### new version of chipAlongChrom using lattice graphics
## adopted from the tilingArray package
# plotting along chromosome (extra bar/s, gff optional,
# legend at bottom optional)
# also need ability to change the color scheme for panel
### also provide an S4 method as a wrapper
setMethod("plot",signature=c("ExpressionSet","probeAnno"),function(x, y,...){
chipAlongChrom(eSet=x, probeAnno=y, ...)
chipAlongChrom <- function(eSet, probeAnno, chrom, xlim, ylim,
samples=NULL, paletteName="Set2",
colPal=NULL, ylab="Fold change [log]",
ipch=16, ilwd=3, ilty=1, icex=3, gff = NULL,
featureExclude=c("chromosome", "nucleotide_match",
"insertion"), zeroLine=TRUE, sampleLegend=TRUE,
featureLegend=FALSE, maxInterDistance=200,
coord=NULL, highlight, main, ...)
## check arguments
inherits(probeAnno, "probeAnno"),
eSetProbeNames <- featureNames(eSet)
if (is.null(samples)) samples <- 1:ncol(exprs(eSet))
if (!is.null(coord) && missing(xlim)){
stopifnot(is.numeric(coord), length(coord)==2)
xlim <- coord
thisCall <-
sampleLegendPos <- match.arg(sampleLegendPos,
c("topleft","topright","bottomleft", "bottomright"))
## set up the viewports of the plot layout.
n <- length(samples)
VP <- c("title"=0.4, "expr+"=10, "gff+"=1, "coord"=1, "gff-"=1, "legend"=1)
VP = VP[-which(names(VP)=="legend")]
VP = VP[-which(names(VP)=="gff+" | names(VP)=="gff-")]
defaultColors = c("+" = "#00441b", "-" = "#081d58", "duplicated" = "grey",
"cp" = "#555555", "ci" = "#777777", "highlight" = "red",
"threshold" = "black","rmp"= "#010101") # rmp: reporter-match position
if (!is.null(colPal))
colPal <- rep(colPal, length.out=ncol(eSet))
colPal <- brewer.pal(8, paletteName)[1:ncol(eSet)]
## plot margin
pushViewport(viewport(width=0.85, height=0.95)) ## plot margin
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(length(VP), 1, heights=VP)))
strand <- "+"
## interpret input data and probe mapping
## eSet and probeAnno
y <- exprs(eSet)
## get probe annotation on that chromosome from probeAnno
sta <- probeAnno[paste(chrom, "start", sep=".")]
end <- probeAnno[paste(chrom, "end", sep=".")]
mid <- round((sta+end)/2)
index <- probeAnno[paste(chrom, "index", sep=".")]
uni <- probeAnno[paste(chrom, "unique", sep=".")]
names(mid) <- index
nProbesOnChr <- length(mid)
if (!missing(xlim)){
stopifnot(length(xlim)==2, xlim[1]>0, xlim[2]>xlim[1])
areProbesInLimits <- (mid>=xlim[1])&(mid<=xlim[2])
usedProbes <- mid[areProbesInLimits]
usedProbesCol <- as.numeric(uni[areProbesInLimits]!=0)+1
uni <- uni[areProbesInLimits]
} else {usedProbes <- mid}
if (length(usedProbes) < 1)
stop("No reporter-mapped positions in specified region!\n")
nSamples <- length(samples)
usedProbesIdx <- match(names(usedProbes),eSetProbeNames)
if (any(
warning(paste("The identifiers of", sum(,
"reporters in the region to plot are not found as",
"'featureNames' of", deparse(substitute(eSet)),"\n"))
dat <- list(x = usedProbes,
y = y[usedProbesIdx, samples, drop=FALSE],
flag = uni)
lengthChr <- end[length(end)]
## At this point, no matter what the input to the function was,
## we have the list 'dat' with elements
## x: x coordinate
## y: y coordinate
## flag
## if no region is specified, plot the whole chromosome
if(missing(coord) && missing(xlim))
xlim <- coord <- c(1, lengthChr)
## set up the y-axis limits
ylimdata <- range(as.vector(dat[["y"]][dat[["x"]]>=xlim[1] & dat[["x"]]<=xlim[2],]), na.rm=TRUE)
if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- ylimdata + c(-0.15, 0.15)*diff(ylimdata)
## plot the data
vpr <- which(names(VP)==sprintf("expr%s", strand))
### set up viewport for expression plot ######################
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=xlim, yData=ylim, extension=0, clip="off",
layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=vpr))
grid.text(ylab, x=-0.075, y=0.6, just=c("right", "center"), default.units="npc", rot=90, gp=gpar(cex=0.9, font=2),...)
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=xlim, yData=ylim, extension=0, clip="on",
layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=vpr))
for(j in seq(1:n)) {
datj <- dat
datj$y <- dat$y[,j]
## plot the data
plotOneChIPSample(datj, xlim=xlim, chr=chrom, strand="+", vpr=vpr,
ipch=ipch, ilwd=ilwd, icex=icex,...)
}# for(j in seq(1:n))
### sample legend
if (sampleLegend){
# determine positions of sample legend
sLPos <- switch(sampleLegendPos,
"topleft"=list(x=unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc"),
"bottomleft"=list(x=unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"),
"topright"=list(x=unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc"),
"bottomright"=list(x=unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"),
text=list(sampleNames(eSet)[samples], cex=0.8)),
vp=viewport(x = sLPos$x, y = sLPos$y,
height=strheight("abc", units="figure")*1.2*n,
just=sLPos$just, clip="off"), draw=TRUE)
} # if (sampleLegend)
### end plotting the data
### plot annotated genome features (supplied in the gff)
for (strand in c("+","-"))
plotFeatures(gff=gff, chr=chrom, xlim=xlim, strand=strand,
featureExclude=featureExclude, featureColorScheme=1,
vpr=which(names(VP)==sprintf("gff%s", strand)),...)
######### plot chromosomal coordinate axis #################################
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=xlim, yscale=c(-0.4,0.8), extension=0,
layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=which(names(VP)=="coord")))
grid.lines(xlim, c(0,0), default.units = "native")
tck <- alongChromTicks(xlim)
grid.text(label=formatC(tck, format="d"), x=tck, y=0.2, just=c("centre", "bottom"), gp = gpar(cex=.6), default.units="native")
grid.segments(x0 = tck, x1 = tck, y0 = -0.17, y1 = 0.17, default.units = "native")
####### plot probe positions ################################################
rmpCols <- ifelse(dat$flag==0, defaultColors["rmp"],
grid.segments(x0 = usedProbes, x1 = usedProbes, y0 = -0.01, y1 = 0.1,
default.units="native", gp=gpar(lwd=2, col=rmpCols))
## this part was modified to draw arrows for transcripts rather than bars
mt = (match(highlight$strand, c("-", "+"))-1.5)*2
if (!is.null(highlight$coord))
co <- highlight$coord
co <- highlight$x
if( || !is.numeric(co))
stop("Invalid parameter 'highlight'.")
strand.num <- ifelse(highlight$strand=="-",-1,1)
grid.segments(x0=co, x1=co+(500*strand.num), y0=c(0.4,0.4)*mt,
y1=c(0.4,0.4)*mt, default.units = "native", arrow=arrow(),
gp=gpar(col="violetred4", lwd=4))
#### TITLE
grid.text(label=paste("Chromosome", chrom, "coordinate [bp]"), x=0.5, y=1,
just="centre", gp=gpar(cex=1, font=2))
grid.text(label=main, x=0.05, y=1, just="centre", gp=gpar(cex=1, font=2))
featureColorScheme=1, featureExclude=featureExclude)
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## auxiliary function: plot Features
## ------------------------------------------------------------
plotFeatures <- function(gff, chr, xlim, strand, vpr, featureColorScheme=1,
featureExclude=c("chromosome", "nucleotide_match",
"insertion"), featureNoLabel=c("uORF", "CDS"),...)
#### check arguments:
length(strand)==1, strand %in% c("+", "-"))
if (! "symbol" %in% names(gff)){ gff$symbol <- gff$name}
else { gff$symbol[gff$symbol==""] <- gff$name[gff$symbol==""]}
stopifnot(length(strand)==1, strand %in% c("+", "-"))
translateStrand <- function(x){
if (x==-1) return("-")
if (x==1) return("+")
stopifnot(all(gff[,"start"] <= gff[, "end"]))
if (is.numeric(gff$strand))
gff$strand <- sapply(gff$strand, translateStrand)
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=xlim, yscale=c(-1.2,1.2), extension=0,
clip="on", layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=vpr))
sel <- which(gff[, "chr"] == chr &
gff[, "strand"] == strand &
gff[, "start"] <= xlim[2] &
gff[, "end"] >= xlim[1])
## for label, use "symbol" if available, otherwise "name"
featName = gff[sel, "symbol"]
## split by feature type (e.g. CDS, ncRNA)
feature = as.character(gff[sel, "feature"])
featsp = split(seq(along=sel), feature)
## There are now five different cases, and we need to deal with them:
## - ignorable features, given by featureExclude
## - genes: a horizontal line + name
## - introns: a caret
## - CDS: a box + no name
## - all others: a colored box + name
## in this vector we save those features for which we want to have names
whnames = integer(0)
## 1. drop the ignorable ones
featsp = featsp[ ! (names(featsp) %in% featureExclude) ]
## 3.introns
wh = ("intron" == names(featsp))
if(any(wh)) {
i = featsp[["intron"]]
s = sel[i]
mid = (gff$start[s]+gff$end[s])/2
wid = (gff$end[s]-gff$start[s])/2
for(z in c(-1,1))
grid.segments(x0 = mid,
x1 = mid+z*wid,
y0 = 1.20*c("+"=1, "-"=-1)[strand], ## istrand is 1 or 2
y1 = 0.95*c("+"=1, "-"=-1)[strand],
default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(col="black"))
featsp = featsp[!wh]
} ## if
## 4. colors for boxes
## check that we know how deal with all features
featCols = featureColors(featureColorScheme)
whm = names(featsp) %in% rownames(featCols)
warning("Don't know how to handle feature of type(s) '",
paste(names(featsp)[!whm], collapse=", "), "' in gff.", sep="")
sfeatsp = featsp[rownames(featCols)]
ll = listLen(sfeatsp)
if(any(ll>0)) {
i = unlist(sfeatsp)
gp = gpar(col = rep(featCols$col, ll),
fill = rep(featCols$fill, ll))
s = sel[i]
grid.rect(x = gff$start[s],
y = 0,
width = gff$end[s]-gff$start[s],
height= 2,
default.units = "native",
just = c("left", "center"),
gp = gp)
whnames = c(whnames, unlist(sfeatsp[!(names(sfeatsp) %in% featureNoLabel)]))
## additional potentially useful values for featureNoLabel: "binding_site", "TF_binding_site"
## labels
if( !all(tolower(featureNoLabel)=="all") && (length(whnames)>0)) {
## this is a bit of a hack to abbreviate the labels of
## "binding site" features:
bindingRegexpr = "binding.?site.*$"
isBindingSite = (regexpr(bindingRegexpr, featName[whnames]) > 0)
if(any(isBindingSite)) {
## replace long labels
featName[whnames] = gsub(bindingRegexpr, "bs", featName[whnames])
## remove duplicated names that are not binding sites
whnames = whnames[isBindingSite | !duplicated(featName[whnames])]
txtcex = 0.6
txtdy = 0.7
s = sel[whnames]
txtx = (pmax(min(xlim), gff$start[s])+ pmin(max(xlim), gff$end[s]))/2
txty = numeric(length(s))
ord = order(txtx)
whnames = whnames[ord]
s = s[ord]
txtx = txtx[ord]
strw = convertWidth(stringWidth(featName[whnames]), "native", valueOnly=TRUE)*txtcex
rightB = txtx[1] + 0.5*strw[1]
doText = rep(TRUE, length(whnames))
# adjust text labels to be still readable in feature-dense areas:
if(length(whnames) >1) {
for(k in 2:length(whnames)) {
leftB = txtx[k] - 0.5*strw[k]
if(leftB > rightB) { # all texts not overlapping next to each other?
rightB = txtx[k] + 0.5*strw[k]
} else { # any overlaps?
if(!any(txty[k-(1:2)]==txtdy)) {# 2 previous labels not moved up?
txty[k]= txtdy # then this one
} else { # else try move down:
if(!any(txty[k-(1:2)]== -txtdy)) {
txty[k]= -txtdy # if 2 previous ones weren't
} else {
doText[k] = FALSE # otherwise don't put the label
} ## else
} ## for
grid.text(label = featName[whnames][doText],
x = txtx[doText], y = txty[doText], gp=gpar(cex=txtcex),
default.units = "native")
} ## if
} ## plotFeatures
alongChromTicks <- function(x){
rx = range(x)
lz = log((rx[2]-rx[1])/3, 10)
fl = floor(lz)
if( lz-fl > log(5, 10))
fl = fl + log(5, 10)
tw = round(10^fl)
i0 = ceiling(rx[1]/tw)
i1 = floor(rx[2]/tw)
seq(i0, i1)*tw
}# alongChromTicks
## featureColors
## note that features are drawn in the order in which they appear
## here, this can be used to let important features overdraw less
## important ones (e.g. tRNA is more specific than ncRNA)
## to test, say tilingArray:::plotAlongChromLegend()
featureColors <- function(scheme=1){
defaultColors = c(
"centromere" = "#FFEDA0", ## orange
"telomere" = "#FFEDA0", ## orange
"novel_pseudogene" = "#f0f0f0", ## light gray
"novel_retrotransposed" = "#f0f0f0", ## light gray
"novel_coding" = "#e0f1f2", ## lighter blue
"novel_RNA" = "#b6e97a", ## green
"novel_tRNA" = "#b6e97a", ## green
"novel_scRNA" = "#9C9BC1", ## purple
"novel_snRNA" = "#9C7BC1", ## purple
"novel_rRNA" = "#ffbe71", ## meat
"novel_snoRNA" = "#8F6A68", ## red brown
"novel_miRNA" = "#DC76DC", ## light red-violet
"pseudogene" = "#e0e0e0", ## light gray
"uORF" = "#FED976" , ## orange
"nc_primary_transcript" = "#a0a0a0", ## grey
"repeat_family" = "#CC6666", ## light red
"repeat_region" = "#e31a1c", ## bright red
"retrotransposed" = "#f1b6da", ## pink
"transposable_element" = "#f1b6da", ## pink
"transposable_element_gene"= "#f1b6da",
"ARS" = "#CC9966", ## light brown
"insertion" = "#FFEDA0", ## orange
"CDS_dubious" = "#e0f1f2", ## lighter blue
"gene" = "#addfff", ## light blue
"CDS" = "#addfff", ## light blue
"coding" = "#5E88B0", ## light blue
"exon" = "#5E88B0", ## aquamarine
"transcript" = "#5E88B0", ## aquamarine
"ncRNA" = "#a6d96a", ## green
"tRNA" = "#a6d96a", ## green
"snRNA" = "#8C6BB1", ## purple
"rRNA" = "#fdae61", ## meat
"snoRNA" = "#7F5A58", ## red brown
"miRNA" = "#cc66cc", ## light red-violet
"nucleosome_binding_motif" = "#C9C299",## lemon chiffon
"TF_binding_site" = "#C9C299" ## lemon chiffon
darkenborder <- as.logical(c(rep(1, length(defaultColors)-2),0, 0))
fill = switch(scheme,
default = defaultColors,
unicolor = ifelse(, NA, "#addfff"), ## light blue
stop("Encountered error when filling in colors."))
## calculate hex string for a color that is a little bit darker than the
## hex string in the argument
darken <- function(x, factor=0.5) {
wh = which(!
hex = sapply(x[wh], substring, first=c(2,4,6), last=c(3,5,7))
hex = apply(hex, 2, function(h) as.integer(factor*as.integer(paste("0x", h, sep=""))))
res = rep(as.character(NA), length(x))
res[wh] = apply(hex, 2, function(h) sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", h[1], h[2], h[3]))
border <- ifelse(darkenborder, darken(fill), fill)
res <- data.frame(fill=I(fill), col =I(border))
rownames(res) <- names(defaultColors)
} # function featureColors
## legend
plotAlongChromLegend <- function(vpr, nr=2, featureColorScheme=1,
featureExclude=c("chromosome", "nucleotide_match", "insertion"),
mainLegend, cexLegend=0.35, cexMain=1)
# when this function is called on its own
# set up a viewport
if(missing(vpr)) {
vpr = newVP(main=mainLegend, dataPanelHeight=1, cexMain=cexMain) # newVP sets up a new viewport
formatRow = function(featColsOneRow, row) {
## print(featColsOneRow)
strWid = convertWidth(stringWidth(rownames(featColsOneRow)), "npc", valueOnly=TRUE)
n = length(strWid)
inbetWid = 0.2*min(strWid)
totWid = sum(strWid)+(n-1)*inbetWid
x = c(0, cumsum(strWid[-n])) + (0:(n-1))*inbetWid
y = numeric(length(x))
x = x/totWid
strWid = strWid/totWid
grid.rect(x = x, width = strWid,
y = unit(row, "native"), height = unit(1, "native")- unit(1, "mm"),
just = c("left", "center"), default.units="npc",
gp =, featColsOneRow))
grid.text(label = rownames(featColsOneRow),
x = unit(x + strWid/2, "native"), y = unit(row, "native"),
just = c("center", "center"), gp=gpar(cex=cexLegend))
featCols = featureColors(featureColorScheme)
featCols = featCols[ !(rownames(featCols) %in% featureExclude), ]
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=vpr, yscale=c(0.5, nr+0.5)))
i = 1:nrow(featCols)
for(r in 1:nr)
formatRow(featCols[ceiling(i/nrow(featCols)*nr-1e-10)==r, ], row=nr-r+1)
# this function sets up a new viewport. It is used by plotAlongChromLegend,
# plotSegmentationHeatmap and plotOneChIPSample when they are called as
# stand-alone functions (ie when vpr is not specified)
newVP <- function(main, cexMain=1, dataPanelHeight=1, vpHeight=0.7, titleOffSet=0) {
if(!missing(main)) {
vpr = c("title"=0.1, "data"=dataPanelHeight)
pushViewport(viewport(width=0.85, height=vpHeight)) ## plot margin
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(length(vpr), 1, heights=vpr)))
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=which(names(vpr)=="title")))
grid.text(label=main, x=0.5, y=1.1+titleOffSet, just="centre", gp=gpar(cex=cexMain))
vpr = which(names(vpr)=="data")
} else {
vpr = c("data"=dataPanelHeight)
pushViewport(viewport(width=0.85, height=vpHeight)) ## plot margin
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(length(vpr), 1, heights=vpr)))
## plot one ChIP-chip sample with lines and dots
plotOneChIPSample <- function(dat, xlim, ylim, ylab,
chr=1, strand="+", vpr, sampleColor=NULL, zeroLine=TRUE,
main, pointSize=unit(1.0, "mm"), maxInterDistance=200, itype="r",
ilwd=3, ilty=1, icex=4, ipch=16, cexAxisLabel=1, cexAxis=1,...)
if(missing(vpr)) {
vpr = newVP(main=main, dataPanelHeight=1, vpHeight=0.95, titleOffSet=-0.9)
dat$y = rowMeans(dat$y) ## if >1 samples, take mean over samples
stopifnot(length(dat$y)==length(dat$x), length(dat$flag)==length(dat$x))
xorg = dat$x
if(missing(xlim)) {
xlim=range(dat$x, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
sel = (dat$x>=xlim[1])&(dat$x<=xlim[2])
dat$x = dat$x[sel]
dat$y = dat$y[sel]
dat$flag = dat$flag[sel]
ylim = quantile(dat$y, c(0,1), na.rm=TRUE)
## the expression data. use two viewports for different clipping behavior
if (missing(vpr)){
if(!missing(ylab)) {
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=xlim, yData=ylim, extension=0, clip="off",
layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=vpr))
grid.text(ylab, x=-0.075, y=0.5, rot=90, gp=gpar(cex=cexAxisLabel),...)
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=xlim, yData=ylim, extension=0, clip="on",
layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=vpr))
} else {
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=xlim, yData=ylim, extension=0, clip="off",
layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=vpr))
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=xlim, yData=ylim, extension=0, clip="on",
layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=vpr))
defaultColors <- c("+" = "#081d58", "-" = "#081d58", "duplicated" = "grey",
"cp" = "#555555", "ci" = "#777777", "highlight" = "red",
"threshold" = "grey")
if (is.null(sampleColor))
sampleColor <- "#081d58"
ord <- sort(which(dat$flag==0))# , which(dat$flag==0))
colFlag <- ifelse(dat$flag==0, sampleColor, defaultColors["duplicated"])
### draw zero line
if (zeroLine)
grid.lines(y=unit(0, "native"), gp=gpar(col="#000000", lty=2, lwd=2))
### probe positions
absProbes <- abs(unlist(dat$x[ord]))
rangeX <- xlim # previously: range(absProbes)
rangeX <- rangeX + round(diff(rangeX)*c(-0.05,0.05))
interProbeDistances <- diff(absProbes)
closeProbeClusters <- Ringo:::clusters(interProbeDistances <= maxInterDistance)
if (length(absProbes) > 0) {
if (itype %in% c("r","u")){
if (nrow(closeProbeClusters)>0){
areInClusters <- vector("logical", length(absProbes))
## this next for-loop is ugly, there must be a nicer way
for (j in 1:nrow(closeProbeClusters))
areInClusters[closeProbeClusters[j,1]+(0:closeProbeClusters[j,2])] <- TRUE
grid.polyline(x=absProbes[areInClusters], y=dat$y[ord][areInClusters], default.units="native", id=rep(seq(nrow(closeProbeClusters)), closeProbeClusters[,2]+1), gp=gpar(col=sampleColor, lwd=ilwd, lty=ilty))
}#if (nrow(closeProbeClusters)>0)
grid.points(dat$x, y=dat$y, pch=ipch, size=pointSize*icex, gp=gpar(col=colFlag))
} else {
grid.points(dat$x, y=dat$y, pch=ipch, size=pointSize, gp=gpar(col=colFlag))
}# if (itype %in% c("r","u"))
} ## plotOneChIPSample
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