#### Fitting #####
<- function(counts) {
if (sum(counts < 0) >0) {stop("Expression matrix contains negative values! Please provide raw UMI counts!")}
if ( sum(counts >= 1) != sum(counts > 0) ) {stop("Error: Expression matrix is not integers! Please provide raw UMI counts.")}
# if (sum(!is.integer(counts)) >0) {stop("Expression matrix is not integers! Please provide a matrix (not data.frame) raw UMI counts!")}
if (is.null(rownames(counts))) { rownames(counts) <- as.character(1:nrow(counts)) }
tjs <- Matrix::rowSums(counts, na.rm=T) # Total molecules/gene
no_detect <- sum(tjs <= 0)
if (no_detect > 0) {
stop(paste("Error: contains",no_detect, "undetected genes."))
tis <- Matrix::colSums(counts, na.rm=T) # Total molecules/cell
if (sum(tis <= 0) > 0) {stop("Error: all cells must have at least one detected molecule.")}
djs <- ncol(counts)-Matrix::rowSums(counts > 0, na.rm=T) # Observed Dropouts per gene
dis <- nrow(counts)-Matrix::colSums(counts > 0, na.rm=T) # Observed Dropouts per cell
nc <- length(counts[1,]) # Number of cells
ng <- length(counts[,1]) # Number of genes
total <- sum(tis, na.rm=T) # Total molecules sampled
return(list(tis=tis, tjs=tjs, dis=dis, djs=djs, total=total,nc=nc,ng=ng));
NBumiConvertToInteger <- function(mat) {
mat <- ceiling(as.matrix(mat))
storage.mode(mat) <- "integer"
mat <- mat[Matrix::rowSums(mat) > 0,]
NBumiFitModel <- function(counts) {
vals <- (counts);
# mus <- (vals$tjs) %*% t(vals$tis/vals$total)
# max_size <- max(mus)^2;
min_size <- 10^-10;
my_rowvar <- sapply(1:nrow(counts), function(i){
mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total
# my_rowvar <- vector(length=nrow(counts));
# for (i in 1:nrow(counts)) {
# mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total
# my_rowvar[i] <- var(as.vector(unlist(counts[i,]))-mu_is)
# }
size <- vals$tjs^2*(sum(vals$tis^2)/vals$total^2)/((vals$nc-1)*my_rowvar-vals$tjs) # for this to work with sparse matrices might need to implement in C
max_size <- 10*max(size);
size[size < 0] <- max_size;
size[size < min_size] <- min_size;
# size[size > max_size] <- max_size;
return(list(var_obs=my_rowvar, sizes=size, vals=vals))
NBumiFitBasicModel <- function(counts) {
vals <- (counts);
mus <- vals$tjs/vals$nc
gm <- Matrix::rowMeans(counts)
v <- Matrix::rowSums((counts-gm)^2)/(ncol(counts)-1)
#v <- matrixStats::rowVars(counts)
errs <- v < mus;
v[errs] <- mus[errs]+10^-10;
size <- mus^2/(v-mus)
max_size <- max(mus)^2;
size[errs] <- max_size;
my_rowvar <- vector(length=nrow(counts));
for (i in 1:nrow(counts)) {
my_rowvar[i] <- var(counts[i,]-mus[i])
#mus_mat <- matrix(rep(mus, times=vals$nc), ncol=vals$nc, byrow=FALSE)
return(list(var_obs=my_rowvar, sizes=size, vals=vals))
NBumiCheckFit <- function(counts, fit, suppress.plot=FALSE) {
vals <- fit$vals;
size_mat <- matrix(rep(fit$sizes, times=vals$nc), ncol=vals$nc, byrow=FALSE)
# vs <- vector(length=nrow(counts));
row_ps <- vector(length=nrow(counts))
col_ps <- rep(0, times=ncol(counts))
for (i in 1:nrow(counts)) {
mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total
p_is <- (1+mu_is/fit$size[i])^(-fit$size[i]);
row_ps[i] <- sum(p_is);
col_ps <- col_ps+p_is;
# vs[i] <- mean(mu_is+mu_is*mu_is/fit$size[i])
# thing <- fit$var_obs
# plot(thing, vs, log="xy", xlab="Observed", ylab="Expected", main="Gene-specific Variance")
# abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
# exp_ps <- (1+fit$mus/size_mat)^(-size_mat)
if (!suppress.plot) {
plot(vals$djs, row_ps, xlab="Observed", ylab="Fit", main="Gene-specific Dropouts")
abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
plot(vals$dis, col_ps, xlab="Observed", ylab="Expected", main="Cell-specific Dropouts")
abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
invisible(list(gene_error = sum((vals$djs-row_ps)^2), cell_error = sum((vals$dis-col_ps)^2), rowPs=row_ps, colPs=col_ps));
NBumiCheckFitFS <- function(counts, fit, suppress.plot=FALSE) {
vals <- fit$vals;
size_coeffs <- NBumiFitDispVsMean(fit, suppress.plot=TRUE)
smoothed_size <- exp( size_coeffs[1] + size_coeffs[2]*log(vals$tjs/vals$nc) )
# size_mat <- matrix(rep(smoothed_size, times=vals$nc), ncol=vals$nc, byrow=FALSE)
# Matrix compatibility
# vs <- vector(length=nrow(counts));
row_ps <- vector(length=nrow(counts))
col_ps <- rep(0, times=ncol(counts))
for (i in 1:nrow(counts)) {
mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total
p_is <- (1+mu_is/smoothed_size[i])^(-smoothed_size[i]);
row_ps[i] <- sum(p_is);
col_ps <- col_ps+p_is;
# vs[i] <- mean(mu_is+mu_is*mu_is/fit$size[i])
# thing <- fit$var_obs;
# plot(thing, vs, log="xy", xlab="Observed", ylab="Expected", main="Gene-specific Variance")
# abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
# exp_ps <- (1+fit$mus/size_mat)^(-size_mat)
if (!suppress.plot) {
plot(vals$djs, row_ps, xlab="Observed", ylab="Fit", main="Gene-specific Dropouts")
abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
plot(vals$dis, col_ps, xlab="Observed", ylab="Expected", main="Cell-specific Dropouts")
abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
invisible(list(gene_error = sum((vals$djs-row_ps)^2), cell_error = sum((vals$dis-col_ps)^2), rowPs=row_ps, colPs=col_ps));
NBumiCompareModels <- function(counts, size_factor=(Matrix::colSums(counts)/median(Matrix::colSums(counts)))) {
if (max(counts) < max(size_factor)) {
stop("Error: size factors are too large");
norm <- NBumiConvertToInteger(t(t(counts)/size_factor));
counts <- counts[rownames(counts) %in% rownames(norm),]; # necessary for plotting
fit_adjust <- NBumiFitModel(counts);
fit_basic <- NBumiFitBasicModel(norm);
check_adjust <- NBumiCheckFitFS(counts, fit_adjust, suppress.plot=TRUE)
check_basic <- NBumiCheckFitFS(norm, fit_basic, suppress.plot=TRUE)
nc = fit_adjust$vals$nc
plot( fit_adjust$vals$tjs/nc, fit_adjust$vals$djs/nc, col="black", pch=16, xlab="Expression", log="x", ylab= "Dropout Rate", cex=0.75)
# points( fit_adjust$vals$tjs/nc, fit_basic$vals$djs/nc, col="black", pch=16, cex=0.75)
points( fit_adjust$vals$tjs/nc, check_adjust$rowPs/nc, col="goldenrod1", pch=16, cex=0.5 )
points( fit_adjust$vals$tjs/nc, check_basic$rowPs/nc, col="purple", pch=16, cex=0.5 )
err_adj <- sum(abs(check_adjust$rowPs/nc-fit_adjust$vals$djs/nc))
# err_bas <- sum(abs(Matrix::rowSums(check_basic$exp_ps)/nc-fit_basic$vals$djs/nc))
err_bas <- sum(abs(check_basic$rowPs/nc-fit_adjust$vals$djs/nc))
legend("bottomleft", paste(c("Depth-Adjusted\nError:", "Basic\nError:"), round(c(err_adj, err_bas)), c("\n","\n")), col=c("goldenrod1","purple"), pch=16, bty="n", cex=0.75)
out <- c(err_adj, err_bas); names(out) <- c("Depth-Adjusted", "Basic");
return(list(errors=out, basic_fit=fit_basic, adjusted_fit=fit_adjust))
obsolete__fit_size_to_drop <- function(obs, mu_vec, max_size, min_size=10^-10, convergence=0.001) {
step_size <- 1;
size_fit <- 1;
last <- 0;
last2 <- 0;
for (iter in 1:1000) {
if (size_fit < min_size) {size_fit <- min_size;}
diff <- sum( (1+mu_vec/size_fit)^(-size_fit) ) - obs;
if (abs(diff) < convergence) {return(size_fit)}
if (diff > 0) {
size_fit <- size_fit+step_size;
if (last < 0) {
step_size <- step_size/2;
} else {
if (last2 > 0){step_size <- step_size*2;}
} else {
size_fit <- size_fit-step_size;
if (last > 0) {
step_size <- step_size/2;
} else {
if (last2 < 0){step_size <- step_size*2;}
last2 <- last; last <- diff;
if (size_fit > max_size) {return(max_size);}
warning("Fitting size did not converge.");
bg__fit_size_to_var <- function(obs, mu_vec, max_size, min_size=10^-10, convergence=0.001) {
step_size <- 1;
size_fit <- 1;
last <- 0;
last2 <- 0;
for (iter in 1:1000) {
if (size_fit < min_size) {size_fit <- min_size;}
expect <- mu_vec+mu_vec*mu_vec/size_fit;
diff <- sum( expect )/(length(mu_vec)-1) - obs;
if (abs(diff) < convergence) {return(size_fit)}
if (diff > 0) {
size_fit <- size_fit+step_size;
if (last < 0) {
step_size <- step_size/2;
} else {
if (last2 > 0){step_size <- step_size*2;}
} else {
size_fit <- size_fit-step_size;
if (last > 0) {
step_size <- step_size/2;
} else {
if (last2 < 0){step_size <- step_size*2;}
last2 <- last; last <- diff;
if (size_fit > max_size) {return(max_size);}
warning("Fitting size did not converge.");
#### Dispersion vs Mean & Feature Selection ####
NBumiFitDispVsMean <- function(fit, suppress.plot=TRUE) {
vals <- fit$vals;
size_g <- fit$sizes
forfit <- fit$size < max(size_g) & vals$tjs > 0 & size_g > 0
higher <- log(vals$tjs/vals$nc)/log(2) > 4; # As per-Grun et al.
if (sum(higher == TRUE) > 2000) {
forfit = higher & forfit;
reg <- lm( log(size_g[forfit])~ log((vals$tjs/vals$nc)[forfit]) )
if (!suppress.plot) {
plot(log( (vals$tjs/vals$nc)[forfit] ), log(size_g[forfit]), xlab="Log Mean Expression", ylab="Log Size" )
abline(reg, col="red")
<- function(mu_all, size_all, mu_group, coeffs) {
b <- log(size_all)-coeffs[2]*log(mu_all)
size_group <- exp(coeffs[2]*log(mu_group)+b)
obsolete__nbFeatureSelectionHighVarDist2Med <- function(fit, window_size=1000) {
vals <- fit$vals;
mean_order <- order(vals$tjs);
obs_mean <- vals$tjs[mean_order]/vals$nc
fit_disp <- fit$sizes[mean_order]
names(fit_disp) <- names(vals$tjs)
keep <- fit_disp < max(fit_disp)
fit_disp <- log(fit_disp[keep])
obs_mean <- obs_mean[keep]
if (window_size %% 2 == 0) {
flank <- window_size/2;
} else {
flank <- (window_size+1)/2;
dist_from_med <- function(x) {
low <- max(1, x-flank);
high <- min(length(fit_disp), x+flank);
return(fit_disp[x]-median(fit_disp[seq(from=low, to=high, by=1)]))
score <- sapply(1:length(fit_disp), dist_from_med)
NBumiFeatureSelectionHighVar <- function(fit) {
# Global mean-variance
vals <- fit$vals;
coeffs <- NBumiFitDispVsMean(fit, suppress.plot=TRUE);
exp_size <- exp( coeffs[1] + coeffs[2]*log(vals$tjs/vals$nc) )
res <- log(fit$size) - log(exp_size);
obsolete__nbFeatureSelectionDropouts <- function(fit) {
# Gene-specific variance, mean
vals <- fit$vals;
size_mat <- matrix(rep(fit$sizes, times=vals$nc), ncol=vals$nc, byrow=F)
droprate_exp <- vector(length=vals$ng)
droprate_exp_err <- vector(length=vals$ng)
for (i in 1:vals$ng) {
mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total
p_is <- (1+mu_is/vals$size[i])^(-vals$size[i]);
p_var_is <- p_is*(1-p_is);
droprate_exp[i] <- sum(p_is)/vals$nc;
droprate_exp_err[i] <- sqrt(sum(p_var_is)/(vals$nc^2));
# Exp_p <- (1+fit$mus/size_mat)^(-size_mat)
# Exp_p_var <- Exp_p*(1-Exp_p)
# droprate_exp <- Matrix::rowSums(Exp_p)/vals$nc
droprate_exp[droprate_exp < 1/vals$nc] <- 1/vals$nc # Is this necessary?
# droprate_exp_err <- sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(Exp_p_var)/(vals$nc^2))
droprate_obs <- vals$djs/vals$nc
droprate_obs_err <- sqrt(droprate_obs*(1-droprate_obs)/vals$nc)
diff <- droprate_obs-droprate_exp
combined_err <- droprate_exp_err
Zed <- diff/combined_err
pvalue <- pnorm(Zed, lower.tail = FALSE)
names(pvalue) <- names(vals$tjs)
NBumiFeatureSelectionCombinedDrop <- function(fit, ntop=NULL, method="fdr", qval.thresh=2, suppress.plot=TRUE) {
# Global mean-variance, gene-specific mean
vals <- fit$vals;
coeffs <- NBumiFitDispVsMean(fit, suppress.plot=TRUE);
exp_size <- exp( coeffs[1] + coeffs[2]*log(vals$tjs/vals$nc) )
#size_mat <- matrix(rep(exp_size, times=vals$nc), ncol=vals$nc, byrow=F)
#Exp_p <- (1+fit$mus/size_mat)^(-size_mat)
#Exp_p_var <- Exp_p*(1-Exp_p)
droprate_exp <- vector(length=vals$ng)
droprate_exp_err <- vector(length=vals$ng)
for (i in 1:vals$ng) {
mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total
p_is <- (1+mu_is/exp_size[i])^(-exp_size[i]);
p_var_is <- p_is*(1-p_is);
droprate_exp[i] <- sum(p_is)/vals$nc;
droprate_exp_err[i] <- sqrt(sum(p_var_is)/(vals$nc^2));
#droprate_exp <- Matrix::rowSums(Exp_p)/vals$nc
droprate_exp[droprate_exp < 1/vals$nc] <- 1/vals$nc # Is this necessary?
#droprate_exp_err <- sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(Exp_p_var)/(vals$nc^2))
droprate_obs <- vals$djs/vals$nc
droprate_obs_err <- sqrt(droprate_obs*(1-droprate_obs)/vals$nc)
diff <- droprate_obs-droprate_exp
combined_err <- sqrt(droprate_exp_err^2+droprate_obs_err^2)
#alt_err <- sd(diff)/sqrt(vals$nc);
Zed <- diff/combined_err
pvalue <- pnorm(Zed, lower.tail = FALSE)
names(pvalue) <- names(vals$tjs)
reorder <- order(pvalue, droprate_exp-droprate_obs) # deal with ties (e.g. lots of zero p-values)
out <- pvalue[reorder]
diff <- diff[reorder]
qval <- p.adjust(out, method=method)
if (is.null(ntop)) {
out <- out[qval < qval.thresh]
diff <- diff[qval < qval.thresh]
qval <- qval[qval < qval.thresh]
} else {
out <- out[1:ntop]
diff <- diff[1:ntop]
qval <- qval[1:ntop]
outTABLE <- data.frame(Gene=names(out), effect_size=diff, p.value=out, q.value=qval)
if (!suppress.plot) {
xes <- log10(vals$tjs/vals$nc);
dens.col <- densCols(xes, droprate_obs, colramp=colorRampPalette(c("grey75","black")))
plot(xes, droprate_obs, col=dens.col, pch=16, xlab="", ylab="")
title(ylab="Dropout Rate", line=2)
title(xlab="log10(expression)", line=2)
toplot = names(out)
toplot = names(vals$tjs) %in% toplot
points(xes[toplot], droprate_obs[toplot], col="darkorange", pch=16)
points(xes, droprate_exp, col="dodgerblue", pch=16, cex=1)
PoissonUMIFeatureSelectionDropouts <- function(fit) {
# Poisson distribution
vals <- fit$vals
#Exp_p <- exp(-fit$mus)
#Exp_p_var <- Exp_p*(1-Exp_p)
droprate_exp <- vector(length=vals$ng)
droprate_exp_err <- vector(length=vals$ng)
for (i in 1:vals$ng) {
mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total
p_is <- exp(-mu_is);
p_var_is <- p_is*(1-p_is);
droprate_exp[i] <- sum(p_is)/vals$nc;
droprate_exp_err[i] <- sqrt(sum(p_var_is)/(vals$nc^2));
#droprate_exp <- Matrix::rowSums(Exp_p)/vals$nc
droprate_exp[droprate_exp < 1/vals$nc] <- 1/vals$nc # Is this necessary?
#droprate_exp_err <- sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(Exp_p_var)/(vals$nc^2))
droprate_obs <- vals$djs/vals$nc
droprate_obs_err <- sqrt(droprate_obs*(1-droprate_obs)/vals$nc)
diff <- droprate_obs-droprate_exp
combined_err <- droprate_exp_err
Zed <- diff/combined_err
pvalue <- pnorm(Zed, lower.tail = FALSE)
names(pvalue) <- names(vals$tjs)
#PoissonUMIFeatureSelectionCV <- function(counts, fit) {
# # Poisson distribution
# vals <- fit$vals
# g_means <- vals$tjs/vals$nc
# CVexp <- 1/sqrt(g_means) # expected
# CVobs <- sqrt(apply(counts-fit$mus, 1, var))/g_means;
# CVexp_log <- log(CVexp)
# CVobs_log <- log(CVobs)
# mean_log <- log(g_means)
# res <- CVobs_log-CVexp_log;
# res_sd <- sd(res);
# # Variance of sample variance from
# # Kenney and Keeping 1951, p. 164; Rose and Smith 2002, p. 264
# u4 <- g_means*(1+3*g_means) # central moment
# u2 <- g_means
# N <- vals$nc
# V <- (N-1)^2/N^3*u4-(N-1)*(N-3)/N^3*u2^2
# Zed <- (CVobs-CVexp)/sqrt(V)
# pvalue <- pnorm(Zed, lower.tail = FALSE)
# names(pvalue) <- names(vals$tjs)
# return(sort(pvalue))
#### Differential Expression #####
# HERE HERE HERE - editing for Matrix sparse-matrix compatibility #
unfinished__nbGroupDE <- function(counts, fit, groups) {
# Global mean-variance, gene-specific variance & mean
vals <- fit$vals;
size_g <- fit$sizes
group_specific_factor <- aggregate(t(counts), by=list(groups), sum)
rownames(group_specific_factor) <- group_specific_factor[,1]
group_specific_factor <- group_specific_factor[,-1]
group_specific_factor <- t(group_specific_factor)
group_specific_tjs <- group_specific_factor;
group_total <- Matrix::colSums(group_specific_tjs)
group_specific_factor <- t(t(group_specific_tjs)/group_total) / (vals$tjs/vals$total) # Relative expression level in group vs across whole dataset.
group_specific_factor[vals$tjs == 0,] <- rep(1, length(group_specific_factor[1,]))
coeffs <- NBumiFitDispVsMean(fit, suppress.plot=TRUE);
pvals <- vector(length=vals$ng)
for (j in 1:vals$ng) {
prob_null <- 0;
prob_test <- 0;
for (i in 1:vals$nc) {
group <- which(colnames(group_specific_factor) == groups[i])
mu_ji <- vals$tjs[j]*vals$tis[i]/vals$total
p1 <- dnbinom(counts[j,i], mu=mu_ji, size=size_g[j], log=TRUE)
group_mu <- mu_ji*group_specific_factor[j,group]
shifted_size <- (mu_ji,size_g[j],group_mu,coeffs);
p2 <- dnbinom(counts[j,i], mu=group_mu, size=shifted_size, log=TRUE)
# Collect ps across i
prob_null <- prob_null+p1
prob_test <- prob_test+p2
# Perform log-likehood test for this gene
D <- -2*(prob_null-prob_test)
df <- length(unique(groups))-1
pval <- pchisq(D, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE)
pvals[j] <- pval;
# Format output.
output <- cbind(group_specific_factor, pvals, p.adjust(pvals, method="fdr"));
rownames(output) <- rownames(counts);
colnames(output) <- c(colnames(group_specific_factor), "p.value","q.value")
<- function(counts, fit) {
vals <- fit$vals
for (i in 1:nrow(counts)) {
mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total
low <- counts[i,] < mu_is
counts[i,low] <- counts[i,low]+mu_is[low]
NBumiImputeNorm <- function(counts, fit, total_counts_per_cell=median(fit$vals$tis)) {
# find p-value for current fit NB Umi
# adjust parameters of the NB
# determine value of equivalent p-value under new NB
coeffs <- NBumiFitDispVsMean(fit, suppress.plot=TRUE);
vals <- fit$vals;
norm <- counts;
normed_ti <- total_counts_per_cell;
normed_mus <- vals$tjs/vals$total;
# TODO modify so adjusts size to new mean expression level
#normed_size <- fit$size;
for (i in 1:nrow(counts)) {
mu_is <- vals$tjs[i]*vals$tis/vals$total;
p_orig <- pnbinom(counts[i,], mu=mu_is, size=fit$sizes[i]);
new_size <- (mean(mu_is), fit$sizes[i], normed_mus[i]*normed_ti, coeffs)
normed <- qnbinom(p_orig, mu=normed_mus[i]*normed_ti, size=new_size);
norm[i,] <- normed;
## Cell-type DANB ##
# fit variances with contribution from global mean~var relationship for small clusters.
#Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Genome Research Ltd .
#Author : Tallulah Andrews <>
#This file is part of M3Drop.
#M3Drop is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#this program . If not , see <>.
NBumiConvertData <- function(input, is.log=FALSE, is.counts=FALSE, pseudocount=1) {
type <- class(input)[1]
lognorm <- NULL
counts <- NULL
if (type == "SCESet") {
# Old scater
lognorm <- scater::exprs(input)
counts <- counts(input)
} else if (type == "SingleCellExperiment") {
# New scater
c <- which(names(assays(input)) == "counts")
ln <- which(names(assays(input)) == "logcounts")
if (length(c) > 0) {
counts <- assays(input)[[c]]
} else if (length(ln) > 0) {
lognorm <- assays(input)[[ln]]
} else {
stop("Error: Recognized SingleCellExperiment object but cannot find either counts or lognorm expression.")
} else if (type == "CellDataSet" | type == "ExpressionSet") {
# monocle
if (is.log) {
lognorm <- Biobase::exprs(input)
} else {
counts <- Biobase::exprs(input)
} else if (type == "seurat") {
# Seurat
counts <-
} else if (type == "Seurat") {
# Seurat
counts <- input@assays$RNA
} else if (type == "matrix" |
type == "data.frame" |
type == "dgCMatrix" |
type == "data.table" |
type == "DataFrame" |
type == "AnnotatedDataFrame") {
if (type != "dgCMatrix") {
input <- as.matrix(input)
if (is.log) {
lognorm <- input;
} else if (is.counts) {
counts <- input
} else {
norm <- input;
} else {
stop(paste("Error: Unrecognized input format :", type))
# Prefer raw counts to lognorm
remove_undetected_genes <- function(mat) {
no_detect <- Matrix::rowSums(mat > 0, na.rm=T) == 0;
print(paste("Removing ",sum(no_detect), "undetected genes."))
# CPM transform raw counts
if (!is.null(dim(counts))) {
counts <- ceiling(counts)
counts <- remove_undetected_genes(counts);
return( counts )
# If normalized rescale by number of detected genes
if (!is.null(dim(lognorm))) {
norm <- 2^lognorm-pseudocount
if (!is.null(dim(norm))) {
sf <- apply(norm, 2, function(x){min(x[x>0])}) #colSums(norm)
sf <- 1/sf
#detected <- colSums(norm > 0);
#detected <- detected/median(detected);
#libsize <- detected*median(sf)
counts <- t( t(norm)/sf) #*libsize) )
counts <- ceiling(counts)
counts <- remove_undetected_genes(counts);
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