
Defines functions BBSOverride printf CytoscapeConnection new.CytoscapeWindow existing.CytoscapeWindow check.cytoscape.plugin.version properlyInitializedNodeAttribute properlyInitializedEdgeAttribute set.node.or.edge.properties noa.names eda.names noa eda cy2.edge.names getAdjacentEdgeNames makeSimpleGraph demoSimpleGraph makeRandomGraph remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph.old remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph initNodeAttribute initEdgeAttribute cleanup sendNodeAttributesForGraph sendEdgeAttributesForGraph chad.debug hexColorToInt classicGraphToNodePairTable multiGraphToNodePairTable rcyEdgeNames getNovelEdges is.classic.graph is.multiGraph predictedDisplayGraphTime

Documented in cy2.edge.names CytoscapeConnection demoSimpleGraph eda eda.names existing.CytoscapeWindow getAdjacentEdgeNames initEdgeAttribute initNodeAttribute makeRandomGraph makeSimpleGraph new.CytoscapeWindow noa noa.names

library (graph)
library (XMLRPC)
library (methods)

# this code is for the Bioconductor build system. You should never need to set or
# read these environment variables in ordinary use.
.BBSOverride <- function(host, rpcPort) {
    ret <- list()
    if ((Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE_PORT_OVERRIDE") != "") &&  (Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE_HOST_OVERRIDE") != "")) {
      host = Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE_HOST_OVERRIDE")
      rpcPort = as(Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE_PORT_OVERRIDE"),"integer")
    if (.Platform$r_arch == "x64") {
        if ((Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE_PORT_OVERRIDE_64") != "") &&  (Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE_HOST_OVERRIDE_64") != "")) {
          host = Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE_HOST_OVERRIDE_64")
          rpcPort = as(Sys.getenv("RCYTOSCAPE_PORT_OVERRIDE_64"),"integer")
    #cat(paste("Using host", host, "and port", rpcPort, "."))
    ret["host"] <- host
    ret["rpcPort"] <- rpcPort

printf = function (...) print (noquote (sprintf (...)))
#setClassUnion ("biocGraph", c ("graph", "MultiGraph"))
#setClassUnion ("biocGraph", c ("graph", "graphNEL", "graphAM", "distGraph", "clusterGraph", "graphBAM", "MultiGraph"))

setClass ("CytoscapeConnectionClass", 
          representation = representation (uri="character"),
          prototype = prototype (uri="http://localhost:9000")

setClass ("CytoscapeWindowClass", 
          representation = representation (title="character",
          prototype = prototype (title="R graph", 
                                 graph=new ("graphNEL", edgemode='directed'), 

setGeneric ('ping',                     signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('ping'))
setGeneric ('pluginVersion',            signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('pluginVersion'))
setGeneric ('msg',                      signature='obj', function (obj, string) standardGeneric ('msg'))
setGeneric ('clearMsg',                 signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('clearMsg'))
setGeneric ('createWindow',             signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('createWindow'))
setGeneric ('createWindowFromSelection', signature='obj', function (obj, new.windowTitle, return.graph) standardGeneric ('createWindowFromSelection'))
setGeneric ('getWindowCount',           signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getWindowCount'))
setGeneric ('getWindowList',            signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getWindowList'))
setGeneric ('deleteWindow',             signature='obj', function (obj, window.title=NA) standardGeneric ('deleteWindow'))
setGeneric ('deleteAllWindows',         signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('deleteAllWindows'))
setGeneric ('getArrowShapes',           signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getArrowShapes'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutNames',           signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getLayoutNames'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutNameMapping',     signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getLayoutNameMapping'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyNames',   signature='obj', function (obj, layout.name) standardGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyNames'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyType',    signature='obj', function (obj, layout.name, property.name) standardGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyType'))
setGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyValue',   signature='obj', function (obj, layout.name, property.name) standardGeneric ('getLayoutPropertyValue'))
setGeneric ('setLayoutProperties',      signature='obj', function (obj, layout.name, properties.list) standardGeneric ('setLayoutProperties'))
setGeneric ('getLineStyles',            signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getLineStyles'))
setGeneric ('getNodeShapes',            signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getNodeShapes'))
setGeneric ('getDirectlyModifiableVisualProperties', 
                                        signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getDirectlyModifiableVisualProperties'))
setGeneric ('getAttributeClassNames',   signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getAttributeClassNames'))
setGeneric ('setGraph',                 signature='obj', function (obj, graph) standardGeneric ('setGraph'))
setGeneric ('getGraph',                 signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getGraph'))
setGeneric ('sendNodes',                signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('sendNodes'))
setGeneric ('sendEdges',                signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('sendEdges'))

setGeneric ('addCyNode',                signature='obj', function (obj, nodeName) standardGeneric ('addCyNode'))
setGeneric ('addCyEdge',                signature='obj', function (obj, sourceNode, targetNode, edgeType, directed) standardGeneric ('addCyEdge'))
setGeneric ('addGraphToGraph',          signature='obj', function (obj, other.graph) standardGeneric ('addGraphToGraph'))

setGeneric ('setNodeAttributes',       signature='obj', function (obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('setNodeAttributes'))
setGeneric ('setNodeAttributesDirect', signature='obj', 
    function (obj, attribute.name, attribute.type, node.names, values) standardGeneric ('setNodeAttributesDirect'))

setGeneric ('setEdgeAttributes',       signature='obj', function (obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('setEdgeAttributes'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeAttributesDirect', signature='obj', 
    function (obj, attribute.name, attribute.type, edge.names, values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeAttributesDirect'))

setGeneric ('displayGraph',               signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('displayGraph'))
setGeneric ('predictTimeToDisplayGraph',  signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('predictTimeToDisplayGraph'))
setGeneric ('layoutNetwork',              signature='obj', function (obj, layout.name='jgraph-spring') standardGeneric ('layoutNetwork'))
setGeneric ('saveLayout',                 signature='obj', function (obj, filename, timestamp.in.filename=FALSE) standardGeneric ('saveLayout'))
setGeneric ('restoreLayout',              signature='obj', function (obj, filename) standardGeneric ('restoreLayout'))
setGeneric ('setNodePosition',            signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, x.coords, y.coords) standardGeneric ('setNodePosition'))
setGeneric ('getNodePosition',            signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('getNodePosition'))
setGeneric ('getNodeSize',                signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('getNodeSize'))
setGeneric ('redraw',                     signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('redraw'))
setGeneric ('hidePanel',                  signature='obj', function (obj, panelName) standardGeneric ('hidePanel'))
setGeneric ('hideAllPanels',              signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('hideAllPanels'))
setGeneric ('dockPanel',                  signature='obj', function (obj, panelName) standardGeneric ('dockPanel'))
setGeneric ('floatPanel',                 signature='obj', function (obj, panelName) standardGeneric ('floatPanel'))

setGeneric ('setTooltipInitialDelay',   signature='obj', function (obj, msecs) standardGeneric ('setTooltipInitialDelay'))
setGeneric ('setTooltipDismissDelay',   signature='obj', function (obj, msecs) standardGeneric ('setTooltipDismissDelay'))

setGeneric ('raiseWindow',              signature='obj', function (obj, window.title=NA) standardGeneric ('raiseWindow'))
setGeneric ('setWindowSize',            signature='obj', function (obj, width, height) standardGeneric ('setWindowSize'))
setGeneric ('showGraphicsDetails',      signature='obj', function (obj, new.value) standardGeneric ('showGraphicsDetails'))
setGeneric ('fitContent',               signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('fitContent'))
setGeneric ('fitSelectedContent',       signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('fitSelectedContent'))
setGeneric ('getCenter',                signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getCenter'))
setGeneric ('setCenter',                signature='obj', function (obj, x, y) standardGeneric ('setCenter'))
setGeneric ('getZoom',                  signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getZoom'))
setGeneric ('setZoom',                  signature='obj', function (obj, new.level) standardGeneric ('setZoom'))
setGeneric ('getViewCoordinates',       signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getViewCoordinates'))

setGeneric ('getDefaultBackgroundColor',  signature='obj', 
             function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultBackgroundColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultBackgroundColor',  signature='obj', 
             function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultBackgroundColor'))

setGeneric ('getDefaultNodeSelectionColor',  signature='obj', 
             function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultNodeSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeSelectionColor',  signature='obj', 
             function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeSelectionColor'))

setGeneric ('getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor',  signature='obj',
                function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor',  signature='obj',
                function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor'))

setGeneric ('getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor',  signature='obj', 
                function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor',  signature='obj', 
             function (obj, new.color,  vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor'))

setGeneric ('getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor',  signature='obj',
                function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor',  signature='obj',
                function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor'))

setGeneric ('saveImage',                  signature='obj', function (obj, file.name, image.type, scale=1.0) standardGeneric ('saveImage'))
setGeneric ('saveNetwork',                signature='obj', function (obj, file.name, format='gml') standardGeneric ('saveNetwork'))

setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeShape',        signature='obj', function (obj, new.shape, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeShape'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeSize',         signature='obj', function (obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeSize'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeColor',        signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeBorderColor',  signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeBorderColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeBorderWidth',  signature='obj', function (obj, new.width, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeBorderWidth'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeFontSize',     signature='obj', function (obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeFontSize'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultNodeLabelColor',   signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultNodeLabelColor'))

setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeLineWidth',    signature='obj', function (obj, new.width, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeLineWidth'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeColor',        signature='obj', function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeColor'))
setGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeFontSize',     signature='obj', function (obj, new.size) standardGeneric ('setDefaultEdgeFontSize'))

setGeneric ('setNodeTooltipRule',       signature='obj', function (obj, node.attribute.name) standardGeneric ('setNodeTooltipRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTooltipRule',       signature='obj', function (obj, edge.attribute.name) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTooltipRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeLabelRule',         signature='obj', function (obj, node.attribute.name) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelRule',         signature='obj', function (obj, edge.attribute.name) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelRule'))

setGeneric ('setNodeColorRule',         signature='obj', 
    function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#FFFFFF') standardGeneric ('setNodeColorRule'))

setGeneric ('setNodeBorderColorRule',   signature='obj', 
    function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#000000') standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderColorRule'))

setGeneric ('setNodeBorderWidthRule',   signature='obj', 
    function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, default.width=1) standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderWidthRule'))

setGeneric ('setNodeShapeRule',         signature='obj', 
    function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, node.shapes, default.shape='ellipse') standardGeneric ('setNodeShapeRule'))
setGeneric ('setNodeSizeRule',          signature='obj', 
    function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, node.sizes, mode, default.size=40) standardGeneric ('setNodeSizeRule'))

setGeneric ('setNodeOpacityRule',          signature='obj', 
    function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities, mode, aspect='all') standardGeneric ('setNodeOpacityRule'))

setGeneric ('setNodeSizeDirect',          signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) standardGeneric ('setNodeSizeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeLabelDirect',         signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.labels) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeFontSizeDirect',      signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) standardGeneric ('setNodeFontSizeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeLabelColorDirect',    signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.colors) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeWidthDirect',         signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.widths) standardGeneric ('setNodeWidthDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeHeightDirect',        signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.heights) standardGeneric ('setNodeHeightDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeShapeDirect',         signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.shapes) standardGeneric ('setNodeShapeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeImageDirect',         signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, image.urls) standardGeneric ('setNodeImageDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeColorDirect',         signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.color) standardGeneric ('setNodeColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeBorderWidthDirect',   signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderWidthDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeBorderColorDirect',   signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.color) standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderColorDirect'))

setGeneric ('setNodeOpacityDirect',       signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeFillOpacityDirect',   signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeFillOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeLabelOpacityDirect',  signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setNodeBorderOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeOpacityDirect',         signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeOpacityDirect'))

#setGeneric ('setNodeOpacitiesDirect',       signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeOpacitiesDirect'))
#setGeneric ('setNodeFillOpacitiesDirect',   signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeFillOpacitiesDirect'))
#setGeneric ('setNodeLabelOpacitiesDirect',  signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelOpacitiesDirect'))
#setGeneric ('setNodeBorderOpacitiesDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setNodeBorderOpacitiesDirect'))
#setGeneric ('setEdgeOpacitiesDirect',       signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeOpacitiesDirect'))

setGeneric ('setEdgeColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelDirect'))
#setGeneric ('setEdgeFontFaceDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeFontFaceDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeFontSizeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeFontSizeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTooltipDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTooltipDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLineWidthDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLineWidthDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLineStyleDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLineStyleDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.colors) standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.colors) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.values) standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect'))
#setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelPositionDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelPositionDirect'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeLabelWidthDirect', signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, new.value) standardGeneric ('setEdgeLabelWidthDirect'))

setGeneric ('setEdgeLineStyleRule',     signature='obj', 
    function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.styles, default.style='SOLID') standardGeneric ('setEdgeLineStyleRule'))

setGeneric ('setEdgeLineWidthRule', signature='obj', 
    function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, default.width='1') standardGeneric ('setEdgeLineWidthRule'))

setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowRule',   signature='obj', 
    function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows, default='Arrow') standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowRule',   signature='obj', 
    function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows, default='Arrow') standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowRule'))

setGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule',   signature='obj', 
    function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, colors, default.color='#000000') standardGeneric ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule'))
setGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule',   signature='obj', 
    function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, colors, default.color='#000000') standardGeneric ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule'))

setGeneric ('setEdgeColorRule',         signature='obj',
    function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#FFFFFF') standardGeneric ('setEdgeColorRule'))

setGeneric ('setEdgeOpacityRule',          signature='obj', 
    function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, opacities, mode) standardGeneric ('setEdgeOpacityRule'))

setGeneric ('getNodeCount',             signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getNodeCount'))
setGeneric ('getEdgeCount',             signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getEdgeCount'))
setGeneric ('getNodeAttribute',         signature='obj', function (obj, node.name, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('getNodeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('getAllNodeAttributes',     signature='obj', function (obj, onlySelectedNodes=FALSE) standardGeneric ('getAllNodeAttributes'))
setGeneric ('getEdgeAttribute',         signature='obj', function (obj, edge.name, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('getEdgeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('getAllEdgeAttributes',     signature='obj', function (obj, onlySelectedEdges=FALSE) standardGeneric ('getAllEdgeAttributes'))
setGeneric ('getNodeAttributeNames',    signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getNodeAttributeNames'))
setGeneric ('getEdgeAttributeNames',    signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getEdgeAttributeNames'))
setGeneric ('deleteNodeAttribute',      signature='obj', function (obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('deleteNodeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('deleteEdgeAttribute',      signature='obj', function (obj, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('deleteEdgeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('getAllNodes',              signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getAllNodes'))
setGeneric ('getAllEdges',              signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getAllEdges'))
setGeneric ('selectNodes',              signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, preserve.current.selection=TRUE) standardGeneric ('selectNodes'))
setGeneric ('getSelectedNodes',         signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric ('clearSelection',           signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('clearSelection'))
setGeneric ('getSelectedNodeCount',     signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedNodeCount'))
setGeneric ('hideNodes',                signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('hideNodes'))
# setGeneric ('unhideNodes',              signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('unhideNodes'))
setGeneric ('hideSelectedNodes',        signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('hideSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric ('invertNodeSelection',      signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('invertNodeSelection'))
setGeneric ('deleteSelectedNodes',      signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('deleteSelectedNodes'))

setGeneric ('selectEdges',              signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, preserve.current.selection=TRUE) standardGeneric ('selectEdges'))
setGeneric ('invertEdgeSelection',      signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('invertEdgeSelection'))
setGeneric ('deleteSelectedEdges',      signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('deleteSelectedEdges'))

setGeneric ('getSelectedEdges',         signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedEdges'))
setGeneric ('clearSelection',           signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('clearSelection'))
setGeneric ('getSelectedEdgeCount',     signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedEdgeCount'))
setGeneric ('hideSelectedEdges',        signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('hideSelectedEdges'))

setGeneric ('unhideAll',                signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('unhideAll'))

setGeneric ('getFirstNeighbors',        signature='obj', function (obj, node.names) standardGeneric ('getFirstNeighbors'))
setGeneric ('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes',
                                        signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric ('sfn',                      signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('sfn'))
# methods related to transmitting data from Cytoscape to R
setGeneric ('getWindowID',                   signature='obj', function (obj, window.title) standardGeneric ('getWindowID'))
setGeneric ('haveNodeAttribute',             signature='obj', function (obj, node.names, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('haveNodeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('haveEdgeAttribute',             signature='obj', function (obj, edge.names, attribute.name) standardGeneric ('haveEdgeAttribute'))
setGeneric ('copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph', signature='obj', function (obj, window.id, existing.graph) standardGeneric ('copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph'))
setGeneric ('copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph', signature='obj', function (obj, window.id, existing.graph) standardGeneric ('copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph'))
setGeneric ('getGraphFromCyWindow',          signature='obj', function (obj, window.title) standardGeneric ('getGraphFromCyWindow'))

# methods related to visual styles
setGeneric ('getVisualStyleNames',    signature='obj', function (obj) standardGeneric ('getVisualStyleNames'))
setGeneric ('copyVisualStyle',        signature='obj', function (obj, from.style, to.style) standardGeneric ('copyVisualStyle'))
setGeneric ('setVisualStyle',         signature='obj', function (obj, new.style.name) standardGeneric ('setVisualStyle'))
setGeneric ('lockNodeDimensions',     signature='obj', function (obj, new.state, visual.style.name='default') standardGeneric ('lockNodeDimensions'))

# private methods, for internal use only
setGeneric ('.addNodes',                 signature='obj', function (obj, other.graph) standardGeneric ('.addNodes'))
setGeneric ('.addEdges',                 signature='obj', function (obj, other.graph) standardGeneric ('.addEdges'))

setValidity ("CytoscapeWindowClass",

  function (object) {
    if (length (object@title) != 1) 
      "'title' is not a single string" 
    else if (!nzchar (object@title))
      "'title' is an empty string" 
    validObject (object@graph)

CytoscapeConnection = function (host='localhost', rpcPort=9000)
  res <- .BBSOverride(host, rpcPort)
  host = res$host
  rpcPort = res$rpcPort
  uri = sprintf ('http://%s:%s', host, rpcPort)
  cc = new ('CytoscapeConnectionClass', uri=uri)
  return (cc)

} # CytoscapeConnection
# the 'new window' class constructor, defined as a simple function, with no formal link to the class
new.CytoscapeWindow = function (title, graph=new('graphNEL', edgemode='directed'), host='localhost', rpcPort=9000, create.window=TRUE, 
                                overwriteWindow=FALSE, collectTimings=FALSE )
  res <- .BBSOverride(host, rpcPort)
  host = res$host
  rpcPort = res$rpcPort
  uri = sprintf ('http://%s:%s', host, rpcPort)

  cy.tmp = CytoscapeConnection (host, rpcPort)
  check.cytoscape.plugin.version (cy.tmp)

  if (overwriteWindow) {
    if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy.tmp)))
       deleteWindow (cy.tmp, title)

  if (!is.na (getWindowID (cy.tmp, title))) {
    write (sprintf ('There is already a window in Cytoscape named "%s".', title), stderr ())
    write (sprintf ('Please use a unique name, or set "overwriteWindow=TRUE".'), stderr ())
    stop ()

    # add a label to each node if not already present.  default label is the node name, the node ID
  if (is.classic.graph (graph)) 
    if (edgemode (graph) == 'undirected'){
      graph = remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph (graph)

    # are all node attributes properly initialized?
  node.attributes = noa.names (graph)
  if (length (node.attributes) > 0) {
    check.list = list ()
    for (node.attribute in node.attributes) {
      check.list [[node.attribute]] = properlyInitializedNodeAttribute (graph, node.attribute)
    uninitialized.attributes = which (check.list == FALSE)
    if (length (uninitialized.attributes) > 0) {
       write (sprintf ("%d uninitialized node attribute/s", length (uninitialized.attributes)), stderr ())
       return ()
     } # if node.attributes

    # are all edge attributes properly initialized?
  edge.attributes = eda.names (graph)
  if (length (edge.attributes) > 0) {
    check.list = list ()
    for (edge.attribute in edge.attributes) {
      check.list [[edge.attribute]] = properlyInitializedEdgeAttribute (graph, edge.attribute)
    uninitialized.attributes = which (check.list == FALSE)
    if (length (uninitialized.attributes) > 0) {
       write (sprintf ("%d uninitialized edge attribute/s", length (uninitialized.attributes)), stderr ())
       return ()
     } # if edge.attributes

  if (! 'label' %in% noa.names (graph)) {
    write ('nodes have no label attribute -- adding default labels', stderr ())
    graph = initNodeAttribute (graph, 'label', 'char', 'noLabel')
    if (length (nodes (graph) > 0))
      nodeData (graph, nodes (graph), 'label') = nodes (graph)  # nodes (graph) returns strings
    } # if no label node attribute

  cw = new ('CytoscapeWindowClass', title=title, graph=graph, uri=uri, collectTimings=collectTimings)

  if (create.window)
    cw@window.id = createWindow (cw)

  cw@collectTimings = collectTimings

  return (cw)

} # new.CytsoscapeWindow
CytoscapeWindow = new.CytoscapeWindow
# the 'existing window' class constructor, defined as a simple function, with no formal link to the class
existing.CytoscapeWindow = function (title, host='localhost', rpcPort=9000, copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R=FALSE)
  res <- .BBSOverride(host, rpcPort)
  host = res$host
  rpcPort = res$rpcPort
  uri = sprintf ('http://%s:%s', host, rpcPort)

  cy.tmp = CytoscapeConnection (host, rpcPort)     # create this (inexpensively) just to gain access tothe window list
  check.cytoscape.plugin.version (cy.tmp)

  existing.window.id = getWindowID (cy.tmp, title)

  if (is.na (existing.window.id)) {
    write (sprintf ('There is no window in Cytoscape named "%s".  Please choose from the following titles:.', title), stderr ())
    write (as.character (getWindowList (cy.tmp)), stderr ())
    return (NA)

  cw = new ('CytoscapeWindowClass', title=title, window.id=existing.window.id, uri=uri)

  if (copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R) {
    g.cy = getGraphFromCyWindow (cw, title)
    cw = setGraph (cw, g.cy)

  return (cw)

} # existing.CytsoscapeWindow
check.cytoscape.plugin.version = function (cyCon)
  plugin.version.string = pluginVersion (cyCon)
  string.tmp1 = strsplit (plugin.version.string,' ')[[1]][1]
  string.tmp2 = gsub ('[a-z]', '', string.tmp1)
  string.tmp3 = gsub ('[A-Z]', '', string.tmp2)
  plugin.version = as.numeric (string.tmp3)
  # plugin.version = as.numeric ((strsplit (plugin.version.string,' ')[[1]][1]))
  expected.version = 1.7   # 1.8 not yet ready at the Cytoscape plugin page
  if (plugin.version < expected.version) { 
    write (' ', stderr ())
    write (sprintf ('This version of the RCytoscape package requires CytoscapeRPC plugin version %s or greater.', expected.version), stderr ())
    write (sprintf ('However, you are using version %s.   You must upgrade.', plugin.version), stderr ())
    write ('Please visit the plugins page at http://www.cytoscape.org.', stderr ())
    write (' ', stderr ())
    stop ('Wrong CytoscapeRPC version.')

} # check.cytoscape.plugin.version
setMethod ('ping', signature = 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
  function (obj) { 
    return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.test'))
setMethod ('pluginVersion', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 
  function (obj) { 
    return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.version'))
setMethod ('msg', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 
  function (obj, string) { 
    invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setStatusBarMessage', string))
setMethod ('clearMsg', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 
  function (obj) { 
    invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.clearStatusBarMessage'))
setMethod ('createWindow', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
  function (obj) {
       # window.ids are often character versions of integers.  but they can be character titles, as when an SBML
       # file is imported from disk.
    window.id = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createNetwork', obj@title, .convert=TRUE)
    #write (sprintf ('createWindow, id = %d', window.id), stderr ()) 
    return (window.id)
setMethod ('createWindowFromSelection', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, new.windowTitle, return.graph=FALSE) {
    if (getSelectedNodeCount (obj) == 0) {
      write (noquote ('RCytoscape::createWindowFromSelection error:  no nodes are selected'), stderr ())
      return (NA)
    if (new.windowTitle %in% as.character (getWindowList (obj))) {
      msg = sprintf ('RCytoscape::createWindowFromSelection error:  window "%s" already exists', new.windowTitle)
      write (noquote (msg), stderr ())
      return (NA)
    window.id = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createNetworkFromSelection', obj@window.id, new.windowTitle)
    return (existing.CytoscapeWindow (new.windowTitle, copy.graph.from.cytoscape.to.R = return.graph))
    }) # createWindowFromSelection


setMethod ('getWindowCount', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
  function (obj) {
    return (as.integer (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNetworkCount')))
setMethod ('getWindowID', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
  function (obj, window.title) {
    current.window.list = getWindowList (obj)
     if (!window.title %in% as.character (current.window.list)) {
       #write (sprintf ("No existing Cytoscape window named '%s'", window.title), stderr ())
       return (NA)
       } # if unrecognized window.title

    window.entry = which (as.character (current.window.list) == window.title)
    window.id =  as.character (names (current.window.list) [window.entry])
    return (window.id)
setMethod ('getWindowCount', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',
  function (obj) {
    return (as.integer (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNetworkCount')))
setMethod ('getWindowList', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj) {
    if (getWindowCount (obj) == 0)
      return (c ())

    result.raw = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNetworkList')
    result = c ()

    for (i in 1:length (result.raw)) {
      id = result.raw [[i]]$networkID
      title = result.raw [[i]]$networktitle
      result [[id]] = title
      } # for i

  return (result)

  }) # getWindowList
setMethod ('deleteWindow',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj, window.title=NA) {
    if (!is.na (window.title))
      window.id = getWindowID (obj, window.title)
    else if (class (obj) == 'CytoscapeWindowClass')
      window.id = obj@window.id
    else {
      write (sprintf ('RCy::deleteWindow error.  You must provide a valid CytoscapeWindow object, or a CytoscapeConnection object and a window title'), stderr ())
      return ()
    xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.destroyNetwork', window.id)

setMethod ('deleteAllWindows',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj) {
    ids = names (getWindowList (obj))
    invisible (sapply (ids, function (id)  xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.destroyNetwork', id)))

setMethod ('getNodeShapes', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodeShapeNames'))

setMethod ('getDirectlyModifiableVisualProperties', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getVisualStyleModifiables'))

setMethod ('getAttributeClassNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj) {
     return (c ('floating|numeric|double', 'integer|int', 'string|char|character'))

setMethod ('getLineStyles', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj) {
    return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getLineStyleNames'))

setMethod ('getArrowShapes', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getArrowShapeNames'))

setMethod ('getLayoutNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getLayoutNames'))
     }) # getLayoutNames

setMethod ('getLayoutNameMapping', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getLayoutNamesMapping'))
     }) # getLayoutNameMapping

setMethod ('getLayoutPropertyNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, layout.name) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getLayoutProperties', layout.name))
     }) # getLayoutProperties

setMethod ('getLayoutPropertyType', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, layout.name, property.name) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getLayoutPropertyType', layout.name, property.name))
     }) # getLayoutPropertyType

setMethod ('getLayoutPropertyValue', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, layout.name, property.name) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getLayoutPropertyValue', layout.name, property.name))
     }) # getLayoutPropertyValue

setMethod ('setLayoutProperties', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, layout.name, properties.list) {
     all.possible.props = getLayoutPropertyNames (obj, layout.name)   # will throw error if there are no modifiable properties
     for (prop in names (properties.list)) {
       if (!prop %in% all.possible.props)
         write (sprintf ('%s is not a property in layout %s', prop, layout.name), stderr ())
       else {
         new.value = properties.list [[prop]]
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setLayoutPropertyValue', layout.name, prop, as.character (new.value))
         } # else
       } # for prop
     }) # setLayoutProperties

setMethod ('setGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, graph) {
    if (edgemode (graph) == 'undirected') 
      graph = remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph (graph)
    obj@graph = graph
    return (obj)

setMethod ('getGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj) {
    return (obj@graph)

# in Cytoscape, node attributes are administered on a global level.  In addition, and in contrast to R, not all nodes in a graph
# will have a specific attribute define on it.  (In R, every node has every attribute)
# this function returns a list of nodes for which the specified attribute has a value in the corresponding Cytoscape network

setMethod ('haveNodeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj, node.names, attribute.name) {
    indices.of.nodes.with.attribute.value = which (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.nodesHaveAttribute', attribute.name, node.names))
    if (length (indices.of.nodes.with.attribute.value) > 0)
      return (node.names [indices.of.nodes.with.attribute.value])
      return (character(0))

# in Cytoscape, attributes are administered on a global level.  In addition, and in contrast to R, not all nodes in a graph
# will have a specific attribute define on it.  (In R, every node has every attribute)
# this function returns a list of nodes for which the specified attribute has a value in the corresponding Cytoscape network

setMethod ('haveEdgeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj, edge.names, attribute.name) {
    if (length (edge.names) == 1)
      edge.names = rep (edge.names, 2)
    indices.of.edges.with.attribute.value = which (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.edgesHaveAttribute', attribute.name, edge.names))
    if (length (indices.of.edges.with.attribute.value) > 0)
      return (unique (edge.names [indices.of.edges.with.attribute.value]))
      return (character(0))

setMethod ('copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj, window.id, existing.graph) {
    node.attribute.names = getNodeAttributeNames (obj)
    #node.attribute.names = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodeAttributeNames', .convert=T)
    for (attribute.name in node.attribute.names) {
      known.node.names = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getNodes", window.id)
      nodes.with.attribute = haveNodeAttribute (obj, known.node.names, attribute.name)
      if (length (nodes.with.attribute) > 0) {
        attribute.type = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodeAttributeType', attribute.name, .convert=T)
        write (sprintf ('retrieving %s "%s" attribute for %d nodes', attribute.type, attribute.name, length (nodes.with.attribute)), stderr ())
        if (attribute.type == 'INTEGER') {
          attribute.type = 'integer'
          default.value = 0
        else if (attribute.type == 'STRING') {
          attribute.type = 'char'
          default.value = 'unassigned'
        else if (attribute.type == 'FLOATING') {
          attribute.type = 'numeric'
          default.value = as.numeric (0.0)
        else {
          write (sprintf ('RCytoscape::copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph, no support yet for attributes of type %s', attribute.type), stderr ())
          next ()
        existing.graph = initNodeAttribute (existing.graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)
        if (length (nodes.with.attribute) == 0) next;
        if (length (nodes.with.attribute) == 1)
          attribute.values = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodeAttribute', attribute.name, nodes.with.attribute)
          attribute.values = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodesAttributes', attribute.name, nodes.with.attribute)
        nodeData (existing.graph, nodes.with.attribute, attribute.name) = attribute.values
         } # if
      } # for

    return (existing.graph)

setMethod ('copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj, window.id, existing.graph) {
    edge.attribute.names = getEdgeAttributeNames (obj)
    write (sprintf ('creating %d cytoscape-style edge names', length (edgeNames (existing.graph))), stderr ())
    cy2.edgenames = as.character (cy2.edge.names (existing.graph))   # < 2 seconds for > 9000 edges
    for (attribute.name in edge.attribute.names) {
      edges.with.attribute = haveEdgeAttribute (obj, cy2.edgenames, attribute.name)
      if (length (edges.with.attribute) > 0) {
         attribute.type = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getEdgeAttributeType', attribute.name, .convert=T)
         write (sprintf ('retrieving %s "%s" attribute for %d edges', attribute.type, attribute.name, length (edges.with.attribute)), stderr ())
         if (attribute.type == 'INTEGER') {
           attribute.type = 'integer'
           default.value = 0
         else if (attribute.type == 'STRING') {
           attribute.type = 'char'
           default.value = 'unassigned'
         else if (attribute.type == 'FLOATING') {
           attribute.type = 'numeric'
           default.value = as.numeric (0.0)
        else {
          write (sprintf ('RCytoscape::copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph, no support yet for attributes of type %s', attribute.type), stderr ())
          next ()
         existing.graph = initEdgeAttribute (existing.graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)
         if (length (edges.with.attribute) == 1)
           eda.value = unique (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getEdgesAttributes', attribute.name, rep (edges.with.attribute, 2)))
           eda.value = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getEdgesAttributes', attribute.name, edges.with.attribute)
         regex = ' *[\\(|\\)] *'
         edges.tokens = strsplit (edges.with.attribute, regex)
         source.nodes = unlist (lapply (edges.tokens, function (tokens) tokens [1]))
         target.nodes = unlist (lapply (edges.tokens, function (tokens) tokens [3]))
         edge.types =   unlist (lapply (edges.tokens, function (tokens) tokens [2]))
         edgeData (existing.graph, source.nodes, target.nodes, attribute.name) = eda.value
         } # if
      } # for
     return (existing.graph)

setMethod ('getGraphFromCyWindow', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj,  window.title) {
    window.id = getWindowID (obj, window.title)
    stopifnot (!is.na (window.id))
    node.count = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.countNodes", window.id)
    if (node.count == 0)
      return (new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed'))
    all.node.names = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getNodes", window.id)
    write (sprintf ('received %d nodes from %s', length (all.node.names), window.title), stderr ())
    g = new ("graphNEL", edgemode='directed')
    write (sprintf ('adding %d nodes to local graph', length (all.node.names)), stderr ())
    g = graph::addNode (all.node.names, g)
    node.attribute.names = getNodeAttributeNames (obj)
    #node.attribute.names = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodeAttributeNames', .convert=T)
    g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'edgeType', 'char', 'assoc')

    edge.count = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.countEdges", window.id)
    if (edge.count > 0) {
      regex = ' *[\\(|\\)] *'
      all.edge.names = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getEdges", window.id)
      write (sprintf ('received %d edges from %s', length (all.edge.names), window.title), stderr ())
      edges.tokens = strsplit (all.edge.names, regex)
      source.nodes = unlist (lapply (edges.tokens, function (tokens) tokens [1]))
      target.nodes = unlist (lapply (edges.tokens, function (tokens) tokens [3]))
      edge.types =   unlist (lapply (edges.tokens, function (tokens) tokens [2]))
      write (sprintf ('adding %d edges to local graph', length (edges.tokens)), stderr ())
      g = addEdge (source.nodes, target.nodes, g)
      edgeData (g, source.nodes, target.nodes, 'edgeType') = edge.types
      g = copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph (obj, window.id, g)
      g = copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph (obj, window.id, g)
      } # if edgeCount > 0
    return (g)

setMethod ('sendNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj) {
     if (length (nodes (obj@graph)) == 0) {
       write ('CytoscapeWindow.sendNodes, no nodes in graph.  returning', stderr ())
       return ()
     write (sprintf ('sending %d nodes', length (nodes (obj@graph))), stderr ())
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createNodes', as.character (obj@window.id), nodes (obj@graph))
     write ('ending sendNodes', stderr ())
     invisible (result) 

setMethod ('.addNodes', signature (obj='CytoscapeWindowClass'),

  function (obj, other.graph) {
     if (length (nodes (other.graph)) == 0) {
       write ('CytoscapeWindow.sendNodes, no nodes in other.graph.  returning', stderr ())
       return ()
     new.nodes = setdiff (nodes (other.graph), nodes (obj@graph))
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createNodes', as.character (obj@window.id), new.nodes))

setMethod ('.addEdges', signature (obj='CytoscapeWindowClass'),

  function (obj, other.graph) {
    if (length (edgeNames (other.graph)) == 0) {
       write ('CytoscapeWindow::.addEdges, no edges in graph.  returning', stderr ())
       return ()
       # extract and compare edge names
    new.edgeNames = setdiff (edgeNames (other.graph), edgeNames (obj@graph))
    #printf ('---- new.edgeNames %d', length (new.edgeNames))
    #print (new.edgeNames)
    new.edgeNames.withBar = gsub ('~','|', new.edgeNames)

    tokens = strsplit (new.edgeNames, '~')
    #tokens = strsplit (new.edgeNames, '~')
    #tokens = strsplit (edgeNames (other.graph), '~')
    a = sapply (tokens, function (tok) tok [1])
    b = sapply (tokens, function (tok) tok [2])
    edge.type = as.character (eda (other.graph, 'edgeType') [new.edgeNames.withBar])
    #printf ('edge.type:    ')
    #print (edge.type)

    if (length (edge.type) == 1 && is.na (edge.type))
      edge.type = rep ('unspecified', length (tokens))
    directed = rep (TRUE, length (tokens))
    forgive.if.node.is.missing = TRUE

     # deferring this effiency (sending only new edges) for now.
     # if ('edgeType' %in% eda.names (obj@graph) && 'edgeType' %in% eda.names (other.graph)) {
     #   existing.edge.signatures = sort (paste (names (edgeNames (obj@graph)), as.character (eda (obj@graph, 'edgeType'))))
     #   new.edge.signatures      = sort (paste (names (edgeNames (other.graph)), as.character (eda (other.graph, 'edgeType'))))
     #   new.edges = 
     #   } # if

    #write ('---- about to xml.rpc call Cytoscape.createEdges', stderr ())
    #write (a, stderr ())
    #write (b, stderr ())
    #write (edge.type, stderr ())
    xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createEdges', as.character (obj@window.id), a, b, edge.type, directed, forgive.if.node.is.missing, .convert=F)
    }) # .addEdges

setMethod ('addCyNode', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, nodeName) {
    if (nodeName %in% getAllNodes (obj))
      write (sprintf ('RCytoscape::addNode, %s node already present in Cytoscape graph', nodeName), stderr ())
    invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createNode', obj@window.id, nodeName))

setMethod ('addCyEdge', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, sourceNode, targetNode, edgeType, directed) {
    good.args = TRUE
    if (!sourceNode %in% getAllNodes (obj)) {
      good.args = FALSE
      write (sprintf ('RCytoscape::addEdge, %s node not in Cytoscape graph', sourceNode), stderr ())
    if (!targetNode %in% getAllNodes (obj)) {
      good.args = FALSE
      write (sprintf ('RCytoscape::addEdge, %s node not in Cytoscape graph', targetNode), stderr ())
    if (!good.args)
      return (NA)
    invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createEdge', obj@window.id, sourceNode, targetNode, edgeType, directed))

# this method adds a new graph to an existing graph.  first the new nodes, then the new edges, then node attributes, then edge
# attributes
setMethod ('addGraphToGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, other.graph) {
    .addNodes (obj, other.graph)  
    .addEdges (obj, other.graph)
    node.attribute.names = noa.names (other.graph)
    for (attribute.name in node.attribute.names) {
      printf ('sending noa %s', attribute.name)
      .sendNodeAttributesForGraph (obj, other.graph, attr=attribute.name)
    node.attribute.names = noa.names (other.graph)
    for (attribute.name in node.attribute.names) {
      printf ('sending noa %s', attribute.name)
      .sendNodeAttributesForGraph (obj, other.graph, attr=attribute.name)
    edge.attribute.names = eda.names (other.graph)
    for (attribute.name in edge.attribute.names) {
      printf ('sending eda %s', attribute.name)
      .sendEdgeAttributesForGraph (obj, other.graph, attr=attribute.name)
    }) # addGraphToGraph

setMethod ('sendEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj) {
    if (length (edgeNames (obj@graph)) == 0) {
       write ('CytoscapeWindow.sendEdges, no edges in graph.  returning', stderr ())
       return ()

    write (sprintf ('transforming (%d) graph edges to nodePairTable', length (edgeNames (obj@graph))), stderr ())
    if (obj@collectTimings) 
      start.time = Sys.time ()
    if (is.classic.graph (obj@graph))
      tbl.edges = .classicGraphToNodePairTable (obj@graph)
    else if (is.multiGraph (obj@graph))
      tbl.edges = .multiGraphToNodePairTable (obj@graph)
    if (obj@collectTimings)
      write (sprintf (' *** create node pair table: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())

       # todo:  if there is only one edge, Cytoscape.createEdges does not resolve, since arrays are expected, and 1-element arrays
       # todo:  are treated as scalars in the trip from R to the java virutal machine.  (pshannon, 5 apr 2011)
    write (sprintf ('sending %d edges', nrow (tbl.edges)), stderr ())
    a = tbl.edges$source
    b = tbl.edges$target
    edge.type = tbl.edges$edgeType
    directed = rep (TRUE, length (a))
    forgive.if.node.is.missing = TRUE
    if (length (a) == 1)
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createEdge', obj@window.id, a, b, edge.type, directed))
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createEdges', obj@window.id, a, b, edge.type, directed, forgive.if.node.is.missing, .convert=T))
    if (obj@collectTimings)
      write (sprintf (' *** createEdges: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
    }) # sendEdges

#setMethod ('sendEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#  function (obj) {
#    if (length (edgeNames (obj@graph)) == 0) {
#       write ('CytoscapeWindow.sendEdges, no edges in graph.  returning', stderr ())
#       return ()
#       }
#    tokens = strsplit (edgeNames (obj@graph), '~')
#    a = sapply (tokens, function (tok) tok [1])
#    b = sapply (tokens, function (tok) tok [2])
#    edge.type = as.character (eda (obj@graph, 'edgeType'))
#    if (length (edge.type) == 1 && is.na (edge.type))
#      edge.type = rep ('unspecified', length (tokens))
#    directed = rep (TRUE, length (tokens))
#    forgive.if.node.is.missing = TRUE
#    if (length (edge.type) > length (a)) { # sign of pathological graph, probably has edges going both ways between two nodes
#      write (sprintf ('RCytoscape::sendEdges error, probably a pathological graph, with edges going both ways between pair or pairs of nodes.'), stderr ())
#      write (sprintf ('length of a: %d   length of b: %d   length of edge.type: %d', length (a), length (b), length (edge.type)), stderr ())
#      #stop ()
#      } # pathological graph
#    xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createEdges', as.character (obj@window.id), a, b, edge.type, directed, forgive.if.node.is.missing, .convert=F)
#    }) # sendEdges
   # for (source.node in names (edges (obj@graph))) {
   #   for (target.node in edges (obj@graph)[[source.node]]) {
   #     interaction = 'unknown'
   #     if ('edgeType' %in% names (edgeDataDefaults (obj@graph)))
   #       interaction = as.character (edgeData (obj@graph, source.node, target.node, 'edgeType'))
   #     else if ('type' %in% names (edgeDataDefaults (obj@graph)))
   #       interaction = as.character (edgeData (obj@graph, source.node, target.node, 'type'))
   #     #printf ('creating edge  %s (%s) %s', source.node, interaction, target.node)     
   #     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createEdge', source.node, target.node, interaction, TRUE)
   #     } # for target.node
   #   } # for source.node
   # }) # sendEdges

setMethod ('layoutNetwork', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, layout.name='jgraph-spring') {

    if (!layout.name %in% getLayoutNames (obj)) {
      write (sprintf ("layout.name '%s' is not recognized; call getLayoutNames (<CytoscapeWindow>) to see those which are supported", layout.name), stderr ())
      return ()

    id = as.character (obj@window.id)
    invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.performLayout', id, layout.name))
    }) # cy.layout

setMethod ('saveLayout', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, filename, timestamp.in.filename=FALSE) {
    custom.layout = getNodePosition (obj,  getAllNodes (obj))
    if (timestamp.in.filename) {
      dateString = format (Sys.time (), "%a.%b.%d.%Y-%H.%M.%S")
      stem = strsplit (filename, '\\.RData')[[1]]
      filename = sprintf ('%s.%s.RData', stem, dateString)
      write (sprintf ('saving layout to %s\n', filename), stderr ())
    save (custom.layout, file=filename)
    }) # save.layout

setMethod ('restoreLayout', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, filename) {
    load (filename)
    node.names = names (custom.layout)
    node.names.filtered = intersect (node.names, getAllNodes (obj))
    x = as.integer (sapply (node.names.filtered, function (node.name) return (custom.layout [[node.name]]$x)))
    y = as.integer (sapply (node.names.filtered, function (node.name) return (custom.layout [[node.name]]$y)))
    setNodePosition (obj, node.names.filtered, x, y)
    }) # restoreLayout

setMethod ('setNodePosition', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, node.names, x.coords, y.coords) {

    unknown.nodes <- setdiff (node.names, getAllNodes (obj))

    recognized.nodes <- intersect(node.names, getAllNodes(obj))

    if (length (unknown.nodes) > 0) {
      node.names = intersect (node.names, nodes (obj@graph))
      write (sprintf ("Error!  unknown nodes in RCytoscape::setNodePosition"), stderr ())
      for (i in 1:length (unknown.nodes))
        write (sprintf ("     %s", unknown.nodes [i]), stderr ())
      return ()
      } # if 

    indices <- match(recognized.nodes, node.names)
    node.names <- recognized.nodes
    x.coords <- x.coords[indices]
    y.coords <- y.coords[indices]
    count = length (node.names)
    #stopifnot (length (x.coords) == count)
    #stopifnot (length (y.coords) == count)

    if (count == 0)
      return ()

    id = as.character (obj@window.id)

    if (count == 1)
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setNodePosition', id, node.names, as.numeric (x.coords), as.numeric (y.coords)))
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setNodesPositions', id, node.names, as.numeric (x.coords), as.numeric (y.coords)))

    }) # cy.setNodePosition

setMethod ('getNodePosition', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, node.names) {

    count = length (node.names)
    if (count == 1)
      node.names = rep (node.names, 2)   # work around R's distinction between scalar and list of strings
    node.name.delimiter = ':-:'
    xy.delimiter = ';;'
    raw.result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape._rGetNodesPositions', obj@window.id, node.names, node.name.delimiter, xy.delimiter)
    #raw.result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape._rGetNodesPositions', obj@window.id, node.names)
     # sample raw result (16 dec 2010): "2022:417.0,122.0" "659:156.0,0.0"   
     # now parse this list of strings into directly usable values, a named list (using node ID's) with x,y pair values

    #printf ('raw.result: %s', raw.result)
    tokens = strsplit (raw.result, node.name.delimiter)
    result = list ()
    for (token in tokens) {
      #printf ('token: %s', list.to.string (token))
      name = token [1]
      #printf ('name: %s', name)
      xy.tokens = strsplit (token [2], xy.delimiter)
      #printf ('xy.tokens: %s', list.to.string (xy.tokens))
      x = as.integer (xy.tokens[[1]][1])
      y = as.integer (xy.tokens[[1]][2])
      #printf ('x: %d', x)
      #printf ('y: %d', y)
      result [[name]] = list (x=x, y=y)
      } # for token

    return (result)
    }) # cy.getNodePosition

setMethod ('getNodeSize', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, node.names) {

    count = length (node.names)
    if (count == 1)
      node.names = rep (node.names, 2)   # work around R's distinction between scalar and list of strings

    widths  = as.integer (round (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodesWidth',  node.names)))
    heights = as.integer (round (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodesHeight', node.names)))

    if (count == 1) {
      widths = widths [1]
      heights = heights [1]

    return (list (width=widths, height=heights))
    }) # cy.getNodeSize

properlyInitializedNodeAttribute = function (graph, attribute.name) {

  if (length (nodes (graph)) == 0)
    return (TRUE)

  caller.specified.attribute.class = attr (nodeDataDefaults (graph, attribute.name), 'class')

  if (is.null (caller.specified.attribute.class)) {
     msg1 = sprintf ('Error!  Node attribute not initialized "%s"', attribute.name)
     msg2 = sprintf ('        You should call:')
     msg3 = sprintf ('        initNodeAttribute (graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)')
     msg4 = sprintf ('        where attribute type is one of "char", "integer", or "numeric".')
     msg5 = sprintf ('        example:  g <- initNodeAttribute (g, "nodeType", "char", "molecule")')
     msg6 = sprintf ('             or:  g <- initNodeAttribute (g, "pValue", "numeric", 1.0)')
     write (msg1, stderr ())
     write (msg2, stderr ())
     write (msg3, stderr ())
     write (msg4, stderr ())
     write (msg5, stderr ())
     write (msg6, stderr ())
     return (FALSE)
   return (TRUE)

} # properlyInitializedNodeAttribute
properlyInitializedEdgeAttribute = function (graph, attribute.name) {

  if (length (edgeNames (graph)) == 0)
    return (TRUE)

  caller.specified.attribute.class = attr (edgeDataDefaults (graph, attribute.name), 'class')

  if (is.null (caller.specified.attribute.class)) {
     msg1 = sprintf ('Error!  "%s" edge attribute not initialized.', attribute.name)
     msg2 = sprintf ('        You should call:')
     msg3 = sprintf ('        initEdgeAttribute (graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)')
     msg4 = sprintf ('        where attribute type is one of "char", "integer", or "numeric".')
     msg5 = sprintf ('        example:  g <- initEdgeAttribute (g, "edgeType", "char", "molecule")')
     msg6 = sprintf ('             or:  g <- initEdgeAttribute (g, "pValue", "numeric", 1.0)')
     write (msg1, stderr ())
     write (msg2, stderr ())
     write (msg3, stderr ())
     write (msg4, stderr ())
     write (msg5, stderr ())
     write (msg6, stderr ())
     return (FALSE)
   return (TRUE)

} # properlyInitializedEdgeAttribute
setMethod ('setNodeAttributes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, attribute.name) {

     if (length (nodes (obj@graph)) == 0)
       return ()

     node.names = nodes (obj@graph)
     values = noa (obj@graph, attribute.name)
     caller.specified.attribute.class = attr (nodeDataDefaults (obj@graph, attribute.name), 'class')

     invisible (setNodeAttributesDirect (obj, attribute.name, caller.specified.attribute.class, node.names, values))
     }) # setNodeAttributes

# with this version, unlike setNodeAttributes, the attributes need not be already stored in the graph
setMethod ('setNodeAttributesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, attribute.name, attribute.type, node.names, values) {

     if (length (node.names) == 0)
       return ()

     #chad.debug (obj, "in RCytoscape::setNodeAttributesDirect")

     if (length (node.names) != length (values)) {
       write (sprintf ('RCytoscape::setNodeAttributesDirect ERROR.'), stderr ())
       write (sprintf ('attribute name %s, node.names %d, values %d', attribute.name, length (node.names), length (values)), stderr ())
       return ();

        # in sending arguments to CytoscapeRPC, lists of length one become scalars, and so fail to match
        # java methods that expect lists.  to sidestep that problem, duplicate node.name and value, 
        # creating silly but effective lists of length 2

     if (length (node.names) == 1) {
       node.names = rep (node.names, 2)
       values = rep (values, 2)

     caller.specified.attribute.class = tolower (attribute.type)
     if (is.null (caller.specified.attribute.class) || length (caller.specified.attribute.class) == 0)   # NULL, or non-null but empty
       caller.specified.attribute.class = 'string'

     result = ''

     if (caller.specified.attribute.class %in% c ('float', 'floating', 'numeric', 'double')) {
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.addDoubleNodeAttributes', attribute.name, node.names, as.numeric (values), .convert=TRUE)
       #write (result, stderr ())
     else if (caller.specified.attribute.class %in% c ('integer', 'int')) {
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.addIntegerNodeAttributes', attribute.name, node.names, as.integer (values), .convert=TRUE)
       #write (result, stderr ())
     else if (caller.specified.attribute.class %in% c ('string', 'char', 'character')) {
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.addStringNodeAttributes', attribute.name, node.names, as.character (values), .convert=TRUE)
       #write (result, stderr ())

     invisible (result)
     }) # setNodeAttributesDirect

setMethod ('setEdgeAttributes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, attribute.name) {

     if (length (edgeNames (obj@graph)) == 0)
       return ()
     caller.specified.attribute.class = attr (edgeDataDefaults (obj@graph, attribute.name), 'class')

     edge.names = as.character (cy2.edge.names (obj@graph))
     edge.names.tilde = names (cy2.edge.names (obj@graph))
     edge.names.with.bars = gsub ('~', '|', edge.names.tilde)
     values = eda (obj@graph, attribute.name) [edge.names.with.bars]
     #print (values)

     result = setEdgeAttributesDirect (obj, attribute.name, caller.specified.attribute.class, edge.names, values)
     invisible (result)
     }) # setEdgeAttributes

setMethod ('setEdgeAttributesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, attribute.name, attribute.type, edge.names, values) {

     write (sprintf ('entering setEdgeAttributesDirect, %s, with %d names and %d values',
                     attribute.name, length (edge.names), length (values)), stderr ())

     if (length (edge.names) == 0)
       return ()

     if (length (values) == 2 * length (edge.names))
       values = values [1:length (edge.names)]

        # in sending arguments to CytoscapeRPC, lists of length one become scalars, and so fail to match
        # java methods that expect lists.  to sidestep that problem, duplicate edge.name and value, 
        # creating silly but effective lists of length 2

     if (length (edge.names) == 1) {
       edge.names = rep (edge.names, 2)
       values = rep (values, 2)

     #write (sprintf ('edge.names: %s', list.to.string (edge.names)), stderr ())
     #write (sprintf ('    values: %s', list.to.string (values)), stderr ())

     caller.specified.attribute.class = tolower (attribute.type)

     if (is.null (caller.specified.attribute.class) || length (caller.specified.attribute.class) == 0)   # NULL, or non-null but empty
       caller.specified.attribute.class = 'string'

     result = ''

     if (length (edge.names) != length (values)) {
       write (sprintf ('RCytoscape::setEdgeAttributesDirect ERROR....'), stderr ())
       write (sprintf ('attribute name %s, edge.names %d, values %d', attribute.name, length (edge.names), length (values)), stderr ())
       return ();

     if (caller.specified.attribute.class %in% c ('floating', 'numeric', 'double')) {
       timing.info <<- system.time ((result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.addDoubleEdgeAttributes', attribute.name, edge.names, as.numeric (values), .convert=TRUE)))
       write (timing.info, stderr ())                                   
       #write (sprintf ('result of addDoubleEdgeAttributes: %s', result), stderr ())
       #write (result, stderr ())
     else if (caller.specified.attribute.class %in% c ('integer', 'int')) {
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.addIntegerEdgeAttributes', attribute.name, edge.names, as.integer (values), .convert=TRUE)
       #write (sprintf ('result of addIntegerEdgeAttributes: %s', result), stderr ())
       #write (result, stderr ())
     else if (caller.specified.attribute.class %in% c ('string', 'char', 'character')) {
       if (length (edge.names) == 1)
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.addStringEdgeAttribute', attribute.name, edge.names, as.character (values), .convert=TRUE)
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.addStringEdgeAttributes', attribute.name, edge.names, as.character (values), .convert=TRUE)
       #write (sprintf ('result of addStringEdgeAttribute/s: %s', result), stderr ())
       #write (result, stderr ())
     invisible (result)
     }) # setEdgeAttributesDirect

setMethod ('displayGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     if (length (nodes (obj@graph)) == 0) {
       write ('RCytoscape::displayGraph, empty graph, returning', stderr ())
       return ()

     node.count = length (nodes (obj@graph))
     edge.count = length (edgeNames (obj@graph))
     node.attribute.count = length (noa.names (obj@graph)) * node.count
     edge.attribute.count = length (eda.names (obj@graph)) * edge.count
     estimated.time = predictTimeToDisplayGraph (obj)

     if (obj@collectTimings) {
       method.start.time = Sys.time ()
       stepwise.start.time = Sys.time ()
     write (sprintf ('estimated displayGraph time: %8.1f seconds', estimated.time), stderr ())
     write (sprintf ('adding %d nodes...', length (nodes (obj@graph))),  stderr ())
     sendNodes (obj)

     if (obj@collectTimings) {
       write (sprintf (' *** sendNodes: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), stepwise.start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
       stepwise.start.time = Sys.time ()
     write (sprintf ('adding %d edges...', length (edgeNames (obj@graph))), stderr ())
     sendEdges (obj)
     if (obj@collectTimings) {
       write (sprintf (' *** sendEdges: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), stepwise.start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
       stepwise.start.time = Sys.time ()
     write ('adding node attributes...', stderr ())
     sapply (noa.names (obj@graph), function (name) {print (name); setNodeAttributes (obj, name)})

     if (obj@collectTimings) {
       write (sprintf (' *** send node attributes: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), stepwise.start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
       stepwise.start.time = Sys.time ()

     write ('adding edge attributes...', stderr ())
     edgeAttributeNames = eda.names (obj@graph)
     sapply (eda.names (obj@graph), function (name) {print (name);  setEdgeAttributes (obj, name)})

     if (obj@collectTimings) {
       write (sprintf (' *** send edge attributes: %f secs', difftime (Sys.time (), stepwise.start.time, units='secs')), stderr ())
       stepwise.start.time = Sys.time ()
       actual.time = difftime (Sys.time (), method.start.time, units='secs')
       write (sprintf (' *** leaving displayGraph, predicted duration %f secs,  actual %f secs', as.integer (round (estimated.time)),
                       as.integer (round (actual.time))), stderr ())
       } # if collectTimings

     }) # displayGraph

setMethod ('predictTimeToDisplayGraph', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     g = obj@graph
     node.count = length (nodes (g))
     edge.count = length (edgeNames (g))
     noa.count = length (noa.names (g)) * node.count
     eda.count = length (eda.names (g)) * edge.count
     prediction = (0.002 * node.count) + (0.010 * edge.count) + (0.001 * noa.count) + (0.001 * eda.count)
     return (prediction)

setMethod ('redraw', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.redraw', id))
     }) # redraw

setMethod ('setWindowSize', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, width, height) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.resizeNetworkView', id, as.integer (width), as.integer (height)))
     }) # redraw

setMethod ('setTooltipInitialDelay', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, msecs) {
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setToolTipInitialDelay', as.integer (msecs)))

setMethod ('setTooltipDismissDelay', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, msecs) {
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setToolTipDismissDelay', as.integer (msecs)))

setMethod ('raiseWindow', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, window.title=NA) {
     if (is.na (window.title)) {
       if (class (obj) == 'CytoscapeWindowClass')
         window.id = obj@window.id
       else {  # must be a CytoscapeConnectionClass object, but no title was provide.  error.
         write (sprintf ('error in raiseWindow, no window title provided'), stderr ())
         return ()
       } # no title
     if (!is.na (window.title))  {  # a title was provided
       window.id = getWindowID (obj, window.title)
       if (is.na (window.id)) {
         write (sprintf ('error in raiseWindow, unrecognized window title: %s', window.title), stderr ())
         return ()
        } # title was provide
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.raiseNetworkView', window.id))
     }) # raiseWindow

setMethod ('showGraphicsDetails', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj, new.value) {
    invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setShowGraphicsDetails', new.value))
    if (class (obj) == 'CytoscapeWindowClass')
      redraw (obj)

setMethod ('fitContent', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.fitContent', obj@window.id))

setMethod ('fitSelectedContent', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.fitSelectedContent', obj@window.id))

setMethod ('getCenter', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     tmp = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getCenter', obj@window.id)
     return (list (x=tmp [1], y=tmp[2]))

setMethod ('setCenter', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, x, y) {
     tmp = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setCenter', obj@window.id, as.numeric (x), as.numeric (y))
     invisible (tmp)

setMethod ('getZoom', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     tmp = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getZoom', obj@window.id)
     return (tmp)

setMethod ('setZoom', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, new.level) {
     tmp = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setZoom', obj@window.id, new.level)
     invisible (tmp)

setMethod ('getViewCoordinates', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     tmp = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getViewCoordinates', obj@window.id)
     return (list (top.x=tmp[1], top.y=tmp[2], bottom.x=tmp[3], bottom.y=tmp[4]))

setMethod ('hidePanel', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, panelName) {
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.hidePanel', panelName))

setMethod ('hideAllPanels', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj) {
    invisible (sapply (tolower (LETTERS), function (letter) hidePanel (obj, letter)))

setMethod ('dockPanel', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, panelName) {
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.dockPanel', panelName))

setMethod ('floatPanel', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, panelName) {
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.floatPanel', panelName))

setMethod ('setNodeTooltipRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

      # todo:  prevent the obligatory redraw
  function (obj, node.attribute.name) {
    id = as.character (obj@window.id)
    viz.style.name = 'default'
    if (!node.attribute.name %in% noa.names (obj@graph)) {
      write (sprintf ('warning!  setNodeTooltipRule passed non-existent node attribute: %s', node.attribute.name), stderr ())
      return ()
    attribute.values = as.character (noa (obj@graph, node.attribute.name))
    tooltips = attribute.values   # an identity mapping: if you see node attribute x, then display x.  odd but true.
    default.tooltip = ''
    xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', viz.style.name, node.attribute.name, 'Node Tooltip', default.tooltip,
             attribute.values, tooltips)
    })  # setNodeTooltipRule

setMethod ('setEdgeTooltipRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, edge.attribute.name) {
    id = as.character (obj@window.id)
    viz.style.name = 'default'
    attribute.values = as.character (eda (obj@graph, edge.attribute.name))
    tooltips = attribute.values  # identity mapping: when eda has value x, tooltip is x.  odd but true.
    default.tooltip = ''
    xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', viz.style.name, edge.attribute.name, 'Edge Tooltip', default.tooltip,
             attribute.values, tooltips)
    })  # setEdgeTooltipRule

setMethod ('setNodeLabelRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, node.attribute.name) {
    id = as.character (obj@window.id)
    xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setNodeLabel', id, node.attribute.name, 'label', 'default'); 
    })  # setNodeLabelRule

setMethod ('setEdgeLabelRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, edge.attribute.name) {
    id = as.character (obj@window.id)
    default.value = ''
    result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.edgePassthroughMapper', edge.attribute.name, 'Edge Label', default.value)
    invisible (result)
    })  # setEdgeLabelRule

setMethod ('setNodeColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#FFFFFF') {

     if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
       write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeColorRule.  mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
       return ()

     setDefaultNodeColor (obj, default.color)
     if (mode=='interpolate') {  # need a 'below' color and an 'above' color.  so there should be two more colors than control.points 
       if (length (control.points) == length (colors)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
         colors = c (colors [1], colors, colors [length (colors)])
         #write ("RCytoscape::setNodeColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified.  Inferred from supplied colors.", stderr ());
         } # 

       good.args = length (control.points) == (length (colors) - 2)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeColorRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
         write ("Expecting 1 color for each control.point, one for 'above' color, one for 'below' color.", stderr ())
         return ()
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousNodeVisualStyle', node.attribute.name, 'Node Color', control.points, colors, FALSE)
       invisible (result)
       } # if mode==interpolate

     else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
       good.args = length (control.points) == length (colors)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeColorRule.  Expecting exactly as many colors as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
         return ()

       default.style = 'default'
       if (length (control.points) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
         control.points = rep (control.points, 2)
         colors = rep (colors, 2)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', default.style, 
                         node.attribute.name, 'Node Color', default.color, control.points, colors)
       invisible (result)
       } # else: !interpolate
     }) # setNodeColorRule

# Cytoscape distinguishes between Node Opacity, Node Border Opacity, and Node Label Opacity.  we call this 'aspect' here.

setMethod ('setNodeOpacityRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, opacities, mode, aspect='all') {

     if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
       write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeOpacityRule.  mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
       return ()

     aspect.all = length (grep ('all', aspect))  > 0
     aspect.fill = length (grep ('fill', aspect)) > 0
     aspect.border = length (grep ('border', aspect)) > 0
     aspect.label = length (grep ('label', aspect)) > 0

     if (aspect.all) {
       aspect.fill = TRUE
       aspect.border = TRUE
       aspect.label = TRUE

     if (aspect.fill == FALSE && aspect.border == FALSE && aspect.label == FALSE) {
       specific.options = 'fill, border, label'
       msg.1 = "Error! RCytoscape:setNodeOpacityRule.  apect must be 'all' (the default) "
       msg.2 = sprintf ("or some combination, in any order, of %s", specific.options)
       write (msg.1, stderr ())
       write (msg.2, stderr ())
       return ()

     if (mode=='interpolate') {  # need a 'below' opacity and an 'above' opacity.  so there should be two more opacities than control.points 
       if (length (control.points) == length (opacities)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
         opacities = c (opacities [1], opacities, opacities [length (opacities)])
         #write ("RCytoscape::setNodeOpacityRule, no 'below' or 'above' opacities specified.  Inferred from supplied opacities.", stderr ());
         } # 

       good.args = length (control.points) == (length (opacities) - 2)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (opacities)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeOpacityRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
         write ("Expecting 1 opacity for each control.point, one for 'above' opacity, one for 'below' opacity.", stderr ())
         return ()
       if (aspect.fill)
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousNodeVisualStyle', node.attribute.name, 'Node Opacity', control.points, opacities, FALSE)
       if (aspect.border) 
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousNodeVisualStyle', node.attribute.name, 'Node Border Opacity', control.points, 
                           opacities, FALSE)
       if (aspect.label) 
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousNodeVisualStyle', node.attribute.name, 'Node Label Opacity', control.points, 
                           opacities, FALSE)
       invisible (result)
       } # if mode==interpolate

     else { # mode==lookup, use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
       good.args = length (control.points) == length (opacities)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (opacities)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeOpacityRule.  Expecting exactly as many opacities as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
         return ()

       default.style = 'default'
       default.opacity = 255;
       if (length (control.points) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
         control.points = rep (control.points, 2)
         opacities = rep (opacities, 2)

       if (aspect.fill)
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', default.style, 
                           node.attribute.name, 'Node Opacity', as.character (default.opacity), control.points, as.character (opacities))
       if (aspect.border) 
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', default.style, 
                           node.attribute.name, 'Node Border Opacity', as.character (default.opacity), control.points, as.character (opacities))
       if (aspect.label) 
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', default.style, 
                           node.attribute.name, 'Node Label Opacity', as.character (default.opacity), control.points, as.character (opacities))
       invisible (result)
       } # else: !interpolate
     }) # setNodeOpacityRule

setMethod ('setNodeBorderColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#000000') {

     if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
       write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeBorderColorRule.  mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
       return ()

     setDefaultNodeBorderColor (obj, default.color)
     if (mode=='interpolate') {  # need a 'below' color and an 'above' color.  so there should be two more colors than control.points 
       if (length (control.points) == length (colors))  # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
         colors = c (default.color, colors, default.color)

       good.args = length (control.points) == (length (colors) - 2)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeBorderColorRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
         write ("Expecting 1 color for each control.point, one for 'above' color, one for 'below' color.", stderr ())
         return ()
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousNodeVisualStyle', node.attribute.name, 'Node Border Color', control.points, colors, FALSE)
       invisible (result)
       } # if mode==interpolate

     else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
       good.args = length (control.points) == length (colors)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeBorderColorRule.  Expecting exactly as many colors as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
         return ()

       default.style = 'default'
       if (length (control.points) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
         control.points = rep (control.points, 2)
         colors = rep (colors, 2)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', default.style, node.attribute.name,
                          'Node Border Color', default.color, control.points, colors)
       invisible (result)
       } # else: !interpolate
     }) # setNodeBorderColorRule

setMethod ('setNodeBorderWidthRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, default.width=1) {

     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {  # hack: list of length 1 treated as scalar, failing method match -- double into a list
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       line.widths = rep (line.widths, 2)
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     visual.property.type.name = 'Node Line Width'  # see class cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType

     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       line.widths = rep (line.widths, 2)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', 'default', node.attribute.name, 
                       'Node Line Width', as.character (default.width), attribute.values, as.character (line.widths))
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setDefaultNodeShape', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.shape, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Shape', new.shape); 
     #redraw (obj)
     }) # setDefaultNodeShape

setMethod ('setDefaultNodeSize', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Size', as.character (new.size)); 
     #redraw (obj)
     }) # setDefaultNodeSize

setMethod ('setDefaultNodeColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Color', as.character (new.color)); 
     }) # setDefaultNodeColor

setMethod ('setDefaultNodeBorderColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Border Color', as.character (new.color)); 
     }) # setDefaultNodeBorderColor

setMethod ('setDefaultNodeBorderWidth', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.width, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Line Width', as.character (new.width)); 
     }) # setDefaultNodeBorderWidth

setMethod ('setDefaultNodeFontSize', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.size, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Font Size', as.character (new.size));
     }) # setDefaultNodeFontSize

setMethod ('setDefaultNodeLabelColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Label Color', as.character (new.color)); 
     }) # setDefaultNodeLabelColor

setMethod ('setDefaultEdgeLineWidth', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.width, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Edge Line Width', as.character (new.width)); 
     }) # setDefaultEdgeLineWidth

setMethod ('setDefaultEdgeColor', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Edge Color', as.character (new.color)); 
     }) # setDefaultEdgeColor

setMethod ('setDefaultEdgeFontSize', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass', 

   function (obj, new.size) {
     xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Edge Font Size', as.character (new.size))
     }) # setDefaultEdgeColor

setMethod ('setNodeShapeRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, node.shapes, default.shape='ellipse') {
     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {  # hack: list of length 1 treated as scalar, failing method match -- double into a list
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       node.shapes = rep (node.shapes, 2)
     setDefaultNodeShape (obj, default.shape)
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeShapeRule", id, node.attribute.name, default.shape, 
                      attribute.values, node.shapes, .convert=TRUE)
     invisible (result)
     }) # setNodeShapeRule

setMethod ('setNodeSizeRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

#   function (obj, node.attribute.name, attribute.values, node.sizes) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#        # take the first and last node size, prepend and append them respectively, so that there are 2 more
#        # visual attribute values (in this case, node size in pixels) than there are node data attribute values
#     adjusted.node.sizes = c (node.sizes [1], node.sizes, c (node.sizes [length (node.sizes)]))
#     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousNodeVisualStyle', node.attribute.name, 'Node Size', 
#                       attribute.values, adjusted.node.sizes, FALSE)
#     return (result)
#     }) # setNodeSizeRule

   function (obj, node.attribute.name, control.points, node.sizes, mode, default.size=40) {

     if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
       write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeSizeRule.  mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
       return ()

     setDefaultNodeSize (obj, default.size)

     if (mode=='interpolate') {  # need a 'below' size and an 'above' size.  so there should be two more colors than control.points 
       if (length (control.points) == length (node.sizes)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
         node.sizes = c (node.sizes [1], node.sizes, node.sizes [length (node.sizes)])
         write ("RCytoscape::setNodeSizeRule, no 'below' or 'above' sizes specified.  Inferred from node.sizes.", stderr ())
         } # 

       good.args = length (control.points) == (length (node.sizes) - 2)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (node.sizes)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeSizeRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
         write ("Expecting 1 node.size for each control.point, one for 'above' size, one for 'below' size.", stderr ())
         return ()
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousNodeVisualStyle', node.attribute.name, 'Node Size', control.points, node.sizes, FALSE)
       invisible (result)
       } # if mode==interpolate

     else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
       good.args = length (control.points) == length (node.sizes)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (node.sizes)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setNodeSizeRule.  Expecting exactly as many node.sizes as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
         return ()

       default.style = 'default'
       if (length (control.points) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
         control.points = rep (control.points, 2)
         node.sizes = rep (node.sizes, 2)

       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', default.style, 
                         node.attribute.name, 'Node Size', as.character (default.size), 
                         as.character (control.points), as.character (node.sizes))
       invisible (result)
       } # else: !interpolate
     }) # setNodeSizeRule

#setMethod ('setEdgeColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
# function (obj, attribute.name, attribute.values, colors, default.color='#000000') {
#     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {  # hack: list of length 1 treated as scalar, failing method match -- double into a list
#       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
#       colors = rep (colors, 2)
#       }
#     setDefaultEdgeColor (obj, default.color)
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     default.color = '#000000'
#     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeColorRule", id, attribute.name, default.color, attribute.values, colors, .convert=TRUE)
#     invisible (result)
#     }) # setEdgeColorRule
setMethod ('setEdgeColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, colors, mode, default.color='#FFFFFF') {

     if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
       write ("Error! RCytoscape:setEdgeColorRule.  mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
       return ()

     setDefaultEdgeColor (obj, default.color)
     if (mode=='interpolate') {  # need a 'below' color and an 'above' color.  so there should be two more colors than control.points 
       if (length (control.points) == length (colors)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
         colors = c (colors [1], colors, colors [length (colors)])
         #write ("RCytoscape::setEdgeColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified.  Inferred from supplied colors.", stderr ());
         } # 

       good.args = length (control.points) == (length (colors) - 2)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setEdgeColorRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
         write ("Expecting 1 color for each control.point, one for 'above' color, one for 'below' color.", stderr ())
         return ()
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousEdgeVisualStyle', edge.attribute.name, 'Edge Color', control.points, colors, FALSE)
       invisible (result)
       } # if mode==interpolate

     else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
       good.args = length (control.points) == length (colors)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (colors)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setEdgeColorRule.  Expecting exactly as many colors as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
         return ()

       default.style = 'default'
       if (length (control.points) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
         control.points = rep (control.points, 2)
         colors = rep (colors, 2)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', default.style, 
                         edge.attribute.name, 'Edge Color', default.color, control.points, colors)
       invisible (result)
       } # else: !interpolate
     }) # setEdgeColorRule

setMethod ('setEdgeOpacityRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.attribute.name, control.points, opacities, mode) {

     if (!mode %in% c ('interpolate', 'lookup')) {
       write ("Error! RCytoscape:setEdgeOpacityRule.  mode must be 'interpolate' (the default) or 'lookup'.", stderr ())
       return ()
     aspects = c ('Edge Opacity', 'Edge Target Arrow Opacity', 'Edge Source Arrow Opacity')

     if (mode=='interpolate') {  # need a 'below' opacity and an 'above' opacity.  so there should be two more opacities than control.points 
       if (length (control.points) == length (opacities)) { # caller did not supply 'below' and 'above' values; manufacture them
         opacities = c (opacities [1], opacities, opacities [length (opacities)])
         } # 

       good.args = length (control.points) == (length (opacities) - 2)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (opacities)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setEdgeOpacityRule, interpolate mode.", stderr ())
         write ("Expecting 1 opacity value for each control.point, one for 'above' opacity, one for 'below' opacity.", stderr ())
         return ()
       for (aspect in aspects)
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousEdgeVisualStyle', edge.attribute.name, aspect, control.points, opacities, FALSE)
       invisible (result)
       } # if mode==interpolate

     else { # use a discrete rule, with no interpolation
       good.args = length (control.points) == length (opacities)
       if (!good.args) {
         write (sprintf ('cp: %d', length (control.points)), stderr ())
         write (sprintf ('co: %d', length (opacities)), stderr ())
         write ("Error! RCytoscape:setEdgeColorRule.  Expecting exactly as many opacities as control.points in lookup mode.", stderr ())
         return ()

       default.style = 'default'
       if (length (control.points) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
         control.points = rep (control.points, 2)
         opacities = rep (opacities, 2)
       opacities = as.character (opacities)
       for (aspect in aspects) {
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', default.style, edge.attribute.name, aspect, '255', control.points, opacities)

       invisible (result)
       } # else: !interpolate
     }) # setEdgeColorRule

setMethod ('setEdgeLineStyleRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.styles, default.style='SOLID') {
     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {  # hack: list of length 1 treated as scalar, failing method match -- double into a list
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       line.styles = rep (line.styles, 2)
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeLineStyleRule", id, edge.attribute.name, default.style, 
                       attribute.values, line.styles, .convert=TRUE)
     invisible (result)
     }) # set.edge.line.style.rule

setMethod ('setEdgeLineWidthRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, line.widths, default.width=1) {
     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {  # hack: list of length 1 treated as scalar, failing method match -- double into a list
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       line.widths = rep (line.widths, 2)
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     visual.property.type.name = 'Edge Line Width'  # see class cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType

     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       line.widths = rep (line.widths, 2)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper', 'default', edge.attribute.name, 
                       'Edge Line Width', as.character (default.width), attribute.values, as.character (line.widths))
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setEdgeTargetArrowRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', 

   function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows, default='Arrow') {
     # write (sprintf ('before -- attribute.values: %d   arrows: %d', length (attribute.values), length (arrows)), stderr ())
     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {  # hack: list of length 1 treated as scalar, failing method match -- double into a list
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       arrows = rep (arrows, 2)
     #write (sprintf ('after -- attribute.values: %d   arrows: %d', length (attribute.values), length (arrows)), stderr ())
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeTargetArrowRule", id, edge.attribute.name, default, attribute.values, arrows, .convert=TRUE)
     invisible (result)
     }) # setTargetArrowRule

setMethod ('setEdgeSourceArrowRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', 

   function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, arrows, default='Arrow') {
     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {  # hack: list of length 1 treated as scalar, failing method match -- double into a list
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       arrows = rep (arrows, 2)
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeSourceArrowRule", id, edge.attribute.name, default, attribute.values, arrows, .convert=TRUE)
     invisible (result)
     }) # setTargetArrowRule

setMethod ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', 

   function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, colors, default.color='#000000') {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     style.name = 'default'

     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       colors = rep (colors, 2)

     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper", style.name, edge.attribute.name,
                      'Edge Target Arrow Color', default.color, attribute.values, colors, .convert=TRUE)
     invisible (result)
     }) # setTargetArrowRule

setMethod ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule', 'CytoscapeWindowClass', 

   function (obj, edge.attribute.name, attribute.values, colors, default.color='#000000') {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     style.name = 'default'

     if (length (attribute.values) == 1) {   # code around the requirement that one-element lists are turned into scalars
       attribute.values = rep (attribute.values, 2)
       colors = rep (colors, 2)

     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.createDiscreteMapper", style.name, edge.attribute.name,
                      'Edge Source Arrow Color', default.color, attribute.values, colors, .convert=TRUE)
     invisible (result)
     }) # setTargetArrowRule

setMethod ('setNodeColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, node.names, new.color) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       node.names = rep (node.names, 2)
     converted.color = hexColorToInt (new.color)
     if (length (converted.color) == 1 && is.na (converted.color)) {
       write (sprintf ('illegal color string "%s" in RCytoscape::setNodeColorDirect'), stderr ())
       return ()
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeFillColor", id, node.names,
                       converted.color$red, converted.color$green, converted.color$blue, FALSE)
     invisible (result)
# only works if node dimensions are locked (that is, tied together).  see lockNodeDimensions (T/F)
setMethod ('setNodeSizeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     property.name = 'Node Size'
     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names, property.name, as.character (new.sizes [1]))
     else {
       properties = rep (property.name, length (node.names))
       if (length (new.sizes) == 1)
         new.sizes = rep (new.sizes, length (node.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.sizes))
       } # else: multiple nodes
     invisible (result)
# only works if node dimensions are not locked (that is, tied together).  see lockNodeDimensions (T/F)
setMethod ('setNodeWidthDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.widths) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     property.name = 'Node Width'
     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names, property.name, as.character (new.widths [1]))
     else {
       properties = rep (property.name, length (node.names))
       if (length (new.widths) == 1)
         new.widths = rep (new.widths, length (node.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.widths))
       } # else: multiple nodes
     invisible (result)

# only works if node dimensions are not locked (that is, tied together).  see lockNodeDimensions (T/F)
setMethod ('setNodeHeightDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, node.names, new.heights) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     property.name = 'Node Height'
     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names, property.name, as.character (new.heights [1]))
     else {
       properties = rep (property.name, length (node.names))
       if (length (new.heights) == 1)
         new.heights = rep (new.heights, length (node.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.heights))
       } # else: multiple nodes
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setNodeLabelDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.labels) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     property.name = 'Node Label'

     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names, property.name, as.character (new.labels [1]))
     else {
       properties = rep (property.name, length (node.names))
       if (length (new.labels) == 1)
         new.labels = rep (new.labels, length (node.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.labels))
       } # else: multiple nodes
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setNodeFontSizeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     property.name = 'Node Font Size'

     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names, property.name, as.character (new.sizes [1]))
     else {
       properties = rep (property.name, length (node.names))
       if (length (new.sizes) == 1)
         new.sizes = rep (new.sizes, length (node.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.sizes))
       } # else: multiple nodes
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('setNodeLabelColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.colors) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     property.name = 'Node Label Color'

     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names, property.name, as.character (new.colors [1]))
     else {
       properties = rep (property.name, length (node.names))
       if (length (new.colors) == 1)
         new.colors = rep (new.colors, length (node.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.colors))
       } # else: multiple nodes
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('setNodeShapeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, node.names, new.shapes) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     property.name = 'Node Shape'

     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names, property.name, as.character (new.shapes [1]))
     else {
       properties = rep (property.name, length (node.names))
       if (length (new.shapes) == 1)
         new.shapes = rep (new.shapes, length (node.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.shapes))
       } # else: multiple nodes
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setNodeImageDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, node.names, image.urls) {

     if (length (image.urls) == 1)
       image.urls = rep (image.urls, length (node.names))

     if (length (node.names) != length (image.urls)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setNodeImageDirect.  image.urls count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as node.names count (%d)',
                      length (image.urls), length (node.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (i in 1:length (node.names)) {
       setNodeShapeDirect (obj, node.names [i], 'rect')
       setNodeLabelDirect (obj, node.names [i], '')
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names [i], 'Node Custom Graphics 1', image.urls [i])
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setNodeBorderWidthDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.sizes) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.names, 'Node Line Width', as.character (new.sizes [1]))
     else {
       properties = rep ('Node Line Width', length (node.names))
       if (length (new.sizes) == 1)
         new.sizes = rep (new.sizes, length (node.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.sizes))
       } # else: multiple nodes
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setNodeBorderColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.color) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     if (length (node.names) == 1)
       node.names = rep (node.names, 2)
     converted.color = hexColorToInt (new.color)
     if (length (converted.color) == 1 && is.na (converted.color)) {
       write (sprintf ('illegal color string "%s" in RCytoscape::setNodeBorderColorDirect'), stderr ())
       return ()
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeBorderColor", id, node.names,
                       converted.color$red, converted.color$green, converted.color$blue, FALSE)
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setNodeOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
  if (length (node.names) == 1) {
    names = rep (node.names [1], 3)
    values = rep (new.values [1], 3)
    properties = c ('Node Opacity', 'Node Border Opacity', 'Node Label Opacity') 
    target.function = "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties"
    result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, target.function, names, properties, as.character (values))
    invisible (result)
    } # 1 name only
  else {
    count = length (node.names)
    if (length (new.values) == 1)  # apply this one value to all nodes or edges
      values = rep (new.values, 3 * count)
      values = c (rep (new.values, 3))
    properties = c (rep ('Node Opacity', count), rep ('Node Border Opacity', count), rep ('Node Label Opacity', count))
    names = rep (node.names, 3)
    #print (names)
    #print (properties)
    #print (as.character (values))
    target.function = "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties"
    result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, target.function, names, properties, as.character (values))
    #print ('--- back from xml.rpc')
    invisible (result)
    } # else: 
#setMethod ('setNodeOpacitiesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     result = setNodeFillOpacitiesDirect (obj, node.names, new.values)
#     result = setNodeLabelOpacitiesDirect (obj, node.names, new.values)
#     result = setNodeBorderOpacitiesDirect (obj, node.names, new.values)
#     invisible (result)
#     })
setMethod ('setNodeFillOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
     property.name = 'Node Opacity'
     host.uri = obj@uri
     set.node.or.edge.properties (host.uri, property.name, node.names, new.values)

setMethod ('setNodeBorderOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
     property.name = 'Node Border Opacity'
     host.uri = obj@uri
     set.node.or.edge.properties (host.uri, property.name, node.names, new.values)

setMethod ('setNodeLabelOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
     property.name = 'Node Label Opacity'
     host.uri = obj@uri
     set.node.or.edge.properties (host.uri, property.name, node.names, new.values)

setMethod ('setEdgeOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
     property.names = c ('Edge Opacity',  'Edge Source Arrow Opacity', 'Edge Target Arrow Opacity')
     host.uri = obj@uri
     for (property.name in property.names)
       set.node.or.edge.properties (host.uri, property.name, edge.names, new.values)

set.node.or.edge.properties = function (host.uri, property.name, names, values)
  if (length (names) == 1) {
    name = names [1]
    value = values [1]
    if (length (grep ('Node', property.name) > 0))
      target.function = "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty"
    else {
      target.function = "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty"
      name = as.character (name)   # either a nop, or a kindness to callers who pass in the full output of cy2.edge.names, a list
    result = xml.rpc (host.uri, target.function, name, property.name , as.character (value))
    invisible (result)
    } # 1 name only
  else {
    if (length (values) == 1)  # apply this one value to all nodes or edges
      values = rep (values, length (names))
    properties = rep (property.name, length (names))
    #print ('--- set.node.or.edge..properties')
    #print (names)
    #print (properties)
    #print (as.character (values))
    if (length (grep ('Node', property.name) > 0))
      target.function = "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties"
    else {
      target.function = "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperties"
      names = as.character (names)   # either a nop, or a kindness to callers who pass in the full output of cy2.edge.names, a list
    result = xml.rpc (host.uri, target.function, names, properties, as.character (values))
    #print ('--- back from xml.rpc')
    invisible (result)
    } # else: 

} # set.node.or.edge.properties
#setMethod ('setNodeFillOpacitiesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     if (length (new.values) == 1)
#       new.values = rep (new.values, length (node.names))
#     properties = rep ('Node Opacity', length (node.names))
#     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.values))
#     invisible (result)
#     })
#setMethod ('setNodeBorderOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, node.names, new.value) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     for (node.name in node.names)
#       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.name, 'Node Border Opacity', as.character (new.value))
#     invisible (result)
#     })
#setMethod ('setNodeBorderOpacitiesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     if (length (new.values) == 1)
#       new.values = rep (new.values, length (node.names))
#     properties = rep ('Node Border Opacity', length (node.names))
#     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.values))
#     invisible (result)
#     })
#setMethod ('setNodeLabelOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, node.names, new.value) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     for (node.name in node.names)
#       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperty", node.name, 'Node Label Opacity', as.character (new.value))
#     invisible (result)
#     })
#setMethod ('setNodeLabelOpacitiesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, node.names, new.values) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     if (length (new.values) == 1)
#       new.values = rep (new.values, length (node.names))
#     properties = rep ('Node Label Opacity', length (node.names))
#     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setNodeProperties", node.names, properties, as.character (new.values))
#     invisible (result)
#     })
#setMethod ('setEdgeOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     if (length (edge.names) == 1) {
#       edge.name = edge.names [1]
#       new.value = new.values [1]
#       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Opacity', as.character (new.value))
#       invisible (result)
#       } # 1 edge.name only
#     else {
#       if (length (new.values) == 1)
#         new.values = rep (new.values, length (edge.names))
#       properties = rep ('Edge Opacity', length (edge.names))
#       print ('--- setEdgeOpacitiesDirect')
#       print (edge.names)
#       print (properties)
#       print (as.character (new.values))
#       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperties", edge.names, properties, as.character (new.values))
#       print ('--- back from xml.rpc')
#       invisible (result)
#       } # multiple edges
#     })
#setMethod ('setEdgeOpacitiesDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     if (length (new.values) == 1)
#       new.values = rep (new.values, length (edge.names))
#     properties = rep ('Edge Opacity', length (edge.names))
#     print ('--- setEdgeOpacitiesDirect')
#     print (edge.names)
#     print (properties)
#     print (as.character (new.values))
#     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperties", edge.names, properties, as.character (new.values))
#     print ('--- back from xml.rpc')
#     invisible (result)
#     })
setMethod ('setEdgeColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (edge.name in edge.names)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Color', as.character (new.value))
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('setEdgeLabelDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (edge.name in edge.names)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Label', as.character (new.value))
     invisible (result)
#setMethod ('setEdgeFontFaceDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     for (edge.name in edge.names)
#       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Font Face', as.character (new.value))
#     invisible (result)
#     })
setMethod ('setEdgeFontSizeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (edge.name in edge.names)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Font Size', as.character (new.value))
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('setEdgeLabelColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (edge.name in edge.names)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Label Color', as.character (new.value))
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('setEdgeTooltipDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     if (length (new.values) == 1)
       new.values = rep (new.values, length (edge.names))
     if (length (edge.names) != length (new.values)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setEdgeTooltipDirect.  new.values count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
                      length (new.values), length (edge.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()

     for (i in 1:length (edge.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.names [i], 'Edge Tooltip', as.character (new.values [i]))
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('setEdgeLineWidthDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (edge.name in edge.names)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Line Width', as.character (new.value))
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('setEdgeLineStyleDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     if (length (new.values) == 1)
       new.values = rep (new.values, length (edge.names))
     if (length (edge.names) != length (new.values)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setEdgeLineStyleDirect.  new.values count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
                      length (new.values), length (edge.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()

     for (i in 1:length (edge.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.names [i], 'Edge Line Style', as.character (new.values [i]))
    invisible (result)
setMethod ('setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     if (length (new.values) == 1)
       new.values = rep (new.values, length (edge.names))
     if (length (edge.names) != length (new.values)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect.  new.values count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
                      length (new.values), length (edge.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()

     for (i in 1:length (edge.names)) 
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.names [i], 'Edge Source Arrow Shape', as.character (new.values [i]))

     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     if (length (new.values) == 1)
       new.values = rep (new.values, length (edge.names))
     if (length (edge.names) != length (new.values)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect.  new.values count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
                      length (new.values), length (edge.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()

     for (i in 1:length (edge.names)) 
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.names [i], 'Edge Target Arrow Shape', as.character (new.values [i]))

     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.names, new.colors) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     if (length (new.colors) == 1)
       new.colors = rep (new.colors, length (edge.names))

     if (length (edge.names) != length (new.colors)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect.  new.colors count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
                      length (new.colors), length (edge.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()

     for (i in 1:length (edge.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.names [i], 'Edge Source Arrow Color', as.character (new.colors [i]))

     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.names, new.colors) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     if (length (new.colors) == 1)
       new.colors = rep (new.colors, length (edge.names))

     if (length (edge.names) != length (new.colors)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect.  new.colors count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
                      length (new.colors), length (edge.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()

     for (i in 1:length (edge.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.names [i], 'Edge Target Arrow Color', as.character (new.colors [i]))

     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (edge.name in edge.names)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Label Opacity', as.character (new.value))
     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     if (length (new.values) == 1)
       new.values = rep (new.values, length (edge.names))
     if (length (edge.names) != length (new.values)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityirect.  new.values count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
                      length (new.values), length (edge.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()

     for (i in 1:length (edge.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.names [i], 'Edge Source Arrow Opacity', as.character (new.values [i]))

     invisible (result)

setMethod ('setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.names, new.values) {

     id = as.character (obj@window.id)

     if (length (new.values) == 1)
       new.values = rep (new.values, length (edge.names))
     if (length (edge.names) != length (new.values)) {
       msg = sprintf ('error in RCytoscape::setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityirect.  new.values count (%d) is neither 1 nor same as edge.names count (%d)',
                      length (new.values), length (edge.names))
       write (msg, stderr ())
       return ()

     for (i in 1:length (edge.names))
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.names [i], 'Edge Target Arrow Opacity', as.character (new.values [i]))

     invisible (result)

#setMethod ('setEdgeLabelPositionDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     for (edge.name in edge.names)
#       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Label Position', as.character (new.value))
#     invisible (result)
#     })
setMethod ('setEdgeLabelWidthDirect', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj, edge.names, new.value) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (edge.name in edge.names)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.setEdgeProperty", edge.name, 'Edge Label Width', as.character (new.value))
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('getNodeCount', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     count = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.countNodes", id)
     return (count)
setMethod ('getEdgeCount', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     count = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.countEdges", id)
     return (count)
setMethod ('getNodeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, node.name, attribute.name) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getNodeAttribute", node.name, attribute.name))

setMethod ('getAllNodeAttributes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, onlySelectedNodes=FALSE) {
    g = obj@graph
    attribute.names = names (nodeDataDefaults (g))
    nodes.of.interest = nodes (g)
    if (onlySelectedNodes) {
      if (getSelectedNodeCount (obj) == 0)
        return (NA)
      nodes.of.interest = getSelectedNodes (obj)
    result = cbind (unlist (nodeData (g, nodes.of.interest, attr=attribute.names [1])))
    if (length (attribute.names) > 1) {
      for (name in attribute.names [2:length (attribute.names)]) {
        new.column = unlist (nodeData (g, nodes.of.interest, attr=name))
        if (is.null (new.column))
          new.column = rep ('NULL', nrow (result))
        result = cbind (result, new.column)
        } # for name
      } # if length > 1
    colnames (result) = attribute.names
    result = as.data.frame (result, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    for (name in attribute.names) {
      attribute.class = attr (nodeDataDefaults (obj@graph, name), 'class')
      if (attribute.class == 'FLOATING')
        result [, name] = as.numeric (result [, name])
      else if (attribute.class == 'STRING')
        result [, name] = as.character (result [, name])
      else if (attribute.class == 'INTEGER')
        result [, name] = as.integer (result [, name])
      } # for name
    return (result)

    }) # getAllNodeAttributes

setMethod ('getEdgeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, edge.name, attribute.name) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getEdgeAttribute", edge.name, attribute.name))

setMethod ('getAllEdgeAttributes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

  function (obj, onlySelectedEdges=FALSE) {

    g = obj@graph
    attribute.names = names (edgeDataDefaults (g))
    edges.of.interest = edgeNames (g)
    if (onlySelectedEdges) {
      if (getSelectedEdgeCount (obj) == 0)
        return (NA)
      edges.of.interest = getSelectedEdges (obj)
      } # if onlySelectedEdges

    source.and.target.nodes = unlist (strsplit (edges.of.interest, '~'))
    node.count = length (source.and.target.nodes)
    source = source.and.target.nodes [seq (1, node.count, 2)]
    target = source.and.target.nodes [seq (2, node.count, 2)]

    #printf ('source nodes: %s', list.to.string (source))
    #printf ('target nodes: %s', list.to.string (target))
    #printf ('attribute names: %s', list.to.string (attribute.names))

    result = cbind (unlist (edgeData (g, source, target, attr=attribute.names [1])))
    result = cbind (result, source)
    result = cbind (result, target)

    if (length (attribute.names) > 1) {
      for (name in attribute.names [2:length (attribute.names)]) {
        new.column = unlist (edgeData (g, source, target, attr=name))
        result = cbind (result, new.column)
        } # for name
      } # if > 1
    column.names = c (attribute.names [1], 'source', 'target')
    if (length (attribute.names) > 1)
      column.names = c (column.names, attribute.names [2:length(attribute.names)])

    colnames (result) = column.names
    result = as.data.frame (result, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
       # we had a matrix of character strings, now a data.frame of character strings
       # use the embedded type information (created by initEdgeAttribute) to correct to the proper types
       # must be a more direct way to do this in the calls to cbind on a data.frame.
    for (name in attribute.names) {
      attribute.class = attr (edgeDataDefaults (obj@graph, name), 'class')
      if (attribute.class == 'FLOATING')
        result [, name] = as.numeric (result [, name])
      else if (attribute.class == 'STRING')
        result [, name] = as.character (result [, name])
      else if (attribute.class == 'INTEGER')
        result [, name] = as.integer (result [, name])
      } # for name
    return (result)

setMethod ('getNodeAttributeNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getNodeAttributeNames"))

setMethod ('getEdgeAttributeNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getEdgeAttributeNames"))
setMethod ('deleteNodeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, attribute.name) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.deleteNodeAttribute", attribute.name))

setMethod ('deleteEdgeAttribute', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, attribute.name) {
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.deleteEdgeAttribute", attribute.name))

setMethod ('getAllNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     count = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.countNodes", id)
     if (count == 0)
       return ()
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getNodes", id, .convert=TRUE)
     return (result)
     }) # getAllNodes

setMethod ('getAllEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     count = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.countEdges", id)
     if (count == 0)
       return ()
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getEdges", id, .convert=TRUE)
     #result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, "Cytoscape.getAllEdges", .convert=TRUE)
     return (result)
     }) # getAllEdges

setMethod ('clearSelection', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.clearSelection', id, .convert=TRUE)
     redraw (obj)
     invisible (result)
     }) # clearSelection
setMethod ('selectNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names, preserve.current.selection=TRUE) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     if (preserve.current.selection)
       if (getSelectedNodeCount (obj) > 0)
         node.names = unique (c (getSelectedNodes (obj), node.names))
     if (!preserve.current.selection)
        clearSelection (obj)

     unknown.nodes = setdiff (node.names, nodes (obj@graph))
     if (length (unknown.nodes) > 0) {
       node.string = paste (unknown.nodes, collapse=' ')
       msg = paste ('selectNodes asked to select nodes not in graph:', node.string)
       write (msg, stderr ())
       node.names = intersect (node.names, nodes (obj@graph))

     if (length (node.names) == 0)
       invisible ('no nodes to select')

     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.selectNodes',id, node.names, .convert=TRUE)
     redraw (obj)
     invisible (result)
     }) # selectNodes
setMethod ('getSelectedNodeCount', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.countSelectedNodes', id, .convert=TRUE))
     }) # countSelectedNodes
setMethod ('getSelectedNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     if (getSelectedNodeCount (obj) == 0)
       return (NA)
     else {
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getSelectedNodes', id, .convert=TRUE)
       return (result)
     }) # getSelectedNodes
setMethod ('hideSelectedNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.hideSelectedNodes', id, .convert=TRUE))
     }) # hideSelectedNodes
setMethod ('hideNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     for (node in node.names)
       invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.hideNode', id, node, .convert=TRUE))
     }) # hideNodes
#setMethod ('unhideNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',
#   function (obj, node.names) {
#     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
#     for (node in node.names)
#       invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.unhideNode', id, node, .convert=TRUE))
#     }) # unhideNodes
setMethod ('invertNodeSelection', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.invertNodeSelection', id, .convert=TRUE)
     redraw (obj)
     invisible (result)
     }) # invertNodeSelection
setMethod ('deleteSelectedNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.removeSelectedNodes', id, delete.from.root.graph.also, .convert=TRUE))
     }) # deleteSelectedNodes
setMethod ('selectEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, edge.names, preserve.current.selection=TRUE) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     if (preserve.current.selection)
       edge.names = unique (c (getSelectedEdges (obj), edge.names))
     if (length (edge.names) == 1)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.selectEdge', id, edge.names, .convert=TRUE)
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.selectEdges', id, edge.names, .convert=TRUE)
     redraw (obj)
     invisible (result)
     }) # selectEdges
setMethod ('invertEdgeSelection', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.invertEdgeSelection', id, .convert=TRUE)
     redraw (obj)
     invisible (result)
     }) # invertEdgeSelection
setMethod ('deleteSelectedEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     delete.from.root.graph.also = TRUE
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.removeSelectedEdges', id, delete.from.root.graph.also, .convert=TRUE))
     }) # deleteSelectedEdges
setMethod ('getSelectedEdgeCount', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.countSelectedEdges', id, .convert=TRUE))
     }) # countSelectedEdges
setMethod ('getSelectedEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     if (getSelectedEdgeCount (obj) == 0)
       return (NA)
     else {
       result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getSelectedEdges', id, .convert=TRUE)
       return (result)
     }) # getSelectedEdges
setMethod ('hideSelectedEdges', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.hideSelectedEdges', id, .convert=TRUE))
     }) # hideSelectedEdges

setMethod ('unhideAll', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.unhideAll', id, .convert=TRUE)
     redraw (obj)
     invisible (result)
     }) # unhideAll
setMethod ('getFirstNeighbors', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, node.names) {
       if (length (node.names) == 0)
         invisible ()
       if (length (node.names) == 1)
         neighbors = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodeNeighbors', node.names)
         neighbors = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getNodesNeighbors', node.names)
      return (neighbors)
      })  # getFirstNeighbors

setMethod ('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     if (getSelectedNodeCount (obj) > 0) {
       currently.selected = getSelectedNodes (obj)
       if (length (currently.selected) == 0)
         invisible ()
       neighbors = getFirstNeighbors (obj, currently.selected)
       full.selection = unique (c (currently.selected, neighbors))
       selectNodes (obj, full.selection)
       invisible (full.selection)
       } # if any nodes are already selected
     }) # selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes

setMethod ('sfn', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj) {
     selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes (obj)

noa.names = function (graph)
  return (names (nodeDataDefaults (graph)))
eda.names = function (graph)
  return (names (edgeDataDefaults (graph)))
noa = function (graph, node.attribute.name)
  if (!node.attribute.name %in% noa.names (graph))
    return (NA)

  return (unlist (nodeData (graph, attr=node.attribute.name)))

} # noa
eda = function (graph, edge.attribute.name)
  if (!edge.attribute.name %in% eda.names (graph))
    return (NA)

  return (unlist (edgeData (graph, attr=edge.attribute.name)))

} # eda
#  use the expected 'edgeType' attribute to create cytoscape-style 'A (edgeType) B' edge names from a graphNEL
#  edgeNames (g) # "A~B" "B~C" "C~A"
#  if there is no edge attribute named 'edgeType', then create edges (uninterestingly) named 'A (edge) B'
cy2.edge.names = function (graph, R.edge.names=NA)
  #printf ('running new version of cy2.edge.names')
  if (length (edges (graph)) == 0)
    return (NA)

  edgeType.attribute.present = TRUE
  edge.type = 'unspecified'
  if ('edgeType' %in% names (edgeDataDefaults (graph))) {
    edge.type = as.character (eda (graph, 'edgeType'))

  tokens = strsplit (.rcyEdgeNames (graph), '~')
  a = sapply (tokens, function (tok) tok [1])
  b = sapply (tokens, function (tok) tok [2])
  edge.type = paste (' (', edge.type, ') ', sep='')
  edge.names = paste (a, edge.type, b, sep='')

  names (edge.names) = .rcyEdgeNames (graph)

  if (!(length (R.edge.names) == 1 && is.na (R.edge.names))) {  # we were given some subset of all edges to extract and get cy2 names for.  do that here
    new.edgeNames.tilde = gsub ('\\|', '~', R.edge.names)
    if (length (intersect (names (edge.names), new.edgeNames.tilde)) > 0)
      edge.names = edge.names [new.edgeNames.tilde]

  return (edge.names)

} # cy2.edge.names
getAdjacentEdgeNames = function (graph, node.names) 
  all.edge.names = cy2.edge.names (graph) 
  all.edge.names.cyStyle = as.character (all.edge.names) 
  indices.of.edges.with.nodes = c () 

  for (node in node.names) { 
    node.regex.nodeA = sprintf ('^%s ', node)
    node.regex.nodeB = sprintf (' %s$', node)
    indices.A = grep (node.regex.nodeA, all.edge.names.cyStyle) 
    indices.B = grep (node.regex.nodeB, all.edge.names.cyStyle) 
    indices.of.edges.with.nodes = c (indices.of.edges.with.nodes, indices.A, indices.B) 
    } # for node

  return (unique (as.character (all.edge.names) [indices.of.edges.with.nodes]))

} # getAdjacentEdgeNames
makeSimpleGraph = function ()
  g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')

  g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'type', 'char', 'undefined')
  g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'lfc', 'numeric', 1.0)
  g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'label', 'char', 'default node label')
  g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'count', 'integer', 0)

  g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'edgeType', 'char', 'undefined')
  g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'score', 'numeric', 0.0)
  g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'misc',   'char', 'default misc')

  g = graph::addNode ('A', g)
  g = graph::addNode ('B', g)
  g = graph::addNode ('C', g)
  nodeData (g, 'A', 'type') = 'kinase'
  nodeData (g, 'B', 'type') = 'transcription factor'
  nodeData (g, 'C', 'type') = 'glycoprotein'

  nodeData (g, 'A', 'lfc') = -3.0
  nodeData (g, 'B', 'lfc') = 0.0
  nodeData (g, 'C', 'lfc') = 3.0

  nodeData (g, 'A', 'count') = 2
  nodeData (g, 'B', 'count') = 30
  nodeData (g, 'C', 'count') = 100

  nodeData (g, 'A', 'label') = 'Gene A'
  nodeData (g, 'B', 'label') = 'Gene B'
  nodeData (g, 'C', 'label') = 'Gene C'

  g = graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g)
  g = graph::addEdge ('B', 'C', g)
  g = graph::addEdge ('C', 'A', g)

  edgeData (g, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'phosphorylates'
  edgeData (g, 'B', 'C', 'edgeType') = 'synthetic lethal'

  edgeData (g, 'A', 'B', 'score') =  35.0
  edgeData (g, 'B', 'C', 'score') =  -12

  return (g)

} # makeSimpleGraph
# create, display and render the 3-node, 3-edge simple graph
demoSimpleGraph = function ()
  window.title = 'demo.simpleGraph'
  cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
  if (window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
    deleteWindow (cy, window.title)

  g.simple = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
  cws = new.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, g.simple)

  displayGraph (cws)
  layoutNetwork (cws, 'jgraph-spring')
  setNodeLabelRule (cws, 'label')

  node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor")
  colors =                c ('#A0AA00', '#FF0000')
  setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cws, 5)
  setNodeBorderColorRule (cws, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#88FF22')
  count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
  sizes                = c (20, 50, 100)
  setNodeSizeRule (cws, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
  setNodeColorRule (cws, 'lfc', c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')

  #redraw (cws)

  invisible (cws)

} # demoSimpleGraph
makeRandomGraph = function (node.count=12, seed = 123)
  set.seed (seed); 
  #if (node.count > 26) node.count = 26
  node.names = as.character (1:node.count)
  g = randomGraph (node.names, M <- 1:2, p = 0.6)
  attr (edgeDataDefaults (g, attr="weight"), "class") = "DOUBLE"
  edgeDataDefaults (g, 'pmid') = '9988778899'
  attr (edgeDataDefaults (g, attr="pmid"), "class") = "STRING"
  return (g)

} # makeRandomGraph
# see Robert Flight's replacement below (pshannon, 20 jul 2012)
# the bioconductor graph class stores undirected graph edge attributes redundantly.  bioc's nishant says (email, 2 sep 2010):
# The people who started the graph package decided to return duplicate edge attributes / weights for the undirected
# case. ie if you have an edge a-b and the graph is undirected, methods such as edgeWeights, edgeData etc will end up
# returning duplicate values for the attribute for a-b and b-a.  That was a design decision taken by the creators of the
# package and I do not think it will be possible to change that now.  I guess the solution might be to create your own
# edgeWeights and edgeData methods in your package that retrieve only the non-duplicated attributes for the undirected
# case.
remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph.old = function (gu)
  if (length (nodes (gu)) == 0)
    return (new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed'))

  g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')

  if (length (edgeDataDefaults (gu)) > 0)
    edgeDataDefaults (g) = edgeDataDefaults (gu)

  if (length (nodeDataDefaults (gu)) > 0)
    nodeDataDefaults (g) = nodeDataDefaults (gu)

  g = addNode (nodes (gu), g)
  for (node in nodes (g)) {
    for (noa.name in noa.names (gu)) {
      nodeData (g, node, noa.name) = nodeData (gu, node, noa.name)
      } # for noa.name
    } # for node

  if (length (edges (gu)) == 0)
    return (g)

  edge.names = edgeNames (gu)
  edge.node.pairs = strsplit (edge.names, '\\~')
  eda.names = eda.names (gu)

  for (node.pair in edge.node.pairs) {
    source.node = node.pair [1]
    target.node = node.pair [2]
    #printf ('create edge from %s to %s', source.node, target.node)
    g = addEdge (source.node, target.node, g)
    for (eda.name in eda.names (gu)) {
      edgeData (g, source.node, target.node, eda.name) = edgeData (gu, source.node, target.node, eda.name)
      } # for eda.name
    } # for node.pair

  return (g)

} # remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph.old
# Robert Flight offered this replacement, having encountered painfully slow execution with a 5k edge undirected graph
# this fast version, likes its slow predecessor, compensates for the (in my view) flawed implementation of undirected
# graphNELs by converting them to directed graphs.
# but because undirected graphs are logically sound, and representationally useful, this is only a temporary fix.
# a redesign of this aspect of the graphNEL class is needed.
# original comments:
# the bioconductor graph class stores undirected graph edge attributes redundantly.  bioc's nishant says (email, 2 sep 2010):
# The people who started the graph package decided to return duplicate edge attributes / weights for the undirected
# case. ie if you have an edge a-b and the graph is undirected, methods such as edgeWeights, edgeData etc will end up
# returning duplicate values for the attribute for a-b and b-a.  That was a design decision taken by the creators of the
# package and I do not think it will be possible to change that now.  I guess the solution might be to create your own
# edgeWeights and edgeData methods in your package that retrieve only the non-duplicated attributes for the undirected
# case.
remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph = function(gu) 
  if (length(nodes(gu)) == 0) 
      return(new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed"))

  g <- new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")

  if (length(edgeDataDefaults(gu)) > 0) 
      edgeDataDefaults(g) <- edgeDataDefaults(gu)

  if (length(nodeDataDefaults(gu)) > 0) 
      nodeDataDefaults(g) <- nodeDataDefaults(gu)

  g <- addNode(nodes(gu), g)

  allNodes <- nodes(gu)

  noa.name <- invisible(lapply(noa.names(gu), function(noa.name) {
      nodeData(g, allNodes, noa.name) <<- nodeData(gu, allNodes, noa.name)

  if (length(edgeNames(gu)) == 0) 

  edge.names <- edgeNames(gu)
  edge.node.pairs <- strsplit(edge.names, "\\~")
  source.nodes <- sapply(edge.node.pairs, function(x) x[1])
  target.nodes <- sapply(edge.node.pairs, function(x) x[2])

  g = graph::addEdge(source.nodes, target.nodes, g)

  invisible(lapply(eda.names(gu), function(eda.name) {
      edgeData(g, source.nodes, target.nodes, eda.name) <<- edgeData(gu, source.nodes, 
          target.nodes, eda.name)


}  # remove.redundancies.in.undirected.graph
initNodeAttribute = function (graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)
  stopifnot (attribute.type %in% c ('char', 'integer', 'numeric'))
  if (attribute.type == 'char')
    attribute.type = 'STRING'
  else if (attribute.type == 'integer')
    attribute.type = 'INTEGER'
  else if (attribute.type == 'numeric')
    attribute.type = 'FLOATING'

  nodeDataDefaults (graph, attr=attribute.name) = default.value
  attr (nodeDataDefaults (graph, attr=attribute.name), 'class') = attribute.type

  return (graph)

} # initNodeAttribute
initEdgeAttribute = function (graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value)
  stopifnot (attribute.type %in% c ('char', 'integer', 'numeric'))
  if (attribute.type == 'char')
    attribute.type = 'STRING'
  else if (attribute.type == 'integer')
    attribute.type = 'INTEGER'
  else if (attribute.type == 'numeric')
    attribute.type = 'FLOATING'

  edgeDataDefaults (graph, attr=attribute.name) = default.value
  attr (edgeDataDefaults (graph, attr=attribute.name), 'class') = attribute.type

  return (graph)

} # initEdgettribute
.cleanup = function (libpath)
  cw.closer = CytoscapeWindow ('closer', create.window=FALSE)
  deleteAllWindows (cw.closer)
} # .onUnload
# used when adding a new graph to an existing graph.  we assume (but do not yet here test) that before this method
# is called, the Cytoscape graph has already been updated with new ones from 'other.graph'
# there may be some overlap between the two graphs; care is taken to only send attributes for new nodes.
# pre-existing attributes in the old graph are therefore not affected.
# the strategy:  identify the new nodes, use the standard method 'setNodeAttributesDirect' to send them to cytoscape
.sendNodeAttributesForGraph = function (obj, other.graph, attribute.name)
  caller.specified.attribute.class = attr (nodeDataDefaults (other.graph, attribute.name), 'class')

  if (is.null (caller.specified.attribute.class)) {
    msg1 = sprintf ('Error!  RCytoscape:::.sendNodeAttributesForGraph. You must initialize the "%s" node attribute.', attribute.name)
    msg2 = sprintf ('        example:  my.graph = initNodeAttribute (my.graph, attr="moleculeType", "char", "unspecified")')
    write (msg1, stderr ())
    write (msg2, stderr ())
    return (NA)

     # only add attributes for new nodes, unique to the new graph 'other.graph'
   new.node.names = setdiff (nodes (other.graph), nodes (obj@graph))
   values = noa (other.graph, attribute.name) [new.node.names]
   invisible (setNodeAttributesDirect (obj, attribute.name, caller.specified.attribute.class, new.node.names, values))

} # .sendNodeAttributesForGraph 
# used when adding a new graph to an existing graph.  we assume (but do not yet here test) that before this method
# is called, the Cytoscape graph has already been extended with all the new nodes and edges from 'other.graph'
# there may be some overlap between the two graphs; care is taken to only send attributes for new edges
# pre-existing attributes in the old graph are therefore not affected.
# the strategy:  identify the new edges, use the standard method 'setEdgeAttributesDirect' to send them to cytoscape
# oddities: edge naming is a tricky business.  cytoscape lablels edges like this:
#    <sourceNode> (interactionType) <targetNode>
# RCytoscape provide a utility function for retrieving them from an R graph object,   cy2.edge.names (g)
# which uses the edgeNames (g) method to get the R names
# edgeNames (g2)  # [1] "A~E" "A~B" "D~E"
# thus, R has a little inconsistency:  sometimes using the tilda, sometimes the vertical bar
#                 A~E                 A~B                 D~E 
#     "A (inferred) E" "A (unspecified) B"  "D (literature) E" 
# names (edgeData (g2, attr='edgeType'))
#    [1] "A|E" "A|B" "D|E"
# for historical reasons, and maybe laziness, these two conventions are supported here, at the cost of calling gsub on the edge
# names, so that A~E becomes A|E, setting the stage for calling 
#   values = eda (g, attribute.name) [new.edge.names.with.bar.delimitor]
# below, and thereby ensuring that only the attributes of new edges are sent to Cytoscape

.sendEdgeAttributesForGraph = function (obj, other.graph, attribute.name)
  caller.specified.attribute.class = attr (edgeDataDefaults (other.graph, attribute.name), 'class')

  if (is.null (caller.specified.attribute.class)) {
    msg1 = sprintf ('Error!  RCytoscape:::.sendEdgeAttributesForGraph. You must initialize the "%s" edge attribute.', attribute.name)
    msg2 = sprintf ('        example:  my.graph = initEdgeAttribute (my.graph, attr="edgeType", "char", "unspecified")')
    write (msg1, stderr ())
    write (msg2, stderr ())
    return (NA)

     # send only attributes for edges which are unique to other.graph; we assume that any existing edges already have their attributes

   printf ('other.graph: %d', length (edgeNames (other.graph)))
   printf ('obj@graph: %d', length (edgeNames (obj@graph)))

   novel.edges = .getNovelEdges (obj@graph, other.graph)

   if (length (novel.edges) == 0)
     return ()

   new.edge.names.compact = names (novel.edges)
   new.edge.names.cy2.style = as.character (novel.edges)

   #print ('--- new.edge.names.compact')
   #print (new.edge.names.compact)

   #print ('--- new.edge.names.cy2.style')
   #print (new.edge.names.cy2.style)

   #new.edge.names.cy2.style = setdiff (as.character (cy2.edge.names (other.graph)), as.character (cy2.edge.names (obj@graph)))

   new.edge.names.with.bar.delimitor = gsub ('~', '|', new.edge.names.compact)
   values = eda (other.graph, attribute.name) [new.edge.names.with.bar.delimitor]
   #write (sprintf ('sending edge attributes direct for attr %s', attribute.name), stderr ())
   #write (new.edge.names.compact, stderr ())
   #write (new.edge.names.with.bar.delimitor, stderr ())
   #write ('---- new.edge.names.cy2.style', stderr ())
   #write (new.edge.names.cy2.style, stderr ())
   #write (values, stderr ())

   invisible (setEdgeAttributesDirect (obj, attribute.name, caller.specified.attribute.class, new.edge.names.cy2.style, values))

} # .sendEdgeAttributesForGraph 
setMethod ('getVisualStyleNames', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj) {
    result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getVisualStyleNames')
    return (result)
setMethod ('copyVisualStyle', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj, from.style, to.style) {
    current.names = getVisualStyleNames (obj)
    if (! from.style %in% current.names)
      stop (sprintf ('Cannot copy from a non-existent visual style (%s)', from.style))
    xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.copyVisualStyle', from.style, to.style)

setMethod ('setVisualStyle', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

  function (obj, new.style.name) {
    current.names = getVisualStyleNames (obj)
    if (! new.style.name %in% current.names)
      stop (sprintf ('Cannot call setVisualStyle on a non-existent visual style (%s)', new.style.name))
    xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setVisualStyle', new.style.name)
setMethod ('lockNodeDimensions', 'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, new.state, visual.style.name='default') {
     if (! visual.style.name %in% getVisualStyleNames (obj)) {
       write (sprintf ('Error in RCytoscape::lockNodeDimensions.  No visual style named "%s"', visual.style.name), stderr ())
       return ()
     invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setNodeSizeLocked', visual.style.name, new.state))
     }) # lockNodeDimensions

setMethod ('getDefaultBackgroundColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getDefaultBackgroundColor', vizmap.style.name))
setMethod ('setDefaultBackgroundColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultBackgroundColor', vizmap.style.name, new.color))
setMethod ('getDefaultNodeSelectionColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getDefaultNodeSelectionColor', vizmap.style.name))
setMethod ('setDefaultNodeSelectionColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultNodeSelectionColor', vizmap.style.name, new.color))
setMethod ('getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor', vizmap.style.name))
setMethod ('setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, new.color,vizmap.style.name='default') {
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor', vizmap.style.name, new.color))
setMethod ('getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor', vizmap.style.name))
setMethod ('setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor', vizmap.style.name, new.color))
setMethod ('getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      return (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor', vizmap.style.name))
setMethod ('setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor',  'CytoscapeConnectionClass',

   function (obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name='default') {
      invisible (xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor', vizmap.style.name, new.color))
setMethod ('saveImage', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, file.name, image.type, scale=1.0) {
     image.type = tolower (image.type)
     stopifnot (image.type %in% c ('png', 'pdf', 'svg'))
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = NA
     if (image.type == 'png')
        result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.exportView', id, file.name, image.type, scale)
     else if (image.type == 'pdf') {
       if (length (grep ('1.8', pluginVersion (obj))) == 1)
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.exportViewToPDF', id, file.name)
         write ('saveImage to format pdf requires CytoscapeRPC.jar version 1.8, which is still being tested', stderr ())
     else if (image.type == 'svg') {
       if (length (grep ('1.8', pluginVersion (obj))) == 1)
         result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.exportViewToSVG', id, file.name)
         write ('saveImage to format svg requires CytoscapeRPC.jar version 1.8, which is still being tested', stderr ())
     invisible (result)
setMethod ('saveNetwork', 'CytoscapeWindowClass',

   function (obj, file.name, format='gml') {
     id = as.character (obj@window.id)
     result = xml.rpc (obj@uri, 'Cytoscape.saveNetwork', id, file.name)
     invisible (result)

chad.debug = function (obj, msg)
  write ('special debug version for chad burrus', stderr ())
  write (msg, stderr ())
  write ('--- node attribute names', stderr ())

  node.attribute.names = noa.names (obj@graph)
  write (node.attribute.names, stderr ())

  for (noa.name in node.attribute.names) {
     if (noa.name == 'label') next
     write (sprintf (' ** %s', noa.name), stderr ())
     write (unlist (nodeData (obj@graph, attr=noa.name)), stderr ())

} # chad.debug
hexColorToInt = function (hex.string)
  if (substr (hex.string, 1, 1) == '#') {
    base.index = 2
    if (nchar (hex.string) != 7)
      return (NA)
  else {
    base.index = 1
    if (nchar (hex.string) != 6)
      return (NA)

  red =   strtoi (substr (hex.string, base.index, base.index+1),   base=16)
  green = strtoi (substr (hex.string, base.index+2, base.index+3), base=16)
  blue =  strtoi (substr (hex.string, base.index+4, base.index+5), base=16)

  return (list (red=red, green=green, blue=blue))

} # hexColorToInt
.classicGraphToNodePairTable = function (g)
  edges.g <- edges(g)
  edge.names = as.character(unlist(sapply(names(edges.g), function (a) {
         bs = edges.g[[a]]; 
         if (length (bs) > 0) paste (a, edges.g[[a]], sep='~') 

  pairs = strsplit (edge.names, '~')
  a = sapply (pairs, "[", 1)
  b = sapply (pairs, "[", 2)

  if ('edgeType' %in% eda.names (g))
    edgeType = as.character (edgeData (g, from=a, to=b, attr='edgeType'))
    edgeType = rep ('unspecified', length (a))

  return (data.frame (source=a, target=b, edgeType=edgeType, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

} # .classicGraphToNodePairTable
.multiGraphToNodePairTable = function (mg)
  edge.set.names = edgeSets (mg)

  template = list (source='', target='', edgeType='')
  tbl = data.frame (template, stringsAsFactors=F)
  for (edge.set in edgeSets (mg)) {
    tilde.names = edgeNames (mg, edge.set)
    pairs = strsplit (tilde.names, '~')
    for (pair in pairs) {
      source.node = pair [1]
      target.node = pair [2]
      new.row = list (source=source.node, target=target.node, edgeType=edge.set)
      tbl = rbind (tbl, new.row)
    } # for edge
  invisible (tbl [-1,])     

} # .multiGraphToNodePairTable
# the bioc graph 'edgeNames' function does not detect, distinguish or report reciprocal edges.
# this is fixed here.
.rcyEdgeNames = function (g)
  nodes.list = edges (g)
  result = c ()
  for (source.node in names (nodes.list)) {
    target.nodes = nodes.list [[source.node]]
    if (length (target.nodes) == 0)
    for (target.node in target.nodes) {
      tilde.edge.name = sprintf ('%s~%s', source.node, target.node)      
      result = c (result, tilde.edge.name)
      } # for target.node
    } # for source.node

  return (result)

} # .rcyEdgeNames
.getNovelEdges = function (g.old, g.new)
  if (length (edges (g.old)) == 0)
    gOld.edgeCount = 0
    gOld.edgeCount = length (edgeNames (g.old))

  if (length (edges (g.new)) == 0)
    gNew.edgeCount = 0
    gNew.edgeCount = length (edgeNames (g.new))

  #printf ('g.old: %d edges', gOld.edgeCount)
  #printf ('g.new: %d edges', gNew.edgeCount)

  if (gNew.edgeCount == 0)
    return (NA)

  if (gOld.edgeCount == 0)
    return (cy2.edge.names (g.new))

  old.edges = cy2.edge.names (g.old)
  new.edges = cy2.edge.names (g.new)
  novel.edges = setdiff (new.edges, old.edges)
  novel.edges.indices = match (novel.edges, as.character (new.edges))
  return (new.edges [novel.edges.indices])

} # .getNovelEdges
is.classic.graph = function (obj)
  obj.classes = is (obj)

  return ('graph' %in% obj.classes)

} # is.classic.graph
is.multiGraph = function (obj)
  obj.classes = is (obj)

  return ('MultiGraph' %in% obj.classes)

} # is.multiGraph
predictedDisplayGraphTime = function (graph)

} # predicted

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RCytoscape documentation built on Nov. 17, 2017, 10:52 a.m.