
Defines functions stripEx plot.trellisEx

# this plot function is from lattice package,we just adjust the order 
# of plotting,plot the box of panel first in order to prevent the actual plot 
#region from being covered by the box,such as some svg annotations
# Author: mike

##reverse the order of strip plotting for conditional vairables
#' @import grid
stripEx <-
				##              packet.number,
				##              panel.number,
				shingle.intervals = NULL,
				strip.names = c(FALSE, TRUE),
				strip.levels = c(TRUE, FALSE),
				sep = " : ",
				style = 1,
				horizontal = TRUE,
				## FIXME: not sure how to incorporate alpha in strip colors
				bg = trellis.par.get("strip.background")$col[which.given],
				fg = trellis.par.get("strip.shingle")$col[which.given],
				par.strip.text = trellis.par.get("add.text"))
#	browser()
	if (horizontal)
		pushViewport(viewport(y = (length(which.panel)-which.given+1-0.5)/length(which.panel),
						height = 1/length(which.panel),
						clip = trellis.par.get("clip")$strip,
						name = paste("strip.default", length(which.panel)-which.given+1, sep = ".")))
#		pushViewport(viewport(y = (which.given-0.5)/length(which.panel),
#						height = 1/length(which.panel),
#						clip = trellis.par.get("clip")$strip,
#						name = paste("strip.default", which.given, sep = ".")))
		pushViewport(viewport(x = 1 - (length(which.panel)-which.given+1-0.5)/length(which.panel),
						width = 1/length(which.panel),
						clip = trellis.par.get("clip")$strip,
						name = paste("strip.left.default", length(which.panel)-which.given+1, sep = ".")))
#		pushViewport(viewport(x = 1 - (which.given-0.5)/length(which.panel),
#						width = 1/length(which.panel),
#						clip = trellis.par.get("clip")$strip,
#						name = paste("strip.left.default", which.given, sep = ".")))
	gp.text <- 
			gpar(col = par.strip.text$col,
					alpha = par.strip.text$alpha,
					lineheight = par.strip.text$lineheight,
					fontfamily = par.strip.text$fontfamily,
					fontface = lattice:::chooseFace(par.strip.text$fontface, par.strip.text$font),
					cex = par.strip.text$cex)
	name <- var.name[which.given]
	level <- which.panel[which.given]
	strip.names <- rep(strip.names, length.out = 2)
	strip.levels <- rep(strip.levels, length.out = 2)
	## str(shingle.intervals)
	formatLabel <-
					abbreviate = par.strip.text$abbr,
					minlength = par.strip.text$minl,
					dot = par.strip.text$dot)
		if (is.null(abbreviate)) abbreviate <- FALSE
		if (is.null(minlength)) minlength <- 4
		if (is.null(dot)) dot <- FALSE
		if (abbreviate) abbreviate(s, minlength = minlength, dot = dot)
		else s
	factor.levels <- formatLabel(factor.levels)
	if (!is.null(shingle.intervals))
		## This usually indicates shingles, as opposed to factors.
		## 'style' will be completely ignored, and shingle.intervals
		## encoded using bg and fg.  Names and levels are both game.
		if (horizontal)
			type <- "strip"
			type <- "strip.left"
		grid.rect(name = trellis.grobname("bg", type = type),
				gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = bg))
		t <- range(shingle.intervals)
		r <- (range(shingle.intervals[level,]) - t[1]) / diff(t)
		if (horizontal)
			grid.rect(x = unit(r %*% c(.5,.5),"npc"),
					width = max(unit(c(diff(r), 1), c("npc", "mm"))),
					name = trellis.grobname("fg", type="strip"),
					gp = gpar(col = fg, fill = fg))
			grid.rect(y = unit(r %*% c(.5,.5),"npc"),
					height = max(unit( c(diff(r), 1), c("npc", "mm"))),
					name = trellis.grobname("fg", type="strip.left"),
					gp = gpar(col = fg, fill = fg))
		lattice:::paste.and.draw(name, factor.levels[level],
				sep = sep,
				horizontal = horizontal,
				showl = strip.names[2],
				showr = strip.levels[2],
				gp = gp.text)
		## Behaviour depends on 'style'.  Will separate out coloring
		## and text based on 'style'.
		num <- length(factor.levels)
		## coloring:
		## background: all except style = 2
		if (style != 2) {
			if (horizontal)
				type <- "strip"
				type <- "strip.left"
			grid.rect(name = trellis.grobname("bg", type = type),
					gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = bg))
		## foreground: needed only for style = 2, 3 and 4
		if (num > 0 && style %in% c(2, 3, 4))
			if (horizontal)
				grid.rect(x = unit((2*level-1)/(2*num), "npc"),
						width = unit(1/num, "npc"),
						name = trellis.grobname("fg", type = "strip"),
						gp = gpar(fill = fg, col = fg))
				grid.rect(y = unit((2*level-1)/(2*num), "npc"),
						height = unit(1/num, "npc"),
						name = trellis.grobname("fg", type = "strip.left"),
						gp = gpar(fill = fg, col = fg))
		## text: [names|levels] centered only if style = 1 or 3
		if (style %in% c(1, 3))
			lattice:::paste.and.draw(name, factor.levels[level],
					sep = sep,
					horizontal = horizontal,
					showl = strip.names[1],
					showr = strip.levels[1],
					gp = gp.text)
		## remaining cases
		else if (num > 0)
			## either all levels or only one
			lid <- if (style %in% c(2, 4)) 1:num else level
			if (horizontal)
				grid.text(label = factor.levels[lid],
						x = (2 * lid - 1) / (2 * num),
						name = trellis.grobname("fg", type = "strip"),
						gp = gp.text)
				grid.text(label = factor.levels[lid],
						y = (2 * lid - 1) / (2 * num),
						rot = 90,
						name = trellis.grobname("fg", type = "strip.left"),
						gp = gp.text)
	## border is drawn with clipping off
	if (horizontal)
		pushViewport(viewport(y = (length(which.panel)-which.given+1-0.5)/length(which.panel),
						height = 1/length(which.panel),
						clip = "off",
						name = paste("strip.default.off", length(which.panel)-which.given+1, sep = ".")))
#		pushViewport(viewport(y = (which.given-0.5)/length(which.panel),
#						height = 1/length(which.panel),
#						clip = "off",
#						name = paste("strip.default.off", which.given, sep = ".")))
		pushViewport(viewport(x = 1 - (length(which.panel)-which.given+1-0.5)/length(which.panel),
						width = 1/length(which.panel),
						clip = "off",
						name = paste("strip.left.default.off", length(which.panel)-which.given+1, sep = ".")))
#		pushViewport(viewport(x = 1 - (which.given-0.5)/length(which.panel),
#						width = 1/length(which.panel),
#						clip = "off",
#						name = paste("strip.left.default.off", which.given, sep = ".")))
	strip.border <- trellis.par.get("strip.border")
	## draw border for strip
	if (horizontal)
		type <- "strip"
		type <- "strip.left"
	grid.rect(name = trellis.grobname("border", type = type),
			gp =
					gpar(col = rep(strip.border$col, length.out = which.given)[which.given],
							lty = rep(strip.border$lty, length.out = which.given)[which.given],
							lwd = rep(strip.border$lwd, length.out = which.given)[which.given],
							alpha = rep(strip.border$alpha, length.out = which.given)[which.given],
							fill = "transparent"))

plot.trellisEx <-
				position = NULL, split = NULL,
				more = FALSE, newpage = TRUE,
				packet.panel = packet.panel.default,
				draw.in = NULL,
				panel.height = lattice.getOption("layout.heights")$panel,
				panel.width = lattice.getOption("layout.widths")$panel,
				save.object = lattice.getOption("save.object"),
				panel.error = lattice.getOption("panel.error"),
				prefix = NULL,
	## make sure we have a device open
#	browser()
	if (is.null(dev.list())) trellis.device()
	else if (is.null(trellis.par.get()))
		trellis.device(device = .Device, new = FALSE)
	## if necessary, save current settings and apply temporary
	## settings in x$par.settings
	if (!is.null(x$par.settings))
		## save current state, restore later
		opar <- trellis.par.get() ## get("lattice.theme", envir = .LatticeEnv)
		trellis.par.set(theme = x$par.settings)
		on.exit(trellis.par.set(opar, strict = 2L), add = TRUE)
	## do the same for lattice.options
#	browser()
	if (!is.null(x$lattice.options))
		## save current state, restore later
		oopt <- lattice.options(x$lattice.options)
#		oopt <- lattice.options()
#		lattice.options(x$lattice.options)
		on.exit(lattice.options(oopt), add = TRUE)
	## We'll also allow arguments to print.trellis (or plot.trellis)
	## to be included within a trellis object.  Partial matching is
	## not done.
	if (!is.null(x$plot.args))
		supplied <- names(x$plot.args)
		## Can't think of a clean way, so...
		if ("position"     %in% supplied && missing(position))     position     <- x$plot.args$position
		if ("split"        %in% supplied && missing(split))        split        <- x$plot.args$split
		if ("more"         %in% supplied && missing(more))         more         <- x$plot.args$more
		if ("newpage"      %in% supplied && missing(newpage))      newpage      <- x$plot.args$newpage
		if ("packet.panel" %in% supplied && missing(packet.panel)) packet.panel <- x$plot.args$packet.panel
		if ("draw.in"      %in% supplied && missing(draw.in))      draw.in      <- x$plot.args$draw.in
		if ("panel.height" %in% supplied && missing(panel.height)) panel.height <- x$plot.args$panel.height
		if ("panel.width"  %in% supplied && missing(panel.width))  panel.width  <- x$plot.args$panel.width
		if ("save.object"  %in% supplied && missing(save.object))  save.object  <- x$plot.args$save.object
		if ("panel.error"  %in% supplied && missing(panel.error))  panel.error  <- x$plot.args$panel.error
		if ("prefix"       %in% supplied && missing(prefix))       prefix       <- x$plot.args$prefix
#	browser()
	panel.error <- lattice:::getFunctionOrName(panel.error)
	bg <- trellis.par.get("background")$col
	new <-  newpage && !lattice:::lattice.getStatus("print.more") && is.null(draw.in)
	if (!is.null(draw.in))
		depth <- downViewport(draw.in)
		on.exit(upViewport(depth), add = TRUE)
	on.exit(lattice:::lattice.setStatus(print.more = more), add = TRUE)
	usual  <- (is.null(position) && is.null(split))
	## This means this plot will be the first one on a new page, so reset counter
	if (new) lattice:::lattice.setStatus(plot.index = 0L)
	## get default prefix for grid viewport/object names
	pindex <- 1L + lattice:::lattice.getStatus("plot.index")
	if (is.null(prefix)) prefix <- sprintf("plot_%02g", pindex)
	lattice:::lattice.setStatus(plot.index = pindex)
	## Set this so that panel and axis functions can use it, but set
	## it again before exiting (in case some user action has changed
	## it in the meantime) so that further calls to trellis.focus()
	## etc. can use it.
	lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.prefix = prefix)
	on.exit(lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.prefix = prefix), add = TRUE)
#	browser()
	## Initialize list for this prefix
#	(lattice:::.LatticeEnv)$lattice.status[[prefix]] <- lattice:::.defaultLatticePrefixStatus()
	## Equivalently
	## lattice.setStatus(structure(list(.defaultLatticePrefixStatus()),
	##                             names = prefix))
	## save the current object, if so requested.  This used to be done
	## at the end, so that it wouldn't happen if there were errors
	## during printing.  However, doing this now will allow things
	## like trellis.panelArgs() to work in panel/axis functions, which
	## I think is a better trade-off.
	## FIXME: the problem with this is that if, e.g., the panel
	## function calls print.trellis(), then the last object is not
	## what one would expect.
	if (save.object)
		lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.plot.saved = TRUE, prefix = prefix)
		## assign("last.object", x, envir = .LatticeEnv)
		lattice:::lattice.setStatus(last.object = x, prefix = prefix)
		lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.plot.saved = FALSE, prefix = prefix)
	global.gpar <-
							list(fontsize = trellis.par.get("fontsize")$text)))
	if (!is.null(position))
		stopifnot (length(position) == 4)
		if (new)
			grid.rect(name=trellis.grobname("background", type=""),
					gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = "transparent"))
		pushViewport(viewport(x = position[1], y = position[2],
						width = position[3] - position[1],
						height = position[4] - position[2],
						just = c("left","bottom"),
						name = trellis.vpname("position", prefix = prefix)))
		if (!is.null(split))
			stopifnot (length(split) == 4)
			pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = split[4], ncol = split[3]),
							name = trellis.vpname("split", prefix = prefix) ))
			pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = split[2], layout.pos.col = split[1],
							name = trellis.vpname("split.location", prefix = prefix) ))
	else if (!is.null(split))
		stopifnot(length(split) == 4)
		if (new)
			grid.rect(name = trellis.grobname("background", type=""),
					gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = "transparent"))
		pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = split[4], ncol = split[3]),
						name = trellis.vpname("split", prefix = prefix) ))
		pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = split[2], layout.pos.col = split[1],
						name = trellis.vpname("split.location", prefix = prefix) ))
	## order.cond will be a multidimensional array, with
	## length(dim(order.cond)) = number of conditioning
	## variables. It's a numeric vector 1:(number.of.panels), with
	## dim() = c(nlevels(g1), ..., nlevels(gn)), where g1, ..., gn are
	## the conditioning variables.
	## manipulating order.cond has 2 uses. Using normal indexing, the
	## order of plots within a conditioning variable can be altered,
	## or only a subset of the levels used. Also, using aperm, the
	## order of conditioning can be altered.
	## the information required to make the appropriate permutation
	## and indexing is in the components index.cond and perm.cond of
	## the trellis object
	### FIXME: need some thinking here.
	## ## Original version (up to 0.13 series):
	## order.cond <- seq_len(prod(sapply(x$condlevels, length)))
	## dim(order.cond) <- sapply(x$condlevels, length)
	## ## first subset, then permute
	## order.cond <- do.call("[", c(list(order.cond), x$index.cond, list(drop = FALSE)))
	## order.cond <- aperm(order.cond, perm = x$perm.cond)
	## ## New version:
	## used.condlevels corresponds to the indexed and permuted object.
	## These also have to be integer indices rather than character
	## labels (necessary for 'packet.panel' computations).
	## original.condlevels is required to interpret the results of
	## packet.panel and associate them with packets in the original
	## object (which are defined in terms of the original levels)
	original.condlevels <- 
			used.condlevels <-
			lapply(x$condlevels, function(x) seq_along(x))
	used.condlevels <- 
			mapply("[", used.condlevels, x$index.cond,
					MoreArgs = list(drop = FALSE),
	used.condlevels <- used.condlevels[x$perm.cond]
	inverse.permutation <- order(x$perm.cond) # used later
	## an array giving packet numbers corresponding to
	## original.condlevels.  The idea is to be able to figure out the
	## packet given levels of the conditioning variables.  The packets
	## are naturally thought of as an array.  The packet number simply
	## counts positions of this array in the standard order
	## (i.e. lower dimensions vary faster).
	adim <- sapply(original.condlevels, length)
	packet.array <- seq_len(prod(adim))
	dim(packet.array) <- adim
	## FIXME: trying to find a way to make order.cond unnecessary may
	## make things simpler, but that's not a very immediate concern
	## (and not clear how difficult either).
	##     order.cond <- seq_len(prod(sapply(x$condlevels, length)))
	##     dim(order.cond) <- sapply(x$condlevels, length)
	## first subset, then permute
	##     order.cond <- do.call("[", c(list(order.cond), x$index.cond, list(drop = FALSE)))
	##     order.cond <- aperm(order.cond, perm = x$perm.cond)
	## order.cond will be used as indices for (exactly) the following
	## 1. panel.args
	## 2. x.limits
	## 3. y.limits
	## may need x$(index|perm).cond later for strip drawing
	## cond.max.levels <- dim(order.cond)
	cond.max.levels <- sapply(used.condlevels, length)
	number.of.cond <- length(cond.max.levels)
	panel.layout <-
			lattice:::compute.layout(x$layout, cond.max.levels, skip = x$skip)
	panel <- lattice:::getFunctionOrName(x$panel) # shall use "panel" in do.call
	strip <- lattice:::getFunctionOrName(x$strip)
	strip.left <- lattice:::getFunctionOrName(x$strip.left)
	axis.line <- trellis.par.get("axis.line")
	axis.text <- trellis.par.get("axis.text")
	## make sure aspect ratio is preserved for aspect != "fill" but
	## this may not always be what's expected. In fact, aspect should
	## be "fill" whenever panel.width or panel.height are non-default.
	## panel.width <- 1
	if (!x$aspect.fill)
		panel.height[[1]] <- x$aspect.ratio * panel.width[[1]]
	## Evaluate the legend / key grob(s): 
	legend <- lattice:::evaluate.legend(x$legend)
	## legend is now a list of `grob's along with placement info
	xaxis.lty <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$lty)) axis.line$lty
			else x$x.scales$lty
	xaxis.lwd <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$lwd)) axis.line$lwd
			else x$x.scales$lwd
	xaxis.col.line <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$col.line)) axis.line$col
			else x$x.scales$col.line
	xaxis.col.text <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$col)) axis.text$col
			else x$x.scales$col
	xaxis.alpha.line <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$alpha.line)) axis.line$alpha
			else x$x.scales$alpha.line
	xaxis.alpha.text <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$alpha)) axis.text$alpha
			else x$x.scales$alpha
	xaxis.font <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$font)) axis.text$font
			else x$x.scales$font
	xaxis.fontface <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$fontface)) axis.text$fontface
			else x$x.scales$fontface
	xaxis.fontfamily <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$fontfamily)) axis.text$fontfamily
			else x$x.scales$fontfamily
	xaxis.lineheight <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$lineheight)) axis.text$lineheight
			else x$x.scales$lineheight
	xaxis.cex <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$cex)) rep(axis.text$cex, length.out = 2)
			else x$x.scales$cex
	xaxis.rot <-
			if (is.logical(x$x.scales$rot)) c(0, 0)
			else x$x.scales$rot
	yaxis.lty <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$lty)) axis.line$lty
			else x$y.scales$lty
	yaxis.lwd <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$lwd)) axis.line$lwd
			else x$y.scales$lwd
	yaxis.col.line <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$col.line)) axis.line$col
			else x$y.scales$col.line
	yaxis.col.text <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$col)) axis.text$col
			else x$y.scales$col
	yaxis.alpha.line <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$alpha.line)) axis.line$alpha
			else x$y.scales$alpha.line
	yaxis.alpha.text <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$alpha)) axis.text$alpha
			else x$y.scales$alpha
	yaxis.font <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$font)) axis.text$font
			else x$y.scales$font
	yaxis.fontface <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$fontface)) axis.text$fontface
			else x$y.scales$fontface
	yaxis.fontfamily <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$fontfamily)) axis.text$fontfamily
			else x$y.scales$fontfamily
	yaxis.lineheight <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$lineheight)) axis.text$lineheight
			else x$y.scales$lineheight
	yaxis.cex <-
			if (is.logical(x$y.scales$cex)) rep(axis.text$cex, length.out = 2)
			else x$y.scales$cex
	yaxis.rot <-
			if (!is.logical(x$y.scales$rot)) x$y.scales$rot
			else if (x$y.scales$relation != "same" && is.logical(x$y.scales$labels)) c(90, 90)
			else c(0, 0)
	strip.col.default.bg <-
					length.out = number.of.cond)
	strip.col.default.fg <-
					length.out = number.of.cond)
	strip.border <-
					function(x) rep(x, length.out = number.of.cond))
	## Start layout calculations when only number of panels per page
	## is pecified (this refers to the layout argument, not grid
	## layouts)
	## using device dimensions to calculate default layout:
	if (panel.layout[1] == 0) 
		ddim <- par("din") 
		device.aspect <- ddim[2] / ddim[1]
		panel.aspect <- panel.height[[1]] / panel.width[[1]]
		plots.per.page <- panel.layout[2]
		m <- max (1, round(sqrt(panel.layout[2] * device.aspect / panel.aspect)))
		## changes made to fix bug (PR#1744)
		n <- ceiling(plots.per.page/m)
		m <- ceiling(plots.per.page/n)
		panel.layout[1] <- n
		panel.layout[2] <- m
	## End layout calculations
	plots.per.page <- panel.layout[1] * panel.layout[2] 
	cols.per.page <- panel.layout[1]
	rows.per.page <- panel.layout[2]
	number.of.pages <- panel.layout[3]
	lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.plot.multipage = number.of.pages > 1, prefix = prefix)
	## these will also eventually be 'status' variables
	current.panel.positions <- matrix(0, rows.per.page, cols.per.page)
	current.packet.positions <- matrix(0, rows.per.page, cols.per.page)
	current.cond.levels <- vector(mode = "list", length = rows.per.page * cols.per.page)
	dim(current.cond.levels) <- c(rows.per.page, cols.per.page)
	## ## following now relegated to packet.panel 
	## skip <- rep(x$skip, length.out = number.of.pages * rows.per.page * cols.per.page)
	x.alternating <- rep(x$x.scales$alternating, length.out = cols.per.page)
	y.alternating <- rep(x$y.scales$alternating, length.out = rows.per.page)
	x.relation.same <- x$x.scales$relation == "same"
	y.relation.same <- x$y.scales$relation == "same"
	## get lists for main, sub, xlab, ylab
#	browser()
	main <-
					name = trellis.grobname("main", type=""))
	sub <-
					name = trellis.grobname("sub", type=""))
	xlab <-
					name = trellis.grobname("xlab", type=""))
	ylab <-
					name = trellis.grobname("ylab", type=""),
					orient = 90)
	xlab.top <-
					name = trellis.grobname("xlab.top", type=""))
	ylab.right <-
					name = trellis.grobname("ylab.right", type=""),
					orient = 90)
#	groupBy
	## get par.strip.text
	par.strip.text <- trellis.par.get("add.text")
	par.strip.text$lines <- 1
	if (!is.null(x$par.strip.text)) 
		par.strip.text[names(x$par.strip.text)] <- x$par.strip.text
	## Shall calculate the per page Grid layout now:
	## this layout will now be used for each page (this is quite
	## complicated and unfortunately very convoluted)
	layoutCalculations <-
					rows.per.page, cols.per.page,
					panel.height, panel.width,
					main, sub,
					xlab, ylab, xlab.top, ylab.right, 
					x.alternating, y.alternating,
					x.relation.same, y.relation.same,
					xaxis.rot, yaxis.rot,
					xaxis.cex, yaxis.cex,
					xaxis.lineheight, yaxis.lineheight,
	lattice:::lattice.setStatus(layout.details = layoutCalculations, prefix = prefix)
	lattice:::lattice.setStatus(as.table = x$as.table, prefix = prefix)
	page.layout <- layoutCalculations$page.layout
	pos.heights <- layoutCalculations$pos.heights
	pos.widths <- layoutCalculations$pos.widths
	n.row <- lattice:::layoutNRow(page.layout)
	n.col <- lattice:::layoutNCol(page.layout)
	## commence actual plotting
	cond.current.level <- rep(1, number.of.cond)
	## this vector represents the combination of levels of the
	## conditioning variables for the current panel.  We're changing
	## to a new scheme which should make this unnecessary, but we need
	## to keep it for now to ensure the first page is drawn (kinda
	## stupid, but that part of the code was there to ensure that an
	## `empty' trellis object doesn't waste a page.  Actually, it
	## might be redundant, since in that case number.of.pages should
	## be 0.  FIXME: Check it out)
	panel.counter <- 0
	## panel.number is available as an optional argument to the panel
	## function (FIXME: to be deprecated).  It's a strictly increasing
	## sequential counter keeping track of which panel is being drawn.
	## This is usually the same as, but can be different from
	## packet.number, which is an index to which packet combination is
	## being used.
	## FIXME: what happens when number of pages is 0?
	## message("no of pages: ", number.of.pages)
	for (page.number in seq_len(number.of.pages))
		if (TRUE) ## FIXME: remove this after a few versions and reformat
			## In older versions, we used to decide here whether a new
			## page was actually needed, i.e., whether there is
			## anything to draw (o.w., why waste a page?).  This is no
			## longer possible because we don't know a priori what
			## packet.panel() will return.
			if (usual)
				if (new) grid.newpage()
				grid.rect(name = trellis.grobname("background", type=""),
						gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = "transparent"))
				new <- TRUE
			pushViewport(viewport(layout = page.layout,
							gp = global.gpar,
							name = trellis.vpname("toplevel", prefix = prefix)))
			if (!is.null(main))
						viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.heights$main,
								name= trellis.vpname("main", prefix = prefix)))
			if (!is.null(sub))
						viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.heights$sub,
								name= trellis.vpname("sub", prefix = prefix)))
			if (!is.null(xlab))
						viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.heights$xlab,
								layout.pos.col = pos.widths$panel,
								name= trellis.vpname("xlab", prefix = prefix)))
			if (!is.null(ylab))
						viewport(layout.pos.col = pos.widths$ylab,
								layout.pos.row = pos.heights$panel,
								name= trellis.vpname("ylab", prefix = prefix)))
			if (!is.null(xlab.top))
						viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.heights$xlab.top,
								layout.pos.col = pos.widths$panel,
								name= trellis.vpname("xlab.top", prefix = prefix)))
			if (!is.null(ylab.right))
						viewport(layout.pos.col = pos.widths$ylab.right,
								layout.pos.row = pos.heights$panel,
								name= trellis.vpname("ylab.right", prefix = prefix)))
			last.panel <- prod(sapply(x$index.cond, length))
			## Create a viewport encompassing all panels and strips,
			## but don't do anything in it.  This is useful later for
			## trellis.focus() like operations.
			rowRange <- with(pos.heights, range(panel, strip, axis.panel))
			colRange <- with(pos.widths, range(panel, strip.left, axis.panel))
			pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = rowRange,
							layout.pos.col = colRange,
							clip = "off",
							name = trellis.vpname("figure")))
			## preliminary loop through possible positions, doing some
			## calculations that allow some helpful status variables
			## to be set.
			## first, initialize status variables
			current.panel.positions[, ] <- 0
			current.packet.positions[, ] <- 0
			current.cond.levels[, ] <- list(NULL)
			for (row in seq_len(rows.per.page))
				for (column in seq_len(cols.per.page))
					## levels being used in this panel
					which.packet <- 
							packet.panel(layout = panel.layout,
									condlevels = used.condlevels,
									page = page.number,
									row = row,
									column = column,
									skip = x$skip)
					if (!is.null(which.packet))
						## permute to restore original order
						which.packet <- which.packet[inverse.permutation]
						current.cond.levels[[row, column]] <- which.packet
						## packet.number should be same as packet.array[which.packet]
						##                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^
						##                                          (length not fixed)
						packet.number <- 
								do.call("[", c(list(x = packet.array), as.list(which.packet)))
						current.packet.positions[row, column] <- packet.number
						## packet.number retrieves the appropriate
						## entry of panel.args and [xy].limits. It has
						## to be this way because otherwise
						## non-trivial orderings will not work.
						## But we also provide a simple incremental
						## counter that may be used as a panel
						## function argument
						panel.counter <- panel.counter + 1
						current.panel.positions[row, column] <- panel.counter
				lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.cond.levels = current.cond.levels, prefix = prefix)
				lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.panel.positions = current.panel.positions, prefix = prefix)
				lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.packet.positions = current.packet.positions, prefix = prefix)
			## loop through positions again, doing the actual drawing
			## this time
			for (row in seq_len(rows.per.page))
				for (column in seq_len(cols.per.page))
					lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.focus.row = row,
							current.focus.column = column,
							prefix = prefix)
					which.packet <- which.packet(prefix = prefix)
					if (!is.null(which.packet))
						packet.number <- packet.number(prefix = prefix)
						panel.number <- panel.number(prefix = prefix) ## needed? FIXME
						## this gives the row position from the bottom
						actual.row <- if (x$as.table)
									(rows.per.page-row+1) else row
						pos.row <- pos.heights$panel[row]
						pos.col <- pos.widths$panel[column]
#						browser()
						xscale.comps <-
								if (x.relation.same)
									x$xscale.components(lim = x$x.limits, 
											## (FIXME: needs work) packet.list = ...
											top = TRUE,
											## rest passed on to
											## calculateAxisComponents
											## in the default
											## case:
											at = x$x.scales$at,
											used.at = x$x.used.at,
											num.limit = x$x.num.limit,
											labels = x$x.scales$labels,
											logsc = x$x.scales$log,
											abbreviate = x$x.scales$abbreviate,
											minlength = x$x.scales$minlength,
											n = x$x.scales$tick.number,
											format.posixt = x$x.scales$format)
									x$xscale.components(lim = x$x.limits[[packet.number]], 
											## FIXME: needs work packet.list = ...
											top = FALSE,
											## rest passed on to
											## calculateAxisComponents
											## in the default
											## case:
											at = if (is.list(x$x.scales$at))
													else x$x.scales$at,
											used.at = x$x.used.at[[packet.number]],
											num.limit = x$x.num.limit[[packet.number]],
											labels =
													if (is.list(x$x.scales$labels))
													else x$x.scales$labels,
											logsc = x$x.scales$log,
											abbreviate = x$x.scales$abbreviate,
											minlength = x$x.scales$minlength,
											n = x$x.scales$tick.number,
											format.posixt = x$x.scales$format)
						yscale.comps <-
								if (y.relation.same)
									x$yscale.components(lim = x$y.limits, 
											## FIXME: needs work packet.list = ...
											right = TRUE,
											## rest passed on to
											## calculateAxisComponents
											## in the default
											## case:
											at = x$y.scales$at,
											used.at = x$y.used.at,
											num.limit = x$y.num.limit,
											labels = x$y.scales$labels,
											logsc = x$y.scales$log,
											abbreviate = x$y.scales$abbreviate,
											minlength = x$y.scales$minlength,
											n = x$y.scales$tick.number,
											format.posixt = x$y.scales$format)
									x$yscale.components(lim = x$y.limits[[packet.number]], 
											## FIXME: needs work packet.list = ...
											right = FALSE,
											## rest passed on to
											## calculateAxisComponents
											## in the default
											## case:
											at = if (is.list(x$y.scales$at))
													else x$y.scales$at,
											used.at = x$y.used.at[[packet.number]],
											num.limit = x$y.num.limit[[packet.number]],
											labels =
													if (is.list(x$y.scales$labels))
													else x$y.scales$labels,
											logsc = x$y.scales$log,
											abbreviate = x$y.scales$abbreviate,
											minlength = x$y.scales$minlength,
											n = x$y.scales$tick.number,
											format.posixt = x$y.scales$format)
						xscale <- xscale.comps$num.limit
						yscale <- yscale.comps$num.limit
						###      drawing panel background         ##
						pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.row,
										layout.pos.col = pos.col,
										xscale = xscale,
										yscale = yscale,
										clip = trellis.par.get("clip")$panel,
										name =
														column = column,
														row = row,
														prefix = prefix,
														clip.off = FALSE)))
						panel.bg <- trellis.par.get("panel.background")
						if (!is.null(panel.bg$col) && (panel.bg$col != "transparent"))
							panel.fill(col = panel.bg$col)
						###        drawing the axes               ##
						### Note: axes should always be drawn before the panel, so that
						### background grids etc. can be drawn.
						### whether or not axes are drawn, we'll create viewports for them
						### anyway, so that users can later interactively add axes/other stuff
						### if they wish.  First up, we'll have a 'strip.column.row.off'
						### viewport for the top axes, then another one for those on the left
						### (there can be strips on the left too), and then a
						### 'panel.column.row.off' viewport for the other 2 (no strips allowed
						### there).  The names may seem a bit unintuitive, and perhaps they
						### are, but some justification is provided in help(trellis.focus)
						pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.row - 1,
										layout.pos.col = pos.col,
										xscale = xscale,
										clip = "off",
										name =
														column = column,
														row = row,
														prefix = prefix,
														clip.off = TRUE)))
						## X-axis above
						x$axis(side = "top",
								scales = x$x.scales,
								components = xscale.comps,
								as.table = x$as.table,
								rot = xaxis.rot[2],
								text.col = xaxis.col.text,
								text.alpha = xaxis.alpha.text,
								text.cex = xaxis.cex[2],
								text.font = xaxis.font,
								text.fontfamily = xaxis.fontfamily,
								text.fontface = xaxis.fontface,
								text.lineheight = xaxis.lineheight,
								line.col = xaxis.col.line,
								line.lty = xaxis.lty,
								line.lwd = xaxis.lwd,
								line.alpha = xaxis.alpha.line,
								prefix = prefix)
						## Y-axis to the left
						pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.row,
										layout.pos.col = pos.col - 1,
										yscale = yscale,
										clip = "off",
										name =
														column = column,
														row = row,
														prefix = prefix,
														clip.off = TRUE)))
						x$axis(side = "left",
								scales = x$y.scales,
								components = yscale.comps,
								as.table = x$as.table,
								rot = yaxis.rot[1],
								text.col = yaxis.col.text,
								text.alpha = yaxis.alpha.text,
								text.cex = yaxis.cex[1],
								text.font = yaxis.font,
								text.fontfamily = yaxis.fontfamily,
								text.fontface = yaxis.fontface,
								text.lineheight = yaxis.lineheight,
								line.col = yaxis.col.line,
								line.lty = yaxis.lty,
								line.lwd = yaxis.lwd,
								line.alpha = yaxis.alpha.line,
								prefix = prefix)
						## X-axis bottom and Y-axis right
						pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.row,
										layout.pos.col = pos.col,
										xscale = xscale,
										yscale = yscale,
										clip = "off",
										name =
														column = column,
														row = row,
														prefix = prefix,
														clip.off = TRUE)))
						## X-axis below
						x$axis(side = "bottom",
								scales = x$x.scales,
								components = xscale.comps,
								as.table = x$as.table,
								rot = xaxis.rot[1],
								text.col = xaxis.col.text,
								text.alpha = xaxis.alpha.text,
								text.cex = xaxis.cex[1],
								text.font = xaxis.font,
								text.fontfamily = xaxis.fontfamily,
								text.fontface = xaxis.fontface,
								text.lineheight = xaxis.lineheight,
								line.col = xaxis.col.line,
								line.lty = xaxis.lty,
								line.lwd = xaxis.lwd,
								line.alpha = xaxis.alpha.line,
								prefix = prefix)
						## Y-axis to the right
						x$axis(side = "right",
								scales = x$y.scales,
								components = yscale.comps,
								as.table = x$as.table,
								rot = yaxis.rot[2],
								text.col = yaxis.col.text,
								text.alpha = yaxis.alpha.text,
								text.cex = yaxis.cex[2],
								text.font = yaxis.font,
								text.fontfamily = yaxis.fontfamily,
								text.fontface = yaxis.fontface,
								text.lineheight = yaxis.lineheight,
								line.col = yaxis.col.line,
								line.lty = yaxis.lty,
								line.lwd = yaxis.lwd,
								line.alpha = yaxis.alpha.line,
								prefix = prefix)
						## N.B.: We'll need this viewport again later
						## to draw a border around it.  However, this
						## must be postponed till after the panel is
						## drawn, since otherwise the border is liable
						## to be obscured.
						###        done drawing axes              ##
						### Draw the box around panels.  This used to be done with clipping    ##
						### on, which caused some subtle and apparently puzzling side effects. ##
										column = column,
										row = row,
										prefix = prefix,
										clip.off = TRUE))
						grid.rect(name = trellis.grobname("border",
								gp =
										gpar(col = axis.line$col,
												lty = axis.line$lty,
												lwd = axis.line$lwd,
												alpha = axis.line$alpha,
												fill = "transparent"))
						###        drawing the panel              ##
						## viewport already created for drawing background
										column = column,
										row = row,
										prefix = prefix,
										clip.off = FALSE))
						## pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.row,
						##                       layout.pos.col = pos.col,
						##                       xscale = xscale,
						##                       yscale = yscale,
						##                       clip = trellis.par.get("clip")$panel,
						##                       name =
						##                       trellis.vpname("panel",
						##                                      column = column,
						##                                      row = row,
						##                                      prefix = prefix,
						##                                      clip.off = FALSE)))
						pargs <- c(x$panel.args[[packet.number]],
								x$panel.args.common) #,
						## FIXME: include prefix = prefix?  Could be
						## important in very rare cases, but let's
						## wait till someone actually has a relevant
						## use-case.
						## if (!("..." %in% names(formals(panel))))
						##     pargs <- pargs[intersect(names(pargs), names(formals(panel)))]
						## if (is.null(panel.error))
						##     do.call("panel", pargs)
						## else
						##     tryCatch(do.call("panel", pargs),
						##              error = function(e) panel.error(e))
						if (is.null(panel.error))
							lattice:::checkArgsAndCall(panel, pargs)
							tryCatch(lattice:::checkArgsAndCall(panel, pargs),
									error = function(e) panel.error(e))
						###       finished drawing panel          ##
						###      draw strip(s) on top         ###
						if (!is.logical(strip)) # logical <==> FALSE
							pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.row - 1,
											layout.pos.col = pos.col,
											clip = "off", ## was: trellis.par.get("clip")$strip,
											name =
															column = column,
															row = row,
															prefix = prefix,
															clip.off = FALSE)))
							for(i in seq_len(number.of.cond))
								## Here, by which.given, I mean which
								## in the original order, not the
								## permuted order
								##reversed the orignal order of strip plotting  
#								browser()
								which.given <- x$perm.cond[i]
								which.panel <- which.packet
								lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.which.given =
										current.which.panel =
										prefix = prefix)
								strip(which.given = which.given,
										which.panel = which.panel,
										##                                       panel.number = panel.number,
										##                                       packet.number = packet.number,
										var.name = names(x$condlevels),
										factor.levels = as.character(x$condlevels[[x$perm.cond[i]]]),
										shingle.intervals = if (is.list(x$condlevels[[x$perm.cond[i]]]))
													do.call("rbind", x$condlevels[[x$perm.cond[i]]]) else NULL,
										horizontal = TRUE,
										bg = strip.col.default.bg[i],
										fg = strip.col.default.fg[i],
										par.strip.text = par.strip.text)
						###        draw strip(s) on left      ###
						if (!is.logical(strip.left)) # logical <==> FALSE
							pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.row,
											layout.pos.col = pos.col - 1,
											clip = trellis.par.get("clip")$strip,
											name =
															column = column,
															row = row,
															prefix = prefix,
															clip.off = FALSE)))
							for(i in seq_len(number.of.cond))
								## Here, by which.given, I mean which
								## in the original packet order, not
								## the permuted order
								which.given <- x$perm.cond[i]
								which.panel <- which.packet
								lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.which.given =
										current.which.panel =
										prefix = prefix)
								strip.left(which.given = which.given,
										which.panel = which.panel,
										##                                            panel.number = panel.number,
										##                                            packet.number = packet.number,
										var.name = names(x$condlevels),
										factor.levels = as.character(x$condlevels[[x$perm.cond[i]]]),
										shingle.intervals = if (is.list(x$condlevels[[x$perm.cond[i]]]))
													do.call("rbind", x$condlevels[[x$perm.cond[i]]]) else NULL,
										horizontal = FALSE,
										bg = strip.col.default.bg[i],
										fg = strip.col.default.fg[i],
										par.strip.text = par.strip.text)
			## legend / key plotting
			if (!is.null(legend))
				locs <- names(legend)
				for (i in seq_along(legend))
					key.space <- locs[i]
					key.gf <- legend[[i]]$obj
							left = 
											viewport(layout.pos.col = pos.widths$key.left,
													layout.pos.row = range(pos.heights$panel, pos.heights$strip),
													name = trellis.vpname("legend", side = "left", prefix = prefix))),
							right = 
											viewport(layout.pos.col = pos.widths$key.right,
													layout.pos.row = range(pos.heights$panel, pos.heights$strip),
													name = trellis.vpname("legend", side = "right", prefix = prefix))),
							top = 
											viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.heights$key.top,
													layout.pos.col = range(pos.widths$panel, pos.widths$strip.left),
													name = trellis.vpname("legend", side = "top", prefix = prefix))),
							bottom = 
											viewport(layout.pos.row = pos.heights$key.bottom,
													layout.pos.col = range(pos.widths$panel, pos.widths$strip.left),
													name = trellis.vpname("legend", side = "bottom", prefix = prefix))),
							inside = {
								## There are two choices here ---
								## either treat the whole figure region
								## as the rectangle, or use just the
								## region covered by the panels.  This
								## is user-controllable through
								## lattice.options("legend.bbox").
								legend.bbox <- lattice.getOption("legend.bbox")
										full = 
												pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = c(1, n.row),
																layout.pos.col = c(1, n.col),
																name = trellis.vpname("legend.region", prefix = prefix))),
										panel =
												pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = range(pos.heights$panel, pos.heights$strip),
																layout.pos.col = range(pos.widths$panel, pos.widths$strip.left),
																name = trellis.vpname("legend.region", prefix = prefix))))
								key.corner <-
										if (is.null(legend[[i]]$corner)) c(0,1)
										else legend[[i]]$corner
								key.x <- 
										if (is.null(legend[[i]]$x)) key.corner[1]
										else legend[[i]]$x
								key.y <- 
										if (is.null(legend[[i]]$y)) key.corner[2]
										else legend[[i]]$y
										viewport(x = unit(key.x, "npc") + unit(0.5 - key.corner[1], "grobwidth", list(key.gf)),
												y = unit(key.y, "npc") + unit(0.5 - key.corner[2], "grobheight", list(key.gf)),
												name = trellis.vpname("legend", side = "inside", prefix = prefix)))
			pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = c(1, n.row),
							layout.pos.col = c(1, n.col),
							name = trellis.vpname("page", prefix = prefix)))
			if (!is.null(x$page)) x$page(page.number)                
	if (!is.null(position))
		if (!is.null(split))
	else if (!is.null(split))
	lattice:::lattice.setStatus(current.focus.row = 0,
			current.focus.column = 0,
			vp.highlighted = FALSE,
			vp.depth = 0, prefix = prefix)

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QUALIFIER documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 3:24 a.m.