## (C) Ligia P. Bras 2006
## 'object' is a 'cellHTS' object
## 'ar' is the aspect ratio for the image plot (i.e. number columns
## divided by the number of rows)
## 'zrange' is the range of values to be mapped into the color scale.
## If the argument "zrange" is missing, it will be set to zrange=range(scores(object), na.rm=TRUE)
## tool tips added with the help of Florian Hahne (August 2006)
## this function is used for the imageScreen function and in the writeMainIndexHtml function
getNrPlateColRow <- function(ar, object)
nrPlates <- max(plate(object))
nrCol <- ceiling(sqrt(ar*nrPlates))
nrRow <- ceiling(nrPlates/nrCol)
imageScreen <- function (object, ar=3/5, zrange=NULL, map=FALSE, anno=NULL,
col=list(posNeg=rev(brewer.pal(11, "RdBu"))[c(1:5, rep(6,3), 7:11)],
pos=brewer.pal(9, "Greys")), nbImageBins=256, nbLegendBins=7)
stop("Please score 'object' (using the function 'summarizeReplicates').")
## Determine the number of columns and rows for the image plot,
## given the aspect ratio 'ar' provided by the user
sc.true <- sc <- as.vector(Data(object))
nrPlates <- getNrPlateColRow(ar, object)$nrPlates
nrRow <- getNrPlateColRow(ar, object)$nrRow
nrCol <- getNrPlateColRow(ar, object)$nrCol
nrWells <- prod(pdim(object))
pos <- 1:nrWells
pRow <- pdim(object)[1]
pCol <- pdim(object)[2]
## Get the y coordinate for the image plot (the center is in the upper-left corner of the plate)
ypos <- (pRow+1) - (1+(1:nrWells-1)%/% pCol)
## Create big matrices for the image plot (plates will be added horizontally)
Nrow <- nrRow*(pRow+1)-1
Ncol <- nrCol*(pCol+1)-1
mat.true <- mat <- matan <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), ncol=Ncol, nrow=Nrow)
## Check if zrange was given as an argument
## set default values
zrange <- range(sc.true[is.finite(sc.true)], na.rm=TRUE)
if (!is.null(anno))
if(length(anno)!=length(sc.true) & map)
stop("Argument 'anno' is not valid! It should be a vector with the same ",
"length as the total number of features 'dim(object)[1]'.")
{## if !missing anno
anno <- if ("GeneSymbol" %in% names(fData(object)))
fData(object)$GeneSymbol else geneAnno(object)
else{##else if annotated
anno <- position(object)
}##else annotated
}## else !missing anno
anno <- paste(anno, " (plate ", rep(1:nrPlates, each=nrWells), ", well ",
well(object), ")", sep="")
## replace NA by zero (because it will be neutral for the current analysis)
sc[] <- 0
## Cap the values outside the dynamic range defined by the user (zrange):
sc[sc<zrange[1]] <- zrange[1]
sc[sc>zrange[2]] <- zrange[2]
if (prod(zrange)<0)
## map the z-values to interval [0,1], with 0.5 corresponding to z=0
scunit <- (sc/max(abs(zrange)) + 1) / 2
reverseMap <- function(x) { (x*2-1)*max(abs(zrange)) }
## give a little more room to white
colrs <- colorRampPalette(col[["posNeg"]])(nbImageBins)
## map the z-values to interval [0,1], with 0 corresponding to minimum
## and 1 to maximum of the range
scunit <- (sc-zrange[1])/diff(zrange)
reverseMap <- function(x) { x*diff(zrange)+zrange[1] }
colrs <- colorRampPalette(col[["pos"]])(nbImageBins)
## fill the matrices and leave spacers to separate the plates
for(r in 1:nrRow)
onerow.true <- onerow <- onerowan <- matrix(NA, nrow=pRow, ncol=pCol*nrCol+nrCol-1)
for(c in 1:nrCol)
p <- nrCol * (r-1) + c
if(p <= nrPlates){
xsc <- scunit[nrWells * (p-1) + c(1:nrWells)]
xan <- anno[nrWells * (p-1) + c(1:nrWells)]
xsc.true <- sc.true[nrWells * (p-1) + c(1:nrWells)]
xsc <- xan <- xsc.true <- rep(NA, nrWells)
xsc.true <- matrix(xsc.true[order(ypos)], nrow = pRow, ncol=pCol, byrow=TRUE)
xsc <- matrix(xsc[order(ypos)], nrow = pRow, ncol=pCol, byrow=TRUE)
xan <- matrix(xan[order(ypos)], nrow = pRow, ncol=pCol, byrow=TRUE)
sel <- pCol * (c-1) + c(1:pCol) + (c-1) * (c>1)
onerow[,sel] <- xsc
onerowan[,sel] <- xan
onerow.true[,sel] <- xsc.true
sel2 <- (Nrow+1-r*pRow-(r-1)*(r>1)):(Nrow-pRow*(r-1)-(r-1)*(r>1))
mat[sel2,] <- onerow
matan[sel2, ] <- onerowan
mat.true[sel2,] <- onerow.true
## Include the color scale bar
## Just to make sure that we will have enough columns for the color bar
extraRows <- max(10, ceiling(0.15*Nrow))
newmat.true <- newmat <- newmatan <- matrix(NA, nrow =Nrow+extraRows, ncol = Ncol)
## add the color scale bar (size depends on the plate size and number)
if (nbLegendBins>Ncol) nbLegendBins = Ncol
xbar <- seq(0, 1, length=nbLegendBins)
xval <- round(reverseMap(xbar), 1)
nColBar <- 1 + (Ncol>25) + (Ncol>100)
nRowBar <- 1 + (Nrow>50) + (Nrow>100) + (Nrow>150)
yBar.start <- ifelse(extraRows==10, 0.4 * extraRows, 0.6 * extraRows)
newmat[yBar.start + (1:nRowBar), 1:(length(xbar)*nColBar)] <-
matrix(data=rep(xbar, each = nColBar,
times=nRowBar), nrow = nRowBar, ncol=length(xbar)*nColBar, byrow=TRUE)
newmat[extraRows + (1:Nrow),] <- mat
newmat <- cbind(NA, newmat, NA) # add extra empty columns and rows at the edges
newmat <- rbind(NA, newmat, NA)
if (map) {
newmatan[extraRows + (1:Nrow),] <- matan
newmat.true[extraRows + (1:Nrow),] <- mat.true
newmatan <- cbind(NA, newmatan, NA)
newmatan <- rbind(NA, newmatan, NA)
newmat.true <- cbind(NA, newmat.true, NA)
newmat.true <- rbind(NA, newmat.true, NA)
nc <- Ncol+2
nr <- Nrow+extraRows+2
image(1:nc, 1:nr, z=t(newmat), zlim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE, col=colrs, add = FALSE,
ylab="", xlab="")
text(seq(0.5*nColBar+1.5, length(xbar)*nColBar+1, by=nColBar),
y=ifelse(extraRows==10, 3, 0.25*extraRows),
offset=0, cex = 1, srt=90, labels=c(paste(c("< ", rep("", length(xval)-2), ">"),
xval, sep="")))
xlim <- c(0, nc)
ylim <- c(0, nr)
dx <- 1
fw <- diff(xlim)
fh <- diff(ylim)
w <- h <- 7*72
u2px <- function(x) (x - xlim[1])/fw * w
u2py <- function(y) (y - ylim[1])/fh * h
x0 <- (1:(prod(nc,nr))-1) %% nc
y0 <- (1:(prod(nc,nr))-1) %/% nc
x1 <- x0+dx
y1 <- y0+dx
## newmat[(yBar.start + (1:nRowBar))+1, (1:(length(xbar)*nColBar))+1] <- NA
rowSpacer <- which(rowSums([nr:1,]))==nc)
colSpacer <- which(rowSums(t([nr:1,])))==nr)
nnc <- nc-length(colSpacer)
nnr <- nr-length(rowSpacer)
iplate <- rep((0:(nnc-1))%/%pCol+1, nnr) + rep(seq(0, nrPlates-1, by=nrCol),
each=prod(pRow, pCol, nrCol))
tit <- paste(as.vector(t(newmatan[nr:1,])),
sprintf(": score=%g", signif(as.vector(t(newmat.true[nr:1,])),3)), sep="")
imap <- matrix(c(u2px(x0), u2py(y0), u2px(x1), u2py(y1)), ncol=4, nrow=length(x0),
## NArows = (rep(rowSpacer, each=nc)-1)*nc + rep(1:nc, length(rowSpacer))
## NAcols = nc*(0:(nr-1)) + rep(colSpacer, each=nr)
## imap <- imap[-unique(c(NArows, NAcols)), ]
## remove spacers
Spacers <- array(TRUE, dim=dim(newmat))
Spacers[rowSpacer,] <- FALSE
Spacers[,colSpacer] <- FALSE
Spacers <- as.vector(t(Spacers))
##empty <- regexpr("NA: score=NA", imap[,5])>0
isEmpty <- which(iplate>nrPlates)
if (length(isEmpty))
imap <- imap[Spacers,][-isEmpty,]
tit <- tit[Spacers][-isEmpty]
iplate <- iplate[-isEmpty]
imap <- imap[Spacers,]
tit <- tit[Spacers]
imap[] <- as.integer(imap)
return(list(obj=imap, tag=list(title=tit, href=paste(iplate, "index.html", sep="/"))))
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