#' Plots symmetric AUROC heatmap, clustering cell types by similarity.
#' @param aurocs A square AUROC matrix as returned by MetaNeighborUS.
#' @param cex Size factor for row and column labels.
#' @param margins Size of margins (for row and column labels).
#' @examples
#' data(mn_data)
#' var_genes = variableGenes(dat = mn_data, exp_labels = mn_data$study_id)
#' celltype_NV = MetaNeighborUS(var_genes = var_genes,
#' dat = mn_data,
#' study_id = mn_data$study_id,
#' cell_type = mn_data$cell_type)
#' plotHeatmap(celltype_NV)
#' @export
plotHeatmap <- function(aurocs, cex = 1, margins = c(8, 8)) {
auroc_cols <- rev(grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdYlBu"))(100))
breaks <- seq(0, 1, length=101)
ordering <- order_sym_matrix(aurocs)
x = aurocs, margins = margins,
key = TRUE, keysize = 1, key.xlab="AUROC", key.title="NULL",
offsetRow=0.1, offsetCol=0.1,
trace = "none", = "none",
Rowv = ordering, Colv = ordering,
col = auroc_cols, breaks = breaks, na.color = grDevices::gray(0.95),
cexRow = cex, cexCol = cex
order_sym_matrix <- function(M, na_value = 0) {
M <- (M + t(M))/2
M[] <- na_value
result <- stats::as.dendrogram(
stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(1-M), method = "average")
#' Plots rectangular AUROC heatmap, clustering train cell types (columns)
#' by similarity, and ordering test cell types (rows) according to similarity
#' to train cell types..
#' @param aurocs A rectangular AUROC matrix as returned by MetaNeighborUS,
# typically run with the trained_model option.
#' @param alpha_col Parameter controling column clustering: a higher value of
#' alpha_col gives more weight to extreme AUROC values (close to 1).
#' @param alpha_row Parameter controling row ordering: a higher value of
#' alpha_row gives more weight to extreme AUROC values (close to 1).
#' @param cex Size factor for row and column labels.
#' @param margins Size of margins (for row and column labels).
#' @examples
#' data(mn_data)
#' var_genes = variableGenes(dat = mn_data, exp_labels = mn_data$study_id)
#' celltype_NV = MetaNeighborUS(var_genes = var_genes,
#' dat = mn_data,
#' study_id = mn_data$study_id,
#' cell_type = mn_data$cell_type,
#' symmetric_output = FALSE)
#' keep_col = getStudyId(colnames(celltype_NV)) == "GSE71585"
#' keep_row = getStudyId(rownames(celltype_NV)) != "GSE71585"
#' plotHeatmapPretrained(celltype_NV[keep_row, keep_col])
#' @export
plotHeatmapPretrained <- function(aurocs, alpha_col = 1, alpha_row = 10,
cex = 1, margins = c(8,8)) {
auroc_cols <- rev(grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdYlBu"))(100))
breaks <- seq(0, 1, length=101)
auroc_no_na <- aurocs
auroc_no_na[] <- 0
col_order <- stats::as.dendrogram(
stats::hclust(stats::dist(t(auroc_no_na)**alpha_col), method = "average")
row_order <- order_rows_according_to_cols(auroc_no_na[, labels(col_order)], alpha_row)
aurocs <- aurocs[row_order,]
x = aurocs, margins = margins,
key = TRUE, keysize = 1, key.xlab="AUROC", key.title="NULL",
offsetRow=0.1, offsetCol=0.1,
trace = "none", = "none", dendrogram = "col",
col = auroc_cols, breaks = breaks, na.color = grDevices::gray(0.95),
Rowv = FALSE, Colv = col_order,
cexRow = cex, cexCol = cex
order_rows_according_to_cols = function(M, alpha = 1) {
M <- M**alpha
row_score <- colSums(t(M)*seq_len(ncol(M)), na.rm=TRUE)/rowSums(M, na.rm=TRUE)
#' Plot Bean Plot, showing how replicability of cell types depends on gene sets.
#' @param nv_mat A rectangular AUROC matrix as returned by MetaNeighbor,
#' where each row is a gene set and each column is a cell type.
#' @param hvg_score Named vector with AUROCs obtained from a set of Highly
#' Variable Genes (HVGs). The names must correspond to cell types from nv_mat.
#' If specified, the HVG score is highlighted in red.
#' @param cex Size factor for row and column labels.
#' @examples
#' data("mn_data")
#' data("GOmouse")
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' AUROC_scores = MetaNeighbor(dat = mn_data,
#' experiment_labels = as.numeric(factor(mn_data$study_id)),
#' celltype_labels = metadata(colData(mn_data))[["cell_labels"]],
#' genesets = GOmouse,
#' bplot = FALSE)
#' plotBPlot(AUROC_scores)
#' @export
plotBPlot <- function(nv_mat, hvg_score=NULL, cex=1) {
Celltype <- rep(colnames(nv_mat),each=dim(nv_mat)[1])
ROCValues <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(dim(nv_mat)[2]), function(i) {nv_mat[,i]}))
ROCValues ~ Celltype, border="NA", col="gray", ylab="AUROC", log = "",
what=c(0,1,1,1), frame.plot = FALSE, las = 2, cex.axis = cex
if (!is.null(hvg_score)) {
graphics::points(hvg_score ~ factor(names(hvg_score)), pch=17, col="red")
#' Plot Upset plot showing how replicability depends on input dataset.
#' @param metaclusters Metaclusters extracted from MetaNeighborUS analysis.
#' @param min_recurrence Only show replicability structure for metaclusters
#' that are replicable across at least min_recurrence datasets.
#' @param outlier_name In metaclusters, name assigned to outliers (clusters that
#' did not match with any other cluster)
#' @examples
#' data(mn_data)
#' var_genes = variableGenes(dat = mn_data, exp_labels = mn_data$study_id)
#' celltype_NV = MetaNeighborUS(var_genes = var_genes,
#' dat = mn_data,
#' study_id = mn_data$study_id,
#' cell_type = mn_data$cell_type,
#' fast_version = TRUE, one_vs_best = TRUE)
#' mclusters = extractMetaClusters(celltype_NV)
#' plotUpset(mclusters)
#' @export
plotUpset = function(metaclusters, min_recurrence = 2,
outlier_name = "outliers") {
if (!requireNamespace("UpSetR", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop(paste("Package \"UpSetR\" needed for this function to work.",
"Please install it (install.packages(\"UpSetR\"))."),
call. = FALSE)
metaclusters <- c(metaclusters[names(metaclusters)!=outlier_name],
all_studies <- lapply(metaclusters, function(c) { getStudyId(c) })
unique_studies <- unique(unlist(all_studies))
study_matrix <- sapply(all_studies, function(c) { unique_studies %in% c })
rownames(study_matrix) <- unique_studies
# text.scale: vector containing individual scales in the following format:
# c(intersection size title, intersection size tick labels, set size title,
# set size tick labels, set names, numbers above bars)
UpSetR::upset([, colSums(study_matrix) >= min_recurrence])*1), = "degree", nsets = nrow(study_matrix),
mainbar.y.label = "Number of meta-clusters", = "gray23",
sets.x.label = "", line.size = 1.5, point.size = 2.5,
show.numbers = TRUE, text.scale = c(2, 2, 1, 2, 1.5, 0.75))
#' Plot dot plot showing expression of a gene set across cell types.
#' The size of each dot reflects the number of cell that express a gene,
#' the color reflects the average expression.
#' Expression of genes is first average and scaled in each dataset
#' independently. The final value is obtained by averaging across datasets.
#' @param dat A SummarizedExperiment object containing gene-by-sample
#' expression matrix.
#' @param experiment_labels A vector that indicates the source/dataset
#' of each sample.
#' @param celltype_labels A character vector that indicates the cell type of
#' each sample.
#' @param gene_set Gene set of interest provided as a vector of genes.
#' @param i Default value 1; non-zero index value of assay containing the matrix
#' data.
#' @param normalize_library_size Whether to apply library size normalization
#' before computing average expression (set this value to FALSE if data are
#' already normalized).
#' @param alpha_row Parameter controling row ordering: a higher value of
#' alpha_row gives more weight to extreme AUROC values (close to 1).
#' @param average_expressing_only Whether average expression should be computed
#' based only on expressing cells (Seurat default) or taking into account zeros.
#' @export
plotDotPlot = function(dat, experiment_labels, celltype_labels, gene_set, i = 1,
normalize_library_size = TRUE, alpha_row = 10,
average_expressing_only = TRUE) {
if (length(experiment_labels)!=ncol(dat)) {
stop('experiment_labels length does not match number of samples.')
if (length(celltype_labels)!=ncol(dat)) {
stop('celltype_labels length does not match number of samples.')
gene_set <- gene_set[gene_set %in% rownames(dat)]
if (length(gene_set)==0) {
warning('None of the genes are included in the dataset.')
expr_cols <- rev(grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdYlBu"))(100))
expr <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(dat, i = i)
if (normalize_library_size) {
normalization_factor <- Matrix::colSums(expr) / 1000000
} else {
normalization_factor <- 1
expr <- scale(expr[gene_set,,drop=FALSE], center = FALSE,
scale = normalization_factor)
label_matrix <- design_matrix(makeClusterName(experiment_labels, celltype_labels))
label_matrix <- scale(label_matrix, center = FALSE, scale = colSums(label_matrix))
centroids <- t(expr %*% label_matrix)
average_nnz <- t((expr>0) %*% label_matrix)
# convert to average expression of *expressing* cells and scale
if (average_expressing_only) {
centroids <- centroids / average_nnz
centroids <- scale(centroids)
# convert to tidy format
`%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
centroids <- centroids %>%
dplyr::as_tibble(rownames = "cluster") %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -cluster, names_to = "gene",
values_to = "average_expression")
average_nnz <- average_nnz %>%
tidyr::as_tibble(rownames = "cluster") %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -cluster, names_to = "gene",
values_to = "percent_expressing")
summary <- dplyr::inner_join(centroids, average_nnz,
by = c("cluster", "gene")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(study = getStudyId(cluster),
cell_type = getCellType(cluster)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(gene, cell_type) %>%
dplyr::summarize(average_expression = mean(average_expression),
percent_expressing = mean(percent_expressing))
summary_matrix <- summary %>%
dplyr::select(gene, cell_type, average_expression) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = dplyr::everything(),
names_from = "cell_type",
values_from = "average_expression") %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames("gene") %>%
row_order <- rownames(summary_matrix)[
order_rows_according_to_cols(summary_matrix, alpha = alpha_row)
summary %>%
dplyr::mutate(gene = factor(gene, levels = rev(row_order))) %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = cell_type, y = gene,
size = percent_expressing,
col = average_expression)) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::scale_radius(limits = c(0,1)) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::scale_color_distiller(palette = "RdYlBu") +
ggplot2::labs(col = "Average expression", size = "Percent expressing")
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