anotaSimDfbs <- function(nData=2000, phenoVec=phenoVec, mode=mode, useProgBar=useProgBar){
nSamples <- length(phenoVec)
##Create matrix for simulated data
dataPMatrix <- dataTMatrix <- matrix(ncol=nSamples, nrow=nData, data=NA)
rownames(dataPMatrix) <- rownames(dataTMatrix) <- c(1:nData)
##The analysis is performed over a range of realistic correlations which are defined by the sd of the covariate.
##We have shown that this setting does not matter for the outcome because we use standardized dfbeta
sdVec <- c(31:40/10)
corMat <- matrix(ncol=length(sdVec), nrow=nData)
##A few structures to collect outputs
pDfbCollect <- matrix(ncol=6, nrow=length(sdVec))
row.names(pDfbCollect) <- sdVec
corMeanMedCollect <- matrix(ncol=2, nrow=length(sdVec))
rownames(corMeanMedCollect) <- sdVec
colnames(corMeanMedCollect) <- c("Mean_correlation", "Median_correlation")
##Start the analysis
total <- length(sdVec)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=total, style=3)
##Over all the selected sds
for(k in 1:length(sdVec)){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
##P and T is generated per gene
for(j in 1:dim(dataPMatrix)[1]){
##sd=4 is arbitrary selected but gives a reasonable spread of the data and the setting does not influence the result.
dataP <- rnorm(n=nSamples, mean=0, sd=4)
dataT <- c(rep(NA, length(dataP)))
for(i in 1:length(dataP)){
dataT[i] <- rnorm(n=1, mean=dataP[i], sd=sdVec[k])
dataPMatrix[j,] <- dataP
dataTMatrix[j,] <- dataT
##Calculate and store the correlation per gene
corVec <- c(rep(NA, nData))
for(l in 1:length(corVec)){
corVec[l] <- cor(dataPMatrix[l,], dataTMatrix[l,])
corMat[,k] <- corVec
##Store mean and median correlations
corMeanMedCollect[k,1] <- mean(corVec)
corMeanMedCollect[k,2] <- median(corVec)
##Run the dfb analysis and store the data
dfbOut <- anotaDfbsSummaryOnly(dataT = dataTMatrix, dataP=dataPMatrix, phenoVec = phenoVec, mode=mode)
##Store the obtained dfb summary
pDfbCollect[k,] <- as.vector(unlist(dfbOut$dfbSummary))
colnames(pDfbCollect) <- colnames(dfbOut$dfbSummary)
##Generate output for return
outputList <- list(
"SimulatedDfbs" = pDfbCollect)
anotaDfbsSummaryFull <- function(lmDfb, mode, useDfbSim, filename, nDfbSimData, phenoVec, useProgBar=useProgBar){
dsfSummary <- getSummaryDfb(lmDfb)
##Perform dfb simulation to get thresholds
cat("\tPerforming dfbetas simulation\n")
##perform simulation
nT <- length(phenoVec)
##mode decides how the simulation should be performed
dfbSimOut <- anotaSimDfbs(nData=nDfbSimData, phenoVec=phenoVec, mode=mode, useProgBar=useProgBar)
##Get the output from anotaSimDfbs
simDfbThreshold <- unlist(dfbSimOut$SimulatedDfbs)
##create a plot that compares obtined to simulated
simDfbThresholdMean <- apply(simDfbThreshold, 2, mean)
dsfSummary <- as.vector(unlist(dsfSummary))
names(dsfSummary) <- c("dfb>1", "dfb>2", "dfb>3", "dfb>2/sqrt(N)", "dfb>3/sqrt(N)", "dfb>3.5*iqr")
dfbDifference <- simDfbThresholdMean-dsfSummary
dfbDifference <- round(dfbDifference, digits=4)
tmpDfbMat <- cbind(simDfbThresholdMean, dsfSummary)
tmpDfbMax <- apply(tmpDfbMat, 1, max)
tmpVec <- c()
for(r in 1:6){
tmpVec <- c(tmpVec, dsfSummary[r], simDfbThresholdMean[r])
spaceVec <- c(0,0,rep(c(1,0),5))
colVec <- rep(c(1,2),6)
dfbsNames = c("dfb>1", "dfb>2", "dfb>3", "dfb>2/sqrt(N)", "dfb>3/sqrt(N)", "dfb>3.5*iqr")
pdf(file=filename, width=6, height=4, pointsize=1/300)
plot(x=c(0,17), y=c(0, c(max(tmpDfbMax))+0.01), ylab="Proportion of data points", xlab="Cut off method", main="Proportion of outliers in regression assessment using dfbetas", pch="", xaxt="n")
barplot(tmpVec, space=spaceVec, col=colVec, add=TRUE)
legend(x=1, y=max(tmpVec-0.002), legend=c("Obtained", "Simulated"), fill=c(1,2))
text(y=c(tmpDfbMax+0.002), x=c(1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16), labels=dfbDifference)
##Create a plotting output if no simulation was selected
cat("\tNo dfbetas simulation is performed\n")
dfbsNames <- c("dfb>1", "dfb>2", "dfb>3", "dfb>2/sqrt(N)", "dfb>3/sqrt(N)", "dfb>3.5*iqr")
pdf(file=filename, width=6, height=4, pointsize=1/300)
barplot(as.vector(unlist(dsfSummary)), names.arg=dfbsNames, cex.names=1, ylab="Proportion of data points", xlab="Cut off method", main="Proportion of outliers in regression assessment using dfbetas")
anotaDfbsSummaryOnly <- function(dataT=NULL, dataP=NULL, phenoVec=NULL, mode=mode){
cat("ERROR: No data for total samples\n")
cat("ERROR: No data for polysomal samples\n")
cat("ERROR: No phenotypes specified\n")
cat("ERROR: No mode specified\n")
if(identical(rownames(dataT), rownames(dataP))==FALSE){
cat("ERROR: Polysomal and Total rownames do not follow the same order\n")
##calculate n data points and factorise phenoVec
nData <- dim(dataP)[1]
phenoVec <- as.factor(phenoVec)
##structures to collect outputs
lmDfb <- matrix(ncol=dim(dataT)[2], nrow=nData)
##Start analysis in a per gene loop
for(i in 1:nData){
##lm model with interaction
tmpLm <- lm(dataP[i,]~dataT[i,]*phenoVec)
tmpLm <- lm(dataP[i,]~dataT[i,]+phenoVec)
##get dfbs for the slope i.e. in column 2
tmpDfb <- dfbetas(tmpLm)
lmDfb[i,] <- tmpDfb[,2]
##Evaluate outputs
dfbSummary <- getSummaryDfb(lmDfb)
##Create a return object
dataOut <- list(
getSummaryDfb <- function(lmDfb){
##Evaluate outputs using different thresholds for dfbetas that have been suggested in the litterature.
dfb1 <- lmDfb>1
dfb2 <- lmDfb>2
dfb3 <- lmDfb>3
dfb2Sqrt <- lmDfb>(2/sqrt(dim(lmDfb)[2]))
dfb3Sqrt <- lmDfb>(3/sqrt(dim(lmDfb)[2]))
##3.5X IQR. IQR is calculated per gene and each gene is tested separately but summarized across all.
dfbIqr <- apply(lmDfb, 1, IQR)
dfbIqrTh <- 3.5*dfbIqr
dfbIqrLog <- lmDfb>dfbIqrTh
##generate a summary output
##compare as a proportion of all tests
nTests <- ncol(lmDfb) * nrow(lmDfb)
dfb1P <- sum(dfb1)/nTests
dfb2P <- sum(dfb2)/nTests
dfb3P <- sum(dfb3)/nTests
dfb2SqrtP <- sum(dfb2Sqrt)/nTests
dfb3SqrtP <- sum(dfb3Sqrt)/nTests
dfbIqrLogP <- sum(dfbIqrLog)/nTests
dsfSummary <- list(
"Proportion data points with dfb>1"=dfb1P,
"Proportion data points with dfb>2"=dfb2P,
"Proportion data points with dfb>3"=dfb3P,
"Proportion data points with dfb>2/sqrt(N)"=dfb2SqrtP,
"Proportion data points with dfb>3/sqrt(N)"=dfb3SqrtP,
"Proportion data points with dfb>3.5*iqr"=dfbIqrLogP)
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