#' Mutual nearest neighbors correction
#' Correct for batch effects in single-cell expression data using the mutual nearest neighbors method.
#' @param sigma A numeric scalar specifying the bandwidth of the Gaussian smoothing kernel used to compute the correction vector for each cell.
#' @param A logical scalar indicating whether cosine normalization should be performed on the input data prior to calculating distances between cells.
#' @param cos.norm.out A logical scalar indicating whether cosine normalization should be performed prior to computing corrected expression values.
#' @param svd.dim An integer scalar specifying the number of dimensions to use for summarizing biological substructure within each batch.
#' @param var.adj A logical scalar indicating whether variance adjustment should be performed on the correction vectors.
#' @param correct.all A logical scalar specifying whether correction should be applied to all genes, even if only a subset is used for the MNN calculations.
#' @inheritParams fastMNN
#' @return
#' A \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object containing the \code{corrected} assay.
#' This contains corrected expression values for each gene (row) in each cell (column) in each batch.
#' A \code{batch} field is present in the column data, specifying the batch of origin for each cell.
#' Cells in the output object are always ordered in the same manner as supplied in \code{...}.
#' For a single input object, cells will be reported in the same order as they are arranged in that object.
#' In cases with multiple input objects, the cell identities are simply concatenated from successive objects,
#' i.e., all cells from the first object (in their provided order), then all cells from the second object, and so on.
#' The metadata of the SingleCellExperiment contains \code{}, a DataFrame where each row corresponds to a merge step.
#' See \dQuote{Merge diagnostics} for more information.
#' @details
#' This function is designed for batch correction of single-cell RNA-seq data where the batches are partially confounded with biological conditions of interest.
#' It does so by identifying pairs of mutual nearest neighbors (MNN) in the high-dimensional log-expression space.
#' Each MNN pair represents cells in different batches that are of the same cell type/state, assuming that batch effects are mostly orthogonal to the biological manifold.
#' Correction vectors are calculated from the pairs of MNNs and corrected (log-)expression values are returned for use in clustering and dimensionality reduction.
#' For each MNN pair, a pairwise correction vector is computed based on the difference in the log-expression profiles.
#' The correction vector for each cell is computed by applying a Gaussian smoothing kernel with bandwidth \code{sigma} is the pairwise vectors.
#' This stabilizes the vectors across many MNN pairs and extends the correction to those cells that do not have MNNs.
#' The choice of \code{sigma} determines the extent of smoothing - a value of 0.1 is used by default, corresponding to 10\% of the radius of the space after cosine normalization.
#' % We would consider 20 cells involved in MNN pairs to be the minimum number required for stable batch correction.
#' @section Choosing the gene set:
#' All genes are used with the default setting of \code{subset.row=NULL}.
#' Users can set \code{subset.row} to subset the inputs to highly variable genes or marker genes.
#' This may provide more meaningful identification of MNN pairs by reducing the noise from irrelevant genes.
#' Note that users should not be too restrictive with subsetting, as high dimensionality is required to satisfy the orthogonality assumption in MNN detection.
#' If \code{subset.row} is specified and \code{correct.all=TRUE}, corrected values are returned for \emph{all} genes.
#' This is possible as \code{subset.row} is only used to identify the MNN pairs and other cell-based distance calculations.
#' Correction vectors between MNN pairs can then be computed in for all genes in the supplied matrices.
#' Note that setting \code{correct.all=TRUE} will not alter the corrected expression values for the subsetted genes.
#' @section Expected type of input data:
#' The input expression values should generally be log-transformed, e.g., log-counts, see \code{\link[scuttle]{logNormCounts}} for details.
#' They should also be normalized within each data set to remove cell-specific biases in capture efficiency and sequencing depth.
#' By default, a further cosine normalization step is performed on the supplied expression data to eliminate gross scaling differences between data sets.
#' \itemize{
#' \item When \code{}, cosine normalization is performed on the matrix of expression values used to compute distances between cells.
#' This can be turned off when there are no scaling differences between data sets.
#' \item When \code{cos.norm.out=TRUE}, cosine normalization is performed on the matrix of values used to calculate correction vectors (and on which those vectors are applied).
#' This can be turned off to obtain corrected values on the log-scale, similar to the input data.
#' }
#' The cosine normalization is achieved using the \code{\link{cosineNorm}} function.
#' @inheritSection fastMNN Specifying the number of neighbors
#' @inheritSection fastMNN Controlling the merge order
#' @section Further options:
#' The function depends on a shared biological manifold, i.e., one or more cell types/states being present in multiple batches.
#' If this is not true, MNNs may be incorrectly identified, resulting in over-correction and removal of interesting biology.
#' Some protection can be provided by removing components of the correction vectors that are parallel to the biological subspaces in each batch.
#' The biological subspace in each batch is identified with a SVD on the expression matrix to obtain \code{svd.dim} dimensions.
#' (By default, this option is turned off by setting \code{svd.dim=0}.)
#' If \code{var.adj=TRUE}, the function will adjust the correction vector to equalize the variances of the two data sets along the batch effect vector.
#' In particular, it avoids \dQuote{kissing} effects whereby MNN pairs are identified between the surfaces of point clouds from different batches.
#' Naive correction would then bring only the surfaces into contact, rather than fully merging the clouds together.
#' The adjustment ensures that the cells from the two batches are properly intermingled after correction.
#' This is done by identifying each cell's position on the correction vector, identifying corresponding quantiles between batches,
#' and scaling the correction vector to ensure that the quantiles are matched after correction.
#' See \code{?"\link{batchelor-restrict}"} for a description of the \code{restrict} argument.
#' Specifically, \code{mnnCorrect} will only use the restricted subset of cells in each batch to identify MNN pairs (and to perform variance adjustment, if \code{var.adj=TRUE}), and then apply the correction to all cells in each batch.
#' @section Merge diagnostics:
#' Each merge step combines two mutually exclusive sets of cells, a \dQuote{left} set and \dQuote{right} set.
#' The metadata thus contains the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{left}, a \linkS4class{List} of integer or character vectors.
#' Each vector specifies the batches in the left set at a given merge step.
#' \item \code{right}, a similar List of integer or character vectors.
#' Each vector specifies the batches in the right set at a given merge step.
#' \item \code{pairs}, a List of DataFrames specifying which pairs of cells were identified as MNNs at each step.
#' In each DataFrame, each row corresponds to a single MNN pair and specifies the
#' paired cells that were in the left and right sets, respectively.
#' Note that the indices refer to those paired cells in the \emph{output} ordering of cells,
#' i.e., users can identify the paired cells at each step by column-indexing the output of the \code{mnnCorrect} function.
#' }
#' @author
#' Laleh Haghverdi,
#' with modifications by Aaron Lun
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fastMNN}} for a faster equivalent.
#' @examples
#' B1 <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol=50) # Batch 1
#' B2 <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol=50) # Batch 2
#' out <- mnnCorrect(B1, B2) # corrected values
#' @references
#' Haghverdi L, Lun ATL, Morgan MD, Marioni JC (2018).
#' Batch effects in single-cell RNA-sequencing data are corrected by matching mutual nearest neighbors.
#' \emph{Nat. Biotechnol.} 36(5):421
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bpstart bpstop
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata metadata<-
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom BiocSingular ExactParam
#' @importFrom BiocNeighbors KmknnParam
#' @importFrom scuttle .bpNotSharedOrUp .unpackLists
mnnCorrect <- function(..., batch=NULL, restrict=NULL, k=20, prop.k=NULL, sigma=0.1,, cos.norm.out=TRUE, svd.dim=0L, var.adj=TRUE,
subset.row=NULL, correct.all=FALSE, merge.order=NULL, auto.merge=FALSE,
assay.type="logcounts", BSPARAM=ExactParam(), BNPARAM=KmknnParam(), BPPARAM=SerialParam())
original <- batches <- .unpackLists(...)
restrict <- checkRestrictions(batches, restrict)
# Pulling out information from the SCE objects.
is.sce <- checkIfSCE(batches)
if (any(is.sce)) {
batches[is.sce] <- lapply(batches[is.sce], assay, i=assay.type, withDimnames=FALSE)
# Subsetting by 'batch'.
do.split <- length(batches)==1L
if (do.split) {
divided <- divideIntoBatches(batches[[1]], batch=batch, restrict=restrict[[1]])
batches <- divided$batches
restrict <- divided$restrict
# Setting up the parallelization environment.
if (.bpNotSharedOrUp(BPPARAM)) {
on.exit(bpstop(BPPARAM), add=TRUE)
output <-, c(batches,
list(k=k, prop.k=prop.k, sigma=sigma,, cos.norm.out=cos.norm.out, svd.dim=svd.dim,
var.adj=var.adj, subset.row=subset.row, correct.all=correct.all, restrict=restrict,
merge.order=merge.order, auto.merge=auto.merge,
# Reordering the output for correctness.
if (do.split) {
d.reo <- divided$reorder
output <- output[,d.reo,drop=FALSE]
metadata(output)$$pairs <- .reindex_pairings(metadata(output)$$pairs, d.reo)
.rename_output(output, original, subset.row=subset.row)
# Internal main functions, to separate input/output munging from the actual calculations.
# This is split into two functions - .mnn_correct() sets up the core function, which
# defines how to handle predefined vs automatically determined merge trees.
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
#' @importFrom BiocSingular ExactParam
#' @importFrom BiocNeighbors KmknnParam
.mnn_correct <- function(..., k=20, prop.k=NULL, sigma=0.1,, cos.norm.out=TRUE, svd.dim=0L, var.adj=TRUE,
subset.row=NULL, correct.all=FALSE, restrict=NULL,
merge.order=NULL, auto.merge=FALSE,
BSPARAM=ExactParam(), BNPARAM=KmknnParam(), BPPARAM=SerialParam())
batches <- list(...)
nbatches <- length(batches)
if (nbatches < 2L) {
stop("at least two batches must be specified")
# Setting up the variables.
prep.out <- .prepare_input_data(batches,, cos.norm.out=cos.norm.out,
subset.row=subset.row, correct.all=correct.all)
in.batches <- prep.out$In
out.batches <- prep.out$Out
subset.row <- prep.out$Subset
same.set <- prep.out$Same
in.batches <- lapply(in.batches, t)
if (!same.set) {
out.batches <- lapply(out.batches, t)
# Choosing the merge order.
if (!auto.merge) {
merge.tree <- .create_tree_predefined(in.batches, restrict, merge.order)
NEXT <- .get_next_merge
UPDATE <- .update_tree
# Putting the out.batches information in the 'extras'.
merge.tree <- .add_out_batches_to_tree(merge.tree, if (same.set) NULL else out.batches)
} else {
mnn.args <- list(k=k, prop.k=prop.k, BNPARAM=BNPARAM, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, orthogonalize=FALSE)
merge.tree <-, c(list(in.batches, restrict), mnn.args))
NEXT <- .pick_best_merge
UPDATE <- function(remainders, chosen, ...) {
.update_remainders(remainders, chosen, ..., mnn.args=mnn.args)
# Putting the out.batches information in the 'extras'.
for (i in seq_along(merge.tree)) {
merge.tree[[i]]@extras <- if (same.set) list(NULL) else out.batches[.get_node_index(merge.tree[[i]])]
output <- .mnn_correct_core(merge.tree, NEXT=NEXT, UPDATE=UPDATE, k=k, prop.k=prop.k, sigma=sigma,
same.set=same.set, svd.dim=svd.dim, var.adj=var.adj, subset.row=subset.row,
nms <- names(batches)
if (!is.null(nms)) {
if (anyDuplicated(nms)) {
stop("names of batches should be unique")
output$batch <- nms[output$batch]
output <- .fix_names_in_merge_info(output, nms)
.add_out_batches_to_tree <- function(merge.tree, out.batches) {
if (!is.list(merge.tree)) {
merge.tree@extras <- list(out.batches[[.get_node_index(merge.tree)]])
merge.tree[[1]] <- .add_out_batches_to_tree(merge.tree[[1]], out.batches)
merge.tree[[2]] <- .add_out_batches_to_tree(merge.tree[[2]], out.batches)
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
#' @importFrom BiocSingular ExactParam
#' @importFrom BiocNeighbors KmknnParam
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom Matrix t
.mnn_correct_core <- function(merge.tree, NEXT, UPDATE,
same.set=FALSE, k=20, prop.k=NULL, sigma=0.1, svd.dim=0L, var.adj=TRUE, subset.row=NULL,
BSPARAM=ExactParam(), BNPARAM=KmknnParam(), BPPARAM=SerialParam())
nbatches <- length(unlist(merge.tree))
nmerges <- nbatches - 1L
mnn.pairings <- left.set <- right.set <- vector("list", nmerges)
for (mdx in seq_len(nmerges)) {
# Traversing the merge tree to find the next two batches to merge.
next.step <- NEXT(merge.tree)
left <- next.step$left
right <- next.step$right <- .get_node_data(left)
left.restrict <- .get_node_restrict(left)
left.index <- .get_node_index(left)
left.origin <- .get_node_origin(left)
left.extras <- .get_node_extras(left)[[1]] <- .get_node_data(right)
right.restrict <- .get_node_restrict(right)
right.index <- .get_node_index(right)
right.origin <- .get_node_origin(right)
right.extras <- .get_node_extras(right)[[1]]
# Really no point being too cute here with other matrix representations,
# there are coercions for the NN search _and_ for the dense per-gene output. <- as.matrix( <- as.matrix(
# Computing the correction vector for each cell.
mnn.sets <- .restricted_mnn(, left.restrict,, right.restrict,
s1 <- mnn.sets$first
s2 <- mnn.sets$second
mnn.pairings[[mdx]] <- DataFrame(left=s1, right=s2)
left.set[[mdx]] <- left.index
right.set[[mdx]] <- right.index
trans.right <- t( <- .compute_correction_vectors(,, s1, s2, trans.right, sigma)
if (!same.set) {
# NOTE: use of 'trans.right' here is intentional, as the distances
# used for the kernel weighting should be comparable to 'sigma';
# this protects against the case where and cos.out=FALSE.
correction.out <- .compute_correction_vectors(left.extras, right.extras, s1, s2, trans.right, sigma)
# Removing any component of the correction vector that's parallel to
# the biological basis vectors in either batch. Only using cells
# involved in MNN pairs, to avoid undercorrection in directions that
# weren't problematic anyway (given that using SVDs was intended to
# mitigate the effect of identifying the wrong MNN pairs).
if (svd.dim>0) {
u1 <- unique(s1)
u2 <- unique(s2)
# Computing the biological subspace in both batches, and subtract it from the batch correction vector.
in.span1 <- .get_bio_span(t([u1,,drop=FALSE]), ndim=svd.dim, BSPARAM=BSPARAM, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
in.span2 <- .get_bio_span(t([u2,,drop=FALSE]), ndim=svd.dim, BSPARAM=BSPARAM, BPPARAM=BPPARAM) <- .subtract_bio(, in.span1, in.span2)
if (!same.set) {
out.span1 <- .get_bio_span(t(left.extras[u1,,drop=FALSE]), subset.row=subset.row,
out.span2 <- .get_bio_span(t(right.extras[u2,,drop=FALSE]), subset.row=subset.row,
correction.out <- .subtract_bio(correction.out, out.span1, out.span2, subset.row=subset.row)
# Adjusting the shift variance; done after any SVD so that variance
# along the correction vector is purely technical.
if (var.adj) {
args <- list(sigma=sigma, restrict1=left.restrict, restrict2=right.restrict) <-,
c(list(t(, t(,, args)
if (!same.set) {
correction.out <-,
c(list(t(left.extras), t(right.extras), correction.out, subset.row=subset.row), args)
# Applying the correction and expanding the reference batch. <- +
if (!same.set) {
right.extras <- right.extras + correction.out
merge.tree <- UPDATE(merge.tree, next.step$chosen,
index=c(left.index, right.index),
restrict=.combine_restrict(, left.restrict,, right.restrict),
origin=c(left.origin, right.origin),
extras=list(rbind(left.extras, right.extras)))
full.order <- .get_node_index(merge.tree)
full.origin <- .get_node_origin(merge.tree)
if (same.set) { <- .get_node_data(merge.tree)
} else { <- .get_node_extras(merge.tree)[[1]]
# Re-indexing all of the pairing indices to account for the final position of each cell.
for (mdx in seq_along(mnn.pairings)) {
bonus1 <- match(left.set[[mdx]][1], full.origin) - 1L
mnn.pairings[[mdx]]$left <- mnn.pairings[[mdx]]$left + bonus1
bonus2 <- match(right.set[[mdx]][1], full.origin) - 1L
mnn.pairings[[mdx]]$right <- mnn.pairings[[mdx]]$right + bonus2
# Adjusting the output back to the input order in 'batches'.
if (is.unsorted(full.order)) {
ncells.per.batch <- tabulate(full.origin)
ordering <- .restore_original_order(full.order, ncells.per.batch) <-[ordering,,drop=FALSE]
full.origin <- full.origin[ordering]
mnn.pairings <- .reindex_pairings(mnn.pairings, ordering)
left=I(as(left.set, "List")),
right=I(as(right.set, "List")),
pairs=I(as(mnn.pairings, "List"))
# Input/output functions.
.prepare_input_data <- function(batches,, cos.norm.out, subset.row, correct.all) {
nbatches <- length(batches)
in.batches <- out.batches <- batches
same.set <- TRUE
# Subsetting to the desired subset of genes.
if (!is.null(subset.row)) {
subset.row <- .row_subset_to_index(batches[[1]], subset.row)
if (identical(subset.row, seq_len(nrow(batches[[1]])))) {
subset.row <- NULL
} else {
in.batches <- lapply(in.batches, "[", i=subset.row, , drop=FALSE) # Need the extra comma!
if (correct.all) {
same.set <- FALSE
} else {
out.batches <- in.batches
# Applying cosine normalization for MNN identification.
# We use the L2 norm for the subsetted input to adjust the output,
# to ensure that results are consistent regardless of the manner of subsetting.
if ( {
norm.scaling <- vector("list", nbatches)
for (b in seq_len(nbatches)) { <- in.batches[[b]]
cos.out <- cosineNorm(, mode="all")
in.batches[[b]] <- cos.out$matrix
norm.scaling[[b]] <- cos.out$l2norm
if (cos.norm.out) {
if (! {
norm.scaling <- lapply(in.batches, cosineNorm, mode="l2norm")
out.batches <- mapply(FUN=.apply_cosine_norm, out.batches, norm.scaling, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
if (cos.norm.out! {
same.set <- FALSE
list(In=in.batches, Out=out.batches, Subset=subset.row, Same=same.set)
# Internal functions for correction.
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom scuttle sumCountsAcrossCells
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
.compute_correction_vectors <- function(data1, data2, mnn1, mnn2, tdata2, sigma)
# Computes the batch correction vector for each cell in 'data2'.
# 'tdata2' should also be supplied to compute distances
# (this may not be the same as 't(data2)' due to normalization, subsetting).
vect <- data1[mnn1,,drop=FALSE] - data2[mnn2,,drop=FALSE]
averaged <- sumCountsAcrossCells(t(vect), DataFrame(ID=mnn2), average=TRUE)
cell.vect <- smooth_gaussian_kernel(assay(averaged, withDimnames=FALSE), averaged$ID-1L, tdata2, sigma)
.adjust_shift_variance <- function(data1, data2, correction, sigma, subset.row=NULL, restrict1=NULL, restrict2=NULL)
# Performs variance adjustment to avoid kissing effects.
cell.vect <- correction
if (!is.null(subset.row)) {
# Only using subsetted genes to compute locations, consistent with our policy in SVD.
cell.vect <- cell.vect[,subset.row,drop=FALSE]
data1 <- data1[subset.row,,drop=FALSE]
data2 <- data2[subset.row,,drop=FALSE]
restrict1 <- .col_subset_to_index(data1, restrict1) - 1L
restrict2 <- .col_subset_to_index(data2, restrict2) - 1L
scaling <- adjust_shift_variance(data1, data2, cell.vect, sigma, restrict1, restrict2)
scaling <- pmax(scaling, 1)
scaling * correction
#' @importFrom BiocSingular runSVD ExactParam
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @importFrom DelayedArray DelayedArray getAutoBPPARAM setAutoBPPARAM
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
.get_bio_span <- function(exprs, ndim, subset.row=NULL, BSPARAM=ExactParam(), BPPARAM=SerialParam())
# Computes the basis matrix of the biological subspace of 'exprs'.
# The first 'ndim' dimensions are assumed to capture the biological subspace.
# Protect against DA parallelization.
old <- getAutoBPPARAM()
centered <- DelayedArray(exprs) - rowMeans(exprs)
if (!is.null(subset.row)) {
leftovers <- centered[-subset.row,,drop=FALSE]
centered <- centered[subset.row,,drop=FALSE]
nv <- ndim
} else {
nv <- 0
# Returning the basis vectors directly if there was no subsetting.
ndim <- min(ndim, dim(centered))
nv <- min(nv, ndim)
S <- runSVD(centered, k=ndim, nu=ndim, nv=nv, BSPARAM=BSPARAM, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
if (is.null(subset.row)) {
# Computing the basis values for the unused genes.
output <- matrix(0, nrow(exprs), ndim)
output[subset.row,] <- S$u
leftovers <- as.matrix(leftovers %*% S$v)
leftovers <- sweep(leftovers, 2, S$d, "/")
output[-subset.row,] <- leftovers
.subtract_bio <- function(correction, span1, span2, subset.row=NULL)
# Computes the component parallel biological basis vectors in the correction vectors,
# and subtracts them. Note that the order of span1 and span2 does not matter.
for (span in list(span1, span2)) {
if (is.null(subset.row)) {
bio.mag <- correction %*% span
} else {
# Only using the subset to compute the magnitude that is parallel.
bio.mag <- correction[,subset.row,drop=FALSE] %*% span[subset.row,,drop=FALSE]
bio.comp <- bio.mag %*% t(span)
correction <- correction - bio.comp
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