
Defines functions scaledWindowPositions metaWindow splitIn3Tx windowPerTranscript

Documented in metaWindow scaledWindowPositions splitIn3Tx windowPerTranscript

#' Get a binned coverage window per transcript
#' Per transcript (or other regions), bin them all to windowSize (default 100),
#' and make a data.table, rows are positions, useful for plotting with ORFik
#' and ggplot2.
#' NOTE: All ranges with smaller width than windowSize, will of course be
#' removed. What is the 100th position on a 1 width object ?
#' @param txdb a TxDb object or a path to gtf/gff/db file.
#' @param reads GRanges or GAlignment of reads
#' @param splitIn3 a logical(TRUE), split window in 3 (leader, cds, trailer)
#' @param windowSize an integer (100), size of windows (columns)
#' @param fraction a character (1), info on reads (which read length,
#' or which type (RNA seq)) (row names)
#' @inheritParams coveragePerTiling
#' @param BPPARAM how many cores/threads to use? default: bpparam()
#' @return a data.table with columns position, score
windowPerTranscript <- function(txdb, reads, splitIn3 = TRUE,
                                windowSize = 100, fraction = "1",
                                weight = "score",
                                BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
  # Load data
  txdb <- loadTxdb(txdb)

  if (splitIn3) {
    # Lets take all valid transcripts, with size restrictions:
    # leader > 100 bases, cds > 100 bases, trailer > 100 bases
    txNames <- filterTranscripts(txdb, windowSize, windowSize,
                                 windowSize) # valid transcripts
    leaders = fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names = TRUE)[txNames]
    cds <- cdsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names = TRUE)[txNames]
    trailers = threeUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names = TRUE)[txNames]
    txCov <- splitIn3Tx(leaders, cds, trailers, reads, windowSize, fraction,
                        weight, is.sorted = TRUE, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)

  } else {
    tx <- exonsBy(txdb, by = "tx", use.names = TRUE)
    txNames <- widthPerGroup(tx) >= windowSize
    if (!any(txNames)) stop(paste0("no valid transcripts with length",
    tx <- tx[txNames]
    txCov <- scaledWindowPositions(tx, reads, windowSize, weight = weight,
                                   is.sorted = TRUE)
    txCov[, `:=` (fraction = fraction, feature = "transcript")]
  txCov[] # for print

#' Create binned coverage of transcripts, split into the 3 parts.
#' The 3 parts  of transcripts are the leaders, the cds' and trailers.
#' Per transcript part, bin them all to windowSize (default 100),
#' and make a data.table, rows are positions, useful for plotting with ORFik
#' and ggplot2.
#' @param leaders a \code{\link{GRangesList}} of leaders (5' UTRs)
#' @param cds a \code{\link{GRangesList}} of coding sequences
#' @param trailers a \code{\link{GRangesList}} of trailers (3' UTRs)
#' @param is.sorted logical (FALSE), is grl sorted. That is + strand groups in
#' increasing ranges (1,2,3), and - strand groups in decreasing ranges (3,2,1)
#' @inheritParams windowPerTranscript
#' @return a data.table with columns position, score
splitIn3Tx <- function(leaders, cds, trailers, reads, windowSize = 100,
                       fraction = "1", weight = "score",
                       is.sorted = FALSE,
                       BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {
  features <- c("leaders", "cds", "trailers")
  txCov <- bplapply(features, FUN = function(feature, reads, leaders, cds,
                                    trailers, windowSize, weight) {
    cov <- scaledWindowPositions(get(feature, mode = "S4"), reads, windowSize,
                                 weight = weight, is.sorted = is.sorted)
    cov[, `:=` (feature = feature)]
  },  reads = reads, leaders = leaders, cds = cds,trailers = trailers,
  windowSize = windowSize, weight = weight, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)

  txCov <- rbindlist(txCov)
  txCov[, `:=` (fraction = fraction)]

#' Calculate meta-coverage of reads around input GRanges/List object.
#' Sums up coverage over set of GRanges objects as a meta representation.
#' @param x GRanges/GAlignment object of your reads.
#' Remember to resize them beforehand to width of 1 to focus on
#' 5' ends of footprints etc, if that is wanted.
#' @param windows GRangesList or GRanges of your ranges
#' @param scoring a character, default: "sum", one of
#' (zscore, transcriptNormalized, mean, median, sum, sumLength, NULL),
#' see ?coverageScorings for info and more alternatives.
#' @param withFrames a logical (TRUE), return positions with the 3 frames,
#' relative to zeroPosition. zeroPosition is frame 0.
#' @param zeroPosition an integer DEFAULT (NULL), the point if all windows
#' are equal size, that should be set to position 0. Like leaders and
#' cds combination, then 0 is the TIS and -1 is last base in leader. NOTE!:
#' if windows have different widths, this will be ignored.
#' @param scaleTo an integer (100), if windows have different size,
#'  a meta window can not directly be created, since a meta window must
#'  have equal size for all windows. Rescale (bin) all windows to scaleTo.
#'  i.e c(1,2,3) -> size 2 -> coverage of position c(1, mean(2,3)) etc.
#' @param fraction a character/integer (NULL), the fraction i.e
#' (27) for read length 27, or ("LSU") for large sub-unit TCP-seq.
#' @param feature a character string, info on region. Usually either
#' gene name, transcript part like cds, leader, or CpG motifs etc.
#' @param forceUniqueEven, a logical (TRUE), if TRUE; require that all windows
#' are of same width and even. To avoid bugs. FALSE if score is NULL.
#' @param forceRescale logical, default TRUE. If TRUE, if
#' \code{unique(widthPerGroup(windows))} has length > 1, it will force all
#' windows to width of the \code{scaleTo} argument, making a binned meta
#' coverage.
#' @inheritParams coveragePerTiling
#' @return A data.table with scored counts (score) of
#' reads mapped to positions (position) specified in windows along with
#' frame (frame).
#' @family coverage
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics Reduce
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' windows <- GRangesList(GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(50, 100), c(80, 200)),
#'                                "-"))
#' x <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'   seqnames = "chr1",
#'   ranges =  IRanges::IRanges(c(100, 180), c(200, 300)),
#'   strand = "-")
#' metaWindow(x, windows, withFrames = FALSE)
metaWindow <- function(x, windows, scoring = "sum", withFrames = FALSE,
                       zeroPosition = NULL, scaleTo = 100,
                       fraction = NULL, feature = NULL,
                       forceUniqueEven = !is.null(scoring),
                       forceRescale = TRUE,
                       weight = "score") {
  window_size <- unique(widthPerGroup(windows))
  if (!is.null(zeroPosition) & !is.numeric(zeroPosition))
    stop("zeroPosition must be numeric if defined")
  if (length(window_size) != 1 & forceUniqueEven)
    stop("All input 'windows' should have the same sum(width(windows)),
          when forceUniqueEven is TRUE")
  if (forceUniqueEven & any(window_size %% 2 != 0))
    stop("Width of the window has to be even number, when forceUniqueEven
          is TRUE")

  if ((length(window_size) != 1) & forceRescale) {
    hitMap <- scaledWindowPositions(windows, x, scaleTo, weight = weight)
  } else {
    hitMap <- coveragePerTiling(windows, x, is.sorted = TRUE,
                                keep.names = TRUE, as.data.table = TRUE,
                                withFrames = FALSE, weight = weight)
    zeroPosition <- ifelse(is.null(zeroPosition), (window_size)/2,
    hitMap[, position := position - (zeroPosition + 1) ]

  hitMap <- coverageScorings(hitMap, scoring)

  if (withFrames & length(window_size) == 1) {
    hitMap[, frame := c(rev(rep_len(seq.int(2L, 0L), zeroPosition)),
                        rep_len(seq.int(0L, 2L), window_size - zeroPosition))]
  if (!is.null(fraction)) {
    hitMap[, fraction := rep(fraction, nrow(hitMap))]
  if (!is.null(feature)) {
    hitMap[, feature := rep(feature, nrow(hitMap))]

  hitMap[] # for print

#' Scale (bin) windows to a meta window of given size
#' For example scale a coverage table of a all human CDS to width 100
#' Nice for making metaplots, the score will be mean of merged positions.
#' @param grl GRangesList or GRanges of your ranges
#' @param reads GRanges object of your reads.
#' @param scaleTo an integer (100), if windows have different size,
#'  a meta window can not directly be created, since a meta window must
#'  have equal size for all windows. Rescale all windows to scaleTo.
#'  i.e c(1,2,3) -> size 2 -> c(1, mean(2,3)) etc. Can also be a vector,
#'  1 number per grl group.
#' @param scoring a character, one of (meanPos, sumPos)
#' @inheritParams coveragePerTiling
#' @return A data.table with scored counts (counts) of
#' reads mapped to positions (position) specified in windows along with
#' frame (frame).
#' @family coverage
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' windows <- GRangesList(GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1, 200), "-"))
#' x <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'   seqnames = "chr1",
#'   ranges =  IRanges::IRanges(c(1, 100, 199), c(2, 101, 200)),
#'   strand = "-")
#' scaledWindowPositions(windows, x, scaleTo = 100)
scaledWindowPositions <- function(grl, reads, scaleTo = 100,
                                  scoring = "meanPos", weight = "score",
                                  is.sorted = FALSE) {
  if ((length(scaleTo) != 1) & length(scaleTo) != length(grl))
    stop("length of scaleTo must either be 1 or length(grl)")

  count <- coveragePerTiling(grl, reads, is.sorted = is.sorted, keep.names = TRUE,
                             as.data.table = TRUE, withFrames = FALSE,
                             weight = weight)
  count[, scalingFactor := (scaleTo/widthPerGroup(grl, FALSE))[genes]]
  count[, position := ceiling(scalingFactor * position)]

  if (length(scaleTo) == 1) {
    count[position > scaleTo, position := scaleTo]
  } else {
    if (any(count[, .(max = max(position)), by = genes]$max > scaleTo)) {
      index <- count[, .(ind = which.max(position)), by = genes]$ind
      count[index, position := scaleTo]

  # mean counts per position per group
  return(coverageScorings(count, scoring, copy.dt = FALSE))

#' Add a coverage scoring scheme
#' Different scorings and groupings of a coverage representation.
#' Usually output of metaWindow or scaledWindowPositions is input in this
#' function.
#' Content of coverage data.table:
#' It must contain the count and position columns.
#' genes column: If you have multiple windows, the genes column must define
#' which gene/transcript grouping the different counts belong to. If there is
#' only a meta window or only 1 gene/transcript, then this column is
#' not needed.
#' fraction column: If you have coverage of i.e RNA-seq and Ribo-seq, or TCP
#' -seq of large and small subunite, divide into fractions.
#' Like factor(RNA, RFP)
#' feature column: If gene group is subdivided into parts, like gene is
#' transcripts, and feature column can be c(leader, cds, trailer) etc.
#' Given a data.table coverage of counts, add a scoring scheme.
#' per: the grouping given, if genes is defined,
#' group by per gene in default scoring.\cr
#' Scorings:\cr
#' *  zscore (count-windowMean)/windowSD per)
#' *  transcriptNormalized (sum(count / sum of counts per))
#' *  mean (mean(count per))
#' *  median (median(count per))
#' *  sum (count per)
#' *  log2sum (count per)
#' *  log10sum (count per)
#' *  sumLength (count per) / number of windows
#' *  meanPos (mean per position per gene) used in scaledWindowPositions
#' *  sumPos (sum per position per gene) used in scaledWindowPositions
#' *  frameSum (sum per frame per gene) used in ORFScore
#' *  frameSumPerL (sum per frame per read length)
#' *  frameSumPerLG (sum per frame per read length per gene)
#' *  fracPos (fraction of counts per position per gene)
#' *  periodic (Fourier transform periodicity of meta coverage per fraction)
#' *  NULL (no grouping, return input directly)
#' @md
#' @param coverage a data.table containing at least columns (count, position),
#' it is possible to have additionals: (genes, fraction, feature)
#' @param scoring a character, one of (zscore, transcriptNormalized,
#' mean, median, sum, log2sum, log10sum, sumLength, meanPos and frameSum,
#' periodic, NULL). More info in details
#' @param copy.dt logical TRUE, copy object, to avoid overwriting original object.
#' Set to false to speed up, if original object is not needed.
#' @return a data.table with new scores (size dependent on score used)
#' @family coverage
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dt <- data.table::data.table(count = c(4, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3),
#'                              position = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
#' coverageScorings(dt, scoring = "zscore")
#' # with grouping gene
#' dt$genes <- c(rep("tx1", 3), rep("tx2", 3))
#' coverageScorings(dt, scoring = "zscore")
coverageScorings <- function(coverage, scoring = "zscore",
                             copy.dt = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(scoring)) return(coverage)
  cov <- if (copy.dt) {
  } else coverage

  # find groupings
  groupGF <- coverageGroupings(c(is.null(cov$fraction),
  groupFPF <- coverageGroupings(c(is.null(cov$fraction),
                                is.null(cov$feature)), "FPF")
  if (is.null(cov$count)) cov$count <- cov$score
  if (scoring == "meanPos") { # rare scoring schemes
    groupFPF <- quote(list(genes, position))
    scoring <- "mean"
  } else if (scoring == "sumPos") { # rare scoring schemes
    groupFPF <- quote(list(genes, position))
    scoring <- "sum"
  } else if (scoring == "frameSum") {
    if (is.null(coverage$frame))
      stop("Can not use frameSum scoring when no frames are given!")
    groupFPF <- quote(list(genes, frame))
    scoring <- "sum"
  } else if (scoring == "frameSumPerL") {
    if (is.null(coverage$frame))
      stop("Can not use frameSum scoring when no frames are given!")
    groupFPF <- quote(list(fraction, frame))
    scoring <- "sum"
  } else if (scoring == "frameSumPerLG") {
    if (is.null(coverage$frame))
      stop("Can not use frameSum scoring when no frames are given!")
    groupFPF <- quote(list(fraction, genes, frame))
    scoring <- "sum"
  } else if (scoring == "periodic") {
    groupFPF <- ifelse(!is.null(cov$fraction),
                                (quote(fraction)), quote(""))

  # create score
  if (scoring == "zscore") {
    # z score over transcript per fraction
    cov[, `:=` (windowSD = sd(count), windowMean = mean(count)),
        by = eval(groupGF)]
    cov[, zscore := (count-windowMean)/windowSD]
    # create mean and sum scores per position, per feature
    res <- cov[, .(score = mean(zscore, na.rm = TRUE)),
                        by = eval(groupFPF)]
  } else if (scoring == "transcriptNormalized") {
    cov[, `:=` (gene_sum = sum(count)), by = eval(groupGF)]
    res <- cov[, .(score = sum(count / gene_sum, na.rm = TRUE)),
                        by = eval(groupFPF)]
  } else if (scoring == "fracPos") {
    cov[, `:=` (gene_sum = sum(count)), by = eval(groupGF)]
    res <- cov[, `:=` (score = count / gene_sum)]

  }  else if (scoring == "mean") {
    res <- cov[, .(score = mean(count, na.rm = TRUE)),
                        by = eval(groupFPF)]
  } else if (scoring == "median") {
    res <- cov[, .(score = median(count, na.rm = TRUE)),
                        by = eval(groupFPF)]
  } else if (scoring == "sum") {
    res <- cov[, .(score = sum(count, na.rm = TRUE)),
                        by = eval(groupFPF)]
  } else if (scoring == "log2sum") {
    res <- cov[, .(score = log2(sum(count, na.rm = TRUE))),
               by = eval(groupFPF)]
  } else if (scoring == "log10sum") {
    res <- cov[, .(score = log10(sum(count, na.rm = TRUE))),
               by = eval(groupFPF)]
  } else if (scoring == "sumLength") {
    uniques <- ifelse(!is.null(cov$genes),
                      length(unique(cov$genes)), 1)
    res <- cov[, .(score = sum(count, na.rm = TRUE)),
                        by = eval(groupFPF)]
    res[, `:=`  (score = score / uniques)]
  }  else if (scoring == "periodic") {
    cov <- coverageScorings(cov, "transcriptNormalized")
    res <- cov[, .(score = isPeriodic(score)), by = eval(groupFPF)]
  } else stop(paste("Invalid scoring: ", scoring))
  res[] # for print

#' Get coverage per group
#' It tiles each GRangesList group to width 1, and finds hits per position.
#' A range from 1:5 will split into c(1,2,3,4,5) and count hits on each.
#' This is a safer speedup of coverageByTranscript from GenomicFeatures.
#' It also gives the possibility to return as data.table, for faster
#' computations.
#' NOTE: If reads contains a $score column, it will presume that this is
#' the number of replicates per reads, weights for the
#' coverage() function.
#' So delete the score column or set weight to something else if this
#' is not wanted.
#' @param grl a \code{\link{GRangesList}} of 5' utrs, CDS, transcripts, etc.
#' @param reads a \code{\link{GAlignments}} or \code{\link{GRanges}} object of
#' RiboSeq, RnaSeq etc. Weigths for scoring is default the 'score'
#' column in 'reads'
#' @param is.sorted logical (FALSE), is grl sorted. That is + strand groups in
#' increasing ranges (1,2,3), and - strand groups in decreasing ranges (3,2,1)
#' @param keep.names logical (TRUE), keep names or not.
#' @param as.data.table a logical (FALSE), return as data.table with 2 columns,
#' position and count.
#' @param withFrames a logical (FALSE), only available if as.data.table is
#' TRUE, return the ORF frame, 1,2,3, where position 1 is 1, 2 is 2 and
#' 4 is 1 etc.
#' @param weight (default: 'score'), if defined a character name
#' of valid meta column in subject. GRanges("chr1", 1, "+", score = 5),
#' would mean score column tells that this alignment region was found 5 times.
#' ORFik .bedo files, contains a score column like this.
#' As do CAGEr CAGE files and many other package formats.
#' You can also assign a score column manually.
#' @return a numeric RleList, one numeric-Rle per group with # of hits per position.
#' Or data.table if as.data.table is TRUE,
#' with column names c("count" [numeric or integer], "genes" [integer], "position" [integer])
#' @export
#' @family ExtendGenomicRanges
#' @examples
#' ORF <- GRanges(seqnames = "1",
#'                ranges = IRanges(start = c(1, 10, 20),
#'                                 end = c(5, 15, 25)),
#'                strand = "+")
#' grl <- GRangesList(tx1_1 = ORF)
#' RFP <- GRanges("1", IRanges(25, 25), "+")
#' coveragePerTiling(grl, RFP, is.sorted = TRUE)
#' # now as data.table with frames
#' coveragePerTiling(grl, RFP, is.sorted = TRUE, as.data.table = TRUE,
#'                   withFrames = TRUE)
#' # With score column (usually replicated reads on that position)
#' RFP <- GRanges("1", IRanges(25, 25), "+", score = 5)
#' dt <- coveragePerTiling(grl, RFP, is.sorted = TRUE,
#'                         as.data.table = TRUE, withFrames = TRUE)
#' class(dt$count) # numeric
#' # With integer score column (faster and less space usage)
#' RFP <- GRanges("1", IRanges(25, 25), "+", score = 5L)
#' dt <- coveragePerTiling(grl, RFP, is.sorted = TRUE,
#'                         as.data.table = TRUE, withFrames = TRUE)
#' class(dt$count) # integer
coveragePerTiling <- function(grl, reads, is.sorted = FALSE,
                              keep.names = TRUE, as.data.table = FALSE,
                              withFrames = FALSE, weight = "score") {
  if (!is.sorted) grl <- sortPerGroup(grl)
  score.defined <- is.numeric(weight) | (weight[1] %in% colnames(mcols(reads)))
  if (score.defined) {
    coverage <- coverageByTranscriptW(reads, grl, weight = weight)
  } else coverage <- coverageByTranscript(reads, grl)

  if (!keep.names) names(coverage) <- NULL

  if (as.data.table) {
    window_size <- unique(widthPerGroup(grl, FALSE))
    count.is.integer <- if(is.character(weight)) { # Save space if integer
      is.integer(mcols(reads)[,colnames(mcols(reads)) %in% weight])
    } else is.integer(weight)

    count <- if (count.is.integer) {
      data.table(count = unlist(IntegerList(coverage), use.names = FALSE))
      } else data.table(count = unlist(NumericList(coverage),
                                       use.names = FALSE))

    count[, genes := groupings(coverage)]
    if (length(window_size) != 1) { # different size windows
      count[, ones := rep.int(1L, length(genes))]
      count[, position := cumsum(ones), by = genes]
      count[, ones := NULL]
    } else { # all same size
      count[, position := rep.int(seq.int(window_size), length(coverage))]

    if (withFrames) {
      count[, frame := (position - 1) %% 3]
    count[]# for print

#' Find proportion of reads per position per read length in region
#' This is defined as:
#' Given some transcript region (like CDS), get coverage per position.
#' @inheritParams windowPerReadLength
#' @param withFrames logical TRUE, add ORF frame (frame 0, 1, 2), starting
#' on first position of every grl.
#' @param BPPARAM how many cores/threads to use? default: bpparam()
#' @return a data.table with lengths by coverage.
#' @family coverage
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Raw counts per gene per position
#' cds <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1", 100:129, "+"))
#' reads <- GRanges("1", seq(79,129, 3), "+")
#' reads$size <- 28 # <- Set read length of reads
#' regionPerReadLength(cds, reads, scoring = NULL)
#' ## Sum up reads in each frame per read length per gene
#' regionPerReadLength(cds, reads, scoring = "frameSumPerLG")
regionPerReadLength <- function(grl, reads, acceptedLengths = NULL,
                                withFrames = TRUE,
                                scoring = "transcriptNormalized",
                                weight = "score", BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
  rWidth <- readWidths(reads)
  all_lengths <- sort(unique(rWidth))
  if (!is.null(acceptedLengths))
    all_lengths <- all_lengths[all_lengths %in% acceptedLengths]
  hasHits <- ORFik:::hasHits(grl, reads)
  grl <- grl[hasHits]

  dt <- bplapply(all_lengths, function(l, grl, reads, weight, rWidth, scoring) {
    d <- coveragePerTiling(grl, reads[rWidth == l], as.data.table = TRUE, withFrames = TRUE,
                           weight = weight, is.sorted = TRUE)
    d[, fraction := l]
    return(coverageScorings(d, scoring))
  }, grl = grl, reads = reads, weight = weight, rWidth = rWidth,
     scoring = scoring, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)

  dt <- rbindlist(dt)

#' Find proportion of reads per position per read length in window
#' This is defined as:
#' Fraction of reads  per read length, per position in whole window (defined
#' by upstream and downstream)
#' If tx is not NULL, it gives a metaWindow, centered around startSite of
#' grl from upstream and downstream. If tx is NULL, it will use only downstream
#' , since it has no reference on how to find upstream region.
#' The exception is when upstream is negative, that is,
#' going into downstream region of the object.
#' @inheritParams startRegion
#' @inheritParams coveragePerTiling
#' @param pShifted a logical (TRUE), are Ribo-seq reads p-shifted to size
#'  1 width reads? If upstream and downstream is set, this argument is
#'  irrelevant. So set to FALSE if this is not p-shifted Ribo-seq.
#' @param upstream an integer (5), relative region to get upstream from.
#' @param downstream an integer (20), relative region to get downstream from
#' @param acceptedLengths an integer vector (NULL), the read lengths accepted.
#'  Default NULL, means all lengths accepted.
#' @param zeroPosition an integer DEFAULT (upstream), what is the center point?
#' Like leaders and cds combination, then 0 is the TIS and -1 is last base in leader.
#' NOTE!: if windows have different widths, this will be ignored.
#' @param scoring a character (transcriptNormalized), which meta coverage scoring ?
#' one of (zscore, transcriptNormalized, mean, median, sum, sumLength, fracPos),
#' see ?coverageScorings for more info. Use to decide a scoring of hits
#' per position for metacoverage etc. Set to NULL if you do not want meta coverage,
#' but instead want per gene per position raw counts.
#' @return a data.table with lengths by coverage / vector of proportions
#' @family coverage
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cds <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1", 100:129, "+"))
#' tx <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1", 80:129, "+"))
#' reads <- GRanges("1", seq(79,129, 3), "+")
#' windowPerReadLength(cds, tx, reads, scoring = "sum")
#' windowPerReadLength(cds, tx, reads, scoring = "transcriptNormalized")
windowPerReadLength <- function(grl, tx = NULL, reads, pShifted = TRUE,
                                upstream = if (pShifted) 5 else 20,
                                downstream = if (pShifted) 20 else 5,
                                acceptedLengths = NULL,
                                zeroPosition = upstream,
                                scoring = "transcriptNormalized",
                                weight = "score") {

  if (is.null(tx)) upstream <- min(upstream, 0)

  if(length(reads) == 0 | length(grl) == 0) {
  windowSize <- upstream + downstream + 1
  windows <- startRegion(grl, tx, TRUE, upstream, downstream)
  noHits <- widthPerGroup(windows) < windowSize
  if (all(noHits)) {
    warning("No object in grl had valid window size!")
    message(paste("First window should be:", windowSize, "it is:",
    message("Maybe you forgot extendLeaders()?")
  rWidth <- readWidths(reads)
  all_lengths <- sort(unique(rWidth))
  if (!is.null(acceptedLengths))
    all_lengths <- all_lengths[all_lengths %in% acceptedLengths]
  dt <- data.table()

  for(l in all_lengths) {
    dt <- rbindlist(list(dt, metaWindow(
      x = reads[rWidth == l], windows = windows, scoring = scoring,
      zeroPosition =  zeroPosition, forceUniqueEven = FALSE, fraction = l,
      weight = weight)))

  dt[] # for print

#' Get grouping for a coverage table in ORFik
#' Either of two groupings:
#' GF: Gene, fraction
#' FGF: Fraction, position, feature
#' It finds which of these exists, and auto groups
#' Normally not used directly!
#' @param logicals size 2 logical vector, the is.null checks for each column,
#' @param grouping which grouping to perform, default "GF"
#' Gene & Fraction grouping. Alternative "FGF", Fraction & position & feature.
#' @return a quote of the grouping to pass to data.table
coverageGroupings <- function(logicals, grouping = "GF") {
  one <- !logicals[1]
  two <- !logicals[2]
  if (grouping == "GF") { # Gene/Fraction
    groupGF <-  quote("")
    if (!(one & two)) {
      if (two) {
        groupGF <- quote(list(genes))
      } else if (one)
        groupGF <- quote(list(fraction))
    } else groupGF <- quote(list(genes, fraction))
  } else if (grouping == "FPF") { # Fraction/Position/Feature
    groupFPF <- quote(list(position))
    if (!(one & two)) {
      if (two) {
        groupFPF <- quote(list(position, feature))
      } else if (one)
        groupFPF <- quote(list(fraction, position))
    } else groupFPF <- quote(list(fraction, position, feature))
  } else stop("undefined grouping of coverage")

#' Get number of genes per coverage table
#' Used to count genes in ORFik meta plots
#' @param coverage a data.table with coverage
#' @return number of genes in coverage
getNGenesCoverage <- function(coverage) {
  if (is.null(coverage$genes)) return(0)
  if (is.null(coverage$fraction)) {
    n <- coverage[, .(nGenes = max(genes))]
  } else {
    n <- coverage[, .(nGenes = max(genes)), by = fraction]

  if (nrow(n) == 0) return(0)

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ORFik documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6 p.m.