overallState)
dname <- if(length(cellHTSlist)>1) paste(paste(nm[-length(cellHTSlist)],
collapse=", "), "and",
nm[length(cellHTSlist)], collapse=" ") else nm
cat(sprintf("cellHTS2 is busy creating HTML pages for '%s'. \nFound %s data.\nState:\n%s\n",
name(xr), dname, paste(paste("configured", overallState[["configured"]],
paste("annotated", overallState[["annotated"]],
sep="="), sep=", ")))
progress <- myUpdateProgress(progress, "step0")
## Step 1 : Creating the output directory and write the screen description if present
outdir <- createOutputFolder(outdir, xr, force)
nm <- file.path("in", "Description.txt")
writeLines(screenDesc(xr), file.path(outdir, nm))
progress <- myUpdateProgress(progress, "step1")
## Step 2 : Controls annotation
## check, determine assay type and name of positive controls if assay is one-way
if (!missing(posControls))
namePos <- checkPosControls(posControls, nrChannel, wAnno, plateConf(xr)$Content)
twoWay <- namePos$twoWay
namePos <- namePos$namePos
## this assumes the screen is a one-way assay
posControls <- as.vector(rep("^pos$", nrChannel))
namePos <- "pos"
if (!missing(negControls))
checkControls(y=negControls, len=nrChannel, name="negControls")
negControls <- as.vector(rep("^neg$", nrChannel))
## Define the bins for the histograms (channel-dependent)
brks <- apply(if(overallState["normalized"]) xnorm else xraw, 3, range, na.rm=TRUE,
brks <- apply(brks, 2, function(s) pretty(s, n=ceiling(nrWell/10)))
## Coerce to list also for the case ch=1 or for the case when brks have equal length
## for each channel
brks <- split(brks, col(brks))
## Correct wellAnno information:
## by taking into account the wells that were flagged in the screen log file,
## or even by the user manually in xraw. Besides the categories in wellAnno(x), it
## contains the category "flagged".
xrawWellAnno <- getArrayCorrectWellAnno(xr)
## coerce to array with dimensions nrWells x nrPlates x nrReplicates x nrChannels
## don't use variable 'nrChannel' because it may be different when defined based
## on xnorm data!
xrawWellAnno <- array(xrawWellAnno, dim=c("Wells"=nrWell, "Plates"=nrPlate,
nrReplicate, dim(xrawWellAnno)[3]))
## Create geneAnnotation info for the image maps:
geneAnnotation <- if(overallState["annotated"])
## follow the order 'scored' - 'normalized' - 'raw'
for(i in c("scored", "normalized", "raw")) {
if(i %in% whAnnotated) {
screenAnno <- fData(cellHTSlist[[i]])
if ("GeneSymbol" %in% names(screenAnno)) screenAnno$GeneSymbol else
## which of the replicate plates has not just NA values
datPerPlate <- array(dat, dim=c("Wells"=nrWell, "Plates"=nrPlate, nrReplicate,
## nrPlates x nrReplicates x nrChannels
hasData <- apply(datPerPlate, 2:4, function(z) !all(
## Get controls positions (for all plates)
allControls <- getControlsPositions(posControls, negControls, twoWay, namePos,
nrChannel, wAnno)
actCtrls <- allControls$actCtrls
inhCtrls <- allControls$inhCtrls
posCtrls <- allControls$posCtrls
negCtrls <- allControls$negCtrls
## get controls positions for each plate
act <- lapply(actCtrls, function(i) if(is.null(i)) NULL else ctrlsPerPlate(i, nrWell))
inh <- lapply(inhCtrls, function(i) if(is.null(i)) NULL else ctrlsPerPlate(i, nrWell))
neg <- lapply(negCtrls, function(i) if(is.null(i)) NULL else ctrlsPerPlate(i, nrWell))
pos <- vector("list", length=nrChannel)
for (ch in 1:nrChannel)
notNull <- !sapply(posCtrls[[ch]], is.null)
pp <- posCtrls[[ch]][notNull]
pos[[ch]] <- lapply(pp, ctrlsPerPlate, nrWell)
## Get per-plate dynamic range, per-plate repeatability standard deviation
## (plate replicates), Z'-factor for each replicate and channel (needed as input
## for QMexperiment later on)
dr <- getDynamicRange(xn, verbose=FALSE, posControls=posControls,
repMeasures <- getMeasureRepAgreement(xn, corr.method="spearman")
allZfac <- getZfactor(xn, verbose=FALSE, posControls=posControls,
{ ## use cellHTS object containing raw data
dr <- getDynamicRange(xr, verbose=FALSE, posControls=posControls,
repMeasures <- getMeasureRepAgreement(xr, corr.method="spearman")
allZfac <- getZfactor(xr, verbose=FALSE, posControls=posControls,
names(dr) <- namePos
## Define well colors and comment on them.
## (to avoid having the legend for 'pos' when we have 'inhibitors' and 'activators'
## or vice-versa)
wellTypeNames <- c("sample", "neg", "controls", "other", "empty", "flagged",
if(twoWay) c("act", "inh") else "pos")
#colPal <- brewer.pal(9, "Set1")
#wellTypeColor <- c("black", colPal[c(2:4, 5, 7)], if(twoWay) colPal[c(1,6)] else
# colPal[1])
#names(wellTypeColor) <- wellTypeNames
## Step 3 : QC per plate & channel
## writes a report for each Plate, and prepare argument for the writing of the table
## with overall CQ results
allmt <- match(wAnno, wellTypeNames)
for(p in 1:nrPlate)
wh <- with(plateList(xr), which(Plate==p & Status=="OK"))
if(length(wh)>0) {
dir.create(file.path(outdir, p), showWarnings=FALSE)
## QMbyPlate also writes the QC report for the current plate with making res
channelNames <- if(!is.null(xn)) channelNames(xn) else channelNames(xr)
res <- QMbyPlate(platedat=datPerPlate[, p,,, drop=FALSE],
name=sprintf("Plate %d <i><small>(%s)</small></i>", p, whatDat),
finalWellAnno=xrawWellAnno[,p,,, drop=FALSE],
activators=act, inhibitors=inh, positives=pos, negatives=neg,
isTwoWay=twoWay, namePos=namePos, wellTypeNames=wellTypeNames,
plateDynRange=lapply(dr, function(i) i[p,,,drop=FALSE]),
plateWithData=hasData[p,,, drop=FALSE],repMeasures=repMeasures)
url[wh, "Status"] <- res$url
TableNames <-
c(paste("Replicate dynamic range",
c("(Activators)", "(Inhibitors)"), sep=" "),
paste("Average dynamic range",
c("(Activators)", "(Inhibitors)"), sep=" "),
"Spearman rank correlation")
if(length(namePos)==1 && namePos=="pos")
c("Replicate dynamic range",
"Average dynamic range", "Repeatability standard deviation",
sprintf("Spearman rank correlation %s",
ifelse(nrReplicate==2, "", "(min - max)")))
c(sprintf("Replicate dynamic range (%s)", namePos),
sprintf("Average dynamic range (%s)", namePos),
"Repeatability standard deviation",
sprintf("Spearman rank correlation %s",
ifelse(nrReplicate==2, "", "(min - max)")))
url <- cbind(url, matrix(as.character(NA), nrow=nrow(url),
for(j in TableNames)
exptab[, j] <- rep("", nrow(exptab))
qmHaveBeenAdded <- TRUE
whh <- split(wh, exptab$Channel[wh])
for(ch in 1:length(res$qmsummary))
{ ## Channels
resCh <- res$qmsummary[[ch]]
whCh <- whh[[ch]]
selrep <- exptab$Replicate[whCh]
for (jj in 1:length(TableNames))
sel <- (unique((jj<3)*(selrep+nrReplicate*(jj-1))) +
(jj>2)*(nrReplicate*2 + jj-2))
exptab[whCh, TableNames[jj]] <- resCh[sel]
##"Replicate dynamic range (Activators)"
##"Replicate dynamic range (Inhibitors)"
##TableNames[3] "Average dynamic range (Activators)"
##TableNames[4] "Average dynamic range (Inhibitors)"
##TableNames[5] "Repeatability standard deviation"
##TableNames[6] "Spearman rank correlation"
{ ##oneway
for (jj in 1:(length(TableNames)-2))
## exclude "Repeatability standard deviation" and "Spearman rank
## correlation"
sel <- (unique((jj<(length(namePos)+1))*
(selrep + (nrReplicate+1)*(jj-1))) +
(jj>length(namePos))*(nrReplicate + 1)*(jj-length(namePos)))
exptab[whCh, TableNames[jj]] <- resCh[sel]
exptab[whCh, TableNames[length(TableNames)-1]] <- resCh[length(resCh)-1]
exptab[whCh, TableNames[length(TableNames)]] <- resCh[length(resCh)]
}## else twoWay
}## for channel
}## if length w
## update the progress bar each time a plate is completed. Once the computation
## has been done for every Plate, step 3 is completed
progress <- myUpdateProgress(progress, "step2",
}## for p plates
}## if configures
## We need these variables to pass down to the modules, where
## the conditional evaluation based on configuration status
## etc takes place
posControls <- negControls <- allControls <- allZfac <- NULL
## copying all necessary files into the html folder (css, javascripts, gifs)
cpfiles <- dir(system.file("templates", package="cellHTS2"),
htmldir <- file.path(outdir, "html")
cpfiles <- path.expand(cpfiles)
htmldir <- path.expand(htmldir)
## On some systems the path expansion in file.copy seems to be broken, hence we test here
if(length(grep("~", cpfiles)) || length(grep("~", htmldir)))
warning("Path expansion seems to be broken. Please provide fully qualified direcroty paths (i.e., avoiding '~')")
file.copy(from=cpfiles, to=htmldir, overwrite=TRUE)
## saving the glossary as a web page. createGlossary() returns a glossary with all
## the definitions
saveHtmlGlossary(parseGlossaryXML(), file.path(htmldir, 'glossary.html'))
## The 'Plate List' module: this is a matrix of quality metrics for the different
## plates and linked per plate quality reports. The workhorse function to produce
## the necessary HTML code is 'writeHtml.plateList'.
wh <- which(plateList(xr)$Status=="OK")
nm <- file.path("in", names(intensityFiles(xr)))
expOrder <- order(exptab[["Plate"]], exptab[["Channel"]], exptab[["Replicate"]])
url[wh, "Filename"] <- nm[wh]
plateList.module <- chtsModule(cellHTSlist, url=file.path(htmldir, "plateList.html"),
htmlFun=writeHtml.plateList, title="Plate List",
outdir=outdir, htmldir=htmldir,
tab <- writeHtml(plateList.module)
progress <- myUpdateProgress(progress, "step3")
## The 'Plate Configuration' module: this is an array of image plots indicating the
## plate layout (controls, samples, flagged wells). The workhorse function to produce
## the necessary HTML code is 'writeHtml.plateConf'.
plateConf.module <- chtsModule(cellHTSlist, url=file.path(htmldir, "plateConf.html"),
htmlFun=writeHtml.plateConf, title="Plate Configuration",
funArgs=list(nrPlate=nrPlate, posControls=posControls,
tab <- rbind(tab, writeHtml(plateConf.module))
progress <- myUpdateProgress(progress, "step4")
## The 'Plate Summaries' module: boxplots of raw and normalized
## data as well as controls plots. The workhorse function to
## produce the necessary HTML code is 'writeHtml.experimentQC'.
experimentQC.module <- chtsModule(cellHTSlist, url=file.path(htmldir, "experimentQC.html"),
htmlFun=writeHtml.experimentQC, title="Plate Summaries",
funArgs=list(allControls=allControls, allZfac=allZfac))
tab <- rbind(tab, writeHtml(experimentQC.module))
## The 'Screen Summary' module: an image plot of the results for the whole screen, possibly
## with an underlying HTML imageMap to allow for drill-down to the quality report page of
## the respective plates. The workhorse function to produce the necessary HTML code is
## 'writeHtml.screenSummary'.
screenSummary.module <- chtsModule(cellHTSlist, url=file.path(htmldir, "screenImage.html"),
htmlFun=writeHtml.screenSummary, title="Screen Summary",
tab <- rbind(tab, writeHtml(screenSummary.module))
progress <- myUpdateProgress(progress, "step5")
## The 'Screen Results module': a downloadable ASCII table of the screening results and
## a sortable HTML table. The workhorse function to produce the necessary HTML code is
## 'writeHtml.screenResults'.
screenResults.module <- chtsModule(cellHTSlist,
url=file.path(htmldir, "screenResults.html"),
htmlFun=writeHtml.screenResults, title="Screen Results",
funArgs=list(file=file.path(outdir, "in",
verbose=FALSE, overallState=overallState))
tab <- rbind(tab, writeHtml(screenResults.module))
progress <- myUpdateProgress(progress, "step6")
## The 'Screen Description module': currently an ASCII file of the
## screen description. FIXME: Later this is supposed to be
## formatted HTML output. The workhorse function to produce the
## necessary HTML code is 'writeHtml.screenDescription'.
screenDescription.module <- chtsModule(cellHTSlist, url=file.path(htmldir,
title="Screen Description",
outFile=file.path(outdir, "in", "Description.txt")))
tab <- rbind(tab, writeHtml(screenDescription.module, con=))
## The 'Screen Script module': The commands that generated this
## report. The workhorse function to produce the necessary HTML
## code is 'writeHtml.screenScript'.
screenScript.module <- chtsModule(cellHTSlist, url=file.path(htmldir, "screenScript.html"),
htmlFun=writeHtml.screenScript, title="Analysis Script",
outputFile=file.path(outdir, "in", "mainScript.R")))
tab <- rbind(tab, writeHtml(screenScript.module))
## The 'GSEA module': A basic gene set enrichment analysis. The
## workhorse function to produce the necessary HTML code is
## 'writeHtml.gseaModule'.
gsea.module <- chtsModule(cellHTSlist, url=file.path(htmldir, "gseaModule.html"),
htmlFun=writeHtml.gseaModule, title="GSEA",
funArgs=list(gmod=gseaModule, outdir=outdir))
tab <- rbind(tab, writeHtml(gsea.module))
## Create the main navgation page from the tab data.frame. This
## includes the basic screen information as well as the tabs to
## navigate to the different modules.
indexFile <- file.path(outdir, "index.html")
con <- file(indexFile, open="w")
on.exit(close(con), add=TRUE)
writeHtml.mainpage(title=name(xr), tabs=tab, con=con)
progress <- myUpdateProgress(progress, "step7")
## finally, return indexFile
cat(sprintf("\rReport was successfully generated in folder %s\n", indexFile))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.