
Defines functions ORFik.template.experiment list.experiments organism.df findLibrariesInFolder remove.experiments convertLibs outputLibs filepath bamVarNamePicker bamVarName validateExperiments libraryTypes findFromPath save.experiment create.experiment read.experiment

Documented in bamVarName bamVarNamePicker convertLibs create.experiment filepath findFromPath findLibrariesInFolder libraryTypes list.experiments ORFik.template.experiment organism.df outputLibs read.experiment remove.experiments save.experiment validateExperiments

#' experiment class definition
#' It is an object to massivly simplify your coding, by having a
#' table of all libraries of an experiment. That contains
#' filepaths and info for each library in the experiment. It also tries
#' to guess grouping / types / pairs by the file names.
#' \cr
#' Act as a way of extension of \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}} by allowing
#' more ease to find not only counts, but rather
#' information about libraries, and annotation, so that more tasks are
#' possible. Like coverage per position in some transcript etc.\cr\cr
#' ## Constructor:\cr
#' Simplest way to make is to call:\cr
#' create.experiment(dir)\cr
#' On some folder with NGS libraries (usually bam files) and see what you get.
#' Some of the fields
#' might be needed to fill in manually. Each resulting row must be unique
#' (not including filepath, they are always unique), that means
#' if it has replicates then that must be said explicit. And all
#' filepaths must be unique and have files with size > 0.\cr\cr
#' Here all the columns in the experiment will be described:
#' name (column info): examples\cr
#' \describe{
#'      \item{libtype}{library type: rna-seq, ribo-seq, CAGE etc}
#'      \item{stage}{stage or tissue: 64cell, Shield, HEK293}
#'      \item{rep}{replicate: 1,2,3 etc}
#'      \item{condition}{treatment or condition: :
#'      WT (wild-type), control, target, mzdicer, starved}
#'      \item{fraction}{fraction of total: 18, 19 (TCP / RCP fractions),
#'      or other ways to split library.\cr}
#'      \item{filepath}{Full filepath to file}
#'      \item{reverse}{optional: 2nd filepath or info, only used if paired files}
#' }
#' @details
#' Special rules:\cr
#' Supported:\cr
#' Single/paired end bam, bed, wig, ofst + compressions of these\cr
#' The reverse column of the experiments says "paired-end" if bam file.
#' If a pair of wig files, forward and reverse strand, reverse is filepath
#' to '-' strand wig file.
#' Paired forward / reverse wig files, must have same name except
#'  _forward / _reverse in name\cr
#' Paired end bam, when creating experiment, set pairedEndBam = c(T, T, T, F).
#' For 3 paired end libraries, then one single end.\cr
#' Naming:
#' Will try to guess naming for tissues / stages, replicates etc.
#' If it finds more than one hit for one file, it will not guess.
#' Always check that it guessed correctly.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @examples
#' ## To see an internal ORFik example
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' ## See libraries in experiment
#' df
#' ## See organism of experiment
#' organism.df(df)
#' ## See file paths in experiment
#' filepath(df, "default")
#' ## Output objects in R, to .GlobalEnv
#' #outputLibs(df)
#' ## This is how to make it:
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ORFik)
#' # 1. Update path to experiment data  directory (bam, bed, wig files etc)
#' exp_dir = "/data/processed_data/RNA-seq/Lee_zebrafish_2013/aligned/"
#' # 2. Set a short character name for experiment, (Lee et al 2013 -> Lee13, etc)
#' exper_name = "Lee13"
#' # 3. Create a template experiment (gtf and fasta genome)
#' temp <- create.experiment(exp_dir, exper_name, saveDir = NULL,
#'  txdb = "/data/references/Zv9_zebrafish/Danio_rerio.Zv9.79.gtf",
#'  fa = "/data/references/Zv9_zebrafish/Danio_rerio.Zv9.fa",
#'  organism = "Homo sapiens")
#' # 4. Make sure each row(sample) is unique and correct
#' # You will get a view open now, check the data.frame that it is correct:
#' # library type (RNA-seq, Ribo-seq), stage, rep, condition, fraction.
#' # Let say it did not figure out it is RNA-seq, then we do:"
#' temp[5:6, 1] <- "RNA" # [row 5 and 6, col 1] are library types
#' # You can also do this in your spread sheet program (excel, libre office)
#' # Now save new version, if you did not use spread sheet.
#' saveName <- paste0("/data/processed_data/experiment_tables_for_R/",
#'  exper_name,".csv")
#' save.experiment(temp, saveName)
#' # 5. Load experiment, this will validate that you actually made it correct
#' df <- read.experiment(saveName)
#' # Set experiment name not to be assigned in R variable names
#' df@expInVarName <- FALSE
#' df
#' }
#' @export
#' @family ORFik_experiment
experiment <- setClass("experiment",
                       slots=list(experiment = "character",
                                  txdb = "character",
                                  fafile = "character",
                                  organism = "character",
                                  expInVarName = "logical"),
                       contains = "DataFrame")

#' experiment show definition
#' Show a simplified version of experiment.
#' The show function simplifies the view so that any
#' column of data (like replicate or stage) is not shown, if all
#' values are identical in that column. Filepath is also never shown.
#' @param object an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @export
#' @return print state of experiment
          function(object) {
            type <- ifelse(length(unique(object@listData$libtype)) == 1,
                           "type", "types")
            cat("experiment:", object@experiment, "with",
                length(unique(object@listData$libtype)), "library", type, "and",
                length(object@listData$libtype), "runs","\n")

            obj <- as.data.table(as(object@listData, Class = "DataFrame"))
            if (nrow(obj) > 0) {
              obj <- obj[,-"filepath"]
              if (!is.null(obj$reverse)) obj <- obj[,-"reverse"]
              skip <- c()
              for (i in 2:ncol(obj)) {
                if (nrow(unique(obj[,i, with = F])) == 1)
                  skip <- c(skip, i)
              if (length(skip) > 0) {
                show(obj[,-skip, with = F])
              } else show(obj)

#' Internal nrow function for ORFik experiment
#' Number of runs in experiment
#' @param x an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @return number of rows in experiment (integer)
          function(x) {
            nrow(as.data.table(as(x@listData, Class = "DataFrame")))

#' Read ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' Read in runs / samples from an experiment as a single R object.
#' To read an ORFik experiment, you must of course make one first.
#' See \code{\link{create.experiment}}
#' The file must be csv and be a valid ORFik experiment
#' @param file relative path to a ORFik experiment. That is a .csv file following
#' ORFik experiment style ("," as seperator).
#' , or a template data.frame from \code{\link{create.experiment}}. Can
#' also be full path to file, then in.dir argument is ignored.
#' @param in.dir Directory to load experiment csv file from, default:
#' "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/" \cr Set to NULL if you don't want to save
#' it to disc. Does not apply if file is not a path, but a data.frame. Also
#' does not apply if file was given as full path.
#' @return an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @importFrom utils read.table read.csv2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # From file
#' \dontrun{
#' # Read from file
#' df <- read.experiment(filepath) # <- valid ORFik .csv file
#' }
#' ## Read from (create.experiment() template)
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' ## To save it, do:
#' # save.experiment(df, file = "path/to/save/experiment")
#' ## You can then do:
#' # read.experiment("path/to/save/experiment")
#' # or (identical):
#' # read.experiment("experiment", in.dir = "path/to/save/")
#' @family ORFik_experiment
read.experiment <-  function(file, in.dir = "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/") {
  if (is(file, "character")) {
    if (file_ext(file) == "") file <- paste0(file, ".csv")
    if (!file.exists(file)) file <- pasteDir(in.dir, file)
    if (!file.exists(file)) { # This will only trigger on CBU server @ UIB
      cbu.path <- "/export/valenfs/data/processed_data/experiment_tables_for_R/"
      if (file.exists(pasteDir(cbu.path, basename(file))))
        file <- pasteDir(cbu.path, basename(file))

    info <- read.table(file, sep = ",", nrows = 3, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    listData <- read.csv2(file, skip = 3, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else if(is(file, "data.frame")) {
    info <- file[seq(3),]
    listData <- file[-seq(4),]
    colnames(listData) <- file[4,]
  } else stop("file must be either character or data.frame template")
  org <- ifelse(info[2,5] == "organism" & !is.na(info[2,6]),
                info[2,6], "")
  exper <- info[1, 2]
  txdb <- ifelse(is.na(info[2, 2]),  "", info[2, 2])
  fa <- ifelse(is.na(info[3, 2]),  "", info[3, 2])

  df <- experiment(experiment = exper, txdb = txdb, fafile = fa,
                   organism = org, listData = listData,
                   expInVarName = TRUE)

  df@expInVarName <- FALSE

#' Create a ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' Create information on runs / samples from an experiment as a single R object.
#' By using files in a folder / folders. It will try to make an experiment table
#' with information per sample. There will be several columns you can fill in,
#' most of there it will try to auto-detect. Like if it is RNA-seq or Ribo-seq,
#' Wild type or mutant etc.
#' You will have to fill in the details that were not auto detected.
#' Easiest way to fill in the blanks are in a csv editor like libre Office
#' or excel. Remember that each row (sample) must have a unique combination
#' of values.
#' An extra column called "reverse" is made if there are paired data,
#' like +/- strand wig files.
#' @param dir Which directory / directories to create experiment from
#' @param exper Short name of experiment, max 5 characters long
#' @param saveDir Directory to save experiment csv file, default:
#' "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/" \cr Set to NULL if you don't want to save
#' it to disc.
#' @param types Default (bam, bed, wig), which types of libraries to allow
#' @param txdb A path to gff/gtf file used for libraries
#' @param fa A path to fasta genome/sequences used for libraries, remember the
#' file must have a fasta index too.
#' @param viewTemplate run View() on template when finished, default (TRUE)
#' @param organism character, default: "" (no organism set), scientific name
#' of organism. Homo sapiens, Danio rerio, Rattus norvegicus etc.
#' If you have a SRA metadata csv file, you can set this argument to
#' study$ScientificName[1], where study is the SRA metadata for all files
#' that was aligned.
#' @param pairedEndBam logical FALSE, else TRUE, or a logical list of
#' TRUE/FALSE per library you see will be included (run first without and check
#' what order the files will come in) 1 paired end file, then two single will
#' be c(T, F, F). If you have a SRA metadata csv file, you can set this argument to
#' study$LibraryLayout == "PAIRED", where study is the SRA metadata for all files
#' that was aligned.
#' @param libtype character, default "auto". Library types,
#' must be length 1 or equal length of number of libraries.
#' "auto" means ORFik will try to guess from file name.
#' @param stage character, default "auto". Developmental stage, tissue or
#' cell line, must be length 1 or equal length of number of libraries.
#' "auto" means ORFik will try to guess from file name.
#' @param rep character, default "auto". Replicate numbering,
#' must be length 1 or equal length of number of libraries.
#' "auto" means ORFik will try to guess from file name.
#' @param condition character, default "auto". Library conditions,
#' must be length 1 or equal length of number of libraries.
#' "auto" means ORFik will try to guess from file name.
#' @param fraction character, default "auto". Fractionation of library,
#' must be length 1 or equal length of number of libraries.
#' "auto" means ORFik will try to guess from file name.
#' @return a data.frame, NOTE: this is not a ORFik experiment,
#'  only a template for it!
#' @importFrom utils View
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # 1. Pick directory
#' dir <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "ORFik")
#' # 2. Pick an experiment name
#' exper <- "ORFik"
#' # 3. Pick .gff/.gtf location
#' txdb <- system.file("extdata", "annotations.gtf", package = "ORFik")
#' # 4. Pick fasta genome of organism
#' fa <- system.file("extdata", "genome.fasta", package = "ORFik")
#' # 5. Set organism (optional)
#' org <- "Homo sapiens"
#' # Create temple not saved on disc yet:
#' template <- create.experiment(dir = dir, exper, txdb = txdb,
#'                               saveDir = NULL,
#'                               fa = fa, organism = org,
#'                               viewTemplate = FALSE)
#' ## Now fix non-unique rows: either is libre office, microsoft excel, or in R
#' template$X5[6] <- "heart"
#' # read experiment (if you set correctly)
#' df <- read.experiment(template)
#' # Save with: save.experiment(df, file = "path/to/save/experiment.csv")
#' ## Create and save experiment directly:
#' ## Default location: "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/"
#' #template <- create.experiment(dir = dir, exper, txdb = txdb,
#' #                               fa = fa, organism = org,
#' #                               viewTemplate = FALSE)
#' ## Custom location
#' #template <- create.experiment(dir = dir, exper, txdb = txdb,
#' #                               saveDir = "~/MY/CUSTOME/LOCATION",
#' #                               fa = fa, organism = org,
#' #                               viewTemplate = FALSE)
#' @family ORFik_experiment
create.experiment <- function(dir, exper, saveDir = "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/",
                              txdb = "", fa = "", organism = "",
                              pairedEndBam = FALSE,
                              viewTemplate = TRUE,
                              types = c("bam", "bed", "wig"),
                              libtype = "auto", stage = "auto", rep = "auto",
                              condition = "auto", fraction = "auto") {
  notDir <- !all(dir.exists(dir))
  if (notDir) stop(paste(dir[!dir.exists(dir)], "is not a existing directory!"))
  file_dt <- findLibrariesInFolder(dir, types, pairedEndBam)

  if (is(file_dt, "data.table")) { # If paired data
    files <- file_dt$forward
    df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 7, nrow = length(files) + 4))
    # set lib column names
    df[4,] <- c("libtype", "stage", "rep", "condition", "fraction","filepath",
    df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 7] <- file_dt$reverse
  } else { # only single libraries
    files <- file_dt
    df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = length(files) + 4))
    # set lib column names
    df[4,] <- c("libtype", "stage", "rep", "condition", "fraction","filepath")

  # set file paths
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 6] <- files
  # Set library type (RNA-seq etc)
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 1] <- findFromPath(files, libNames(), libtype)
  # set stage (sphere, shield etc) (input cell line or tissue here if wanted)
  stages <- rbind(stageNames(), tissueNames(), cellLineNames())
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 2] <- findFromPath(files, stages, stage)
  # set rep (1, 2, 3 etc)
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 3] <- findFromPath(files, repNames(), rep)
  # Set condition (WT, control, mutant etc)
  df[5:(5+length(files)-1), 4] <- findFromPath(files, conditionNames(), condition)

  df[1, seq(2)] <- c("name", exper)
  df[2, seq(2)] <- c("gff", txdb)
  df[3, seq(2)] <- c("fasta", fa)
  if (organism != "") df[2, seq(5, 6)] <- c("organism", organism)
  df[is.na(df)] <- ""
  if (!is.null(saveDir)) {
    cbu.path <- "/export/valenfs/data/processed_data/experiment_tables_for_R/"
    if (dir.exists(cbu.path)) { # This will only trigger on CBU server @ UIB
      message("This is on internal CBU server, saving to preset directory:")
      saveDir <- cbu.path
    save.experiment(df, pasteDir(saveDir, exper,".csv"))

  if (viewTemplate) View(df)

#' Save \code{\link{experiment}} to disc
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @param file name of file to save df as
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @return NULL (experiment save only)
#' @examples
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' ## Save with:
#' #save.experiment(df, file = "path/to/save/experiment.csv")
#' ## Identical (.csv not needed, can be added):
#' #save.experiment(df, file = "path/to/save/experiment")
#' @family ORFik_experiment
save.experiment <- function(df, file) {
  if (file_ext(file) == "") file <- paste0(file, ".csv")
  if (!dir.exists(dirname(file)))
    dir.create(dirname(file), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  write.table(x = df, file = file, sep = ",",
              row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

#' Find all candidate library types filenames
#' From the given \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @param filepaths path to all files
#' @param candidates a data.table with 2 columns,
#' Possible names to search for, see experiment_naming family for candidates.
#' @param slot character, default "auto". If auto, use auto guessing of slot,
#' else must be a character vector of length 1 or equal length as filepaths.
#' @return a candidate library types (character vector)
findFromPath <- function(filepaths, candidates, slot = "auto") {
  if (all(slot != "auto")) { # If not auto guess
    if(length(slot) != 1 & length(slot) != length(filepaths)) {
      stop("When experiment slot is not auto, length must be 1 or length(files)!")
    } else return(slot)
  dt <- candidates
  candidates <- unlist(dt$allNames)
  types <- c()
  for (path in filepaths) {
    hit <- unlist(sapply(candidates, grep, x = path))
    hitRel <- unlist(sapply(candidates, grep, x = gsub(".*/", "", path)))
    # Assign the one (if existing) with 1 match
    type <- if(length(hit) == 1 & length(hitRel) == 0) {
    } else if(length(hit) == 0 & length(hitRel) == 1) names(hitRel)
    over <- hit[names(hit) %in% names(hitRel)] #overlaps
    # If exactly one overlap, set to that one
    type <- ifelse(length(over) == 1, names(over),
                   ifelse(is.null(type), "", type))
    types <- c(types, type)
  types <- mainNames(types, dt)


#' Which type of library type in \code{\link{experiment}}?
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @return library types (character vector)
#' @family ORFik_experiment
libraryTypes <- function(df) {
  if (is(df, "experiment")) {
  } else if (is(df, "character") | is(df, "factor")) {
    return(gsub("_.*", x = df, replacement = ""))
  } else stop("library types must be data.frame or character vector!")

#' Validate ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' Check for valid existing, non-empty and all unique.
#' A good way to see if your experiment is valid.
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @return NULL (Stops if failed)
#' @family ORFik_experiment
validateExperiments <- function(df) {
  libTypes <- libraryTypes(df)
  if (!is(df, "experiment")) stop("df must be experiment!")
  if (!all((c("stage", "libtype") %in% colnames(df))))
    stop("stage and libtype must be colnames in df!")
  if (length(libTypes) == 0) stop("df have no valid sequencing libraries!")
  if (nrow(df) == 0) stop("df must have at least 1 row!")
  files <- df$filepath
  if (!is.null(df$reverse)) {
    reversePaths <- df$reverse[!(df$reverse %in% c("", "paired-end"))]
    files <- c(files, reversePaths)

  emptyFiles <- c()
  for (i in files) {
    emptyFiles <- c(emptyFiles, as.numeric(sapply(as.character(i),
                                                  file.size)) == 0)
  if (any(is.na(emptyFiles))) {
    message("Error in experiment:", df@experiment)
    stop(paste("File is not existing:\n", files[is.na(emptyFiles)]))

  if (any(emptyFiles)) {
    stop("Empty files in list, see above for which")
  if (length(bamVarName(df)) != length(unique(bamVarName(df))))
    stop("experiment table has non-unique rows!",
         " update replicate, stage, condition, to get non unique rows!")
  if (length(files) != length(unique(files)))
    stop("Duplicated filepaths in experiment!")

#' Get library variable names from ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' What will each sample be called given the columns of the experiment?
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @param skip.replicate a logical (FALSE), don't include replicate
#' in variable name.
#' @param skip.condition a logical (FALSE), don't include condition
#' in variable name.
#' @param skip.stage a logical (FALSE), don't include stage
#' in variable name.
#' @param skip.fraction a logical (FALSE), don't include fraction
#' @param skip.experiment a logical (FALSE), don't include experiment
#' @param skip.libtype a logical (FALSE), don't include libtype
#' @return variable names of libraries (character vector)
#' @export
#' @family ORFik_experiment
#' @examples
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' bamVarName(df)
#' ## without libtype
#' bamVarName(df, skip.libtype = TRUE)
#' ## Without experiment name
#' bamVarName(df, skip.experiment = TRUE)
bamVarName <- function(df, skip.replicate = length(unique(df$rep)) == 1,
                       skip.condition = length(unique(df$condition)) == 1,
                       skip.stage = length(unique(df$stage)) == 1,
                       skip.fraction = length(unique(df$fraction)) == 1,
                       skip.experiment = !df@expInVarName,
                       skip.libtype = FALSE) {

  varName <- c()
  for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    varName <- c(varName, bamVarNamePicker(df[i,], skip.replicate,
                                           skip.condition, skip.stage,
                                           skip.fraction, skip.experiment,

#' Get variable name per filepath in experiment
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @param skip.replicate a logical (FALSE), don't include replicate
#' in variable name.
#' @param skip.condition a logical (FALSE), don't include condition
#' in variable name.
#' @param skip.stage a logical (FALSE), don't include stage
#' in variable name.
#' @param skip.fraction a logical (FALSE), don't include fraction
#' @param skip.experiment a logical (FALSE), don't include experiment
#' @param skip.libtype a logical (FALSE), don't include libtype
#' @return variable name of library (character vector)
bamVarNamePicker <- function(df, skip.replicate = FALSE,
                             skip.condition = FALSE,
                             skip.stage = FALSE, skip.fraction = FALSE,
                             skip.experiment = FALSE, skip.libtype = FALSE) {
  if(nrow(df) != 1) stop("experiment must only input 1 row")
  lib <- df$libtype
  stage <- df$stage
  cond <- df$condition
  rep <- df$rep
  frac <- df$fraction
  current <- ""
  # Add only underscore if x is not ""
  spaste <- function(x, y, reverse = FALSE) {
    if (reverse)
      return(paste(x, y, sep = ifelse(y %in% "", "", "_")))
    return(paste(x, y, sep = ifelse(x %in% "", "", "_")))
  if (!skip.libtype)
    current <- lib
  if(!(skip.condition | is.na(cond)))
    current <- spaste(current, cond)
  if (!(skip.stage | is.na(stage)))
    current <- spaste(current, stage)
  if (!(skip.fraction | is.null(frac) | is.na(frac))) {
    if (frac != "")
      current <- spaste(current, paste0("f", frac))
  # TODO: FIX _NA for replicates
  if (!(skip.replicate | is.null(rep) | is.na(rep) | (rep == "")))
    current <- spaste(current, paste0("r", rep))
  if (! (skip.experiment | is.null(df@experiment)))
    current <- spaste(df@experiment, current, TRUE)

  current <- gsub(pattern = "__", "_", current)

  return(gsub("_$", "", current))

#' Get filepaths to ORFik experiment
#' If other type than "default" is given and that type is not found,
#' it will return you default filepaths without warning. \cr
#' For pshifted libraries, it will load ".bedo"
#' prioritized over ".bed", if there exists both file types for the same file.
#' @inheritParams outputLibs
#' @param basename logical, default (FALSE).
#' Get relative paths instead of full. Only use for inspection!
#' @return a character vector of paths, or a list of character with 2 paths per,
#' if paired libraries exists
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics basename
#' @export
#' @family ORFik_experiment
#' @examples
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' filepath(df, "default")
#' # If you have bedo files, see simpleLibs():
#' # filepath(df, "bedo")
#' # If you have pshifted files, see shiftFootprintsByExperiment():
#' # filepath(df, "pshifted")
filepath <- function(df, type, basename = FALSE) {
  if (!is(df, "experiment")) stop("df must be ORFik experiment!")

  paths <- lapply(df$filepath, function(x, df, type) {
    i <- which(df$filepath == x)
    input <- NULL
    if (type %in% c("bedoc", "bedo", "bed", "ofst")) {
      out.dir <- paste0(dirname(df$filepath[1]), "/",type,"/")
      if (dir.exists(out.dir)) {
        input <- paste0(out.dir,
                                        basename = TRUE)
                        , ".", type)
        if (!file.exists(input)) type <- "default"
      } else type <- "default"
    } else if (type == "pshifted") {
      out.dir <- paste0(dirname(df$filepath[1]), "/pshifted/")
      if (dir.exists(out.dir)) {
        input <- paste0(out.dir,
                                        basename = TRUE)
                        , "_pshifted.ofst")
        if (!file.exists(input)) { # if not ofst
          input <- paste0(out.dir,
                                          basename = TRUE)
                          , "_pshifted.bedo")
          if (!file.exists(input)) { # if not bedo
            input <- paste0(out.dir,
                                            basename = TRUE)
                            , "_pshifted.bed")
            if (!file.exists(input))
              type <- "default"
      } else type <- "default"
    if (type == "default") {
      input <- x
      if (!is.null(df$reverse)) { # If reverse exists
        if (df[i,]$reverse != "")
          input <- c(x, df[i,]$reverse)
    if (is.null(input)) stop("filepath type not valid!")
    if (basename) input <- basename(input)
  }, df = df, type = type)
  if (all(lengths(paths) == 1)) {
    paths <- unlist(paths)

#' Output bam/bed/bedo/bedoc/ofst/wig files to R as variables
#' Variable names defined by df (ORFik experiment DataFrame)
#' Uses multiple cores to load, defined by multicoreParam
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @inheritParams fimport
#' @param type a character(default: "default"), load files in experiment
#' or some precomputed variant, either "ofst", "bedo", "bedoc" or "pshifted".
#' These are made with ORFik:::convertLibs() or shiftFootprintsByExperiment().
#' Can also be custom user made folders inside the experiments bam folder.
#' @param envir environment to save to, default (.GlobalEnv)
#' @param BPPARAM how many cores/threads to use? default: bpparam().
#' To see number of threads used, do \code{bpparam()$workers}
#' @return NULL (libraries set by envir assignment)
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Load a template ORFik experiment
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' ## Default library type load, usually bam files
#' # outputLibs(df, type = "default")
#' ## .ofst file load, if ofst files does not exists
#' ## it will load default
#' # outputLibs(df, type = "ofst")
#' ## .wig file load, if wiggle files does not exists
#' ## it will load default
#' # outputLibs(df, type = "wig")
#' @family ORFik_experiment
outputLibs <- function(df, chrStyle = NULL, type = "default",
                       param = NULL, strandMode = 0,
                       envir = .GlobalEnv, BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
  dfl <- df
  if(!is(dfl, "list")) dfl <- list(dfl)

  for (df in dfl) {
    varNames <- bamVarName(df)
    loaded <- c()
    for (i in 1:nrow(df)) { # For each stage
      if (exists(x = varNames[i], envir = envir, inherits = FALSE,
                 mode = "S4")) {
        loaded <- append(loaded, TRUE)
      } else loaded <- append(loaded, FALSE)
    # Par apply
    if (!all(loaded)) {
      message(paste0("Outputting libraries from: ", df@experiment))
      paths <- filepath(df, type)
      libs <- bplapply(seq_along(paths),
                       function(i, paths, df, chrStyle, param, strandMode) {
        varNames <- bamVarName(df)
        message(paste(i, ": ", varNames[i]))
        fimport(paths[i], chrStyle, param, strandMode)
      }, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, paths = paths, chrStyle = chrStyle, df = df,
      param = param, strandMode = strandMode)

      # assign to environment
      for (i in 1:nrow(df)) { # For each stage
        assign(varNames[i], libs[[i]], envir = envir)

#' Converted format of NGS libraries
#' Export as either .ofst, .bedo or .bedoc files.\cr
#' Export files as .bedo files: It is a bed file with 2 score columns.
#' Gives a massive speedup when cigar string and bam flags are not needed.\cr
#' Export files as .bedoc files: If cigar is needed, gives you replicates
#' and cigar, so a fast way to load a GAlignment object, other bam flags
#' are lost. If type is bedoc addSizeColumn and method will be ignored.
#' See \code{\link{export.bedo}} and \code{\link{export.bedoc}}
#' for information on file formats
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @param out.dir optional output directory, default:
#' dirname(df$filepath[1]),
#' if it is NULL, it will just reassign R objects to simplified libraries.
#' @param addScoreColumn logical, default TRUE, if FALSE will not add
#' replicate numbers as score column, see ORFik::convertToOneBasedRanges.
#' @param addSizeColumn logical, default TRUE, if FALSE will not add
#' size (width) as size column, see ORFik::convertToOneBasedRanges.
#' Does not apply for .ofst or .bedoc.
#' @param must.overlap default (NULL), else a GRanges / GRangesList object, so
#' only reads that overlap (must.overlap) are kept. This is useful when you
#' only need the reads over transcript annotation or subset etc.
#' @param method character, default "None", the method to reduce ranges,
#' for more info see \code{\link{convertToOneBasedRanges}}
#' @param type a character of format, default "ofst".
#' Alternatives: "ofst", "wig","bedo" or "bedoc". Which format you want.
#' Will make a folder within out.dir with this name containing the files.
#' @param reassign.when.saving logical, default FALSE. If TRUE, will reassign
#' library to converted form after saving. Ignored when out.dir = NULL.
#' @param envir which environment to save to, default .GlobalEnv
#' @return NULL (saves files to disc or R .GlobalEnv)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' #convertLibs(df)
#' # Keep only 5' ends of reads
#' #convertLibs(df, method = "5prime")
convertLibs <- function(df,
                       out.dir = dirname(df$filepath[1]),
                       addScoreColumn = TRUE, addSizeColumn = TRUE,
                       must.overlap = NULL, method = "None",
                       type = "ofst",
                       reassign.when.saving = FALSE,
                       envir = .GlobalEnv) {
  if (!(type %in% c("ofst", "bedo", "bedoc", "wig")))
    stop("type must be either ofst, bedo or bedoc")

  if (!is.null(must.overlap) & !is.gr_or_grl(must.overlap))
    stop("must.overlap must be GRanges or GRangesList object!")
  if (!is.null(out.dir)) {
    out.dir <- paste0(out.dir, "/", type, "/")
    dir.create(out.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    if (!dir.exists(out.dir)) stop("could not create directory!")
    message(paste("Saving,", type, "files to:", out.dir))

  outputLibs(df, type = "ofst", chrStyle = must.overlap)

  varNames <- bamVarName(df)
  i <- 1
  message("Converting to new format:")
  for (f in varNames) {
    if (type %in% c("bedo", "wig")) { # bedo, wig
    gr <- convertToOneBasedRanges(gr = get(f),
                                  addScoreColumn = addScoreColumn,
                                  addSizeColumn = addSizeColumn,
                                  method = method)
    } else if (type %in% c("bedoc", "ofst")) {
      gr <- collapseDuplicatedReads(x = get(f),
                                    addScoreColumn = addScoreColumn)

    if (!is.null(must.overlap)) gr <- optimizeReads(must.overlap, gr)

    if (!is.null(out.dir)) {
      output <- paste0(out.dir,
                       remove.file_ext(df$filepath[i], basename = TRUE),
                       ".", type)
      if (type == "bedo"){
        export.bedo(gr, output)
      } else if (type == "ofst"){
        export.ofst(gr, file = output)
      } else if (type == "wig"){
        export.wiggle(gr, file = output)
      } else # Must be bedoc, check done
        export.bedoc(gr, output)
    if (reassign.when.saving)
      assign(x = f, value = gr, envir = envir)

    } else {
      assign(x = f, value = gr, envir = envir)
    i <- i + 1

# Keep for legacy purpose for now
#' @inherit convertLibs
#' @export
simpleLibs <- convertLibs

#' Remove bam/bed/wig files load in R as variables
#' Variable names defined by df, in envir defined
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @param envir environment to save to, default (.GlobalEnv)
#' @return NULL (objects removed from envir specified)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' # Output to .GlobalEnv with:
#' # outputLibs(df)
#' # Then remove them with:
#' # remove.experiments(df)
remove.experiments <- function(df, envir = .GlobalEnv) {
  rm(list =  bamVarName(df), envir = envir)
  message(paste0("Removed loaded libraries from experiment:",

#' Get all library files in folder/folders of given types
#' Will try to guess paired / unpaired wig, bed, bam files.
#' Set pairedEndBam if you have paired end reads as a single bam file.
#' @inheritParams create.experiment
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @return (data.table) All files found from types parameter.
#' With 2 extra column (logical), is it wig pairs, and paired bam files.
findLibrariesInFolder <- function(dir, types, pairedEndBam = FALSE) {
  regex <- paste("\\.", types, collapse = "|", sep = "")
  # Find files in multiple dirs in correct order
  files <- unlist(lapply(dir,
                         FUN = function(d)
                           grep(pattern = regex,
                                x = list.files(d, full.names = TRUE),
                           value = TRUE)))
  files <- pasteDir(files)
  # Remove .bai bam index files etc
  fext <- file_ext(files)
  if (!(all(fext %in% types))) {
    files <- files[fext != "bai"]
    fext <- fext[fext != "bai"]

    compressed = fext %in% c("gzip", "gz", "bgz", "zip")
    if (any(compressed)) {
      fext[compressed] <-file_ext(file_path_sans_ext(files[compressed],
                                                      compression = FALSE))
    files <- files[fext %in% types]
  filesOld <- files
  # Wig pairs
  wig_files <- findNGSPairs(files[fext == "wig"])
  # Bed pairs
  bed_pairs <- findNGSPairs(filesOld[fext == "bed"], format = "bed")
  # Paired end bam
  bam_pairs <- findNGSPairs(filesOld[fext == "bam"],
                                    f = c("_R1_00", "_F", "_Forward", "_forward"),
                                    r = c("_R2_00", "_R", "_Reverse", "_reverse"),
                                    format = "bam")
  pairs <- data.table()
  if (is(wig_files, "data.table")) pairs <- rbind(pairs, wig_files)
  if (is(bed_pairs, "data.table")) pairs <- rbind(pairs, bed_pairs)
  if (is(bam_pairs, "data.table")) pairs <- rbind(pairs, bam_pairs)

  if (nrow(pairs) > 0) {
    if (nrow(pairs)*2 != length(files)) { # if more than just matched pairs
      others <- files[!(files %in% c(pairs$forward, pairs$reverse))]
      file_dt <- data.table(forward = others, reverse = "", match = FALSE)
      files <- rbind(pairs, file_dt)
      if (any(pairedEndBam)) {
        if (length(pairedEndBam) == 1) {
          files[files$reverse == "",] <- "paired-end"
        } else if (length(pairedEndBam) == nrow(files)) {
          files[(files$reverse == "") & pairedEndBam,] <- "paired-end"
        } else stop("pairedEndBam must be either length 1 or
                    number of files in experiment")
    } else files <- pairs
    if (nrow(files) == 0) stop("Found no valid files in folder")
  } else if (length(files) > 0) {
    if (any(pairedEndBam)) {
      files <- data.table(forward = files, reverse = "", match = TRUE)
      files[pairedEndBam == TRUE,]$reverse <- "paired-end"
  } else stop("Found no valid files in folder")

#' Get organism of the ORFik experiment
#' Uses the txdb / gtf organism information, if existing.
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @return organism (character vector), if no organism set: NA
#' @family ORFik_experiment
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics organism
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # if you have set organism in txdb of
#' # ORFik experiment:
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
#' #organism.df(df)
#' #' If you have not set the organism you can do:
#' #txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF("pat/to/gff_or_gff")
#' #BiocGenerics::organism(txdb) <- "Homo sapiens"
#' #saveDb(txdb, paste0("pat/to/gff_or_gff", ".db"))
#' # then use this txdb in you ORFik experiment and load:
#' # create.experiment(exper = "new_experiment",
#' #   txdb = paste0("pat/to/gff_or_gff", ".db")) ...
#' # organism.df(read.experiment("new-experiment))
organism.df <- function(df) {
  if (df@organism != "") return(df@organism)
  org <- BiocGenerics::organism(loadTxdb(df))
  if (is.na(org))
    message("Organism not set in either of experiment and txdb of gtf")

#' List current experiment available
#' Will only search .csv extension, also exclude any experiment
#' with the word template.
#' @param dir directory for ORFik experiments: default:
#' "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/"
#' @param pattern allowed patterns in experiment file name:
#' default ("*", all experiments)
#' @param libtypeExclusive search for experiments with exclusivly this
#' libtype, default (NULL, all)
#' @param BPPARAM how many cores/threads to use? default: bpparam()
#' @return a data.table, 1 row per experiment with columns experiment (name), libtypes
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Make your experiments
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment(TRUE)
#' df2 <- df[1:6,] # Only first 2 libs
#' ## Save them
#' # save.experiment(df, "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/exp1.csv")
#' # save.experiment(df2, "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/exp1_subset.csv")
#' ## List all experiment you have:
#' ## Path above is default path, so no dir argument needed
#' #list.experiments()
#' #list.experiments(pattern = "subset")
#' ## For non default directory experiments
#' #list.experiments(dir = "MY/CUSTOM/PATH)
list.experiments <- function(dir =  "~/Bio_data/ORFik_experiments/",
                             pattern = "*", libtypeExclusive = NULL,
                             BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
  experiments <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = "\\.csv")
  if (length(experiments) == 0) { # This will only trigger on CBU server @ UIB
    cbu.path <- "/export/valenfs/data/processed_data/experiment_tables_for_R/"
    if (dir.exists(cbu.path)) { # If on UIB SERVER
      dir <- cbu.path
      experiments <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = "\\.csv")

  experiments <- grep(experiments, pattern = pattern, value = TRUE)
  experiments <- experiments[grep(experiments, pattern = "template", value = FALSE, invert = TRUE)]
  if (length(experiments) == 0) {
    message(paste("Searching for experiments in dir:", dir))
    stop("No experiments found, have you made any ?")

  info <- bplapply(experiments, function(x, dir) { # Open each experiment in parallell
    e <- read.experiment(x, dir)
    list(libtype = unique(e$libtype), runs = length(e$libtype), organism = e@organism)
  }, dir = dir)

  info <- unlist(info, recursive = FALSE)
  libtypes <- info[grep("libtype", names(info))]
  samples <- unlist(info[names(info) == "runs"])
  organism <- unlist(info[names(info) == "organism"])

  dt <- data.table(name = gsub(".csv", "", experiments), libtypes, samples, organism)
  dt <- dt[order(organism, name),]
  if (!is.null(libtypeExclusive)) {
    message(paste("subset on libtype:", libtypeExclusive))
    match <- lapply(dt$libtypes, function(i) any(libtypeExclusive %in% i))
    match <- unlist(match)

    dt <- dt[match,]

#' An ORFik experiment to see how it looks
#' NOTE! This experiment should only be used for testing, since
#' it is just sampled data internal in ORFik.
#' @param as.temp logical, default FALSE, load as ORFik experiment.
#' If TRUE, loads as data.frame template of the experiment.
#' @return an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @export
#' @family ORFik_experiment
#' @examples
#' ORFik.template.experiment()
ORFik.template.experiment <- function(as.temp = FALSE) {
  dir <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "ORFik")
  # 2. Pick an experiment name
  exper <- "ORFik"
  # 3. Pick .gff/.gtf location
  txdb <- system.file("extdata", "annotations.gtf", package = "ORFik")
  fa <- system.file("extdata", "genome.fasta", package = "ORFik")
  template <- create.experiment(dir = dir, saveDir = NULL,
                                exper, txdb = txdb, fa = fa,
                                organism = "Homo sapiens",
                                viewTemplate = FALSE)
  # read experiment
  if (as.temp) return(template)

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ORFik documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6 p.m.