#' Plot RC(M) ordination result with the help of ggplot2
#' @param x an RCM object
#' @param ... further arguments, passed on to aes in the the ggplot() function
#' @param Dim An integer vector of length two, which dimensions to plot
#' @param plotType a character string: which components to plot.
#' Can be any combination of 'samples','species' and 'variables'
#' @param samColour a character string, the variable to use for the colour
#' of the sample dots. Can also be a richness measure, or "influence". Alternatively,
#' a vector equal to the number of samples in the RCM object can be supplied. See details.
#' @param taxNum an integer, the number of taxa to be plotted
#' @param taxRegExp a character vector indicating which taxa to plot.
#' Any taxa matcing this regular expression will be plotted
#' @param varNum an integehr, number of variable arrows to draw
#' @param varPlot the names of the variable arrows to plot.
#' Overrides the varNum argument
#' @param arrowSize a scalar, the size of the arrows
#' @param inflDim an integer, the dimension for which the influence
#' should be calculated
#' @param inflVar the variable on which the influence should be plotted. See details.
#' @param returnCoords a boolean, should final coordinates be returned?
#' @param alpha a boolean, should small arrows be made transparent?
#' @param colLegend a character string, the legend text for the sample colour.
#' Defaults to the name of the colour variable
#' @param samShape a character string, the variable to use for the shape
#' of the sample dots
#' @param shapeLegend a character string, the text to use for the shapeLegend.
#' Defaults to the name of the shape variable
#' @param samSize a scalar, the size of the sample dots
#' @param scalingFactor a scalar, a user supplied scaling factor
#' for the taxon arrows. If not supplied it will be calculated to make sample
#' and taxon plots on the same scale
#' @param quadDrop a number between 0 and 1. At this fraction of the peak height
#' are the ellipses of the quadratic response functions drawn
#' @param plotEllipse a boolean, whether to add the ellipses
#' @param taxaScale a scalar, by which to scale the rectangles
#' of the quadratic taxon plot
#' @param Palette the colour palette
#' @param taxLabels a boolean, should taxon labels be plotted?
#' @param taxDots a boolean, should taxa be plotted as dots?
#' @param taxCol the taxon colour
#' @param taxColSingle the taxon colour if there is only one
#' @param nudge_y a scalar, the offet for the taxon labels
#' @param axesFixed A boolean, should the aspect ratio of the plot
#' (the scale between the x and y-axis) be fixed.
#' It is highly recommended to keep this argument at TRUE
#' for honest representation of the ordination. If set to FALSE,
#' the plotting space will be optimally used but the plot
#' may be deformed in the process.
#' @param aspRatio The aspect ratio of the plot when 'axesfixed' is TRUE
#' (otherwise this argument is ignored), passde on to ggplot2::coord_fixed().
#' It is highly recommended to keep this argument at 1 for honest
#' representation of the ordination.
#' @param xInd a scalar or a vector of length 2, specifying the indentation
#' left and right of the plot to allow for the labels to be printed entirely.
#' Defaults to 0.75 at every side
#' @param yInd a scalar or a vector of length 2, specifying the indentation
#' top and bottom of the plot to allow for the labels to be printed entirely.
#' Defaults to 0 at every side
#' @param taxLabSize the size of taxon labels
#' @param varLabSize the size of the variable label
#' @param alphaRange The range of transparency
#' @param varExpFactor a scalar, the factor by which to expand
#' the variable coordinates
#' @param manExpFactorTaxa a manual expansion factor for the taxa.
#' Setting it to a high value allows you to plot the taxa around the samples
#' @param nPhyl an integer, number of phylogenetic levels to show
#' @param phylOther a character vector of phylogenetic levels
#' to be included in the 'other' group
#' @param legendSize a size for the coloured dots in the legend
#' @param noLegend a boolean indicating you do not want a legend
#' @param crossSize the size of the central cross
#' @param contCol a character vector of length two, giving the low
#' and high values of the continuous colour scale
#' @param legendLabSize size of the legend labels
#' @param legendTitleSize size of the legend title
#' @param axisLabSize size of the axis labels
#' @param axisTitleSize size of the axis title
#' @param plotPsi a character vector, describing what to plot on the axis.
#' Can be either 'psi', 'none' or 'loglik'.
#' The latter plots the log-likelihood explained
#' @param breakChar a character string indicating how the taxon names
#' should be broken
#' @details
#' This function relies on the ggplot2 machinery to produce the plots,
#' and the result can be modified accordingly. Monoplots,
#' biplots and for constrained analysis even triplots can be produced,
#' depending on the 'plotType' argument.
#' When one of either 'Observed', 'Chao1', 'ACE', 'Shannon', 'Simpson',
#' 'InvSimpson' or 'Fisher' are supplied to the 'samColour' argument,
#' the according richness measure (as calculated by phyloseq::estimate_richness)
#' is mapped to the sample colour. When "influence" is supplied, the influence
#' on the variable supplied is plotted. This 'inflVar' variable should be
#' either "psi", or a variable name.
#' @return plots a ggplot2-object to output
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import phyloseq
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette rainbow
#' @importFrom graphics par text
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @method plot RCM
#' @seealso \code{\link{RCM}},\code{\link{addOrthProjection}},
#' \code{\link{extractCoord}},\code{\link{plotRespFun}}
#' @examples
#' data(Zeller)
#' require(phyloseq)
#' tmpPhy = prune_taxa(taxa_names(Zeller)[1:100],
#' prune_samples(sample_names(Zeller)[1:50], Zeller))
#' # Subset for a quick fit
#' zellerRCM = RCM(tmpPhy)
#' plot(zellerRCM)
plot.RCM = function(x,
Dim = c(1, 2),
plotType = c("samples", "species", "variables"),
samColour = if(is.null(inflVar)) NULL else "Influence",
taxNum = if (all(plotType == "species") ||
!is.null(taxRegExp)) {
} else {
taxRegExp = NULL,
varNum = 15,
arrowSize = 0.25,
inflDim = 1,
inflVar = NULL,
returnCoords = FALSE,
alpha = TRUE,
varPlot = NULL,
colLegend = if (!is.null(inflVar))
paste0("Influence on\n", inflVar,
"\nparameter \nin dimension",
samShape = NULL,
shapeLegend = samShape,
samSize = 2,
scalingFactor = NULL,
quadDrop = 0.995,
plotEllipse = TRUE,
taxaScale = 0.5,
Palette = if (!all(plotType ==
taxLabels = !all(plotType == "species"),
taxDots = FALSE,
taxCol = "blue",
taxColSingle = "blue",
nudge_y = 0.08,
axesFixed = TRUE,
aspRatio = 1,
xInd = if (all(plotType == "samples"))
c(0,0) else
c(-0.75, 0.75),
yInd = c(0, 0),
taxLabSize = 4,
varLabSize = 3.5,
alphaRange = c(0.2, 1),
varExpFactor = 10,
manExpFactorTaxa = 0.975,
nPhyl = 10,
phylOther = c(""),
legendSize = samSize,
noLegend = is.null(samColour),
crossSize = 4,
contCol = c("orange", "darkgreen"),
legendLabSize = 15,
legendTitleSize = 16,
axisLabSize = 14,
axisTitleSize = 16,
plotPsi = "psi",
breakChar = "\n"
) {
# Retrieve dots (will be passed on to aes())
dotList = list(...)
richSupported = c("Observed", "Chao1", "ACE", "Shannon", "Simpson",
"InvSimpson", "Fisher")
constrained = !is.null(x$covariates) #Constrained plot?
# Extract the coordinates
coords = extractCoord(x, Dim)
Dimnames = paste0("Dim", Dim) # A text form of the dimensions
if (constrained && x$responseFun == "nonparametric") {
plotType = "variables"
# For non-parametric response function we, can only plot the variables
# meaningfully
#Check samColou input
stop("Please provide a variable 'inflVar'
on which the influence needs to be calculated")
} else if(!inflVar %in% c("psi", colnames(x$covariates))){
stop("Provide as 'inflVar' either 'psi' or a variable name. ",
if(!is.null(x$covariates)) {
c("Variable names are:\n", paste(colnames(x$covariates)))})
} else if(!samColour %in% c(richSupported, "Deviance",
if(inherits(try(sample_data(x$physeq), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) NULL else sample_variables(x$physeq))){
stop("'samColour' must be a sample variable, a supported richness measure
or otherwise 'Influence' or 'Deviance'!")
if ("samples" %in% plotType) {
dataSam = coords$samples
# Get the sample colours
dataSam$colourPlot = if (length(samColour) == 1) {
if (samColour=="Influence") {
if(inflVar %in% colnames(x$covariates))
rowSums(NBalphaInfl(x, inflDim)[, , inflVar])
rowSums(abs(NBpsiInfl(x, inflDim)))
} else if (samColour == "Deviance") {
rowSums(getDevianceRes(x, max(Dim))^2)
} else if (samColour %in% richSupported)
estimate_richness(x$physeq, measures = samColour)[[1]] else
get_variable(x$physeq, samColour)
} else if (!is.null(samColour)) {
} else {
factor(rep(1, nrow(dataSam)))
if (is.character(dataSam$colourPlot))
dataSam$colourPlot = factor(dataSam$colourPlot)
# Get the sample shapes
if (length(samShape) == 1) {
dataSam$shapePlot = get_variable(x$physeq, samShape)
if (is.character(dataSam$shapePlot))
dataSam$shapePlot = factor(dataSam$shapePlot)
} else if (!is.null(samShape)) {
dataSam$shapePlot = samShape
} else {
dataSam$shapePlot = factor(rep(1, nrow(dataSam)))
if (is.character(dataSam$shapePlot))
dataSam$shapePlot = factor(dataSam$shapePlot)
# Set colour palette
if (is.null(Palette)) {
Palette = rainbow(length(unique(dataSam$colourPlot)))
plot = ggplot(dataSam, aes_string(x = names(dataSam)[1],
y = names(dataSam)[2],
dotList, col = "colourPlot", shape = "shapePlot")) +
geom_point(size = samSize) +
if (noLegend)
guides(colour = FALSE)
} #Legend
# add legend names
if (!is.null(colLegend) & is.factor(dataSam$colourPlot)) {
plot = plot +
scale_colour_manual(name = colLegend,
values = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(max(3,
length(unique(dataSam$colourPlot))), Palette))(length(unique(
} else if (!is.null(colLegend) & !is.factor(dataSam$colourPlot)) {
plot = plot + scale_colour_continuous(name = colLegend,
low = contCol[1],
high = contCol[2])
if (!is.null(shapeLegend)) {
plot = plot + scale_shape_discrete(name = shapeLegend)
} else {
plot = plot + guides(shape = FALSE)
} else {
dataSam = NULL
plot = ggplot()
} # END if samples %in% plotType
if ("species" %in% plotType)
idTaxRegExp = if (!is.null(taxRegExp)) {
# Filter out certain taxa
apply(vapply(FUN.VALUE = logical(nrow(coords$species)),
taxRegExp, grepl, = TRUE,
x = rownames(coords$species)),
1, any)
# Display only required taxa
} else {
rep(TRUE, ncol(x$X))
if (!any(idTaxRegExp)) {
stop("Species not found! \n Check the dimnames
of your x$X slot! \n")
taxFrac = min(taxNum/sum(idTaxRegExp), 1)
dataTax = coords$species[idTaxRegExp, ] #Keep only selected taxa
# Construct dataframe for taxa
if (constrained) {
if (x$responseFun == "linear") {
dataTax$arrowLength = apply(dataTax[, c("slope1", "slope2")],
1, function(x) {
id = dataTax$arrowLength >= quantile(dataTax$arrowLength,
1 - taxFrac)
# Filter out small arrows
dataTax = dataTax[id, ]
if ("samples" %in% plotType) {
scalingFactorTmp = apply(dataSam[, Dimnames], 2, range)/
c("end1", "end2")] - dataTax[, c("origin1", "origin2")],
2, range)
scalingFactor = min(scalingFactorTmp[scalingFactorTmp >
0]) * 0.975
# Scale the arrows
dataTax[, c("end1", "end2")] = dataTax[, c("origin1",
"origin2")] + dataTax[, c("slope1", "slope2")] *
} else if (x$responseFun == "quadratic") {
dataTax$colour = apply(coords$species[, paste0("a", Dim)],
1, function(x) {
if (all(x > 0)) {
} else if (all(x < 0)) {
} else if (x[1] > 0) {
} else {
dataEllipseTmp = vapply(seq_along(taxa_names(x$physeq)),
FUN.VALUE = matrix(0, 1000L, 3), function(tax) {
x = coords$species[tax, ]
cbind(ellipseCoord(a = unlist(x[paste0("a", Dim)]) *
x$psis[Dim], b = unlist(x[paste0("b", Dim)]) *
c = unlist(x[paste0("a", Dim)]) * x$psis[Dim],
quadDrop = quadDrop,
nPoints = 1000L), taxon = tax)
# Pick taxa with largest extrema,
# within observed values of the
# envrionmental scores (otherwise it is almost extrapolation)
dataID = data.frame(meanPeakHeights = rowMeans(dataTax[,
paste0("peak", Dim)]), id = seq_len(nrow(dataTax)),
envScores = x$covariates %*% x$alpha
rownames(dataTax) = colnames(x$X)
dataTax = dataTax[idTaxRegExp, ] #Keep only selected taxa
id = dataID[order(dataID$end1 > max(envScores[, Dim[1]]) |
dataID$end1 < min(envScores[, Dim[1]]), dataID$end2 >
max(envScores[, Dim[2]]) | dataID$end2 < min(envScores[,
Dim[2]]), -dataID$meanPeakHeights), ]$id[
seq_len(ceiling(taxFrac *
dataTax = dataTax[id, ]
dataTax[, c("peak1", "peak2")] = taxaScale * apply(dataTax[,
c("peak1", "peak2")], c(1, 2), max, 0.0075)
# Make sure a line always appears Unfold into two dimensions
dataEllipse = data.frame(apply(dataEllipseTmp[, , id],
2, c), colour = as.character(dataTax$colour))
} else {
stop("No valid response function present in this RCM object!")
} else {
dataTax$arrowLength = apply(dataTax[, c("end1", "end2")],
1, function(x) {
id = dataTax$arrowLength >= quantile(dataTax$arrowLength,
1 - taxFrac)
# Filter out small arrows
dataTax = dataTax[id, ]
if ("samples" %in% plotType)
scalingFactorTmp = apply(dataSam[, Dimnames], 2, range)/
c("end1", "end2")], 2, range)
scalingFactor = min(scalingFactorTmp[scalingFactorTmp >
0]) * manExpFactorTaxa
# The scaling factor is the minimum of the ratios between
# the longest arrow and the longest species arrow in every
# direction of every dimension
dataTax[, c("end1", "end2")] = dataTax[, c("end1", "end2")]*
} # End scaling needed
dataTax$labels = sub(" ", breakChar, rownames(dataTax))
if (!"samples" %in% plotType && length(taxCol) == 1)
colLegend = taxCol
# Add arrows or labels
if (length(taxCol) > 1 && length(unique(taxCol)) < 10) {
dataTax$taxCol = Palette[c(taxCol[id])]
} else if (taxCol == "Deviance") {
dataTax$taxCol = colSums(getDevianceRes(x, max(Dim))^2)[id]
} else if (taxCol %in% colnames(tax_table(x$physeq,
errorIfNULL = FALSE))) {
dataTax$taxCol = tax_table(x$physeq)[, taxCol]
mostCommon = names(sort(table(dataTax$taxCol),
decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(nPhyl)])
dataTax$taxCol[(!dataTax$taxCol %in% mostCommon) |
(dataTax$taxCol %in%
phylOther)] = "Other"
dataTax$taxCol = factor(dataTax$taxCol)
if ((!constrained || x$responseFun == "linear")) {
if (arrowSize > 0) {
if ("samples" %in% plotType | (length(taxCol) == 1 &&
taxCol != "Deviance")) {
plot <- plot + geom_segment(data = dataTax,
aes_string(x = "origin1",
y = "origin2", xend = "end1", yend = "end2",
alpha = if (alpha)
"arrowLength" else NULL), colour = taxColSingle,
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1,
"cm")), inherit.aes = FALSE, size = arrowSize) +
guides(alpha = FALSE)
} else {
plot <- plot + geom_segment(data = dataTax,
aes_string(x = "origin1",
y = "origin2", xend = "end1", yend = "end2",
alpha = if (alpha)
"arrowLength" else NULL, colour = "taxCol"),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1,
"cm")), inherit.aes = FALSE, size = arrowSize) +
guides(alpha = FALSE)
if (!("samples" %in% plotType | (length(taxCol) == 1 &&
taxCol != "Deviance"))) {
plot = plot + if (is.factor(taxCol))
scale_colour_discrete(name = colLegend) else
scale_colour_continuous(name = colLegend,
low = contCol[1],
high = contCol[2])
plot = plot + if (alpha)
scale_alpha_continuous(range = alphaRange)
} else if (x$responseFun == "quadratic") {
# quadratic response functions
plot <- plot + geom_tile(data = dataTax, aes_string(x = "end1",
y = "end2", fill = "colour", width = "peak1",
height = "peak2"),
pch = 21, show.legend = FALSE, inherit.aes = FALSE) +
if (plotEllipse) {
geom_path(inherit.aes = FALSE, data = dataEllipse,
mapping = aes_string(x = "x",
y = "y", group = "taxon"), colour = "grey50",
show.legend = FALSE)
} else {
plot <- plot + geom_point(data = dataTax, aes_string(x = "end1",
y = "end2", fill = "taxCol"), pch = 21,
show.legend = length(taxCol) !=
1, inherit.aes = FALSE)
if (!is.null(colLegend) & is.factor(dataTax$taxCol) & !taxDots) {
plot = plot + scale_colour_brewer(palette = Palette,
name = colLegend)
} else if (!is.null(colLegend) & !is.factor(dataTax$taxCol)) {
plot = plot + scale_fill_continuous(name = colLegend)
if (taxLabels) {
dataTax$end2b = dataTax$end2 + nudge_y * ifelse(dataTax$end2 >
0, 1, -1)
plot <- plot + if (is.null(dataTax$taxCol)) {
geom_text(data = dataTax, aes_string(x = "end1", y = "end2b",
label = "labels", color = "taxCol"), color = taxColSingle,
show.legend = FALSE, size = taxLabSize, inherit.aes = FALSE)
} else {
geom_text(data = dataTax, aes_string(x = "end1", y = "end2",
label = "labels", color = "taxCol"), show.legend = TRUE,
nudge_y = nudge_y, size = taxLabSize, inherit.aes = FALSE)
} else if (taxDots) {
if (is.null(dataTax$taxCol)) {
plot <- plot + geom_point(data = dataTax,
aes_string(x = "end1",
y = "end2", color = "taxCol"), color = taxColSingle,
show.legend = FALSE, nudge_y = nudge_y, size = taxLabSize,
inherit.aes = FALSE)
} else {
plot <- plot + geom_point(data = dataTax,
aes_string(x = "end1",
y = "end2", color = "taxCol"), show.legend = TRUE,
size = taxLabSize,
inherit.aes = FALSE) + if (!is.numeric(dataTax$taxCol))
scale_colour_manual(values = c(brewer.pal(length(
unique(dataTax$taxCol)) -
1, Palette), "Grey90"), name = colLegend) else
scale_colour_continuous(name = colLegend)
# 'Other' is made grey
if (!"samples" %in% plotType) {
# xlabel
plot = plot + xlab(Dimnames[1]) + ylab(Dimnames[2])
} #END if 'species' %in% plotType
if ("variables" %in% plotType && constrained) {
# Add variable labels
if (is.null(varPlot)) {
arrowLenghtsVar = rowSums(x$alpha[, Dim]^2) #All arrow lenghts
attribs = x$attribs
arrowLenghtsPerVar = tapply(arrowLenghtsVar, attribs, max)
# Maximum per variable
CumSum = cumsum(table(attribs)[unique(attribs)[
decreasing = TRUE)]]) <= varNum
varID = attr(x$covariates, "dimnames")[[2]][attribs %in%
} else {
varID = attr(x$covariates, "dimnames")[[2]] %in%
grep, value = TRUE, x = attr(x$covariates, "dimnames")[[2]]))
varData = data.frame(x$alpha * if (!all(plotType == "variables"))
1 else varExpFactor)
varData$label = rownames(x$alpha)
# Include all levels from important factors, not just the long arrows
varData = varData[varID, ]
if (!all(plotType == "variables")) {
if ("samples" %in% plotType) {
scalingFactorAlphaTmp = apply(dataSam[, Dimnames], 2, range)/
Dimnames], 2, range)
scalingFactorAlpha = min(scalingFactorAlphaTmp[
scalingFactorAlphaTmp >
0]) * 0.975
} else if ("species" %in% plotType) {
scalingFactorAlphaTmp = apply(dataTax[, c("end1", "end2")],
2, range)/apply(varData[, Dimnames], 2, range)
scalingFactorAlpha = max(scalingFactorAlphaTmp[
scalingFactorAlphaTmp >
0]) * 0.975
varData[, Dimnames] = varData[, Dimnames] * scalingFactorAlpha
plot = plot + geom_text(data = varData,
mapping = aes_string(x = names(varData)[1],
y = names(varData)[2], label = "label"), inherit.aes = FALSE,
size = varLabSize)
} else {
varData = NULL
if (plotPsi == "psi") {
plot = plot + xlab(bquote(psi[.(Dim[1])] == .(round(x$psis[Dim[1]],
1)))) + ylab(bquote(psi[.(Dim[2])] == .(round(x$psis[Dim[2]],
} else if (plotPsi == "loglik") {
liksTab = liks(x)
if (length(x$confModelMat)) {
# If filtered on confounders, print in title.
plot = plot + ggtitle(paste0("Confounders' deviance explained: ",
liksTab["logLikExplained", "filtered"] * 100, "%"))
plot = plot + xlab(paste0(Dimnames[1], ": ", liksTab["logLikExplained",
Dimnames[1]] * 100, "%")) + ylab(paste0(Dimnames[2], ": ",
Dimnames[2]] * 100, "%"))
} else if (plotPsi == "inertia") {
inertTab = inertia(x)
if (length(x$confModelMat)) {
# If filtered on confounders, print in title.
plot = plot + ggtitle(paste0("Confounders' inertia explained: ",
inertTab["inertiaExplained", "filtered"] * 100, "%"))
plot = plot + xlab(paste0(Dimnames[1], ": ",inertTab["inertiaExplained",
Dimnames[1]] * 100, "%")) + ylab(paste0(Dimnames[2], ": ",
Dimnames[2]] * 100, "%"))
} else if (plotPsi == "none") {
plot = plot + xlab(paste0(names(dataSam)[1])) +
} else {
stop("'plotPsi' argument unknown!\n")
# Add cross in the centre
plot = plot + geom_point(data = data.frame(x = 0, y = 0),aes_string(x = "x",
y = "y"), size = crossSize, inherit.aes = FALSE, shape = 3)
# Enlarge most text
plot = plot + theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title = element_text(size = axisTitleSize),
axis.text = element_text(size = axisLabSize),
legend.title = element_text(size = legendTitleSize),
legend.text = element_text(size = legendLabSize),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
# Fix coordinates at a certain aspect ratio if required, and throw
# warning if not
if (axesFixed)
plot = plot + coord_fixed(ratio = aspRatio)
if (!(axesFixed & (aspRatio == 1)))
warning("Axes not squared, plot may be deformed!\nConsider
setting aspRatio = 1 and axesFixed = TRUE.")
# Expand limits to show all text
plot = indentPlot(plot, xInd = xInd, yInd = yInd)
if (returnCoords) {
list(plot = plot, samples = dataSam, species = dataTax,
variables = varData)
} else {
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