#' importGtf
#' This function uses \code{rtracklayer::import.gff()} function to import genome
#' annoatation data from an Ensembl gtf file
#' @param filePath Path to a GTF file
#' @param saveObjectAsRds TRUE/FALSE (default:TRUE). If it is set to TRUE, a
#' GRanges object will be created and saved in RDS format
#' (<filePath>.granges.rds) so that importing can re-use this .rds file in
#' next run.
#' @param readFromRds TRUE/FALSE (default:TRUE). If it is set to TRUE,
#' annotation data will be imported from previously generated .rds file
#' (<filePath>.granges.rds).
#' @param overwriteObjectAsRds TRUE/FALSE (default:FALSE). If it is set to TRUE,
#' existing .rds file (<filePath>.granges.rds) will overwritten.
#' @param keepStandardChr TRUE/FALSE (default:TRUE). If it is set to TRUE,
#' \code{seqlevelsStyle} will be converted to 'UCSC' and
#' \code{keepStandardChromosomes} function will be applied to only keep data
#' from the standard chromosomes.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to rtracklayer::import.gff function
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object containing the coordinates of the annotated
#' genomic features in an input GTF file
#' @examples
#' #import the data and write it into a .rds file
#' \dontrun{
#' importGtf(filePath='./Ensembl75.hg19.gtf')
#' }
#' #import the data but don't save it as RDS
#' \dontrun{
#' importGtf(filePath='./Ensembl75.hg19.gtf', saveObjectAsRds = FALSE)
#' }
#' #import the data and overwrite the previously generated
#' \dontrun{
#' importGtf(filePath='./Ensembl75.hg19.gtf', overwriteObjectAsRds = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import.gff
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb keepStandardChromosomes
#' @export
importGtf <- function (filePath, saveObjectAsRds = TRUE, readFromRds = TRUE,
overwriteObjectAsRds = FALSE, keepStandardChr = TRUE, ...) {
rdsFilePath <- paste0(filePath, ".granges.rds")
if (readFromRds == TRUE && file.exists(rdsFilePath)){
message('Reading existing granges.rds object from ',rdsFilePath)
gff <- readRDS(rdsFilePath)
} else {
message('importing gtf file from ', filePath)
gff <- rtracklayer::import.gff(filePath, ...)
if (!is.null(gff)) {
if (keepStandardChr == TRUE) {
message('Keeping standard chromosomes only')
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gff) = 'UCSC'
gff = GenomeInfoDb::keepStandardChromosomes(gff, pruning.mode = 'coarse')
if (saveObjectAsRds == TRUE) {
if (!file.exists(rdsFilePath)){
message('Saving gff object in RDS file at ',rdsFilePath)
saveRDS(gff, file=rdsFilePath)
} else {
if (overwriteObjectAsRds == TRUE) {
message('Overwriting gff object in RDS file at ',rdsFilePath)
saveRDS(gff, file=rdsFilePath)
} else {
message('File ',rdsFilePath,' already exists.
Use overwriteObjectAsRds = TRUE to overwrite the file')
return (gff)
} else{
stop("Couldn't import the gtf from",filePath,"\n")
#' importBed
#' This function uses \code{rtracklayer::import.bed()} function to import BED
#' files
#' @param filePath Path to a BED file
#' @param sampleN A positive integer value. The number of intervals in the input
#' BED file are randomly downsampled to include intervals as many as
#' \code{sampleN}. The input will be downsampled only if this value is larger
#' than zero and less than the total number of input intervals.
#' @param keepStandardChr TRUE/FALSE (default:TRUE). If set to TRUE, will
#' convert the \code{seqlevelsStyle} to 'UCSC' and apply
#' \code{keepStandardChromosomes} function to only keep data from the standard
#' chromosomes
#' @param debug TRUE/FALSE (default:TRUE). Set to FALSE to turn off messages
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to rtracklayer::import.bed function
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object containing the coordinates of the intervals
#' from an input BED file
#' @examples
#' input <- system.file("extdata", "testfile.bed", package='RCAS')
#' importBed(filePath = input, keepStandardChr = TRUE)
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import.bed
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb keepStandardChromosomes
#' @export
importBed <- function (filePath, sampleN = 0, keepStandardChr = TRUE, debug = TRUE, ...) {
if (file.exists(filePath)) {
data = rtracklayer::import.bed(filePath, ...)
if(debug == TRUE) {
message('Processing ',filePath)
if (keepStandardChr == TRUE) {
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(data) <- 'UCSC'
if(debug == TRUE) {
message('Keeping standard chromosomes only')
data <- GenomeInfoDb::keepStandardChromosomes(data, pruning.mode = 'coarse')
if (sampleN > 0 && sampleN < length(data)) {
if(debug == TRUE) {
message ('Downsampling intervals to size:',sampleN)
data <- data[sample(x = 1:length(data), size = sampleN)]
} else {
stop("Cannot import BED file.
It does not exist at the given location:",filePath,"\n")
#' getTxdbFeatures
#' This function is deprecated. Use getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges instead.
#' @export
getTxdbFeatures <- function () {
#' getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges
#' This function takes as input a GRanges object that contains GTF file contents
#' (e.g from the output of \code{importGtf} function).
#' Then extracts the coordinates of gene features
#' such as promoters, introns, exons, 5'/3' UTRs and
#' whole transcripts.
#' @param gffData A GRanges object imported by \code{importGtf} function
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges(gffData = gff)
#' @return A list of GRanges objects
#' @import GenomicFeatures
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics unlist
#' @export
getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges <- function (gffData) {
txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges(gffData)
transcripts <- GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb)
m <- match(transcripts$tx_name, gffData$transcript_id)
transcripts$gene_name <- gffData[m]$gene_name
tmp <- GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(x = txdb, by = "tx", use.names = TRUE)
exons <- BiocGenerics::unlist(tmp)
exons$tx_name <- names(exons)
exons$gene_name <- gffData[match(names(exons), gffData$transcript_id)]$gene_name
tmp <- GenomicFeatures::intronsByTranscript(x = txdb, use.names = TRUE)
introns <- BiocGenerics::unlist(tmp)
introns$tx_name <- names(introns)
m <- match(names(introns), gffData$transcript_id)
introns$gene_name <- gffData[m]$gene_name
promoters <- GenomicFeatures::promoters(txdb)
m <- match(promoters$tx_name, gffData$transcript_id)
promoters$gene_name <- gffData[m]$gene_name
#fiveUTRsByTranscript will return exonic regions of UTRs. These exonic regions
#must be turned into a single region containing both exons and introns using
#the range function we can get min-start and max-end of all UTR regions per
tmp <- range(GenomicFeatures::fiveUTRsByTranscript(x = txdb, use.names = TRUE))
fiveUTRs <- BiocGenerics::unlist(tmp)
fiveUTRs$tx_name <- names(fiveUTRs)
m <- match(names(fiveUTRs), gffData$transcript_id)
fiveUTRs$gene_name <- gffData[m]$gene_name
#threeUTRsByTranscript will return exonic regions of UTRs. These exonic regions
#must be turned into a single region containing both exons and introns using
#the range function we can get min-start and max-end of all UTR regions per
tmp <- range(GenomicFeatures::threeUTRsByTranscript(x = txdb, use.names = TRUE))
threeUTRs <- BiocGenerics::unlist(tmp)
threeUTRs$tx_name <- names(threeUTRs)
m <- match(names(threeUTRs), gffData$transcript_id)
threeUTRs$gene_name <- gffData[m]$gene_name
tmp <- GenomicFeatures::cdsBy(x = txdb, by = "tx", use.names = TRUE)
cds <- BiocGenerics::unlist(tmp)
cds$tx_name <- names(cds)
cds$gene_name <- gffData[match(names(cds), gffData$transcript_id)]$gene_name
txdbFeatures = list(
'transcripts' = transcripts,
'exons' = exons,
'promoters' = promoters,
'fiveUTRs' = fiveUTRs,
'introns' = introns,
'cds' = cds,
'threeUTRs' = threeUTRs
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits
#' @import GenomicRanges
processHits <- function(queryRegions, tx, type) {
overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(queryRegions, tx)
overlapsQuery <- queryRegions[S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)]
overlapsTX <- tx[S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlaps)]
overlapsTX$overlappingQuery <- paste(GenomicRanges::seqnames(overlapsQuery),
dt <- data.table::data.table('tx_name' = overlapsTX$tx_name,
'query' = overlapsTX$overlappingQuery)
query <- 'query'
summary <- dt[,length(unique(query)), by='tx_name']
colnames(summary) <- c('tx_name', type)
#' getTargetedGenesTable
#' This function provides a list of genes which are targeted by query regions
#' and their corresponding numbers from an input BED file. Then, the hits are
#' categorized by the gene features such as promoters, introns, exons,
#' 5'/3' UTRs and whole transcripts.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object containing coordinates of input query
#' regions imported by the \code{\link{importBed}} function
#' @param txdbFeatures A list of GRanges objects where each GRanges object
#' corresponds to the genomic coordinates of gene features such as promoters,
#' introns, exons, 5'/3' UTRs and whole transcripts.
#' This list of GRanges objects are obtained by the function
#' \code{\link{getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges}} or \code{\link{getTxdbFeatures}}.
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' data(queryRegions)
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges(gffData = gff)
#' featuresTable <- getTargetedGenesTable(queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' txdbFeatures = txdbFeatures)
#' #or
#' \dontrun{
#' txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges(gff)
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeatures(txdb)
#' featuresTable <- getTargetedGenesTable(queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' txdbFeatures = txdbFeatures)
#' }
#' @return A data.frame object where rows correspond to genes and columns
#' correspond to gene features
#' @importFrom data.table setkey
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Reduce
#' @export
getTargetedGenesTable <- function (queryRegions, txdbFeatures) {
tbls <- lapply(X = seq_along(txdbFeatures),
FUN = function(i) {
processHits(queryRegions = queryRegions,
tx = txdbFeatures[[names(txdbFeatures)[i]]],
type = names(txdbFeatures)[i])})
tbls <- lapply(tbls, function(i) data.table::setkey(i, 'tx_name'))
merged <- S4Vectors::Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all = TRUE), tbls)
merged[] <- 0
#' summarizeQueryRegions
#' This function counts number of query regions that overlap with different
#' types of gene features.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object imported from a BED file using
#' \code{importBed} function
#' @param txdbFeatures List of GRanges objects - outputs of
#' \code{getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges} and \code{getTxdbFeatures} functions
#' @return A data frame with two columns where first column holds features and
#' second column holds corresponding counts
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' data(queryRegions)
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges(gffData = gff)
#' summary <- summarizeQueryRegions(queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' txdbFeatures = txdbFeatures)
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @export
summarizeQueryRegions <- function(queryRegions, txdbFeatures) {
summarize <- function (x) {
myOverlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(queryRegions, x)
results <- lapply(X = txdbFeatures, FUN = summarize)
results$NoFeatures <- setdiff(c(1:length(queryRegions)),
as.vector(, results)))
df <- t(data.frame(lapply(results, length)))
colnames(df) <- c('count')
#' queryGff
#' This function checks overlaps between the regions in input query and in
#' reference. Input query should be in BED format and reference should be in GFF
#' format. Both data are imported as GRanges object.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object imported from a BED file using
#' \code{importBed} function
#' @param gffData GRanges object imported from a GTF file using \code{importGtf}
#' function
#' @return a GRanges object (a subset of input gff) with an additional column
#' 'overlappingQuery' that contains the coordinates of query regions that
#' overlap the target annotation features
#' @examples
#' data(queryRegions)
#' data(gff)
#' overlaps <- queryGff(queryRegions = queryRegions, gffData = gff)
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits
#' @export
queryGff <- function(queryRegions, gffData) {
#find all overlapping pairs of intervals between gff features and BED file
overlaps = GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(queryRegions, gffData)
overlapsQuery = queryRegions[S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)]
overlapsGff = gffData[S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlaps)]
# prepare some data for the overlapping query region
# to keep along with overlapping gff features
query_mcols <- mcols(overlapsQuery)
colnames(query_mcols) <- paste0('query_', colnames(query_mcols))
queryData <- cbind(
data.frame('queryIndex' = S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps),
'queryRange' = paste0(GenomicRanges::seqnames(overlapsQuery), ':',
GenomicRanges::start(overlapsQuery), '-',
GenomicRanges::end(overlapsQuery), ':',
# update mcols portion of overlapping gff feature data
mcols(overlapsGff) <- cbind(mcols(overlapsGff), queryData)
return (overlapsGff)
#' getFeatureBoundaryCoverage
#' This function extracts the flanking regions of 5' and 3' boundaries of a
#' given set of genomic features and computes the per-base coverage of query
#' regions across these boundaries.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object imported from a BED file using
#' \code{importBed} function
#' @param featureCoords GRanges object containing the target feature coordinates
#' @param flankSize Positive integer that determines the number of base pairs to
#' extract around a given genomic feature boundary
#' @param boundaryType (Options: fiveprime or threeprime). Denotes which side of
#' the feature's boundary is to be profiled.
#' @param sampleN A positive integer value less than the total number of featuer
#' coordinates that determines whether the target feature coordinates should
#' be randomly downsampled. If set to 0, no downsampling will happen. If
#' @return a data frame containin three columns. 1. fivePrime: Coverage at 5'
#' end of features 2. threePrime: Coverage at 3' end of features; 3. bases:
#' distance (in bp) to the boundary
#' @examples
#' data(queryRegions)
#' data(gff)
#' txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges(gff)
#' transcriptCoords <- GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb)
#' transcriptEndCoverage <- getFeatureBoundaryCoverage (
#' queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' featureCoords = transcriptCoords,
#' flankSize = 100,
#' boundaryType = 'threeprime',
#' sampleN = 1000)
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom genomation ScoreMatrix
#' @export
getFeatureBoundaryCoverage <- function (queryRegions,
flankSize = 500,
sampleN = 0) {
if (sampleN > 0 && sampleN < length(featureCoords)) {
featureCoords <- sort(featureCoords[sample(length(featureCoords), sampleN)])
if (boundaryType == 'fiveprime') {
flanks <- GenomicRanges::flank(x = featureCoords,
width = flankSize,
start = TRUE,
both = TRUE)
} else if (boundaryType == 'threeprime') {
flanks <- GenomicRanges::flank(x = featureCoords,
width = flankSize,
start = FALSE,
both = TRUE)
} else {
stop ("please indicate either threeprime or fiveprime for boundary type\n")
sm <- genomation::ScoreMatrix(target = queryRegions,
windows = flanks,
strand.aware = TRUE)
return (data.frame('bases' = c(-flankSize:(flankSize-1)),
'meanCoverage' = colMeans(sm),
'standardError' = apply(sm, 2, plotrix::std.error))
#' getFeatureBoundaryCoverageBin
#' This function extracts the flanking regions of 5' and 3' boundaries of a
#' given set of genomic features, splits them into 100 equally sized bins and
#' computes the per-bin coverage of query regions across these boundaries.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object imported from a BED file using
#' \code{importBed} function
#' @param featureCoords GRanges object containing the target feature coordinates
#' @param flankSize Positive integer that determines the number of base pairs to
#' extract around a given genomic feature boundary
#' @param sampleN A positive integer value less than the total number of featuer
#' coordinates that determines whether the target feature coordinates should
#' be randomly downsampled. If set to 0, no downsampling will happen. If
#' @return a data frame containin three columns. 1. fivePrime: Coverage at 5'
#' end of features 2. threePrime: Coverage at 3' end of features; 3. bases:
#' distance (in bp) to the boundary
#' @examples
#' data(queryRegions)
#' data(gff)
#' txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges(gff)
#' transcriptCoords <- GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb)
#' transcriptEndCoverageBin <- getFeatureBoundaryCoverageBin (
#' queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' featureCoords = transcriptCoords,
#' flankSize = 100,
#' sampleN = 1000)
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom genomation ScoreMatrix
#' @export
getFeatureBoundaryCoverageBin <- function (queryRegions,
flankSize = 50,
sampleN = 0) {
if (sampleN > 0 && sampleN < length(featureCoords)) {
featureCoords <- sort(featureCoords[sample(length(featureCoords), sampleN)])
#flanking regions at/around 5' site of the features
fivePrimeFlanks <- GenomicRanges::flank(x = featureCoords,
width = flankSize,
start = TRUE,
both = TRUE
#flanking regions at/around 3' site of the features
threePrimeFlanks <- GenomicRanges::flank(x = featureCoords,
width = flankSize,
start = FALSE,
both = TRUE)
cvgFivePrime <- genomation::ScoreMatrixBin(target = queryRegions,
windows = fivePrimeFlanks,
bin.num = 100,
bin.op = 'max',
strand.aware = TRUE)
cvgThreePrime <- genomation::ScoreMatrixBin(target = queryRegions,
windows = threePrimeFlanks,
bin.num = 100,
bin.op = 'max',
strand.aware = TRUE)
mdata <- data.frame('fivePrime' = colSums(cvgFivePrime),
'threePrime' = colSums(cvgThreePrime),
'bins' = c(-50:-1, 1:50))
#' calculateCoverageProfile
#' This function checks overlaps between input query regions and annotation
#' features, and then calculates coverage profile along target regions.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object imported from a BED file using
#' \code{importBed} function
#' @param targetRegions GRanges object containing genomic coordinates of a
#' target feature (e.g. exons)
#' @param sampleN If set to a positive integer, \code{targetRegions} will be
#' downsampled to \code{sampleN} regions
#' @param bin.num Positive integer value (default: 100) to determine how many
#' bins the targetRegions should be split into (See
#' genomation::ScoreMatrixBin)
#' @param bin.op The operation to apply for each bin: 'min', 'max', or 'mean'
#' (default: mean). (See genomation::ScoreMatrixBin)
#' @param strand.aware TRUE/FALSE (default: TRUE) The strands of target regions
#' are considered.
#' @return A ScoreMatrix object returned by \code{genomation::ScoreMatrixBin}
#' function. Target regions are divided into 100 equal sized bins and coverage
#' level is calculated in a strand-specific manner.
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' data(queryRegions)
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges(gffData = gff)
#' df <- calculateCoverageProfile(queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' targetRegions = txdbFeatures$exons,
#' sampleN = 1000)
#' @importFrom genomation ScoreMatrixBin
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
calculateCoverageProfile = function (queryRegions,
sampleN = 0,
bin.num = 100,
bin.op = 'mean',
strand.aware = TRUE){
#remove windows shorter than bin.num
#because the windows have to be separated into at least 'bin.num' bins
windows <- targetRegions[GenomicRanges::width(targetRegions) >= bin.num]
if (length(windows) > 0) {
if (sampleN > 0 && sampleN < length(windows)) {
windows <- sort(windows[sample(length(windows), sampleN)])
sm <- genomation::ScoreMatrixBin(target = queryRegions,
windows = windows,
bin.num = bin.num,
bin.op = bin.op,
strand.aware = strand.aware)
} else {
stop("Cannot compute coverage profile for target regions.\n
There are no target regions longer than",bin.num,"\n")
#' calculateCoverageProfileList
#' This function checks overlaps between input query regions and a target list
#' of annotation features, and then calculates the coverage profile along the
#' target regions.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object imported from a BED file using
#' \code{importBed} function
#' @param targetRegionsList A list of GRanges objects containing genomic
#' coordinates of target features (e.g. transcripts, exons, introns)
#' @param sampleN If set to a positive integer, \code{targetRegions} will be
#' downsampled to \code{sampleN} regions
#' @param bin.num Positive integer value (default: 100) to determine how many
#' bins the targetRegions should be split into (See
#' genomation::ScoreMatrixBin)
#' @param bin.op The operation to apply for each bin: 'min', 'max', or 'mean'
#' (default: mean). (See genomation::ScoreMatrixBin)
#' @param strand.aware TRUE/FALSE (default: TRUE) The strands of target regions
#' are considered.
#' @return A data.frame consisting of four columns: 1. bins level 2.
#' meanCoverage 3. standardError 4. feature Target regions are divided into
#' 100 equal sized bins and coverage level is summarized in a strand-specific
#' manner using the \code{genomation::ScoreMatrixBin} function. For each bin,
#' mean coverage score and the standard error of the mean coverage score is
#' calculated (\code{plotrix::std.error})
#' @importFrom plotrix std.error
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' data(queryRegions)
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges(gffData = gff)
#' dfList <- calculateCoverageProfileList(queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' targetRegionsList = txdbFeatures,
#' sampleN = 1000)
#' @export
calculateCoverageProfileList <- function (queryRegions,
sampleN = 0,
bin.num = 100,
bin.op = 'mean',
strand.aware = TRUE) {
results <- lapply(X = names(targetRegionsList),
FUN = function(x) {
sm <- calculateCoverageProfile(queryRegions = queryRegions,
targetRegions = targetRegionsList[[x]],
sampleN = sampleN,
bin.num = bin.num,
bin.op = bin.op,
strand.aware = strand.aware)
mdata <- data.frame('bins' = c(1:bin.num),
'meanCoverage' = colMeans(sm),
'standardError' = apply(sm, 2, plotrix::std.error),
'feature' = x)
return(, results))
#' calculateCoverageProfileListFromTxdb
#' This function is deprecated. Use ?calculateCoverageProfileList instead.
#' @export
calculateCoverageProfileListFromTxdb <- function () {
#' calculateCoverageProfileFromTxdb
#' This function is deprecated. Use ?calculateCoverageProfile instead.
#' @export
calculateCoverageProfileFromTxdb <- function () {
#' checkSeqDb
#' Given a string that denotes a genome version (e.g. hg19)
#' returns the BSgenome object matching the genome version
#' that are available in BSgenome::available.genomes()
#' @param genomeVersion String that denotes genome version.
#' To unambigously select a BSgenome object, provide a string
#' that matches the end of the available genomes at:
#' BSgenome::available.genomes().
#' @return Returns a BSgenome object that uniquely matches the
#' genomeVersion.
#' @examples
#' checkSeqDb('hg19')
#' @importFrom BSgenome available.genomes
#' @export
checkSeqDb <- function(genomeVersion) {
availableGenomes <- BSgenome::available.genomes()
db <- grep(paste0(genomeVersion, '$'),
value = T)
if (length(db) == 0) {
"Can't find a genome sequence with the given genome version:",
"\n\tRun BSgenome::available.genomes() to see which ones are available"
} else if (length(db) > 1) {
"Can't match the genome version to an unambigous genome sequence object.",
"\nmatching genomes are: ",
paste(db, collapse = '\t'),
"\nPlease update your genomeVersion input to uniquely match",
"\nAlso see BSgenome::available.genomes()"
if (!requireNamespace(db, quietly = TRUE)) {
"Can't find the package ",
" in your system. \n Please install via => ",
paste0("BiocManager::install('", db, "')")
message(date(), " => Returning ", db, " as BSgenome object")
require(db, character.only = TRUE)
#' Generate a RCAS Report for a list of transcriptome-level segments
#' This is the main report generation function for RCAS. This function takes a
#' BED file, a GTF file to create a summary report regarding the annotation data
#' that overlap the input BED file, enrichment analysis for functional terms,
#' and motif analysis.
#' @param queryFilePath a BED format file which contains genomic coordinates of
#' protein-RNA binding sites
#' @param gffFilePath A GTF format file which contains genome annotations
#' (preferably from ENSEMBL)
#' @param annotationSummary TRUE/FALSE (default: TRUE) A switch to decide if
#' RCAS should provide annotation summaries from overlap operations
#' @param goAnalysis TRUE/FALSE (default: TRUE) A switch to decide if RCAS
#' should run GO term enrichment analysis
#' @param motifAnalysis TRUE/FALSE (default: TRUE) A switch to decide if RCAS
#' should run motif analysis
#' @param genomeVersion A character string to denote for which genome version
#' the analysis is being done.
#' @param outDir Path to the output directory. (default: current working
#' directory)
#' @param printProcessedTables boolean value (default: FALSE). If set to TRUE,
#' raw data tables that are used for plots/tables will be printed to text
#' files.
#' @param sampleN integer value (default: 0). A parameter to determine if the
#' input query regions should be downsampled to a smaller size in order to
#' make report generation quicker. When set to 0, downsampling won't be done.
#' To activate the sampling a positive integer value that is smaller than the
#' total number of query regions should be given.
#' @param quiet boolean value (default: FALSE). If set to TRUE, progress bars
#' and chunk labels will be suppressed while knitting the Rmd file.
#' @param selfContained boolean value (default: TRUE). By default, the generated
#' html file will be self-contained, which means that all figures and tables
#' will be embedded in a single html file with no external dependencies
#' (See rmarkdown::html_document)
#' @return An html generated using rmarkdown/knitr/pandoc that contains
#' interactive figures, tables, and text that provide an overview of the
#' experiment
#' @examples
#' #Default run will generate a report using built-in test data for hg19 genome.
#' \dontrun{
#' runReport()
#' }
#' #A custom run for human
#' \dontrun{
#' runReport( queryFilePath = 'input.BED',
#' gffFilePath = 'annotation.gtf',
#' genomeVersion = 'hg19')
#' }
#' # To turn off certain modules of the report
#' \dontrun{
#' runReport( queryFilePath = 'input.BED',
#' gffFilePath = 'annotation.gtf',
#' motifAnalysis = FALSE,
#' goAnalysis = FALSE )
#' }
#' @import rmarkdown
#' @import knitr
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly
#' @importFrom plotly add_trace
#' @importFrom plotly add_ribbons
#' @importFrom plotly layout
#' @import DT
#' @export
runReport <- function(queryFilePath = 'testdata',
gffFilePath = 'testdata',
annotationSummary = TRUE,
goAnalysis = TRUE,
motifAnalysis = TRUE,
genomeVersion = 'hg19',
outDir = getwd(),
printProcessedTables = FALSE,
sampleN = 0,
quiet = FALSE,
selfContained = TRUE) {
db <- checkSeqDb(genomeVersion)
# get species name
# this is needed for gprofiler functional enrichment
fields <- unlist(strsplit(db@organism, ' '))
species <- tolower(paste0(unlist(strsplit(fields[1], ''))[1],
if(queryFilePath != 'testdata') {
queryFilePath <- normalizePath(queryFilePath)
if(gffFilePath != 'testdata') {
gffFilePath <- normalizePath(gffFilePath)
reportFile <- system.file("reporting_scripts", "report.Rmd", package='RCAS')
headerFile <- system.file("reporting_scripts", "header.html", package='RCAS')
footerFile <- system.file("reporting_scripts", "footer.html", package='RCAS')
outFile <- paste0(basename(queryFilePath), '')
input = reportFile,
output_dir = outDir,
intermediates_dir = outDir,
output_file = outFile,
output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(
toc = TRUE,
toc_float = TRUE,
theme = 'simplex',
number_sections = TRUE,
includes = rmarkdown::includes(in_header = headerFile,
after_body = footerFile),
self_contained = selfContained
params = list(query = queryFilePath,
gff = gffFilePath,
annotationSummary = annotationSummary,
goAnalysis = goAnalysis,
motifAnalysis = motifAnalysis,
genomeVersion = genomeVersion,
species = species,
printProcessedTables = printProcessedTables,
sampleN = sampleN,
workdir = outDir),
quiet = quiet
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