.make.hash = function() {
new.env( hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv() )
# A global holding our internal state (as a hash, as hashes are mutable in R)
.xmap.internals = .make.hash()
annmapAddConnection = function( dsname, species, version,
username=as.character([ 'user' ] ),
testConnect=TRUE ) {
if( missing( dsname ) || missing( species ) || missing( version ) ) {
stop( "Must specify a dsname, species and version" )
if( is.null( .xmap.internals$initialised ) ) {
dsname = as.character( dsname )
species = as.character( species )
version = as.character( version )
host = as.character( host )
username = as.character( username )
password = as.character( password )
port = as.character( port )
if( testConnect == TRUE ) {
con = .get.connection( species, version, username, password, host, port )
if( is.null( con$con ) ) {
cat( message( con$err ) )
cat( '\n' )
stop( paste( 'Could not connect to database, tried', paste( c( 'annmap_', 'xmapcore_' ), species, '_', version, sep='', collapse=', ' ), 'on server', host ) )
dbDisconnect( con$con )
.files = c( .xmap.internals$conf.dir, file.path( .xmap.internals$conf.dir, "databases.txt" ) )
.exists = file.exists( .files )
.access = file.access( .files, mode=2 )
if( .exists[ 1 ] == FALSE ) {
stop( paste( "Cannot locate configuration directory", .files[ 1 ] ) )
if( .access[ 1 ] != 0 ) {
stop( paste( "No write access to configuration directory", .files[ 1 ] ) )
if( .exists[ 2 ] == TRUE && .access[ 2 ] != 0 ) {
stop( paste( "No write access to configuration file", .files[ 2 ] ) )
.method = 'added.'
.db = if( .exists[ 2 ] == FALSE ) {
# Make a new data.frame
data.frame( name=dsname, host=host, species=species, version=version, port=port, username=username, password=password )
else {
# Load existing and append
db = .read.databases( .files[ 2 ], stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
if( dsname %in% db[,'name'] ) {
if( overwrite == FALSE ) {
stop( paste( "A connection with the name", dsname, "already exists" ) )
.method = 'updated.'
db[ db$name == dsname, ] = list( name=dsname, host=host, species=species, version=version, port=port, username=username, password=password )
else {
db = rbind( db, list( name=dsname, host=host, species=species, version=version, port=port, username=username, password=password ) )
cat( paste( 'Connection', dsname, .method, '\n' ) )
# Then write this back out...
write.table( .db, .files[ 2 ], quote=FALSE, sep=',', row.names=FALSE )
invisible( list( host=host, species=species, version=version, port=port, username=username, password=password ) )
# Exported functions
annmapConnect = function( name, use.webservice=FALSE, quiet.webservice=FALSE ) {
if( ( use.webservice && is.null( .xmap.internals$webservice ) ) ||
( !use.webservice && !is.null( .xmap.internals$webservice ) ) ||
( is.null( .xmap.internals$initialised ) ) ) {
if( use.webservice ) {
if( !capabilities()["http/ftp"] ) {
stop( 'The version of R you are using is not built with http capability.' )
wshost = annmapGetParam( "wshost" )
if( is.null( wshost ) ) {
wshost = ''
a = tryCatch( url( wshost ), warning=function( w ) NULL, error=function( e ) NULL )
if( is.null( a ) ) {
stop( paste( 'Cannot connect to ', wshost, '. Are you sure you have an internet connection?', sep='' ) )
close( a )
if( !require( 'rjson', quietly=T ) ) {
message( 'Package rjson is required for webservice connection.' )
if( interactive() ) {
message( 'Attempting to install' )
install.packages( 'rjson' )
message( 'Ok, trying to load rjson again.' )
require( 'rjson' )
else {
stop( 'Please install rjson and try again.' )
.param.cache = annmapGetParam( "procs" )
.procs = .make.hash()
.procs$all = .xmcws.all
.procs$details = .xmcws.details
.procs$to =
.procs$range = .xmcws.range
.procs$params = .ws.make.params
.procs$connect = .xmcws.connect
.procs$disconnect = .xmcws.disconnect
annmapSetParam( procs=.procs )
annmapSetParam( webservice=TRUE )
annmapSetParam( quiet.webservice=quiet.webservice )
annmapGetParam( "debugFn" )( "Using WebService for data access.\n" )
else {
annmapSetParam( webservice=NULL )
.xmap.internals$procs$connect( name )
annmapDisconnect = function() {
.read.databases = function( f, ... ) {
a = tryCatch( read.table( f, sep="\t", strip.white=TRUE, header=TRUE, fill=TRUE, colClasses='character', ... ), error=function(e) { data.frame( bad=TRUE ) } )
if( !all( colnames( a ) == c( "name", "host", "species", "version", "port", "username", "password" ) ) ) {
a = read.table( f, sep=",", strip.white=TRUE, header=TRUE, fill=TRUE, colClasses='character', ... )
if( !all( colnames( a ) == c( "name", "host", "species", "version", "port", "username", "password" ) ) ) {
stop( paste( "Unexpected column names in",
" - should be 'name', 'host', 'species', 'version', 'port', 'username' and 'password'" ) )
.get.connection = function( species, version, un, pw, host, port, db.prefixes=c( 'annmap_', 'xmapcore_' ) ) {
for( i in 1:length( db.prefixes ) ) { = paste( db.prefixes[ i ], species, "_", version, sep="" )
if( port ) || is.null( port ) || port == '' ) {
con = tryCatch( dbConnect( MySQL(), user=un, password=pw,, host=host, client.flag=131072 ), error=function(e) e )
else {
con = tryCatch( dbConnect( MySQL(), user=un, password=pw,, host=host, port=as.numeric( port ), client.flag=131072 ), error=function(e) e )
if( !is.null( con ) && all( class( con ) != 'simpleError' ) ) {
return( list( con=con,, err=NULL ) )
list( con=NULL,, err=con )
# Internal functions
.xmc.connect = function( name ) {
f = .xmap.internals$conf.dir
f = file.path( f, "databases.txt" )
if( !file.exists( f ) ) {
stop( paste( "Can't find database config file '",
"'. See package installation instructions for help setting this up.",
sep="" ) )
a = .read.databases( f )
if( missing( name ) ) {
r = 1
if( dim( a )[1] > 1 ) {
choices = paste( as.character( a[,1] ), " -- ", as.character( a[,3] ), " v", as.character( a[,4] ), " (", as.character( a[,2] ), ")", sep="" )
r = menu( choices, title="Select a database to connect to:" )
if( r == 0 ) {
return( invisible() )
else {
name = a[,1][r]
dbs = a[ ( as.character( a$name ) == name ), , drop=FALSE ]
if( dim( dbs )[1] == 0 ) {
stop( paste( "Invalid db name:", name ) )
un = .get.user.string( as.character( dbs[,"username"] ), "username" )
if( dbs[,"password"] ) ) {
pw = ""
else {
pw = .get.user.string( as.character( dbs[,"password"] ), "password" )
species = as.character( dbs[,"species"] )
version = as.character( dbs[,"version"] )
host = as.character( dbs[,"host"] )
port = as.character( dbs[,"port"] )
con = .get.connection( species, version, un, pw, host, port )
if( is.null( con$con ) ) {
cat( message( con$err ) )
cat( '\n' )
stop( paste( 'Could not connect to database, tried', paste( c( 'annmap_', 'xmapcore_' ), species, '_', version, sep='', collapse=', ' ), 'on server', host ) )
.xmap.internals$con = con$con
.xmap.internals$species = species
.xmap.internals$version = version
.xmap.internals$host = host
.xmap.internals$port = port
.xmap.internals$ = con$
.xmap.internals$connected = TRUE
cat( paste( 'Connected to ', .xmap.internals$, ' (', .xmap.internals$host, ')\n', sep='' ) )
arrayType( NULL, pick.default=TRUE )
invisible( list( host=host, species=species, version=version, port=port, username=un, password=pw ) )
.xmc.disconnect = function() {
if( !is.null( .xmap.internals$con ) ) {
cat( paste( 'Disconnecting from ', .xmap.internals$, ' (', .xmap.internals$host, ')\n', sep='' ) )
dbDisconnect( .xmap.internals$con )
tryCatch( rm( 'con', envir=.xmap.internals ), warning=function(a){invisible()} )
tryCatch( rm( 'species', envir=.xmap.internals ), warning=function(a){invisible()} )
tryCatch( rm( 'array', envir=.xmap.internals ), warning=function(a){invisible()} )
tryCatch( rm( '', envir=.xmap.internals ), warning=function(a){invisible()} )
.xmap.internals$connected = FALSE
.xmc.db.cleanup = function( conn ) {
res = dbListResults( conn )
for( i in res ) {
if( !dbHasCompleted( i ) ) {
fetch( i, -1 )
dbClearResult( i )
while( dbMoreResults( conn ) ) {
res = dbNextResult( conn )
if( !dbHasCompleted( res ) ) {
fetch( res, -1 )
dbClearResult( res )
} = function( sql, conn ) {
.xmap.internals$debugFn( sql )
on.exit( .xmc.db.cleanup( conn ) )
res = dbSendQuery( conn, sql )
d = fetch( res, -1 )
if( length( d ) == 0 ) {
d = NULL
.build.sql2 = function( stmt, hash ) {
if( !is.null( hash ) ) {
vars = ls( envir=hash )
for( var in vars ) {
val = get( var, envir=hash )
patt = paste( "\\$\\{", var, "\\}", sep="" )
stmt = gsub( patt, val, stmt )
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