### build_cornet_edge ####
build_cornet_edges = function(metabolite, index, CorMat) {
index1 = index + 1
rangeL = length(index1:ncol(CorMat))
N1 = rep(metabolite, rangeL)
N2 = colnames(CorMat)[index1:ncol(CorMat)]
values = CorMat[index, index1:ncol(CorMat)]
types = values
types[types > 0] = "pos_assoc"
types[types < 0] = "neg_assoc"
edges = cbind(N1, N2, values, types)
### find_score ####
find_score = function(metabolite, MWASscores) {
ind_pvalue = which(names(MWASscores) == metabolite)[1] #to be sure
pvalue_met = MWASscores[ind_pvalue]
res = c(metabolite, pvalue_met)
### match_igAttribute ###
match_igAttribute = function(metabolite, attributes_met, alpha_th) {
score_th = -log10(alpha_th)
ind_metabolite = which(attributes_met[, 1] == metabolite)
att = as.numeric(attributes_met[ind_metabolite, 2])
if (att < (-score_th)) {
col = "cornflowerblue"
} else if (att > score_th) {
col = "firebrick1"
} else {
col = "gray"
res = c(att, col)
### remove_isolatedV ###
remove_isolatedV = function(metabolite, all_metabolites) {
if (metabolite %in% all_metabolites == FALSE) {
res = "isolated"
} else {
res = "connected"
##### MWAS_network ###
MWAS_network = function(metabo_SE, MWAS_matrix, alpha_th = 0.05,
cor_th = 0.25, file_name = "Correlation", res_cor = 2) {
## Check that input data are correct
if (class(metabo_SE)[1] != "SummarizedExperiment") {
stop("metabo_SE must be a SummarizedExperiment object")
metabo_matrix = t(assays(metabo_SE)$metabolic_data)
if (!is.matrix(MWAS_matrix)) {
stop("MWAS_matrix must be a numeric matrix")
if (ncol(MWAS_matrix) < 3) {
stop("MWAS_matrix seems not to have the correct format")
if (nrow(MWAS_matrix) != ncol(metabo_matrix)) {
stop("metabo_SE and MWAS_matrix are not consistent")
metabo_ids = colnames(metabo_matrix)
num_answer = suppressWarnings(![1])))
if (num_answer == TRUE) {
metabo_ids = paste("m", metabo_ids, sep = "")
if (length(metabo_ids) != length(unique(metabo_ids))) {
stop("metabo_ids must be unique")
## Select submatrix of metabolites based on p-value th
MWASpvalues = MWAS_matrix[, 3]
MWASestimates = MWAS_matrix[, 1]
MWASestimates[MWASestimates < 0] = -1
MWASestimates[MWASestimates >= 0] = 1
MWASscores = -log10(MWASpvalues) * MWASestimates
colnames(metabo_matrix) = metabo_ids
names(MWASscores) = metabo_ids
## Build correlation matrix##
CorMat = cor(metabo_matrix, metabo_matrix, use = "complete.obs")
CorMat = round(CorMat, res_cor)
## Build igraph network
CorMat_W = CorMat
CorMat_W[abs(CorMat_W) <= cor_th] = 0
CorMat_W[row(CorMat_W) == col(CorMat_W)] = 0
igNet = graph.adjacency(CorMat_W, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)
## Build cytoscape network
metabolites = colnames(CorMat)[-ncol(CorMat)]
index_vector = seq_along(metabolites)
NL = list()
NL[["CorMat"]] = CorMat
all_edges = mapply(build_cornet_edges, metabolites, index_vector,
cor_network =, all_edges)
## Filter cor_network
index_net = which(abs(as.numeric(cor_network[, 3])) > cor_th)
if (length(index_net) == 0) {
stop("Impossible to build a network with the current cor_th")
} else {
cor_network = cor_network[index_net, ]
cor_network = matrix(cor_network, ncol = 4) # force it to be a matrix
colnames(cor_network) = c("node1", "node2", "r.coeff",
rownames(cor_network) = NULL
## Create attributes cytoscape
all_metabolites = unique(as.vector(cor_network[, 1:2]))
attributes_met = lapply(all_metabolites, find_score, MWASscores)
attributes_met =, attributes_met)
colnames(attributes_met) = c("node", "MWASpvalue")
all_metabolitesi = rownames(as.matrix(unlist(V(igNet))))
V_type = sapply(all_metabolitesi, remove_isolatedV, all_metabolites)
isolated_V = names(which(V_type == "isolated"))
## Remove isolated nodes
if (length(isolated_V) > 0) {
igNet = delete_vertices(igNet, isolated_V)
all_metabolitesi = rownames(as.matrix(unlist(V(igNet))))
attributes_meti = lapply(all_metabolitesi, match_igAttribute,
attributes_met, alpha_th = alpha_th)
attributes_meti =, attributes_meti)
attributes_col = as.character(attributes_meti[, 2])
attributes_score = as.numeric(attributes_meti[, 1])
V(igNet)$color = attributes_col
V(igNet)$score = attributes_score
file_nameN = paste(file_name, "AttributeFile.txt", sep = "_")
write.table(attributes_met, file_nameN, row.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
## Export network to cytoscape
cytoscape_net =, rownames = NULL)
file_nameN = paste(file_name, "NetworkFile.txt", sep = "_")
write.table(cytoscape_net, file_nameN, row.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
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