# generation of a html report for several target capture samples
# based on output from TEQCreport() (produced with TEQC version >3.0.0)
multiTEQCreport <- function(singleReportDirs, samplenames, projectName="", targetsName="",
referenceName="", destDir="multiTEQCreport", k=c(1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20), figureFormat=c("jpeg","png","tiff")){
# singleReportDirs: string of directory names: output directories of function TEQCreport()
# samplenames: names of individual samples, used for plots
# projectName, targetsName, referenceName: names that can be chosen by user and will be placed on top of html report
# destDir: output directory
# k: parameter for 'covered.k()': k-values for which to show fraction of target bases with coverage >= ?k?
# figureFormat: format of the figures for the html report (besides pdf graphs)
figureFormat <- match.arg(figureFormat)
# get/check sample directories and names
n.samples <- length(singleReportDirs)
if(n.samples < 2)
stop("more than one directory name should be provided in 'singleReportDirs'")
samplenames <- paste("sample", 1:n.samples)
if(n.samples != length(samplenames))
stop("'singleReportDirs' and 'samplenames' have to be of same length")
stop("invalid directory name(s) provided in 'singleReportDirs'")
sampleInfo <- data.frame(Sample=samplenames, Report_Directory=singleReportDirs)
# get target names
tmp <- read.table(paste(singleReportDirs[1], "target_coverage.txt", sep="/"), header=TRUE, sep="\t",
targets <- paste(tmp$space, tmp$start, tmp$end, sep=":")
# output directory
if (!file.exists(destDir))
dir.create(destDir, recursive=TRUE)
wd <- getwd()
Path <- getwd()
print(paste("results and report are saved in folder", Path))
# image directory
imgDir <- file.path(destDir, "image")
if (!file.exists(imgDir))
## go through single report directories and collect results
targetstats <- NULL
sensilist <- list()
perTargCov <- NULL
for(i in 1:n.samples){
sr <- singleReportDirs[i]
# on-target statistics
tmp <- read.table(paste(sr, "onTargetStatistics.txt", sep="/"), row.names=1, header=FALSE)
targetstats <- cbind(targetstats, as.matrix(tmp))
# sensitivity
tmp <- read.table(paste(sr, "sensitivity.txt", sep="/"), header=TRUE)
sensilist <- c(sensilist, list(tmp))
# per-target coverage
tmp <- read.table(paste(sr, "target_coverage.txt", sep="/"), header=TRUE, sep="\t",
# check if targets are the same in all single reports
targ <- paste(tmp$space, tmp$start, tmp$end, sep=":")
if(!identical(targ, targets))
stop("targets were not the same in all single reports")
perTargCov <- cbind(perTargCov, tmp$avgCoverage)
colnames(targetstats) <- samplenames
dimnames(perTargCov) <- list(targets, samplenames)
## save tables
# specificity
speci <- data.frame(fractionReadsOnTarget=targetstats["fractionReadsOnTarget",])
write.table(speci, file=file.path(destDir, "fractionReadsOnTarget.txt"), sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
# average and median target coverage
targcov <- targetstats[-1,]
write.table(targcov, file=file.path(destDir, "targetCoverageStats.txt"), sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
# sensitivity
m <- max(sapply(sensilist, function(x) max(x$coverage)))
sensi0 <- matrix(0, nrow=m+1, ncol=n.samples) # all coverage values
dimnames(sensi0) <- list(0:m, samplenames)
for(i in 1:n.samples){
tmp <- sensilist[[i]]
k0 <- intersect(0:m, tmp$coverage)
sensi0[as.character(k0), i] <- tmp$fractionTargetBases[tmp$coverage %in% k0]
k2 <- intersect(k, 0:m) # just selected 'k' values
sensi <- sensi0[as.character(k2),]
sensi <- data.frame(coverage=rownames(sensi), sensi)
write.table(sensi, file=file.path(destDir, "sensitivity.txt"), sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
# per-target coverage
write.table(perTargCov, file=file.path(destDir, "targetCoverage.txt"), sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
## values for
values <-
SPECI_BARPLOT=htmlSpeciBarplot(destDir, speci, figureFormat),
COV_BOXPLOT=htmlCovBoxplot(destDir, targcov, figureFormat),
SENSI_BARPLOT=htmlSensiBarplot(destDir, sensi, figureFormat),
UNIF_PLOT=htmlUniformityPlot(destDir, sensi0, avgCov=targcov["avgCoverage",], figureFormat),
COV_CORPLOT=htmlCovCorrelationPlot(destDir, perTargCov, figureFormat)
# create report, values=values)
# write results to html report <- function(destDir, values, ...){
fls <- c("0000-Header.html", "1000-Overview.html", "2000-Specificity.html", "3000-TargetCoverage.html",
sections <- system.file("templateMulti", fls, package="TEQC")
# cssFile: html settings template, QA.css template file taken from ShortRead package in inst/template
cssFile <- c(QA.css=system.file("template", "QA.css", package="TEQC"))
htmlFile <- file.path(destDir, "index.html")
biocFile <- "bioclogo-small.jpg"
values <- c(list(CSS=names(cssFile), DATE=date(), VERSION=packageDescription("TEQC")$Version), values)
# open index.html, copy sections from templates and fill in values
toConn <- file(htmlFile, "w")
for (sec in sections) {
fromConn <- file(sec, open="r")
copySubstitute(sec, toConn, values) # function from Biobase
# copy QA.css and BioC image to destDir
file.copy(cssFile, file.path(destDir, names(cssFile)))
file.copy(system.file("template", "image", biocFile, package="TEQC"), file.path(destDir, "image", biocFile))
## plot functions
speciBarplot <- function(speci){
par(mar=c(8,4,4,3), las=2)
barplot(t(100*speci), ylab="% on-target reads", ylim=c(0,100), col="cornflowerblue")
htmlSpeciBarplot <- function(dir, speci, figureFormat, ...){
figFile <- paste("specificity_barplot", figureFormat, sep=".")
pdfFile <- "specificity_barplot.pdf"
imgDir <- file.path(dir, "image")
if(figureFormat == "jpeg")
jpeg(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
else if(figureFormat == "png")
png(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
if(figureFormat == "tiff")
tiff(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
pdf(file.path(imgDir, pdfFile), ...)
# show jpeg in the report but link to pdf
hwriteImage(file.path(".", "image", figFile), link=file.path(".", "image", pdfFile))
covplot <- function(targcov){
samplenames <- rownames(targcov)
n.samples <- length(samplenames)
par(xpd=T, mar=c(8,4,4,8), las=2)
plot(targcov$avgTargetCoverage, ylim=c(0, max(targcov)), ylab="target coverage", xlab="",
col="cornflowerblue", pch=16, cex=2, xaxt="n")
points(targcov$medianTargetCoverage, col="darkorange", pch=17, cex=2)
axis(side=1, at=1:n.samples, samplenames)
legend(x=n.samples+n.samples*.05, y=mean(targcov$avgTargetCoverage), c("average", "median"), col=c("cornflowerblue","darkorange"), pch=16:17, pt.cex=2)
covBoxplot <- function(targcov){
par(mar=c(8,4,4,3), las=2)
boxplot(targcov[-(1:2),], outline=FALSE, whiskcol="transparent", boxcol="cornflowerblue", medcol="cornflowerblue", staplecol="transparent", ylab="Coverage")
points(1:ncol(targcov), targcov["avgCoverage",], pch="*", cex=2, col="darkred")
legend("bottomleft", "average coverage", pch="*", pt.cex=2, col="darkred")
htmlCovBoxplot <- function(dir, targcov, figureFormat, ...){
figFile <- paste("targetCoverage_boxplot", figureFormat, sep=".")
pdfFile <- "targetCoverage_boxplot.pdf"
imgDir <- file.path(dir, "image")
if(figureFormat == "jpeg")
jpeg(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
else if(figureFormat == "png")
png(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
if(figureFormat == "tiff")
tiff(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
pdf(file.path(imgDir, pdfFile), ...)
# show jpeg in the report but link to pdf
hwriteImage(file.path(".", "image", figFile), link=file.path(".", "image", pdfFile))
sensiBarplot <- function(sensi){
k <- rownames(sensi)
tmp <- as.matrix(sensi[,-1])
n.samples <- ncol(tmp)
# transform to "non-cumulative" fractions such that bars get correct heights (summing up to 1 and not more)
tmp <- tmp - rbind(tmp[-1,], 0)
tmp <- tmp[order(as.numeric(k), decreasing=TRUE),]
col <- colorRampPalette(c("darkblue", "ghostwhite"))(nrow(sensi))
par(mar=c(8,4,4,6), las=2, xpd=T)
barplot(100*tmp, col=col, ylim=c(0,100), ylab="% target bases")
p <- par("usr")[2]
legend(x=p+p*0.025, y=80, legend=k, fill=rev(col), title="Coverage")
htmlSensiBarplot <- function(dir, sensi, figureFormat, ...){
figFile <- paste("sensitivity_barplot", figureFormat, sep=".")
pdfFile <- "sensitivity_barplot.pdf"
imgDir <- file.path(dir, "image")
if(figureFormat == "jpeg")
jpeg(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
else if(figureFormat == "png")
png(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
if(figureFormat == "tiff")
tiff(file.path(imgDir, figFile), ...)
pdf(file.path(imgDir, pdfFile), ...)
# show jpeg in the report but link to pdf
hwriteImage(file.path(".", "image", figFile), link=file.path(".", "image", pdfFile))
unifplot <- function(sensi, avgCov){
n.samples <- ncol(sensi)
lty <- rep(1:3, length.out=n.samples)
# raw coverage
plot(NA, xlim=as.numeric(range(rownames(sensi))), ylim=c(0,1), main="Raw coverage", xlab="Coverage", ylab="Cumulative fraction of target bases")
for(i in 1:n.samples)
lines(x=rownames(sensi), y=sensi[,i], col=i, lty=lty[i], lwd=2)
legend("topright", colnames(sensi), col=1:n.samples, lty=lty, lwd=2)
# normalized coverage
plot(NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), main="Normalized coverage", xlab="Normalized coverage", ylab="Cumulative fraction of target bases")
for(i in 1:n.samples){
normcov <- as.numeric(rownames(sensi)) / avgCov[i]
lines(x=normcov, y=sensi[,i], col=i, lty=lty[i], lwd=2)
legend("topright", colnames(sensi), col=1:n.samples, lty=lty, lwd=2)
htmlUniformityPlot <- function(dir, sensi, avgCov, figureFormat, ...){
figFile <- paste("coverageUniformity_plot", figureFormat, sep=".")
pdfFile <- "coverageUniformity_plot.pdf"
imgDir <- file.path(dir, "image")
if(figureFormat == "jpeg")
jpeg(file.path(imgDir, figFile), width=1000, ...)
else if(figureFormat == "png")
png(file.path(imgDir, figFile), width=1000, ...)
if(figureFormat == "tiff")
tiff(file.path(imgDir, figFile),width=1000, ...)
unifplot(sensi, avgCov)
pdf(file.path(imgDir, pdfFile), width=14, ...)
unifplot(sensi, avgCov)
# show jpeg in the report but link to pdf
hwriteImage(file.path(".", "image", figFile), link=file.path(".", "image", pdfFile))
plot.i <- function(x, y, ...){
pch <- "."
cex <- 2
if(length(x) < 1000){
pch <- 20
cex <- 1
points(x, y, cex=cex, pch=pch, ...)
abline(0, 1, lty=2, col="grey")
cortext <- function(x, y, ...){
np <- min(x, na.rm=T)
xp <- max(x, na.rm=T)
mp <- mean(c(np,xp))
Co <- cor(x, y, use="complete.obs")
text(x=mp, y=mp, round(Co, digits=2), cex=2*Co, ...)
covcorplot <- function(perTargCov){
pairs(perTargCov, panel=plot.i, lower.panel=cortext)
htmlCovCorrelationPlot <- function(dir, perTargCov, figureFormat, ...){
figFile <- paste("perTargetCoverageCorrelation_plot", figureFormat, sep=".")
pdfFile <- "perTargetCoverageCorrelation_plot.pdf"
imgDir <- file.path(dir, "image")
if(figureFormat == "jpeg")
jpeg(file.path(imgDir, figFile), width=800, height=800, ...)
else if(figureFormat == "png")
png(file.path(imgDir, figFile), width=800, height=800, ...)
if(figureFormat == "tiff")
tiff(file.path(imgDir, figFile), width=800, height=800, ...)
pdf(file.path(imgDir, pdfFile), width=12, height=12, ...)
# show jpeg in the report but link to pdf
hwriteImage(file.path(".", "image", figFile), link=file.path(".", "image", pdfFile))
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