#'@title Main workhorse function that builds negative logo plots
#' @description stacks logos created by the \code{makemylogo} function
#' on top of each other to build the logo plot.
#' @param table The input table (data frame or matrix) of counts
#' across different logos or symbols (specified along the rows)
#' and across different sites or positions or groups (specified
#' along the columns).
#' @param ic Boolean, denoting whether information content based
#' scaling is used on top of the scoring scheme used or not.
#' Default is FALSE
#' @param score Can take either of the options - \code{diff},
#' \code{log}, \code{log-odds}, \code{probKL}, \code{ratio},
#' \code{unscaled_log}, \code{wKL}. Each option corresponds to
#' a different scoring scheme. The most recommended option is
#' \code{log}.
#' @param color_profile A list containing two elements - "type" and "col".
#' The type can be of three types - "per-row", "per-column" and
#' "per-symbol". The "col" element is a vector of colors, of same length
#' as number of rows in table for "per-row" (assigning a color to each
#' string), of same length as number of columns in table for "per-column"
#' (assuming a color for each column), or a distinct color for a distinct
#' symbol in "per-symbol". For "per-symbol", the length of the
#' \code{color_profile$col} should be same as library size of the logos,
#' but if the vector of colors provided is more or less, we can
#' downsample or upsample the colors as required. The colors are
#' matched with the symbols in the \code{total_chars}
#' @param total_chars The total number of character symbols in the user
#' library. The default is the default library provided by Logolas,
#' but the user can add symbols that he creates to this list.
#' @param bg The background probability, which defaults to NULL,
#' in which case equal probability is assigned to each symbol. The user
#' can however specify a vector (equal to in length to the number of
#' symbols) which specifies the background probability for each symbol
#' and assumes this background probability to be the same across the
#' columns (sites), or a matrix, whose each cell specifies
#' the background probability of the symbols for each position.
#' @param frame_width The width of the frames for individual
#' site/postion/column in the logo plot. As default, all the
#' columns have same width, equal to 1.
#' @param xaxis Binary specifying if there should be a X axis in
#' the logo plot or not. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param yaxis Binary specifying if there should be a Y axis in
#' the logo plot or not. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param xaxis_fontsize The size of the X-axis axis ticks.
#' @param xlab_fontsize The size of the X-axis label.
#' @param y_fontsize The size of the Y-axis font.
#' @param main_fontsize The size of the title.
#' @param yscale_change If TRUE, adjusts the Y axis scale based on
#' the size of the bars, else keeps it to the maximum value possible,
#' which is \code{ceiling(max(ic)} under \code{ic_computer}
#' defined IC criteria.
#' @param start The starting point in Y axis for the first logo.
#' Default is 0.0001 which is very close to 0.
#' @param pop_name User can mention a name of the population for which
#' the logo plot is created. Defaults to NULL when no population name
#' is mentioned.
#' @param xlab X axis label
#' @param ylab Y axis label
#' @param col_line_split The color of the line split between the
#' consecutive groups or blocks
#' @param yrange The limit of the Y axis.
#' @param addlogos Vector of additional logos/symbols defined by user
#' @param addlogos_text Vector of the names given to the additional
#' logos/symbols defined by user.
#' @param newpage if TRUE, plots the logo plot in a new page. Defaults
#' to TRUE.
#' @param control control parameters fixing whether the height of the
#' logos is detrmined by IC or histogram proportions (\code{hist}),
#' the scales for the plot (\code{scale0}, \code{scale1}), the
#' additive factor epsilon added to log transform to avoid log(0)
#' errors (\code{epsilon}), the quantile adjustment (\code{quant}),
#' whether to use symmetric KL for scaling (\code{symm}),
#' whether the symbols should be filled with color or border colored
#' (\code{tofill_pos, tofill_neg}), the Renyi alpha parameter for the
#' entropy calculation (\code{alpha}), the gap between ylabel and
#' y-axis and xlabel and x-axis texts (\code{gap_ylab}, \code{gap_xlab}),
#' the viewport configuration details for the plot
#' (\code{viewport.margin.bottom},\code{viewport.margin.left},
#' \code{}, \code{viewport.margin.right}),
#' whether the height of the logos would be fixed
#' apriori or determined by the PWM matrix as in seqLogo
#' (\code{use_seqLogo_heights}) etc.
#' @return Plots the logo plot for the table data, with column names
#' representing the sites/blocks and the row names denoting the symbols
#' for which logos are plotted
#' @import grid
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @examples
#' mFile <- system.file("Exfiles/pwm1", package="seqLogo")
#' m <- read.table(mFile)
#' p <- seqLogo::makePWM(m)
#' pwm_mat <- slot(p,name = "pwm")
#' pwm_mat[,4] <- c(0.3, 0.3, 0.35, 0.05)
#' mat1 <- cbind(pwm_mat[,c(3,4)], rep(NA,4), pwm_mat[,c(5,6)]);
#' colnames(mat1) <- c("-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2")
#' mat2 <- cbind(rep(NA,6), rep(NA,6),
#' c(0.8, 0.10, 0.03, 0.03, 0.0, 0),
#' rep(NA,6), rep(NA,6))
#' rownames(mat2) <- c("C>T", "C>A", "C>G",
#' "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
#' table <- rbind(mat1, mat2)
#' cols =[$category == 'qual',]
#' col_vector = unlist(mapply(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal, cols$maxcolors,
#' rownames(cols)))
#' total_chars = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J",
#' "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
#' "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V",
#' "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "zero", "one", "two",
#' "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
#' "eight", "nine", "dot", "comma",
#' "dash", "colon", "semicolon", "leftarrow", "rightarrow")
#' set.seed(20)
#' col_vector[c(1,3,7, 20, 43)] <- c("red", "blue",
#' "orange", "green", "gray")
#' color_profile <- list("type" = "per_symbol",
#' "col" = col_vector)
#' nlogomaker(table,
#' color_profile = color_profile,
#' yrange = 1.2)
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import gridBase
#' @export
nlogomaker <- function(table,
ic = FALSE,
score = c("diff", "log", "log-odds", "probKL",
"ratio", "unscaled_log", "wKL"),
total_chars = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
"G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M",
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T",
"U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "zero",
"one", "two","three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight",
"nine", "dot", "comma",
"dash", "colon", "semicolon",
"leftarrow", "rightarrow"),
bg = NULL,
pop_name = NULL,
addlogos = NULL,
addlogos_text = NULL,
newpage = TRUE,
yrange = NULL,
xlab = "X",
ylab = "Enrichment Score",
control = list()){
control.default <- list(hist = FALSE, alpha = 1, opt = 1, scale0=0.01,
scale1=0.99, tofill_pos = TRUE, tofill_neg = TRUE,
lwd = 2, epsilon = 0.01,
quant = 0.5, symm = TRUE,
gap_xlab = 3, gap_ylab = 3.5,
minbins = 2, round_off = 1,
lowrange = 0, uprange = 0,
negbins = 3, posbins = 3,
size_port = 0,
viewport.margin.bottom = NULL,
viewport.margin.left = NULL, = NULL,
viewport.margin.right = NULL,
use_seqLogo_heights = FALSE)
# viewport margins usually c(3, 5, 3, 3)
control <- modifyList(control.default, control)
scale0 <- control$scale0
scale1 <- control$scale1
if(length(score) != 1){
score <- "log"
if(ic & score == "unscaled_log"){
warning("ic = TRUE not compatible with score = `unscaled-log`:
switching to ic = FALSE")
ic = FALSE
if(ic & score == "wKL"){
warning("ic = TRUE not compatible with score = `wKL`:
switching to ic = FALSE")
ic = FALSE
if (class(table) == "data.frame"){
table <- as.matrix(table)
}else if (class(table) != "matrix"){
stop("the table must be of class matrix or data.frame")
chars <- as.character(rownames(table))
npos <- ncol(table)
table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
control_heights <- list(alpha = control$alpha, epsilon = control$epsilon,
opt = control$opt, hist = control$hist,
quant = control$quant, symm = control$symm)
ll <-, append(list(table = table,
ic = ic,
bg = bg,
score = score),
# if(ic & score == "ratio"){
# ll <- get_logo_heights_ic_ratio(table, alpha = control$alpha,
# epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# opt = control$opt,
# hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant,
# symm = control$symm)
# } else if (ic & score == "diff"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_ic_diff(table, alpha = control$alpha,
# epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# opt = control$opt,
# hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant,
# symm = control$symm)
# }else if (logoheight == "ic_log"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_ic_log(table, alpha = control$alpha,
# epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# opt = control$opt,
# hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant,
# symm = control$symm)
# }else if (logoheight == "ic_log_odds"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_ic_log_odds(table, alpha = control$alpha,
# epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# opt = control$opt,
# hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant,
# symm = control$symm)
# }else if (logoheight == "log"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_log(table, epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# alpha = control$alpha, hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant)
# } else if (logoheight == "log_odds"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_log_odds(table, epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# alpha = control$alpha, hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant)
# }else if (logoheight == "diff"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_diff(table, epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# alpha = control$alpha, hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant)
# }else if (logoheight == "ratio"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_ratio(table, epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# alpha = control$alpha, hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant)
# }else if (logoheight == "probKL"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_probKL(table, epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# alpha = control$alpha, hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant)
# }else if (logoheight == "ic_probKL"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_ic_probKL(table, alpha = control$alpha,
# epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# opt = control$opt,
# hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant,
# symm = control$symm)
# }else if (logoheight == "wKL"){
# table <- apply(table+0.0001,2,normalize3)
# ll <- get_logo_heights_wKL(table, epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# alpha = control$alpha, hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant)
# }else if (logoheight == "unscaled_log"){
# ll <- get_logo_heights_unscaled_log(table, epsilon = control$epsilon,
# bg = bg,
# alpha = control$alpha, hist = control$hist,
# quant = control$quant)
# }else{
# stop("logoheight option must be one of log, ratio, diff, probKL,
# wKL, log_odds, ic_log, ic_diff, ic_ratio, ic_log_odds,
# ic_probKL, unscaled_log")
# }
pos_ic <- ll$pos_ic
neg_ic <- ll$neg_ic
table_mat_pos_norm <- ll$table_mat_pos_norm
table_mat_neg_norm <- ll$table_mat_neg_norm
if(color_profile$type == "per_column"){
if(length(color_profile$col) != npos){
stop("number of colors must equal the number of columns of the table")
if(color_profile$type == "per_row"){
if(length(color_profile$col) != nrow(table)){
stop("the number of colors must match the number of rows of the table")
message("frame width not provided, taken to be 1")
wt <- rep(1,dim(table)[2])
wt <- rep(frame_width, dim(table)[2])
wt <- frame_width
##################### positive component study ###########################
# print(pos_ic)
# print(neg_ic)
letters <- list(x=NULL,y=NULL,id=NULL,fill=NULL)
facs <- pos_ic
ylim <- ceiling(max(pos_ic))
x.pos <- 0
slash_inds <- grep("/", chars)
if(color_profile$type == "per_row"){
for (j in seq_len(npos)){
column <- table_mat_pos_norm[,j]
hts <- as.numeric(0.99*column*facs[j])
letterOrder <- order(hts)
y.pos <- 0
for (i in seq_along(chars)){
letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
col <- color_profile$col[letterOrder[i]]
ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
if(length(intersect(letterOrder[i], slash_inds))!=0){
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_pos,
lwd = control$lwd,
col, total_chars, x.pos,
y.pos, ht, wt[j],
scale0 = scale0,
addlogos = addlogos,
addlogos_text = addlogos_text)
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_pos,
lwd = control$lwd,
col, total_chars,
x.pos, y.pos,
ht, wt[j],
scale0 = scale0,
addlogos = NULL,
addlogos_text = NULL)
y.pos <- y.pos + ht + start
x.pos <- x.pos + wt[j]
if(color_profile$type == "per_symbol"){
for (j in seq_len(npos)){
column <- table_mat_pos_norm[,j]
hts <- as.numeric(0.99*column*facs[j])
letterOrder <- order(hts)
y.pos <- 0
for (i in seq_along(chars)){
letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
if(length(intersect(letterOrder[i], slash_inds))!=0){
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter, tofill = control$tofill_pos, lwd = control$lwd, color_profile$col, total_chars, x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt[j], scale0 = scale0, scale1=scale1, addlogos = addlogos, addlogos_text = addlogos_text)
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter, tofill = control$tofill_pos, lwd = control$lwd, color_profile$col, total_chars, x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt[j], scale0 = scale0, scale1=scale1, addlogos = NULL, addlogos_text = NULL)
y.pos <- y.pos + ht + start
x.pos <- x.pos + wt[j]
if(color_profile$type == "per_column"){
for (j in seq_len(npos)){
column <- table_mat_pos_norm[,j]
hts <- as.numeric(0.99*column*facs[j])
letterOrder <- order(hts)
y.pos <- 0
for (i in seq_along(chars)){
letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
if(length(intersect(letterOrder[i], slash_inds))!=0){
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_pos,
lwd = control$lwd,
x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt[j],
scale0 = scale0, scale1=scale1,
addlogos = addlogos,
addlogos_text = addlogos_text)
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_pos,
lwd = control$lwd,
total_chars, x.pos, y.pos,
ht, wt[j], scale0 = scale0,
scale1=scale1, addlogos = NULL,
addlogos_text = NULL)
y.pos <- y.pos + ht + start
x.pos <- x.pos + wt[j]
xlim <- cumsum(wt) - wt/2;
# xlim <- c(wt[1]/2, wt[1] + wt[2]/2, wt[1]+wt[2]+wt[3]/2, wt[1]+wt[2]+wt[3], 5.5)
low_xlim <- c(xlim - 0.5*wt, xlim[length(xlim)]+0.5*wt[length(xlim)])
letters$y <- letters$y + max(max(abs(neg_ic)), control$lowrange)
# letters$y <- 0.8*letters$y*(ylim/max(max(pos_ic), max(neg_ic)))
y1 <- min(letters$y)
max1 <- max(letters$y)
# if(is.null(yrange)){
# if( (max(pos_ic) + max(neg_ic)) < 1){
# yrange <- max(pos_ic) + max(neg_ic) + 0.01
# }else{
# yrange <- ceiling(max(max(pos_ic), control$uprange) + max(max(neg_ic), control$lowrange))
# }
# }else{
# if(yrange > ceiling(max(pos_ic) + max(neg_ic))){
# ylim <- yrange
# }else{
# warning("yrange chosen does not contain the whole range of variation of the logo heights,
# keep yrange as NULL for full visualization")
# ylim <- yrange
# }
# }
# yrange <- ceiling(max(max(pos_ic), control$uprange) + max(max(neg_ic), control$lowrange))
yrange <- max(max(pos_ic), control$uprange) + max(max(neg_ic),
ylim <- yrange
# print(pos_ic)
# print(neg_ic)
# print(yrange)
ylim_scale <- seq(0, ylim, length.out=6);
negbins <- control$negbins
posbins <- control$posbins
ic_lim_scale <- c(seq(0, y1, length.out = negbins),
seq(y1, ylim, length.out = posbins))
# print(ic_lim_scale)
letters$y <- letters$y/ylim
markers <- round(ic_lim_scale,control$round_off) - round(y1,control$round_off)
# bottomMargin = ifelse(xaxis, 2 + xaxis_fontsize/3.5, 3)
bottomMargin <- ifelse(xaxis, 1 + xaxis_fontsize/3.5, 3)}
else{bottomMargin <- control$viewport.margin.bottom}
{leftMargin <- ifelse(xaxis, 2 + xaxis_fontsize/3.5, 3)}
else{leftMargin <- control$viewport.margin.left}
{topMargin <- max(ylim)+0.5}
else{topMargin <- control$}
{rightMargin <- max(ylim)}
else{rightMargin <- control$viewport.margin.right}
{control$viewport.margin.bottom = 3}
{control$viewport.margin.left = 5}
{control$ = 2.5}
{control$viewport.margin.right = 2.5}
topMargin <- control$
rightMargin <- control$viewport.margin.right
leftMargin <- control$viewport.margin.left
bottomMargin <- control$viewport.margin.bottom
start1 <- 0.5
wt <- wt/min(wt)
wtdiff <- abs(wt[2:length(wt)] - wt[1:(length(wt)-1)])
xticks <- array(0, dim(table)[2])
for(w in 1:length(wt)){
xticks[w] <- start1
start1 <- xticks[w] + 1 + (wtdiff[w])/2
grid::pushViewport(grid::plotViewport(c(bottomMargin, leftMargin,
topMargin, rightMargin)))
# pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 2),
# x = bottomMargin,
# y = leftMargin,
# width = max(xlim/2)+0.5,
# height = max(ylim/2)+0.5))
# grid::grid.polygon(x=grid::unit(letters$x,"native"), y=grid::unit(letters$y,"native"),
# id=letters$id, gp=grid::gpar(fill=letters$fill,col="transparent"))
gp=grid::gpar(fill=letters$fill, col="transparent"))
lwd = control$lwd))
# grid::grid.polygon(x=grid::unit(letters$x,"native"), y=grid::unit(letters$y,"native"),
# id=letters$id, gp=grid::gpar(fill=letters$fill,col="transparent"))
# grid::grid.polygon(x=grid::unit(letters$x,"native"), y=grid::unit(letters$y,"native"),
# id=letters$id,
# gp=grid::gpar(fill=letters$fill,col="transparent"))
for(n in 2:length(xlim)){
grid::grid.lines(x = grid::unit(low_xlim[n], "native"),
y = grid::unit(c(0, 1), "native"),
grid::grid.text(paste0("EDLogo plot: (",score,"-ic", ")"),
y = grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(0.8, "lines"),
gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = main_fontsize))
grid::grid.text(paste0("EDLogo plot: (",score, ")"),
y = grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(0.8, "lines"),
gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = main_fontsize))
y = grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(0.8, "lines"),
gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = main_fontsize))
if (xaxis){
grid::grid.xaxis(at=xticks, draw = TRUE,
grid::grid.text(xlab, y=grid::unit(-control$gap_xlab,"lines"),
if (yaxis){
# if(yscale_change==TRUE){
grid::grid.yaxis(at = ic_lim_scale/ylim, draw = TRUE,
label = round(ic_lim_scale,control$round_off) - round(y1,control$round_off),
# }else{
# grid::grid.yaxis(gp=grid::gpar(fontsize=y_fontsize))
# }
#################### negative component study #########################
x.pos <- 0
letters <- list(x=NULL,y=NULL,id=NULL,fill=NULL)
npos <- ncol(table)
message("frame width not provided, taken to be 1")
wt <- rep(1,dim(table)[2])
wt <- rep(frame_width, dim(table)[2])
wt <- frame_width
letters <- list(x=NULL,y=NULL,id=NULL,fill=NULL)
facs <- neg_ic
ylim <- yrange
slash_inds <- grep("/", chars)
if(color_profile$type == "per_row"){
for (j in seq_len(npos)){
column <- table_mat_neg_norm[,j]
hts <- as.numeric(0.99*column*facs[j])
letterOrder <- rev(order(hts))
y.pos <- - neg_ic[j]
for (i in seq_along(chars)){
letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
col <- color_profile$col[letterOrder[i]]
ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
if(length(intersect(letterOrder[i], slash_inds))!=0){
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_neg,
lwd = control$lwd,
col, total_chars,
x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt[j],
scale0 = scale0, scale1=scale1,
addlogos = addlogos,
addlogos_text = addlogos_text)
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_neg,
lwd = control$lwd, col,
total_chars, x.pos, y.pos,
ht, wt[j], scale0 = scale0,
scale1=scale1, addlogos = NULL,
addlogos_text = NULL)
y.pos <- y.pos + ht + start
x.pos <- x.pos + wt[j]
if(color_profile$type == "per_symbol"){
for (j in seq_len(npos)){
column <- table_mat_neg_norm[,j]
hts <- as.numeric(0.99*column*facs[j])
letterOrder <- rev(order(hts))
y.pos <- - neg_ic[j]
for (i in seq_along(chars)){
letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
if(length(intersect(letterOrder[i], slash_inds))!=0){
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_neg,
lwd = control$lwd,
total_chars, x.pos, y.pos,
ht, wt[j], scale0 = scale0,
addlogos = addlogos,
addlogos_text = addlogos_text)
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_neg,
lwd = control$lwd,
color_profile$col, total_chars,
x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt[j],
scale0 = scale0, scale1=scale1,
addlogos = NULL,
addlogos_text = NULL)
y.pos <- y.pos + ht + start
x.pos <- x.pos + wt[j]
if(color_profile$type == "per_column"){
for (j in seq_len(npos)){
column <- table_mat_neg_norm[,j]
hts <- as.numeric(0.99*column*facs[j])
letterOrder <- rev(order(hts))
y.pos <- - neg_ic[j]
for (i in seq_along(chars)){
letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
if(length(intersect(letterOrder[i], slash_inds))!=0){
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_neg,
lwd = control$lwd,
total_chars, x.pos, y.pos,
ht, wt[j], scale0 = scale0,
scale1=scale1, addlogos = addlogos,
addlogos_text = addlogos_text)
if (ht>0) letters <- addLetter_n(letters,letter,
tofill = control$tofill_neg,
lwd = control$lwd,
total_chars, x.pos, y.pos,
ht, wt[j], scale0 = scale0,
scale1=scale1, addlogos = NULL,
addlogos_text = NULL)
y.pos <- y.pos + ht + start
x.pos <- x.pos + wt[j]
letters$y <- letters$y + max(max(abs(neg_ic)), control$lowrange)
# letters$y <- 0.8*letters$y*(ylim/max(max(pos_ic), max(neg_ic)))
letters$y <- letters$y/ylim
xlim <- cumsum(wt) - wt/2;
# xlim <- c(wt[1]/2, wt[1] + wt[2]/2, wt[1]+wt[2]+wt[3]/2, wt[1]+wt[2]+wt[3], 5.5)
low_xlim <- c(xlim - 0.5*wt, xlim[length(xlim)]+0.5*wt[length(xlim)])
ylim_scale <- seq(0, ylim, length.out=6);
ic_lim_scale <- seq(-max(max(neg_ic), control$lowrange), 0, length.out=6)
# grid::grid.polygon(x=grid::unit(letters$x,"native"), y=grid::unit(letters$y,"native"),
# id=letters$id, gp=grid::gpar(fill=letters$fill,col="transparent"))
# grid::grid.polygon(x=grid::unit(letters$x,"native"), y=grid::unit(letters$y,"native"),
# id=letters$id,
# gp=grid::gpar(fill=letters$fill,col="transparent"))
# grid::grid.polygon(x=grid::unit(letters$x,"native"), y=grid::unit(letters$y,"native"),
# id=letters$id, gp=grid::gpar(fill=letters$fill,col="transparent"))
lwd = control$lwd))
grid::grid.lines(x = grid::unit(c(0, (xlim+0.5*wt)), "native"),
y = grid::unit(y1/ylim, "native"),
addLetter_n <- function(letters, letter, tofill, lwd,
col, total_chars, x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt,
scale0=0.01, scale1=0.99,
addlogos=NULL, addlogos_text=NULL){
letter <- toupper(letter)
out <- makemylogo(letter,
tofill = tofill,
colfill = col,
lwd = lwd,
total_chars = total_chars,
addlogos_text = addlogos_text)
x <- x.pos + out$x * wt
y <- y.pos + (scale1*out$y+scale0) * ht
letter <- list("x"=x,
"colfill" = out$colfill)
letters$x <- c(letters$x,letter$x)
letters$y <- c(letters$y,letter$y)
lastID <- ifelse(is.null(letters$id),0,max(letters$id))
letters$id <- c(letters$id,lastID+letter$id)
letters$fill <- c(letters$fill,letter$fill)
letters$colfill <- c(letters$colfill,letter$colfill)
normalize3 = function(x){return(x/sum(x[!]))}
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