.get.user.string = function(v,msg) {
if( v != "<ASK>" ) {
r = v
else {
cat( paste( msg, ":", sep="" ) )
r = readLines( n=1 )
.xmc.all = function( src, params, dest=NULL ) { = paste( src, params$array, .xmap.internals$version, .xmap.internals$species, sep=':' )
ret = .cache.retrieve( )
if( is.null( ret ) ) {
sql = .build.sql2( .xmap.queries[[ paste( src, "all", sep="." ) ]], params )
ret = sql, .xmap.internals$con ), ret )
.xmc.details = function( src, params, dest=NULL ) {
if( is.null( params ) ) {
return( NULL )
sql = .build.sql2( .xmap.queries[[ paste( src, "details", sep="." ) ]], params ) sql, .xmap.internals$con )
} = function( src, params, dest=NULL ) {
if( is.null( params ) ) {
return( NULL )
sql = .build.sql2( .xmap.queries[[ paste( src, "to", dest, sep="." ) ]], params ) sql, .xmap.internals$con )
.xmc.range = function( src, params, dest=NULL ) {
sql = .build.sql2( .xmap.queries[[ paste( src, "range", sep="." ) ]], params ) sql, .xmap.internals$con )
.needs.array = function( action, src, dest=NULL ) {
if( ( action == "all" || action == "details" ) && src == "array" ) {
else {
sd = c( src, dest )
any( sd == "probe" ) || any( sd == "array" ) || any( sd == "probeset" ) || any( sd == "cdnaprobeset" ) || any( sd == "exon_probeset" )
.make.params = function( ids ) {
if( is.null( .xmap.internals$connected ) || !.xmap.internals$connected ) {
stop( "You need to connect to a database. -- see annmapConnect()")
if( is.null( ids ) ) {
stop( "In .make.params, ids is NULL" )
if( is.list( ids ) ) {
ids = unlist( ids, use.names=FALSE )
one = max( nchar( ids ) ) + 1
max.list = .xmap.internals$max.query %/% one
if( max.list == 0 ) max.list = 1
n.lists = length( ids ) %/% max.list
by.mat = ( max.list * n.lists )
.xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "one =", one, " - max.list =", max.list, " - n.lists =", n.lists, " - by.mat =", by.mat ) )
if( n.lists == 0 ) {
return( paste( sapply( ids, function( b ) { dbEscapeStrings( .xmap.internals$con, b ) } ), sep=",", collapse="," ) )
else {
.xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Splitting into", n.lists, "queries with", max.list, "entries per query" ) )
mat = matrix( ids[ 1:by.mat ], nrow=n.lists, byrow=TRUE )
.xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "matrix dimensions:", dim( mat ) ) )
r = split( mat, row( mat ) )
.xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "length of r is", length( r ) ) )
if( by.mat < length( ids ) ) {
r = c( r, list( ids[ ( by.mat + 1 ):length( ids ) ] ) )
escaped = lapply( r, function( b ) { sapply( b, function( str ) { dbEscapeStrings( .xmap.internals$con, str ) } ) } )
return( lapply( escaped, function( row ) { paste( row, sep=',', collapse=',' ) } ) )
.duplicate.hash = function( oldEnv ) {
ret = new.env( hash=TRUE )
names = ls( envir=oldEnv )
sapply( names, function( x ) { assign( x, get( x, envir=oldEnv ), envir=ret ) } )
.secret.encoder = function() {
.out = c( letters, LETTERS, 0:9, '-', '_' )
.name = strsplit( Sys.getenv( "LOGNAME" ), split='' )[[1]]
paste( lapply( seq_along( .name ), function( idx ) {
.cidx = which( .out == .name[ idx ] )
.out[ ( ( ( .cidx * 2 ) + idx ) %% length( .out ) ) + 1 ]
} ), sep='', collapse='' )
.coerce = function( data, column, as.vector=TRUE ) {
if( is.null( data ) ) {
else if( as.vector == TRUE ) {
ret = data[,column]
if( 'IN1' %in% colnames( data ) ) {
data = with(unique(data.frame(k=data$IN1,v=ret,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)),setNames(v,k))
else {
data = unique( ret )
else if( as.vector == FALSE ) {
data = subset( data, select=!( colnames( data ) %in% .xmap.internals$field.mask ) )
if( is.null( column ) && !is.null( data ) ) {
data$IN1 = NULL
if( any( colnames( data ) == "strand" ) ) {
colnames( data )[ colnames( data ) == "chromosome_name" ] = "space"
data = as( data, "RangedData" )
else if( length( colnames( data ) ) == 2 && all( colnames( data ) == c( 'name', 'length' ) ) ) { # Chromosome
colnames( data )[ colnames( data ) == "name" ] = "space"
colnames( data )[ colnames( data ) == "length" ] = "end"
data = cbind( data, start=1 )
if( as.vector == FALSE ) {
# Add in strand so we don't get warnings when converting to GRanges later
data = cbind( data, strand='*' )
data = as( data, "RangedData" )
if( class( data ) == 'RangedData' && .usegranges() ) {
data = as( data, 'GRanges' )
.get.correct.column = function( type, data ) {
if( class( data )[1] == 'GRanges' ) {
.xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Trying to select column", .xmap.types[[ type ]], "from id GRanges" ) )
if( type == 'chromosome' ) {
newIds = as.character( seqnames( data ) )
else {
newIds = elementMetadata( data )[[ .xmap.types[[ type ]] ]]
if( !is.null( newIds ) ) {
data = newIds
else if( class( data ) == 'RangedData' || data ) ) {
.xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Trying to select column", .xmap.types[[ type ]], "from id data.frame" ) )
if( type == 'chromosome' && class( data ) == 'RangedData' ) {
newIds = as.character( data[[ 'space' ]] )
else {
newIds = data[[ .xmap.types[[ type ]] ]]
if( !is.null( newIds ) ) {
data = newIds
else if( is.list( data ) ) {
.xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Unlisting ids list of dim", dim( data ), "and length", length( data ) ) )
newIds = unlist( data, use.names=FALSE )
if( !is.null( newIds ) ) {
data = newIds
.process = function( action, src, params=NULL, dest=NULL ) {
if( is.null( .xmap.internals$connected ) || !.xmap.internals$connected ) {
stop( "You need to connect to a database. -- see annmapConnect()")
# Check we have an array set if we need one...
if( .needs.array( action, src, dest ) && is.null( .xmap.internals$array ) ) {
stop( "You need to set an array type. -- see arrayType()")
else if( .needs.array( action, src, dest ) ) {
if( is.null( params ) ) {
params = new.env( hash=TRUE )
params$array = .xmap.internals$array
# Ok, do the ids in .xmap.internals$batch.size chunks
fname = paste( ".xmc", action, sep="." )
.xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Calling", fname, "[", src, ":", dest, "]" ) )
f = .xmap.internals$procs[[ action ]]
if( !is.null( params ) && !is.null( params$ids ) ) {
params$ids = .get.correct.column( src, params$ids )
p = .duplicate.hash( params )
r = lapply( .xmap.internals$procs$params( params$ids ),
function( x ) {
p$ids = x
f( src, p, dest )
if( !is.null( r[[ 1 ]] ) ) {
r ="rbind",r)
rownames(r) = 1:(dim(r)[1])
else {
else {
f( src, params, dest )
geneToSymbol = function( ids ) {
if( is.vector( ids ) ) {
ids = geneDetails( ids, )
ret = .attr( ids, 'symbol' )
names( ret ) = .attr( ids, .xmap.types$gene )
allSymbols = function( as.vector=FALSE ) {
r = sort( unique( allGenes( as.vector=F )$symbol ) )
if( as.vector == FALSE ) {
r = data.frame( symbol=r )
strandAsInteger = function( granges ) {
.ret = as.character( strand( granges ) )
.ret[ .ret == '-' ] = -1
.ret[ .ret == '+' ] = 1
.ret[ .ret == '*' ] = NA
as.integer( .ret )
annmapRangeApply = function( x, f, filter=c( chr="space", start="start", end="end", strand="strand" ),
coerce=c( as.character, as.numeric, as.numeric, as.numeric ), ... ) {
if( class( x ) != 'RangedData' && class( x ) != 'GRanges' ) {
stop( paste( 'x must be a GRanges or RangedData object, not a', class( x ) ) )
if( length( coerce ) != length( filter ) ) {
stop( paste( "Each filter column should have a corresponding coercion function: coerce:length(", length(coerce), ") filter:length(", length( filter ), ")." ) )
if( class( x ) == 'GRanges' ) {
.str = strandAsInteger( x )
x = as( x, 'RangedData' )
x$strand = .str
} = as( x, "DataFrame" )
.missing = filter[ !( filter %in% colnames( ) ) ]
if( length( .missing ) > 0 ) {
stop( paste( 'Missing filter fields in x. Cannot find', paste( names( .missing ), .missing, sep='=', collapse=', ' ) ) )
} =[,filter,drop=FALSE]
colnames( ) = names( filter )
r = lapply( seq_len( dim( )[1] ), function( i ) {
current.row = as.vector([i,,drop=TRUE] )
#Attempt to coerce the current row to the types defined for each parameter to 'f'
current.row = lapply( seq_along( current.row ), function( a ) { coerce[[a]], list( current.row[[a]] ) ) } )
params = as.list( c( current.row, ... ) ) f, params )
} )
# Strip nulls
r = r[ !sapply( r, is.null ) ]
if( length( r ) == 0 ) {
r = NULL
else {
clzz = unique( lapply( r, class ) )
if( length( clzz ) == 2 && is.list( r ) ) {
r = c, r )
clzz = unique( lapply( r, class ) )
if( length( clzz ) == 1 ) {
if( is.vector( r[[1]] ) ) {
r = c, r )
else if( clzz == 'GRanges' ) {
r = suppressWarnings( c, r ) ) # Need to supress, as we're probably looking at multipl chrs per result
else {
r = rbind, r )
geneToExonProbesetExpr = function( x, ids, probes.min=4 ) {
if( length( ids ) == 0 ) {
return( NULL )
if( class( x ) == 'ExpressionSet' ) {
x = exprs( x )
pse = geneToExonProbeset( ids, probes.min=probes.min )
ps.r = pse[ , 'probeset' ]
ps = intersect( ps.r, rownames( x ) )
r = pse[ ps.r %in% ps, , drop=FALSE ]
x = x[ rownames( x ) %in% ps, , drop=FALSE ] )
x = cbind( probeset=rownames( x ), x )
r = merge( x, r, by='probeset' )
idx = c( ( 2:length( colnames( x ) ) ), 1, ( dim( x )[ 2 ] + 1 ):length( r ) )
r = r[ , idx, drop=FALSE ]
geneToGeneRegionTrack = function( genes, genome,, ... ) {
genes = geneDetails( genes )
if( length( genes ) == 0 ) {
return( list() )
if( length( unique( as.character( seqnames( genes ) ) ) ) > 1 ) {
stop( 'Cannot generate region tracks that are on differing chromosomes' )
generate = function( name ) {
genes = if( is.list( genes ) ) genes[[ name ]] else genes
transcripts = geneToTranscript( genes )
exons = transcriptToExon( transcripts )
mcols( genes ) = mcols( genes )[ , c( 'stable_id', 'biotype', 'symbol' ) ]
colnames( mcols( genes ) ) = c( 'gene', 'feature', 'symbol' )
mcols( transcripts ) = mcols( transcripts )[ , c( 'IN1', 'stable_id' ) ]
colnames( mcols( transcripts ) ) = c( 'gene', 'transcript' )
mcols( exons ) = mcols( exons )[ , c( 'IN1', 'stable_id' ) ]
colnames( mcols( exons ) ) = c( 'transcript', 'exon' )
mcols( exons ) = merge( mcols( exons ), mcols( transcripts ), by.x='transcript', by.y='transcript', sort=F )
mcols( exons ) = merge( mcols( exons ), mcols( genes ), by.x='gene', by.y='gene', sort=F )
GeneRegionTrack( exons, genome=genome, chromosome=as.character( seqnames( genes ) ), name=name, ... )
if( !is.null( ) ) {
generate( )
else {
sapply( names( split( genes, genes$stable_id ) ), generate )
arrayType = function( name=NULL, pick.default=FALSE, silent=FALSE ) {
# Get a list of arrays from the database
arrs = allArrays( as.vector=FALSE )
if( !is.null( name ) ) {
# Check were not looking for a garbage name
if( dim( arrs[ arrs[,1] == name, ] )[ 1 ] == 0 ) {
stop( paste( "Array '", name, "' not found. Call with no parameters to choose from a list", sep="" ) )
if( !silent ) {
cat( paste( "Using array '", name, "'.\n", sep="" ) )
if( is.null( name ) ) {
if( pick.default ) {
name = arrs[1,1]
if( !silent ) {
cat( paste( "Selected array '", name, "' as a default.\n", sep="" ) )
else {
choices = paste( as.character( arrs[,1] ), " ('", as.character( arrs[,2] ), "')", sep="" )
r = menu( choices, title="Select an array type to use:" )
if( r == 0 ) {
if( !silent ) {
cat( paste( "Using array '", name, "'.\n", sep="" ) )
return( invisible() )
else {
name = as.character( arrs[r,1] )
if( !silent ) {
cat( paste( "Using array '", name, "'.\n", sep="" ) )
.xmap.internals$array = name
.attr = function( o, a ) {
if( class( o ) == 'GRanges' ) {
o = elementMetadata( o )
o[[ a ]]
.usegranges = function() {
( is.null( annmapGetParam( 'oldstylekey' ) ) || annmapGetParam( 'oldstylekey' ) != .secret.encoder() )
transcriptToTranslatedprobes = function( ids ) {
transcript.ids = .get.correct.column( 'transcript', ids )
if( is.null( transcript.ids ) ) {
return( NULL )
# Get all the exons for this transcript
exons = transcriptToExon( transcript.ids )
if( is.null( exons ) ) {
tr.split = list()
else {
tr.split = split( .attr( exons, 'stable_id' ), .attr( exons, 'IN1' ) )
fn = function( id ) {
exons = tr.split[[ id ]]
exons = exonDetails( exons )
if( !is.null( exons ) ) {
fwd.strand = any( ( if( .usegranges() ) strandAsInteger( exons ) else exons$strand ) > 0 )
translated.width = sum( width( exons ) )
probesFn = function( eidx ) {
# Get the details for this exon
exon = exons[ eidx, ]
probes = probeInRange( exon )
if( !is.null( probes ) && length( probes ) > 0 ) {
# Remove those that hang off the ends of the exon
probes = probes[ start( probes ) >= start( exon ), ]
probes = probes[ end( probes ) <= end( exon ), ]
# Check whilst we could still have both types of default class
if( length( probes ) > 0 ) {
if( .usegranges() ) {
elementMetadata( probes )$IN1 = .attr( exon, 'stable_id' )
else {
probes$IN1 = .attr( exon, 'stable_id' )
# Return the probes for this exon
if( length( probes ) > 0 ) { probes } else { NULL }
probes = sapply( seq_along( .attr( exons, 'stable_id' ) ), probesFn )
# Then, change these offsets so that they are relative to the start of the
# transcript
exon.offset = 0
for( idx in seq_along( .attr( exons, 'stable_id' ) ) ) {
# For the reverse strand, go through the list backwards
eidx = if( fwd.strand ) idx else length( .attr( exons, 'stable_id' ) ) - idx + 1
if( !is.null( probes[[ eidx ]] ) ) {
ranges( probes[[ eidx ]] ) = shift( ranges( probes[[ eidx ]] ),
-start( exons[ eidx, ] ) + exon.offset )
# If on the reverse strand, change offsets to 5' from 3'
if( !fwd.strand ) {
ranges( probes[[ eidx ]] ) = IRanges( start=translated.width - end( probes[[ eidx ]] ),
end=translated.width - start( probes[[ eidx ]] ) )
# Re-sort the probes by start
probes[[ eidx ]] = probes[[ eidx ]][ order( start( probes[[ eidx ]] ) ), ]
exon.offset = exon.offset + width( exons[ eidx, ] )
# Remove all NULLs and combine
if( .usegranges() ) {
probes = probes[ !sapply( probes, is.null ) ]
if( length( probes ) > 0 ) {
unlist( GRangesList( probes ) )
else {
probes = 'rbind', probes[ !sapply( probes, is.null ) ] )
ret = sapply( transcript.ids, fn )
names( ret ) = transcript.ids
.set.conf.dir = function() {
tryCatch( rm( conf.dir, envir=.xmap.internals ), warning=function(a){invisible()} )
conf.dir = Sys.getenv( "ANNMAP_HOME" )
if( conf.dir == "" ) {
conf.dir = file.path( Sys.getenv( "HOME" ), ".annmap" )
cat( paste( "Using", conf.dir, "as our configuration directory.\n" ) )
if( !file.exists( conf.dir ) ) {
cat( paste( "Folder", conf.dir, "does not exist. Attempting to create.\n" ) )
dir.create( conf.dir, recursive=TRUE )
if( !file.exists( conf.dir ) ) {
stop( paste( "Failed to create folder '", conf.dir, "', giving up.", sep="" ) )
.xmap.internals$conf.dir = conf.dir
annmapSetParam = function( ... ) {
.params = list( ... )
for( .name in names( .params ) ) {
.xmap.internals[[ .name ]] = .params[ .name ][[1]]
if( !is.null( .xmap.internals$debug ) && ( .xmap.internals$debug ) ) {
.xmap.internals$debugFn = .debug.full
else {
.xmap.internals$debugFn = .debug.none
annmapGetParam = function( key ) {
.xmap.internals[[ key ]]
.debug.none = function( message ) {
.debug.full = function( message ) {
cat( format( Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y" ), "::", message, "\n" )
.initialise = function( use.cache=TRUE ) {
.xmap.internals$debug = FALSE
.xmap.internals$debugFn = .debug.none
.xmap.internals$max.query = 10000
.xmap.internals$connected = FALSE
.xmap.internals$field.mask = c( 'array_id', 'chromosome_id', 'hit_id', 'protein_id', 'gene_id', 'transcript_id', 'exon_id', 'probe_id', 'probeset_id', 'synonym_id', 'external_db_id' )
# Put all our main calls in an internal hash
# We should then be able to call annmapSetParam with a new hash
# to override these (eg for using a webservice rather than a db)
.procs = .make.hash()
.procs$all = .xmc.all
.procs$details = .xmc.details
.procs$to =
.procs$range = .xmc.range
.procs$params = .make.params
.procs$connect = .xmc.connect
.procs$disconnect = .xmc.disconnect
.xmap.internals$procs = .procs
.xmap.internals$initialised = TRUE
# Set the cache root
path = file.path( .xmap.internals$conf.dir, "cache" )
if( !file.exists( path ) ) {
r = dir.create( path )
if( !r ) {
warning( paste( "Could not create or locate cache folder '", path, "', running with caching disabled", sep="" ) )
path = NULL
use.cache = FALSE
else {
use.cache = TRUE
.xmap.internals$use.cache = use.cache
.set.cache.root( path )
generalisedNameToNCBI = function( name, ... ) {
if( length( grep( 'chr', name ) ) > 0 ) { name }
else if( name == 'MT' ) { 'chrM' }
else { paste( 'chr', name, sep='' ) }
generalisedNameToEnsembl = function( name, ... ) {
if( length( grep( 'chr', name ) ) == 0 ) { name }
else if( name == 'chrM' ) { 'MT' }
else { substring( name, 4 ) }
seqnameMapping = function( x, mappingFunction, ... ) {
seqlevels( x ) = unlist( lapply( seqlevels( x ), function( a ) { mappingFunction( a, ... ) } ) )
seqnamesToNCBI = function( x ) {
seqnameMapping( x, generalisedNameToNCBI )
seqnamesToEnsembl = function( x ) {
seqnameMapping( x, generalisedNameToEnsembl )
annmapEnv = function() {
if( is.null( .xmap.internals$connected ) || !.xmap.internals$connected ) {
stop( "You need to connect to a database. -- see annmapConnect()")
} "CALL env()", .xmap.internals$con )
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